Grease for wheel bearings of automobiles. What is the best grease for wheel bearings Silicone grease for wheel bearings

A car has a huge number of moving parts. Some of them interact with each other. The frictional force that inevitably arises in this case must somehow be compensated. This is especially true for rotating parts. An excess of friction force leads to heating of the part, its thermal expansion and jamming. Bearings are designed to eliminate this phenomenon.

Hub bearings and lubricants

The element is designed to reduce the friction force, converting it into a lighter one - one of the critical components of the undercarriage. Wheel hubs also cannot do without these devices. Many factors depend on the ease of rotation of the element.

These are vehicle stability, fuel consumption, acceleration and deceleration time. However, the wheel hub is a very loaded mechanism. The bearing needs to be lubricated to make it spin freely. It additionally reduces the friction force in this node.

Application of lubricants

This component reduces friction or, in the absence of moving parts, ensures that the parts fit without being rigidly attached to each other. Lubrication provides easy sliding of surfaces relative to each other. This significantly extends the life of the part.

So, we need a lubricant for the hub bearings - which one is better? Its work is quite specific and is influenced by many factors, internal and external - a high rotational speed and temperature changes leave their mark on the operation of this unit. Such features make it impossible to use lubricants that have synthetics in their composition. These are vaseline and silicone materials, which are on sale in a wide range. Unfortunately, they stop working already at 50 degrees.

The next type of grease that is not recommended for use in wheel bearings is based on sodium and calcium. Such compounds significantly reduce friction, but do not resist corrosion at all. Rust in a bearing is always a bad thing. Another type of widespread composition is graphite-based. If we need a hub bearing grease, which one is best? Graphite composition belongs to the category of high-temperature. The lubricant contains a large number of abrasive elements, which catastrophically reduce the resource of rubbing parts. Such products are used for tight joints (for example, between individual pipes of the exhaust system) or on individual metal parts for rust protection. On average, when using graphite lubricants, the resource is reduced by three to four times compared to the recommended types of compounds.

It is also not recommended to use products containing zinc and iron. To be more precise, it can be used, but not necessary - it is well suited for industrial use (on machine tools and other equipment).

Modern developments provide the widest choice of lubricants. The use of various additives and additives significantly improves the initial qualities and physical properties of the compositions. So, if the question concerns the choice of a composition such as a lubricant for hub bearings, which one is better?

Such a connection is very effective for working in given conditions. This ensures an optimal balance between the quality of lubricating properties and the fight against corrosion. The resource of this lubricant is equivalent to 100 thousand kilometers. This is comparable to the resource of the wheel bearing itself.

However, such a lubricant has its drawbacks. Firstly, it does not interact well with moisture, so bearings with such filling must be closed. The lubricant should not come into contact with air, and in case of depressurization, it must be completely replaced and all rubbing parts checked. Also, the composition is subject to contamination. Abrasive particles accelerate the wear of the lubricant itself and the bearing. The most common brand of domestic products is "FIOL" and "SHRUS-4".

High temperature grease

It contains nickel and copper additives in powder form. Such lubricants (for example, MC1510) do not lose their stable characteristics at high temperatures, up to 350 degrees. They also have high oxidative stability.

For wheel bearings is one of the best. Its operating range is from -40 to +180 degrees. The composition performs well during sudden braking, acceleration and temperature changes. The addition of special additives ensures high resistance to oxidation and corrosion.

Greases containing lithium

These are materials containing lithium in organic acids. Such lubricants are universal and their scope is very wide. Outwardly, they can be distinguished by a light yellow tint. The service life of bearings with such a lubricant is also very high. The resource, subject to the operating conditions, approaches the service life of the bearing itself. Therefore, for wheel bearings - a good enough option. It is also worth noting the return of the composition to its characteristics after overheating. Foreign firms producing lithium grease are BP, Very Lube and Renolit. The domestic manufacturer has established itself with a single product - Litol-24. This product is already known to more than one generation of motorists.

Replacing the composition

Replacing the grease in the hub bearings is not such a difficult task. The car is reliably braked and after that the hub nut is loosened using a socket head and a long wrench. Next, the wheel is hung out and removed. The brake disc is also dismantled, and the hub is disconnected from the steering knuckle. After that, the hub fastening nut is finally turned away. Using a hammer, the element is knocked off the axle shaft.

The bearing is pressed into the cage, which must be removed with a special puller or a strong flat screwdriver around the circumference of the ring. The latter can boil over. In this case, WD-40 or kerosene will help. Old grease is removed with kerosene or gasoline. They wash the entire bearing, race and seat in the hub, and then wipe everything dry. A clean rag should be used.

New grease is applied to the cage in an amount of about 30-40 g per bearing. Using a screwdriver or a wooden stick, it is evenly applied to the surface of the bearing. Next, the element is installed in the hub and centered by the clip. Installation is carried out using a suitable mandrel or clip from the old bearing. Further assembly is carried out in the reverse order. Lubrication on vehicles with drum brakes is carried out in the same way. Only here the removal of the bearing is carried out without dismantling the hub from the vehicle. Time goes a little faster.

Features of hub lubrication in domestic cars

Lubrication of the hub bearings (including Niva) is carried out similarly to the procedure carried out on foreign cars. However, it is not necessary to remove the hub from the machine here. It is enough to leave it hanging on the counter. The bearing contains both lithium-containing and high-temperature grease. As for the UAZ hub, lubrication is also laid in them. But there is a difference between the front and rear axles. are pulled off the axle shaft with a puller, and the bearing, together with the oil seal, can remain on it, which is even easier. In the rear axle, the bearing grease comes from the rear axle housing. Nevertheless, even there the bearings can be changed and lubricated. The work doesn't take long.

Ensuring operational reliability

So, if you need a hub bearing lubricant, which one is better? Each car has its own type of lubrication. It is listed in the user manual. Often, specific brands and brands of lubricants are indicated. As experience shows, the most universal is lithium-containing. Nevertheless, at certain intervals it is required to carry out a visual inspection, and at intervals between service intervals, a replacement of the composition.

When choosing a lubricant for wheel bearings, an amateur motorist or service worker must first of all know the properties required from this material, otherwise he risks significantly reducing the life of the parts.
Any automaker must indicate which technical fluids should be used to service the car, and also recommend how to lubricate this or that unit.
But still, it is better not to fulfill all the requirements blindly - and the service book may be lost, and the variety of lubricants offered by the market is quite capable of causing confusion when choosing.

Lubricants for automotive wheel bearings

The vast majority of vehicles (with rare exceptions) have hub assemblies whose bearings are grease or grease lubricated.
But its properties directly depend on the composition and not every one is able to protect the bearing from overheating, corrosion, and premature wear. For example, grease grease has good water-repellent and anti-corrosion properties, but decomposes already at a temperature of 800 ° C, therefore it is suitable only for low-speed machines and mechanisms, as well as for conservation.
Lithium grease for bearings meets the requirements most of all. Known to more than one generation of motorists, the domestic Litol-24 has proven itself quite well. Also, like grease, it is made by thickening petroleum mineral oil, but not calcium, but lithium soap is used as a thickening additive in its manufacture.
But one should not think that all lubricants with lithium are suitable for bearings, for example, "CIATIM-201 - 204" are used, depending on the digital index, as a preservation material, transformer oil, etc.
Lubricant for bearings "Litol-24" has an operating temperature range from -40 ° C to + 120 ° C, water resistance is slightly worse than that of grease. Lithium thickener provides the necessary heat resistance and viscosity, good adhesion to parts.

Small truck wheel bearings are grease lubricated

Depending on the specific model of the truck and the device, both plastic and liquid lubricants can be used in its hubs.
Small trucks (Gazelle, VW, FORD minibuses and the like) have wheel hub designs similar to cars, only larger, and are also lubricated with grease.
But on the driving wheels of heavy machines (for example, MAZ), for unloading the axle shafts, the hubs are made in a single housing with a gearbox. In such cases, the wheel bearing and gearbox run in the same oil bath with thinner gear oil.

How to lubricate wheel bearings

The process of changing the lubricant depends on the design of the hub and the type of bearing - it is closed or the assembly has a separate stuffing box seal. In the first case, double-row sealed bearings are installed, in the second - single-row tapered roller bearings.

Changing grease in sealed bearings

Closed (or, in other words, HUB l - HUB lV), as manufacturers often proudly declare, are designed for the entire life of the car and are not subject to maintenance. In practice, they fail sometimes after 15,000 - 20,000 km of run, and some car owners manage to lubricate sealed bearings without disassembly.
But this still requires removing the hub. In this case, the bearing itself is often disassembled (this depends on whether it is installed with or without preload).
For example, the front bearing of the VAZ 2108 (and all other cars, including foreign cars, with a similar hub device) is disassembled - its inner ring remains on the axle along with the seal. To avoid unnecessary work, it is better to immediately change the part, without trying to lubricate and reassemble everything.
If the auto hub is similar to the rear 2108, then you can remove it and try to lubricate the bearing without pressing it out. In order to do this without removing the o-rings, you need to immerse it in melted grease - the same lithol. A container with lithol must not be heated with an open flame - otherwise the composition may decompose into components.
There are craftsmen who lubricate sealed bearings. They remove the seals from the bearings and, after washing the parts with gasoline, change the lubricant.
But all these attempts to keep the part working are usually ineffective. The hum emitted by the bearing, the driver usually hears when it gets late. If, when moving, the bearing makes a squealing sound, then it is too late to “save” it - there is almost a 100% chance that the balls are already deformed.

Lubrication of tapered roller bearings

This procedure is not particularly difficult, but many make the mistake of leaving the old oil seal in the hub - it is better to replace it with a new one.
Step by step it looks like this:

  • unscrew the hub nut by removing the protective cap;
  • remove the caliper and brake disc;
  • remove the hub itself;
  • after removing the old oil seal, take out the inner races of the bearings;
  • thoroughly wash all parts, including the hub cavity and cap;
  • put in new grease and press in the stuffing box;
  • install the assembly on the axle and tighten the nut.

It is usually necessary to adjust the bearings as well - their correct installation depends on the tightening torque of the nut. Tighten the nut so that the wheel stops rotating, then release it, but so that there is no play.
On some cars (for example, on DAEWOO Nexia), adjustment is not necessary - the nut is tightened to the torque specified in the repair manual.

What other lubricants can be used for wheel bearings

Lubricants for wheel bearings from various manufacturers

In addition to the LITOL-24 lubricant, which has been produced since the times of the USSR, a wider selection of lubricants is now available to motorists. Modern lubricants can be represented by the following manufacturers:
Castrol. In addition to motor oils, this company produces Castrol Moly Grease, a multifunctional lubricant. Lithium grease with additional additives, the main of which is molybdenum disulfide, which increases the bearing capacity and reduces friction losses.
Liqui Moly. Lubricant for bearings LM-50 works in the temperature range from -30°C to + 160°C. Improved performance is achieved by adding an additive package to lithium grease, water-repellent properties are especially pronounced.
Molykote. Molykote BR2 Plus grease is available for wheel bearings.
Its peculiarity lies in the addition of solid lubricants, which makes it possible to achieve application at high speeds, that is, speeds of movement, without deteriorating the protective properties.
Mobil XHP 222 grease, like many others, is made using a lithium thickener and additional additives.
Of course, not all manufacturers are listed here, and for more detailed information, it is better to contact company representatives.
But it is worth noting that the domestic high-temperature grease for bearings MS 1510 Blue (up to 350 ° C) in many respects surpasses most imported analogues, allowing the bearing to operate without replacement for about 500,000 km.
Its high temperature resistance and long service life make it suitable for the lubrication of heavy truck wheel bearings.

Reliable, precise and durable rolling bearings are found in every rotating part of a car. You get used to such reliability very quickly, so the wheel bearing sometimes remains overlooked. And he reminds of himself only when he starts to buzz obsessively. But if the driver overdid it with the sound insulation of the cabin, then the bearing acts harder. It just jams, and it's good if this does not happen at a speed of 120 km / h.

The bearing doesn't need much. Correct adjustment and timely lubrication. Then it will be practically eternal. At least most of them are designed for the full life of the car. In the event that the bearing is made of high-quality steel and the grease for wheel bearings meets the operating conditions. But we will not touch the bearings themselves much, but we will touch the lubricant thoroughly.

Types of automotive greases

No, we are not going to close our eyes and delve into the chemical processes and technologies for the production of greases, just quite often we hear the ignorant opinion that everything that does not pour out can be driven into a bearing. It’s doubly a shame for the wheel bearing, because some classify greases by color, like ski polish. This is not at all the case, therefore, in a nutshell, you will have to talk about the types of greases that can get into the wheel bearing, let's say, through negligence.

Bearing grease video test

All wheel bearings, regardless of their design, are lubricated with grease or grease only. It is almost impossible to lubricate the hub with liquid oil, since this would cause a double increase in the cost of the structure. Grease also plays the role of a sealing material, but at the same time it has a protective effect on the bearing. Any grease consists of three components - a lubricant, a thickener and a modifier, which determines the use of the lubricant in certain conditions. Here are their main types and it is highly undesirable to confuse them.

Preservative lubricants

The simplest, they are not washed out with water immediately, but gradually, they have lubricating functions, but are primarily intended for the conservation of metal parts, protecting them from corrosion.

The name speaks for itself. They lubricate battery terminals, relays, fuses and other electrical connections that may suffer from corrosion.

High temperature lubricants

Copper or nickel powders are added to them. They can hold temperatures up to 1000 degrees without loss of properties.

Lithium greases

Everything is clear here. These are lithols, which are traditionally used in the lubrication of bearings.

Molybdenum lubricants

They are used for lubrication in moving joints; they form a thin protective layer on the surfaces of rubbing parts that resists scuffing.

These are the main types of lubricants that are used when servicing a car, and they should not be confused, since, as it has now become clear, they are not interchangeable.

Briefly about wheel bearings

It is quite logical that in order to know what to lubricate, you need to know what to lubricate, since wheel bearings are different, and they also require a completely different approach. Yet all the bearings in the hubs have one thing in common - hellish working conditions. They must withstand enormous loads, can be heated to high temperatures, but must be very reliable. Whether they are front or rear, driven or driven hubs, they must offer the lowest rolling resistance and the highest level of reliability.

The wheel bearing can be tapered roller and ball. Each of these types has its pros and cons, but in order to understand what kind of load the clip and ball or roller have to experience, let's just say that for 100 thousand kilometers the wheel makes about 60 million revolutions. And this corresponds to about 30 million revolutions of rollers or balls. Naturally, under such a load, the steel gets tired and without high-quality lubrication, microcracks can form on the surface of the bearing rings and even on the balls, ultimately leading to the destruction of the wheel bearing and sad consequences.

Equally important to bearing life as lubrication is proper installation. The tapered bearings of the front hub of rear-wheel drive models of VAZ, Ford or Opel vehicles should in no case be adjusted by eye or using an extension from a water pipe. If the instructions indicate that the tightening torque is such and such, it must be strictly observed, because no matter how carefully you lubricate and flush the assembly, the overtightened bearing will overheat and jam sooner or later, and the undertightened one will crumble. Equally important is the tightening torque of the nut for the front drive hub bearing. Double-row ball bearings are designed for such a tightening torque that the balls roll along their tracks with absolutely no hint of clearance, but also do not bite. It is almost impossible to calculate the tightening torque by eye.

40 thousand kilometers and no more - such a routine mileage for changing the lubricant of any of the wheel bearings. Observing it, it is almost impossible to hear the rumble in the hub even if the bearing is lubricated with the most common lithium grease Litol 24. But there are quite a lot of lubricants, each of the companies that produce operating materials produces brands of grease for any of the bearings. The recommended brand of lubricant is mandatory indicated in the documentation for the car.

The basic criteria for choosing a particular type of lubricant are bearing load, rotation speed, temperature conditions and steel grade. As well as the degree of protection from moisture and dirt. So, for lightly loaded wheel bearings, you can use simple lithium greases with high temperature performance. Compounds that are less resistant to temperature will simply flow out of the bearing, and less resistant to water will be washed out. The grease will lose its plastic properties and the bearing will have to run dry.

Which lubricant is best for a particular car model is best known by the engineer who signed the act of approving a particular bearing for use in the hub, so self-activity in this matter is not entirely appropriate, and even more so, another type of lubricant cannot be used. For example, changing from Castrol water-repellent grease to Divinol molybdenum grease is not only not recommended, but also dangerous. They are designed for different working conditions, and the purpose of the lubricant does not depend on the brand of the manufacturer. In the same way as it is dangerous to use Mobil, intended for laying in the rear bearings of the Niva Chevrolet or UAZ Patriot, in the front hubs of the Toyota Celica. Operating temperature, load, humidity - completely different.

Finally - about doses. Firstly, when changing the lubricant, the bearing must be thoroughly washed with gasoline from dirt, and secondly, it is harmful both to repack the cage with grease and underpack it. Too much grease will cause unnecessary energy loss, the grease expands and is squeezed out, despite the fact that only 2% of the total material is actually working on the contact surface. If the dose is normal, then the rotation of the lubricant will take place during operation, which will ensure a long service life of the hub. Only considering all these nuances, we have a chance to never hear the howl of wheel bearings and remember them only once every 30-40 thousand kilometers with kind words and high-quality lubricant.

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One of the most important conditions for safe driving is the technical condition of the front wheel hub assembly. Each driver is obliged to ensure that the grease for the hub bearings is changed in a timely manner. Few people know that it is necessary to remove the hubs and replace the bearing lubricant after every 20-30 thousand km. run.

The vast majority of motorists drive from breakdown to breakdown, not realizing that they are often to blame for the need for unplanned purchases of expensive spare parts. Any of the VAZ cars, distinguished by a simple technical device, allows each driver to independently check the condition of the chassis and change the lubricant.

What should be the lubricant for the hub?

As you know, all rotating units are equipped with bearings. The front wheel hub of any of the classic VAZ cars has two tapered rollers. The bearing cones are directed in different directions, which allows you to control the degree of tightening with the help of an adjusting nut. If the bearings are slightly worn, and excessive play is found on the wheel, it can be eliminated by tightening the nut.

In the hub, the bearings are in a kind of cage closed on both sides, which must always be filled with grease. To ensure the operability of bearings, Litol-24 type grease or its analogues are used, of which there are many on sale at present. Any of the selected greases is suitable for bearings only if it meets certain requirements.

The main lubricant parameters to be evaluated are:

  • strength and viscosity - these parameters characterize the fluidity of the material and the ability to stay on the surface of the working parts;
  • lubricity - the necessary quality, which ensures the maximum reduction in the friction force between parts;
  • thermal stability - the ability of a lubricant to maintain its qualities with a significant change in temperature;
  • mechanical, physico-chemical stability - a material property that allows you to maintain properties, structure and composition with significant mechanical deformation in contact with dissimilar parts;
  • anti-wear and extreme pressure properties - characterize the ability of a lubricant to reduce wear of parts and resist the appearance of scuffing;
  • anti-corrosion qualities - any relish should protect parts from corrosion.

How to remove the hub to change the bearing grease

The procedure for disassembling and assembling the hub should be familiar to every motorist. To complete this task, you must have a standard set, jack, workbench with a vice. In case of bearing replacement, it is useful to get a set of pullers for bearings, but it is quite possible to get by with improvised means.

Before starting work, you should purchase consumables:

  • grease Litol-24;
  • gasoline or kerosene for washing;
  • new seals and hub nuts;
  • rag.

Removing the front hub occurs in the following order:

  • the car is fixed with a parking brake;
  • the part of the car where the replacement will be made is raised by a jack;
  • the wheel and the metal cap of the hub are removed;
  • the caliper is unscrewed and suspended;
  • the hub nut is unscrewed, the thrust washer is removed, and behind it the outer bearing cage;
  • while holding , the hub is removed.

At this point, the removal of the hub is complete, both bearings are accessible and further work must be carried out on a workbench. Since the service life of the seals installed behind the inner bearings is significantly less than that of the bearings, they should be changed after each maintenance. The price of these parts is low, but the quality and availability of lubrication in the hub depends on their condition.

After the old oil seal is removed, the inner bearing cage can be removed.

  • the hub cavity, outer races and bearing separators are freed from old grease with a rag, everything is thoroughly washed with gasoline, wiped.
  • it is necessary to carefully examine the surface of the working parts of the cages and bearing rollers. They must be clean and smooth.
  • if shells, burrs, scratches are found, the bearing must be replaced.
  • if no damage is found, then you can start lubricating the bearings.
  • richly lubricated separators with rollers are installed in the trouser seat, the gland is pressed in.

In the cavity between the bearings, it is necessary to lay about 40 gr. lubricants. The hub is assembled in the reverse order of disassembly. It is important at this stage to properly adjust the hub nut in order to prevent overtightening or excessive play.

How to choose the right grease for wheel bearings?

Quite frequent among motorists have become disputes about what is the best lubricant to use for wheel bearings. In any of the auto shops on the shelves you can always find up to several dozen types of lubricants from different manufacturers. The Litol-24 lubricant given in the article is the base one, which is able to guarantee the operation of the chassis at a fairly good level. When buying a new lubricant, it is necessary to build on the recommendations of bearing manufacturers. On the packaging you can often find an indication of which lubricant to use.

Experiments with lubricants for CV joints or parts operating under increased load should not be carried out. All these lubricants are designed for completely different operating conditions. Once again, when removing the hub, you should pay attention to the quality of the old grease. If it rolled up in lumps, dried out and cracked, and the rollers are dry, you need to choose a lubricant from another manufacturer.

Timely replacement of worn-out car parts is the key to its long-term operation. It often happens that when arriving at the service station, the driver hears that it was possible to do without expensive repairs if the car had been driven a little earlier. In many ways, the operation of the entire car depends on the right lubricants, which is why lubrication for wheel bearings is so important. This assembly contains ball or tapered roller bearings, each of which needs its own lubricant.

The bearings are enclosed in a closed cage, there must always be grease in it so that the parts do not wear out. When choosing such a lubricant, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Thermal stability. This grease has to work in difficult conditions, so it must demonstrate stability to physical, chemical and mechanical stresses even at high temperatures. It is also important that the lubricant does not thicken in winter frosts, and does not become very liquid in the heat.
  2. Viscosity and strength of the composition. These parameters show the ability of the lubricant to stay on the parts, and also characterize its fluidity. The higher the viscosity index, the better, then all bearing surfaces will work well without jamming.
  3. Lubricity. This indicator determines how much the friction force of the parts enclosed in the wheel hub will decrease. It is the most important for this automobile unit, since the course and movement of the entire car depends on the normal operation of the wheels. If the selected oil has low lubricity, the machine will run jerkily.
  4. Corrosion resistance. Rust is the main enemy of metal car parts, bearing grease can protect them from its influence, for this it must have all the necessary qualities.
  5. Anti-wear ability. It is desirable that the oil during its operation helps to resist wear and tear on the hub parts. When using a high-quality lubricant, parts will need to be replaced much less frequently. This will lead not only to savings on the purchase of hub parts, but also components for them.

Types of lubricants used

Some mistakenly choose a hub bearing grease based on its color rather than its properties, and make a serious mistake, as the wrong grease can damage the bearing. Thinking before choosing which lubricant is better for wheel bearings, you should know that it must be a three-component one, consisting of a lubricant, a modifier and a thickener. These components of the hub oil determine its main properties. Before buying a lubricant, you must definitely check its composition and characteristics declared by the manufacturer.

Depending on the effect of lubricant on auto parts, they are divided into several types.

  1. High temperature. This type exhibits resistance to high temperatures, it retains its basic properties even at temperatures above 100 °C. The composition of such a lubricant contains copper or nickel.
  2. Electrically conductive. Ideal for the onboard electrical system, as it protects its connecting wires, battery terminals and relays from corrosion.
  3. Preservative. A simple type of lubricant that protects metal parts from the effects of corrosion, but they can be washed off the surfaces of parts with plain water. Most often they are used for the preservation of parts.
  4. Molybdenum. It is it that is used for moving parts of a car, it forms a protective film on their surface, eliminates overheating of parts and the formation of scoring on them.
  5. Lithium. This type includes lithols and similar compounds, they are designed to protect bearings and interacting units.

All lubricants described are designed for specific purposes and components, so you should take their choice seriously so as not to harm the car.

Which lubricant to choose and when?

It is advisable to change the grease for the hub bearings after every 35 - 45 thousand runs, the allowable mileage depends on the conditions for the intensity of use of the machine. Factors to consider when buying it:

  • the amount of load transmitted to the hub;
  • the intensity of driving a car, how often it is used and how far it transports its owner;
  • bearing steel grade;
  • type of parts used in the hub;
  • protection of the node from moisture and dirt;
  • frequency and speed of rotation of the hub elements.

For the most part, experienced motorists purchase high-temperature lithium-type strokes.

If the material reacts to elevated temperatures, then it can simply leak out of the hub assembly, and the parts in it will run dry. If suddenly a certain type of lubricant is over, and it is not in stock, then you cannot add another type, since they work in different conditions.

Before lubricating the hub bearing, it is necessary to prepare it: clean it and wash it with gasoline. The oil is poured strictly in a certain dosage, otherwise, if it is insufficient, the bearing assembly may jam, and if there is an excess, the excess will overflow without permission. To determine the optimal amount of lubricant, you need to study the vehicle registration certificate.

Speaking specifically about certain types of lubricants that can be used for wheel bearings, three of them can be distinguished.

Molybdenum-containing lubricants

They protect the hub assembly quite effectively, they are mainly made of molybdenum disulfide, which is able to extend the life of the bearing and protect it from wear. In favor of choosing this particular lubricant is its ability to resist the development of corrosion processes. The main component of this oil leaves a film on the surface of the parts, due to which the metal becomes resistant to the oxidative effects of the external environment. The service life of such a lubricant is 100 thousand km, the hub bearing can be operated for about the same time, it turns out that one application of lubricant will be enough until the old bearing is replaced with a new one.

But such a lubricant also has disadvantages, among which are:

  • interaction with water;
  • if the hub depressurizes, the physico-chemical properties of the lubricant may suffer. In this case, it is necessary to replace all the lubricant, and at the same time check whether this affected the condition of the rubbing parts;
  • lubricants of this type are quickly contaminated, and inclusions that enter them reduce the properties of the lubricant to resist friction;
  • High temperature effects on molybdenum-containing lubricants begin to show up at high speeds. Such a failure can be calculated by opening the cap and checking the color of the liquid under them, if there is such a problem, its color will be blue.

Molybdenum-containing lubricants of domestic brands are presented on the market: SHRUS-4 and Fiol, and foreign manufacturers offer: Mobil, Texaco, ESSO and Castrol (BP).

Lithium-containing lubricants

They are based on lithium dissolved in organic acids. This oil belongs to the universal type, in appearance it can be recognized by its characteristic light yellow tint. The good viscosity of the material ensures optimal lubrication of all moving parts, thereby reducing friction between them.

Lithium greases can withstand, without losing their operational properties, up to 110 thousand mileage. They can return to their operational properties even after severe overheating of the assembly.

The disadvantages of this material include:

  • average degree of resistance to corrosion;
  • some polymer materials are not suitable for this lubricant.

You can buy lithium oil from a domestic manufacturer under the Litol 24 brand, and among foreign brands, Very Lube, British Petroleum and Renolit are especially popular.

High temperature lubricants

They incorporate copper and nickel powders, which endow them with high oxidative stability and resistance to high temperatures. Even under extreme operating conditions, bearings with such lubrication work flawlessly, their operating temperature can range from -40 to + 180 ° C. They should be adopted by novice motorists who often experience emergency braking on the roads. The high-quality additives that make up these lubricants make the oil resistant to washout, oxidation and thermal corrosion. An excellent representative of this type of lubricant is "BLUE" (MS 1510).

Knowing what lubrication is needed for in wheel bearings, it will become easier to choose it based on the criteria given and the factors that affect the required oil characteristics. In order not to doubt your choice, you should read the instruction manual attached to the car, as well as familiarize yourself with the recommendations of its manufacturer. You should not choose expensive oil, but you can’t save on it either, it is advisable to find the optimal combination of its quality and reasonable price.