The amount of the fine for the lack of compulsory insurance. What is the fine for driving without insurance? Punishment for lack of insurance under the Code of Administrative Offenses

An insurance policy is mandatory for every car owner. And in its absence, the motorist faces a fine for driving without compulsory motor insurance.

It is worth understanding that penalties can be imposed both for the lack of a policy in principle, and for the fact that the driver simply does not have it with him. And due to the fact that the price of issuing policies increases every year, many car owners began to simply ignore them.

Drivers of vehicles should understand that when a traffic police officer stops them on the road, along with a driver’s license, he will require and present an insurance policy.

Under what circumstances will the punishment take place:

  • Compulsory motor third party liability insurance has not been issued;
  • The policy exists, but the driver does not have it with him;
  • There is a policy, but its validity period has expired;
  • The vehicle is driven by a person who is not included in the MTPL.

All these violations can be classified as different, so the punishment for driving without insurance will also be different here.

The driver is not included in the OSAGO policy

Fines for driving without insurance in 2018, when the driver is driving a vehicle, are 500 rubles.

If a situation arises that a motorist gets into a traffic accident in which he becomes the culprit, then the insurance company will pay out in any case. This is due to the fact that the car is insured for a certain period of time, and it is during this time that payments are due. But after this, the company can sue the driver to recover its losses.

In this case, it is better for the vehicle owner to take out insurance that does not have restrictions. Then you can transfer control of your car to other drivers if necessary, without fear of punishment for this.

Insurance is expired or not issued

Some motorists do not take out an insurance policy at all after purchasing a vehicle. And this is a gross violation. Exactly the same as using your car after the SOAGO has expired.

The fine for lack of compulsory motor liability insurance in 2018 is 800 rubles. When there is expired car insurance, this is equated to a situation such as driving without insurance, such as the new rules of 2018.

And when the driver did not have time to issue a new document to replace the expired one, a reasonable question always arises: what is the fine for expired insurance?

If you drive this way, similar sanctions will be imposed, and the fine for lack of insurance will be 800 rubles.

Even before 2009, such rules were in force when, even a month after the delay, the insurance was considered valid. The new rules of 2018 do not have such amendments, which means that you should change your car insurance document no later than the last day of its validity.

Insurance is not valid for the whole year

Some motorists use the services of insurance companies that allow them to obtain compulsory car insurance not for the entire calendar year. This is very convenient for those drivers who do not plan to drive for some period of time a year. For example, in the winter they leave the car in the garage and do not use it.

What is the punishment for this? After all, if you get behind the wheel at a time not provided for by the MTPL policy, these actions will be considered unlawful.

And if a traffic police inspector records such a violation, the fine in this case will be 500 rubles.

New vehicle

And when a vehicle has just been purchased, how much time is allocated for paperwork? This case is the only relief for motorists when driving without insurance is permissible. But how long is it allowed to drive this way?

The legislator has established a certain period for completing all documents and registering the vehicle with the traffic police - 10 days are allotted for this. During this period, instead of a policy, you can present a car purchase agreement to the traffic police inspector.

You don’t have insurance with you

There are also situations when a driver has a valid insurance policy, but at the moment when he was stopped by a traffic inspector, the document is not available. The most common reason is left at home in other clothes/bag. In some cases, you can get by with just a warning. Of course, if the inspector believes in the existence of the document in principle. In these cases, as a rule, evidence is provided, such as the number of the insurance document, the insurer, and sometimes the telephone number of the insurance agent who can confirm the accuracy of the information.

  • What will happen and how much will you have to pay if the inspector does not make concessions? The minimum fine for driving without insurance will be 500 rubles. If the inspector does not believe the truthfulness of the motorist’s words, then the latter will have to say goodbye to the amount of 800 rubles.
  • Drivers should know that in this case, you can write a statement of complaint addressed to the head of the guard service, not forgetting to attach a photocopy of the current policy to it. In this case, the amount of the fine can be reduced from 800 to 500 rubles.

And to avoid getting into such situations, it is better to always have with you all the documents required during the inspection. And, for example, a photocopy of OSAGO can also be stored separately in the car, to resolve unpleasant situations.

In short, the fine for driving without compulsory motor insurance (exactly the same as for expired insurance) in 2017 is:

800 rubles

(Article 12.37 Part 2 of the Administrative Code)

If you pay within 20 days:

800 400 rubles

from 01/01/2016, upon payment of certain fines (including for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance) is given

Perhaps soon there will be:

2500 rubles

  • And finally - the punishment for driving with a fake MTPL policy. In this case, firstly, a basic fine is issued for driving without insurance, and secondly, the driver may even fall under criminal liability under Part 3 of Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. True, if the court decides that he deliberately used a fake policy, knowing that it was invalid. In practice, this is difficult to prove. But in the case of obvious independent fakes, this is a very real prospect. For example, recently in Krasnoyarsk a woman was tried who personally corrected the date on her policy.

If you want to make sure that your insurance is valid, that is, it is entered into the AIS RSA database and is processed through it, then you can use the service

Even the most responsible and law-abiding driver is not immune from an unexpected situation. If a driver violates traffic rules and is stopped by a traffic service officer, the driver’s documents are first checked.

Along with a driver's license and technical. inspection, you must provide a civil liability insurance policy.

Fine for driving without insurance in 2018: how much to pay

One of the mandatory requirements for a vehicle driver is to have a valid insurance policy.

Violation of this requirement leads to punishment, namely, bringing the unscrupulous driver to administrative responsibility.

An insurance policy is an indispensable attribute of a driver, just like the right to drive a car, as well as a document confirming the technical serviceability of the vehicle.

Until 2014, the punishment for violating the rules of insurance of the driver and vehicle was deprivation of the opportunity to use the vehicle, in particular, removal of license plates.

At the moment, this can be significantly reduced if you deposit money within 20 days after a traffic violation is recorded.

The MTPL policy is proposed in two formats:

  1. A policy that has limitations. Provides the opportunity to enter persons who have the right to drive this vehicle. If the driver of the car is not listed in the policy, this is fraught with a fine.
  2. Policy without restrictions. Allows any person who has a driver's license to drive this vehicle.

If the driver is driving who is not included in the list of limited motor vehicle liability insurance, then 500 rubles are provided.

Among other things, in case of violation of traffic rules, the road service employee has the right to send the personal vehicle of the would-be violator to a fine site.

To pick up a car, three conditions must be met:

  • a fine for violating traffic rules has been paid;
  • a new MTPL insurance policy was signed;
  • transportation services of the vehicle have been paid for.

There are several objective reasons according to which it is economically unprofitable for a driver to violate traffic rules in 2018:

  1. If the driver is at fault in a traffic accident, he will have to independently pay for the damages for the restoration of the vehicle.
  2. An MTPL policy is not only insurance, but also an inspection of the car by a specialist, which significantly reduces the possibility of an accident due to a breakdown or malfunction.

Are rooms generally removed for such a violation?

Lack of or late insurance may result in loss of registration numbers. After the license plates are removed, the violator is given 24 hours to pay the fine and restore the compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Otherwise, using the car will be prohibited.

In practice, rooms are rented if there is no insurance. If it is available, but the document is forgotten by the driver, then a fine is issued.

Find out how much it costs to drive without compulsory motor insurance from the video.

How long are you allowed to drive under a sales contract without insurance?

When transferring a vehicle to a new owner, he is required to take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. This statement corresponds to the norm of the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, according to which every vehicle owner must draw up an insurance contract.

When a vehicle is used without insurance, it is a strict violation and will result in a fine.

However, there are situations when you can completely do without insurance, and also when a fine for late payment is not justified. Federal Law No. 40, Clause 2, Art. informs about this. 4 for 04/25/2002.

The purchase and sale agreement provides a deferment in issuing a policy for 10 days.

The ability to drive without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is established by clause 2 of Art. 4 of Federal Law No. 40 of April 25, 2002. A ten-day period of driving without insurance is possible if you acquire a license to a car.

In addition to completing the purchase and sale transaction of a vehicle, the following are considered to be the moments of acquisition:

  • inheriting a car;
  • obtaining a vehicle under the rights of economic ownership or operational management.

What is the amount of the fine for lack of compulsory motor liability insurance?

In addition to driving a vehicle by a person not included in the policy, there is a type of violation when the driver does not have a civil liability insurance contract at all. For such a violation, no discount is provided for prompt payment of the fine. The reason is an irresponsible attitude towards risks on the road.

The absence of an insurance contract entails a fine of 800 rubles, removal of rooms and the inability to receive a discount.

The following situations serve as grounds for issuing a fine:

  • lack of a document confirming the driver’s insurance;
  • OSAGO is overdue by at least one day;
  • the driver is not on the policy's list of limitations;

These are legitimate reasons for the fine, which are almost impossible to challenge.

Financially, driving without insurance is not as bad as the consequences of an accident caused by an uninsured person.

Fine for expired MTPL policy

When a document is expired, the driver can be legally fined on the first day of delay.

An expired policy is punishable by a fine of 800 rubles for failure to comply with insurance obligations.

A fine is issued in the following circumstances:

  • when registering a car;
  • when stopped by a traffic police officer and drawing up a traffic violation protocol;
  • when registering materials at the scene of an accident by the road service.

Table of traffic police fines for driving without a valid insurance policy in 2018

Is it possible to avoid liability in the absence of compulsory motor liability insurance?

You cannot escape responsibility. If the policy is forgotten, then the driver, despite having a valid policy, is subject to a fine of 500 rubles.

The traffic police officer has the right not to believe the violator, then the driver will pay a fine of 800 rubles. The dissatisfaction of a driver who has but forgotten the insurance policy will be understandable, but unjustified, since the road service employee has all the legal grounds for issuing a fine.

Complaints to any authority will be useless in this case, since the driver suffered from his own forgetfulness and negligence.

In addition, a traffic police officer cannot stop a car just to check the policy. Since there was some kind of violation on the part of the driver, his dissatisfaction with the current situation is meaningless.

It is important to remember that by keeping a copy of your insurance certificate in your glove compartment, you can avoid a fine.

If the traffic inspector for some reason did not believe the driver, then when issuing a fine, you must indicate in the form your disagreement regarding the current situation, as well as the reason for the disagreement. In order to further confirm your innocence, you need to visit the traffic police and confirm that you have a valid MTPL policy.

For this:

  • write a statement addressed to the head of the traffic police with a request to review the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses;
  • submit a copy of your insurance certificate.

There is an opinion among drivers that the policy can be renewed within a month and during this month you can drive with expired insurance. However, this information is no longer relevant.

This permit was in force until 2008, when the project including these concessions was canceled.

You can drive without an insurance policy in a newly purchased car for 10 days after completing the transaction.

It is important to remember that the 10 days mentioned are ten days, the number of calendar days, of which not all are working days.

This period is not given for driver negligence, but for the opportunity, before registering a car, to undergo a full technical inspection and take out a civil liability policy.

It must be remembered that, despite the 10 days of deferment for the new owner of the car, during all these 10 days he bears full civil and legal responsibility for his actions on the road and in the event of material damage being caused to the other party in the road accident, he will compensate it from his own pocket.

Find out how long you can drive without MTPL insurance from the video.

In contact with

Modern Russian laws establish strict order on the country's roads.

This also includes the effect of a special law on compulsory motor liability insurance, which obliges all car owners to purchase an insurance policy so that their liability as drivers is insured.

Nevertheless, driving without MTPL insurance is allowed, but this issue has its own nuances, which will be discussed in this article.

So, what happens if you drive without insurance and what are the dangers of driving without insurance?

There is a legal list of persons who may not purchase an MTPL policy at all (clauses 3 and 4 of Article 4 of the MTPL law).

  1. Drivers whose cars have a speed of less than 20 km/h.
  2. Citizens whose vehicles have technical characteristics that are not suitable for participation in road traffic.
  3. Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other military formations.
  4. Drivers with cars registered outside of Russia.
  5. Owners of trailers for cars.
  6. Citizens whose liability is already insured by other persons.

But most drivers do not fall into the categories listed above, and everyone is interested in the question of whether it is possible to drive without insurance in two main cases:

  • after purchasing a car (new or used);
  • when the previous OSAGO policy has already expired.

So here it is. The owner of the car, who has just purchased the car under a purchase and sale agreement, must insure his motor third party liability before the expiration of 10 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the above-mentioned agreement.

That is, if a citizen entered into an agreement and purchased a car on February 1, then until 00:00 on February 11, he, by law, can drive without insurance. After this time, any trip without an MTPL policy may result in a fine for the driver if he is stopped by a traffic police inspector.

In addition, the owner (not the owner!) of the car, who temporarily uses it under a lease agreement or a general power of attorney, also does not have to purchase an insurance policy in his own name.

The reason is that under compulsory motor liability insurance the liability of the official owner, which the given citizen is not, is insured. It just fits into the policy.

All other motorists are required to insure their liability on the roads, this also applies if the previous OSAGO policy expires.

You need to take care of purchasing insurance in advance and contact the insurance company as soon as possible, and then drive safely, without fear of becoming a traffic violator.

When will the driver not be punished?

Based on the list of persons who can drive without insurance, the driver will not be held administratively liable in the following cases:

  • when a 10-day period has not passed since the purchase of the car;
  • if the driver presents to the traffic police inspector a lease agreement or a general power of attorney to drive the car and a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for the owner, where the details of this driver are entered;
  • in all cases listed in Articles 3 and 4 of Article 4 of the MTPL Law.

Types of fines

What happens if you don't have car insurance? The amount of fines for lack of insurance is officially established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. As a rule, a fine of 500 rubles is charged for driving without insurance. It can be assigned:

  • if the owner of the car drives it by proxy, but his name is not included in the car owner’s policy;
  • when the period of use of a car that was insured has already passed, but the driver continues to drive (if he paid for insurance not for the whole year, but, for example, only for a few months);
  • if a citizen purchased the policy electronically and did not print it out;
  • in the case when the driver left the policy at home, but it is valid (more details about this situation will be discussed in the next section of the article).

An increased fine is established for those violators who:

  • the insurance policy is expired;
  • there is no compulsory motor liability insurance policy at all, and the 10-day period from the date of purchase of the car has long passed;
  • an accident occurred (regardless of whether the citizen was at fault or not).

The fine will then be 800 rubles.

Any of these fines can be imposed on the driver an unlimited number of times. For example, if in one day a citizen who does not have an MTPL policy is stopped on the road 6 times, he will be required to pay fines in the amount of 4,200 rubles. Or 3 thousand rubles if the insurance document was left by the driver at home or he forgot to print it.

One cannot but agree that these are rather painful figures for the budget of the majority of Russian motorists.

Since 2016, the law began to provide for relief for similar and other minor violations: if the driver pays the fine within 20 days after the ruling, he has the right to pay only half of its amount. This is 250 and 400 rubles for the described types of violations.

Polis stayed at home

What happens if you are stopped without insurance when the driver forgot the document at home.

A driver who has an MTPL policy and has not expired must remember that he must not forget it at home and always take it with him.

Sometimes the actual absence of a policy in hand when stopped by a traffic police inspector is equated to its complete absence.

If a situation does arise that a citizen has forgotten his insurance policy, the inspector will issue him a verbal warning and will not fine him.

Such an outcome depends on the loyalty of the traffic police officer himself and on the tactfulness of the driver in conversation with him. For example, he can ask one of his close friends or relatives to bring him the policy to the place of stop. After this, basically, the incident is considered settled, and the driver can drive on without a fine.

In practice, it also happens that the inspector who stopped the driver is not friendly and no polite persuasion has any effect on him. Then the citizen has no choice but to receive his fine of 500 rubles for not having a policy and learn a lesson that such an important document should not be forgotten at home.

It also happens that a traffic police officer believes that the driver does not have a policy at all, despite the fact that it was forgotten at home or somewhere else.

Then he can try to impose a fine of not 500, but 800 rubles. This action of the inspector is illegal and it will not be difficult to appeal such a decision.

The driver is not registered with OSAGO

Lack of full name driver in the MTPL policy is a direct violation and a reason for imposing a fine.

There is no need to be scared and think that for this procedure you should go to the insurance company, collect any documents, etc.

The general power of attorney, under which the driver can legally drive, states that he has the right to conclude, amend or terminate an insurance contract.

Therefore, the current owner can independently include himself in the insurance. Or this can be done by the owner himself, who has transferred the car for use.

If a new driver is included in the policy, he will not face liability in the form of a fine of 500 rubles, because no violation has been established. However, if the data on this citizen is still missing in the policy, a penalty cannot be avoided.

Expired insurance

If previously the law allowed driving with insurance that had already expired for a month, today this rule has been canceled.

According to the new rules, the driver does not have the right to drive under the old policy for a single minute from the moment it loses its legal force upon expiration. This situation is equivalent to a complete lack of insurance.

Therefore, in order to avoid troubles and unforeseen financial waste, the motorist needs to contact his insurance company, or any other, in advance (for example, several weeks in advance) and obtain insurance for a new term.

No driver is insured against road accidents. And if, nevertheless, an accident occurs, and the MTPL policy is not at hand, the driver will face a fine of 800 rubles. This amount is strictly defined and does not depend on whether the citizen is at fault for the accident or not.

Therefore, if the driver is guilty of an accident, he is obliged to:

  • pay a fine of 800 rubles to the state treasury;
  • provide the person injured in the accident with monetary compensation from his own funds.

A traffic police officer arriving at the scene of an accident will record the fact that the driver either does not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy at all, is expired, or did not take it from home. In any case, a fine cannot be avoided.

As a rule, to calculate the amount that the culprit owes to the victim, the latter should contact an appraisal company. And then present the results of the report to the culprit. If an unscrupulous driver does not want to voluntarily pay for the losses incurred, the victim can safely file a claim in court.

(No Ratings Yet)

Many car owners forget that “insurance” is one of the documents that must be presented to the traffic police officer upon his request (clause 2.1.1 of the Traffic Rules).

Many car owners forget that “insurance” is one of the documents that must be presented to the traffic police officer upon his request (clause 2.1.1 of the Traffic Rules). And even though the inspector cannot remove the driver from driving a vehicle for the absence of an MTPL policy, as is allowed if the driver is unable to present a driver’s license or a Vehicle Registration Certificate, this situation makes it possible to impose penalties on the violator. Their size is established by the relevant articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses and depends on the circumstances that caused the violation of the law.

An MTPL insurance policy may be missing for several reasons:

  • “forgot at home” - it is implied that the driver filled out the document with the insurance company, and the insurance itself is valid (not expired);
  • lack of MTPL insurance due to the fact that the driver simply did not apply for it;
  • the car owner has insurance, but it is expired;
  • the car owner has insurance, but uses the document outside its validity period;
  • the car owner has insurance, but his data is not included in the document (the MTPL policy is issued to another person).

What is the fine for driving without insurance in 2019?

The fine for driving without MTPL insurance is 800 rubles. From January 1, 2019, there are no changes in fines for lack of compulsory motor liability insurance.

There are two important caveats here:

  1. For drivers who have a valid MTPL policy, but have shown banal forgetfulness (“forgot the documents at home”), traffic police officers can meet halfway and replace the fine with a warning. This became possible after a unified database was launched, to which every inspector today has quick access. Accordingly, the violator will not be able to deceive the official in any way, just as he will not have to convince him of the presence of a valid document.
  2. Inspectors do not have the right, in the absence of compulsory motor liability insurance, to remove the license plate from a car or to evacuate the vehicle, explaining this by a ban on its operation. Such regulations were abolished on November 15, 2014, but today, unfortunately, they are often used by criminals in uniform against drivers who are not familiar with the current legislation.

About some features of the procedure for bringing to administrative liability in the absence of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy

Many motorists who believe that the fines for not having MTPL insurance are insignificant deliberately avoid the procedure for completing this document. Let us remind you that without a visit to the insurance company and obtaining an MTPL or CASCO policy, the owner of the car will not be able to register it with the traffic police. In addition, 2 articles of different regulations prohibit being on public roads without this document:

  • clause 2 art. 19.2 of the Federal Law “On Road Safety” – “operation of a vehicle without insurance is prohibited”;
  • Clause 2.1.1 of the Traffic Regulations - “driving a car can only be carried out if you have valid insurance.”

Being a law-abiding citizen and having completed all the documents on time, you can always count on the leniency of a traffic police officer if you forgot the document at home. If you demonstrate sincere repentance and point out to the inspector that the current situation is rather an exception to your rules, and you really accidentally forgot your documents at home, you are guaranteed to get off with a warning and instructions to be more careful next time. And vice versa, any attempts to deceive a traffic police officer or disrespectful attitude towards a person during execution will make the logical result of issuing a protocol on an administrative offense.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the twelfth article of the Code of Administrative Offenses equates expired insurance to the absence of an MTPL insurance policy. The fine in both cases will be 800 rubles. Thus, arguments that you have always regularly purchased an insurance policy for a number of years and only today forgot to renew it will not have any influence on the inspector. Moreover, he will have to be guided by the current regulations, which do not provide for any other alternative to the fine provided for in Part 2 of Art. 12.37 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Other special cases, when a driver operates a vehicle outside the validity period of the insurance policy or is not included in it, also have their own characteristics, and in some cases they even allow one to avoid a seemingly inevitable fine of 800 rubles.

Operation of a vehicle outside the period of validity of the insurance policy

Part one of Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation obliges drivers who use their vehicles for a period not included in the insurance to be fined in the amount of 800 rubles. Those car owners who take out annual policies with a limited validity period find themselves in such situations. For example, using a car only in the summer, the insured person can apply for compulsory motor liability insurance only for June-August, thereby saving on insurance costs. If such a driver is caught by a traffic police inspector in any other month of the year, he will be required to pay a fine. This suggests that when applying for a policy with an insurance company, you need to clearly determine the period of validity of the annual insurance, and in the event of force majeure, be prepared for penalties.

Fine if the driver is not included in the insurance

Russian legislation obliges insurers to enter into OSAGO the data of those persons who insure their motor third party liability. And only these citizens fall under the protection of the insurance company and can count on its help in the event of an insured event. Traffic police officers are required to fine persons who are not included in the insurance issued for the vehicle they are driving. Moreover, even the fact that the person included in the policy is traveling in the same vehicle as a passenger will not protect you from paying a fine of 800 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Thus, only someone who has insured their civil liability and can confirm this with the appropriate document can drive a car.

It is worth making a reservation here: Russian laws allow the transfer of the right to drive a vehicle to a person not included in the MTPL insurance policy, but only if he has a power of attorney issued on behalf of the owner of the car. In addition, such a document does not require either notarization or compliance with any special form of its content. The main thing is that the power of attorney contains the data of the owner of the car and the data of the person to whom he trusts the right to drive. Here you should indicate the data on the vehicle and reflect the list of authorities. Thus, if we take into account that such a power of attorney can be drawn up literally with the owner of the car and a blank sheet of paper, we can assume that by quickly drawing up the document when the vehicle is stopped for inspection by a traffic police officer, a potential violator will be able to avoid a fine. Should you expose yourself to the unnecessary risk of being fined? Before setting off, spend a few minutes drawing up a power of attorney and don’t be afraid of meeting with the inspector!

Repeated fine for lack of MTPL insurance

Situations in which a driver carries with him expired insurance for a long time or does not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy at all and is caught by a traffic police officer several times during the day often raise an inevitable question among motorists: can an inspector fine under the same article again? The situation is controversial, but only for those who are not familiar with the current legislation at all or are partially familiar with it. Let us turn to the current norms: paragraph 5 of Article 4.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation prohibits bringing a citizen to administrative responsibility twice for the same administrative offense.

So, you set off in a car without insurance, were stopped at a traffic police checkpoint and paid a fine. At the same time, a protocol was drawn up against you as a violator - a document confirming the opening of an administrative case. The above-mentioned article often misleads drivers, because, guided by paragraph 2 of Article 19.2 of the Federal Law “On Road Safety,” any inspector has the right to fine for operating a vehicle without insurance. That is why, having driven 5 kilometers from the traffic police post and caught a second time by another inspector, you will become a defendant in another case of an administrative offense. Another, since it will be committed at a different time and under different circumstances (place of the offense). And here the inspector has every right to issue a new protocol. Any appeal against these actions of an official will not incur any consequences in relation to him, which means you must understand that for the lack of insurance when checking documents you will bear administrative responsibility every time.

Amount of fine for repeated violation

The above table of fines for drivers who do not have an MTPL insurance policy is exhaustive, including when a citizen is brought to administrative liability again. This means that the legislation does not provide for any coefficients or increases in the amount of the penalty for repeated violations.

Important: from the beginning of 2016, new Traffic Rules came into force in the Russian Federation, which provide a 50% discount for those payers of fines who managed to pay the money within 20 days after the protocol was issued (there are restrictions on the types of violations). Accordingly, having received a receipt for the amount of 800 rubles (no insurance or an expired policy), you can promptly pay the fine at the nearest bank branch, and this will cost only 400 rubles. This norm is designed for persons exercising civil responsibility.

Why do you need insurance?

Compulsory civil liability insurance for car owners is a measure aimed at helping those who are involved in an accident. Unfortunately, not all road users realize the need for such “care” on the part of legislators, but only until the moment they themselves become involved in an accident. Let us remind you that thanks to the MTPL policy, the culprit of an accident most often does not have to compensate for the damage to other participants in the incident, since the amount of payment for this type of insurance can reach 400,000 rubles.