Delicious Turkish coffee. How to properly brew Turkish coffee - recipes. Preparatory stage for making Turkish coffee

Coffee... Strong - like love, black - like night and sweet - like sin! And there is only one way to get rid of this temptation - drink it!

Millions of people around the world begin their day with a sacred meditation - the coffee ritual. In addition to coffee, it requires three indispensable attributes: a Turk - better than copper, a spoon - better than silver, and water... better than holy. No, of course, water, like a spoon, can be quite ordinary. But it’s not worth replacing a Turkish or Arabic cezve, even with the most convenient coffee machines. Not a single machine can convey the subtle taste of the East, which contains the spirit of the times, unshakable traditions and real coffee magic.

The most popular are three main varieties of coffee: highland Arabica, strong Robusta and aromatic Liberica. As for the quality of coffee, it is usually determined by three main parameters - the size and density of the grain, its aroma and adherence to technology. It is the methods of roasting, grinding and brewing coffee that determine whether it will be an ordinary drink or a true elixir of life that has no equal.

Arabic, Turkish, French coffee, coffee with cardamom, ginger, pepper, chocolate, milk or honey... All this is the art of preparing a drink from coffee beans, which has become part of the culture in many countries. From simple huts it has evolved into luxurious coffee shops with oriental interiors and cozy homes where no one can imagine life without this legal drug.

Making coffee: TOP 5 recipes

Recipe 1. Classic Arabic coffee on sand

The traditional Arabic method of brewing coffee is controversial. Some determine its authenticity by using special spices, while others insist that only coffee prepared on sand is worthy of the “Arabic” prefix. All coffee recipes have a right to life, but only a drink brewed using ancient technology can be called Arabic. We will try coffee, the recipe of which has been tested and approved by true connoisseurs who know a lot about the Arabic brewing method.

For 1 cup: a teaspoon of sugar, two teaspoons of finely ground coffee, a glass of water.

  1. Heat the empty cezve on hot sand, add freshly ground grains. Pour a teaspoon of sugar into the bottom of a hot dish (determine the exact amount according to taste).
  2. Slightly deepen the cezve into the sand and wait until the sugar begins to caramelize.
  3. When a light brown color appears, pour water into the vessel, just above half of it. Stirring with a long spoon, bring to a light boil.
  4. Remove the ladle from the hot sand and add freshly ground coffee. Mix everything again and add a large spoonful of cold water. This action will prevent the drink from boiling too quickly and the coffee will have time to saturate the taste. Return the cezve to the sand.
  5. There is no need to interfere further with the brewing process. But as the lush foam appears each time, it should be carefully removed with a spoon and transferred to a cup. This is one of the main secrets of delicious coffee.
  6. The next important point is not to let the coffee boil quickly. As soon as the uncontrollable foam tries to overflow over the edge of the cezve, the ladle must be immediately removed from the sand. This action can be carried out 3-4 times. If you need particularly strong coffee, you can add another spoonful of water and start brewing again.
  7. Pour the drink into a cup, keeping the sediment at the bottom of the vessel. Drink piping hot. This is another sign of ideal coffee prepared in oriental traditions.

The best spices for Arabic coffee are cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. If you want to diversify the classic taste with a spicy flavor, you should add spices along with coffee.

Recipe 2. Turkish coffee

For 1 cup: two teaspoons of finely ground coffee beans, a teaspoon of granulated sugar, one hundred grams of water, a handful of salt.

  1. Start preparing coffee by heating a copper pot over the fire for 15-20 seconds. Warm the coffee only slightly to better release the aroma (about a minute).
  2. Add sugar and pour cold water to a level just below the narrowest point on the neck of the vessel. Season the drink with a pinch of salt. Cook over low heat.
  3. Monitor the formation of foam throughout the entire coffee brewing process. When it starts to bubble slowly, you need to quickly remove the Turk from the heat and not allow the “cap” to collapse. It will block the outlet for coffee aromas, so the narrower the neck of the Turk, the better.
  4. When the foam “calms down”, the vessel can be returned to the hob. Repeat the process 2-3 times. For shallow Turks, end the number of repetitions at two.
  5. To make the sediment settle faster, you can lightly tap the ladle on the table, but this should not destroy the nut-colored foam that has formed on the surface.
  6. Pour the drink into a hot cup. Small particles and foam should get there along with the coffee. The latter in the east is a sign of properly prepared coffee. Her absence there is considered an insult to the guest.

Recipe 3. French coffee

For 1 cup: a teaspoon (with top) of ground coffee beans, a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of Cocoa liqueur, whipped cream.

  1. Pour fresh coffee into the heated pot. According to the French version of the drink, it should not be too strong, but this is a matter of taste. The quantity of ground beans can be increased. Pour water over the coffee and place on the stove with the lowest heat possible.
  2. As soon as the surface of the drink begins to be covered with the first bubbles, add sugar and stir until the crystals dissolve.
  3. After a lush foam has formed, remove the coffee from the heat three times. Once brewing is complete, allow the coffee beans to settle to the bottom.
  4. Pour the coffee into a warm cup, pour in the cocoa liqueur. It can be replaced with a thin chocolate topping.
  5. Coffee, which is served in Paris “with a view of the Eiffel Tower,” is decorated with airy cream so that it just covers the foam on the coffee.

Recipe 4. Ice coffee "Eskimo"

For 1 cup: a tablespoon (topped) of ground coffee, a teaspoon (or to taste) of sugar, a glass of water, a few pieces of dark chocolate, 2 scoops of ice cream.

  1. Prepare coffee using the “Turkish” method from water, finely ground coffee and granulated sugar (how to brew is indicated above).
  2. Infuse the finished coffee a little, strain and cool completely.
  3. Melt dark chocolate bars using a steam bath. You should get 3-4 tablespoons of liquid chocolate.
  4. Pour the cold coffee into a cocktail glass and place ice cream balls (or 2-3 tablespoons) on top.
  5. Drizzle melted chocolate over the coffee cocktail.

Recipe 5. Coffee according to Lady Di’s original recipe

For 6 servings: 6 tbsp. spoons of coffee beans, 10 g of coffee extract, 100 g of coffee mousse, 4 lemon slices, a tablespoon each of sugar and rum.

  1. Grind the coffee beans using a coffee grinder. For this recipe, the grind should not be too fine.
  2. Pour coffee powder into a pot, add chilled water and place on hot sand.
  3. After foam has formed, without bringing the coffee to a boil, remove the Turk from the sand.
  4. Turn the coffee cups over and soak the edges in rum, then dip the cup in sugar grains.
  5. Carefully pour the drink into cups without touching the walls. Pour a little coffee extract into each and add a large spoonful of coffee mousse.
  6. Garnish coffee cups with thin lemon slices. They can be placed on top, or they can be carefully placed on the edge of the cup.

Coffee is a drink with a subtle, oriental soul. To reveal and experience the full depth of its aromas and tastes, coffee must be brewed as required by coffee traditions.

  1. The quality of the taste of the finished drink is influenced by the type of coffee. Coffee made from premium Arabica beans will have the best taste. The first and second varieties include some Robusta.
  2. Turkish coffee should be brewed very slowly over low heat. Gradual heating allows you to fully reveal the aroma of the drink.
  3. For Turkish coffee, it is better to use finely ground coffee. The grains should be ground immediately before cooking. Essential substances evaporate very quickly, and during long-term storage, coffee will lose all its charm - aroma.
  4. Water requirements: soft, without impurities, not boiled.
  5. A pinch of salt will help emphasize and consolidate the flavor notes.
  6. No matter how much sugar is criticized in natural coffee, it is a necessary component. Firstly, sugar does not allow water to boil quickly - added at the very beginning of brewing, it forms a syrup at the bottom, which conducts heat for a long time. Secondly, sugar promotes better foam formation, and thanks to it, it adheres more firmly to the surface.
  7. If you pour sugar into an empty pot and start making coffee by caramelizing the sugar, then the finished drink will have a slightly pleasant caramel tint. However, you need to be extremely careful with this “trick”, because... Sugar can be overcooked and burned.
  8. If, before pouring coffee into a cup, add a spoonful of cold water to the cup, or lightly tap the cezve on the table a couple of times, the caffeine will settle and will not get into the drink.
  9. You need to pour hot coffee into heated cups. This way it will cool more slowly and continue to reveal its flavor right in the cup.
  10. The same type of coffee will give different flavors if you add spicy spices: cardamom, anise, cinnamon, cloves, etc. The amount of seasoning is determined by taste, but you should not add more than the tip of the knife.

Deliciously prepared coffee- an indicator of the highest skill. The process cannot be underestimated, and fuss and haste are inappropriate here... After all, sometimes coffee is entrusted with the most important mission, in which it is salvation from loneliness, or the right reason for a meeting, or a mediator resolving disputes. Or perhaps he is simply a witness to life’s small celebrations or a participant in big victories. Who knows where and when coffee may decide our fate...

The healing properties of natural coffee have been proven repeatedly. Among them is the ability to cleanse the liver, restore heart function, and prevent serious cancer. But besides this, the drink is wonderfully invigorating, so today we will tell you how to properly brew coffee in a Turk. As always, all manipulations are carried out at home, the technology is described step by step. Let's start!

Brewing coffee in a Turk correctly: “classic”

Brewing coffee in a Turk correctly will not be difficult if you consider the recipe step by step.

1. Rinse the Turk, add ground coffee beans into it. The calculation is as follows: for 150 ml. filtered water requires 1 teaspoon of raw material. Over time, you will experiment and find the ideal ratio for yourself.

2. If you need a sweet drink, add granulated sugar to your taste. Pour in water and place the Turk on the stove. Set the fire to minimum.

3. Do not stir the ingredients until bubbles begin to appear around the edges of the contents. The water is heated, particles of grains may float to the top, press them down with a spoon.

5. When the foam rises almost to the edges, catch this moment and remove the Turk from the heat. Do not allow intense bubbling under any circumstances.

6. The drink is ready! Cover the neck of the Turk with a saucer and let stand for 5 minutes. Before pouring the coffee, pour some cool water into the pot. The particles will settle and you will be able to fully enjoy the drink.


If you are interested in how to properly brew coffee in a Turk and get the most fluffy foam, at home they do things a little differently. When the foam rises almost to the edges, remove the appliance from the stove and let it fall. Bring until foamy again, remove from heat. Repeat steps 4 times. Do not damage the cap during pouring.

Recipes for brewing delicious Turkish coffee

There are quite a lot of variations on how to brew Turkish coffee correctly. You can choose cappuccino, Arabic or Turkish coffee, milk drink, etc.


1. Brew a coffee drink according to the classical scheme described above. Cover with a plate or Turkish lid and let it brew. During this time, take care of the milk.

2. Pour it into a saucepan, heat it, beat it into a foamy head using a mixer or blender.

3. Pour coffee into mugs 1/3 of the total volume. Add the same amount of milk that remained at the bottom of the bowl while whisking. Before serving, spoon the foam into the cup with a tablespoon. Garnish with cocoa or cinnamon, try it!

Coffee with milk

1. The ratio is that per 50 ml. Milk requires 1 teaspoon of ground coffee beans.

2. Pour milk into the Turk and bring to 50-55 degrees. Add coffee and return to the stove.

3. Wait until the foam rises. Remove the composition, let the cap fall, return the Turk to the fire again. Do these manipulations twice. Ready!

Arabic coffee

Before you begin the procedure, you must know how to brew coffee correctly. A drink prepared in Turk at home takes on interesting flavor notes.

1. Pour 20 grams into the Turk. granulated sugar. Warm over low heat until light caramel forms. Pour in boiling water and mix thoroughly. Add 25 gr. coffee and a pinch of nutmeg, salt, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves.

2. Mix the mixture thoroughly and cook until the foam rises. Remove the drink from the heat and leave it in the Turk for a while to infuse. Pour into cups.

Coffee with hazelnuts

Since it is not difficult to brew coffee correctly, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in a Turkish coffee pot. There should be quality raw materials at home.

1. Grind 100 gr. coffee beans and 30 hazelnuts. Next, the drink is brewed according to the standard procedure.

2. After preparation, 5 ml should be added to the coffee. fresh orange juice. This drink will not leave you indifferent.

Viennese coffee

1. Pour 3 grams into the Turk. vanilla and 20 gr. regular sugar, add 5 grams. orange zest. Place the container on the fire and wait for caramelization.

2. After this, enter 25 g. coffee and water. Continue cooking as usual. After the foam rises, remove the Turk from the heat and wait for infusion. This drink should be decorated with whipped cream and chocolate chips.

Now you know how to properly brew Viennese coffee in a Turk. At home, you can often delight your loved ones with this drink.

Coffee with cinnamon

1. Pour 15 grams into the Turk. ground coffee, 2 gr. cinnamon and 6 gr. Sahara. Turn on the burner. After heating the components, pour in 130 ml. water.

2. Bring the drink to a boil, while making sure that the foam does not run away. Some of the coffee needs to be poured into a cup. Repeat the procedure.

3. As a result, you will receive a flavorful drink with lush foam. It’s easy to understand how to properly brew ground coffee with cinnamon in a Turkish coffee pot.

After reading this article, you will have no questions about how to properly brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot. The recipes are quite simple. Therefore, nothing prevents you from experimenting at home.

Brew coffee in a Turk home is very simple and even interesting. But still, many people prefer to buy ready-made coffee in coffee shops or kiosks, or even use coffee in bags or sticks. But how can it compare with the aroma and amazing taste of real coffee, brewed with your own hands using a Turkish coffee pot at home? Of course not. We recommend that you try making this coffee yourself, and you will no longer be able to drink packaged coffee. In our article we will look at how to brew delicious Turkish coffee at home.

How to choose the right quality coffee?

To brew delicious and aromatic coffee at home, you first need to choose it correctly, which in some cases can be quite difficult. Before going to the store, you should decide what type of coffee you would like to choose: soluble or in grains

    . Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them. Instant or ground coffee has one big advantage: it does not need to be ground before brewing, which allows you to quickly prepare a delicious drink. But its downside is also quite significant... The fact is that after grinding, coffee can retain its aroma for no more than two hours.

    Consequently, when preparing coffee from ready-made powder, you will not be able to experience even half of the taste qualities that it has. Yes, the drink will be delicious, but most of the healthy and aromatic oils have long evaporated. Even if you buy expensive and high-quality powder, it will never replace bean coffee, ground immediately before preparation. Coffee beans may be significantly more expensive in price, but this is fully justified by its unsurpassed aroma and taste.

It is also very important that coffee is stored in airtight packaging; oxygen entering there is very undesirable, because this way the beans will quickly lose their taste.

It is recommended to grind coffee beans immediately before brewing, as in this case the taste of the drink will be several times richer.

At the same time, you need to grind it as finely as possible so that it resembles dust in consistency.

How to choose a Turkish woman? As for the Turks, the material from which it is made is also an important detail! Must be Turkish copper and have a thick, wide bottom, since in this case the coffee will cool more slowly. In addition, the Turk should have a rather narrow bell.

This ensures that the specific aroma of your coffee is preserved.

This object must be in the shape of a cone so that the grounds, which rise along with the foam formed, immediately settle to the bottom. Carefully inspect the handle of the Turk you choose! It is desirable that it be strong and withstand long-term tests with hot air.

It should also be well attached so that one day a cup of coffee does not fall on your feet, flooding the entire kitchen with aromatic liquid. After we have figured out how to choose the right coffee and Turkish coffee for brewing it, we can proceed directly to the process of brewing the drink at home.

It is very important to have a good reaction here, since coffee has one wonderful feature and can easily leak onto your stove if you do not have time to react in time.

How to brew Turkish coffee at home? To brew delicious coffee in a Turk, from the very beginning you need to prepare the Turk for further actions. To do this, you need to heat it over low heat, then pour coffee into the pot. Its quantity depends on how many servings you expect to divide the brewed coffee into:

One teaspoon of coffee ground before brewing is one small cup of the finished drink.

In addition to the coffee itself, you need to throw a small pinch of salt into the Turk, as this will significantly enhance the taste and aroma of the hot drink. It is better not to use water at room temperature, much less boiled; it will be ideal if you add cool well water to the Turk. Place the Turk on medium heat and preferably do not leave it for a minute. Stir the contents when the coffee is heated and observe. When the coffee is almost ready, it will begin to rise rapidly and try to escape from the Turk. It is very important to notice this and have time to remove the coffee from the heat for a few seconds. When the liquid level drops, put the Turk back on the fire and remove it when the coffee rises again. You can repeat this procedure endlessly, the taste and aroma of your drink will only get better.

Once you think your coffee is ready, heat the cups with hot water, then use a strainer or cheesecloth to strain the freshly brewed coffee into them. Then add sugar, milk, and you can enjoy good coffee, brewed with your own hands at home. In the videos below you will find even more visual information on brewing coffee in a Turk.

Probably, every coffee lover, from the many existing recipes for preparing a drink in Turk, has chosen one and only one and has honed his own technique over the years. But this process, despite the differences, has common principles that every lover of the aromatic drink should adhere to:

  • metal. It is better for the Turk to be made of copper and the spoon to be made of silver;
  • grinding degree. The coffee needs to be ground into dust;
  • water. To make coffee in a Turk, it is better to use well or purified coffee. It is not recommended to use tap water, boiled or hot water.

Each stage of making Turkish coffee also has its own characteristics. We will consider them further. And you can see how to brew Turkish coffee at PapiGutto.

How to brew coffee in Turkish: the initial stages of preparing the drink

The first stage involves warming up the Turks over low heat. In addition, the correct dosage of coffee is determined. Determining the optimal portion is easy - usually take 1 teaspoon of powder per small cup. If you want to brew a stronger drink, use more coffee. You can add a pinch of salt to the powder - they say it will make the drink richer.

The pot with ground coffee poured in should be heated again, after which sugar and other spices can be added. But here it is better to stick to moderation and use no more than 3 types at a time. After all, all additives should enhance the taste of coffee, and not be its basis. So, the following can be used as spices:

  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • nutmeg;
  • cloves

You can even add honey; here it’s a matter of taste that determines the ingredients.

Features of brewing an aromatic drink

Then the coffee, sugar and additives need to be mixed in a Turk, once again put on low heat and poured with cold (or even better, ice) water, stir carefully and place again on the stove. The water level should reach the narrowest point of the neck of the vessel. Thanks to this, you can better preserve the taste and aroma of the future drink, because this way the coffee will have minimal contact with air.

While the coffee is heating up, you can pour boiling water into the cups prepared for the drink, because it is believed that cold vessels can “destroy” the taste and aroma of even the best product.

When the drink has warmed up a bit, stir it again. The result will be a dense, light foam, which is better to remove and place in prepared cups, pouring boiling water out of them in advance. This process can be repeated, because each time after stirring a small amount of foam will rise again and again.

The final stage of making Turkish coffee

The rising of the coffee in the Turk will indicate that the drink has finally warmed up. At this stage, it is very important to remove the cezve from the heat in time, before the liquid boils. After this, the coffee can be allowed to cool for a few seconds to allow the foam to subside, and then repeat the entire process twice or thrice. This way you can get a drink with a richer taste and aroma.

Julia Vern 40 429 5

Natural coffee is a drink of almost all times and peoples. It is drunk with breakfast or dinner, during the lunch break and at an important business meeting. This much-loved drink is also a special culture that needs to be respected.

It is best to prepare coffee in a Turkish coffee pot, which in many respects is superior to even the best coffee machines, because it is in such containers that the drink remains extremely aromatic and does not lose any of its properties and taste. In addition, the use of Turka is a tribute to traditions and classic recipes. But, among the many tips and recommendations, you need to choose the ones that are most suitable for yourself - this way the drink can fully open up and give real pleasure. How to brew Turkish coffee correctly?

A drink brewed in Turk is a pleasure for a gourmet

What kind of coffee is there?

Good coffee starts with quality beans; this is the basis of a truly delicious drink that cannot be replaced by anything. Experts say there are more than one hundred and fifty varieties, but they distinguish two main ones: . Arabica is the most famous among coffee lovers; it has a pronounced aroma and pleasant acidity. Robusta usually remains undeservedly forgotten because it has a much more bitter taste, strength, and also a higher caffeine content. Usually it is chosen by people expecting an exceptionally invigorating effect, while Arabica is chosen by those who like the special taste of the drink and experiments based on it.

The main criterion for choosing coffee, after its variety, is the degree of grinding. It comes in three main types:

  • large or coarse (ideal for coffee makers (for example, filter or express machines), as well as for properly brewing coffee in a Turk if you want to rid the drink of any sediment);
  • medium (considered universal, suitable for a variety of cooking methods, including brewing coffee in a Turk);
  • small or thin (perfect for brewing aromatic coffee in a Turk on the stove, as well as for a geyser coffee maker);
  • extra-fine (most rarely used, suitable for making specialty Turkish coffee or for coffee makers in which the drink is prepared by passing steam through crushed beans, reminiscent of flour).

All necessary information about grinding is located on the label. If you plan to make coffee rarely, then it is better to prefer beans that are ground at home.

Whole grains can be ground at home immediately before cooking

In addition, there is a distinction between quality levels, which can be:

  • premium;
  • higher;
  • first;
  • second.

Of course, premium is the best, it is this designation that ensures that the beans will be ground into a homogeneous mass, with particles of approximately the same size, which also ensures the quality of the beans used. When buying Russian grains, whole or crushed for cooking, you should pay attention not only to the highlighted mark, such as “premium”, but also to GOST standards, also indicated on the label.

Good to know:
Perhaps another important criterion, not of quality, but of taste, is the degree of coffee roasting. There is no clear classification of this characteristic, but it is worth remembering that the stronger the roast, the stronger the resulting drink. Fans of a soft drink without bitterness should give their preference to brands with minimally roasted beans.

In order to brew Turkish coffee correctly, you should not neglect the choice of beans, but approach this matter with all responsibility in order to obtain a high-quality base for the drink.

The right choice of Turks

Coffee makers, of course, make it possible to simplify the process of preparing a classic drink, and do it quickly, tasty and without much energy consumption on the part of a person, but Turk remains the most preferred method of brewing coffee, a tribute to tradition. Turkish coffee on the stove is a delicacy worthy of admiration. Turks, also called cezves, are another important point that you need to pay attention to before you start making coffee at all. They are also divided into several subspecies, each of which has a set of individual properties:

  1. ceramic cezve is rarely used due to its fragility and fragility, but meets all the criteria that characterize a proper good cezve;
  2. the clay cezve saturates the coffee with taste and aroma, allowing you to get a truly high-quality product, but it absorbs all the odors, so in such a Turk it is better to prepare only one type of coffee, so as not to mix flavors;
  3. copper cezve is the most popular of all; thanks to its thick bottom, the liquid heats up evenly and boils quite slowly, which helps the grains to boil sufficiently;
  4. Cezves made of other metals, for example, collectible ones with gilding or silver, tin or any other, only look original, but it is better to discard them or leave them exclusively as a decorative item, since their beneficial effect on the quality of the resulting product has not been proven.

When choosing a cezve, it is better to choose options with a wide, large bottom and a narrow “neck”, which according to the rules is called a bell. If it resembles a funnel in appearance, then coffee will boil away from such a pot much more slowly; this property will be useful for people just starting to get acquainted with the intricacies of preparing the drink. The volume of the Turk is selected based on the required amount of the prepared drink - approximately 75 milliliters of water for one classic cup of coffee. But it is important to remember that coffee prepared in a small cezve will be much tastier and more refined than the same drink brewed in a large cezve. So it is better to stand at the stove several times to give all the guests something to drink, rather than offer them a treat whose taste characteristics could be better.

Cezves come in all shapes and sizes and from different materials

Features of brewing coffee in Turk

And, of course, an important part of the coffee magic remains the question that interests many - “how to brew coffee in a Turk.” In general, this is a fairly simple process that requires only a little patience and attention to the details of preparation. Coffee brewing begins with cold water, preferably even ice, which is poured into the crushed beans, after which the drink is boiled over a fire and removed until it boils. This is very important, since it is strictly forbidden to boil coffee - it loses absolutely all its characteristics for which it is famous.

The finished drink should be poured into cups, having first rinsed them with boiling water, since cold porcelain, ceramics or any other material can nullify all preparation efforts.

First, depending on your desire, you can strain the drink so that there is no thickening, but this is not at all necessary. After serving the cups, you need to wait until the grounds settle, and under no circumstances stir them.

This is exactly what you need to do according to all the rules, but, of course, you can change them, adjusting them to your own taste. For lovers of sweets, you should first heat sugar at the bottom of the Turk, and then add coffee and fill it with water, or put the sweetness there immediately before removing from the heat. Milk must be added to each cup individually, and seasonings must first be mixed with crushed grains, and then filled with water.

During the process, you can skim off the foam with a spoon and spread it into cups, this will result in a drink that is not only pleasant to the taste, but also beautiful.

You can also brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot if you don’t have time to wait for it to brew. To do this, pour the ground grains with water that has just boiled and let it brew for a few minutes. But it is undesirable to do this, since the quality of the drink, in comparison with the classic preparation, will significantly decrease.

It is best to brew the drink over low heat in small portions.

What can replace Turk?

If you don’t have a Turkish coffee pot at home, but really want natural coffee, you can replace it with other devices that will allow you to achieve a more or less similar result.

  • French press.
    A French press is not used for brewing coffee; you can brew a drink in it, let it brew, and then drink it, discarding the grounds. This device is convenient for a large company and simply for people who are not too fond of leftover grains in their cup. But, again, the taste of brewed coffee is very inferior to the taste of boiled coffee.

  • A geyser coffee maker is a very interesting device that allows you to brew a drink, while immediately clearing it of any presence of grounds. This happens thanks to a special technology - water rises from the lower container, passes through the coffee poured in a special compartment, and enters the main part of the device, which resembles a teapot. The characteristics of coffee are very similar to those prepared in a cezve, but it turns out without foam.
  • A saucepan or small saucepan.
    A small saucepan or small saucepan is a salvation in the most extreme cases, since these dishes make it very difficult to get a normal drink. In it, the grounds rise along with the foam and settle much more slowly than in a regular cezve. And in general, the entire aroma usually disappears without any obstacles. Therefore, if there are no other options, you should cover the saucepan or stewpan with a lid, leaving a small gap for steam to escape, and be very careful that the coffee does not boil over, because such dishes lead to this much faster.

You can use a geyser coffee maker if you don’t have a Turk at home

Cooking secrets and tricks

There are many simple tricks to achieve the original coffee taste. One of them is a small pinch of salt added to the cezve. Salt helps the aroma to develop quite fully and leaves a pleasant aftertaste without being noticeable at all.

The strength of the coffee can be adjusted by the brewing time; the longer this procedure is carried out, the more caffeine the drink will contain. Accordingly, for weak coffee it is worth not only adding fewer crushed beans, but also keeping the cezve on the fire less.

Ideally, for the best taste, you need to take soft, non-carbonated mineral water, and avoid boiled water, which will only spoil the drink.

The amount of ground beans should be adjusted at your own discretion, but it is worth remembering that it is not a large amount of them that makes the drink tasty, so you should not overdo it. Moreover, this can have an extremely negative impact on health.

Coffee, both ground and beans, should be kept in a dark, cool place; even a refrigerator will do just fine. This way it will last for a longer time.

You can add milk, both regular and soy, to your coffee, or ice cream if you want the drink to cool faster, and any other additives to taste. It is believed that drinking coffee with something else is bad manners, but feeling exclusively the aroma and taste of the beans is important for many only when it is necessary to evaluate a specific variety, compare it with another, or if you want to drink exclusively black coffee. In all other cases, it is not prohibited to mix the drink with something else and make other treats based on it.

You can mix ground beans with cocoa or grated chocolate. Or with seasonings, among which the most popular are cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, and cardamom. In addition, orange zest, lemon juice, honey or cane sugar can help achieve an excellent combination. Some recipes involve the use of alcoholic liqueurs - butter, amaretto or any other suitable for coffee.

You can prepare Turkish coffee in completely different ways. It can be combined with seasonings and additives, it can be cooked according to any recipe, the main thing is to choose high-quality ingredients and utensils that will help achieve the expected result. This drink is unique in all its properties and taste, nothing can replace it, so we brew Turkish coffee correctly, adhering to any chosen recipe, because its quality and our own attitude towards the drink depend on it!