Light equalizer for the rear window of a car. DIY LED equalizer How a car equalizer works

I may not be a huge Justin Timberlake fan like the author of this tutorial, but I couldn't help but notice the stunning graphics in his music video for LoveStoned. This tutorial will teach you how to create a similar effect using just good old Photoshop.

This is what we will achieve:

Lesson materials:

Step 1. Create new document size 1024x768 px, background color - black.

Step 2. Open the equalizer image. I selected the black background of the image using the Magic wand(Magic Wand Tool) and deleted it by clicking Delete, despite the fact that black matches our main background. Now, click on the area surrounding the equalizer and invert (Ctrl+Shift+I) the selection so that only rectangular shapes,constituting the equalizer image were selected. Select blue (80D2FC) as the main color and fill our selection by pressing Ctrl+Backspace. Finally, duplicate this layer and go to Edit > Transform > Rotate 180degrees(Edit > Transform > Rotate 180 degrees) then move the copy as shown below.

Step 3. In the layers panel, select both layers with equalizer and click Ctrl+ Shift+ E to merge them into one. Now let's rotate the resulting layer 90 degrees - go to Edit > Transform > Rotate 90 degrees clockwise(Edit>Transform>Rotate 90 CW). Now copy the layer several times (Ctrl+J) and place the equalizers one below the other. Once done, merge the original layer with all the duplicates.

After making all these adjustments, make a copy of the resulting blue path from the equalizers, we will need it later. Hide it for now.

Step 4. Duplicate this entire track and click Ctrl+ T- we switched to mode Free Transformation. At the top right of the screen you can see the transformation panel. We need to move our row of equalizers to the right - to do this, we increase the number in the X column, click OK - and our track has moved to the right:

Step 5. Interesting move, is not it? Using the same commands, make five identical columns as shown below. Once done, merge it all into one layer.

Step 6. Have you merged all the equalizer layers? Now let's go in Edit > Transform > Perspective(Edit>Transform>Perspective) and drag one of the top edges towards the center. If necessary, make the bottom edges wider. Click OK. We ended up with this path:

Step 7 Add a layer mask. This can be done by clicking on the “Add Vector Mask” icon in the layers panel, or in the menu Layers > Vector Mask > Show All(Layer > Add Layer Mask > Reveal All). Now, using a black brush with soft edges, we will go over the lower part of our “path”.

Step 8 Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) and with a large white brush, again with soft edges, paint a few white spots on the “path”. Change blending mode(Blend Mode) on Overlap(Overplay) for a subtle lighting effect.

Step 9 Now select your EQ layer and apply the Outer Glow settings for the layer shown below. Now reduce the Opacity of the layer to approximately 50%.

Step 10 Now duplicate your equalizers layer, and move the duplicate below the original. Apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur), and then set Blend Mode(Blend Mode)layer on Hard Light(Hard Light) and reduce the Opacity to approximately 30%.

Step 11 Clamping Ctrl and clicking LMB on the mask of the original layer with equalizers, select it. Now, having made the blur layer active, let’s create the same mask on it. To do this, simply click the Vector Mask icon in the layers menu (F7).

Step 12 Now create a new layer at the very top. Select black as the main color and fill this layer by clicking Ctrl+ Backspace. Now go to Filter > Render > Clouds(Filter>Render>Clouds). Put Blend Mode(Blend Mode) layer on Lightening Basics(Color Dodge).

Step 13 Duplicate your clouds layer. We should get a more intense effect. Select your layer with equalizers and instrument Magic wand(Magic Wand Tool) click on the black area. Now invert your selection so that the "path" is selected. Go back to your second cloud layer and press Delete, then reduce the Opacity to 10%. We got some extra fog on the edges of the EQs.

Step 14 Create a new layer. Now select the brush big size with 0% Hardness and 100% Opacity. Choose a light blue color (eg 77D1FF). Make several large spots. Reduce the Opacity of this layer to 30%.

Step 15 Now duplicate your original cloud layer and move it above your big brushes layer. Blend Mode leave Lightening Basics. Now reduce the Opacity of the brushes layer to 20%, and the clouds layer to 45%. We’ll also apply a 200px Gaussian Blur on the layer with the brushes to somewhat “smear” the effect ( Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur)).

Step 16 Now insert a picture of a person in the center of your image. The person is on a white background, so it is very easy to highlight him by clicking Magic Wand on a white background, invert the selection (Ctrl+Shift+I). Copy the person (Ctrl+C), go to our document, paste the person (Ctrl+V). A man should be on the top layer! Now change Blend Mode(Blend Mode) layer on Soft light(Soft Light) and use the tool Eraser(Eraser) to erase his legs, allowing him to subtly blend into the EQ.

Step 17 Now duplicate your person layer and change Blend Mode(Blend Mode) for the duplicate on Normal(Normal). Now, using any method known to you, select the light parts of the photo, in this case the face and shirt. Copy this area to a new layer (Ctrl+J), and hide or delete the previous layer (the whole person and Normal Blending Mode). Let's return to the light areas - we don't need a tie (it's dark). We delete it Eraser. Be careful not to snag your shirt!

Step 18 Now for the layer with light areas we go to Image > Adjustments > Desaturate(Image> Adjustment> Desaturation). Then, in the same menu, select Color Balance(Color Balance) and apply these settings:

Step 19 Now the fun begins! Remember, I asked you to save one of the paths. We need him now. Move it to the very top and adjust the size so that its height is equal to the height of the person. Reduce the Opacity of the layer a little (to about 80%). Make two copies of this layer and hide.
Return to the original path. Put him right in front of the man, go to Edit > Transform > Warp(Edit>Transform>Warp) and make something like a wave (see the screenshot below). Make one duplicate visible, place it on the left and do the same with it, but on this layer, where there is a narrowing in the center, there should be an expansion. I just can’t imagine how to explain it differently, just look at the screenshot. Having made the first duplicate wavy, move on to the second one and, placing it on the right, make it look like the screenshot below.

Step 20. Now merge all your duplicate EQ layers together, and go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contrast(Image>Adjustment>Brigthness/Contrast) and set your Brightness to -100 and Contrast to +100 to make your image black. We need to add sharpness to the layer, for this we go to Filter > Sharpness > Sharpness+ (Filter> Sharpen> Sharpen More). The edges become sharper and then we use the tool Magic Wand with a tolerance of 50 by clicking somewhere outside of our equalizers.
Now invert the selection (Ctrl+Shift+I) and hide our equalizers layer. We got a selection of all three deformed equalizers. Let's go back to our highlight layer. However, if we now just press Delete, then too much will be removed. Let's take it Eraser(E) with soft edges and Opacity about 20% and carefully remove only those parts that you consider necessary. IMPORTANT: do not overdo your face! Without removing the selection, go to the layer with the black parts and work Eraser there.

From the translator: of course, my role here is not great - I am just a translator. But here's my opinion - the effect on the clothes is not too similar to the one in the video. To achieve the best results, I advise you to use not an equalizer image, but to create some lines yourself and only then, copying them, remove parts of the clothing.

Step 21 Now create a new top layer and use your tool Feather(Pen Tool) to draw a line near your person. Make sure your current brush is 1px in size, 100% hardness, and the foreground color is B6FEFE. After drawing an outline with the Pen, right-click on it and select Stroke a Path(Stroke Path). If your line does not suit you in some way, you can always change its shape using Free Transformation(Ctrl+T). Finally we duplicate this layer and move the duplicate a little lower than the original. I reduce the width of the second layer so that the lines are slightly different from each other.

Step 22 Merge both line layers together and apply Layer Style(Layer Style). In settings Outer Glow We expose what is shown below. Take a small soft one Eraser(E) and erase the edges of the lines a little. Now reduce the Opacity of the layer to 80%.

Step 23 Let's go to Edit > Transform > Scaling(Edit > Transform > Scale) to move our lines a little closer to each other. Now Eraser Let's delete parts of the lines that go in front of the person's feet. Now create a new layer above all the others and use round white brushes. Gradually reduce the Opacity of the brush to create the effect of the edges of the white lines gradually disappearing. Now we just put Blend Mode this layer on Overlap(Overlay), giving the lines a cool lighting effect.

Many people have seen cars with equalizers on the rear window on the streets of their city. This is a beautiful and interesting tuning option that has a lot of positive aspects.
We try to develop and constantly expand the collection of equalizers with new items. Full range available on this moment models,

However, often we all want to do something of our own - “exclusive”. Add a little imagination and truly surprise others. All auto tuning (light tuning in particular) is aimed precisely at this.
That's why we decided to try to develop a technology for making a car equalizer with our own hands.

The first option was to try to make it LED. But this approach had to be abandoned immediately. There are several reasons. First of all, the LEDs will have to be soldered onto the board, moreover, it will be rigid and massive, and on the one hand this is expensive, on the other hand it is very inconvenient to install. The second reason is the huge amount of work. Not only do you need to solder the controller yourself, you also need to solder a bunch of diodes onto the board (even if you make only 20 rows and 40 columns, that will be 800 diodes, which will also have a large total power consumption).
In general, this option is not acceptable.

That is why we offer you a very unexpected and surprisingly simple option for making such a device. Moreover, this approach gives you an unlimited range of design possibilities. You can not only make an equalizer with your own hands, but also make it of any size, different colors+ make drawings and inscriptions!
It can also be used not only in a car or at home, but also on clothes or other accessories (at the end of the article we will provide good example about this theme).

So - it's time to act!

When all 5 pieces of neon are connected to the wires, you need to check them. We take the controller and connect it to the 12V power supply. We take one neon cord and insert the red wire coming from it into the hole of the plug to which the red wire fits. We insert the black wire into the adjacent hole.
We tap the controller with our finger - the neon should light up (the sound sensor will work).

We check all the pieces in the same way. If everything works, let's proceed with the installation. We pierce a hole in the surface, insert neon into it and carefully glue it along the contour of the picture.

We used superglue. It was possible to glue it, but it was very inconvenient and unreliable. Superglue, as it turns out, doesn't stick well to paper.

We install all the pieces of neon in their places.
Then let's get started with the connection. First of all, you need to pay attention to the controller plug. The first terminal (to which the red wire goes) is “plus”. You will need to connect all the red wires from the neon pieces to it. Because All of them will not fit there; you need to twist them together and solder one to them, which then needs to be inserted into the terminal.
Then there are the holes for the minuses. The hole closest to the red corresponds to the lower sound level. Those. the neon, the minus of which will be connected to this terminal, will light up first.
The holes following it go in increasing volume. We do not use the last hole. We don’t need it (this is another “plus” terminal).
This way we connect all the pieces of neon. If everything works, great. If not, it means there is a short somewhere. Check that the connection is correct.

So - here's a video of our "test" equalizer. As you can see, everything works. It is obvious that this technology has excellent prospects!

This technology can be deployed much more widely if desired. Goodness exists. You can make a large and complex pattern, with individual sound-dependent elements. You can also decorate individual elements. For example, the first thought that came to our mind was to make rings around the speaker and on its grid. A large ring to the outer diameter, and rings with smaller diameters in the center. You will get a ring “rainbow”, glowing in time with the music.

We hope that the technology for making a neon equalizer with your own hands is clear to you. Now all you have to do is show your imagination and make your own design, and even if you have never encountered this kind of work, you can handle it in one or two evenings without any problems. it's really a very simple thing.

For those who remember the 1980s, this project will undoubtedly bring back fond memories when every piece of audio equipment was replete with LED indicators, especially the Graphic EQ.

This project uses the MSGEQ7 IC, on the basis of which we will create a 2-channel graphic equalizer(really a simple spectrum analyzer). I will also be using the Arduino Uno R3, the Arduino development environment, and programming in "C" for the first time in ten years.

To make the above device you will need a certain tool, basic knowledge of electronics and the following components/libraries:

1. 3 wires with male/female connectors as shown in the image above (red, black and green) to connect the light sensitive resistor (LDR).
2. 5-wire male/female connector, also shown in the image above (red, black, blue, green and yellow) to connect the 8x8 LED matrix.
3. 2 LED matrices 8x8.
4. 1 resistor with a nominal value of 22 kOhm.
5. 1 Arduino Uno controller.
6. 1 Spectrum Shield.
7. Arduino LedControl library from the Git Hub resource.

The circuit is designed to display the left and right audio channel. The seven columns of each 8x8 matrix represent a scaled analogue of the following frequency components present in the audio signal track at any transient state in time.
16 kHz, 6.26 kHz, 2.5 kHz, 1 kHz, 400 Hz, 160 Hz and 63 Hz.

The last column represents the running average of all frequency components.

Audio is fed to the Spectrum Shield through 3.5mm jacks on the board, and other jacks are used to transmit this audio to the speaker.

The schematic diagram for the Spectrum Shield can be found

The LDR is used to programmatically dim the 8x8 LED matrix when ambient light levels drop to produce a higher contrast image.

Step 1: Detailed design

The above image shows how to connect the remaining circuit components to the Spectrum Shield and two 8x8 LED arrays. There is a copy of the Arduino sketch used to control the display. The sketch is attached below.

Step 2: Installing Components on the Universal Development Board

This procedure will require some experience in electronics and special tools, such as soldering iron, pliers, scissors, etc.
Now, I connected the developed program with a circuit and a breadboard, which was exactly located above the Arduino Uno and the Spectrum Shield.
Finally, I bent the leads on the 8x8 LED arrays so that they were perpendicular to the board and could fit into the pin holes on the PCB.
Detailed image shown above.

Step 3: Final Assembly

These original light columns are made from single square air filters, black adhesive tape and LEDs. Small improvised materials were also used. The advantages of the design lie in its originality and ease of manufacture, and its weight is negligible. In fact, this design is quickly collapsible, which makes it easy to transport and use. Were taken as a basis air filters, used in 20" x 20" air ventilation systems.

Then they are glued together with regular black adhesive tape and cardboard triangles are added to the top and bottom of the cube as structural reinforcers. In fact, the cubes in the column do not even need to be fastened together, but for reliability they can also be glued with 3M tape.
Powerful single LEDs of various colors are used as a light source, installed at the bottom of the column along with a power source.
If you have a certain imagination, you can create different lighting effects, implemented on the basis of RGB LEDs using various controllers and other hardware.

Source: churchstagedesignideas


An LED Halloween costume for a boy is a great gift! What do children love most about the holidays? - these are two things - for everything to glow and sparkle, and also various games in disguised superheroes (or villains). Why not combine these two things? Features of the demon costume: voice filter (Wave Shield), animated LED matrices that make up the face, glowing El wire for the wings and horn. The first debut of the costume was noted in a video on the Internet from Halloween in the United States. There are two good ideas for creating a quality suit that you should take note of:
- Firstly, it is worth noting that there is no carefully planned plan for creating a costume. Electronics don’t have to be complicated, the main thing is don’t be afraid to experiment and “play” with the craft, because your main goal is to give your kids a great Halloween. Even try to develop your own ideas. So, the project itself:- Software the creators of the project have written open source code, which you can use partially or completely, or completely adapt the code to create your own projects;
- The project does not provide step-by-step work to complete the costume as instructed. Almost all electronic elements are production parts of other devices. Related instructions:
- Use additional animation as several LED lines (like a garland on a Christmas tree). This is to illustrate the wiring of the LED arrays that form the face. There is also an idea to combine the work (facial expressions) of the face with the Shield Wave (voice filter) to pre-play pre-recorded sounds in a “terrifying” voice; - Use the opportunity to combine the Wave Shield with a microphone in order to improve the quality of the modified voice. There are two programs for this clever idea: “adavoice”, when only the voice changes, and the “adavoice_face” program, which in addition to the changed voice activates the glow of LEDs, creating an interesting facial animation. The latter is what is used as the demon's mimicry; - Work with the wires;
- Work with the shape of the demon’s face (it’s best to just buy a plastic mask), and then with the wings (can be made of cardboard) and with the horns (they, by the way, should be hollow, because they will also glow); - Next, attach the LEDs to the sneakers. The last thing is the suit itself. Here you just need to buy some cheap clothes (preferably dark colors). Tight fitting clothing is best. First, you should sew pants with a T-shirt or jacket, then make a slit so that the suit can be put on, and then simply sew on ready-made electronics in the form of horns, wings and toes.
Security measures
The main thing to avoid is, of course, moisture. It is especially important to avoid contact with liquid while the suit is being worn (after all, all the electronics are near the face). Happy Halloween!
More information on this project can be found at the links below:
Good luck!


Have you ever melted something you needed because it was hit by a powerful light? Or maybe you have ever accidentally broken an expensive lighting fixture by carelessly catching it with your foot? If this story is about you, then you will probably enjoy working with LEDs. This is a shock-resistant, heat-resistant product that consumes only 100W of electricity, while it burns like a 500W halogen lamp. After reading this article, you will be able to understand how in a simple way you can do this at home with your own hands. Everything is simpler than you might imagine. The assembly process begins with you attaching the component parts to the radiator. The heatsink is used to cool the high-power LED. Using special holes in the LED and bolts, you need to attach the LED module to the heatsink, as shown in the figure. It is imperative to use thermal paste and press it as tightly as possible to the radiator. Next, we attach the fans that will be used for active cooling. You can take fans that are installed in servers. Next, connect all the parts together, check the operation of the fans, the voltage on the network adapter and the fans should be the same. 5V DC or 12V DC. For reliability, you can use your own mini adapter for each fan. Connect power to the LED (the power wires from the power source must be soldered to the LED) and check the operation by applying voltage to the power source. Be sure to check that the cooling system is working properly. To determine the exact temperature, an infrared temperature gun is best.
AC adapter - for fans. Current source - for the LED module. The next step is to place the entire assembled structure in a special pre-prepared frame. It is imperative to make a hole at the bottom for the fans so that the cooling system works correctly. Don’t forget to also make several holes on top so that air can enter through them, ventilate all the working elements, take away heat from them, and then blow out through the fans. The board for powering the fans can be borrowed from the charger. Do not use a used or suspicious adapter. If it fails, the powerful LED will overheat and stop shining altogether. Or it will quickly lose brightness day, month, year. Now you have a powerful LED spotlight that works just like a 500W halogen bulb. It is the same in size, just as durable and light, which guarantees ease of use. lighting device. It is also important that the lamp operates at a temperature of 50°C, which allows the LED to operate longer than the 40,000 hours stated for a temperature of 65°C.


Very soon everyone's favorite holiday is Halloween. How to make an original mask? The masquerade LED mask will be visible both day and night! There are three ways to decorate your mask with LEDs. This guide will allow you to make a mask of any complexity: all you need is a few LEDs and a battery, no programming or microcontroller required! You need skills in soldering and gluing particles, the work time is no more than an hour. You can make the mask more complicated and add animation, but this will require programming skills. But make the best masquerade mask with animation and audio by adding a small audio controller. It will shine day and night, and the animation will play to the music.

Although each mask is made from different electronic components, there are several tools and Supplies which you will have to use, regardless of the design you choose:
- masquerade mask
- LEDs with drivers / digital LED strip
- glue
- scissors for stripping wires
- soldering iron
- mini RGB controller / arduino / miniature battery compartment

For the first option - a simple masquerade mask with LEDs - you will additionally need miniature batteries. You need to connect the battery pack to the LEDs.

It’s easier to solder wires to the LEDs on a factory plate; if there isn’t one, you can use any in a convenient way fix them on any other surface using 3M glue

The next step is to glue the LEDs to the masquerade mask. Take a hot glue gun and carefully glue them in the desired place - with front side masks or behind the first row of feathers, also secure the battery behind the feathers with glue, so that to hide it, if you don’t have a heat gun, use superglue.

Leave the mask to dry on the stand for an hour.

To add animation - purchase a special controller to control each LED in the hotel, as in the figure below

making such a device is quite difficult without certain programming skills, a mask with animated lighting

Using a miniature microphone, you can make a mask that will respond to sound and change the color of the LEDs.

A miniature speaker can also be installed that will reproduce various audio effects.

Visually, the mask will not change, but the sound and color animation will make the masquerade mask the best addition to your carnival costume.

If you want to surprise everyone, you can install a sensor that reacts to alcohol, it will be something like a breathalyzer!
As an example of how this sensor works, you can see another project: Interactive LED robe



Let's prepare the materials we need:
1. Glasses;
2. Glue;
3. Pencil;
4. LED lamps;
5. Chalk or regular board (preferably black, it looks even more impressive);
6. Drill;
7. Socket;

1. The first thing we need to do is buy 100 plastic glasses, it is better to take not ordinary ones, but colored and thick ones, the more original the glasses, the more creative the lamp will be. Lamps can be bought either in hypermarkets, such as Auchan, or ordered in online stores (aliexpress, ebay). Picture 1

2. We will also need a board, you can take a regular one, or you can take a special chalk board (on it you can draw the frame of the lamp with multi-colored crayons, constantly changing it, depending on your mood), the second one, by the way, is much more expensive. If you take chalk, then its size should be 110*110 cm, 1 m2 will be occupied by cups, the rest of the space will be taken by the frame. If you choose a regular board, then its required size is 100*100 cm. Choose the color of the board yourself, taking into account the light of the glasses. Figure 2

3. The next step is to select a Christmas tree garland or LED modules. The power of the lamps must be good, otherwise the light will not penetrate through the dense walls of the cups. The lights themselves should not be small, but about 1 cm, otherwise, when inserted into special holes, they will also give off light poorly. An example of a garland in Figure 3.

4. Using glue, glue the cups one to one, occupying the entire space (if you chose a regular board) or step back 10 cm from the edge (if you have a chalk board). Choose a universal glue that interacts with both wood and plastic. Regular super glue can corrode plastic. Figure 4

5. Once the glue has completely dried and the cups are well attached to the board, turn the board over. Using a pencil, mark the centers of the cups' circumference. Then drill a hole in the marked places. This is where our LED lighting will be located. Figure 5.

6. Insert garlands into the holes of the light bulbs, starting from the top and positioning them like a snake. The end should be close to an outlet so you don't have to use an extension cord. Figure 6.

7. Voila! Figure 7. Place the finished lamp in the desired location or even somewhere outside. Original and unusual, it not only looks good in the evening when it illuminates the room, but also during the day. Figure 8.

The cost of the LED project is minimal, the completion time is about 3-4 hours.

Then a power supply with a power of 12 V, 0.5 A is connected, plugged into the network and the star lights up in one specific color.
If you have imagination and certain skills in working with LEDs and control controllers, you can add a variety of lighting effects.

You can download files with 3D models of all parts, as well as see the step-by-step production of a New Year's star, in the original instructions at the link:

Good luck with your projects. Don't forget to use your imagination, and then your projects will truly become unique!


Do-it-yourself LED lighting using an LED strip can be done without any particular difficulties, you just need to resort to the advice of the experts. It is necessary to determine the required footage of the LED strip and the required brightness. When laying the tape, the multiplicity of its cutting should be equal to 3 or 6 LEDs, the segments of which, if necessary, are connected using connectors. To attach the finished tape, remove it from protective layer ZM glue and glue it to the surface of the base, having previously degreased it. Select the power of the power source that matches the power of the tape/tape segment.

Full text of the article

Enjoy reading!

Dynamic equalizers on rear window is an accessory for party and modern drivers. The devices are effective when used in the dark, when the dynamic diode flow to the beat of club music looks as stylish as possible to others.

Bright and colorful colors, various designs from standard equalizers to amazing masterpieces - this is the modernized appearance of your iron horse. The product is produced in the form flexible diode strip which takes power from cigarette lighter And picks up sound frequencies, providing the dynamics of movement to the beat.

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With the help of a stylish equalizer you can change the interior design of your car. The device operates from the network passenger car 12 Volts, connecting to on-board system nutrition. The base of the body is a flexible sticker, inside of which there are multi-colored diodes in the form of a “BodyBuilding” pattern. The device is attached using 3M tape, which allows you to firmly attach the equalizer to the rear window inside the cabin. It can be dismantled at any time. Designed for reusable installation.

The rear window equalizer "BodyBuilding" is sensitive to the rhythms of music, resulting in the production of color... An amazing feature for a spectacular and stunning exterior of the car would be the installation of an equalizer model. This is a diode tuning tool that is sensitive to musical vibrations and is often placed on the rear window. The device with the "Club" picture is available in various sizes

and combinations of colorful colors, which are offered to choose from before purchasing. ..

The color "MusicParty" equalizer is a means of tuning and upgrading the rear view glass of cars with LED products. The equalizer is a flexible neon graphic plate that is sensitive to vibrations in music and sound, and once installed, lights up and moves to the beat. The device is amazing, impressive and eye-catching at night, giving the car a stunning look. It connects to the cigarette lighter and comes with a special unit on which sensitivity to vibrations is adjusted, since the product is not connected to the radio. ..

Sensitive to sound vibrations neon ribbon on the rear glass format of the iron horse is an equalizer. The "Music" devices are distinguished by the beautiful shimmer of diode lamps to the beat of musical accompaniment. The product connects to the cigarette lighter and responds to music, that is, to vibrations, and therefore is not connected to the radio. Looks beautiful and impressive at night. Not only the size is chosen, but also the colors. ..

A modern decoration for your car will be the installation of an equalizer, that is, a flexible LED strip, the functionality of which is to sensitivity music waves and ensure the movement of the picture. This model is made in the form of an image of "AK-47". Connects to the cigarette lighter, but does not connect to the radio, since the built-in sensor reacts to the frequency of sound. To adjust the sensitivity, a special unit is supplied. ..

Sensitive diode strip of various volumes and color saturation is the main part of the equalizer, which is offered for installation on the rear glass of cars. The device adds luxury and extravagance to the car when working at night. A sensitive sensor responds to sound vibrations, thereby ensuring that the picture moves to the beat of the music. The connection occurs only to the cigarette lighter, from where the device is powered. ..

This equalizer model with the “Demon” picture will make your car look more impressive. This is a device that is mounted on the rear window. The product is LED strip, which, with the help of a built-in sensor, is able to respond to vibrations in sound frequencies, moving and shimmering in time with them. It is powered by a 12V system and connects to the cigarette lighter. It is worth noting that there is no connection to the radio, thanks to the functionality of the sound vibration sensor. Colors and sizes are selected before making a purchase. ..

The burning and moving “Dragon” to the beat of songs on the rear car window is a diode equalizer, which is spectacular tuning. The device is a flexible tape of various sizes and background colors, which are offered to choose from. It connects to the cigarette lighter, from where it receives power. It is equipped with a special sensor, the function of which is to respond to sound frequencies and provide movement to the picture. The device looks very beautiful at dusk or on a dark night, when the light and every shimmer is visible a hundred times more impressive. ..

The device on the rear window of the car, moving and shimmering with different LED colors, is an exclusive model of an equalizer that has the Zenit logo. The device connects to the cigarette lighter, thereby receiving power from it, and has a unit that responds to vibrations and frequencies of music, so there is no need to connect it to the radio. The device is effective when placed on a car and has different dimensions. ..

A diode flexible tape with a sensor sensitive to sound frequencies is an equalizer, which is mounted on the rear glass of the car. The device connects to the power supply of the cigarette lighter and provides an excellent and impressive appearance of the car, especially at night, when light reflections and movement are noticeable a hundred times more. The operation of the device is that the response sensor detects sound vibrations and ensures that the equalizer picture moves in time. The background can be of a uniform or multi-colored type, and the tape is also available in different sizes. ..

The equalizer is mounted on rear-format machine glass. The product is an element of perfect car tuning and decoration, especially at night. This is a multi-colored diode tape that reacts to the frequencies of sound vibrations and begins to move and shimmer in time. A Celtic pattern to the beat of a song is stylish, extraordinary, interesting and even mysterious. The device itself is powered from the cigarette lighter, and the sensor responds to sound, so there is no need to connect the graphic tape to the radio. ..

Dragon wings on the rear window of a car can appear with the installation of a flexible graphic diode product called an equalizer. The device has the ability to respond to sound vibrations of sound frequencies, moving in time with them and providing a stylish and interesting shimmer of colors and movement of the picture. It takes power from the cigarette lighter, and the unit on the tape is sensitive to sound, that is, there is no connection to the radio. Set to 12V power supply. Comes in different sizes and colors to choose from. ..

An interesting equalizer model, which is mounted on rear glass and is powered from the cigarette lighter, connecting to it with a special connector. The assortment includes graphic sound tapes of different sizes and background colors, which can be selected before purchasing. This model is distinguished by a sensitive sensor to sound, which makes it possible to activate movement and the shimmer of colors in time with the sound equipment of the cabin. It looks very unusual and impressive, especially for night street parties. ..

A beautiful and stylish appearance that delights and surprises will be given by LED products called equalizers. This model is not just a standard equalizer, but a work of art, as it is characterized by an interesting picture “A winged heart and stars”. The device takes energy from the cigarette lighter and, capturing sound frequencies, thanks to the sensor, provides movement and shimmering colors to the beat, which looks impressive at night. ..

The moving “Winged Heart” and shimmering in different colors to the beat of your music in the car is a well-made equalizer. The device is very impressive and original; it connects to the cigarette lighter, receiving power from it. Sound vibrations are captured by a sensor, which ensures the movement of the picture. Developed in different sizes and comes out under different background colors. ..

An exclusive and interesting equalizer with a picture of “Rastafari” is now offered for installation on your car. It is attached to the rear window and is powered by the cigarette lighter. It is characterized not only by bright LED colors, but also by different sizes, which you select personally. Movement in time and color shifting occurs thanks to the functionality of the built-in sensor, which picks up sound vibrations and makes the picture light up and move. ..

An extraordinary equalizer with the picture “Child in the car” is stylish and interesting. The device is a diode strip that is connected to the cigarette lighter power supply and has a special sensor that reacts to the appearance of vibrations and waves of sound, causing it to light up and move in time with the picture. Produced under different overall volumes from small to volume covering the entire rear window. Also chosen at your discretion and color. ..

An interesting graphic equalizer model - “Russia Forward”, for true patriots. This is a device that is placed on the rear glass and provides colors and movement to your music. The connection takes place to the cigarette lighter, and thanks to the sensor, which responds to music vibrations, the device does not need to be connected to audio equipment. Before purchasing, you must select the dimensions and desired color. ..

For true connoisseurs of Spartak, we offer installation of an equalizer model on the rear window, which moves to the beat of the music, effectively shimmering with colors. The connection is made to the cigarette lighter, and the sensor built into the diode strip, catching sharp or smooth vibrations of the music, makes the picture move beautifully. Available in different volumetric dimensions and colors. ..

Equalizer with the picture "Spectrum" is best tuning cars. This is a device that is constructed of a graphic and flexible diode strip with a sensor that captures sound vibrations and makes the image move to the music. The maximum effect from the play of various colors is ensured at night. Connects to a cigarette lighter with 12V power. ..

Extravagant and stylish model equalizer, equipped with a graphic "Speedometer" with distinctive background releases and overall volumes of the diode strip. It is connected to the cigarette lighter, and the sound waves are captured by the unit, that is, by the sensor. Very effective at night, and is best device tuning, for holding night parties with friends, to entertaining and loud music. ..

Equalizer "USSR" is a modern and innovative LED car tuning. The decorative device is mounted on the back car glass and is powered from the cigarette lighter, thanks to a special connector. The device is equipped with a block that responds to wave vibrations of sound, so there is no need to connect the device to the radio. Movement and glow to the beat in the darkness of the night looks incredibly impressive, charging with positivity and drive. ..

Patriots of their state can now arm themselves with an interesting diode car tuning device with a picture in the form of the Russian Flag. This device is called an equalizer and is placed on the rear view glass, which provides a spectacular and luxurious view at night. The product glows and moves to the rhythm of the song. The connection occurs only with the cigarette lighter; there is no need to connect anything to the radio, since the flexible graphic tape has a sensor that picks up sound vibrations, which guarantees movement to the beat of the music. ..

A graphic plate with the image of the CSKA logo, dynamically changing position to the rhythm of the music, is an equalizer that is placed on the rear windshield. The flexible panel is available in different sizes and colors, which is selected before purchase. The equalizer is activated thanks to a sensor that is built into the tape and detects sound vibrations. For power supply it is connected to the cigarette lighter. Provides a spectacular, interesting and unusual external appearance of the car. ..

An equalizer is a tool for tuning the transformation of a car. Such a device is a graphic LED plate that is mounted on the rear window glass and has maximum effect at dusk. The image of this model is a skull that moves to a musical rhythm, due to a block or sensor that responds to sound frequency vibrations. It is powered by a cigarette lighter, and the sensitivity of the speaker is adjusted by a special unit. ..

A spectacular and extravagant equalizer is the image of a black angel on the rear window of your car. A diode plate with an audio frequency vibration sensor is powered from the cigarette lighter, connecting to it thanks to a special connector. The device provides a stylish and excellent effect at night, so after installing the product, you can safely gather your friends and have rich, fun and colorful parties. ..

A solid, stylish and powerful equalizer with a graphic image of “Energy”. The device will become a delightful highlight of your car, as it has an incredible effect at night. An equalizer is a diode plate of various colors and distinctive dimensions (selected before purchase), which is mounted on the rear transport window. Changing the image to match the musical accompaniment is ensured by a sensor whose functionality is to capture sound vibrations. ..

A classic equalizer for your car is a delightful clubber's look. The device moves to the beat of music and provides a stylish and most effective look at night. It is placed on the car window for rear view and connects to the cigarette lighter, powered by it. There is no need to conduct wiring to the radio, because thanks to the sound response sensor, the image itself begins to move. The sensitivity of the sensor is regulated by a special unit or remote control. Available in different volumes and colors that are chosen by you personally. ..

The best modernization of a BMW car will be the installation of a graphic LED plate that responds to music, called an equalizer. This model has the company’s signature badge, which moves when heard and shimmers very effectively. The devices are placed on the rear view glass only. It is connected to the cigarette lighter, but nothing is connected to the radio, since the sensor, the sensitivity of which can be adjusted, picks up sound vibrations and causes the image to change dynamically. ..