Last day on earth where to find a gas tank. Exact locations of all parts for the chopper. Installation of transport on the base

First of all, we note that you will need to open the motorcycle drawing. You can do this after reaching level 6 - you will have to spend 2 crafting points. After this, you can find out what parts you need to find to assemble your own motorcycle. In total, you will have to find over 100 different spare parts. Their list can be found below:

  • 20 engine parts;
  • 10 wires;
  • 2 wheels for a motorcycle;
  • 30 bolts;
  • 10 bearings;
  • 20 rubber parts;
  • 30 units of scrap metal;
  • 1 motorcycle handlebar (cog, fork);
  • 1 motorcycle gas tank;
  • 4 basic backpacks.

You will also need to create a motorcycle frame on the floor of your shelter. To do this, the floor must have a 2nd level. The structure itself will occupy an area of ​​2 by 2 meters in the room. To build it you will need 5 bolts, 5 iron ingots and 10 pine boards. In general, you will need a lot of materials and now we will tell you where you can get them.

How to find parts for a chopper - where to look for the gas tank

Engine parts are items of medium rarity that can be used to craft not only a motorcycle, but also an all-terrain vehicle (ATV). They don't often appear in locations with a green danger level, so we recommend looking for them in the Bravo or Alpha bunkers. They then fall from boxes dropped as humanitarian aid. If you don’t feel short on money, you can buy a box of spare parts in the in-game store for gold coins, which can be purchased with real currency.Wires (cables) are widespread items that can be easily found in boxes located in locations with a green danger level.Motorcycle wheels - you can try to find them in chests located in locations with a yellow danger level, but with 100% probability they are found in the Alpha bunker on the 1st lower level in the last room. If you don’t feel short on money, you can buy a box of spare parts in the in-game store for gold coins, purchased with real currency.

Bolts are another fairly common material, often found in boxes located in locations with a green danger level. If you want to speed up getting them, we recommend visiting areas with a yellow or even red threat level.

Bearings - you will need these parts to assemble not only a chopper, but also other equipment, including an all-terrain vehicle, a truck and a helicopter. They cannot be called rare, since they often fall out of boxes in green locations, but we still advise you to visit yellow regions or try to get to the humanitarian cargo.

Rubber parts - along with bearings, they are universal spare parts used to create mass various devices. However, they are much less common, so collecting 20 units will take a lot of time. As a rule, they can be found in locations with a yellow threat level. They are also found in the Bravo bunker and in the crash sites.

Scrap metal - at first glance, useless, but in fact it has a lot beneficial properties. First, it can be smelted into iron ingots. Secondly, it is necessary for crafting vehicles. You will need 30 units of scrap metal. Fortunately, it is quite easy to find - you just need to open boxes and chests in locations with a green threat level. Plus large amounts of scrap metal can be found on the corpses of other survivors.

Motorcycle handlebar - this item will not be easy to detect, since it this moment At the time, it is found in only one place - on the 1st lower level of the Alpha bunker. However, you can also purchase it in the store for real currency. True, the likelihood of the steering wheel falling out of the box is not very high.

The motorcycle gas tank is another rare item that was introduced along with the lower levels of the Alpha bunker. As you probably already guessed, you will have to look for it there. Unfortunately, it is generated randomly, so on your first playthrough of the underground structure it may not be there at all, so go through it several times.

Basic backpacks are simple items to craft. You can create them already at entry levels. To do this, you will need ropes (dropped from ordinary zombies) and plant fibers (obtained from bushes in almost any location).

Having obtained all these parts, you can begin assembling the motorcycle, which is a very useful vehicle, allowing you to quickly move through different locations without wasting precious energy. True, you won’t be able to drive it off-road or cross rivers.

How and for what you can use a motorcycle

After all work on the chopper is completed, options for refueling the vehicle, painting it, and storing items in it will appear in the motorcycle menu. These sections are named as follows: "Repainting", "Luggage" and "Pour/Pour".

On the global map, in addition to the “Run” and “Walk” options, you will see the inscription “Drive”. It will allow you to move to certain locations as quickly as when using running, but energy will not be wasted. But gasoline will begin to be consumed. A motorcycle tank can hold 200 units of fuel. After arriving at the location, your motorcycle will be parked not far from the place where the character appears on the screen.

Repainting a motorcycle

To paint a chopper a different color you will need a template and paints. You can find the scheme in the 1st lower level of Bunker Alpha. There are currently 10 in the game various colors for a motorcycle, but in the future this figure will probably increase.

How to refuel a motorcycle

You can both pour and pour gasoline from the chopper. To add fuel, place gasoline (canister) or a bottle of gasoline in the desired slot and select the “Fill” option. If you want to pour out fuel, place an empty bottle in the slot and select the “Pour out” option (there must be an empty slot in your luggage).

  • From one can of gasoline you can get 25 units of fuel for a motorcycle. The canister itself disappears when used.
  • One bottle of gasoline can give you 10 units of motorcycle fuel. After using it, one empty bottle will appear in the chopper's luggage.

The fuel level of a motorcycle can be viewed either in its menu or on the map screen (displayed as an additional panel near the energy scale). You can find gasoline in other motorcycles, which are common decorations - just pour it into empty bottles.


The motorcycle has 3 free slots for storing various items. It is not suitable for transporting a large number of things, so always take a backpack with you. However, until the appearance of the all-terrain vehicle, the chopper remains the best vehicle in the game.

The construction consists of two stages. The first is to reach level six and unlock a recipe for two research points. You also need to build a garage for your future motorcycle. For this you will need:

  • Five bolts;
  • Ten pine boards;
  • And five iron ingots.

How to install a chopper? Go to the section where furniture drawings are stored, select the garage and place on a wooden floor of the second level with an area of ​​two by two meters.

Now you can start collecting equipment. Here are all the necessary details:

  1. 20 - follow the link to find out where you can find this important product (by the way, it is also used in the all-terrain vehicle);
  2. One fork;
  3. One gas tank;
  4. Twenty coils of wire - you need to connect all the parts together;
  5. Thirty bolts - useful for securing everything;
  6. Ten bearings;
  7. Four backpacks;
  8. Two wheels;
  9. Twenty rubber parts;
  10. Thirty units of scrap metal.

Ten units of not the most popular items. Some will say that finding all this is unrealistic. Don’t listen to such people - as of version 1.5.4, all components can be found in the vast world of the game. Another thing is that it will take a lot of time. It is much easier to buy a motorcycle for real money in the game store. But if donation is not your solution, then look at where and what you can find.

Gas tank

For the gas tank, you should climb into the Alpha bunker. True, you will have to spend your yellow or red coupons - the spare part will be found in the boxes. Of course, you shouldn’t expect to get lucky right away.

You can also find a chopper gas tank in purchased engineering boxes, although the drop rate is extremely small.


Most quick way- donat. It’s worth buying a “Box of Spares” - a box containing a bunch of electronics. Most likely, you will find a chopper fork there. But the cost of seven bucks does not inspire optimism...

There is still a chance of finding a fork in a humanitarian reset.


Can be found in the forest. For more risky guys, there is an option to visit Alpha - to look for the wheel, you should look at the first underground level.

The remaining items are more or less standard and can be found in many places, so there is no need to write about them in detail.


When you are finished with the construction, the items “Painting”, “Pour/Drain Gasoline”, “Trunk” will become available in the motorcycle menu.

To board your chopper, go to the map, select your destination, and instead of the “Walk” or “Run” button, click on “Drive.” Travel time is the same as when running.

The gas tank holds 200 gallons of fuel.

When you arrive at the location, the motorcycle remains parked at the entry point.


To paint a chopper, you need patterns and paints.

You can get a random pattern (drawing) by completing the first level of the Alpha bunker.

Paints fall from boxes for coupons, in forests, from humanitarian cargo drops and from the motorcycles of AI players.


The motorcycle runs on gasoline, so you can pour it into the gas tank and pour it into a bottle (this can be done with motorcycles that you find in the world).

To pour gasoline into the tank, place a canister or bottle of gasoline in the slot and select “Pour.” To drain the fuel, add an empty bottle to the slot and repeat (one empty inventory space required).

A canister of gasoline adds 25 units to the gas tank, while the canister disappears;

The bottle adds 10, the empty bottle will go into inventory.

You can see how much fuel is in your chopper on the global map - another bar will appear under the energy bar.

Don't confuse gasoline with fuel for other things, like campfires.


Open the motorcycle menu while in the location where you rode it. There are three free slots.

At the back of the motorcycle there is space for an Infected Box. It is not in the game yet, but it is already known that it can be cleansed of filth by putting it in an acid bath. I wonder what will be inside?

Steal someone else's

Surely, the thought has already appeared in your brain: “Why spend so much time on construction if you can take and steal someone else’s motorcycle?” I won't lie, it would be cool. Fast.

Here, not far from your location there is an NPC base, where there is a red chopper, ready to be sent to Last Day on Earth: Survival. But here’s the problem: you can’t take it. Take it apart too. Impossible. The developers decided so. Kill the AI, please. But take his motorcycle? Guys, this is not possible. Even the Terminator cannot do this. But from this iron horse You can drain the gasoline. Well, at least it's something.

The first vehicle that becomes available to the player is the chopper, which will become available for crafting around level 20. Let's look at how to assemble a Last Day on Earth Survival chopper (motorcycle).

Preparatory work

In order for a skill to be learned, there must be at least 2 knowledge points and a certain level. Next, go to the “drawings”, look for the icon and study the “chopper”.

On the right side of the menu you can see information on transport and the first necessary resources. The presence of these items does not guarantee the assembly of the bike, it is only preparatory work, that is, after collecting all the ingredients and clicking “create”, the motorcycle will not appear, only a field for setting a specific site will be displayed on the map, where you need to assemble the chopper. By the way, you can only place your “garage” on a 2 by 2 site; the flooring must be pumped at least once (article on how to install (install on the ground) a chopper).

What resources to use to build a chopper?

We will list all the necessary resources for assembling a motorcycle, focus on rare ones and tell you where they can be obtained:

  1. Scrap metal – stored in every second box or chest in all locations;
  2. Bearings, rubber bands, wheels and bolts - in boxes or bags, locations starting with orange;
  3. An engine part, a fork, a gas tank are the rarest items, they do not fall from zombies, they are found in boxes in red locations or in “incidents” when something falls from the sky, or in the wreckage of an airplane;
  4. The backpack and cables are the only items that can be crafted or dropped from bots.

Having collected all the items, click “finish”. That's it, the chopper is ready, all that remains is to get gasoline, but after a long period of searching, it should definitely be in your storage.

Video instruction

Summing up

Search components for of this product movement is one of the fun of games, most players will spend a month on it, but there is a goal. Since update 1.5.4, the developers assured players that vehicles can be fully crafted. That's all, now you know how to assemble a Last Day on Earth Survival chopper (motorcycle). Good luck!

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Chopper is the first vehicle you will unlock. It is available for crafting at level 14 for 1 research point. To create it, you will need a second level floor and free place size 2x2.


Assembling a motorcycle consists of two stages: the first is the creation of the base, which will be assembled in your base, after which the second phase will begin, which requires some spare parts.

Stage 1

Required Resources: 10 pine planks, 5 iron ingots and 5 bolts.

Stage 2

Required Resources: 20 engine parts, 10 wires, 2 wheels, 30 screws, 10 ball bearings, 20 rubber parts, 30 scrap metal, 1 fork, 1 gas tank and 4 backpacks.

All-terrain vehicle

An ATV is an essential vehicle for any survivors who want to travel further from home. To create it, you will need a third level floor and a 3x3 free space.


As with the bike, assembling the all-terrain vehicle consists of two phases, the first of which is the base, and the second of assembling all the parts.

Stage 1

Required Resources: 25 iron ingots, 20 pine boards, 15 wires, 15 bolts and 10 electrical tape.

In this mobile sandbox with survival elements, players can create not only various machines and weapons, but also vehicles. At the moment, the most popular is the motorcycle or chopper, since it is easier to assemble compared to other equipment and all the parts for it are already available. However, you should not think that this will be easy - you will need to spend a lot of time searching for all the spare parts. If you have difficulties with this, then you can read our guide on how to create a motorcycle in Last Day on Earth: Survival.

What is required to create a motorcycle in Last Day on Earth: Survival

First of all, we note that you will need to open the motorcycle drawing. You can do this after reaching level 6 - you will have to spend 2 crafting points. After this, you can find out what parts you need to find to assemble your own motorcycle. In total, you will have to find over 100 different spare parts. Their list can be found below:

  • 20 engine parts;
  • 10 wires;
  • 2 motorcycle wheels;
  • 30 bolts;
  • 10 bearings;
  • 20 rubber parts;
  • 30 units of scrap metal;
  • 1 motorcycle handlebar (cog, fork);
  • 1 motorcycle gas tank;
  • 4 basic backpacks.

You will also need to create a motorcycle frame on the floor of your shelter. To do this, the floor must have a 2nd level. The structure itself will occupy an area of ​​2 by 2 meters in the room. To build it you will need 5 bolts, 5 iron ingots and 10 pine boards. In general, you will need a lot of materials and now we will tell you where you can get them.

How to find parts for a chopper - where to look for the gas tank

Engine parts are items of medium rarity that can be used to craft not only a motorcycle, but also an all-terrain vehicle (ATV). They don't often appear in locations with a green danger level, so we recommend looking for them in the Bravo or Alpha bunkers. They then drop from crates dropped as humanitarian aid. If you don’t feel short on money, you can buy a box of spare parts in the in-game store for gold coins, which can be purchased with real currency.

Wires (cables) are widespread items that can be easily found in boxes located in locations with a green danger level.

Motorcycle wheels - you can try to find them in chests located in locations with a yellow danger level, but with 100% probability they are found in the Alpha bunker on the 1st lower level in the last room. If you don’t feel short on money, you can buy a box of spare parts in the in-game store for gold coins, purchased with real currency.

Bolts are another fairly common material, often found in boxes located in locations with a green danger level. If you want to speed up getting them, we recommend visiting areas with a yellow or even red threat level.

Bearings - you will need these parts to assemble not only a chopper, but also other equipment, including an all-terrain vehicle, a truck and a helicopter. They cannot be called rare, since they often fall out of boxes in green locations, but we still advise you to visit yellow regions or try to get to the humanitarian cargo.

Rubber parts - along with bearings, they are universal spare parts used to create a variety of different devices. However, they are much less common, so collecting 20 units will take a lot of time. As a rule, they can be found in locations with a yellow threat level. They are also found in the Bravo bunker and in the crash sites.

Scrap metal may seem useless at first glance, but in fact it has a lot of useful properties. First, it can be smelted into iron ingots. Secondly, it is necessary for crafting vehicles. You will need 30 units of scrap metal. Fortunately, it is quite easy to find - you just need to open boxes and chests in locations with a green threat level. Plus large amounts of scrap metal can be found on the corpses of other survivors.

Motorcycle handlebar - it will not be easy to find this item, since at the moment it is found in only one place - on the 1st lower level of the Alpha bunker. However, you can also purchase it in the store for real currency. True, the likelihood of the steering wheel falling out of the box is not very high.

The motorcycle gas tank is another rare item that was introduced along with the lower levels of the Alpha bunker. As you probably already guessed, you will have to look for it there. Unfortunately, it is generated randomly, so on your first playthrough of the underground structure it may not be there at all, so go through it several times.

Basic backpacks are simple items to craft. You can create them already at the initial levels. To do this, you will need ropes (dropped from ordinary zombies) and plant fibers (obtained from bushes in almost any location).

Having obtained all these parts, you can begin assembling the motorcycle, which is a very useful vehicle that allows you to quickly move around various locations without spending precious energy. True, you won’t be able to drive it off-road or cross rivers.

How and for what you can use a motorcycle

After all work on the chopper is completed, options for refueling the vehicle, painting it, and storing items in it will appear in the motorcycle menu. These sections are named as follows: "Repainting", "Luggage" and "Pour/Pour".

On the global map, in addition to the “Run” and “Walk” options, you will see the inscription “Drive”. It will allow you to move to certain locations as quickly as when using running, but energy will not be wasted. But gasoline will begin to be consumed. A motorcycle tank can hold 200 units of fuel. After arriving at the location, your motorcycle will be parked not far from the place where the character appears on the screen.

Repainting a motorcycle

To paint a chopper a different color you will need a template and paints. You can find the scheme in the 1st lower level of Bunker Alpha. There are currently 10 different motorcycle colors in the game, but this number will likely be increased in the future.

How to refuel a motorcycle

You can both pour and pour gasoline from the chopper. To add fuel, place gasoline (canister) or a bottle of gasoline in the desired slot and select the “Fill” option. If you want to pour out fuel, place an empty bottle in the slot and select the “Pour out” option (there must be an empty slot in your luggage).

  • From one can of gasoline you can get 25 units of fuel for a motorcycle. The canister itself disappears when used.
  • One bottle of gasoline can give you 10 units of motorcycle fuel. After using it, one empty bottle will appear in the chopper's luggage.

The fuel level of a motorcycle can be viewed either in its menu or on the map screen (displayed as an additional panel near the energy scale). You can find gasoline in other motorcycles, which are common decorations - just pour it into empty bottles.


The motorcycle has 3 free slots for storing various items. It is not suitable for transporting a large number of things, so always take a backpack with you. However, until the appearance of the all-terrain vehicle, the chopper remains the best vehicle in the game.