Rules for towing trucks on a rigid hitch. Rigid coupling for cars: rules and features of use

We bring to your attention several key conditions for ensuring the safe towing of your car or towing a third-party car by you, if necessary.

First, let's refresh our memory what has been said about towing in the traffic rules.

Towing of motor vehicles

Towing on a rigid or flexible hitch should be carried out only with the driver behind the wheel of the towed vehicle, unless the design of the rigid hitch ensures that the towed vehicle follows the trajectory of the towing vehicle in straight-line motion (Section 20, paragraph 20.1 of the SDA).

When towing on a flexible or rigid hitch, it is prohibited to transport people in a towed bus, trolleybus and in the body of a towed truck, and when towing by partial loading, it is prohibited to find people in the cab or body of the towed vehicle, as well as in the body of the towing vehicle (Section 20, paragraph 20.2 SDA).

When towing on a flexible hitch, the distance between the towing and towed vehicles must be within 4-6 m, and when towing on a rigid hitch, no more than 4 m. The flexible link must be marked in accordance with the requirements of the Basic Provisions (Section 20, paragraph 20.3 SDA).

Towing is prohibited:(Section 20, paragraph 20.4 of the SDA)

  • vehicles that do not have steering control (towing by partial loading is allowed);
  • two or more vehicles;
  • vehicles with an inoperative braking system, if their actual mass is more than half of the actual mass of the towing vehicle (with a lower actual mass, towing of such vehicles is allowed only on a rigid hitch or by the method of partial loading; motorcycles without a side trailer, as well as such motorcycles; in icy conditions on flexible coupling).

A few more important paragraphs can be found in the "Guidelines for the admission of vehicles to use and the duties of road safety officials":

Warning devices for marking flexible connecting links when towing motor vehicles should be made in the form of flags or shields measuring 200 x 200 mm with diagonally applied red and white alternating stripes 50 mm wide with a reflective surface.

At least two warning devices must be installed on the flexible link.

The design of the rigid towing device must comply with the requirements of GOST 25907-89.

This concludes the quotes. Let's get down to the descriptive part.

We will not consider the so-called rigid coupling, but a flexible connecting link should lie in everyone's trunk. It's about the "rope". She is a "tow rope", she is a "strap", she is a "tie".

Steel products, i.e. steel cables are not suitable for ordinary citizens. Let's leave them to tractor and truck drivers. We will use a rope made of polypropylene, nylon or other similar synthetics. The length of the SDA cable is regulated from 4 to 6 meters. The shorter, the easier it is to maneuver in tight spaces, but less comfortable when towing long distances. At the ends of the cable there must be either hooks or so-called. shakly - staples with a kingpin. The latter are more reliable, but less convenient.

So, we cling. Where to? For what?

Each vehicle has a towing point. Often - both in front and behind. Sometimes they are covered with plastic covers, sometimes you need to screw in the towing eyelet first. Read the instructions. Have you read it? Got it? Found it? We cling. Take care of your manicure!

  1. The rope must always be taut to avoid getting under the wheels. This is easily achieved either when driving uphill, or by almost constant braking of the "trailer".
  2. The tug must think for two. Those. take into account the total length of the "road train" during maneuvers. It is necessary to look carefully in all 4 directions in order to prevent another car or pedestrian from trying to wedge between you.
  3. The "trailer" also has to think for two. Those. take into account the total length of the "road train" during maneuvers. It is necessary to look carefully in all 4 directions in order to prevent another car or pedestrian from trying to wedge between you.
  4. The tug brakes on its own only in case of emergency. In normal cases, it only means blinking braking with its "stop lights", and the "trailer" with its brakes already stops the "road train", keeping the cable taut and taking into account the length of the "road train".
  5. When towing, the "trailer" must have an emergency light on, and the tug must have a dipped beam. It should be remembered that when the engine is not running, the alarm will quickly drain the battery.
  6. Before driving off it is important not to forget to unlock the steering column of the "trailer". This is usually accomplished by turning the ignition key to the ignition position.
  7. When starting off, the towboat must first take off the slack in the tow rope very slowly and smoothly.
  8. Towing a car with an automatic transmission has its own important features. Read the instructions.
  9. When towing a car with an inoperative engine, remember that neither the power steering nor the brake booster is working. At first it may seem that both have failed. Don't panic. Press and twist harder.

All clear? Are you hooked? Go!

Scriptio: Gennady Zvonov, technical consultant.

Very often nowadays you can see how the vehicle is transported in tow.

Towing is carried out when one driver for some reason loses the ability to independently control his vehicle and he has to ask for help from other vehicles. This can happen for various reasons: for example, if the car stalls, breaks down, or it runs out of gasoline.

The main thing is to take into account all the rules for towing a car. Otherwise, it can be dangerous and end in an accident. In addition, the driver runs the risk of being fined.

To avoid undesirable situations, the driver must remember some mandatory rules:

  1. You cannot take a car in tow on ice;
  2. The braking system must work correctly;
  3. Reflectors must be present on the cable;

If transportation takes place on a rigid hitch, then here it is worth remembering the following rules:

  1. If the vehicle is being transported with an inoperative brake system, then its weight should be a couple of times less than that of a tug;
  2. Do not tow a vehicle that does not have a steering function.

The highest permissible towing speed is 50 km / h. It is important to understand that such a restriction is valid for both urban roads and roads outside the city. When moving around the city in winter, it is necessary to reduce the speed to 30 km / h. However, you should not drive too slowly, as this will impede the movement of other vehicles.

According to the traffic rules, towing is also allowed on the motorway. Vehicle speed must be greater than 40 km / h. Otherwise, it will be considered a violation.

The car that moves first should have the dipped headlights on. Emergency lights should be on at the vehicle behind. This requirement is respected by all. It should be understood that in the evening, without the lights on, it will be difficult for other drivers to understand that the vehicle is in tow.

In what situations is towing prohibited?

Not many motorists know that it is not always allowed to transport vehicles in this way. The driver can be punished for illegal transportation.

Here are the situations when towing a car is prohibited:

  1. If the road sign "Traffic with a trailer is prohibited" is installed;
  2. If you need to transport more than one vehicle at the same time;
  3. If you own a motorcycle. It is prohibited to tow a car without a side trailer using vehicle data. Also, these vehicles are prohibited from being towed. If they break, transportation must be carried out using a tow truck.

Vehicle towing options

Today there are a large number of ways in which you can transport a car. If you have an acquaintance who can take you in tow, it is better to use his help. But if there is no such acquaintance, then the driver will have to call a tow truck. This can be more expensive, but the vehicle will be delivered to a certain point without much hassle.

On a flexible hitch

A flexible hitch is the most common vehicle transportation option. To make it, you need a soft cable with fasteners. It will stretch under heavy load. This will reduce the risk of damage to the vehicle.

A place for mounting such a device is present in all cars. The cable is attached to the rear of the vehicle moving in front. The other end of the cable is attached to the front part, which is in tow.

On a rigid hitch

In this version, a metal structure is used, which also has a mount on both sides. The hitch is of different structure. There are also quite complex options, which have two points for attachment at one end at once. This type of coupling is very rare. And not all cars have such a metal structure. But if a truck is being towed, then it is absolutely necessary.

Partial loading

To carry out towing in this way, you need a cargo vehicle and a crane for partial transfer of the car. Basically, only trucks are transported this way. It is also impractical to transport passenger cars.

The subtleties of towing a car with automatic transmission

In modern times, most people buy cars with automatic transmission. So for some, this topic is quite relevant.

Transportation of such vehicles can be done in 2 ways:

  1. With a flexible hitch. Before performing the process, you need to know how much weight the cable is designed for. It is important to check that its length is at least 4 and does not exceed 6 meters;
  2. With the help of a tow truck. This method is the most popular for this type of transport. The transportation services themselves are responsible for damage to the vehicle during transportation. The disadvantage of this method is the high price;
  3. On a rigid hitch. This method is great if the brakes are broken. The cable should be no more than 4 meters long.

All vehicles must be transported at a speed of no more than 40 km / h at a distance that is no more than 40 km.

Truck towing

Every driver may find himself in a situation where he needs third-party roadside assistance. For example, you need to deliver a faulty car to a service station. It can be brought to the desired address in several ways, and a tow truck is not the only one of them. This is where towing can help - one of the most efficient and inexpensive ways to move the machine. However, most car owners, using this method of transportation, do not follow the rules and do not think about their safety.

Towing is not as simple a process as it seems at first glance. In this article, we will talk about the main methods of transporting a car, as well as the regulatory documents governing these methods. In addition, we will provide some practical tips to help you tow more efficiently and safely.

Sometimes it happens that the car suddenly stalls and cannot be started in any way. How to tow a car off the road? In practice, three methods of vehicle transportation are used:

  • Towing on a flexible hitch;
  • Towing on a rigid hitch;
  • Partial loading of the car.

Moving a vehicle using a soft cable is the most common type of towing. For its implementation, a cloth cable is required, which is available for almost every driver. As for the transportation of the car on a rigid hitch, then when using it, a metal structure with two attachment points is needed. And with the help of partial loading, as a rule, only freight vehicles are transported. For the distillation of a car, it is impractical to use this method.

How to properly tow a car according to traffic rules?

Towing a car is subject to a number of rules that must be followed in order not to get into an emergency. So, when transporting the machine by tug, the following conditions must be met:

  • The driver must be behind the wheel of the towed car;
  • On a faulty vehicle, you must turn on the alarm;
  • In the dark, as well as in poor visibility conditions, you need to turn on the parking lights;
  • The maximum towing speed will be 50 km / h;
  • The distance between cars must be at least 4 and no more than 6 meters.

Before you start driving a faulty vehicle, you need to make sure that the towing hook is securely fastened, and also check the condition of the cable. The rope itself should be as bright as possible so that other road users can see it from afar. The size of the cable is another important consideration: too short will increase the risk of collision with another vehicle, and too long will make it difficult to maneuver around corners.

Do not forget to turn on the ignition on your car so that the steering wheel lock does not work. The very moment of starting a car from a place should be smooth, without sudden jerks - while controlling the tension of the cable. While driving, it is necessary to make as few changes as possible, and it is better to avoid them altogether. Also, in order to avoid getting into an accident, do not exceed the recommended driving speed - 50 km / h

Contrary to the opinion of most drivers, a car equipped with an automatic gearbox can also be used for towing. In this case, the maximum distance of transportation should not exceed 50 km. The possibility of driving another car using a car with an automatic transmission must be specified in the instructions for its operation.

When is it prohibited?

Few drivers know that this method of moving a car, such as towing, is not always applicable in real life. In some cases, it is impossible and even prohibited by traffic rules. So, the use of a tug is not permitted in the following situations:

  • If there is a sign "Traffic with a trailer is prohibited";
  • During icy conditions and on slippery road sections;
  • In poor visibility conditions;
  • When you need to tow several vehicles at the same time;
  • If the towed vehicle exceeds the towing vehicle weight;
  • If the total length of the coupled train exceeds 22 meters;
  • In the event of a malfunction of the steering or braking system of the towed vehicle
  • When transporting the vehicle with a moped, bicycle or motorcycle without a sidecar.

According to the rules of the road, towing cannot be carried out by a driver with less than 2 years of driving experience. In addition, the transport of people in a towed vehicle is strictly prohibited by traffic regulations. For such a violation, the driver may be punished in the same manner as for incorrect towing.

Responsibility for violation of the rules

For violation of the towing rules established by the traffic rules, an administrative penalty is provided. So, for the incorrect transportation of the car, you may receive a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. Do not forget that a careless transfer can lead to an accident. In such cases, the culprit of the accident, as a rule, becomes the driver of the faulty car. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, agree in advance with the owner of the towed vehicle about warning signs - blinking of the headlights during a forced stop, raising your hand when braking. The best option would be to keep in touch with the other driver using your phone.

Car towing, in common language, is the transportation of one vehicle (practically a "passenger") by another. The need for towing arises when a sudden failure or breakdown of vehicle control systems. For example, as a result, when the car receives serious external and internal damage.

General rules for towing vehicles

- Transportation in tow requires a towing vehicle auxiliary technical means and equipment, as well as a sufficiently high qualification of the driver.

On the towing vehicle, the low beam, and on a towed vehicle - alarm(if it is faulty, then the sign "Emergency stop" is attached).

Transportation of passengers is prohibited in the cab of towed and towed vehicles due to a decrease in their operational reliability.

- It is prohibited to use as towing vehicles motorcycles.

Towing speed should not exceed 50 km / h (for vehicles with manual transmission) and 30 km / h (for vehicles with automatic transmission).

- For cars with automatic transmission are also available restrictions on the length of the towing route up to 30-80 km. if the wheels of the towed vehicle are "driving" on the road. In this case, the gearshift lever must be set to the "N" (neutral) position. This limitation is due to avoid overheating of the transmission oil.

Transportation of a car in tow can be carried out in several ways. Consider towing methods in more detail.

Rigid towing

In this case, a special metal rod of a cylindrical shape, or a towing structure of two rods connected at an angle ("triangle"), acts as a connecting element.

This type of towing is not suitable for moving cars, because in their design there are no places for attaching a rather weighty rigid rod.

Rigid towing rules:

- Towing rod length should not exceed 4 meters.

must be driving to follow the trajectory, however this is not necessary (although desirable) with a triangle hitch.

- On a rigid hitch towing vehicles with faulty steering is prohibited.

- Towing on a rigid hitch permissible in icy conditions, at.

Flexible towing

In order to carry out towing on a flexible hitch, you should use a nylon or steel cable as a connecting link. By the way, the nylon halyard is in no way inferior to the steel one (for example, in terms of strength). Under load, the nylon halyard begins to stretch. This reduces the likelihood of damage to body parts, and breakage or deformation of the towing eyes becomes almost impossible.

But the nylon cable also has a drawback: if it sags strongly, then, most likely, it will rub off on the asphalt. True, now this "minus" has been eliminated, thanks to the creation of a special protective shell for the nylon cable. The shell itself is flexible enough too. The use of such a design does not allow the nylon halyard to sag (even in cases where a minimum distance of 1.5-2 meters is formed between the cars).

Rules for towing on a flexible hitch:

- Length of rope for flexible hitch should not exceed 4-6 meters.

- Tow rope should not sag and touch the road.

- In order to visually mark the cable, use 2 flags(at least), the size of which is 215 by 200 mm, they should be painted with white and red stripes on a diagonal 50 mm wide.

- Driver of the towed vehicle must be behind the wheel to stay on track and at a certain distance.

prohibitedin case of violation of the steering and / or braking system at the towed vehicle.

- Towing on a flexible hitch prohibited on ice.

Towing by partial or full loading of the vehicle

As an auxiliary vehicle, a tow truck is used here, equipped with a special cargo area and equipment to lift and securely secure the transported vehicle.

This type of towing is just the same used when cars are moving in ice, with faulty steering and a failed brake system. That is, in all cases when towing on a flexible or rigid hitch is prohibited.

For cars with automatic transmission, due to the above-mentioned design features, they are usually used fully loaded towing to the tow truck.

As a result of an accident, a car often requires serious body repair. You can learn more about professional body repair on the website

There are three types of towing. This information is given even in a driving school. There is towing on a flexible hitch, on a rigid hitch, and also by the method of partial loading. The most common is flexible. Hard is used in adverse weather conditions. Partial Load Towing is used when the vehicle does not have a steering system. Let's take a look at how to properly tow cars. This information will be useful to every driver.

Towing and traffic rules

It is important to remember that towing with a flexible hitch in difficult weather conditions What do the experts advise? If the towing vehicle is driven by a driver with less experience than in the towed vehicle, it is better to switch places. Why is it so? The fact is that tug control is more complicated than driving a conventional passenger car. You should also carefully coordinate the upcoming route. For traffic rules and from the point of view of common sense, it is recommended to discuss the signals in advance. Perhaps it will be blinking with a high beam, various other gestures (for example, with a hand). These are the basic rules for towing. They are also registered in the SDA.

It is believed that the driver of the second car during towing is no longer a driver, but a passenger. This is a wrong statement. The same restrictions apply to a person sitting behind the wheel of a car in tow. The same rules apply as for a regular driver. Therefore, you must have with you all the necessary documents for the car and a certificate of the corresponding category.

What do you need to know first?

Towing a car requires some preparation. The first car should not differ significantly in weight from the second car. Also, the tug must have a good clutch and a working cooling system. In the process of such an evacuation, the engine experiences heavy loads, which means that it heats up more. Further, in the rear bumper, you need to find a thread or an eyelet. If there is a thread, a ring must be screwed into it. The towing sling will cling to this element.

It is recommended to install the cable so that it is obliquely to the towed vehicle. Also, the rules provide for the inclusion of headlights and alarms on the first and second car, respectively, when towing. If it does not work, a corresponding sign is attached to the back plane.

Features of towing with manual transmission

An equipped car can always be evacuated. The box will not be affected in any way. It is enough to put the gearbox in neutral and keep your foot on the brake. Towing on a flexible hitch can be done as you like. The car can be both the leader and the driven one in tandem.

Another thing is an automatic transmission.

Automatic transmission and towing

Everything is much more complicated here. Many automatic transmission owners have heard that the evacuation on the mechanics and on the machine is significantly different. But not everyone knows the details. Owners are often not sure if and how to tow someone.

On a manual transmission, only one gear will rotate in the neutral position. If the vehicle is being towed with an automatic machine, the entire mechanism works completely in the neutral position of the box.

Since the automatic transmission was not designed for such work, the mechanism will quickly heat up and may even fail. The oil pump, which pumps lubricant for the transmission, only runs when the engine is running. If the car is faulty, then the transmission elements will not be lubricated. This can also serve as a reason for failure. If a car with an automatic transmission plays the role of a tug, then the automatic transmission system is exposed to serious additional loads. The machine requires certain indulgences.

How is towing carried out on an automatic transmission

Since the machines of different manufacturers can differ significantly from each other, the towing capabilities should be clarified in the instructions for the car. It also often contains information about how far you can tow the car and what speed should be at the same time. Different manufacturers indicate different parameters. Towing on a flexible hitch on an automatic transmission is completely prohibited.

The rule of the golden mean for automatic transmission

The problem is that not all situations have time to read instructions. For such cases, car service technicians and experienced drivers apply the "50-50" rule. According to this rule, a car equipped with an automatic transmission can be towed, and it can act as a tractor. But the speed should be no higher than 50 km / h, the distance should be no more than 50 km. These towing rules have already helped out many, saved them from automatic transmission failure. 50 km is quite a lot. You can drive through all of Moscow and get to the service station or home. If longer and faster, then this already entails increased wear.

General rules for automatic transmission

In addition to what each manufacturer of boxes recommends for specific models, there is a set of general rules that apply to all cars with automatic transmission. So, if the machine is automatically towed, then set to neutral.

If the car pulls the second one, then it is better to go in 2nd or 3rd gear. During towing, an increased load will be applied to the automatic transmission mechanism. It is important to make sure that the oil level in the box is sufficient.

Automatic transmission - tug

Automakers recommend avoiding such cases. But if there are simply no other options, then several rules must be followed. It is better to prefer a rigid hitch. The mass of the towed vehicle must not exceed the weight of the towing vehicle. The speed should not be higher than 30-40 km / h. It is unacceptable for the automatic transmission to be in position D. The selector must be set strictly to 2nd or 3rd gear. Towing a vehicle on a flexible hitch is a huge load on the mechanism. Therefore, the D mode will be fatal for the box.

Despite the traffic rules, experienced motorists do not recommend turning on the alarm. It interferes with the turn signals. Also ACC does not give clear information about further actions to other road users. Better to turn on the fog lights. Also, do not forget about the prohibition of towing on a flexible hitch in icy conditions.

If possible, keep in touch with another car owner in any convenient way. For example, by mobile phone. This makes it much easier to discuss possible maneuvers with each other.

Before moving off, you must first tighten the cable. To do this, they smoothly roll forward until the rear car works as an anchor and the towing sling is pulled. After that, you can start moving. You need to get under way as smoothly as possible.

It is advisable to shift gears later and turn the engine to higher revs. Switching should be fast. A much larger mass has to be pulled, which means that the machine will lose inertia much faster. The engine will not have enough reduced RPM to pull the car out. This must be understood.

When driving, you should constantly monitor the situation in the mirrors. The distance and speed of the car behind is important. The cable will sag, and you need to accelerate smoothly so that there are no jerks. It is also necessary to calculate the turning radius. If the turn is sharp, then they enter it along the outer radius, and exit the same way. It must be remembered that the power steering will not work when the engine is off. This means that the other driver may not be able to turn the steering wheel in time.

The towing speed on a flexible hitch is no more than 50 km / h. This is indicated in the traffic rules. Brake should be smooth. Do not forget about the longer stopping distance, as the towed vehicle will not be able to reduce the speed as effectively. When green is blinking, it is better to slow down immediately. It is not recommended to stop on the climbs.

It is very important to constantly monitor the line - it should not sag. In order to prevent this, at the moment of weakening they slow down a little. At the same time, at minimum speed, lightly press the pedal to tighten the sling.

If the tug vehicle has stopped, do not drive close to it. The force of pressing the brake pedal must be calculated. You will have to press harder, since the vacuum amplifier will not work. You also need to calculate the speed of the steering wheel, because the power steering does not work either. Any maneuvers should be performed on signals from the tug. It is better to rebuild in advance.

About the choice of cables

According to traffic rules, the length of the cable when towing on a flexible hitch can be from 4 to 6 meters. It is very important that the cable is not tangled or knotted. It is advisable to avoid once broken lines.

In terms of materials, steel is strong, but very poorly suited for towing. Preference should be given to fabric or synthetic slings. It is better to try the cable hook on the car in advance.