Which is better: antifreeze or antifreeze. Differences in coolants. Antifreeze or antifreeze, what is better to fill in and how are they different (video) What is better antifreeze or antifreeze for a car

The engine compartment of a modern passenger car is a complex and confusing for a simple layman system of sequentially operating mechanisms, electrical networks and liquid lines. The heart of any car is its engine. In our time of high power, small volumes and tiny dimensions, its operation is impossible without a high-quality system for removing heat to the environment. Air cooling systems are gradually becoming obsolete, but liquid cooling systems, on the contrary, are improving more and more every year. New powerful engines receive improved mechanisms to increase power, reduce fuel consumption and improve the environmental friendliness of the internal combustion engine. And each such part, as a rule, releases significant portions of heat during its operation, which also needs to be removed from the engine compartment in order to avoid overheating, oil decomposition and subsequent failure of the engine itself.

Why not water?

In order to understand how antifreeze differs from antifreeze, you must first understand why these liquids should be used at all. After all, the easiest and most budgetary option is to draw water from the tap and pour it into the system. And it's all true. Water, as a heat carrier capable of transferring kilowatts from one medium to another, has the highest specific heat capacity coefficient equal to 4.2 kJ / kg * ºС. And after all, many people do this, especially in the summer. However, water has a huge drawback, which negates the beneficial effect of its use. When passing through zero degrees Celsius, the water freezes, expanding at the same time and tearing hoses, fittings, including the engine jacket, completely defrosting the system. Therefore, even those who pour water into the system in the summer try to drain it in advance, even before the onset of night frosts, replacing it with a liquid with a lower freezing point.

Other options


Not those brines that remain in a glass jar after pickles, but the so-called salt solutions (abbreviated: brines) are part of many coolants. Monoglycols are the main and practically the only subspecies of brines that are used in automotive cooling systems. Monoethylene glycol (or MEG for short) in its pure form is a clear, odorless liquid with a slightly sweet taste. Ingestion of pure ethylene glycol, even in small quantities, inevitably leads to death. And in its pure form it is rarely used. Its dilution with water in a proportion of 60% (and 40% water) gives the lowest possible temperature at which the solution crystallizes (about -50 ºС). And here lies the main answer to the question of how antifreeze differs from antifreeze. Antifreeze contains MEG, but antifreeze does not. Antifreeze is a carboxylate liquid. But monopropylene glycol is practically not used in such systems, although it is less toxic. Its high cost in the market affects.


Antifreeze was developed by Soviet engineers of the VAZ automobile plant in the 60-70s. XX century. In those days, various non-freezing liquids were already used, for example, PARAFLU, but by decree from above it was instructed to develop their own technology. To do this, Togliatti even created a special "Department of Technology of Organic Synthesis", abbreviated as TOS. This abbreviation plus the suffix "-ol" as an analogue of most other chemical elements (ethanol, methanol) formed the basis for the name of the new brand of coolant. In its composition, in addition to water and ethylene glycol, there are special inorganic additives and antifoams. After the release of this coolant on the market, antifreeze began to be widely used in Soviet cars. Its price was an order of magnitude lower than its competitors, and it performed its function regularly. Now the cost of a liter of antifreeze varies from 100 to 250 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and retail chain.


The name comes from the English word antifreeze (against freezing, non-freezing). With the advent of affordable antifreezes on the market, the Soviet layman had a reasonable question: is it possible to mix antifreeze with antifreeze. After all, it was a pity to drain the working fluid from the system, and the coolant had to be topped up regularly, especially on domestic engines of that time. And the answer to this question is a categorical "no". The manufacturing technology and composition of fluids, as mentioned above, are completely different, and their joint work will lead to damage to the cooling system and frequent boiling during engine operation. The boiling point of antifreeze and antifreeze differ: 105 ºС versus 115 ºС. Such a temperature glide will adversely affect the operation of the dispersed mixture. Carboxylates do not mix with MEG, forming a colloidal solution with precipitation. At critical moments of the system operation, this sediment can fall on the walls of pipelines, narrowing the flow area and leading to boiling of the liquid.

Which is better: antifreeze or antifreeze

There is no definite answer to this question, but it should be remembered that the antifreeze family was developed for our Soviet cars. Foreign cars require increased attention to themselves, and it was for them that antifreezes were created in Europe. However, at present, domestic cars are produced from a large number of imported parts, and the country is gradually filled with Korean and Chinese models, the engines of which are optimized for any coolant. And although the service will most likely answer you in the affirmative to the question of whether it is possible to mix antifreeze with antifreeze, professionals advise not to do this. Think about fluid resource. Antifreeze is changed after 30-50 thousand kilometers, and antifreezes - after 240-250 thousand. A mixture of two liquids will have to be changed at intervals of antifreeze, otherwise the machine will start to boil. Yes, and to the question of how antifreeze differs from antifreeze, any seller in the store will answer you that, first of all, by price. The price of the latter is two to three times higher.


There are myths that you can distinguish two liquids from each other by their color. However, this is not the case. Just like antifreeze, antifreeze also comes in blue, red and green. Another misconception, they say, you can mix two liquids of the same color, is debunked by the conclusion from the first myth. Two blue liquids may turn out to be, not only different in the composition of additives, they can also be made using different technologies.


Then how to distinguish antifreeze from antifreeze? The answer to this question can only be found on the nameplate of the canister. All other factors, namely: color, smell, consistency, transparency, viscosity, and even more so taste - will not give you an exact answer to this question. As a last resort, you can contact the car dealer and find out which fill fluid the manufacturer recommends. Most likely, it will be flooded into the system. A professional serviceman will also tell you how antifreeze differs from antifreeze and what the consequences of mixing them will be. Well, if you couldn’t find a single clue, it’s easier to drain the mysterious liquid, flush the system with water, fill in a new coolant, and leave a note for yourself in the future about what you still use in the system.

To understand what is better Tosol or antifreeze, you need to understand their characteristics and indicate the conditions of use. Some people think that Tosol is the best option for domestic cars. Others talk about the benefits of antifreeze due to new technologies and "smart" additives to it.

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The composition and properties of antifreeze and antifreeze

The basis of Tosol is ethylene glycol. This refrigerant has excellent stability at low temperatures. Since the days of the Soviet Union, Tosol has been painted blue and red to differentiate the freezing boundaries. The difference between these two types is only in the dye, alcohol concentration and crystallization temperature. Blue refrigerant freezes at -40°C, red at -65°C. Antifreeze is used in internal combustion engines.

As a rule, the general composition of the blue and red liquid is as follows:

  • ethylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • distilled water;
  • silica additives.

But, as you know, ethylene glycol paired with distilled water has a destructive corrosive effect on the cooling system. In this situation, it is the additives that protect the nozzles. They cover the inner surface of the hose with a thin layer of film and thus exclude direct exposure to aggressive components.

Antifreeze, in turn, is a group of refrigerants that retain their liquid form at low temperatures. They are used not only in internal combustion engines, but also in aviation fuel.

In general, the composition of antifreezes is similar to Tosol:

  • ethylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • distilled water;
  • additives.

But in some models, antifreeze is quite seriously different additives. The more expensive the liquid, the better the additive and the longer the period of its use. In addition, the G13 standard refrigerant includes a propylene glycol base.

The main difference between these two refrigerants is the chemical or organic additives. The main composition is almost identical.

Basic Ways of Differentiation

On the video you can get acquainted in detail with the main differences between Tosol and antifreeze. Filmed by Avto-Blogger.ru channel.

To choose what is best for the cooling system, you need to understand that, in addition to additives and color, there will be a difference in the texture of the liquid. Antifreeze has an oily appearance, while antifreeze is more like water in consistency.

At the moment, there are such types of antifreeze:

  1. Coolant standard G11. This liquid is green. It has a silicate base, contains chemical additives. Its main property is the protection of the pipes of the cooling system from harmful effects by enveloping them with a thin film. In addition, antifreeze effectively fights rust.
  2. Refrigerant G12, G12+ and G12++. This red liquid is based on carboxylate compounds, which allows it to create a protective layer only where corrosion has formed. Class G12+ and G12++ are produced by lobrid technology using organic acids.
  3. Coolant G13 and G13+. Antifreezes of this standard are yellow or purple. Made on propylene glycol base, which indicates their safety and environmental friendliness.

Comparison of coolants

Knowing the main signs of differentiation, we can proceed to a direct comparison of antifreeze and antifreeze to determine what is better to fill in the car.

Antifreeze and antifreeze standard G11

Antifreeze G11

These substances are almost identical. Domestic antifreezes are G11 in Europe. As a general rule, manufacturers paint antifreeze of this standard green.

The positive quality of antifreeze G11 and Antifreeze is their ability to create a film that prevents the progression of corrosion.

The disadvantages of both fluids include the fact that a complete replacement of these refrigerants is required once every two years. If you do not adhere to this rule, then the dry sediment will clog the nozzles, and this threatens the failure of the cooling system and the engine "boils". In addition, they have poor heat dissipation. As a result, the motor heats up more in the summer.

Antifreeze and antifreeze standard G12

Antifreeze G12

The main composition of this antifreeze and Tosol is identical. The only difference is in the additive of organic origin - carboxylic acid, which is contained in antifreeze. Due to the presence of such an additive, a protective film is not created throughout the system, but only where rust has formed, as a result, heat transfer increases.

Therefore, an advantage in favor of antifreeze is improved cooling of the system and an increase in its service life due to the additives that make up the fluid.

Antifreeze and antifreeze standard G13

Antifreeze G13

The main composition of the refrigerant of this class is fundamentally different from Tosol and antifreezes of other standards. The fact is that the liquid is made on a propylene glycol basis. And this speaks of its environmental friendliness and harmlessness. In addition, this antifreeze creates the thinnest protective film in the system, which does not interfere with cooling, providing excellent heat dissipation and corrosion protection. What can not be said about Tosol.

Cooling efficiency

Antifreeze in its composition contains a chemical additive. Its main purpose is the formation of a special layer on the inside of the pipes. Among the advantages, corrosion protection can be distinguished. But not everything is so good. A thick film significantly impairs heat dissipation, and as a result, heats the engine better. As a conclusion, the operating temperature of the engine is growing, and with it the fuel consumption. This leads to rapid wear of the engine and its overhaul.

Some classes of antifreeze, in turn, cool better, as they form a protective layer only in places where corrosion has formed. Or they create a thin film that does not interfere with heat transfer.

Coolant service life

Due to the fact that there are no sensors that can report on the state of the coolant, a number of indicators must be monitored.

These include:

  • the number of kilometers that the engine has traveled on the new coolant;
  • liquid properties;
  • brand and model of car;
  • overall performance of the system.

Keeping track of these parameters is not difficult. Every driver knows what his car is capable of. Therefore, if you notice a deterioration in performance, then you need to change all the coolant. As a rule, Tosola is enough for 20 thousand kilometers, and antifreeze for 10 thousand.

Interaction with metals

Antifreeze will significantly reduce the life of the radiator. The fact is that the composition does not contain active substances that protect aluminum. Also, the formation of condensate does not have useful properties, on the contrary, it harms.

Antifreeze contains active additives that protect the metal from corrosion, which ensures a longer service life of the system as a whole.

Stability of composition and properties

The silicate substances that make up the basis of Tosol can take a gel-like form over time. This property has unpleasant consequences, as it interferes with the free and rapid circulation of the liquid. If we are talking about phosphates, then a precipitate forms with a large number of heating and cooling cycles. The gel-like state and deposits clog the radiator, which interferes with the normal operation of the automotive engine cooling system.

Substances that are used in antifreeze do not have such negative qualities.

Pump lifespan

The main cause of pump failure is cavitation. This process is the main enemy of any metal, through which liquid moves at high speed. The gas bubbles formed in the refrigerant collapse and hit the surface of the pump blades with a shock wave. This leads to malfunctions and significantly reduces its service life.

No coolant has yet been invented that could chemically preserve the blades from damage. But antifreeze that has directional protection can reduce the harmful effects and increase the life of the water pump by more than 50%.


We already know that Tosol contains various silicates, which over time can take a gel-like form, which makes it difficult to move the refrigerant at a sufficient speed. Phosphates with a large number of heating-cooling cycles form a precipitate that is dangerous for aluminum parts. All this adversely affects the cooling system, as a result of which the thermostat clogs or deposits settle in the radiator. If this happens, the cooling system will not be able to effectively cool the engine, resulting in overheating and, in the worst case, the need for costly repairs.

Plastic elements

In the cooling system of automobiles, in addition to metal elements, products made of plastic, rubber, and elastomer are actively used. Studies have shown that both Tosol and antifreeze are absolutely harmless and do not react with plastic or rubber.

High temperatures

High temperatures adversely affect the power plant. In order for the engine to operate in the optimum temperature range, a cooling system is required. However, Tosol loses almost all its usefulness at engine temperatures above 105 ° C. Antifreeze is able to cool the engine up to 135°C.

Impact on the environment

Antifreeze due to its long service life is subject to rare replacement. Which proportionally affects the amount of liquid that goes for disposal. Another plus regarding Tosol is a smaller amount of harmful substances that pollute the environment.


If you choose between Antifreeze and antifreeze, we can say that for optimal and durable operation of the car's cooling system, it is better to use modern refrigerants, i.e. antifreezes. In summer, they cool the engine well, are less aggressive to pipes, and have a large amount of additives that will help protect the unit from corrosion. In addition, they need to be changed less often. If you draw a line on what is better to use, then the green G11 antifreeze is identical to Tosol, the red G12 refrigerant is a little better, and G13 is a technological revolution, the only question is the price. Antifreezes are several times more expensive than Tosol, but when making a choice, you should not save on coolants for a car, because repairs will be more expensive.

To begin with, the function of the coolant in internal combustion engines is performed by special compounds known among motorists under the name. The use of distilled water in cooling systems has long been abandoned, since water freezes at low temperatures, causes increased corrosion of channels in and, causes scale formation, etc.

Today, various TOSOLs or antifreezes can be available in two versions:

  • in the form of a concentrate, which must be further diluted with distilled water in specified proportions;
  • a ready-to-use product that can be immediately poured into the cooling system without additional manipulations;

In any case, the engine coolant not only protects the engine from and does not freeze in winter (unlike water), but also prevents active corrosion processes from starting in the ICE liquid cooling system, keeps the channels clean, and extends the life of individual elements (, etc.). e.)

It is important to take into account that antifreezes are different in composition, and also lose and change their properties during operation. This means that they cannot be mixed freely. Also, the liquid has a strictly limited service life, that is, it is necessary to periodically replace antifreeze or antifreeze, as well as regularly monitor the condition of the coolant.

Read in this article

Car engine coolant: general information

It is well known that an internal combustion engine is a heat engine that converts the energy of burning fuel into mechanical work. Naturally, such an installation must be cooled in order to maintain the required thermal regime.

In other words, for the normal operation of all components and parts under loads, the heating of the motor must remain within strictly specified limits. The operating temperature of the engine should neither fall below the specified threshold nor exceed the calculated value.

To solve the problem on cars, it is used, which is a combination of air and liquid cooling of the internal combustion engine. The fluid system involves forced circulation of the working fluid.

On a running engine, coolant heating can reach up to 100 degrees Celsius and even higher, while after stopping the engine, the liquid cools down to outside temperature during a long idle period.

As you can see, the working fluid is in rather difficult conditions. At the same time, special requirements are put forward for it. The fact is that the properties of the liquid should, first of all, ensure maximum efficiency of the engine cooling system. It directly depends on this. The coolant must have high thermal conductivity and heat capacity, have a high boiling temperature threshold, and sufficient fluidity.

Moreover, after cooling, such a liquid should not greatly expand in volume and crystallize (turn into ice). In parallel with this, the liquid should also not foam during operation, and also not be aggressive, that is, cause corrosion of various metal elements, affect rubber pipes, seals, etc.

Unfortunately, although distilled or purified water is cheap to produce and has a number of necessary properties (it has a high ability for efficient cooling, has a high heat capacity, non-combustible, etc.), it is still problematic to use it in an engine.

First of all, it has a low boiling point, evaporates quickly, and various impurities in its composition (salts, etc.) cause active scale formation. Also when the outside temperature drops to zero degrees and then ice forms.

In this case, a significant increase in the volume of frozen water occurs, which causes ruptures of channels and pipes, that is, damage occurs, cracks appear in metal parts, etc. For this reason, water cannot be used year-round in regions where average daily temperatures drop to zero or below in winter.

It is quite obvious that it is very difficult to constantly drain the water from the cooling system before parking the car on the street or in an unheated room. To solve the problem, special coolants have been developed that have acquired the property not to freeze at low temperatures.

In fact, the name "antifreeze" itself comes from the English "antifreeze", that is, non-freezing. These compositions quickly displaced water from liquid cooling systems, thereby greatly simplifying the features of vehicle operation.

As for TOSOL, this development is an analogue of Western antifreeze, only it was developed on the territory of the former USSR. The specified type of coolant was originally created for VAZ cars, while the trademark was not registered.

Today, many manufacturers of coolants in the CIS use the well-known name TOSOL for their products, however, the performance properties of liquids may differ due to the presence of various additives and additional components.

Features of antifreeze and practical operation

Note that in the engines of modern cars, antifreeze fluids are most often used, which are based on a glycol base. Simply put, such an antifreeze liquid is a mixture of water and ethylene glycol. There are also coolants that use propylene glycol, while mixing ethylene glycol coolants with propylene glycol is not recommended.

In practice, ethylene glycol or monoethylene glycol is a yellowish oily liquid. The liquid is odorless, has a slight viscosity, has an average density and a boiling point of about 200 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the crystallization (freezing) temperature is slightly less than -12 degrees.

If ethylene glycol or a solution of ethylene glycol with water is heated, a significant expansion occurs. To prevent the system from “breaking” from excess pressure, it was added to the device, which has the marks “min” and “max”. According to them, the required coolant level is determined.

It is also important to consider that ethylene glycol and its solutions are very aggressive, capable of causing severe corrosion of parts made of steel, aluminum, cast iron, copper or brass. In parallel with this, there is an increased toxicity of ethylene glycol and its extremely negative impact on living organisms. In other words, it is a strong and dangerous poison!

As for propylene glycols, they have similar properties to ethylene glycols, but are not as toxic. However, propylene glycol is much more expensive to produce, resulting in a much higher end cost. Also, at low temperatures, propylene glycol becomes more viscous, its fluidity is worse.

For the above reasons, the composition of the coolant necessarily uses a whole package of active additional additives that provide anti-corrosion, protective and detergent properties, prevent foaming, stabilize the liquid, tint the solution, give a characteristic recognizable smell, etc. Also, additives somewhat reduce toxicity.

Let's get back to using antifreeze. The need to mix ethylene glycol or propylene glycol with distilled water is dictated by the fact that the freezing point of such a solution directly depends on the proportions of these two components.

In simple words, water freezes at zero, ethylene glycol at -12, but mixing them in different proportions allows you to create solutions whose freezing threshold is from 0 to -70 degrees and even higher. The ratio of glycol to water also affects the boiling point of the solution.

Without going into details, in practice, the lowest freezing point can be achieved if the composition contains just under 67% ethylene glycol, which is diluted with 33% water. In this case, the same or very close freezing point can be obtained at different ratios of water and concentrate.

As for practical operation, as a rule, motorists often use a simple scheme when replacing coolant in many regions, diluting the antifreeze concentrate with water in proportions of 60/40. Please note that this is a general guide, before preparing the solution, read the individual recommendations of a particular antifreeze manufacturer on the package.

To check the ratio of ethylene glycol and water in the solution, the density is additionally measured. For this, a hydrometer is most often used. Based on the data obtained, we can conclude what is the content of ethylene glycol and determine the crystallization temperature.

Mixing antifreeze and antifreeze

It should be noted that the compatibility of various coolants depends on the technical conditions of their manufacture. In simple terms, fluids may be completely incompatible or only partially compatible.

The fact is that each manufacturer uses different additives that can react, thereby the mixture loses the necessary properties, precipitation occurs and a number of other undesirable consequences.

Taking into account the fact that during operation it periodically becomes necessary to raise the coolant level in the expansion tank (the water in the composition boils away over time), it is more correct to add distilled water or use only the brand and type of antifreeze that was previously used.

If an emergency malfunction occurred, then it is optimal or completely to drain the existing residues, flush the system and fill in fresh coolant in full, or add antifreeze that is suitable in color and properties.

As for norms and standards, as a rule, domestic TOSOLs must comply with the requirements of GOST, while they are not separately certified. Imported antifreezes are standardized according to SAE and ASTM.

Foreign standards define various properties of liquids based on ethylene or propylene glycol, determining the purpose, adjusted for operating conditions. Liquids are divided into compositions for passenger cars, small trucks, heavy vehicles, special equipment, etc. Note that antifreezes according to ASTM type D 3306 are allowed for use on domestic passenger cars.

You should also take into account the individual specifications of the automakers themselves, who often put forward a number of their own requirements. In the list of various regulations of large concerns, it should be noted that the use of antifreezes is prohibited or highly discouraged, in which the presence of various corrosion inhibitors, including nitrites, phosphates, etc., is noted.

At the same time, the maximum content of silicates, chlorides and other components in the coolant is also determined. Following these guidelines allows you to extend the life of the seals, avoid active scale formation, and increase the level of protection against corrosion.

When and why you need to replace antifreeze

As already mentioned, antifreezes can have a negative effect on the parts of the cooling system and the engine itself. To reduce the degree of this effect, various additives are used. However, during operation, these additives “wear out”, that is, the content of additives and their efficiency is reduced.

Simply put, over time, corrosion processes become more active, the coolant begins to foam more strongly, the heat dissipation deteriorates, and the temperature regime is disturbed during the operation of the internal combustion engine. For this reason, antifreezes are recommended to be changed after 2 years, or every 50-60 thousand km. mileage (whichever comes first).

As for modern developments such as G12 and G12 + antifreezes, the service life of these fluids has been extended to 3-4 years, but their higher cost can be considered a minus.

Also, the engine coolant needs to be replaced in cases where exhaust gases from the cylinders have entered the cooling system or traces of engine oil are visible in the antifreeze / antifreeze. As a rule, the cause of such malfunctions is a broken cylinder head gasket, cracks in the BC or cylinder head. In any case, the coolant under such conditions will quickly lose its useful properties.

The following signs indicate the need to replace the coolant:

  • appearance in the expansion tank;
  • change in the color of the coolant, the appearance of a burnt smell;
  • with a slight decrease in the outside temperature, a precipitate is visible in the tank, the antifreeze becomes jelly-like, etc.
  • , the cooling system fan is constantly running, the motor is on the verge of overheating;
  • antifreeze has acquired a brownish-brown color, has become cloudy. This indicates that the liquid has exhausted its resource, the additives do not perform their function, and active corrosion of elements and parts occurs inside the cooling system.

We also note that in the event of an emergency, it is often necessary to add to the antifreeze either coolant from another manufacturer, distilled water of dubious quality, or ordinary running water. In such cases, it is necessary to get to the place of repair, carry out all the work, and then without fail flush the cooling system and only then completely replace the antifreeze.

  1. As for the process itself, you only need to change the coolant on a cold engine. After the engine has cooled down, you need to unscrew the cap of the expansion tank or the radiator cap.
  2. Next, you need to open the valve of the radiator of the interior heater (stove radiator). This is necessary in order to remove possible fluid residues in the radiator and pipes to it.
  3. Then you should unscrew the drain plugs in the radiator of the car's cooling system, as well as the plug in the cylinder block.
  4. After that, the coolant is drained into a pre-prepared container, after which the plugs can be tightened.

Please note that when working with coolants, it is important to understand that ethylene glycol is a strong poison, and can also enter the body even through the skin. A small dose of ethylene glycol when taken orally is enough for severe poisoning and death!

Also, ethylene glycol has a sweetish aftertaste, it must be kept out of the reach of children. It is forbidden to spill ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, as the liquid is dangerous for animals. It is forbidden to pour antifreeze into water bodies, pour it onto the ground or down the drain!

  1. The final step is to fill the expansion tank with fresh fluid. Fill the coolant slowly and carefully to avoid the formation of air pockets in the system.
  2. At the end of the procedure, the tank and / or radiator cap is screwed on, then the engine can be started. After starting, the unit warms up at XX to operating temperature (on many cars until the fan turns on).
  3. Now the engine must be stopped and allowed to cool, after which the reservoir cap is opened again and the coolant is added according to the level (in case of a decrease).

If we talk about flushing the cooling system and radiator, during scheduled regular replacements of antifreeze of the same brand / type, then it will be enough to flush the entire system with ordinary distilled water. In extreme cases, you can boil running water in advance, and then use it for washing.

In cases where a transition is made from TOSOL to antifreeze, from water to TOSOL, from antifreeze of one color to another type of coolant, or the dirty antifreeze, etc., simply changes, then the system needs to be cleaned more thoroughly. This means that it will be necessary to separately remove possible or obvious deposits, scale, rust, decomposition products of additives in old antifreeze, etc.

As a rule, special ready-made cleaners of the engine cooling system are used for cleaning. Such compositions are complex, have corrosion inhibitors, well remove scale and deposits. Also, motorists use various water-acid solutions of self-preparation for flushing, however, the use of such solutions is not recommended on modern internal combustion engines.

The general procedure for flushing the cooling system is as follows:

  • after draining the coolant from the system, the flushing liquid is filled. Then the engine is started, after which the unit runs for a certain amount of time (usually 20-40 minutes).
  • Next, the washing is drained, assessing the degree of contamination of the drained liquid. The procedure is repeated until the outflowing flush is clean.
  • At the end, distilled water is poured into the system, the engine warms up again to operating temperatures, then the water is drained. This is necessary to remove wash residues. Then you can fill in fresh antifreeze without the risk of losing its properties as a result of contact with flush residues.
  • We also note that although it is possible to wash the remains of the cleaner in the cooling system at one time, experienced drivers recommend flushing the system at least twice with distilled water.

During operation, the level of antifreeze in the expansion tank decreases even when the system is tight. The problem is that water is evaporating. Distilled water should be added to the tank (in extreme cases, ordinary and well-boiled water for at least 30-40 minutes).

If there is an antifreeze leak, then it is no longer possible to compensate for the loss with water alone. In other words, it is necessary to add coolant, and taking into account the fact that many coolants do not mix with each other.

It is optimal to have a concentrate and distilled water in stock for topping up, mixing the liquids in the proportion specified by the manufacturer. As for ready-made antifreezes, try to avoid purchasing such compounds in car markets or from individuals who sell similar products along highways.

There have been frequent cases when, instead of coolant, tinted running water, antifreeze treatment, etc. were sold. For this reason, the right decision would be to buy coolant in specialized car dealerships.

We also note that it is forbidden to use pure concentrate undiluted with water in the engine cooling system. As already mentioned, ethylene glycol with a package of additives freezes at negative temperatures of about -12 degrees.

It turns out that the concentrate will simply freeze in the system, since without dilution with water it cannot be considered a ready-to-use product. As for the proportions, you need to study the label on the package with the concentrate. Usually, manufacturers themselves indicate separately what to pour into the radiator or tank on different cars, how much concentrate and water is needed, and how to mix them in order to get the desired freezing temperature of the coolant.

In parallel, we note that cases of fake antifreezes of well-known brands have become more frequent in the CIS. For this reason, carefully inspect the canister. The container must be of high quality, all stickers and labels must have a clear font and be placed evenly on the canister.

The canister should indicate the batch number, manufacturer, as well as recommendations on how to properly dilute the antifreeze (in the case of a concentrate) or use a ready-made product. The boiling point, freezing point, date of manufacture, expiration date and other important information are also indicated.

Cork deserves special attention. Typically, manufacturers use caps with a disposable seal. Additionally, for better protection against counterfeiting, a hologram sticker, etc. may be present.

It is necessary to verify the integrity of the seal, the toothed ring should fit snugly against the neck, not scroll. The lid itself should not be glued to the neck. Also, the canister must be airtight, no liquid leaks or air can escape from under the lid when turned over or pressed.

Finally, we note that many manufacturers use containers made of transparent or translucent plastic, allowing you to assess the color and condition of the liquid in the canister. When shaking the coolant canister, foam should form, which settles in a couple of seconds in a canister with liquid ready for use, and also after 4-5 seconds. in the case of undiluted concentrate.

If during the inspection it is noticed that the liquid has become cloudy, the foaming is high, the sediment at the bottom is visible, or the general color of the antifreeze is suspicious, then it is better to refrain from such a purchase.

What is better to choose for a car: antifreeze or antifreeze? Today, almost no one has any problems with this question. Hardened fans of the Soviet automobile industry confidently pour good old antifreeze into their "Vases" and "Gases", and the owners of more modern models, on the contrary, are afraid of antifreeze like fire and prefer antifreezes, although they cost 3-5 times more. Why is this happening?

Let's figure out what is the difference between antifreeze and antifreeze, which one is better, what their scope depends on, what types of these liquids exist, how to choose them and whether they can be mixed.

So, if someone suddenly does not know, then antifreeze is the same antifreeze. Yes Yes! And it would be more correct to write "TOSOL", and not "antifreeze". The abbreviation is taken from the name of the department in which they were developing the domestic analogue of the first foreign antifreeze:

TOS - Technology of Organic Synthesis;

OL - the end of the names of alcohols in chemistry (ethanol, methanol).

A bit from the history of antifreeze

Antifreeze was invented in the USSR about 40 years ago, when the engines of the new Zhiguli line turned out to be incompatible with the only type of antifreeze (imported) Paraflu 11 that existed in those years. That antifreeze suffered from a low reserve of alkalinity and abundant foaming, which led to accelerated corrosion of the metal elements of the cooling system of Soviet brands.

It took 3 years of research and experimentation to create such an antifreeze that would meet all the requirements that existed then. The final sample did a good job of cooling, was intended for year-round use and did not cause metal degradation as fast as Paraflu 11.

There were few varieties of this antifreeze, but each of them had its own GOST, which strictly regulated not only the composition, but also the color of the liquid. There was no doubt about the quality of the product.

Since the 90s, the production of antifreeze using the original technology was stopped, and then numerous private companies took up its production, which were free to change the recipe at their discretion. No more research has been carried out on this subject, no one has been seriously engaged in improving the properties of antifreeze.

So today, each manufacturer himself determines the composition of antifreeze, so the liquid of different brands can vary greatly in composition, color and quality. As a rule, it is produced in two colors: blue and red.

  • Blue antifreeze is designed for temperatures up to -40 degrees.
  • Red up to -65 degrees. It has a higher concentration of alcohol.

Antfreeze and its types

As part of all antifreezes, there are 3 main components:

  1. Dihydric alcohol (ethylene glycol or propylene glycol).
  2. Water (distilled).
  3. Additives.

The temperature characteristics of antifreeze depend on the ratio of water and alcohol. Additives determine the "face" of the liquid. They influence a number of factors. Here are the main ones:

  • the ability of the fluid to resist the corrosion of metals and the destruction of elastomers;
  • protection of the engine from cavitation;
  • coolant efficiency;
  • stability of antifreeze and its service life;
  • environmental friendliness.

The quality of antifreeze depends on the additives. Depending on the composition, antifreeze is divided into the following types:

  • G11. A class of traditional (silicate) antifreezes. In fact, Russian antifreeze is just G11. The role of additives here is played by cheap organic substances: silicates, phosphates, borates, nitrates, nitrites, amines. Such antifreeze forms a microfilm inside the cooling system. It protects surfaces from corrosion, but also serves as an obstacle to heat transfer (reduces heat transfer by 20%). Service life - less than 3 years (usually requires replacement after 2 years). Most often, G11 is found in green, but it is not uncommon to be blue (turquoise), yellow, orange or red. Buyers choose it mainly, like our antifreeze, for old cars (up to 96 years of production) with a large volume of the cooling system, as well as for trucks.
  • G12. carboxylate antifreeze. Usually red. It has the same base as G11 (and, consequently, with antifreeze), but here the main additive (carboxylic acid) allows you to reach a qualitatively new level of cooling and protection for high-speed car engines. Additives are devoid of an enveloping effect and are characterized by a point effect on erosion foci. On the one hand, due to this, the coolant does not form a heat-insulating film and therefore does not interfere with heat exchange processes in the engine. On the other hand, erosion protection is targeted. It “turns on” only when this very erosion has already appeared. G12 is perhaps the most popular type of antifreeze today. Change it every 4-5 years.
  • G12+. This is a hybrid antifreeze (Lobrid), in which the organic base is supplemented with a small amount of mineral additives. Compared to G12, this option has a more gentle formula. G12 is a transitional stage from organic to inorganic. Produced over the past 10 years, traditionally produced in red. The service life is the same as the G12.
  • G12++. An even more improved variation of G12 antifreeze. Its fundamental difference is in the extended service life. Manufacturers claim that such a coolant can work without replacement for more than 10 years.
  • G13. This is a fundamentally new type of antifreeze. Found in purple. Unlike G11, G12, G12 + and G12 ++, together with water, it is based not on ethylene glycol, but on a safer alcohol - propylene glycol. The G13 is ideal for both ordinary city cars and "forced" sports cars and bikes. It is less toxic and therefore more environmentally friendly. Manufacturers do not limit the service life of this ultra-modern antifreeze.
  • G13+. Improved version of G13. There is no fundamental difference between these two types of antifreeze. The main focus is on environmental friendliness.

If there is an opportunity to choose, then, of course, antifreeze is always preferable to antifreeze. Naturally, in this case, by antifreeze we mean liquids of class G12 and higher.

If you ask the price of coolants in a car shop, the difference is obvious: a 5-liter canister of a substance labeled "Tosol" will cost around 300-650 rubles. While for the same G12 canister you will be charged 1400-1900 rubles. And for the G13, you will have to pay about 3,500 rubles at all.

With such a difference in price, every motorist at least once in his life thinks about choosing antifreeze instead of antifreeze. But focusing on price is wrong.

Modern passenger cars, without exception, require the use of coolant with a tolerance index of G12 and higher. And it has reinforced concrete bases.

So, antifreeze is better than antifreeze for the following reasons:

  1. It improves the efficiency of the cooling system. No heat-insulating microfilm - no overheating. No overheating - no accelerated engine wear.
  2. It is more resistant to high temperatures. Antifreeze perfectly withstands high temperatures and does not boil in the summer heat. There are a lot of organic additives in antifreeze, which already at a temperature of 105 degrees begin to actively decompose, forming a precipitate and contaminating the sensors. There is also a risk due to the boiling of antifreeze to stand on the road on a hot summer day.
  3. It provides protection for parts and assemblies of the cooling system. Modern antifreeze gives less cavitation than Soviet antifreeze. At the same time, it contributes to the rapid removal of heat. Accordingly, metals are less susceptible to erosion. This almost one and a half times extends the life of the radiator, liners, water pump.
  4. It is less aggressive towards plastic, silicone and rubber parts of the cooling system. Therefore, you can save on the replacement of nozzles and gaskets.
  5. It is more stable in its properties. Unlike antifreeze, antifreeze does not form gels, does not precipitate. This happens both at elevated and at low temperatures. Due to this, it does not clog the radiator and performs its functions longer.

Well, the last factor in favor of antifreeze is that not a single car manufacturer will forgive the consumer if he suddenly starts using a coolant that does not meet the recommendations in the technical documentation.

Try to choose antifreeze instead of antifreeze, and when you contact a factory representative due to a breakdown of the motor, pump or radiator, you will simply be denied warranty repairs. Does it make sense to save so much on fluid, which, by the way, you change only 2-3 times over the entire life cycle of the car, if as a result you have to spend so much money on repairs?

In older cars, antifreeze does its job well. Here, its destructive effect on the details is felt weakly, because this transport always requires attention. Among the endless breakdowns, it is difficult to single out those that occurred specifically due to the use of antifreeze.

But in modern brand new cars, any deviation from the norm is noticeable. If ordinary antifreeze is poured into the engine of such a car, the liquid will gradually corrode the sleeves and blades of the water pump, disable the radiator or “eat” the pipes. The reason for this is not only the chemical composition of antifreeze, but also its reduced heat-conducting functions, as well as the tendency to precipitate.

Our trucks are traditionally cooled with antifreeze, and there is no violation here. For example, in the official documentation of "Kamazov" there is permission to use the G11. This may seem strange to many, but everything is logical. Trucks are equipped with diesel engines, and the temperature in such engines is always lower than in gasoline engines. Therefore, on diesel engines, the G11 does an excellent job with the functions assigned to it.

The ideal option is to choose antifreeze or antifreeze of the same brand that was filled in at the factory and which is indicated in the documents. Even if the warranty on the car is already out. As a rule, companies recommend trusted brands of coolants, and you can be 100% sure of their quality.

Few people know that the choice of antifreeze also depends on the type of radiator. For example, green liquids are recommended for aluminum radiators, and red liquids for copper and brass. But since different manufacturers can paint antifreeze in the color they want, choosing only by color is not entirely correct. So it's best to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

For very old cars, it is allowed to choose antifreeze (G11). Especially since it was designed specifically for them. Also, instead of antifreeze, you can use antifreeze G12 or even higher. However, most of the time it makes no sense to overpay. Refuel your Zhiguli with ordinary antifreeze and don't worry.

It is worth noting that G 12 ++, G13 and G13 + are very expensive and most often completely meaningless pleasure, even when it comes to imported sedans and crossovers. Undoubtedly, the higher the antifreeze tolerance index, the better. But is it really what we need? Antifreeze of this quality was created in Europe and for Europe, where the main emphasis, as always, is on the environment. In Russia, this is still far away.

Everyone decides what to choose. Of course, it is tempting to pour G12 ++, G13 or even the “eternal” G13 + into the car instead of G12, so that later you never think about replacing the “cooler”. But few people are ready to pay 2-3 times more for this right today. Moreover, maintenance of a new car costs a pretty penny every time.

You need to buy coolant in a large trusted store. So there is less chance that you will stumble upon a fake. About 20% of car breakdowns are associated with the use of “problematic” antifreeze.

It is important to study the packaging. The canister should not be transparent, and a crooked label may indicate that the product was produced in artisanal conditions. If you notice leakage, immediately refuse to purchase this product. If the company saved on plastic, it would be foolish to expect high quality antifreeze from it.

If there is any doubt about the safety of the chosen “cooler”, check it right in the store after purchase with a litmus test. Alas, this test does not allow you to determine the content of additives, but it does show the pH level.

If the strip turns green, the acid-base balance of the antifreeze is normal. If it turns blue, there is too much alkali in the solution; if it turns pink, the permissible acidity is exceeded.

You are unlikely to be allowed to check the coolant before buying, but after the purchase you can immediately show the seller the test results and demand a refund if the product turned out to be of poor quality. At a minimum, you will no longer pour this product into your car.

However, you need to understand that you can write anything on the label. And in the market, even for a lot of money, they can slip you a dangerous “stick” that will have a very negative effect on the cooling system. Therefore, it is so important to buy antifreeze liquids exclusively in trusted stores and only those brands that you are sure of.

The question of whether it is possible to mix antifreeze of different types and colors arises quite often. There is only one answer: it is by no means worth doing it intentionally. First, the old liquid is drained, then the cooling system is flushed, and after that, fresh antifreeze or antifreeze is poured into it.

However, there are times when it is necessary to add antifreeze, but a suitable brand was not at hand. In such a situation, it is necessary to mix liquids from different manufacturers, and sometimes different classes.

G12++, G13 and G13+ are not advised to interfere with anything. It is allowed to add G11 or G12 to antifreeze, it is also permissible to mix G11 and G12 from the same manufacturer, even if they are of different shades.

However, it is important to remember that different antifreeze manufacturers use different additive packages. Combining, these additives begin to enter into chemical reactions with each other. The result of mixing liquids can be quite unexpected. There is a threat of catalysis of corrosion, sedimentation, clogging of the radiator and pipes.

It’s not worth driving for a long time with such a “cocktail”. As soon as it becomes possible to pour normal antifreeze into the engine, be sure to do it. Don't forget to completely flush the cooling system.

You can get more information about antifreezes, their classification, characteristics, as well as the requirements that apply to them. There you will also read about little-known types of antifreeze and their features.

Features will largely depend on the price. Usually the cost of 1 liter (kg) of antifreeze varies from 100 rubles. up to 320 rubles Therefore, products can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. Budget - from 100 to 180 rubles;
  2. The average price range is from 180 to 250 rubles;
  3. Premium - from 250 rubles.

1. Budget - from 100 to 180 rubles.


Allowed for use in domestic and foreign models. The composition contains - a base of ethylene glycol, a dye and additives (anti-foam, anti-corrosion and stabilizing types). Temperature range – -40°C to +50°C.

Price - 110 rubles. (1 kg).

LUKOIL -40С G12 Red

Antifreeze is made in accordance with carboxylate technology. It is used in engines operating at temperatures up to -40 °C. Such antifreeze effectively protects the power unit from overheating, scale formation, corrosion and freezing. The use of LUKOIL -40C G12 Red guarantees a decrease in the value of hydrodynamic cavitation, and improves heat transfer. The composition does not contain amines, nitrines, borates, silicates and phosphates.

Price - 150 rubles. (1 kg).

Spectrol Long Life

This is a carboxylate based antifreeze. It guarantees the correct operation of the motor in the temperature range from -40°С to +50°С. The composition does not contain amines, nitrines, borates, silicates and phosphates. Service life - up to 250,000 km (5 years) for cars and up to 650,000 km (6 years) for trucks. Spectrol Long Life may be mixed with various types of coolant made from ethylene glycol with the addition of corrosion inhibitors (organic type).

Price - 177 rubles. (1 kg).

Video: Replacing antifreeze. How to choose antifreeze?

2. Liquids of the middle price range - from 180 to 250 rubles.

Mannol AG13+

The composition of the liquid does not contain amines, nitrines, borates, silicates and phosphates. Antifreeze is completely neutral to lead-based alloys, alloy steel, copper, cast iron, aluminum and brass. The replacement interval is 3 years.

Price - 186 rubles. (1 l).

AGA -65С

Such antifreeze is intended for gasoline and diesel engines. Service life - up to 150,000 km or up to 5 years. Suitable for uprated engines, including those with turbocharging. Guarantees protection against cavitation and corrosion. Saves seals.

Price - 200 rubles. (946 ml).

3. Premium class coolants - from 250 rubles.


This antifreeze is designed for diesel and gasoline engines. It can be used for turbocharged engines and highly accelerated units. Guarantees the correct operation of the cooling system for 150,000 km or 5 years. Reliably protects oil seals, as well as metal components of the engine.

Price - 295 rubles. (1 l).

PRISMA -35C G12 (concentrate)

This coolant is produced in Belgium. It is made from monoethylene glycol and a whole range of effective additives, which guarantees stability in the operation of the power unit, as well as reliable protection of its components made of aluminum, rubber and light alloys. Provides protection of the power unit from deposits, scale and corrosion. Well lubricates the pump. The composition of antifreeze does not contain silicates, nitrides, amines and phosphates.

Price - 310 rubles. (1 l).

In general, the cost of antifreeze is low, so saving on it is pointless. When buying, you need to focus, first of all, on the requirements of the car manufacturer.