The most stolen foreign cars. According to statistics, how many car thefts are there in Russia? List of theft data by model

The top 10 included the most stolen cars in Moscow in 2016-2017 by model. The information was taken from the database of the Moscow State Traffic Inspectorate, where statistics on thefts are kept. According to the information received, the most popular among hijackers remain models produced Japanese company Toyota Motor Corporation. This is due to the fact that japanese cars are the most popular among car enthusiasts, which means they are easiest to sell or put on sale in disassembled form.

Toyota Land Cruiser 200 ranks tenth in terms of the number of thefts in Moscow as of January 2017. Over the past 12 months, there have been 57 thefts of this SUV. For the first time on automotive market Toyota Land Cruiser appeared in the 50s of the last century. Throughout this time, the SUV has been in universal demand. The model is no less popular today. Toyota Land Cruiser The 200 is one of the best-selling cars, which is no less in demand on the illegal market.

Mitsubishi Lancer ranked ninth among the most stolen cars in Moscow at the end of 2016. In total, burglars committed 61 thefts over the past year. Japanese model has been produced since 1973, and since then it has undergone a huge number of modifications. To date Mitsubishi Lancer is one of the best-selling cars all over the world, which explains the interest of car thieves in this brand. Throughout Russia, this foreign car holds a leading position in theft, and in 2010 it was recognized as the most stolen.

Honda Civic took eighth place in the list of the most stolen car models in Moscow for 2016-2017. In December 2016, 62 thefts of this brand of car were registered. Honda Civic has a rich history, and was first introduced to the world in the 72nd year of the last century. Modern model represented by the 10th generation, which appeared at the end of 2015. This is a fairly popular C class model, which is produced in factories in the USA, Canada and China. On secondary market Stolen Honda Civics are sold in most cases for spare parts.

Toyota Camry- a Japanese brand car that Moscow car thieves love so much. According to data at the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017, 65 thefts were registered in the Russian capital. In 2015, the seventh generation of this car was released. To date latest model belongs to business class. Due to great popularity Toyota Camry on Russian market in 2007, car production was launched at assembly plant St. Petersburg. The popularity of the Toyota Camry is explained not only by its high-quality build and stylish design, but also by its good safety: during testing by the independent association ANCAP, the car received 5 points, which is not bad at all.

Toyota Corolla ranks sixth at the beginning of 2017 in the list of the most stolen cars in Moscow over the past 12 months. There were a total of 74 thefts of this model last year. The first in the automotive market Toyota generation Corolla appeared almost half a century ago. In total, there are more than 10 generations of Toyota Corolla today. This model is considered one of the best-selling in Russia. Around 50 million units have been sold worldwide since then. legendary car. The factor of popularity among car enthusiasts has become decisive in the fact that for several years now the car has been among the ten most popular among car thieves.

Range Rover Evoque- one of the most stolen car brands in Moscow at the beginning of 2017. According to data for last year, a total of 88 Range cars were stolen in the capital Rover Evoque. This is a fairly expensive car, which is popular not only among wealthy people, but also among car thieves. This model is only attempted by professionals in their field, because the car has a powerful anti-theft protection, which not everyone will be able to handle. Unlike many other models included in the honorable top ten most stolen, Range Rover Evoque is readily sold by car thieves not as spare parts, but as a full-fledged car that can be bought relatively inexpensively on the illegal market.

Ford Focus took fourth place in the ranking of the most stolen car models in Moscow for 2016-2017. 101 car owners lost their cars last year. The model appeared on the Russian market in the late 90s and had enormous demand in the Russian automobile market. According to 2010 data year Ford Focus has become the best-selling foreign car not only in Moscow, but also in the country. In Europe, it is still confidently among the top ten best sellers. At the end of 2012, the car deservedly won the “Car of the Year in Russia” award, winning in the “Small” category middle class" Such popularity of the car attracted and Special attention car thieves who to this day choose this particular model for theft.

Hyundai Solaris opens the top three cars for car thefts in Moscow from January 2016 to January 2017. Lovers of easy money stole 110 Hyundai Solaris cars over the past year in the capital city. This model is the fourth generation Accent, and was introduced to car enthusiasts on the Russian market in 2010. Then the Korean model found itself very popular among Russian drivers. This brand was liked by Muscovites, as well as by metropolitan burglars of other people's property. Car thieves willingly steal it and sell it in disassembled form.

Kia Rio- this model is also very popular with car thieves. In 2016, 118 such cars were stolen in Moscow. The car is considered one of the best-selling cars in the country, so it is not surprising that it is in great demand among car thieves. About 100 thousand are sold per year Kia Rio all around Russia. This is a very decent figure. Spare parts for the model cannot be called cheap, so they sell out instantly on the secondary market. Car thieves know this, which is why they prefer this car.

Mazda 3 - the most stolen car in Moscow according to data for January 2017. In total, 157 units were stolen from this model last year. Burglars love this car for its very high popularity among Moscow car enthusiasts. This particular brand of car is considered the most common in the Russian capital. Selling this beauty located in the middle price category, it’s not at all profitable for car thieves, but it’s quite suitable for spare parts. Immediately after the theft, it is dismantled, and its spare parts are sold out instantly, as they have high demand. Selling hardware to thieves in this way is very profitable - the cost of all spare parts almost exceeds the cost new Mazda 3.

Those who are just about to get a car are often interested in theft statistics, the data of which helps to correctly determine the appropriate vehicle. Law enforcement agencies, as well as many Insurance companies create separate ratings based on their own research and work with clients.

Knowledge of statistical data allows you to assess what problems a car owner may encounter in the future and promptly protect your current vehicle if it is in a leading position on the list. We invite you to look at the ranking of the most stolen cars in 2018 and draw your own conclusions.

Theft statistics

According to official statistics, the following list of cars that are stolen the most (over the last year) is available:

  • Hyundai Solaris.
  • Kia Rio.
  • Toyota Camry
  • Toyota Corolla
  • Ford Focus.
  • Mazda 6.
  • Toyota Land Cruiser.
  • Renault Logan.
  • Mazda
  • Toyota RAV 4.

Car theft by model

Current statistics on thefts in Russia clearly shows the preferences of attackers. IN in this case The greatest interest is shown in:

  • Toyota car. These are some of the most highly valued brands by car enthusiasts, whose models have been confidently holding first positions in the ranking of those most often stolen for several years now.
  • Hyundai cars. Behind last years The statistics of car data theft has increased several times. At the same time, the number of sales also increased, which became the reason for increased attention to Hyundai models from car thieves.
  • Kia. Cars Kia brand are in second place in terms of the number of thefts. This position has been maintained since 2015. The cars are high-quality, comfortable and are of great interest not only to drivers, but also to thieves.

The most stolen cars in Moscow

In addition to the official general statistics There is also a rating for cities, for example, in Moscow, the capital of the country. Over the past six months, unlike St. Petersburg, theft statistics here have decreased significantly. According to the latest data, the list is topped by Japanese and Korean-made cars.

The top ten are:

  • Hyundai.
  • Mazda.
  • Mercedes Benz.
  • Nissan.
  • Toyota.
  • Range Rover.
  • Honda.
  • Volkswagen.
  • Mitsubishi.

Motor vehicles created in Russia are also popular among car thieves. Among the most stolen are Lada Priora, Lada 4x4, Lada Samara etc.

The most stolen cars in Russian regions

The situation regarding thefts differs not only in the capital, but also in the regions of the country:

  • Central Federal District . 11 regions, united into a single “district”, occupy a leading position among the rest. Most often, robbers pay attention to cars there. Japanese made: Toyota, Mazda, Honda.
  • Privolzhsky district. In this place, VAZs and Lada Prioras are most often stolen. You can also often find reports of the theft of a Toyota Camry or Corolla in crime reports.
  • Southern District. The absolute leaders in thefts were VAZ models, as well as Lada Granta and Lada Priora.
  • North Caucasus District. The largest number of thefts belongs to Priora. Among the foreign automobile industry, thieves most often notice the Japanese, for example, Toyota Camry.
  • Siberian district. The first places in the ranking are taken by Japanese stamps cars. The domestic auto industry has faded into the background. It is noted that more than 50% of thefts occur in Novosibirsk.
  • Northwestern District. St. Petersburg automatically makes the region a real “favorite” in theft statistics. Up to 80% of thefts occur in the second capital. The leaders were Range Rover Sport and Nissan Patrol.
  • Central Black Earth Federal District. At the top of the “rating” are Lada Priora and BMW X6.
  • Ural federal district. The leaders of statistics in this area are: Land Cruiser, Camry, the most popular models Toyotas. From domestic auto industry Lada Samara stands out.

Not stolen cars

Along with the list of the most stolen vehicles, there is a list of cars that are not in demand among criminals:

  • Lada Vesta
  • Skoda Rapid.
  • Volkswagen Polo.
  • UAZ Patriot.
  • Lada Largus.
  • Chevrolet Niva.
  • Skoda Octavia.
  • Lada Kalina.
  • Nissan Qashqai.
  • Lada Granta.

When compiling a rating of car theft in Moscow for the first six months of the year, statistics from the traffic safety service and insurers are taken as a basis. The end of last year was marked by a surge in stolen cars, which continues to this day. In reviews of structures that collect information on theft, the brands and models of cars that are stolen are not much different from last year. The ranking of the most stolen cars in Moscow 2018 is the topic of the article.

Purposes of hijackings

The purpose of vehicle theft is of interest to many. Where the stolen cars go is of interest to everyone whose vehicle has been stolen and not found. Former cars owners are interested in why the theft rate of vehicles in Moscow is decreasing too slowly. Although statistics show a slight shift towards a decrease in the number of thefts, nevertheless, every half hour there is 1 car stolen.

Bicycle thieves do not invent; according to statistics, they use 3 schemes for dealing with stolen cars:

  1. Car sales.
  2. Implementation in parts.
  3. Fraud.

Any of the schemes for car theft in Moscow has the right to life and is distinguished by nuances and features.

The purpose of theft is further resale

Analysis of statistics showed the result - stolen cars are subsequently sold in other regions. Auto transport premium brands goes abroad. For .

To operate a stolen car in Moscow, it must be legalized. Several schemes are used for this; the 2018 rating looks like:

  1. Using the twin method. A similar model is selected, with similar technical characteristics, complete set, color. The only rule is that the car must be registered in another region. Interrupting VIN codes and falsifying registration documents are the main actions for theft to flourish. Read the code in the article from our experts.
  2. Another interesting scheme for legalizing stolen cars in Moscow is provided by statistics - the use of a blatant double. The popularity of the theft scheme in 2018 is explained by the difficulty of solving it. The scheme is similar to the previous one; a double is selected after an accident that cannot be restored.
  3. The same scheme, but in case of hijacking, doubles from abroad are used. Stolen cars are fictitiously cleared through customs and registered for further use.
  4. According to statistics, the method of implementation in other countries closes the list. The car thief’s task includes car theft and driving to a designated location. Further actions produced by the customer.

The basic schemes for the further operation of stolen vehicles are presented. The only loser is the victim.

Implementation in parts

With the rise in prices for spare parts in Russia, the theft rate of vehicles has increased. Statistics show increased demand for models of Russian automakers and foreign cars average cost. The danger of law-abiding citizens purchasing dubious spare parts is that they are drawn into criminal schemes.

Thefts are carried out for disassembly and sale, as well as for scrap metal.

Fraudulent scheme

According to statistics, fraud is not much inferior to other hijacking schemes. At the top of the 2018 ranking is a scheme for receiving rewards for stolen cars. Another way is to stage a theft in Moscow to obtain insurance. The hijacker and the owner are in cahoots.

The most stolen car brands in Moscow

Experts note that statistics show an increased theft rate in Moscow of vehicles manufactured by Russian and Asian manufacturers. At the same time, it is recorded that at least 20 thefts occur in the capital in 24 hours. The most stolen brands in 2018 include:

  • Mazda;
  • Hyundai Slyaris;
  • Toyota;
  • Nissan;
  • Ford;
  • Mitsubishi;
  • Land Rover;

It is not surprising that the VAZ brand is recorded by statistics and is constantly present in the lists. Frequent theft became possible due to weak protection against theft. The most stolen classics in Moscow.

Theft rate of car models in Moscow

Analysis using VAZ models allowed us to build a chain of quantitative car thefts. A quantitative list of stolen cars in Moscow by piece is offered below:

  • Priora – 79;
  • 211440 – 37;
  • Largus – 25;
  • 2107 – 22.

In 2018, statistics recorded the theft of other AvtoVAZ cars, but their total number was not significant. The increased number of thefts is due to weak standard protection, the need for spare parts on the secondary market.

According to a long-established tradition, the Mazda 3 is located at the top of the ranking of stolen vehicles. As of May 2018, theft rate in Moscow was 157 units.

Just like a year earlier, car thieves hold the Hyundai Solaris in high esteem. The thieves committed 110 thefts Korean car. The platform on which the car is assembled is similar to the Rio platform. Consequently, the theft rate of Solaris does not fall in Moscow in the first 6 months of 2018; theft technologies are similar. According to statistics, the engine control systems of stolen vehicles are replaced to bypass the immobilizer. Another way to commit theft is to break open the larvae with bundles. Statistics indicate that the demand for spare parts increases with the increase in the number of samples. Disassembled cars are sold without problems.

Models of another representative of the land of the rising sun also appear in the reports of theft statistics for the first months of the year. We are talking about Toyota. Quantitative theft rates for four brand samples are below:

  • Korola – 74;
  • Camry – 65;
  • Land Cruiser 200 – 57;
  • Land Cruiser Prado - 52.

The metropolitan metropolis, as always, is ahead in terms of stolen cars. According to statistics, a larger number of inexpensive samples are stolen in Moscow. Hijackers do not disdain expensive cars. The total number is impressive - 248 units.

American Fords are regularly included in the stolen statistics. Top brand ratings in Moscow:

  • Ford Mondeo;
  • Ford Focus.

The total number of those hijacked was more than 100. Why are cars attractive to car thieves? The high rate of car theft is explained by a simple alarm system, or the lack thereof.

The beginning of 2018 was marked by an increase in Mitsubishi Lancer thefts; the number of thefts was 61. The sample from the 70s of the last century has undergone many restyling options. According to statistics, cars are one of the most sold and stolen cars, both in Russia as a whole and in Moscow. Is in demand among the population due to high-quality assembly, convenient control options, comfort.

The increased number of orders for the theft of a practically undetectable foreign car, the Land Rover Discovery (theft rate in Moscow was 52 units), proves its high demand. Statistics indicate that the prerequisite for thefts was the negligence of the owners who did not provide alternative anti-theft systems. For getting maximum benefit, the thieves easily entered the salon and stole the car. Most of the stolen cars left Moscow irretrievably. The main sales region for stolen equipment is Central Asia.

Kia Rio theft statistics confirm its demand among thieves. The theft rate of the sample at the beginning of the year was high and equal to 118 units. The advantages of the model are appreciated by the hijackers - the need for spare parts. Due to the significant number, it is easy for a stolen car to hide in traffic on the streets of Moscow. The result is a quick sale of spare parts. According to statistics, theftability is slightly reduced after restyling. The reason is easy recognition.

A car from Bavaria, the BMW X5, is desirable for most lovers of branded models. According to information from the authorities keeping records, the sample attracts not only respectable citizens, but also those who commit thefts. It is no coincidence that in the first 6 months of 2018, 41 units were among those stolen in Moscow. Thieves are attracted to models from 2007 to 2010, as they are highly susceptible to theft.

Car theft rate by district

Moscow is one of the largest metropolises in the world, where a lot of automobile transport is concentrated. Naturally, the theft rate here is higher than in other regions. According to statistics, the districts for thefts were distributed as follows:

Experts provide data on theft rates at different times of the day. 50% of abductions occur at night, 34% during the day and only 9% in the morning.

The law enforcement system is doing a lot to solve the problem of theft. Thieves also do not sit idly by, constantly improving their methods of theft. Efficiency security devices difficult to predict. To reduce the number of stolen cars in Moscow, the owner must take care of its safety on his own, with the involvement of competent specialists.

The demand for stolen cars depends on the popularity of the brand. Let's look at which cars "lead" among the most stolen.

Rating of stolen cars in 2018. Details

  1. In Moscow, KIA RIO, Mazda-3 and Hyundai Solaris are most often stolen;
  2. About thirteen thousand Lada Priora cars were stolen by car thieves in Russia last year;
  3. The number of thefts is proportional to the rise or fall in car sales;
  4. Improving security only leads to a temporary reduction in thefts;
  5. In three months, up to 2,000 cars disappear in Moscow;
  6. Of the non-Japanese brands, Land Rover and Infiniti are the ones to worry about;
  7. Theft is punishable by a fine of 120 thousand rubles or up to five years;
  8. For stealing a car worth more than 1 million rubles, you can get imprisoned for 10 years.

Causes of car thefts

Nobody believes official statistics, because everyone knows that this (according to Bismarck) is one of the types of lies. We see confirmation of this thesis every time officials at the federal level announce an increase in the well-being of the population or a low level of inflation in the country.

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But we must admit that the data on missing cars speaks for itself: both old and new, expensive and cheap cars are stolen. It is necessary to distinguish between theft for entertainment by juvenile offenders and theft for spare parts or on order.

Why is this happening? Nothing new - just business. Not cheap original spare parts expensive and not so expensive brands provoke car thefts from premium segment to the VAZ “classics”. Theft using existing documents is also a good option for criminals.

Situation of stolen cars in Moscow for 2018

In 2018, the number of thefts in Moscow is projected to decrease by 12% compared to the same period in 2017. Some experts draw a parallel with the improvement anti-theft systems and increasing the literacy of car owners in protecting their movable property.

But you shouldn’t let your guard down, because as soon as a new anti-theft device appears in showrooms, almost simultaneously the criminal market offers options for devices for breaking it.

A more obvious trend is that the number of thefts depends on the growth of sales or decline in the car market. How more cars on the streets, the greater the demand for spare parts, the more more choice from intruders, the more often they encroach on your property.

Predictions about an increase in thefts during an economic crisis are not confirmed. The Moscow traffic police assures that there is a sharp decline. Hot on the trail, 43 offenses were uncovered, including 13 involving motor vehicles.

As a result of the work of law enforcement officers, 1,281 wanted cars were detained. Of these, 979 vehicles were previously stolen.

In 2016, about 13 thousand Lada cars were stolen in Russia, which, according to some estimates, is 30% of all stolen cars. This indicates the continuing interest of criminals in products of the domestic automobile industry.

“Nines” and “fourteenths”, “sixes” and “sevens” are always in the TOP. Although it is more often marginal elements from the regions who steal VAZ products. After all, anyone with locksmith skills can open a Zhiguli.

Another thing expensive brands. In general, owning a premium brand car always increases the risk of becoming a victim of unlawful actions by lovers of other people's property.

The most stolen among non-Japanese brands (according to analysts from the Autostat agency) were Land Rover and Infiniti cars. The statistics are compiled from the Ministry of Internal Affairs databases on vehicle thefts.