Charging the battery of a children's electric car with a car charger. How to charge an RC car? New generation chargers: making life easier

Children electric car is one of the popular entertainment for children aged 1 to 8 years. Control own car, which is an exact reduced copy of luxury brands, gives the child an indescribable delight and a lot of pleasant sensations, and also instills independence and develops coordination.
The expediency of purchasing your own electric car is due to high cost his rental. Today, any parents can buy an electric car for their baby, both elite and from the budget price range. But in order for the toy to serve its little owner For many years, it has been important to know how to charge a children's electric car correctly.

Modern electric vehicles are equipped with capacious 12V batteries, which allows them to operate for up to 2-3 hours.
Electric vehicle battery operation and charging tips:

  • After delivery and checking the performance of the electric car, it is recommended to put the battery of the children's car on charge. All electric cars have a factory battery charge of 20-30 percent, which allows them to be stored for up to 5 years without losing battery capacity. The duration of the first charge should be a maximum of 7-8 hours;
  • Manufacturers do not advise completely discharging the battery of an electric car, as this can lead to a decrease in battery capacity and frequent discharge later. When the first signs of discharge appear (for example, slow driving), you must immediately put the electric car on recharging;
  • After each use, it is necessary to re-charge the battery of the children's electric car, since it can be stored in a discharged state for no more than 2-3 weeks, then it irreversibly deteriorates;
  • With a long break in the operation of a car, it is advisable to remove the terminals from the battery, especially when it is stored in an unheated room (on a balcony or in a garage);
  • If the electric car is not used for a long time, to maintain the performance and capacity of the battery, it must be regularly discharged and recharged (at least once a month).
  • It is not recommended to operate in the cold season at air temperatures below -10 -15 degrees Celsius. When storing the vehicle in a cold, unheated room, it is recommended to store the battery separately from the electric vehicle in a warm room.

How much to charge a children's electric car?

The battery life is on average 200-300 discharge-charge cycles, which is approximately 2-3 seasons of intensive use, subject to all of the above recommendations. During storage and use, it is not advisable to drop it in order to avoid irreversible damage.
The first charge of the battery of an electric car should be at least 8-10 hours. Subsequent recharges of the battery are on average 6 to 10 hours, depending on its capacity. It is not recommended to leave the battery on charge for more than 10 hours, as this will reduce its capacity and shorten its life.
Some models of electric cars are equipped with indicators for discharging and charging the battery. Batteries with a volume of 12AN give out electricity in 1AH, so the duration of their full charge is about 10 hours. If the battery is not completely discharged, the recharging period is proportionally reduced.
Online store "Cars-Kids" works directly with the largest manufacturers electric cars and other children's toys, therefore, it sells only high-quality products for reasonable prices. The catalogs of the online store include a wide range of the lineup auto - exact copies famous BMW brands, Mercedes, Porsche, Hummer, etc.

Children's electric car is a wonderful modern toy that can bring a lot of joy to your child. However, joy may well be replaced by disappointment if the desired car suddenly refuses to move. To prevent this from happening, parents should carefully consider the process of charging the battery. Then the vehicle will be, as they say, on the go, and the child will always be satisfied.

When an electric car has just been bought

Most children use their cars during the warm season (spring-autumn). But there is also a situation when parents buy an electric car in winter - for example, as a gift for New Year(especially given that the winter time you can buy the desired transport at a good discount).
If the electric car is not planned to be used immediately after purchase, if you have to wait until the next use, you should not immediately worry about charging. Although the factory charge is about 20-30% of the total volume of the battery, stored in this state children's car maybe up to 5 years. Just put it in the garage and wait for the time when it gets warmer outside and the child leaves for his first car trip.

When a child constantly uses an electric car

If after purchase the child wants to try new toy(and, most likely, this is exactly what will happen), we recommend that you completely discharge the battery. Depending on its model and the nature of the ride, the time of using an electric car on a single charge can vary from 30 minutes to 2.5 hours a day.
Further, you should follow the recommendations that are the same for all manufacturers of this children's vehicles:

  • The battery must always be charged, including during winter storage of the electric vehicle. The average storage time of an uncharged battery is no more than 2 weeks. If this period is exceeded, then the battery will inevitably become unusable;
  • for charging, use original chargers and strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. They are indicated in the instructions provided to the buyer along with the child car;
  • the average battery charging time is from 8-12 hours to a day (depending on the model of the electric vehicle). Do not forget to turn off the charger after the specified time! This will shorten battery life;
  • when installed on winter storage fully charge the battery of the electric vehicle and repeat the procedure once every 2-3 months. The same applies to the time when, for one reason or another, the child does not use an electric car;
  • battery life, depending on its model, is 200-300 charge/discharge cycles (2-3 years of operation). But this is only when correct operation and periodic maintenance.
If you find that the charging of the electric car is not enough for a long time, that the battery life has decreased, you should contact the appropriate service. They will tell you if you need to buy new battery or there are other reasons for concern.

Important rules for the operation of electric vehicles:

Children's electric cars are designed for use in dry and warm weather. The minimum temperature at which you can ride a typewriter is -5 ° C. IN hard frost plastic becomes rigid, losing its necessary elasticity - breakage is possible with minor impacts. Lubrication freezes in gearboxes and gear teeth can break. The battery freezes and will not work properly.

Do not overload a children's electric car above the instructions maximum weight. Moms and dads! Do not try to ride in a children's car yourself! Of course, you can and will succeed, the electric car will “hold together” more weight. But this is fraught with serious damage.

Try to avoid rain and direct contact with water on the electric vehicle. If the machine is dirty, never wash it with a hose. It is fraught with a short circuit electrical circuit. At the very least, what can happen is that the fuse will blow, the maximum will fail the motor or battery. Therefore, wipe the machine from dirt with a damp cloth. It is advisable to store the electric car indoors. If you leave it on the street, then be sure to cover it with a film or dense material so that dew and rain do not fall on the electric car and damp wiring does not deteriorate.

Children's electric cars with two speeds forward and one reverse. Sitting in such a machine, the child immediately begins to switch indiscriminately speed. Try to explain how to get under way on such a machine. It is best to start off from the first speed and switch to the second one on the go. Although, if a child starts off on a typewriter immediately from the second speed, there is nothing wrong with that. The car will run without problems. It's just that a child can get scared of such a sharp start if he got behind the wheel for the first time. Also tell the baby that when driving forward, especially in second gear, if he wants to go back, he must first release the pedal and stop, then turn on reverse speed and go back. If this is done without stopping the electric vehicle, the load on the gears in the gearbox increases significantly and their teeth can break.

Switching on the electric vehicle:

Set the "on-off" button to the "ON" mode, move the "forward-back" button to one of the positions. We press the button ("pedal start", which is located under the right foot of the child), we check whether the electric car works or not.

After driving, do not forget to turn off the power of the electric vehicle. And with prolonged downtime (a week or more), it is advisable to disconnect the terminals from the battery.

Battery usage rules:

You bought an electric car. The battery on it is charged by factory charging by 20-30 percent. If you bought a car in the winter, and the child will ride it only in the spring, then you don’t need to do anything with the battery. Only with factory charging it can be stored up to 5 years

You assembled an electric car, and the child immediately drove off. Let the baby get the first unforgettable impressions and at the same time drain the battery a little. But you do not need to let the battery discharge to the end to "zero". If you see that the electric car is already driving slower, stop riding and put the battery on charge. When buying, you need to let the battery work a little and only after that it needs to be charged.

The battery must always be charged. Remember, as soon as the baby has discharged the battery, immediately put the battery on charge. Discharged - the battery can be stored for a couple of weeks, then it begins to deteriorate irreversibly. Especially, do not forget to charge the battery for the winter, otherwise, when you take out the electric car in the spring, you will not be able to charge it. You will have to buy a new battery. It is recommended that when the battery is idle for a long time, every two months to make one “discharge-charge” cycle.

The battery needs to be charged for no more than 24 hours. If you forgot it while charging for a couple of days, this will shorten its service life. Let's say a battery with a volume of 12Ah, and the charger outputs a current of 1Ah (this is always written on the charger), then it will charge a completely discharged battery for 12 hours. On average, batteries need to be charged for 8-12 hours.

Batteries can be recharged even if it is not completely discharged. Accordingly, the charging time of an incompletely discharged battery is reduced.

The service life of any battery is 200-300 charge-discharge cycles, depending on the manufacturer. This is approximately 2-3 years of seasonal operation of an electric vehicle, subject to the above rules.

Batteries must not be hit or dropped and, in no case, must not be short-circuited between plus and minus. All batteries in electric vehicles are equipped with special adapters to the charger, so you need to try very hard to short the contact.

Driving time on one battery charge:

Children's electric cars with a fully charged battery 6v/10-12Ah, 12v/12Ah at maximum load at the second speed and uphill continuously can go 30 minutes. At the same time, the average driving time in normal mode on electric vehicles with such a battery is 2-2.5 hours a day.

Children's electric cars with a fully charged battery 6v / 7Ah, 12V / 7AH at maximum load at the second speed and uphill can continuously drive 20 minutes. At the same time, the average driving time with such a battery is 1-1.5 hours a day.

If you have two kids, then it makes sense to purchase an additional battery.

Battery connection:

Connecting the battery is as follows. We connect the red wire to the "+" terminal, the black wire to the "-" terminal. If you mix up the wire connection (polarity reversal), this will lead to failure of the electric vehicle control board. If it breaks, contact a radio repairman for radio equipment.

Faults after assembling an electric vehicle:

Check battery voltage:

If the battery does not work after assembling the electric vehicle, you must do the following. Check the voltage at the battery with a multimeter. The full charge of the battery, depending on its voltage, should be for a 6v10AH battery - from 6.75v to 6.90v. 12v10AH - from 13.50v to 13.80v. In the absence of a multimeter, use by replacing the defective battery with a new one taken from another electric vehicle. While maintaining identity electrical voltage 6 or 12 volts, connection polarity "+" to "+", "-" to "-" and contact reliability (terminals should not hang out), and with extreme terminals reversible voltage directly to the electric motor, depending on the position of the forward-back buttons. If there is no voltage at both ends of the button or at one of them (the electric car does not go forward or backward or only in one direction), then it is necessary to replace the forward-back button with a new one.

Engine check:

We disconnect the electric motor from the main wires using the connector and connect it directly to the battery. In this case, there is no need to observe polarity, because, when reversing electric motor it will change the direction of rotation. If the motor still does not work, replace it with a new one.

Fuse check:

If the electric car does not work, then you need to check the fuse by ringing with a multimeter. In the absence of a multimeter, the fuse must be replaced with a new one located in the same container. Attention!!! Do not use self-made and higher current fuses, this can lead to a fire in the electrical wires. The current is indicated on the fuse box.

Gearbox check:

The motor may not rotate due to mechanical damage gearbox (breakage of gear teeth, misalignment of axes, foreign objects getting between the teeth). In this case, the electric motor will heat up and quickly fail.

You can check the operation of the gearbox by scrolling it by the output gear, it should scroll in both directions with considerable effort. In this case, the motor must rotate. This can be seen through the air intake of the electric motor (the impeller rotates).

If a malfunction is detected, it must be eliminated, that is, replace the faulty gears with new ones, eliminate distortions, foreign objects. Thoroughly lubricate all gears, axles and seats gearbox axes synthetic lubricant. Assemble the gearbox and install it in its place. Connect with a connector to the electrical wiring.

It would be nice to figure out which battery is in your model and how to handle it. Simply because improper use - like improper charging - will ruin the battery, and this is best avoided.

Types of batteries

There are three main types of batteries:

  • NiCd. The first batteries used in electric cars. The capacity of such a battery does not exceed 2400 mAh, it is charged with a current of 1.5-2.5 capacity for 30-80 minutes (depending on the capacity). Then there is a break and a second charging cycle. IMPORTANT: if your model has such a battery (which is generally unlikely), monitor its temperature during charging. If it heats up more than up to 45 ° C, charging must be interrupted;
  • NiMH. More capacious than NiCd (from 3000 mAh), are widely used in modern RC models. They are charged with a current of 3-5 amperes, they also require attention to the temperature of the battery, on average by full charge battery needs 40-60 minutes (depending on the capacity);

  • Lipo. Lithium polymer batteries, which in the same weight as NiMH, have 3-4 times large capacity. These are excellent indicators, but such “banks” are the most demanding in terms of operation and maintenance. Need to:
    • Use a special charger that gives exactly 4.2V per element (“jar”). The charge current is limited by the capacity of the battery. It is also desirable that the charger has a temperature sensor to avoid overheating.
    • Absolutely exclude heating above 60 ° C, there may be a fire!
    • Remember that such a battery cannot be stored in a discharged state (NiCd are stored strictly in a discharged form, NiMH in a practically discharged or 50% discharged state).
    • Keep the battery warm (at least until use). But avoid direct sunlight.
    • Do not charge damaged or swollen batteries.
    • Do not discharge below 3.0V per cell.
    • Store in a fireproof protective case For .

Most modern cars have NiMH or Li-Po batteries.

How to charge the battery?

To do this, there are various chargers: from the simplest, designed for "their" type and capacity of the battery, to universal chargers that work with all types of batteries and provide any charge / discharge modes that balance each battery element. Sometimes the charger is included, but most often it will have to be purchased separately.

In this case, several parameters must be taken into account:

  • What type of batteries is this charger compatible with?
  • Charge power to each channel.

How long does it take to charge the machine on the remote control?

For the user, the answer is simple: exactly as much as the charger “says”. As a rule, this is up to 45 minutes with and up to 2-2.5 hours for lithium-polymer batteries. In any case, it is impossible to leave the machine on charge longer than required: this will have a bad effect on the battery - it will overheat, and this reduces the resource and gives the risk of fire. If you “understand” charging, a “memory effect” may occur: the next time the battery is not fully charged, its capacity will decrease.

IMPORTANT: Before charging radio-controlled car, make sure the charger fits the battery! Ideally, use a "native" charger, but if this is not possible, pick up a device that matches the battery. You can consult in our store, in addition, there are lists of suitable chargers for popular batteries.

  • In no case do not close the contacts, especially on Li-Po.
  • Before charging, check if everything is in order with the battery, if there is any damage.
  • It is better to charge the battery at least 15-20 minutes after using the machine.
  • It is advisable not to leave charging batteries unattended.
  • Each accumulator battery lasts longer and is more productive if it is provided full cycles charge and discharge.

Be careful, do not violate the requirements for operation, and it will last for many years without visible problems.

They did not stop suddenly, it is necessary to pay attention to the diligent operation of a large toy, namely, to properly charge the battery of an electric car.

Let's take care of the battery:

The main rule for operating an electric car is to bring the battery indicator to zero. What is terrible here? Let's say a child has plenty of time to ride a new toy until the battery is completely discharged, and then you switch to an electric scooter, or maybe the good weather has been replaced by constant rains and you have no time for walking on the street, or you simply went to your grandmother in the village. And at this time, a discharged battery fails, because it can be in working condition for no more than two weeks. And who wants to spend money on buying a new battery? If you're planning on a downtime period for your electric vehicle, be sure to perform a charge-and-charge cycle to prevent the battery from dying prematurely.

Important! Long-term operation of an electric vehicle is ensured by observing these simple rules:

1. Start by reading the instructions. Some manufacturers have their own characteristics of charging the battery of children's vehicles.

2. Use the original brand charger, not common analogues. After all, even an accessory with an identical capacity from an unknown manufacturer can significantly reduce the life of a children's electric car.

3. Do not subject the charger to shocks or drops, which may cause the device to catch fire.

How long does it take to charge an electric car?

The life of the vehicle also reduces the long stay of the car on charge. The best option is no more than 24 hours, for popular models full charge comes after 8-12 hours. It is also acceptable to recharge the toy while riding. On some models, there is a charge indicator that controls the process. If this function is not available, we recommend focusing on the battery capacity. During the period of "stagnation" it is necessary to feed the device with a cyclic "discharge-charge" every two months.

How to charge the battery of a children's electric car?

Sometimes compliance with the “insert charging-pulling out charging” algorithm is not enough for the device to please children with exciting rides, and parents with long-term operation without additional financial investments. All electric vehicles from brands such as, etc. have the same charging method.

A little theory for caring parents:

1. Even if the car battery is 30-40% charged, it does not need to be recharged the first time you use it. More effective application The battery can only be reached when the battery is completely discharged. Also, the first charge should be full up to the 100% mark.

2. It is necessary to be a diligent driver from childhood - in order not to “injure” the battery, a change in the direction of transport (back and forth) must be done only when the mobile is completely stopped.

3. Significant engine overload (driving on an obstacle course, long press on the gas) can cause serious machine problems and fast discharge batteries.

4. If parents use the remote remote control It is not recommended to abruptly change the speed and direction of movement.

Remember! If after 2-3 months of operation of the children's electric car maximum mileage will decrease significantly - contact the service, the problem may be in a factory defect.

Take care of the correct and accurate charging, following all the instructions. Choose electric vehicles for your children only from trusted manufacturers whose products will amuse and delight little drivers!