Terms of use. On approval of the rules for the operation of specialized parking lots for storing detained vehicles for detained vehicles

See also the chapter Motor transport services - Commercial parking lots and paid parking.

The traffic police officer must place the car in a specially designated guarded place if the reason for the detention cannot be eliminated quickly. In the protocol on administrative offense he is obliged to make a record of the detention and prohibition of operation of the car or draw up a separate protocol about this. A copy of the protocol must be given to the driver. In its absence, a protocol on the detention of the vehicle is drawn up in the presence of two witnesses.

A detained vehicle may not be sent to a specially guarded parking lot if the reason for the detention can be eliminated on the spot. In this case, no arrest report is drawn up.

If the detained car is not able to move on its own, it is delivered to a special guarded parking lot using another car in the presence of the driver, and if the car is in good working order, a traffic police officer can deliver it there independently.

In the absence of such parking, the car can be handed over to the duty station or taken to the site at a stationary or police control post. It is deposited according to the arrest report, to which is attached an inventory of the car and property in 2 copies, one of which is issued to the driver.

In this case, there is no charge for storing the car.

After the reasons for the detention have been eliminated (the driver has become sober, documents have been submitted, the presence of a person authorized to drive a car of the appropriate category, troubleshooting, etc.), the car must be returned to the driver (owner).

The rules for detaining a vehicle, placing it in a parking lot, storing it, and also prohibiting its operation speak of placing the vehicle in a specialized parking lot - “a specially designated guarded storage place for detained Vehicle".

The fee for transportation and storage of a detained vehicle is charged in the amount established by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the first day of storing a car in a specialized parking lot is not subject to payment.

The driver of a car detained at a stationary checkpoint may file a petition stating that he is ready to eliminate the reasons for the detention within three hours. The fact of such a request must be noted in the protocol, and the car itself must be temporarily placed on the site at a stationary post (traffic police officers are required to inform the driver themselves about this possibility).

If the car is not detained at a stationary post, the driver can invite the traffic police officer who stopped him to drive with him to the nearest stationary post or to the place of permanent duty.

During the three hours provided to him, the driver has the opportunity to:

After eliminating the reasons for the detention, the car is given to the driver directly from the stationary post.

An entry is made in the log book about a car placed in a impound lot containing:

  • date and time of placement of the vehicle in a specialized parking lot;
  • information about the detained vehicle (make, model, state registration plate);
  • reasons for placing the vehicle in a specialized parking lot (number of the protocol on the detention of the vehicle);
  • information about the person who transported the vehicle, his signature;
  • information about the person who accepted the vehicle for storage, his signature;
  • information about the person who authorized the issuance of the vehicle (position, surname, initials);
  • date and time of issue of the vehicle;
  • information about the person who received the vehicle, his signature.

The log is kept by the person responsible for storing detained vehicles in a specialized parking lot. The sheets of the journal must be numbered, laced and sealed with the seal of the relevant internal affairs agency. The log is stored in the organization that stores detained vehicles for three years.

A car placed in a parking lot is sealed (all doors, hood, trunk, gas tank cap) by a police officer or the driver himself.

The owner of the car has the right to take away any property and equipment from the passenger compartment, trunk and other places of the car (for example, a tool kit, personal belongings, purchases, radio, etc.).

You can pick up a car from the parking lot at any time of the day after the reasons for the detention have been eliminated and a fine has been paid (if it has been issued).

The decision to release the car is made by the traffic police officer who detained him or the officer on duty - he puts a permitting signature and seal on the previously issued direction to the driver to the special parking lot.

In addition, you must pay the costs of moving the car and special parking services. The first 3 hours (in Moscow - the first 24 hours) of the car being in the special parking lot are not subject to payment. Further payment is charged for each full hour. The tariff is determined by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. You can pay through the Savings Bank or directly at the parking lot through a cash register. In addition to the cash receipt, it is advisable to request an invoice (from the parking lot administration), where all services should be outlined and priced element by element. If the administration does not agree, such a requirement can be justified, for example, by the fact that the car belongs to the company, and the accounting department will pay for parking only according to the invoice.

After this, the driver can pick up his car against receipt - in person or by sending his authorized representative (with a power of attorney executed by a notary).

When receiving the car, you need to check its condition, since the receipt contains a clause stating that the owner has no claims for the evacuation and storage of the car. It is necessary to check the safety of all the “seals” with which the car was sealed, the presence and safety of all its elements.

Attention: crime!!

If the car was opened, some things were missing, gasoline was drained, etc., you should not sign the no-claims receipt offered by the parking lot employees. However, you should also not rush to inform the administration and parking lot security of your intentions to return the stolen property or compensate for its cost, since this will almost certainly lead to an unsuccessful scandal. The most appropriate behavior in this case is to leave the parking lot under any pretext (“keys, alarm key fob, license, documents, etc.) are left at home, contact the police and write a statement about the theft of the car. Returning to the parking lot with an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you need to draw up a detailed report on all thefts from the car.

You can make a claim immediately if the owner comes to receive the car accompanied by three or four people whom he trusts. In the presence of these witnesses, you must immediately draw up a statement of shortages and thefts and have it signed by the parking attendant. If he refuses to sign, you must make a note about this in the act and have all witnesses sign it.

In Moscow, a car owner who is unable to immediately pay for storage in full can recognize a debt (its amount cannot exceed the amount for storage for two months). The "City Vehicle Relocation Service" has the right to enter into an agreement with the owner (the owner's representative) on the recognition of the debt and the gradual repayment of the amount for storage. In this case, the repayment period of the debt cannot exceed three years.



About the organization of activities

specialized parking lots

for detained transport

funds on the territory of Chuvash-

skaya Republic

In order to implement the Law Chuvash Republic dated 01/01/01 “On the procedure for moving detained vehicles to a specialized parking lot, their storage, payment of expenses for movement and storage, and return of vehicles” decrees:

1. Approve the attached procedure for organizing the activities of specialized parking lots for detained vehicles on the territory of the Chuvash Republic.

2. The Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Chuvash Republic, in agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Chuvash Republic, makes proposals for additional staffing levels of employees of the Ministry of Transport of Chuvashia, financed from the republican budget of the Chuvash Republic.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Ministry of Transport and road facilities Chuvash Republic.

4. This resolution comes into force ten days after the day of its official publication.

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers

Chuvash Republic I. Motorin



Cabinet of Ministers

Chuvash Republic


organizing the activities of specialized parking lots

for detained vehicles

on the territory of the Chuvash Republic

This Procedure determines the organization of the activities of specialized parking lots for detained vehicles on the territory of the Chuvash Republic, the movement of vehicles to specialized parking lots, their storage, payment of expenses for movement and storage, as well as the return of vehicles detained in accordance with Art. 27.13 of the Code Russian Federation about administrative offenses.

Article 1. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this Procedure, the following concepts are used:

1) authorized body– executive authority of the Chuvash Republic in the field of organization transport services population - Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Chuvash Republic;

2) authorized organization - an institution (organization) that has entered into an agreement with the authorized body to carry out work on the movement of detained vehicles, their storage in a specialized parking lot and return, which has the material and technical resources necessary to carry out these works;

3) executive authorized organization - the person responsible for the movement of detained vehicles and their storage in a specialized parking lot;

4) dispatch center - a structural unit of the executive and administrative body of a municipality or an institution authorized by it that carries out dispatching and monitoring of the movement and storage of detained vehicles;

5) movement of a detained vehicle - transportation and placement of a detained vehicle with the help of another vehicle to a specialized parking lot;

6) tow truck – a specialized vehicle designed for loading, unloading and transporting other vehicles.

Article 2. Powers of the authorized body and local government bodies in the field of organizing the movement of detained vehicles to specialized parking lots on the territory of the Chuvash Republic, their storage, payment of expenses for movement and storage, as well as the return of vehicles

1. The authorized body shall perform the following functions:

1.1. Concludes an agreement with authorized organizations to carry out work on moving detained vehicles, storing them in a specialized parking lot and returning them.

1.2. Publishes a list of authorized organizations, telephone numbers of dispatch centers on the official website of the authorized body on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

1.3. Monitors the work of authorized organizations. 1.4. Provides local authorities with a list of authorized organizations with which contracts have been concluded to perform work on the movement of detained vehicles, their storage in a specialized parking lot and return.

2. Local government bodies, within their competence, perform the following functions:

2.1. A dispatch center is being created.

2.2. Ensure interaction between the dispatch center, authorized organizations and internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation on the movement of detained vehicles to specialized parking lots.

2.3. Post a list of addresses of specialized parking lots located within municipality, telephone numbers of the dispatch center on the official website of the local government on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

2.4. Submit to the authorized body a list of addresses of specialized parking lots located within the municipality, telephone numbers of the dispatch center and a link to a section of the official website of the local government on the Internet, containing relevant information.

3. The dispatch center performs the following functions:

3.1. Coordinates activities for the movement of detained vehicles.

3.2. Organizes interaction between authorized organizations regarding the use of specialized parking lots.

3.3. Accepts applications from officials of internal affairs bodies to move detained vehicles to a specialized parking lot.

3.4. Determines the location of the specialized parking lot closest to the detained vehicle.

3.5. Notifies the authorized organization of the need to send a tow truck to move the detained vehicle to a specialized parking lot.

3.6. Immediately posts information about relocated detained vehicles on the official website of the local government on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

3.7. Informs the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation about unclaimed detained vehicles.

3.8. Monitors the process of movement of detained vehicles and their storage in specialized parking lots.

Article 3. Activities of authorized organizations

1. Activities related to the movement of detained vehicles, their storage in specialized parking lots and return are carried out by an authorized organization on the basis of an agreement with the authorized body.

To conclude an agreement with the authorized body, applicants for activities related to the movement of detained vehicles, their storage in specialized parking lots and return (hereinafter referred to as applicants) submit the following documents to the authorized body:

copies of documents confirming that the authorized organization has ownership or other legal grounds for vehicles offered for use as tow trucks;

a copy of a document confirming ownership or other right to a land plot used as a specialized site for storing detained vehicles.

2. The grounds for refusal to conclude an agreement with the authorized body to carry out activities for the movement of detained vehicles, their storage in specialized parking lots and return are:

absence of documents listed in part 1 of this article;

submission by the applicant of documents containing false information.

3. The activities of authorized organizations are carried out around the clock using tow truck vehicles certified on the territory of the Russian Federation and must ensure the safety of movement, guarantee the protection of the transported vehicle from fire and accidents, and also ensure safety traffic. Authorized organizations move detained vehicles to the nearest specialized parking lot from the place of evacuation of the detained vehicle.

An authorized organization does not have the right to refuse to another authorized organization to accept a detained vehicle for storage at its specialized parking lot if this vehicle was sent to this parking lot by the dispatch center.

Work on moving detained vehicles, storing them in specialized parking lots and returning them must be carried out by specialists who meet the qualification requirements for road transport workers.

Tow trucks must be equipped with equipment that allows the location of the tow truck to be determined and video recording equipment. Work to move detained vehicles must be carried out with video recording equipment turned on, the storage period of information on which must be at least 6 months.

Article 4. Procedure for moving detained vehicles

1. The movement of detained vehicles in accordance with Part 1 of Article 27.13 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses of vehicles is carried out to specialized parking lots intended for storing only detained vehicles and special equipment authorized organization.

2. The movement of vehicles is carried out by an authorized organization after drawing up a protocol on an administrative offense or a protocol on the detention of a vehicle.

In the absence of the driver, a protocol on the detention of the vehicle is drawn up in the presence of two witnesses who sign the compiled protocol.

Copies of the protocol on the detention of the vehicle are handed over to the official of the authorized organization carrying out the movement of the detained vehicle to a specialized parking lot, and to the driver against whom the corresponding measure has been taken to ensure proceedings in the case of an administrative offense.

3. The driver is informed about the place where the detained vehicle will be stored when receiving a protocol on an administrative offense or a protocol on the detention of a vehicle.

4. If the reason for the detention of the vehicle is eliminated at the place where the administrative offense was detected before the movement of the detained vehicle begins, the vehicle will not be placed in a specialized parking lot.

5. In the absence of the driver, the official moving the detained vehicle to a specialized parking lot informs the dispatch center about the detention and movement of the vehicle to a specialized parking lot before the vehicle begins moving.

6. The dispatch center promptly posts information about the movement of a vehicle to a specialized parking lot on the official website of the local government on the Internet, indicating the time and place of loading onto a tow truck, state number tow truck, name of the authorized organization, time of arrival at the specialized parking lot and its location.

Article 5. The procedure for receiving and storing detained vehicles at a specialized parking lot.

1. Storage of detained vehicles is carried out in a specialized parking lot, which must be equipped with:

1) a checkpoint and fences ensuring restriction of access to the territory of a specialized parking lot for unauthorized persons;

2) a room for making round-the-clock payments for the movement and storage of detained vehicles placed in a specialized parking lot;

3) technical means video recording;

The specialized parking area and access roads must have a surface suitable for the movement of motor vehicles.

Specialized parking lots must meet fire safety requirements and have 24-hour security.

2. Reception of detained vehicles to a specialized parking lot is carried out by the person responsible for the storage of detained vehicles upon receipt of a copy of the relevant protocol on the detention of the vehicle.

When accepting a detained vehicle, the vehicle must be inspected for compliance with the data specified in the copy of the protocol, for which an act of acceptance and transfer of the detained vehicle must be drawn up. The transfer and acceptance certificate is signed by the official of the authorized organization carrying out the movement of the detained vehicle and the person who accepted the detained vehicle for storage.

3. Reception of a detained vehicle at a specialized parking lot is confirmed by a registration entry in the Register of Detained Vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Register), which must be numbered and laced. On the last sheet a record is made of the number of numbered sheets. The accounting journal is certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the authorized organization.

The logbook must contain the following information:

date and time of placement of the detained vehicle in a specialized parking lot;

information about the detained vehicle (make, model, state registration plate);

grounds for placing a detained vehicle in a specialized parking lot (number and date of the protocol);

information about the person who transported the detained vehicle, his signature;

information about the person who accepted the detained vehicle for storage, his signature;

information about the person who authorized the release of the detained vehicle (position, surname, initials);

date and time of release of the detained vehicle;

information about the person who received the detained vehicle, his signature.

The logbook is kept by the person responsible for storing detained vehicles in a specialized parking lot.

The logbook is kept in the dispatch center for three years from the date of the last entry.

4. Reception of detained vehicles for storage is carried out around the clock.

The storage period of detained vehicles is calculated in hours from the moment of placement in a specialized parking lot until the moment of delivery to the owner (the owner’s representative).

5. During the period of storage of a detained vehicle in a specialized parking lot, measures must be taken to exclude access to the detained vehicle by third parties.

Article 6. Payment for the movement and storage of a detained vehicle.

1. Payment for the movement and storage of a detained vehicle in a specialized parking lot is collected from the person who committed the administrative offense that resulted in the detention of the vehicle.

2. The fee for storing a detained vehicle in a specialized parking lot is charged for each full hour of its presence in a specialized parking lot from the moment it is accepted for storage according to the Log Book.

3. The amount of payment for the movement and storage of a detained vehicle in a specialized parking lot is established by the executive authority of the Chuvash Republic in the field of state regulation of tariffs.

Article 7. Procedure for the release of a detained vehicle

1. The release of a detained vehicle to the owner is carried out by the person responsible for storage, based on the decision of an official of the internal affairs body to terminate the detention of the vehicle after payment of the costs associated with the movement and storage in a specialized parking lot.

2. Upon receipt of a detained vehicle, the owner (the owner’s representative), in the presence of the person responsible for storing the detained vehicle, inspects his vehicle. The presence or absence of claims on the part of the owner (the owner’s representative) regarding the safety of the vehicle is made in the Log Book.

3. Vehicles are issued 24 hours a day.

Before loading the vehicle, the official of the authorized organization carrying out the movement of the detained vehicle to a specialized parking lot seals the structurally provided access points to the detained vehicle.



“On the organization of the activities of specialized parking lots for detained vehicles on the territory of the Chuvash Republic

(name (essence) of the project)

The project is being introduced Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Chuvash Republic

Head of the executive body of the Chuvash Republic


(signature) (full name)

Project approved*:

I. In the executive authorities of the Chuvash Republic, other bodies and organizations

date of receiving


Ministry of Economic Development of Chuvashia

Ministry of Finance of Chuvashia

Prosecutor's Office of the Chuvash Republic

Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for Chuvashia

Ministry of Justice of Chuvashia

II. In the Administration of the Head of the Chuvash Republic

Note: In the executive authorities of the Chuvash Republic, other bodies and organizations, the project is approved as a matter of priority and within no more than 3 days, especially complex ones - within no more than 5 days.

Date of receipt of the project by the Administration of the Head of the Chuvash Republic

2012 _________________ __________________

(signature) (full name)

* To be completed by the executive authority of the Chuvash Republic introducing the project.

** The approval date must coincide with the project approval date (put on the last page
under the signature).


Explanatory note

“On the organization of the activities of specialized parking lots for detained vehicles on the territory of the Chuvash Republic

This draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic was developed by the Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Chuvash Republic in pursuance of the Law of the Chuvash Republic No. 36 “On the procedure for moving detained vehicles to a specialized parking lot, their storage, payment of expenses for movement and storage, return of vehicles” dated 01.01. 01 year.

This project provides for the organization of the activities of specialized parking lots for detained vehicles on the territory of the Chuvash Republic, the movement of vehicles to specialized parking lots, their storage, payment of expenses for movement and storage, as well as the return of vehicles detained in accordance with Art. 27.13 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, the procedure for interaction between the authorized body, the dispatch center, authorized organizations and internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation on the movement of detained vehicles to specialized parking lots, their storage, payment of expenses for movement and storage, and the return of vehicles.

In order to fulfill the Ministry of Transport of Chuvashia additional function authorized body in the field of organizing the activities of specialized parking lots for detained vehicles on the territory of the Chuvash Republic, it is necessary to increase the staffing level of the ministry by 2 units, financed from the republican budget of the Chuvash Republic.

The entry into force of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic will not require the adoption, amendment, suspension or invalidation of any federal laws or laws of the Chuvash Republic.

Chuvash Republic


based on the results of an anti-corruption examination

draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic

“On organizing the activities of specialized parking lots

for detained vehicles on the territory of the Chuvash Republic"

The draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic “On the organization of the activities of specialized parking lots for detained vehicles on the territory of the Chuvash Republic” does not identify corruption-related factors.

The draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic “On the organization of the activities of specialized parking lots for detained vehicles on the territory of the Chuvash Republic” is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Chuvash Republic on the Internet “_____”________________ 2012.

The closing date for accepting conclusions based on the results of an independent anti-corruption examination is “_____”________________ 2012.

Minister of Transport and Roads

Chuvash Republic


7.4 Specialized (penalty) parking

See also the chapter Motor transport services - Commercial parking lots and paid parking.

The traffic police officer must place the car in a specially designated guarded place (specialized parking lot) if the reason for the detention cannot be eliminated quickly. In the protocol on the administrative offense, he is obliged to make an entry about the detention and prohibition of operating the car or draw up a separate protocol about this. A copy of the protocol must be given to the driver. In its absence, a protocol on the detention of the vehicle is drawn up in the presence of two witnesses.

The movement of vehicles to a specialized parking lot, their storage, payment of expenses for movement and storage, and the return of vehicles to their owners are carried out in the manner established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

A detained car may not be sent to a specialized parking lot if the reason for the detention is eliminated on the spot (documents provided for by traffic regulations are provided; faults are eliminated brake system, steering; Violations of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles on the roadway, which resulted in the creation of obstacles to the movement of other vehicles, or stopping or parking a vehicle in a tunnel, have been eliminated; violations of the rules for the transportation of large, heavy or dangerous goods; another driver is provided to drive the vehicle). The cause must be eliminated before moving the detained vehicle.

The driver or owner of the detained vehicle is informed of the place where it will be stored and the procedure for its return upon delivery of a copy of the report on the detention of the vehicle or upon other treatment. The detention of a vehicle in the absence of the driver is immediately reported to the duty station to inform the owner and, if necessary, take measures to identify the owner of the vehicle.

A copy of the protocol on the detention of the vehicle is given to the person against whom this measure was applied, as well as to the person responsible for storing the vehicle in a specialized parking lot.

A car placed in a parking lot is sealed (all doors, hood, trunk, gas tank cap) by a police officer or the driver himself.

The owner of the car has the right to take away any property and equipment from the passenger compartment, trunk and other places of the car (for example, a tool kit, personal belongings, purchases, radio, etc.).

You can pick up a car from the parking lot at any time of the day after the reasons for the detention have been eliminated and a fine has been paid (if it has been issued).

In addition, you must pay for special parking services. The tariff is determined by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. You can pay through the Savings Bank or directly at the parking lot through a cash register. In addition to the cash receipt, it is advisable to request an invoice (from the parking lot administration), where all services should be outlined and priced element by element. If the administration does not agree, such a requirement can be justified, for example, by the fact that the car belongs to the company, and the accounting department will pay for parking only according to the invoice.

After this, the driver can pick up his car against receipt - in person or by sending his authorized representative (with a power of attorney executed by a notary).

When receiving the car, you need to check its condition, since the receipt contains a clause stating that the owner has no claims for the evacuation and storage of the car. It is necessary to check the safety of all the “seals” with which the car was sealed, the presence and safety of all its elements.

If the car was opened, some things were missing, gasoline was drained, etc., you should not sign the no-claims receipt offered by the parking lot employees. However, you should also not rush to inform the administration and parking lot security of your intentions to return the stolen property or compensate for its cost, since this will almost certainly lead to an unsuccessful scandal. The most appropriate behavior in this case is to leave the parking lot under any pretext (“keys, alarm key fob, license, documents, etc.) are left at home, contact the police and write a statement about the theft of the car. Returning to the parking lot with an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you need to draw up a detailed report on all thefts from the car.

You can make a claim immediately if the owner comes to receive the car accompanied by three or four people whom he trusts. In the presence of these witnesses, you must immediately draw up a statement of shortages and thefts and have it signed by the parking attendant. If he refuses to sign, you must make a note about this in the act and have all witnesses sign it.

In Moscow, a car owner who is unable to immediately pay for storage in full can recognize a debt (its amount cannot exceed the amount for storage for two months). The "City Vehicle Relocation Service" has the right to enter into an agreement with the owner (the owner's representative) on the recognition of the debt and the gradual repayment of the amount for storage. In this case, the repayment period of the debt cannot exceed three years.

Only the beginning of the document is shown. To view the entire text, you must subscribe to the AMB-Express magazine:

I would like to know more about specialized parking lots.

1. How much is the fee for moving a vehicle to a specialized parking lot and the fee for storing it in a specialized parking lot? What legislative documents regulate this?

2. Tow trucks are used at impound lots; what taxation do they fall under?

3. What documents must be completed when moving, storing seized vehicles, as well as using a tow truck to provide these services?

4. Can an entrepreneur register an impound lot as a private one, without renting land from the municipality and without paying interest to the local police, as was the case in 2011?

5. Accounting and tax accounting when providing this type of service?

The procedure for moving vehicles detained during violations rules for operating a vehicle and driving a vehicle, for specialized parking, storage of vehicles, payment of expenses for their movement and storage and return of vehicles to their owners, representatives of owners or persons who have with them the documents necessary to drive these vehicles, in the Sverdlovsk region is established by the Law of the Sverdlovsk region dated June 20, 2012 No. 57-OZ “On the procedure for moving vehicles to specialized parking, their storage, payment of expenses for their movement and storage and return of vehicles in the Sverdlovsk region."

Under a dedicated parking lot means a specially designated guarded place intended for storing vehicles detained in violation of the rules for operating a vehicle and driving a vehicle.

Vehicles are moved to a specialized parking lot legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out activities on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region for the movement of vehicles to a specialized parking lot and (or) activities for storing vehicles placed in a specialized parking lot, included in the list approved by the Government of the Sverdlovsk region.

The procedure for creating the list legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region the activity of moving vehicles to a specialized parking lot and (or) the activity of storing vehicles placed in a specialized parking lot, approved by Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region dated June 29, 2012 No. 718-PP.

According to the Order... applicants for inclusion in the List represent to the authorized body statement on inclusion in the List, which confirms compliance with all the requirements set out in Chapter 4 of the Procedure (Appendices No. 1 and 2 to the Procedure), with the attachment of documents specified by the Procedure.

So, in particular, applicants carrying out vehicle storage activities must submit copies of documents confirming possession on any legal basis of protected land plot , intended for storing vehicles, certified by a notary.

To be included in the List, the Applicant’s activities related to the movement of vehicles to a specialized parking lot and (or) vehicle storage activities, moved to a specialized parking lot, must meet the following requirements:

1) entity(individual entrepreneur) carrying out only moving the vehicle to a specialized parking lot, must carry out the movement under the terms of a service agreement with a legal entity or individual entrepreneur storing the vehicle;

2) a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) carrying out the movement of a vehicle must own by right of ownership (other real right) or under the terms of a contract for the provision of services vehicles subject to state registration equipped with specialized equipment designed for loading and moving a detained vehicle;

3) vehicles must be operated by qualified drivers who have driver's license category "C";

4) legal entity (individual entrepreneur), carrying out storage of vehicles must own on any legal right specially designated protected place intended for storing vehicles detained on the grounds provided for Part 1 Art. 27.13 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;

5) specialized parking must operate 24 hours a day and ensure the possibility of making payment for services provided for the storage of detained vehicles in the manner established by current legislation.

Authorized body within 30 days from the date of submission by the Applicants documents reviews the submitted documents and makes one of the following decisions:

1) include the Applicant on the List;

2) refuse to include the Applicant in the List.

Before moving a vehicle to a specialized parking lot, the person carrying out such movement:

1) amounts to ok...

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