How to decorate a car for a birthday. Decorating a car with balloons How to decorate a car for a girl’s birthday

If the garland seems ordinary to you, then replace it with a composition. For example, place a heart made of many small balls on the hood. Or attach it to your car bumper wedding rings from golden or yellow balls. Instead of such compositions, you can use foil balls in the form of doves, white bells, and hearts.

If wedding procession heads a retro car, then according to the old tradition, pink ribbons and white balls are tied to its hood. You should not overload the car with decor, which in itself looks like a decoration for a car procession.

The birth of a baby is an exciting and joyful moment in the life of parents. So that the baby's first trip from the maternity hospital is the same holiday as his birth, the car is decorated with ribbons, bows and, of course, balloons.

When choosing balls, as a rule, preference is given to two standard colors. Blue for a boy, pink for a girl. To make the decoration look delicate, combine colored balls with white ones. You can also complement the composition with silver foil balloons.

Decorate the roof of the car with figures or bouquets of balloons. For example, make something like a wicker basket from small balls or oblong ones. Tie a foil figure of a stork to it. Instead of a bird, you can “put” a toy baby doll in the basket. To decorate a car bumper, foil balloons in the shape of a stroller, bottle, baby, or pacifier are suitable.

Like any other gift, a car requires beautiful packaging. Unfortunately, due to the size of this surprise, it seems impossible to find suitable packaging for it. But balloons will help correct a seemingly hopeless situation.

Choose a color for the balloons that contrasts with the color of the car. Red or blue look bright. Use white balls to combine with balls of a different color. If you decorate the car only with white, it will look like a car from a wedding cortege.

The car is decorated with garlands of balloons, like a box with satin ribbons. Therefore, it is better to choose balls of the same color. After all, the ribbons used to tie the gift are plain. For this design option you will need 2 garlands: long and short. Long stretch from front bumper to the back. If you plan to drive a car without removing the decorations, then place the ribbon of balloons only on the roof in the direction from the hood to the trunk. This way the decoration will not interfere with the driver during the trip. Stretch a short garland along the center of the roof perpendicular to the long one. Place a balloon bow at the intersection of the two lines. Now the festive ribbon for the car is ready.

There is a simpler, but no less effective option for presenting a car gift. Fill the car interior with dozens of helium balloons. The choice of color for such a surprise is not limited. When presenting a gift, ask friends or family to open the car doors at the same time. Dozens of balloons that fly out of the car and rise into the sky look spectacular.

Birthday surprise on the bus/tram

Yes, yes, don't be surprised! Some friends and family make such surprises for the birthday boy. They order a tram or bus and arrange a trip around the city at night for the hero of the occasion. If you like this idea and you decide to bring it to life, do not forget about the registration of transport.

Place garlands of balloons around the perimeter of the roof. Use them to decorate the entrance to the passenger compartment. Place one garland at the top or bottom of the windshield.

Take care of decorating the vehicle interior. Decorate the handrails with multi-colored balls. Fill the interior with helium balloons to the ceiling. Attach children's photographs of the birthday boy to the ribbons hanging from them.

Precautionary measures

    When registering a car balloons make sure they do not block the driver's view.

    Do not attach balls to rear view mirrors.

    If you are using helium balloons to decorate your car, tie them as close to the body as possible. A ball on a long string will interfere with other cars while driving.

Your loved one’s birthday is coming soon, but you don’t know how to surprise him or what to come up with so interesting that the birthday surprise for your loved one will remain in his memory for a long time?

We discussed how to celebrate a loved one’s birthday at home and without strangers in the article ““. In this article, we will learn how to organize everything so that not only your betrothed has fun, but also so that your guests appreciate all your efforts and everyone is satisfied. First, of course, you need to decide on a gift. Let's pick something original, and you can make such a surprise for your loved one's birthday to order, or try to find something similar in special stores:

Option 1. You can make such a gift only upon request: a book with information about the birthday person and congratulations; a newspaper or magazine with a photograph of your betrothed and with a publication date that coincides with the date of his birthday; gift diploma best man or drawn up in the form of an ancient Russian document; calendar for the year with your photos.

Option 2. This is a portrait or painting of your loved one to order in any shape, size and style.

Option 3. This is any item, with your common or only its photo and originally signed: a T-shirt or a shirt, an Oscar or a medal, a pillow for the car, a mug or a plate, magnets for a refrigerator or a lamp, a watch or cufflinks, a blanket or a bath set and any other gifts made to order in this way will look completely different.

Option 4. Other original gifts that you can find in special stores:

- a globe-shaped decanter with a tap;

— an original table clock in the shape of a muscular man, a smoking pipe or a fireplace;

— a set of tools for the car in the form of a headlight;

— a barbecue set in an original bag or an electric grill;

— USB table lamps for laptops and computers (you can find many options to choose from);

— holder for a mobile phone or tablet;

- an unusual mouse for a computer (there are also a lot different types);

— an interesting folding chair for hiking;

- a funny ashtray that can cough;

— cooler bag for a picnic;

— various men's sets for men, which may include a corkscrew, a penknife, a flask, a lighter, metal cups, a compass, etc.;

— a special set of accessories for shoe care;

— an electronic piggy bank in the form of a safe;

- travel blanket;

— sets for fishermen.

Based on your man’s interests, I think you will choose the right gift.

Of course, leaving your loved one completely in the dark about the preparation of your surprise will not work. You will agree in advance about who you will be invite and perhaps even choose a place together, although you can ask to choose the place yourself and hint that it will be a small surprise. You will have to prepare everything properly and most likely ask your friends for help. So, the cherished day has arrived and you have already agreed on the time of the celebration. Take care of your appearance, you should look irresistible on this day; if necessary, visit the hairdresser (there will also be a reason to leave home early to prepare your surprise). Before leaving, you will need to leave a pre-prepared postcard with a small instruction poem in a visible place:

“Dear (name)! You won’t find any congratulations in this card; we’ll leave them to wait a little. And I’m giving you a little time so that you can collect everything you need for the holiday. As soon as you are ready, send me a message and in five minutes you can go out into the yard, my treat will be waiting for you there..."

You can come up with any other one or just write it beautifully. What will await your loved one? Here, of course, you will need to surprise your loved one for his birthday depending on the weather. If it’s hot or warm and there’s no rain, then a great option would be to book a ride in a carriage with horses; if your city doesn’t have one, you can replace it with a ride on yacht or ship. If the carriage can be ordered directly to your home, then you will already be waiting there for your man with champagne, sweets and a gift. If not, or you chose a walk on the water, then you can ask one of your friends to be your personal taxi driver today. You can decorate the car with balloons and make a sign (sheet of paper) with the inscription: “Taxi for the birthday person (name and patronymic)” and stick it on the back or side glass. We go further, if it’s snowing or raining outside, then we replace the taxi driver friend with a ride in a limousine and also decorate it. In the snow, you can still book a ride on a large sleigh, but this may not be possible in every city.

After our romantic walk, we arrive at our main celebration spot. It could be some kind of original restaurant or a summer cafe (if it’s summer), I think there’s a beautiful place in every city. Naturally, you will decorate everything in advance with balloons, ribbons and flowers, or ask your friends for help so that everything is beautiful for your arrival. For the menu, you can also agree with the waiters so that they decorate several dishes in an original way, and for the birthday person you can make a small inscription of congratulations from vegetables or fruits on some separate dish. You can also stick folded colored notes on each glass for guests, in which there will be funny and a harmless task for everyone. For example, after each toast, in a circle, everyone will open their note and do what is written there. Let's say say a nice toast, invite someone to their first slow dance, sing a song, etc. Alternatively, you can invite the organizer for the whole evening or for several hours; he will know exactly how to amuse the guests.

As for the sweet table, you can also order a comic cake.

Option one: pink (for women) and blue (for men) opening boxes made of mastic or just small boxes (you can cover them with simple napkins), and inside various items(you can also make edible ones from mastic, or you can just find and buy small souvenirs). For example, if you come across a shoe, it means you’re a fashionista; I came across a glass with a cucumber, which means he likes to snack and drink; got caught mobile phone, likes to gossip and so on.

Option two: Cut each cake into a piece (you can just use cakes), place it on a large dish, and order the same items described above to be made from mastic and place them on top of each piece and cover with a special case or something so that the pieces of cake themselves are not visible and everyone takes it out and looks to see who got it. You can also continue this game and come up with a task for everyone, based on who took which piece.

Use your imagination and you can come up with a lot of things to make your loved one’s birthday surprise unforgettable.

The wedding procession is an integral part holiday newlyweds It is better to pay attention to the decoration of the main car Special attention. The decor should be in the general style of the holiday. There are a huge number of options for decorating a car.

Stickers for car

You can easily and quickly decorate the cortege with stickers in the shape of butterflies and flowers. They can be cut from paper, nylon or other bright material. Decorate the hood and car doors with stickers. A scattering of butterflies on the trunk can be attached with tape. If you don’t want to bother, then cover your car with colorful stickers. Nothing could be simpler than this decor, and the car will look unusual. In addition, you can write wishes to the newlyweds on stickers.

Paper flowers

In the USA, it is customary to tie frying pans and cans to the hood of a car to create as much noise as possible when driving. It is believed that in this way evil spirits will not pester the spouses. You can borrow this tradition from the Americans, slightly improving it. Make a garland of paper flowers and hearts and tie it to the hood. Such an original “train” will attract the attention of passers-by and will remain in the memory for a long time.

Natural flowers

Modern florists have reached unprecedented heights in flower arrangements. They are able to create beauty from fresh roses, carnations and tulips even on the hood of a car. These bouquets are attached to suction cups or strings. A garden car will look very impressive, although such decor will cost a considerable amount. In addition to flowers, you can use tree branches and leaves. In winter, an original decoration will be a composition of pine cones and fir branches.

Multi-colored ribbons

Traditional decoration wedding car- multi-colored ribbons. They trim the hood, and you can attach a bow to the door handle. Nowadays, ribbon decoration has become more original than in the 90s. They use nylon bows, organza, decorate with small beads, butterflies, and create flowers from ribbons.

Air balloons

One way or another, a birthday is a significant event in the life of each of us, even if someone tries to assure everyone that this event means nothing to him, in his heart he hopes that a miracle will happen on this day. If a cherished date awaits your birthday person soon, it is in your power to make sure that this holiday is wonderful and leaves behind the best memories. Every little thing and detail is important here. Both traditional and innovative methods are encouraged. Does your loved one have a car that he loves? In this case, here you will find interesting tips on how to beautifully decorate a car for the birthday of a boyfriend, husband, brother or dad. Who said that a car is decorated only on the occasion of wedding celebrations or when leaving a maternity hospital? This has not been the case for a long time. So let's arm ourselves and get down to business. creative process. Don't forget that this should be a surprise for your loved one.

Decorating a car for a birthday with your own hands

Today there are many organizations whose trained specialists will make all your wishes come true for a fee, but if you want to surprise your loved one with an original gift made by your gentle hands, then our advice will help you.

  • When decorating your car, be careful! No objects should distract the driver's attention from the road.
  • There are many ways to decorate a car in a festive and original way for an event such as a birthday.

How to decorate a car?

  1. You can decorate the roof or bumper of a car by installing a funny symbolic figurine of some famous character there, depending on the preferences of the person you will give it to.
  2. Ribbons of beautiful, rich colors will also serve as an excellent decoration for your loved one’s car.
  3. Traditionally, a festive atmosphere will be created by ordinary balloons, from which, if desired, you can make a variety of figures. When decorating your car with balloons, pay attention to their quality, because the decoration should ideally last until the evening.
  4. Real or artificial flowers are also in a great way for holiday decoration. The only controversial point is the reaction of your beloved to certain flowers, but since all girls love flowers, you only need to know which ones.
  5. It will be relevant to use big numbers, reflecting the age of your birthday person, you can make them yourself.
  6. The inscription on the license plate will be an original completion of the festive decoration of your loved one’s car.

In addition to the options listed, there are other ways to decorate a car for a birthday, be it a girl or a guy. Factors such as time of year, weather, taste preferences of your birthday person and your creative imagination play a role here, but to simplify things we have selected beautiful photos ideas for creativity.