Drying the body for girls menu. The right diet for drying the body: a weekly menu for women Drying the body for girls by day

Drying- Burning of the subcutaneous fat layer of the body due to the reduction of calories consumed. This is not a technique for removing excess fluid from the body, as some mistakenly believe.

The essence of drying for girls provides for the fact that in the process of following the diet and training program, the fat layer decreases, muscle mass is not lost, and the body will acquire the desired relief.

What is body drying for girls?

As a rule, drying is suitable and practiced by professional athletes to acquire a competitive relief shape and an ideal figure to look beautiful.

For beginners and amateurs, experts strongly recommend drying “without fanaticism” and no more than twice a year.

Such a popular drying of the body for girls includes a set of activities and features that contribute to rapid weight loss and weight loss: a special diet + special physical exercises.

Important: drying is not carried out if a certain amount of muscle mass is not gained!

Diet involves careful control over the calories consumed. This is the key to effective loss of excess weight and volume of body fat while maintaining muscle.

Basic principles

The drying menu for girls is based on the principle: consume less energy than wasted.

The main energy source for the body is carbohydrates. Therefore, in order to comply with the rules of drying, it is necessary to establish strict control over the consumed carbohydrates.

To get the desired result, you must follow the main rules of drying:

  • Drink. The daily volume of clean drinking water (not tea, coffee, and even more so non-carbonated drinks) should be at least 2.5 liters. Water promotes "acceleration" of a metabolism.
  • There is. Maintenance of metabolism (metabolism) occurs due to fractional nutrition (5-6 meals a day in small portions every 2-3 hours). Under no circumstances should you go hungry. A snack is worth something protein or low-calorie, given the daily allowable rate.
  • Think. Be sure to count calories and reduce their consumption. The menu of girls on average per day is 2000 calories. You should gradually reduce the daily amount of calories.
  • No. Say a firm no to carbs in the evening. In the evening, even allowed cereals should be excluded from the diet. Their "time" is morning. The last meal is no later than three hours before bedtime.
  • The 2 o'clock rule. Do not eat two hours before and after training.
  • Well-being. The first principle of all diets and workouts is to do no harm. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your condition, and in case of a significant deterioration in well-being, immediately stop drying.

Allowed and prohibited products

To begin to eliminate the deposition of subcutaneous fat in the body, without losing muscle tissue, you need to eat protein foods. Protein-rich foods will provide a feeling of satiety and muscle growth.

  • sugar;
  • flour products (white bread, sweet buns, etc.);
  • confectionery;
  • carbonated drinks and sweet water (as sources of "empty" carbohydrates);
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and various fatty sauces;
  • products containing animal fats - sour cream, creamy meat, lamb, pork.

The drying menu for girls is based on low-carb foods and lots of protein.

Welcome products such as:

  • lean meat (boiled or baked chicken breasts, turkey);
  • fish (low-fat), seafood;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice);
  • fat-free cottage cheese (no more than 1 time per week);
  • fiber-rich vegetables (celery, broccoli, peppers, green peas, lettuce, cucumber, tomato); sometimes you can starchy vegetables (boiled or baked potatoes, pumpkin, corn);
  • chicken eggs (mainly protein, yolk can be no more than 2 per day);
  • sour berries and fruits.

It is necessary to enter and exit the diet smoothly in order to avoid the stressful state of the body.

How and how much to eat?

The diet for drying girls is quite strict. Duration of the diet - no more than 5 weeks(possibly 7 weeks, everything will depend on the amount of fat).

Menu for girls on drying for a week

Sample menu for the week in the table:

1 day Breakfast: buckwheat 60 g, 3 eggs (without yolks), coffee (without sugar)

Snack: 3 eggs (without yolks), green peas 50 g, corn 50 g

Dinner: oatmeal 60 g, chicken breast 140 g

Post-workout/afternoon snack: whey protein portion, dried fruits 30 g

Dinner: vegetable salad, red fish 160 g

Before bedtime:

2 day Breakfast: oatmeal 60 g, 3 eggs (without yolks), milk 200 ml

Snack: turkey 130 g, whole grain bread 2 slices

Dinner: vegetable stew, boiled meat 150 g

Post-workout/afternoon snack: tofu, bread c/o 2 slices, coffee

Dinner: seafood 130 g, vegetable salad

Before bedtime:3 eggs (no yolks)

3 day Breakfast: red fish 150 g, bread c/o 2 slices

Snack: 3 eggs (without yolks), bananas 2 pcs.

Dinner: brown rice 50 g, chicken fillet 150 g, vegetable salad

Post-workout/afternoon snack: whey protein - serving, sour apple 1 pc.

Dinner: boiled fillet 150 g, stewed vegetables

Before bedtime: cottage cheese 130 g, sour berries 50 g

Day 4 Breakfast: corn flakes 150 g, milk 400 ml

Snack: nuts 40 g, 2 bananas

Dinner: durum pasta 50 g, beef 150 g, salad

Post-workout/afternoon snack: natural yogurt 300 g

Dinner: squid 100 g, pumpkin

Before bedtime: cottage cheese 130 g

Day 5 Breakfast: 3 squirrels + whole egg, bread c/o 2 slices, avocado half

Snack:cottage cheese 100-150 g, orange, banana

Dinner: baked potatoes 150 g, red fish 50 g,

Post-workout/afternoon snack: whey protein - portion, dried fruits 30 g

Dinner: baked fillet 150 g, salad

Before bedtime: kefir 300 ml, bran 50 g

Day 6 Breakfast: 3 eggs (without yolks), bread c / c 2 slices, peanut butter

Snack: seafood salad 150 g, orange

Dinner: oatmeal 50 g, beef 150 g, stewed carrots

Post-workout/afternoon snack: nuts 40 g, dried fruits 30 g

Dinner: boiled fillet 150 g, salad

Before bedtime: milk 350 ml, sour berries 50 g

Day 7 Breakfast: buckwheat 60 g, milk 300 ml

Snack: turkey 100 g, bread c/o 2 slices, apple and orange

Dinner: baked potatoes 80 g, red fish 120 g, cherry tomatoes

Post-workout/afternoon snack: natural yogurt 250 g, 2 bananas

Dinner: shrimp 100 g, salad

Before bedtime: cottage cheese 130 g

Basic menu rules:

  • Any combination of products is possible. You just need to follow the main principle of the drying menu for girls - the correct ratio of nutrients.
  • Drying diet can be built not only on a weekly basis with a reduction in the amount of carbohydrates, but also on the principle of cyclic alternation.
  • A low-carb day on the menu alternates with a medium-carb day. This approach allows you to "accelerate" metabolism (metabolism), forcing the body to work in a special mode for the fat burning process without fear of losing muscle volume.
  • Mixed days (the same content in the daily menu of proteins and carbohydrates) are used on intense training days, and high-protein ones on rest days. This approach is considered more gentle, since the body receives the necessary amount of energy for effective life.

Express drying

A completely opposite result for the body is a hard express drying. This option can be considered for those who urgently need to "dry" the body.

The essence of express drying is that carbohydrates are completely removed from the diet for 3-7 days. At the same time, a visit to the gym is mandatory.

This program of super-fast weight loss by the appointed date has a short-term effect. Adhering to such a diet for more than seven days is extremely dangerous to health.

How to start drying?

Some useful rules and methods:

  • As already noted, meals are produced 5-7 times a day and include only the “necessary” products.
  • Carbohydrates should only be consumed before 12 noon or a couple of hours before training.
  • Immediately after exercise, it is recommended to take whey protein isolate, and after 2 hours to make a full meal in the form of vegetables and proteins.
  • The lack of fats negatively affects the female body (deterioration of hair, nails, absence of menstruation), so you must definitely include polyunsaturated fats in the menu. They are present in sea fish, walnuts, almonds, sesame, linseed oil.

How to dry out for vegetarians?

Among athletes who eat traditionally, there is an opinion that drying for vegetarians, and even more so for vegans (they do not eat meat, dairy products and eggs), is very difficult and, undoubtedly, brings difficulties in shaping the diet.

Effective drying implies the mandatory presence of protein-rich foods in the daily menu. Meat-eaters eat animal protein, while vegetarians eat vegetable protein.

Everything is much simpler - the process of reducing the fat layer is faster and better. Since the presence of a large amount of subcutaneous fat in vegetarians is the exception rather than the rule.

All meat (or dairy) products on the menu for girls on drying are replaced by:

It is better to use seeds and grains germinated. In such a "live" form, they are fermented and provide improved digestion and, accordingly, high-quality assimilation.

The most effective fat burners

In the fight against body fat, fat burners can serve well. These are special supplements that promote the breakdown of adipose tissue by optimizing and accelerating metabolism.

Fat burners include:

  • natural products (green tea, natural coffee, grapefruit, seaweed);
  • medicines (Thyroxine, Sibutramine, Xenical, Clenbuterol);
  • sports preparations (Hydroxycut Hardcore, Lipo-6, Black Spider 25 Ephedra)

Attention: taking medications or sports drugs must be carried out under the strict guidance of a doctor or trainer. Incorrect dose calculation can lead to negative consequences. There are contraindications. There are side effects.

All fat-burning drugs are divided into thermogenics (energy) and lipotropics:

  1. Thermogenics speed up metabolism by raising body temperature.
  2. Lipotropics block the synthesis of lipids in the liver, break them down to acids.

In order for fat burning to be effective, the drug or product must contain:

  • caffeine;
  • ephedrine (or pseudoephedrine);
  • l-carnitine;
  • epigallocachetin gallate;
  • chromium picolinate;
  • conjugated linoleic acid.

Before choosing an energy drink, girls need to carefully and in detail examine the composition and make sure that there are no contraindications for taking, these include:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. lactation;
  3. high blood pressure;
  4. allergy;
  5. diabetes;
  6. problems with the thyroid gland, liver and pancreas.

Sports nutrition

In addition to fat burners from the line offered by sports nutrition manufacturers, you can take other products from these companies to improve the result.

  • amino acids (eg BCAAs);
  • various vitamin complexes for women (Opti-Women);
  • proteins (whey, shakes, bars);
  • creatine.

Drying program

Physical activity and sports are essential attributes for drying. Well-designed training programs, whether in the gym or at home, in symbiosis with a diet will give an amazing effect.

There are two fundamentally opposite systems and stages of training for girls on drying:

Gym workouts:

  • On average, the training program lasts 4 weeks.
  • Strength training lasting 45-60 minutes should be done 4 times a week.
  • For two days it is worth doing cardio training, working out the lagging muscle groups (for girls, this is most often the shoulder girdle), as well as the abdominal muscles.
  • Most often, strength training is based on basic exercises, the average number of sets is 3-4 times for 20-25 repetitions.
  • The rest time between repetitions is no more than 45 seconds.

Workouts at home:

  • Training at home requires a jump rope, dumbbells (ideally collapsible; you can use bottles of water or sand), a stopwatch and, preferably, a heart rate monitor.
  • When performing aerobic exercises, it is necessary to calculate and control the heart rate.
  • Maintaining it at 130 beats per minute (average; a more accurate indicator is calculated individually) works for fat burning.


The main thing when drying the body is to go on a diet. The diet during this period is sharply limited in terms of carbohydrates and fats. This diet is very effective in terms of getting rid of body fat, but along with this, it is extremely dangerous for the body.

Starting drying, you must be completely healthy, because. in the process of following the diet, chronic diseases are exacerbated, the body's immune defenses are sharply reduced.

The diet for persons is absolutely contraindicated:

  • with problems of the liver, kidneys;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with diseases of the pancreas and thyroid gland;
  • with gastrointestinal problems;
  • diabetics.

How to eat after a diet?

The best option is to follow the principles of proper nutrition:

After completing the diet, you should not “pounce” on carbohydrate and fatty foods.

During this period, you need to eat small portions, in moderation. Products forbidden for drying can not be included in the subsequent diet or consumed in minimal quantities.

Getting out of the diet

There are a number of rules when exiting drying:

  • The exit from drying should take place smoothly so as not to harm the body and not spoil the relief of the body. This applies to both nutrition and exercise.
  • The program of strength and cardio loads can be made less intense, but maintain their regularity.
  • In terms of nutrition, throughout the month you should put your diet in order and gradually switch to a more varied diet - add other types of fruits and dairy products.
  • Try to avoid "fast" carbohydrates.

Drying the body helps to achieve the desired relief and result in general. With proper observance of all the rules of diet and training, the result will not be long in coming.

Photos before and after

More and more people are aiming to dry their muscles and get rid of excess fat. Some choose for this individual classes in the gym, others turn to nutritionists. We will tell you about what should be the correct drying of the body in 5 days at home.

Drying the body in 5 days: mode and nutritional features

Drying is the elimination of subcutaneous fat and the maximum preservation of muscle mass. The visible result of this process is a clear drawing of the muscular relief. You can achieve a good effect in drying with the help of a properly selected nutrition system and regular training.
Proper drying does not happen quickly, it should last for months and, in general, is more of a way of life than a short-term occupation. In addition, many will object to the humanity of such a system for the body. Thus, drying the body for only 5 days is an obvious stress for the body and damage to health, with only a short-term effect. But in some cases, especially before a performance, competition or just an important gala event, getting rid of the extra 5 kilograms is simply necessary.

First of all, you should reconsider your diet in case you are interested not only in weight loss, but also in drying the body. A diet whose menu for 5 days was compiled taking into account the need to reduce weight by a few kilograms will only work if you strictly adhere to the schedule and volumes of food consumed.

Drying the body: a diet for 5 days

So what is the essence of dietary nutrition during drying? First, in detail. This system includes four meals.
Secondly, nutrition includes the intake of complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Thus, by definition, your body will get everything you need, but no frills.
Thirdly, with such a diet, muscle drying is based on a kind of “slide effect” - first we reduce carbohydrate intake, and then increase their intake. So, let's look at what such a diet looks like by day.

First day:

  • Fish (cod, hake) - 60 g, boiled rice - 30 g, half an orange.
  • Chicken fillet - 60 g, buckwheat porridge on the water - 30 g, medium tomato and 3 olives.
  • Fat-free cottage cheese - 100 gr., 1 banana and half an orange.

Second and third days:

  • Omelet (egg, extra 2 proteins and half a glass of milk).
  • Veal, a couple of lettuce leaves, a third of sweet pepper.
  • Fish (cod, hake) - 80 gr., broccoli or cauliflower - 150 g, 2 slices of lemon.
  • The choice of low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g or kefir 300 ml.

Fourth and fifth days.

  • Oatmeal on the water - 30 g, raisins - a tablespoon, dried apricots - 3 pcs.
  • Rice - 30 g, three egg whites, a couple of lettuce leaves, half an orange.
  • Veal - 70 g, rice - 30 g, tomato, 3 olives and a couple of lettuce leaves.
  • Fat-free cottage cheese or yogurt - 120 g.

Remember: all products except scrambled eggs are cooked in water.

5 days of buckwheat diet and body drying

As we have already said, in 5 days it is quite possible to bring your muscles into excellent shape and reduce weight by 5 kg. If you only have a few days left, then contact.
Buckwheat porridge should be eaten without salt and only on water. However, you can use it in any quantity. In fact, it is simply impossible to eat a lot of such food, and since buckwheat is a complex carbohydrate, the body spends a lot of energy on its absorption.
During this period, nothing is allowed except buckwheat porridge and water. Such a diet is very effective for drying the body. This diet for 5 days is quite easy to follow, especially since, due to the beneficial qualities of buckwheat for the body, you will not get a stomach ulcer or problems with digestion and intestines.

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Body fat is a problematic issue for most women. And this is not surprising, because the female body is initially imprisoned for motherhood. Estrogens and alpha-2 receptors do their job - provide a reliable fat store. Of course, such an "airbag" does not paint, and even the most athletic ladies have to resort to drying the body. Drying, as you know, is possible and necessary, but it must be done wisely. Training is only half the battle: the result largely depends on the nutrition on drying. In order for the effect to be certain, it is necessary to understand the basic principles of drying. Everything is important: a diet for drying the body for girls, a menu, the right attitude.

  • Ladies need to dry in a complex and systematic way.
  • Regular hiking should be combined with a healthy lifestyle and nutrition.
  • The priority is health, well-being, mood, and only then the figure.
  • During lactation (and naturally, pregnancy), you need to forget about drying.
  • In diseases of the internal organs, drying is categorically contraindicated.
  • Drying does not mean languishing: you can lose no more than 200g. fat per day.
  • There is a limiting minimum of fatty tissue - 11% (for athletes - 14%).
  • Strength exercises are primary, relief exercises are secondary.
  • You need nutrition for drying, not starvation.

The principles of nutrition when drying the body

You need to dry on a low-carb diet. So, stress and fatigue at first are guaranteed. In order not to break loose, it is better to enter the regime gradually, daily reducing the daily calorie intake to the recommended level of 1500 Kcal.

Nutrition during drying should be frequent: 5-6 times a day at intervals of 3 hours, the diet is balanced. In the first half of the day, you need to assimilate up to 65% of the daily volume. Skipping meals is not allowed. Diet for drying implies a rigid schedule. Do not eat 2 hours before exercise. After training, drying food is possible after an hour and a half. Meals on a frantic drying are mandatory for agreement with the trainer. In any case, the calorie content should be significantly lower than the real energy consumption. Calorie counting should be done constantly. If you are not ready for such a diet, it is recommended that you first try to reduce weight on a more sparing diet, for example,.

Dehydration should not be allowed, even with frantic drying. Drinking is mandatory: per kilogram of weight - at least 30 ml. non-carbonated or boiled water, and in hot weather and during intense training - up to 60 ml.

  • creatine, which allows you to build muscle mass by stimulating growth hormone;
  • glutamine, burning subcutaneous fat;
  • multivitamins that compensate for the lack of trace elements;
  • BCAAs protect muscle fibers from damage.

You can safely go on a diet for a month or two. Then a gradual exit and restoration of strength is required.

BJU ratio

Depends on the physique and the amount of subcutaneous fat. In general, the average proportions are as follows:

Proteins / fats / carbohydrates in%:

  • ectomorph - 40/30/30;
  • mesomorph - 40/40/20;
  • endomorph - 20-50 / 15-30 / 10.

Obviously, the basis of the diet should be proteins and fats. You don't have to cut out carbs completely. For the full functioning of the body, 1-2 grams per kilogram of weight is required. Anything less than the maximum allowable norm is harmful and dangerous.

Exit from drying

In order not to harm yourself and consolidate the result, you need to go out gradually. Otherwise, the starved body will quickly compensate for the deprivation and gain calories for the future. It is recommended to add approximately 200 kcal per week, while maintaining a frequent fractional diet. You have to try to keep eating right. I would like this to become a habit.

Grocery list

It should include only natural, healthy and low-calorie. A high protein and amino acid content is welcome.

Foods You Can Eat Safely

Everything is traditional here. What you can eat when drying is protein:

  • fat-free cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir;
  • egg white;
  • lean meat (rabbit, turkey, chicken, beef and veal);
  • seafood (especially squid, lobster and kelp);
  • sea ​​and river fish of white varieties.

These products should form the basis of the diet for drying. There is plenty of protein in them, which means that it is easier to register for them.

Restricted products

With caution and a sense of proportion, you can consume:

  • raw non-starchy vegetables and fruits;
  • egg yolks;
  • cereals and brown rice;
  • legumes;
  • greens and mushrooms;
  • vegetable oils of all kinds;
  • dried fruits, berries;
  • sports nutrition.

There must be a calculation and dosage. Restricted foods are best combined with protein. In this case, the metabolism will not slow down, and the drying nutrition program will not suffer.

  • bakery and pasta;
  • White rice;
  • fried, smoked, salted and pickled foods;
  • sour milk with a high fat content;
  • confectionery products;
  • sauces, seasonings and all kinds of oil-based dressings;
  • sausages, semi-finished products, canned food;
  • alcohol, sugary drinks, carbonated water.

Such delicacies will lead not to harmony, but to streamlining. Tell them a resounding "no" and no concessions.

Monthly meal plan

The first two weeks should be gentle. Allowed 50% proteins, 20% fats and 30% carbohydrates. During this time, the body will rebuild and will be ready to tighten the diet. In the third week, the amount of carbohydrate should be halved - up to 10%. Only complex carbohydrates are meant, strictly until noon. The body loses fat stores and prepares to remove water. In the fourth week, carbohydrates should be completely abandoned. At the final stage, the volumes go away, the muscles are clearly drawn. Drying the body for girls, the menu for a month is a serious matter. Therefore, it is necessary to plan in advance and preferably with a specialist in sports nutrition. For example, a diet for drying the abdomen is less rigid. It allows you to feast on pasta, red fish and cereals once a week. In each case, knowledge, experience and practice are needed. The daily menu will make the task and life of a fitness lady easier.

Menu for a week when drying

Let's look at how to eat properly on drying. Even healthy can be delicious. You just need to meet the calories and diversify the weekly diet.

Drying the body for girls, menu for the week:

Menu for a week on drying the body

A sample menu for 7 days can be adopted. It is not worth repeating in full in the future. Combine and experiment within the recommended limits. Eat healthy and stay dry. Keep in mind that with each subsequent week, vegetables and cereals should become smaller. In the last week, you will also have to do without fruit. Be sure to follow BJU. Don't forget to drink water.

How much protein per 1kg. bodies for girls

Since protein is the main building material, it must be consumed throughout the drying process. An animal protein is preferred. It should be 2/3 of the volume of protein food. Unlike vegetable, it is consumed by the body without residue and absorbed much faster. Protein foods should be eaten throughout the day so that 1 kg. body accounted for one and a half to two grams.

How many calories can you get per day

The critical minimum is usually 1450 kcal. However, it is necessary to approach it in stages, cutting off the usual energy value by 7% -10% weekly. Haste and fanaticism will not help: a sharp reduction in calories will lead to loss of muscle mass, dehydration and loss of strength. Drying is a long process. Burning fat deposits quickly will not work. For a long-term result, you will have to be patient. In order not to make mistakes in counting calories, it is better to keep a food diary.

How many carbs do you need per day

Despite their undesirability, it is impossible to do without carbohydrates at all. Otherwise, glucose deficiency will trigger the production of ketone bodies. And then there will be intoxication, the consequences can be very sad. Therefore, carbohydrates should be left and reduced gradually. How many carbohydrates are on drying - the answer depends on its stage. Within two weeks, 3-4 grams per kilogram are allowed, in the third - only 1.5-2 g, at the final stage - no more than half a gram per kilogram of body weight. On average, the lower limit should be 40 grams per day. With such a program, a shake-up for the body will not be critical.

Contraindications to such weight loss

They can be psychological and medical in nature. If you are mentally ready for exploits, then there can be no depression, nervous breakdowns and tantrums. If the nerves give up in the first week, then you should not continue the experiment. Restore your composure and try again.

With medical contraindications, this will not work. Only healthy people are allowed to dry. The presence of at least one item from the list below makes drying forbidden. Unconditional contraindications are:

  • diabetes of any type;
  • diseases of the kidneys, urinary system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic diseases in remission;
  • deficiency of body weight;
  • anorexia, bulimia, any endocrine disorders;
  • weak immune system.

Among the many ways to make your figure perfect, one of the most proven and guaranteed is the drying of the body. If the fair sex does not have the opportunity to visit the gym for this and hire an individual trainer, do not be upset. This method is quite suitable for implementation at home.

What is body drying?

Drying the body for girls at home involves losing weight in order to keep the body in good shape and create the desired elastic forms. At the same time, the percentage of fat in the body is reduced to ideal indicators.

If you want to dry the body at home, you must follow the rules and constantly work on yourself.

A set of exercises designed to bring the muscles back to normal and proper nutrition will help provide the body with the necessary elements. To do this, you will need to calculate the consumed carbohydrates, proteins and fats at home.


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When drying the body, it is necessary to consume carbohydrates - about 120 g, fats - a maximum of 30 g, and proteins up to 130 g.

  • Requires constant water intake at least two liters per day.
  • It is not recommended to drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
  • You need to reduce your coffee intake.
  • We use only pure mineral water or boiled, chilled water.

A balanced diet, the use of the required amount of water and the presence of a special set of exercises help you achieve the perfect shape at home.

It should be noted that many perceive drying the body as a method for losing weight. Of course, the effect of losing weight is present, but it is necessary not only to remove fat folds or sagging skin, but also maintain normal muscle condition.

Sitting down to dry the body at home, girls need abstain from large amounts of food. The stomach is immediately loaded from it, and all processes in the gastrointestinal tract are inhibited. There is also no tightening effect on the skin.

For girls, drying the body at home means:

  • burning subcutaneous fat;
  • weight reduction;
  • maintaining muscle tone.

The process of losing weight at home is complex and responsible. To achieve the desired result, you need follow the recommendations.

Drying the body at home for girls consists of a number of instructions:

  • Combined and properly designed nutrition program at home. More than 70% of the successful result will depend on it;
  • Selection of exercises and a set of loads at home;
  • Necessary equipment for physical exercises. If this is not available and it is not possible to ask for temporary use, you should not be upset. Everything can be replaced with improvised materials. For use at home, any dumbbells or self-made weights are suitable.

Proper drying of the body at home helps lose minus 10-15 kg.

To lose weight at home, you need apply 10 basic principles:

  • Conducting preparation. To do this, you need about a week every day to remove one harmful product from your diet. By doing so, you will reduce your calorie intake;
  • Gradually we begin to play sports at home. Morning exercise is also good. It contributes to raising the tone of the main muscles;
  • The two previous points give a stressful situation, both for a woman and for her body. Compensate for it by rest, good sleep (at least 8 hours per day), do not allow neurosis;
  • Eliminate carbohydrates. A large number of them are found in sweets and fast food;
  • Start introducing cereals and whole grain breads to the menu;
  • Choose foods with a low glycemic index;
  • Stock up on easily digestible protein (dietary meat, fish, legumes, nuts);
  • Reduce your salt intake;
  • Take food 4 times a day. Don't overeat;
  • Do not exercise for 2 hours after eating.

How does drying the body affect weight loss?

The benefits of drying for the body have already been said repeatedly. Its benefit lies in the acquisition of elastic forms and improving the functioning of the whole organism.

Drying the body has a number of contraindications. Categorically it is forbidden to dry the body:

  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • For problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • With gynecological diseases;
  • With kidney failure or serious bowel disease.

Nutrition program for girls when drying the body

Drying the body for girls at home implies a proper, balanced diet. Food should be healthy and low-calorie.

It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt consumed. Next, it is important to increase your intake of raw fruits and vegetables, as well as include lean meats, fish, and dairy products (low in calories).

Nutrition and diet

Drying the body at home involves eating a certain number of calories throughout the day. Daily total calories per day should not exceed 1700 kcal.

At the same time, carbohydrates are about 120 g, fats are a maximum of 30 g, and proteins are up to 130 g. These calculations are made for a girl whose weight is about 65 kg, and her age is from 25 to 35 years.

If your data exceeds the age category, then the amount of carbohydrates decreases. And vice versa. If you are younger than the indicated age, the amount of carbohydrates should be increased.

  • When drying the body, starvation is excluded. If you want to eat, then you can afford light snacks between main meals.
  • Alcohol is prohibited even in small doses.
  • Important eat protein. It promotes saturation and supplies the human body with important substances.
  • During the procedure, you should eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.
  • water intake should be more than 2 liters. This speeds up the process of cleansing the body of harmful substances.

An approximate diet for drying the body at home:

  1. The morning begins with drinking clean water. After half an hour, you can eat porridge and protein from eggs. All this is washed down with juice. (Can be replaced with fruit).
  2. After half an hour, repeat the meal. We replace the porridge with another type and add chicken meat and vegetables;
  3. At the next intake: porridge with olive oil + chicken breast + vegetables;
  4. Two hours later: porridge + breast or fish + banana;
  5. We make a snack with cottage cheese with the addition of linseed oil;
  6. The next meal will be only after 2 hours after exercise. Somewhere in the middle of a workout, you can use a protein shake and water. At the end, we replenish the protein supply again with a cocktail;
  7. After physical exertion, you can eat according to the same principle as before lunch. Before going to bed, drink low-fat kefir.

Portions should be small!

Approved Products

When drying the body, the use of dairy products is encouraged. Low-fat kefir improves digestion, removes toxins. Cottage cheese saturates the body with the necessary amount of calcium.

Allowed products for girls when drying the body:

  • steamed dietary meats;
  • cereals (oatmeal, brown rice, buckwheat);
  • seafood;
  • fish (salmon, trout);
  • dairy products;
  • from vegetables (tomatoes, sweet peppers, cabbage, pumpkin, potatoes);
  • greens (parsley, dill, spinach);
  • fruits;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oil.

Meat use only dietary. For example, rabbit, turkey, chicken fillet. Fried and smoked meat is prohibited.

Menu for the week

Drying the body for girls at home involves a balanced and healthy menu. The menu for girls includes a set of special products that will contribute to maintaining the tone of the muscular system and reducing subcutaneous fat.

The weekly menu for drying the body for beginners at home is low calorie foods. In the menu for the week, it is imperative to include the intake of meat and fish.

Diet for girls when drying the body should include consumption of dairy products apart from cottage cheese, fermented baked milk and kefir.


  • Portions should be small but filling.
  • Diet when drying the body eliminates starvation.
  • Meals - 5-6 servings per day.
  • All this must be accompanied by physical exercises, otherwise it will be unrealistic to achieve the desired forms.

Menu for drying the body of girls at home for a week:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal on the water and 2 boiled egg whites, unsweetened green tea;
  2. Snack: 1 banana;
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup, 150 g of boiled brisket with boiled vegetables;
  4. Snack: low-fat yogurt;
  5. Dinner: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  1. Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, 2 proteins, black bread with a low-fat slice of cheese;
  2. Snack: fruit;
  3. Lunch: mashed soup, steamed fish with vegetables;
  4. Snack: low-fat cottage cheese;
  5. Dinner: vegetable salad and a slice of black bread.
  1. oatmeal with dried fruits, 2 proteins;
  2. smoothies;
  3. vegetable soup, mashed potatoes and steamed fish;
  4. 1 low-fat yogurt;
  5. vegetable salad, steamed chicken fillet.
  1. 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with honey;
  2. 1 cottage cheese (low-fat);
  3. soup with peas and rice, steamed vegetables and meat;
  4. fruit salad;
  5. 200 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  6. at night - kefir.
  1. oatmeal porridge, 2 proteins and 1 slice of low-fat cheese;
  2. 1 banana;
  3. cream soup, baked fish and 150 g of rice;
  4. apples;
  5. steamed fish with vegetables.
  1. low-fat cottage cheese with honey;
  2. fruit curd;
  3. vegetable soup, steamed meat, boiled buckwheat;
  4. smoothies;
  5. vegetable salad and boiled brisket.
  1. yogurt with dried fruits and oatmeal;
  2. 2 boiled proteins and 1 slice of low-fat cheese;
  3. cabbage soup with vegetables, boiled vegetables and steamed fish;
  4. banana;
  5. vegetable salad, boiled buckwheat and a small piece of steamed brisket.

Drying the body spend within a month(it is called "fast"), or stick to the usual time. It is 10-12 weeks. For beginners, the fast option is more suitable. But after the third time, you can dry the body as expected - 12 weeks.

The menu by day for a month is similar to the above. We only eat approved foods. We eat the same way. Vegetable dishes and fruits are chosen independently.

Healthy Recipes

Drying the body at home can be represented by healthy and tasty recipes that girls will like.

The basis of cooking at home should include healthy foods: low-fat dairy products, eggs, low-calorie meats and fish, plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Recipe for a salad of fresh vegetables and chicken fillet:


  • 150-200 g fillet;
  • hard cheese (minimum fat content) - 35 g;
  • celery and green salad (100/250 g);\
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • Choose olive oil for dressing.

All ingredients are cut into small cubes, the cheese can be grated on a coarse grater. Before dressing, you need to crush it with your hands so that the juice stands out. Consume immediately after preparation.

A great recipe for girls will be cooked at home - protein salad.


  • chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • 1 soft-boiled egg;
  • squid (possible with shrimp);

We take chicken fillet, boil it. Cut into small pieces, add squid and egg. Salt. We mix everything. Salad ready!

This version of the salad will be of particular benefit when drying the body. It contains a lot of protein, which is especially important during such a diet.

Omelet for a couple:


  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • milk;
  • you can add greens;
  • spices to taste.

Beat two eggs, add milk and spices (you can add greens). We whip everything. Pour the resulting mixture into a container. We take a pot of water, put on gas. Then, put in it a container with egg consistency (up to half) and steam until fully cooked.

While drying the body, girls who are addicted to sweets are allowed to please themselves with a delicious diet dish.

Curd jelly recipe:


  • gelatin;
  • 1 tbsp of water;
  • 150 g cottage cheese (low-fat);
  • vanillin (you can also cocoa);

Dilute gelatin with one glass of water, let it swell. After that, the resulting mixture is boiled on fire. Cool down. Next, add the curd mass and vanilla to the cooled gelatin. We mix everything with a blender. Add fruit if desired. Put in bowls and leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Exercises for girls when drying the body at home

Drying the body at home will bring results only with active physical exertion. When there is no time to go to the gym, you can safely perform exercises at home. The main thing is daily work on yourself and your body.

You need to choose for yourself the most convenient time for physical activity. Some people prefer to do it in the morning, and some in the evening.

Drying the body is not a diet in the usual sense. This is a specific meal plan. The goal is to burn fat while maintaining muscle mass. It is impossible to lose weight completely, as with a regular diet. The "dryer" for women is less strict than for men. With it, vegetable oil is allowed in a small amount, dishes from marine varieties of fish are recommended in the diet.

Both male and female drying is not only a specific nutrition plan, but also properly selected exercises for training.

General information about drying

Getting rid of excess fat, while maintaining muscle mass, is possible only with regular and properly built nutrition. Beginners sometimes make the following mistakes:

  1. Starvation. Refusal of food leads to health problems, and not to harmony and relief. Therefore, when drying, food always remains frequent: at least 5 times a day.
  2. Refusal of liquid. If the body does not receive the required amount of water, then it begins to retain it in excess along with fat.
  3. Only protein menu. During drying, the main diet is made up of protein foods, but this does not mean that it is necessary to stop taking slow carbohydrates. Only some fast carbohydrates are excluded from the menu: sweets, starchy foods, sugar, potatoes, instant foods.

For a girl, drying is a combination of fitness and weight loss with the help of proper and balanced nutrition. In this case, drying is possible only in the presence of muscle mass. If not, then all efforts will be in vain.

The average drying time is 6 weeks. That is how much time it takes to remove fats, work out all muscle groups, giving them relief.

Menu and nutrition rules

In order for drying to not be harmful to health, to be effective and productive, certain rules must be observed. First, for each week your diet. Secondly, two hours before training and within two hours after it, food must be abandoned. Thirdly, slow carbohydrates are consumed in the first half of the day, proteins in the second. A prerequisite for drying is compliance with the regimen of training and nutrition. If you stick only to a diet, excluding exercises, you will not be able to work out the muscles.

The training plan should consist not only of home aerobic exercises, but also of strength training.

Sample menu for the first week

The ideal calculation of carbohydrates in the first week: 2.5 grams per 1 kilogram of weight. That is, if an athlete weighs 60 kg, then in the first week of drying, his daily carbohydrate ration is 150 g. Acceptable foods containing slow carbohydrates:

  • Brown rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • steamed white rice.

The entire diet of the first week is based on the use of fish, chicken fillet, kefir, cottage cheese, vegetables and herbs. These are key products.

Sample menu for the second week

In the second week, the daily rate of carbohydrates decreases. For 1 kg of weight, 1 g of carbohydrates is required. If the girl’s weight is 60 kg, then the daily rate of slow carbohydrates is already reduced to 60 g. At the same time, all products should be consumed in the morning, dinner is exclusively low-carbohydrate, ideally kefir or cottage cheese (grainy, not curd mass). Otherwise, the basis of the diet remains the same as in the first week of drying.

Sample menu for the third week

The daily rate of carbohydrates is reduced to 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight. It is necessary to completely exclude fruits from the diet, with the exception of citrus fruits. Marine fish, rich in polyunsaturated fats, should be at least three times a week for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is she who compensates for the lack of certain nutrients necessary for the female body for proper and healthy functioning.

Sample menu for the fourth and fifth weeks

During this period, carbohydrates are almost completely excluded. Only 6 tablespoons of rice or buckwheat porridge are allowed to diversify the diet for the whole week. That is, one breakfast can be made on the basis of porridge, and all the rest from other products. Carrots are completely removed from the menu, regardless of the method of preparation. You can eat a lot of greens and vegetables, vegetable oil will be replaced with olive oil.

Sample menu for the sixth week

The sixth week is preparation for the exit from the fat burning regime. During this period, the menu of the third week is preserved, but the number of training sessions is reduced. They are not completely abandoned. In order to properly get out of drying, you need to go back through the "steps of weeks". It is impossible to abruptly end classes and properly formulated nutrition.

If drying continues, the menu will be the same as in the fourth and fifth weeks. You can cook a variety of dishes, alternate days so that the products do not become boring.

Detailed drying menu

Since it is the fourth week that is key in terms of nutrition, the menu for it is worked out especially carefully. You need to eat not only fractionally and often, but also balanced. This is the key to women's health. An example of a hard and sports menu for the whole week:

  1. First day: breakfast - 3 boiled eggs, lunch - meat broth, veal or beef cutlets, tomato, snack - boiled fish with herbs, dinner - cottage cheese.
  2. Second day: breakfast - tea with honey and boiled fish, lunch - chicken fillet and boiled vegetables, snack - seafood cocktail and salad, dinner - kefir.
  3. Third day: breakfast - steamed omelette or olive oil, lunch - boiled brown rice and rabbit meatballs, snack - green salad and tea with honey, dinner - low-fat natural yogurt.
  4. Fourth day: breakfast - 2 boiled eggs and a steamed cutlet from any lean meat, lunch - vegetable soup and steamed fish, snack - vegetable salad and chicken fillet, dinner - kefir.
  5. Fifth day: breakfast - tea with honey and steamed fish, lunch - meat broth and boiled fish with vegetables, snack - low-fat yogurt, dinner - cottage cheese and nuts.
  6. Sixth day: breakfast - scrambled eggs and tea with honey, lunch - meatballs or fish cutlets, snack - vegetable salad and chicken fillet, dinner - kefir.
  7. Seventh day: breakfast - 3 boiled eggs and dried fruit compote, lunch - any broth and steamed meatballs, snack - nuts and kefir, dinner - cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt.

Drying training should be given special attention. Including what time of day what exercises you need to perform.

Training program

If it is not possible to systematically visit the gym, there are a number of alternative types of physical exercises. The list is quite extensive:

  • ice skating or rollerblading;
  • swimming;
  • bike rides;
  • squats;
  • plank;
  • sports walking.

At least 1 hour a day is allotted for physical exercises, otherwise they will not bring any effect.

Exercise examples

All workouts begin with warming up the muscles. This takes at least 5 minutes. An example of a complex for one workout:

  1. Breeding dumbbells from a sitting position. Perform 4 sets of 12 times. The weight of dumbbells is not more than 0.5 kg. If these are not available, water bottles can replace them.
  2. Lunges forward and to the side. Perform 4 sets of 12 times. With each lesson, they try to make attacks deeper.
  3. Bench push-ups. Perform 4 sets of 8-10 times.
  4. Deep squats with dumbbells. Perform 5 sets of 10 reps. If classes are held in the gym, from the second week of drying, you can do squats with a barbell.
  5. The plank is performed for 30-60 seconds to work out the press every workout.