Bus 15a route schedule Mariupol. Reviews about "Mariupol tram and trolleybus management". Timetable for trolleybus routes

15.02.2017 08:20:00

In Mariupol, 15 new luxury buses and 2 trolleybuses have entered the routes.

Yesterday, on February 14, Mayor Vadim Boychenko launched new buses together with the residents of Mariupol, the head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration Pavel Zhebrivsky and representatives of local industrial enterprises.

Buses comply modern requirements. They are equipped with a high-quality heating and air conditioning system for both the driver and passengers. Each of them has 23 seats, and the total passenger capacity is up to 100 people. They have a platform with a low floor and a ramp. They also have sound and visual accompaniment of all ads, which will allow people with different problems with health to feel comfortable in new buses. The salons of all buses are equipped with a video surveillance system, which allows you to record video inside the cabin and work in the video recorder mode.

"The President appointed me here, gave the order to do everything to make Mariupol feel that Ukraine is modern and promising. And today it's not just buses that go on the line, it's a whole comprehensive program. UAH 500 million has already been allocated for programs of the city," said Pavel Zhebrivsky.

The mayor of Mariupol, together with the governor of the Donetsk region and his leaders - CEOs Mariupol metallurgical enterprises Enver Tskitishvili and Yuri Zinchenko handed the keys to the buses to TTU drivers and tested new transport at work.

During a trip on a new bus, Vasily Klat, head of the Department of Transport and Communications of the Mariupol City Council, spoke about its features and the operation of the navigation system.

"For the convenience of visually impaired people, buses are equipped with external speaker. That is, when the bus pulls up to a stop, people on the street hear the route number and its route," Vasily Klat explained.

"The new buses will take the already forgotten route, but the traditional one for the Left Bank, which will connect the eastern part of the city with the" Western "residential area," the mayor noted.

Buses will run from MKR 23 along Kuprina Street, stopping at AS-2. Further through the Kirov Square on the MKR "Vostochny". The trolleybus route has been extended to microdistrict 23.

“Finally, our problem was solved - we can get from Zapadny to AS-2 without transfers,” said Lilia Kalashnik, a resident of MKR 23.

A unified appearance city ​​buses using the city logo. As noted in the City Council, now the municipal transport of Mariupol will look in a new way.

"Last summer, the citizens of Mariupol chose the logo of the city. The Mariupol Development Fund helped to unite and bring to life the ideas of the citizens with the ideas of the city authorities. Due to this, the new public transport looks in a new way - in a single color scheme and with a corporate logo," said the mayor of Mariupol.

The mayor said that very soon, thanks to a mobile application, it will be possible to track the movement of city transport and find out the time of its arrival at a certain stop.

“So far, GPS navigation is working in test mode. Wi-Fi will also appear on buses. In addition, route 12 will be updated this year, which will reach the Kurchatovo MKR,” Vadim Boychenko emphasized.

The mayor noted that at the initiative of the head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration Pavel Zhebrivsky, new vehicles for Mariupol would continue to be purchased.

2018-02-11 09:15:00

The 15th route of municipal transport is indicative in Mariupol!

In Mariupol today there are about 30 routes of buses and trolleybuses of municipal transport. Apart from 15 tram routes and about 40 minibuses. Why exactly was the 15th route chosen as indicative when the new leadership of the MTTU came in? And also what is the specifics of this route? And what are the difficulties in working for drivers on this route?

Head of MTTU Vitaly Donev commented on this decision, referring to the length of the route and the demand among passengers. That's exactly why the 15th route became indicative, and the best presentation cars were transferred to it, which were evenly distributed over other routes. At that time, these were all MAN cars, now they are all new Dnipro in most cases. Of course, every broom sweeps differently. And at different times they strengthened different routes depending on the sponsor and the consumer. But for many years, the 12th trolleybus route was the most popular and well-known. And if not profitable, then at least more percentage"Brought" the plan than the 15th route, and even now. So why not follow the path of "control dynamics", strengthening and improving first strong routes, and then others? Of course, the leadership of both the city and TTU sets the task of enlarging the 12th route, and bringing the gap time between cars to 7 minutes. But this is in the future, with the help of new cars purchased at the expense of European creditors.

As for the "bringing" of the plan. Of course, there are different schedules, and each schedule has its own plan. And of course, the “delivery” of the plan depends on the passenger flow. And this factor depends on other components: on the weather, for example, on social factors, such as holidays and events in the city. And yet the 12th route in this regard is more advantageous.

If we talk about the specifics of the 15th route and its length, then first we will touch on the trolleybus schedules. Starting from the final one - MKR "Vostochny" - people gather, accumulate and go out mainly to the squares. If there are no those who go to the city or to work, then the trolleybus goes empty. During the shift, people go out at the plant or sit down here, mostly before the 23rd. If there is no shift and the minibus has not intercepted, then the key stops here are the “transition” and “Freedom Square”. From the "Western" they go to the "Freedom Square", the city, during the shift - to the factory. And few people drive the entire route entirely. Further, if there is no shift from the factory, the occupancy goes only by area.

In general, the route is long, but the change of passengers takes place at key points, and quite large, but still not always justified. And here's another reason - the trolleybus blocks the bus route number 15a. The same problem and on the 12th route. Why block successful trolleybus routes with buses when they can be put on other routes where there is no contact network? After all, one way or another, but the authorities are setting the task of increasing the number of municipal vehicles and reducing the share of private carriers. And it is already felt even today. This is with regard to the constructive dynamics of the development of municipal transport.

But here is another difficulty. This applies to the roadway, located in bad condition. A large number of transfers tram tracks and intersections of the contact network, uncut branches on the left, interfering with trolleys. Of course, the bus is not all of this obstacle. As well as not a barrier to him time. Let me explain - earlier the return flight of the 15th route was 02:40, i.e. 1 hour 20 minutes one way. Now, for obvious reasons (competitiveness with minibuses and a reduction in waiting time to 6 minutes between route schedules) - 02:04, i.e. 1 hour 02 minutes one way! Given the large number of privileged passengers and, as a result, an increase in the disembarkation / embarkation of passengers at a stop, the bus can catch up with time on the haul between stops, since it is not tied to a contact network, unlike a trolleybus. The trolleybus, in turn, is harder to catch up with time because of the contact network, which has long been sagging much more than the norm. Add to this the passage of butt, arrows and intersections, which must be passed at low speeds. Because of this, another problem arises specifically for drivers of trolleybuses (low-floor) - it is not always possible for the driver to get out and lower / raise the ramp for wheelchairs. And then passengers begin to create panic, and the so-called people's control, call the control room and complain about the driver, publications appear on the Internet, etc. But no one will delve into the specifics of the driver's work! No one wants to take his place - neither one nor the other! Although Vitaly Ignatievich Donev assured me that the time for boarding and disembarking wheelchairs is provided for in last resort the driver can inform the dispatcher that due to such pick-up/drop-off, he is not on time according to the schedule.

There is a problem with a shortage of personnel in the repair services, locksmiths are required, but I will talk about this in another article. Not enough spare parts. After talking with any driver, you will find out that he buys a lot for car repairs with his own money - from small spare parts to expensive units.

Another point that I want to touch on is scheduling. Now the human factor in this matter is excluded. Although, in principle, the miscalculation of passenger traffic occurs. But composes and changes schedules computer program. The initial values ​​​​and the number of cars are entered into it, and it displays all the schedules for all stops, while taking into account the lunch break on the route for 30-40 minutes, since, according to the Labor Code, after a certain amount of hours worked, the employee must have lunch. And all cars on the 15th route work in two shifts (on a weekday there are 5-9 buses and 12 trolleybuses), then there is a gap in traffic intensity of about 40 minutes in the evening (about 17-18 hours), and in the morning (about 10-11 hours), when it is impossible to wait for transport, because there is none. For the logic of the program arranges the lunch time in turn - one car after another, arriving at Vostochny, stops for lunch. And they also leave one by one after the lunch break, which is inconvenient for an ordinary citizen. (At the time of writing, part of the new buses were transferred to the 12th route.)

The key theses that I wanted to touch on: the lack of constructive and control dynamics in the formation of routes and building their logic, which leads to failures in the schedule during lunch at certain hours and, as a result, failure to meet the planned targets. The complexity of the work of drivers on the 15th route (mainly for trolleybuses) due to lack of time.

2017-02-14 12:53:00

in Mariupol transport park TTU replenished new technology – 15 comfortable buses high-capacity today went on line along the new route 15A, sends MRPL .CITY .

Municipal transport was presented on the square. Victory of the Left Bank District.

According to Mayor Vadim Boychenko, the buses were purchased thanks to savings from the ProZorro procurement system. Thus, UAH 100 million was saved.

“Today, buses will take the route that was once traditional for the Left Bank – they will connect the left-bank part of the city with the Western ZhMR. This route is over 20 km long. This year, at the expense of the regional budget, 15 comfortable trams and 6 trolleybuses will take to the streets. There is also support from the central government - 10 new trolleybuses will go this year,” said Vadim Boychenko.

“Our partners, the Metinvest company, have installed GPS navigators on these buses so that residents can understand when the bus arrives and leaves. We will understand whether the bus is on the line or not,” the mayor said.

The mayor, together with the governor of the region Pavel Zhebrivsky and the general directors of the Mariupol metallurgical enterprises Enver Tskitishvili and Yuri Zinchenko, handed over the keys to the buses to TTU drivers. Also, the new transport was consecrated by the rector of the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God Alexander Gavrilyuk.

As the director of the Department of Transport and Communications Vasily Klat noted, each bus is equipped with a modern powerful engine"Mercedes" Euro 5 with a minimum amount of exhaust.

“The capacity of the new transport is more than 100 seats, including 23 seats. Also, the salons are equipped with information systems for alerting the route and its number, screens for showing social videos. The biggest advantage is that the buses are air conditioned. There have never been such buses in Mariupol. Good lighting, heating and a manual ramp on the central platform are provided. In addition, for hearing-impaired people, the bus is equipped with external sound - the passenger will hear the route number even at the bus stop,” Vasily Klat said.

He also clarified that he plans to replace all bus stops along route 15A.

The mayor emphasized that by spring they will launch mobile app where they can track traffic.

“So far, GPS navigation is being developed in a test mode. There will also be Wi-Fi on the buses. In addition, the 12th route will be launched this year, which will reach the MKR Kurchatovo,” said the mayor of Mariupol.

Vadim Boychenko also made one trip in a new bus and answered questions from residents.

In Mariupol (Donetsk region), the transport fleet of TTU was replenished with new equipment - 15 comfortable buses of increased capacity today, on February 14, entered the line along the new route 15A.

Municipal transport was presented on the square. Victory of the Left Bank District. According to Mayor Vadim Boychenko, the buses were purchased thanks to savings from the Prozorro procurement system. Thus, UAH 100 million was saved.

“Today, buses will take the route that was once traditional for the Left Bank - they will connect the left-bank part of the city with the Western microdistrict. This route is over 20 km long. This year, at the expense of the regional budget, 15 comfortable trams and 6 trolleybuses will take to the streets. There is also support from governments - 10 new trolleybuses will go this year,” Boychenko said.

“Our partners, Metinvest, have installed GPS navigators on these buses so that residents can understand when the bus arrives and leaves. We will understand whether the bus is on the line or not,” the mayor said.

The mayor, together with the governor of the region Pavel Zhebrivsky and the general directors of the Mariupol metallurgical enterprises Enver Tskitishvili and Yuri Zinchenko, handed over the keys to the buses to TTU drivers. Also, the new transport was consecrated by the rector of the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God Alexander Gavrilyuk.

As Director of the Department of Transport and Communications Vasily Klat noted, each bus is equipped with a modern powerful Euro-5 Mercedes engine with a minimum amount of emissions.

“The capacity of the new transport is more than 100 seats, including 23 seats. Also, the salons are equipped with information systems for alerting the route and its number, screens for showing social videos. The biggest advantage is that the buses are air conditioned. There have never been such buses in Mariupol. Good lighting, heating and a manual ramp on the central platform are provided. In addition, for hearing-impaired people, the bus is equipped with external sound - the passenger will hear the route number even at the bus stop,” Klat said.

He also clarified that the plans include the replacement of all stopping pavilions along route 15A.

The mayor emphasized that a mobile application will be launched for Maripol residents by spring, using which they will be able to track traffic.

“So far, GPS navigation is being developed in test mode. Also this year, the 12th route will be launched, which will reach the MKR "Kurchatovo", - said the mayor of Mariupol.

Earlier it was reported that 15 new air-conditioned buses will soon enter 2 new routes in Mariupol.