Why does the traffic police fine drivers who let an ambulance pass? Fine for failure to give way to a car with a special signal Responsibility for not allowing an ambulance to pass

A case in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky caused a wide public outcry when a car driver did not allow an ambulance to go to a call. Because of this, a 21-year-old man died.

“360” interviewed experts about whether it is necessary to tighten the punishment for drivers who do not allow a car to pass with a special signal.

Coordinator of the “Blue Buckets” Petr Shkumatov believes that today there is already a fairly harsh punishment for not allowing an ambulance to pass - this is deprivation of rights, and, in his opinion, there is no point in tightening it. He gave an example of a situation on the roads when drivers simply cannot let a car with a special signal pass.

The most important thing, Shkumatov noted, is legislation and rules traffic must provide for cases when, while allowing an ambulance to pass, the driver may cross a solid road or run a red light.

Our legislation has such a crooked idea of ​​how a person should let an ambulance pass that there are many situations where people simply cannot let it pass. Let’s say in Moscow I saw a situation where a car stopped and couldn’t because the path there was blocked. But technically, according to traffic rules, he is at fault

Petr Shkumatov.

Alexander Starovoytov, a member of the State Duma Committee on Transport, agrees that the articles of the Code on administrative violations stipulate quite harsh punishment, nevertheless, violations occur.

At the same time, he emphasized that cases of failure to allow an ambulance to pass are still isolated, so in such a situation it is inappropriate to make any changes to the legislation or increase fines. In his opinion, it is necessary to engage in preventive work to prevent such incidents among drivers.

Photo: Natalya Seliverstova/RIA Novosti

Oleg Nilov, a member of the State Duma Committee on Transport, believes that it is necessary to ensure the implementation of the law and the inevitability of punishment for such acts. He gave the example of riot police cars, which are always given way.

There are two sides here, as always. On the one hand, the law is becoming stricter. On the other hand, the execution of the law and the inevitability of punishment

Deputy Oleg Nilov.

The incident, as previously reported, occurred late in the evening of January 10 on Tsiolkovsky Street in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. At about 22:24 local time (13:24 Moscow time), a call was received from the brother of a 21-year-old local resident, who suddenly became ill - he began to choke and lose consciousness. The team that arrived at the site encountered an unexpected obstacle at the entrance to the site. The path of the carriage with its flashing lights turned on was blocked by a passenger car.

Warm up by snowy road, on the sides of which there were many cars parked, the cars could not. The woman driving the car refused to enter the pocket, and her passenger demanded that the ambulance give way. The man responded to all warnings and calls from the driver exclusively with threats and “instructions.”

“Go read the rules!” - he advised the driver of the company car and returned to the salon.

As a result, the altercation lasted for 10 minutes, and only the police officers who were called to the scene were forced to give way to the owners of the foreign car. Later it appeared on the Internet.

When the doctors entered the apartment, they could only confirm the patient’s death.

The regional department of the Investigative Committee reported that a pre-investigation check is being conducted into the incident, based on the results of which a procedural decision will be made, including a legal assessment of the actions of the ambulance workers.

The traffic police fine in 2018 for failure to give priority to an ambulance is 500 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive for a period of 1 to 3 months.

When should a driver give way to an emergency vehicle?

Obtaining priority in the movement of an ambulance, as well as other vehicles equipped with blue special signals, is described in paragraph 3.1 of the Traffic Rules.

To gain an advantage over other road users, drivers of such vehicles must turn on the flashing light of blue color and a special sound signal. They can take advantage of priority only by making sure that they are given way.

Please note that both conditions described above must be met to receive priority. The sound signal must be special. If an ambulance gives a regular monotonous signal, it has no advantage in movement.

Among mandatory conditions There is no requirement that a special color scheme be applied to the car.

To receive a traffic police fine for not allowing an ambulance to pass, the vehicle must have blue beacons And special sound signal.

How to correctly yield to an ambulance

The procedure for granting priority to an ambulance is described in paragraph 3.2 of the Rules.

When a vehicle approaches with the lights on flashing beacon blue and special sound signal Drivers are required to give way to ensure unimpeded passage of the specified vehicle.

Legal conflict using the example of video

The requirements for ensuring the free passage of emergency vehicles are set out within the framework of the terms “Advantage” and “Give way” defined by the Rules.

“Advantage (priority)” is the right to priority movement in the intended direction in relation to other road users.

“Give way (do not interfere)” is a requirement that means that a road user must not start, resume or continue moving, or carry out any maneuver if this may force other road users who have priority over him to change direction. movement or speed.

That is, the driver must act only this way and nothing else. The use of these terms is justified when crossing trajectories, at intersections, during turns, changing lanes and other maneuvers. But the Rules do not in any way highlight the case of a car approaching with special signals from behind. And this is the most common case, especially when driving through a traffic jam.

Drivers, if an ambulance is approaching from behind, must also comply with the requirement to “give way”, namely, they must not continue driving and maneuver, press the brakes and stop.

Traffic rules establish a direct ban further movement and maneuvering. On the other hand, drivers are presented with a vague requirement for unobstructed passage. The driver, de jure, fulfilling the requirement to give way, understands that he is ensuring unhindered passage. This is exactly why it is presented:

...give way to ensure unobstructed passage.

There are no options for reasoning. The “Give Way” requirement is defined. How its implementation will happen in practice is clear to everyone. The ambulance will not be able to get through.

In practice, no one will ever blame the driver and fine him for not allowing an ambulance to pass if the driver maneuvers, de jure, violating traffic rules, and vice versa, they can impose a fine if the driver fully complies with the requirements of the Rules and stops.

In the case of ambulances and other special services vehicles, it is certainly necessary to understand such ambiguity in traffic rules and, if possible, ensure passage.

A slight digression from the topic. On the other hand, if it is, roughly speaking, a “black Mercedes” with flashing lights of unknown origin and a “quack”, but a huge administrative resource, you can simply stop in the lane and not move, having fully complied with the requirements. However, the “game” will have to continue to the end. It is prohibited to resume and continue driving, and violating this prohibition will result in a fine, albeit a much smaller one.

Watch the video of the ambulance passing, in South Korea. Drivers immediately cleared the traffic jam in the cramped tunnel.

Such actions violate the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation.

The following video served as a reason for discussing the tightening of liability for failure to provide priority to an ambulance, however, according to the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, driver violations are not. He stands still and does not continue moving, strictly following the rules and fulfilling the requirement to “Give way.” The plot of the Ren-TV channel.

Let's hope that such ambiguity in the Rules will be eliminated, in light of the upcoming increases in fines for not allowing an ambulance to pass.

A law establishing a fine for failing to allow an emergency vehicle to pass.

The fine for failure to comply with the requirement to give way to an ambulance is established by Part 3 of Article 12.17.

2. Failure to provide priority in movement to a vehicle that has special color schemes, inscriptions and designations applied to the outer surfaces, with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal turned on at the same time -
entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount five hundred rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months.

If there are no special color and graphic schemes on the vehicle, part 1 of the same article 12.17

1. Failure to provide priority in movement to a route vehicle, as well as to a vehicle with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal turned on at the same time -
entails warning or imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

We note that a fine is imposed only for failure to provide an advantage, that is, for failure to comply with the requirement to “give way” , there is no fine for failure to ensure unimpeded passage.

Any claims from representatives of “black Mercedes” with flashing lights face a fine of a maximum of 500 rubles.

What changes are expected in traffic police fines for not giving priority to an ambulance?

The article focuses on ambulances, since in 2017 cases involving the transport of this service received wide publicity. Everything described above also applies to other special services vehicles - (police, firefighters, Ministry of Emergency Situations and others.)

From latest news according to RBC, there is a statement from the Minister of Health of Russia about the preparation by their department of a bill establishing a fine of 30,000 rubles.

After April 14, 2017, the State Duma will consider bill No. 88389-7, where for failure to allow vehicles without color schemes to pass, the fine is set from 500 to 1,500 rubles, with schemes the fine is 1,500 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 6 months to 1 year.

Ambulance services medical care everyone used it. There are different situations. Human life and health are fragile. It makes no sense to say how important it is for doctors to get to their destination faster. It is obvious. It would seem that he did not give in. An extra minute of delay on the way can cost a human life. You must always give way to doctors. If you fail to let the car pass, then a justified punishment will follow. In this article we will talk about what the fine will be for not allowing an ambulance to pass.

What does the law say?

At the legislative level, the procedure for passing special vehicles is regulated by paragraph 3.1 of the Rules. To enjoy the right of unhindered travel to the destination, the driver of special transport is required to turn on special identification visual and sound signals. The car can pick up speed when its driver is convinced that they have given way to him.

The driver of a special vehicle must fulfill both mandatory conditions that give the right to receive priority on the road. At least one is not fulfilled - priority right in legal force does not enter. The driver of the special vehicle turned on, but the flashing light is not there - you don’t have to give way. This subtle point if necessary, you can use it to protect your rights in court. The car must have a special color graphic scheme applied.

The procedure for granting special rights to ambulances and other types of special transport is prescribed in paragraph 3.2 of the Rules.

According to the requirements, the driver, when approaching a car with special identification marks is obliged to provide such a vehicle with unhindered passage.

To legally determine a driver’s guilt for not allowing an ambulance to pass, two fundamental terms are used:

  • - in general understanding means granting a special right to a vehicle to move unhindered. Other road users are obliged to provide special transport with the opportunity to exercise its “special” right.
  • Give way (do not create interference) - implies that at the moment a special vehicle appears on the road with identification signals turned on, giving it the right to move unhindered, other road users are obliged not to take any actions that could interfere with it. In other words, a special vehicle has appeared - everyone must stop and wait.

This is where the so-called legal collapse occurs. Imagine the situation. You are standing in . An ambulance appears from behind. As expected, all signals are turned on. You, like a law-abiding citizen, have turned off the engine and are standing still. There is nowhere to go. Cork. But the ambulance can't get through. It turns out that you did not give way and are guilty? Of course, sensible people serve in the traffic police and do not issue fines for such absurd situations. And it is impossible to come up with a law for all occasions.

What's the fine?

If you do not let an ambulance pass, this entails administrative liability for violating Part 3 of Article 12.17 of the Code of Administrative Offences. Russian Federation. In accordance with the law, the culprit will be required to pay a fine of 500 rubles. In some cases, the punishment may be more severe - deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 3 months.

In 2017, the media repeatedly heard statements from high-ranking officials that liability for non-passage of special vehicles would be tightened. Presumably it is planned to increase the amount of the fine to 1,500 rubles.

Unfortunately, there is not always a danger of being deprived of rights help ensure that doctors are allowed through without hindrance. Here, probably, every driver needs to imagine that, perhaps, this particular ambulance is going to one of his loved ones. It hurts to the point of tears when a person dies simply because the doctors could not arrive on time.

Perhaps, if all people are a little more attentive to each other, then the very need for fines for not passing an ambulance in our country will disappear.


We can talk for a long time about how it was possible not to miss ambulance? This is so important, etc. There is no absolute guarantee that even the most incredible situation will not arise in the life of any person. Accidentally missing an ambulance is no exception. You can think or get distracted. The main thing is not to deliberately violate traffic rules. In this case, the phrase “did not yield” can be considered as a crime against conscience, at least.

Perhaps you have found yourself in a situation where you were forced to miss an ambulance? Share your experience with our readers in the comments. Any information would be very helpful.

The traffic police fine in 2018 for failure to give priority to an ambulance is 500 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive for a period of 1 to 3 months.

When should a driver give way to an emergency vehicle?

Obtaining priority in the movement of an ambulance, as well as other vehicles equipped with blue special signals, is described in paragraph 3.1 of the Traffic Rules.

To gain an advantage over other road users, drivers of such vehicles must turn on a blue flashing light and a special sound signal. They can take advantage of priority only by making sure that they are given way.

Please note that both conditions described above must be met to receive priority. The sound signal must be special. If an ambulance gives a regular monotonous signal, it has no advantage in movement.

Among the mandatory conditions, there is no requirement that a special color scheme be applied to the car.

To receive a fine from the traffic police for not allowing an ambulance to pass, the car must have blue beacons turned on and special sound signal.

How to correctly yield to an ambulance

The procedure for granting priority to an ambulance is described in paragraph 3.2 of the Rules.

When approaching a vehicle with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal on, drivers are required to give way to ensure unhindered passage of the specified vehicle.

Legal conflict using the example of video

The requirements for ensuring the free passage of emergency vehicles are set out within the framework of the terms “Advantage” and “Give way” defined by the Rules.

“Advantage (priority)” is the right to priority movement in the intended direction in relation to other road users.

“Give way (do not interfere)” is a requirement that means that a road user must not start, resume or continue moving, or carry out any maneuver if this may force other road users who have priority over him to change direction. movement or speed.

That is, the driver must act only this way and nothing else. The use of these terms is justified when crossing trajectories, at intersections, during turns, changing lanes and other maneuvers. But the Rules do not in any way highlight the case of a car approaching with special signals from behind. And this is the most common case, especially when driving through a traffic jam.

Drivers, if an ambulance is approaching from behind, must also comply with the requirement to “give way”, namely, they must not continue driving and maneuver, press the brakes and stop.

The traffic rules establish a direct ban on further movement and maneuvering. On the other hand, drivers are presented with a vague requirement for unobstructed passage. The driver, de jure, fulfilling the requirement to give way, understands that he is ensuring unhindered passage. This is exactly why it is presented:

...give way to ensure unobstructed passage.

There are no options for reasoning. The “Give Way” requirement is defined. How its implementation will happen in practice is clear to everyone. The ambulance will not be able to get through.

In practice, no one will ever blame the driver and fine him for not allowing an ambulance to pass if the driver maneuvers, de jure, violating traffic rules, and vice versa, they can impose a fine if the driver fully complies with the requirements of the Rules and stops.

In the case of ambulances and other special services vehicles, it is certainly necessary to understand such ambiguity in traffic rules and, if possible, ensure passage.

A slight digression from the topic. On the other hand, if it is, roughly speaking, a “black Mercedes” with flashing lights of unknown origin and a “quack”, but a huge administrative resource, you can simply stop in the lane and not move, having fully complied with the requirements. However, the “game” will have to continue to the end. It is prohibited to resume and continue driving, and violating this prohibition will result in a fine, albeit a much smaller one.

Watch a video of an ambulance passing through in South Korea. Drivers immediately cleared the traffic jam in the cramped tunnel.

Such actions violate the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation.

The following video served as a reason for discussing the tightening of liability for failure to provide priority to an ambulance, however, according to the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, driver violations are not. He stands still and does not continue moving, strictly following the rules and fulfilling the requirement to “Give way.” The plot of the Ren-TV channel.

Let's hope that such ambiguity in the Rules will be eliminated, in light of the upcoming increases in fines for not allowing an ambulance to pass.

A law establishing a fine for failing to allow an emergency vehicle to pass.

The fine for failure to comply with the requirement to give way to an ambulance is established by Part 3 of Article 12.17.

2. Failure to provide priority in movement to a vehicle that has special color schemes, inscriptions and designations applied to the outer surfaces, with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal turned on at the same time -
entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount five hundred rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months.

If there are no special color and graphic schemes on the vehicle, part 1 of the same article 12.17

1. Failure to provide priority in movement to a route vehicle, as well as to a vehicle with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal turned on at the same time -
entails warning or imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

We note that a fine is imposed only for failure to provide an advantage, that is, for failure to comply with the requirement to “give way” , there is no fine for failure to ensure unimpeded passage.

Any claims from representatives of “black Mercedes” with flashing lights face a fine of a maximum of 500 rubles.

What changes are expected in traffic police fines for not giving priority to an ambulance?

The article focuses on ambulances, since in 2017 cases involving the transport of this service received wide publicity. Everything described above also applies to other special services vehicles - (police, firefighters, Ministry of Emergency Situations and others.)

The latest news, according to RBC, is a statement from the Russian Minister of Health about the preparation by their department of a bill establishing a fine of 30,000 rubles.

After April 14, 2017, the State Duma will consider bill No. 88389-7, where for failure to allow vehicles without color schemes to pass, the fine is set from 500 to 1,500 rubles, with schemes the fine is 1,500 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 6 months to 1 year.

Several contradictory and very strict draft laws concerning the refusal of passage of an ambulance rushing to a call or transporting a patient to a hospital were introduced for consideration. Both bills, as the Kommersant newspaper writes, were submitted to the State Duma in April of this year and were in one way or another connected with one or more sensational incidents on the road directly related to the refusal of an ambulance to pass. As an example, Kommersant cites the case in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where at the beginning of the year “The ambulance crew was unable to respond to the call on time due to a car blocking its path, as a result the patient died on the road”.

A resonant case, which vying with each other, began to propose adequate, in the opinion of legislators, fines for obstructing the passage of an ambulance. Thus, the Moscow City Duma proposed the need to introduce a fine of 40 thousand rubles, the Ministry of Health of 30 thousand and deprivation of rights for those drivers who interfere with the passage of an ambulance card.

Draft laws sponsored by deputies United Russia- Irina Yarovaya and Dmitry Morozov imply changes to several laws, namely, changes Article 12.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in today's edition it provides for the following responsibilities:

Failure to give priority in movement to a route vehicle or a vehicle with special light and sound signals turned on

2. Failure to provide priority in traffic to a vehicle that has special color schemes, inscriptions and designations applied to the outer surfaces, with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal turned on at the same time -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months.

After the changes, which will most likely be made, since the authorship is listed as the deputies of United Russia, new sanctions will be proposed:

If the ambulance was significantly delayed on the road and medical assistance was provided to the patient “in violation of the deadlines,” the offending driver will receive a fine of 30 thousand rubles and will lose your license for up to two years (this sanction norm was apparently included from the proposal of the Ministry of Health).

In addition, the Code of administrative offenses According to the draft, a new article “Obstruction of medical care” will be introduced. Administrative fines are expected to be imposed in the amount of 4-5 thousand rubles or administrative arrest for up to 15 days .

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will also include an article with the same name, which already implies criminal liability for drivers this species offenses. Presumably the fine for it will be:

40 thousand rubles fine, compulsory work for up to 360 hours or arrest for up to four months , says the Kommersant newspaper, in the event that a citizen placed “legal activities of a health worker by restraining, threatening, or creating obstacles to access a patient, if this resulted in moderate harm to the patient’s health”.

If an ambulance patient dies on the way, the person responsible for his death awaits up to four years in prison .

So far, the package of changes has not been adopted and is only being considered, however, experts and lawyers have already raised a number of important questions, which legislators still have to explain: