How many kelvins is better to put xenon. Which is better to choose xenon for a car. What are the shades

xenon color temperature is the characteristic of the light source,
The temperature of the glow determines the color perceived by the eye. Each color has its own temperature, measured in Kelvin. The human eye sees best in daylight.

Xenon color is a model that speaks like it should
the gas inside the flask must be heated so that the lamp shines in one color or another.
A choice of many manufacturers offers a range of three main
types of color temperatures:

4300K ​​- 3200lm
5000K - 2700lm
6000K - 2500lm

4300 Kelvin - "White-Milky"
5000 Kelvin - "White"
6000 Kelvin - "Blue Crystal"

The higher the temperature, the more it will give off in blue light,
and the smaller, the yellow.
There is also such a dependence that the higher the xenon temperature,
the lower the brightness of the emitted light.
Regular xenon, which is placed directly
at the factory it has a xenon glow color of 4300 Kelvin.
If you install xenon in order to maximize
For better visibility, we advise you to install xenon with color 4300K.
A significant increase in temperature will only reduce the luminous flux.
So for example at a temperature of 12000K (purple-gray light)
the luminous flux is almost equal to the luminous flux of a good halogen lamp.

What is the best xenon temperature?

As a result, the most optimal for improving visibility is
the temperature is still 4300 K. Everything that comes next is directional lamps
to improve the appearance of the car.
We advise all our customers to choose between two color
xenon temperatures: 4300K And 5000K. When installing xenon above
these color temperatures you will miss the brightness on the road.
When installing xenon with a color temperature of 6000K, the loss in
brightness is large, about 300-400 lumens. Therefore, all manufacturers
regular xenon, such as OSRAM, PHILIPS, HELLA, KOITO make
lamps only 4300 K. With a xenon glow color of 6000K, the illumination indicator
falls heavily, and in bad weather (rain, snow, slush), lighting will be lacking.

Motorists planning to tune their vehicle are wondering which xenon is better to put 4300 or 5000 in 2019.

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The choice should be made based on the technical characteristics of the equipment and the vehicle. Each person perceives the glow of xenon with a certain temperature in different ways.

In some lighting conditions, the driver distinguishes objects better at night, in others - much worse.

The choice of lamps should be carried out taking into account at what color temperature the eyes are most comfortable.

It should be noted that decorative xenon is on sale, it should not be confused with color temperature, since these are completely different concepts.

General information

Features of these lamps

Drivers who install 5000K lamps care more about appearance and strive to decorate the car. The price of a lamp increases with temperature, hence 5000K lamps are more expensive.

When choosing lamps, be sure to remember about the upcoming technical inspection. If the operator concludes that the light is too bright and interferes with the normal movement of other drivers on the road, the headlights will have to be replaced. If installed illegally/inconsistently, the driver may experience problems.

Xenon 4300 lamps have a more neutral, white color. When compared with xenon at 5000 Kelvin, the first color is warmer.

Xenon 4300 lamps are and are used in factories. 5000K lamps are absolutely identical to 4300 lamps. The only difference is the color temperature.

Varieties of modules

There are the following types of xenon lamp modules:

Some manufacturers produce equipment kits that include lamps, lenses and ignition blocks.

Photo: varieties of xenon lamp modules

Installation rules in PTF

In order to install xenon in fog lights, you need to follow the following algorithm:

They remove the bumper from the car and take out the plugs for the PTF They are usually screwed or secured with clips.
Wires from PTF are pulled under the hood
On some car models You need to remove the wipers in order to route the wiring to the correct position.
The driver must decide how the fog lights will turn on. For this, a selection of elements is carried out. They need to be taken directly from the battery
If the PTF is connected via a relay It should be fixed in any suitable place for this - to one of the wire harnesses
Xenon is installed in places intended for lamps Ignition units must be connected to the lamps
When the lamps are fixed The bumper is back

It must be borne in mind that each PTF has a special screw for adjustment. Using it, you can adjust the desired focus of the main lamp.

This process is the most important, and it should be approached from all sides. Proper adjustment of the lamps will create the correct glow. Due to this, other drivers will not be blinded.

Some drivers prefer to cover their headlights with special plugs, however, this is not the best solution. To protect your headlights from scratches, you should choose high-quality Plexiglas foglights.

What characteristics do they have

The main characteristics of xenon lamps:

The quality of xenon lamps may vary depending on the manufacturer.

Video: xenon headlights

Which xenon shines better 4300 or 5000 in lenses

Comparison of xenon with 4300 K and 5000 K:

When the color temperature of xenon rises The brightness of the light, on the contrary, becomes lower. Xenon 4300 Kelvin should be used from this position
A lamp with 4300 K has a yellowish color It reflects less glare and therefore is best suited for wet surfaces - can be used in rainy and snowy weather
The same parameters of lamps 4300 and 5000 Fixed when used in normal weather conditions
Xenon with an indicator of 5000 Kelvin has a whiter color Without characteristic yellowness, which allows it to be used at night. This lamp is better suited for those drivers who often travel at night.
For oncoming drivers Lamps with 4300K ​​are the most pleasing to the eye. Too white color 5000K dazzles and makes it difficult to focus on the road
At the same time, the color of the lamp is 5000 K Is more pleasing to the eye due to greater proximity to sunlight
Both types of lamps turn blue with prolonged use. So, 5000 K lamps get a characteristic of 6000 K, which is not always convenient.
To get more contrast of objects on the road Xenon 4300 should be used

Headlights are factory fitted with 4300 bulbs only, as they are recognized by experts as more suitable for driving in average conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of xenon lamps that motorists should be aware of:
  • lighting is brighter, more intense and saturated than halogen lamps;
  • the probability of the headlight burnout when current is applied or in conditions of increased vibration is practically excluded;
  • despite the fact that a small amount of energy is consumed, the efficiency indicators are quite high, due to which the load on the generator is significantly reduced;
  • the technology is quite widespread and is used on almost all cars;
  • the service life is longer than other lamps and is more than 2000 hours of operation;
  • the radiation obtained as a result of the work of xenon lamps is close to sunlight and is pleasing to the eye
There are the following disadvantages:
  • the cost of the lamps is quite high due to the fact that they need to be purchased complete with ignition units;
  • you need to change the lamps at once in 2 pieces;
  • after installation, additional adjustment is required using an auto-corrector, which is purchased separately

Which no longer provide the quality of light for the car, but its tuning, for example, 7000K, 8000K, 10000K and higher. It should be noted that the brightness of the light output also depends on the temperature of the xenon source, as well as on the power.

Dependence of color temperature and brightness

  • 4300K- is considered the most optimal temperature, which provides the output of white with a warm yellow tint of light. It does not scatter along the road, does not reflect and is the most pleasing to the eye. This temperature provides the most powerful brightness, which in standard lamps has an indicator of 3200 Lumens. In some sources, with increased brightness, the indicator can reach up to 3400 Lumens. Xenon lamps for 35w - 3200 Lumens, for 55w - 4100 Lumens.
  • 5000K is a lamp that provides a crystal white cold light, which is also considered acceptable for use on freeways. Such light is as close as possible to sunlight, and therefore provides good visibility. The brightness of such lamps is already slightly lower than that of the previous ones. So, a 35W product corresponds to a light output of 3000 Lumens, and a 55W product to 3900 Lumens.
  • 6000K- These are xenon lamps that give out a bright snow-white-bluish light, which is already more of a tuning element. Such lamps take care of the expressiveness of the car on the freeway, although they provide quite good visibility. The lamp at 35w provides a brightness of 2600 Lumens, and at 55w at 3600 Lumens. That is, products with such a temperature already provide less beam saturation, and, accordingly, worse road illumination.
  • 8000K- sources with a blue flux of light, which can not always be used on freeways. They transform the car, but offer the driver bad light that scatters along the road and can even contribute to eye fatigue. A lamp at 35w produces a brightness of only 2200 Lumens, and at 55w at 3100 Lumens. You can find more information about xenon light output in

The color temperature of xenon is a characteristic of a light source that determines the color perceived by the eye. Each color has its own temperature, measured in Kelvin. The human eye sees best in daylight. The color is a model that tells how the gas inside the bulb must be heated in order for the lamp to shine in one color or another. To choose from, many manufacturers offer an assortment of three main types of color temperatures:

  • 3500K - yellow is suitable for foglights as the main lighting is not suitable
  • 4300K ​​- white-yellow is the brightest light, it is this temperature that is set on factory cars in the original
  • 5000K - xenon glow white
  • 6000K - cool white with light blue, this light is chosen by 90% of buyers
  • 7000K - blue, the brightness is much lower, driving with such light is difficult
  • 8000K - blue light purple, brightness is even worse

Thus, the beginning of the visible radiation of an absolutely black body is already observed at 1200K, and corresponds to the red end of the spectrum, i.e. In other words, red corresponds to a color temperature of 1200K. We continue to heat our spiral, while measuring the temperature, and this is what we see, at a temperature of 2000K the color of the light becomes orange, and at 3000K it turns yellow. At 3500K, the coil will burn out, since the melting point of tungsten will be reached.

However, if this had not happened, then we saw that when the temperature reached 5500K, the color of the radiation would be white, becoming bluish at 6000K, and with further heating up to 18000K, more and more blue, which corresponds to the violet edge of the spectrum.
The higher the temperature, the more it will give off in blue light, and the lower, the more yellow.

Regular xenon, which is installed directly at the factory, has a xenon glow color of 4300 Kelvin. If you install xenon in order to maximize the best visibility, we advise you to install xenon with a color of 4300K. When installing xenon with a color temperature of 5000K, the loss in brightness is minimal, about 100-200 lumens. Therefore, many set the average color - 5000K.

With a xenon glow color of 6000K, the illumination indicator drops sharply, and in bad weather (rain, snow, slush), lighting will not be enough.