What lubricant is better to lubricate the CV joint. Lubricant for CV joints: which is better? Lithium based lubricants

A constant velocity joint (CV joint) is an important mechanism in a car that is responsible for transmitting rotational motion from one axis to another. In general, this automotive assembly is considered extremely reliable, but, like any other cyclically loaded rotating element, it needs timely lubrication.

The design of the hinge resembles the design of a bearing: outer ring, balls, inner ring. The fundamental difference is that SHRUS - closed joint. But the CV joint is not just a bearing. It experiences huge loads and at the same time is one of the key elements of the car. Naturally, a special lubricant was developed for this unit. It is called "SHRUS-4" and takes into account all the features of the hinge operation mode. There are various manufacturers, but all of them must be indicated in the name "SHRUS-4", otherwise it cannot be used in your car.

Important! In no case do not lubricate the CV joint with any other lubricant other than CV joint-4. This can lead to hinge failure.

SHRUS-4 is manufactured according to TU 38 Ukrainian SSR 201312-81. Available as a petroleum based oil using a lithium thickener. The composition includes anti-corrosion and anti-friction additives. There are also varieties with the addition of molybdenum disulphide, which gives excellent extreme pressure properties.

Main mechanical and physical characteristics

  • water resistance due to high adhesion (intermolecular interaction of lubricant and metal);
  • antioxidant properties;
  • good viscosity ensures a stable condition at high temperatures;
  • anti-wear ability;
  • low evaporation;
  • extreme pressure;
  • wide operating temperature range: from -40 to +120 °C;
  • stability under various external conditions.

Areas of use

SHRUS-4 is used for lubrication of constant velocity joints. It can also be used for other rubbing parts of the car.

Grease characteristics

For formulations based on molybdenum disulphate.


Homogeneous, dark color

Corrosion resistance

Art. 45 survived


Not less than 1800 Pa (at -30 °C)


4.5(at 120°C )

Mechanical impurities

Types of loads

Badass Index

Main functions

A good SHRUS-4 lubricant should provide at least two things:

  1. Not only to reduce friction in the nodes, but also to reduce the load in these nodes. This will extend the life of your vehicle and also reduce fuel consumption.
  2. Protect metal parts from corrosion. Eliminating the risk of part failure due to corrosion will significantly increase the chances of a long and trouble-free operation of the assembly.



This type of lubricant is very common in our country. Lithium compounds have excellent anti-friction properties, and also significantly reduce the load on the hinge joints. Lithium greases are highly water resistant and dust resistant. The need for replacement depends on its quality, on average it is recommended to do this every 50-60,000 km.

Litol SHRUS-4 from Gazprom Neft, judging by the reviews, is one of the leaders in the segment. It is replaced approximately every 100,000 km.


Abroad, most manufacturers have switched to molybdenum disulfide as the basis for SHRUS-4 lubricant. This type has better anti-corrosion properties, as well as higher extreme pressure properties. Its only drawback is hydrophobia. When moisture gets into the lubricant, it instantly loses its effectiveness. Replacement of such a lubricant is required on average every 100,000 km.

The most popular among auto mechanics is the SHRUS-4 from Liqui Moly.

Lubricant for internal CV joints

The previous types of lubrication were suitable for external joints and internal joints with ball bearings, but will not work for internal ones due to their higher temperature (160). Most internal joints use needle bearings. They must be lubricated with a polyurea-based composition that does not contain the slightest solid particles. Car owners praise the Castrol LMX CV joint, which is designed specifically for needle bearings.

Among domestic analogues, CV joints super-4ml can be distinguished.

  • Give preference to SHRUS-4 lubricant based on molybdenum disulfide;
  • Do not save and buy the products recommended by the car manufacturer;
  • Never use graphite or hydrocarbon lubricants;
  • When replacing it yourself, fill the outer CV joint until the composition goes beyond the boundaries of the part, it is customary to underfill the inner one a little.

Hello dear car enthusiasts! To become an expert in the field of lubricants that are used in cars, you do not need to graduate from higher education institutions.

To do this, you only need to: be interested in what type of lubricant is suitable for which unit and know the frequency of its replacement. If you don't grease - you won't go! This old and wise truth was born at a time when wheels began to be installed on horse-drawn vehicles.

What only craftsmen did not use for lubrication. For starters, it was animal fat. Well, those lubricants that we use, made as a result of oil refining, have been used for a little over one hundred and fifty years.

Any assembly or mechanism of a car that provides for the mutual influence of various elements on each other needs lubrication.

Parts are lubricated for a specific purpose:

  • reducing the friction force between parts and minimizing surface wear;
  • reducing the load on the parts, reducing the resistance due to the same friction force;
  • protection of elements from corrosion and aging.

Owners of front-wheel drive vehicles should get acquainted in great detail with such a type of oil refining product as SHRUS grease.

CV joint grease - get to know each other better

are special mechanisms. In order to establish a uniform transmission of rotational motion from one axle to another, inventors and designers had to rack their brains a lot.

As a result, we have a CV joint. A reliable and durable mechanism, but its service life directly depends on the availability and quality of the lubricant.

A hinge having an outer and inner cage, as well as a set of balls between them, is very similar to bearings. Everyone knows that for hinges it is very important to choose the right lubricant.

For CV joints, this is doubly important, because their elements are under enormous stress. Considering the importance of the assembly, specialists have developed a lubricant that is intended exclusively for these mechanisms.

On the shelves of car dealerships, you can find viscous material in hard or soft packaging with the inscription "SHRUS 4 Grease". Every driver should know that only special grease is used to lubricate CV joints and no other.

SHRUS grease - specifications

The special purpose of the CV joint requires that special lubricants be used for it. The hinge in its work experiences various types of loads, sharp changes in the intensity of work and fluctuations in temperature conditions.

In this regard, for CV joint lubrication, the technical characteristics must be such as to provide the hinge with optimal conditions in any operating mode.

The SHRUS 4 lubricant on the market and other types of lubricants for joints have the following properties:

  • high strength, which allows the lubricant to be reliably held on working parts;
  • sufficient viscosity, which allows the substance, even at high temperatures, not to go into a liquid state of aggregation and not to drain;
  • excellent anti-seize characteristics that prevent the appearance of scoring at the point of contact of parts;
  • good anti-corrosion properties to protect parts from corrosion;
  • high adhesion for a strong molecular connection of the lubricant with the working surface and water repellency;
  • excellent mechanical and physico-chemical stability, which allows the lubricant to maintain its properties as a result of long-term operation

What else does a driver need to know about SHRUS lubrication?

One of the most hotly debated issues that concerns car repair and, in particular, CV joints, is related to how often it is necessary to change the lubricant.

CV joint grease ensures the normal operation of the constant velocity joint, reduces friction, increases the efficiency of the mechanism and prevents corrosion on the surface of individual parts of the joint. Many drivers are interested in the natural question - what lubricant to use for CV joint? We have collected for you information and comparative characteristics of lubricants presented in stores, which we bring to your attention. The material also provides practical information on their use, as well as reviews and personal experience of using 6 popular lubricants by some car owners.

You will learn about such aspects

  • Types of lubricants used for angular velocity joints

What is a CV joint, its functions and types

Before moving on to talking directly about lubricants, let's take a closer look at CV joints. It will be helpful to find out what properties must have a lubricant for the “grenade”, as the common people call the CV joint, and what composition to use in this or that case. The task of the hinge is to transmit torque from one axis to another, provided that they are at an angle to each other. This value can be up to 70°.

In the process of their evolution, the following types of CV joints were invented:

At large angles between the axes, the effectiveness of the hinge decreases. That is, the value of the transmitted torque becomes smaller. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid significant loads when the wheels are too turned out.

A feature of any hinge of angular velocities are high impact loads. They occur when starting a car, overcoming climbs, driving on rough roads, and so on. With the help of special SHRUS lubricants, all negative consequences can be neutralized.

The resource of modern constant velocity joints is quite large (subject to the tightness of the anther), and is comparable to the life of the car. The lubricant is changed when replacing the anther or the entire CV joint. However, according to the regulations, the CV joint lubricant must be replaced every 100 thousand kilometers or once every 5 years (whichever comes first).

Properties of lubricants for constant velocity joints

Due to the difficult operating conditions of the mentioned joints, the CV joint lubricant is designed to protect the mechanism from negative factors and provide:

  • increase in the coefficient of friction of the internal parts of the hinge;
  • minimization of wear of individual parts of the CV joint;
  • reduction of mechanical load on the components of the assembly;
  • protection of surfaces of metal parts from corrosion;
  • neutral reaction with the rubber seals of the hinge (anthers, gaskets) so as not to damage them;
  • water repellent features;
  • durability of use.

Based on the requirements listed above, a lubricant for an external or internal CV joint must have the following characteristics:

  • a wide temperature range that allows the use of the composition at critical temperatures (modern SHRUS lubricants are able to operate at temperatures from -40 ° C to + 140 ° C and above, this range depends on the specific brand of lubricant);
  • a high degree of adhesion (the ability to adhere to the working surface of the mechanism, simply speaking, stickiness);
  • mechanical and physico-chemical stability of the composition, ensuring constant performance characteristics of the lubricant under any operating conditions;
  • high extreme pressure properties, providing the proper level of sliding of lubricated working surfaces.

Thus, the characteristics of the lubricant for the CV joint must fully comply with the above list. Currently, the industry produces several types of such compounds.

Types of lubricants for CV joints

Lubricants are produced on the basis of various chemical compositions. We list and characterize the currently used types.

LM47 grease for CV joints with molybdenum disulfide

Lithium lubricants SHRUS

These are the oldest lubricants that began to be used immediately after the invention of the hinge itself. They are based on lithium soap and various thickeners. Depending on the base oil used, greases can be light yellow to light brown in color. They are good suitable for use in medium And high temperatures. but lose their viscosity at low temperatures, so the level of protection of the mechanism is significantly reduced. Perhaps even tapping hinges in severe frosts.

SHRUS grease with molybdenum

With the development of technology, the use of lithium greases has become largely inefficient. Therefore, the chemical industry has developed more modern lubricants based on lithium soap, but with the addition of molybdenum disulfide. As for the lubricating properties, they are approximately the same as those of lithium counterparts. However, a feature of molybdenum lubricants is their high anti-corrosion properties. This became possible due to the use of metal salts in their composition, which replaced some of the acids. Such compounds are absolutely safe for rubber and plastic, from which some parts of the CV joint are made, in particular, the anther.

Usually, when buying a new boot, it comes with a disposable bag of grease. Be careful! According to statistics, there is a great chance of running into a fake. Therefore, before using the grease, check its consistency by pouring a small part of it onto a piece of paper. If it is not thick enough or is suspicious, it is better to use a different lubricant.

A significant disadvantage of molybdenum-based lubricants is their fear of moisture. That is, when even a small amount of it gets under the anther, grease with molybdenum turns into abrasive with the ensuing consequences (damage to the internal parts of the CV joint). Therefore, when using molybdenum grease, it is necessary to regularly check the condition of the anthers on the CV joint housing, that is, its tightness.

Some unscrupulous sellers report that molybdenum-added hinge lubricants repair a damaged assembly. This is not true. In the event of a crunch in the CV joint, it is necessary to repair it or replace it with a service station.

Popular products from this series in our country are lubricants "SHRUS-4", LM47 and others. We will talk about their advantages, disadvantages, as well as comparative characteristics below.

Barium grease ShRB-4

barium lubricants

This type of lubricant is by far the most modern and technologically advanced. Greases have excellent performance characteristics, chemical resistance, not afraid of moisture and do not interact with polymers. They can be used as a lubricant for outer and inner CV joints

The disadvantage of barium lubricants is decline them properties at negative temperatures. Therefore, replacement is recommended after each winter. In addition, due to the complexity and manufacturability of production, the price of barium greases is higher than that of lithium or molybdenum counterparts. A popular domestic lubricant of this type is ShRB-4.

What lubricants should not be used

SHRUS - a mechanism that works in difficult conditions. Therefore, for its lubrication, you can not use any compositions that come to hand. In particular, CV joints cannot be lubricated:

  • graphite lubricant;
  • technical vaseline;
  • “Grease 158”;
  • various hydrocarbon compositions;
  • formulations based on sodium or calcium;
  • compositions based on iron and zinc.

Use of lubricants at low temperatures

Many car owners living in the northern regions of our country are interested in the question of choosing SHRUS lubricants that would not freeze during significant frosts (for example, -50 ° C ... -40 ° C). The decision must be made on the basis of information provided by the manufacturer. This is very important, and not only for CV joint lubricants, but also for other oils and fluids used in cars in the north.

Before driving in conditions of significant frost, it is strongly recommended to warm up the car thoroughly so that the mentioned oils and fluids, including CV joint grease, warm up and reach a working consistency. Otherwise, there is a possibility of operation of mechanisms with increased load, and as a result, their premature failure.

According to the reviews of car owners living in the conditions of the far north or close to them, domestic lubricant and have proven themselves well. However, we will touch on the choice of lubricants a little later.

Replacing grease in CV joints

The procedure for changing the lubricant in constant velocity joints, as a rule, does not cause difficulties even for inexperienced motorists. First of all, you will need to remove the CV joint from your car. The sequence of actions will directly depend on the design and device of the machine. Therefore, it is not possible to make specific recommendations. You should also know that the hinges are internal and external. The principle of their work is fundamentally different. Without going into details of the designs, it is worth saying that the basis of the outer CV joint is balls, and the basis of the inner CV joint (tripod) is rollers, or needle bearings. The inner CV joint allows large axial movements. For lubrication of internal and external hinges use various lubricants. We will carry out an example of a replacement on a tripoid SHRUS, as the most popular option.

Before replacing the CV joint lubricant, you need to know how much of it you will need. You can find this information in the manual of your car or on the Internet. However, these requirements are often neglected, and the “glass” of the tripod is filled to the brim.

When the CV joint is in your hands, then the direct replacement procedure is performed in accordance with the following algorithm:

Lubrication level for SHRUS in the "glass"

  • Case disassembly. Often the body is fastened with two retaining rings (rolled). Accordingly, in order to disassemble it, it is necessary to remove these rings with a flat-bladed screwdriver.
  • Removing the anther and sealing ring. After performing this simple procedure, it is imperative to check the integrity of the anther. If necessary, buy a new one for further replacement.
  • Next, you need get all internal mechanisms hinges and disassemble them. Usually the tripod itself is held on the axle shaft with a retaining ring, which must be removed to dismantle it with a screwdriver.
  • Rinse thoroughly in gasoline or thinner all internal parts (tripod, rollers, axle shaft) in order to remove old grease. The inside of the body (glass) must also be cleaned of it.
  • Apply some lubricant(approximately 90 grams, however this value differs for different CV joints) into a glass. We will deal with the issue of choosing a lubricant for a tripod a little lower.
  • Place the tripod on the axis into a glass, that is, to your workplace.
  • Add the remaining amount of grease on top on an installed tripod (usually about 120...150 grams of lubricant is used in tripods). Try to spread the grease evenly by moving the tripod axle in the case.
  • After you put in the required amount of lubricant for the tripoid CV joint, you can proceed with the assembly, which is carried out in the reverse order to dismantling. Before tightening the rings or clamps, lubricate the grooves for them with Litol-24 or some similar lubricant.

Changing the lubricant on the outer CV joint VAZ 2108-2115

Replacing the lubricant on the inner CV joint

As you can see, the replacement procedure is simple, and any car owner who has basic locksmith skills can handle it. The main question that needs to be answered before performing this procedure is which SHRUS lubricant is better and why? In the next section, we will try to answer it.

The use of lubricants for CV joints

Due to the difference in the design of internal and external constant velocity joints, technologists recommend using different lubricants for them. In particular, for internal CV joints The following brands of lubricants are used:

  • Mobil SHC Polyrex 005 (for Tripod bearings);
  • Slipkote Polyurea CV Joint Grease;
  • Castrol Optitemp BT 1LF;
  • BP Energy LS-EP2;
  • Chevron Ulti-Plex Synthetic Grease EP NLGI 1.5;
  • VAG G052186A3;
  • Chevron Delo Greases EP;
  • Mobil Mobil Grease XHP 222.

  • Liqui Moly LM 47 Langzeitfett + MoS2;
  • Mobil Mobilgrease special NLGI 2;
  • BP Energy L21M;
  • Chevron SRI Grease NLGI 2;
  • Mobil Mobil Grease XHP 222;

The best lubricant for CV joints

We found on the Internet reviews of real consumers about common lubricants for CV joints, and then analyzed them. We hope that this information will be useful to you and help answer the question - what kind of lubricant is better to use for CV joints. Reviews are presented in the form of tables, the sequence of mentioning speaks about them popularity, from more to less popular. Thus, the TOP 5 best lubricants for CV joints turned out:

Domestic lubricant SHRUS-4

Lubricant produced by several Russian enterprises. It was invented for use in the first Soviet SUV VAZ-2121 Niva. However, later it began to be used in front-wheel drive VAZs. Except for use in ball bearings external CV joints grease can also be used to lubricate carburetor parts, telescopic struts, clutch bearings. SHRUS-4 is a mineral grease based on lithium hydroxystearate. Its temperature characteristics: operating temperature - from -40°С to +120°С, dropping point - +190°С. The price of a tube weighing 100 grams is $1...2, and a tube weighing 250 grams is $2...3. The catalog number is OIL RIGHT 6067.

Liqui Moly LM 47 Langzeitfett + MoS2. Grease in the form of a thick plastic liquid of dark gray, almost black color, produced in Germany. The composition of the lubricant includes a lithium complex (as a thickener), mineral base oil, a set of additives (including anti-wear), solid lubricant particles that reduce friction and wear. Used in external CV joints. In addition, it can be used in the maintenance of power tools, printing and agricultural, construction machines for lubricating threads for guides, splined shafts, heavily loaded joints and bearings. Operating temperature - from -30°С to +125°С. The price of a package for 100 grams is $4...5 (catalog number - LiquiMoly LM47 1987), and a 400 gram package (LiquiMoly LM47 7574) will cost $9...10.

Positive reviews Negative Feedback
Well, in general, the goods are normal, I advise. The tube is convenient, like from a hand cream, the lubricant is squeezed out easily, it does not have any specific smell.All these lubricants LM 47 Langzeitfett, Castrol MS / 3, Valvoline Moly Fortified MP Grease and a bunch of other similar ones - the essence is the complete analogue of our Russian-Soviet grease SHRUS-4, which is littered with the shelves of all stores and which, thanks to mass production, costs a penny. I would never buy any of these imported lubes as they are clearly overpriced.
High-quality lubricant, proven manufacturer, perfectly lubricates parts. Compared to the lubricants that I used to use, I was pleasantly surprised by this lubricant.

RAVENOL Mehrzweckfett mit MoS-2. Lubricants of the RAVENOL brand are produced in Germany. The molybdenum disulfide used in the composition of the lubricant allows you to extend the life of CV joints and reduce their wear level. The grease is resistant to salt water. Use temperature - from -30°С to +120°С. The price of a package weighing 400 grams is about $5...6. In the catalog you can find this product under the number 4014835200340.


SHRUS MS X5. Another local representative. NLGI consistency class - ⅔. Class 2 means penetration range 265-295, vaseline lubricant. Grade 3 means penetration range 220-250, medium hardness lubricant. It should be noted that categories 2 and 3 are mainly used for bearing lubrication (in particular, category 2 is the most common among greases for passenger cars). Grease color - black. The thickener is lithium soap. The X5 complex used reduces friction in the bearing. Even if the anther is damaged, the grease does not leak. Temperature range from -40°С to +120°С. Dropping point - +195°С. The price of a tube weighing 200 grams is $3...4. You can find it in the catalog under the number VMPAUTO 1804.

XADO for SHRUS. Produced in Ukraine. Excellent and inexpensive lubricant. Is used for external CV joints. Does not contain molybdenum disulfide. Color - light amber. A distinctive feature is the presence of a revitalizant in its composition - a substance that can significantly slow down the wear and change in the geometry of parts operating under load. It can be used not only in CV joints, but also in other units and mechanisms. Grease consistency class according to NLGI: 2. Temperature range from -30°С to +140°С (short-term up to +150°С). Dropping point - +280°С. The price of a tube weighing 125 grams is $6...7, the price of a balloon weighing 400 grams is $10...12. The code in the catalog is XADO XA30204.

Positive reviews Negative Feedback
The best grease for SHRUS and bearings today. After application and running the first 200 km, bearing noise is really reduced. I recommend!I do not believe in these fables ... I'd rather save money for good CV joints.
There is nothing wrong with this lubricant. The fact that she will not harm that's for sure !!! But don't expect the impossible from her! If it does not restore, it will stop wear !!! Proven!!!Many, many thousands of people still believe that XADO will cure their bearings and joints… everything will overgrow and recover… These people run to the store for lubricant. and then to the store for a new knot ... At the same time, they are intensively rubbed into their heads: well ... 50/50, which will help ... And the person continues the experiments for his money.

Lubricant STEP UP- high-temperature lithium with SMT2 for SHRUS. Produced in the USA. It is used in both external and internal CV joints. It is a high-temperature grease, its temperature range is from -40°С to +250°С. Contains metal conditioner SMT2, lithium complex and molybdenum disulphide. The price of a can weighing 453 grams is $11...13. You will find it under the part number STEP UP SP1623.


Carry out the procedure for changing the constant velocity joint lubricant in accordance with the regulations established by the manufacturer of your vehicle. remember, that much cheaper to buy grease for SHRUS rather than repair or replace the hinge itself due to damage. So don't neglect it. As for choosing a particular brand, we advise you not to chase imaginary benefits and not buy cheap lubricants. As a rule, for reasonable money it is quite possible to buy a quality product. We hope that the above information was useful to you, and now you will make the right decision on which lubricant to use in your car's CV joint.

It transmits torque to the wheels. It is abbreviated as SHRUS. By itself, this device is quite simple. It is a ball bearing that does not rotate along its axis, as happens in most similar devices, but across. With its appearance, it resembles an anti-tank grenade, which is why it received a similar nickname "grenade" among the people.

Thanks to the CV joint, front-wheel drive cars were reborn at one time, because before the creation of this device, engineers could not come up with a practical technology that would transmit torque with sufficient force while turning to the front wheels. And SHRUS made it real.

When the "grenade" fails, it makes the corresponding sounds that cannot be confused with the sounds made by another spare part. This is a knock or crack that is heard when starting off or when making a turn. If you hear such sounds - undoubtedly, you need to change this part. The reason is that there is no lubrication. The CV joint must be constantly lubricated. It can also occur due to the fact that the driver abruptly pulls away with the wheels turned out or turns at high speed.

Is not subject to. When it fails, it must be replaced. If you have a question “what to replace the lubricant with?”, immediately discard it. In the "grenades" should be only the lubricant that is provided for it. Categorically not suitable for this case. Its use is provided for completely different purposes. But some "wise men" fill it with CV joints. I repeat, in the "grenades" there should be only CV joint grease. If you do not take into account these points, you can go to the station on a tow truck.

SHRUS grease is in the "grenade", as a rule, the entire period of operation. But it happens that she leaves from there. The reason is a damaged CV joint boot. Its task is to retain this lubricant. If this is detected in time, then the mechanisms can be saved, for which the anther changes and a new SHRUS grease is stuffed. But first, it is necessary to remove the old one as much as possible, because it already contains dust and sand, which contribute to the rapid destruction of parts.

When choosing a CV joint lubricant, pay attention to water resistance, mechanical and antioxidant stability, extreme pressure properties, and volatility. The better they are, the greater the guarantee that your "grenades" will serve you faithfully for a long time.

How to change the CV joint boot? At first glance, it may seem that the procedure is quite easy, but this is only at first glance. After all, you will need to drain the oil, unscrew the wheel, loosen all the bolts, etc. If you have experience in this matter, then you can handle it, and if not, it is better to contact special workshops. After all, if you make a mistake, then the anther will not provide tightness, and this is already fraught with sand and dust getting into the lubricant, which will very quickly lead to the failure of the entire CV joint. Then you will have to pay for the repair much more than the master when replacing the anther.

Some motorists do not know the names of machine nodes. Therefore, during the repair process or during communication with service specialists, difficulties may arise. SHRUS is a hinge of angular speeds.

There are two types:

  • external - for rotation directly of the wheel hub;
  • internal - to transmit torque from the engine to the wheels.

Assembly parts

The node has been known to mankind for a long time and is indispensable in cars. The design is simple and with proper maintenance will serve you flawlessly and for a long time.

Components of the SHRUS:

  • body - in the form of a bowl;
  • clip with oil - located inside;
  • separator - an annular hole;
  • six balls - as in a bearing.

For trouble-free operation of the device, its timely maintenance is required. Since there are friction parts in the assembly, they need to be lubricated in order to:

  • reduce friction;
  • reduce wear;
  • reducing the load on the rubbing parts;
  • protection of metal from corrosion.

Oil is short-lived and should be changed periodically. But there are questions:

  1. What mixture to choose?
  2. How to do it?
  3. How much mixture to fill in the CV joint?

About lubrication

Each vehicle component has its own characteristics of operation and maintenance. Before purchasing something, you should read the instructions and find out the recommended lubricant.

Lubricant selection

If the manufacturer does not indicate which lubricant to use for CV joints, then you can use a universal tool. You should choose carefully, since the device is operated under serious loads.

By the way! All lubricants are made from petroleum. Beware of fakes.

In car dealerships you can buy a special mixture that differs:

  • high viscosity;
  • strength.

This is required to keep the substance on the surface of moving parts even at high temperatures. Oil features:

  • invariability of characteristics under changing conditions;
  • anti-corrosion properties;
  • the ability to retain its original characteristics for a long time.

When to change lubricant

The replacement of a viscous substance in CV joints is carried out in the following cases:

  • with a node run of over 100 thousand km .;
  • when replacing the anther assembly;
  • when replacing the CV joint itself.

The amount of lubricant required when replacing is indicated:

  • in the car manual - not always;
  • always on the packaging.

Disassembly of the node and its lubrication

Analysis of the internal CV joint (TRIPOD)

Attention! Remember the locations of the knot pieces. Make marks. Everything should fall back into place, especially the balls.

Parsing algorithm when replacing:

  1. Loosen the hub nut.
  2. Discard the ball.
  3. Loosen the inner CV joint boot tie.
  4. Fold up the racks.
  5. Get the detail.
  6. Remove retaining ring.


Attention! Prepare materials for cleaning from old grease in advance. Solvent must not be used.

Removed parts must be cleaned to a shine. It is advisable to use paper to remove old grease, and a towel for final cleaning and polishing.

Algorithm for lubricating parts during its replacement:

  1. Fill the bottom of the grenade with the mixture.
  2. Assemble the hinge.
  3. Install retaining ring.
  4. Drive axle.
  5. Check that the TRIPOD labels match.
  6. Stuff the entire knot with the mixture.
  7. To release the grease to the outside, put a small amount of it in the boot.

Analysis of the external CV joint

  1. Press on the separator with balls.
  2. With tight punching, you can knock through a plastic or wooden part.
  3. When taking out the balls, you need to remember their places. For this, a cardboard with holes is useful, you need to insert them there so that when you return, you do not confuse the places.


Grease change algorithm:

  1. Clean all parts from the old substance.
  2. Rinse and dry.
  3. Inspect parts for damage.
  4. Pour lubricant into glass.
  5. Lubricate the clip and insert the balls exactly into place.
  6. Insert the clip into the glass, fix the separator.
  7. Remove excess lubricant.

Remember! The external node will require 120-150 grams of oil, the internal one - 100-130 grams.

For clarity, you can use the video material:

Replacement indiscriminately

You can change the lubricant in the CV joint without removing its components. For this you need:

  1. Remove the CV joint from the car.
  2. Insert the tip of the tube and press the oil into the knot.
  3. Press the tube tightly and wait until the color of the substance changes to fresh.
  4. Wipe the part, removing excess material.
  5. Put the item in place.

Attention! This method has one drawback - a thin layer of old substance remains on the walls of the parts inside.

No need to rush to use a lubricated knot when riding. Costs rotate the knot in place while the car is suspended on jacks. This is necessary to evenly distribute the lubricant over the parts.

Attention! On a car with automatic transmission, with the wheels suspended, the pressure in the system will quickly drop.

The replacement process is not so complicated and with a minimum set of tools and skills, it is easy to do it yourself. This will save money and allow you to feel the car better. And remember, a high-quality lubricant change in CV joints without removing it is not done. If it is not possible to remove the assembly, then it is better to go to a car service to specialists.