Car homemade products. DIY garage accessories: all the most useful Homemade accessories for the car

If you think that homemade crafts are for kids and bored housewives, we will quickly dispel your misconceptions. This section is entirely devoted to making homemade products from car parts and rubber tires. Almost anything can be made from a tire. From garden shoes to a full-fledged children's playground with swings, fairy-tale characters and elements for relaxation. Finally, ever-busy dads will have the opportunity to show their creative talents and create something useful and beautiful in their own personal plot or backyard.

Car tires tend to deteriorate, especially considering domestic quality roads and sudden temperature changes. Instead of sending an old tire to a landfill, it can be slightly transformed and donated new life on the playground, in the garden or vegetable garden.

We have collected a huge number of examples of how to do car homemade products using tires for various household and aesthetic purposes. Perhaps one of the most popular ways to use a used tire is to create children's playgrounds. The simplest option is to bury a row of tires halfway and paint their upper part in bright colors. The architectural element created in this way will be used by children as a device for walking and running with obstacles, and also instead of “furniture”, because you can lay out sand products on the surface of the tire or even sit on your own, relaxing on a quiet summer evening.

You can aesthetically diversify the exterior of the site by using tires to create fairy-tale dragons, funny bears that will greet your guests at the entrance to the yard, crocodiles and other animals lurking in the garden. For flower lovers car tire can replace a full-fledged flowerpot, and plants planted in it will give the yard a well-groomed look.

You can please children by creating a comfortable swing from the best preserved tires. You can leave the shape of the tire in its original form, and, spending a little more time and effort, create an unusual swing in the shape of horses.

Whatever you choose to create a car craft, your children will in any case be delighted to see a homemade car craft in the yard. Inventive children will be able to play new games, and will definitely be proud of their folder, showing off your creation to their friends. And the mixture of happiness and pride for you in the eyes of a child is perhaps the only thing for which you can step on the throat of a long-awaited day off in the company of a sofa, TV and beer.

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D For the rational use of space, communications and do-it-yourself garage accessories from scrap materials are used. It is necessary to involve walls, an underground level in the process, place it indoors, and organize normal lighting.

Homemade gadgets for the garage

For comfortable operation premises intended for storing cars, certain recommendations should be followed:

Storage areas, racks, workbenches

In 80% of cases, do-it-yourself garage fixtures are built to store accessories, tools, and vehicle equipment. It should be taken into account that the most bulky parts of the car are sets of winter/summer tires, depending on the season.

It is more convenient to store wheels on brackets of the following design:

  • two triangular frames from a corner, connected by jumpers from any rolled metal;
  • the triangles are attached to the wall, the wheels are installed perpendicular to the supporting structure, falling slightly between the jumpers.

The main nuances of these designs are:

The width of the pit should allow the driver to enter it without lighting.

Lighting and ventilation

More often used in garages parallel circuits lighting fixtures. One lamp allows you to use a specific area, several devices are turned on during a major renovation or a visit to the cellar. Minimum power consumption is ensured. Great resource have daytime lighting devices.

Cars use toxic, harmful fuels and lubricants, so do-it-yourself garage ventilation devices that allow you to create air exchange are becoming relevant. The influx is organized from below:

  • garage - vents in the masonry, protected by bars;
  • cellar - pipe from the garage or from the street.

The hood is mounted under the ceiling of the cellar, the roof of the garage, or has the form of vents in the main walls at the highest points.

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Other useful ideas

Useful accessories for the garage with your own hands can be made from used dishes, equipment, and materials left over from construction. For example, by gluing the lids of plastic cans horizontally/vertically, the owner receives convenient transparent containers for equipment or hardware, which are always at hand.

Homemade machines

You can also assemble accessories for the garage from power tools:

  • drilling - a drill fixed with clamps in a device that moves with a gear along a rack;

  • cutting - an angle grinder clamped in a similar way with equipment for metal or wood;

The advantage of the machines is more accurate positioning of the equipment relative to the workpiece. The equipment turns out to be dismountable, the drill and angle grinder can be removed and used for their intended purpose.

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The simplest design is obtained from a car hydraulic jack. To press out/press in bearings and press/compress parts, you will need to build a frame and a removable movable stop. The frame consists of 4 channels welded to each other. At the top, the structure is reinforced with stiffening ribs (kerchiefs), and at the bottom, transverse corners are added, giving the frame stability.

The stop is pulled in the normal position to the top crossbar of the frame by powerful springs. A hydraulic jack is installed between them, pressing the stop against the lower crossbar of the frame as necessary. The press force is regulated by a jack, the dimensions of the working area are selected depending on the size of the workpieces.

Car repair is a serious and responsible job that requires certain knowledge and skills. There are operations that even a beginner can handle. But many types of repairs require serious experience and certain training.

However, any car repair specialist was once a beginner - each of us once did even the most familiar work for the first time.

Therefore, if you are determined to master the ability to repair a car with your own hands, do not be afraid to start. Study, be careful, pay attention to every detail, and after some time you will acquire all the necessary skills.

Car repair tools

You will also need special tools for car repairs - as you understand, it is impossible to do without them.

To do many jobs with your own hands, you will need various tools and materials - they will be used to fix assemblies, assemble and disassemble, remove defects, etc.

Let's figure out what special tools and devices you may need when repairing cars yourself.

Basic tools for car repair

Standard set of tools

First, let's look at the standard set of tools that you will need not only to have in the garage, but also to carry with you. Situations vary - it happens that a breakdown forces you to work with your hands right on the spot, preventing you from reaching the garage. For this purpose, you must have the following special kit with you:

  • Screwdrivers - rarely any work on a machine can be done without them. You will need two varieties:
  • with slot;
  • with a cross-shaped tip.

Since you may need different sizes, it is better to carry a universal screwdriver with different types nozzles

Multifunctional screwdriver with bits
  • An adjustable wrench - it may be needed when the force of the pliers is not enough to unscrew a stubborn bolt;

Adjustable wrench with ratchet mechanism
  • A jack will be necessary to lift the car or hold it, for example, when changing a wheel. There are 3 popular types of jack:
  • screw;
  • rack and pinion;
  • pneumatic.

It is believed that a screw jack is the most convenient - it is compact and efficient.

Mechanical screw jack
  • Socket wrenches for unscrewing heads. They can have a 6-gonal or 12-gonal head.
  • Set of spanners. There should be as many as possible. There are a huge number of different nuts in the car, so you will absolutely need such a set.
  • Several hammers different sizes. A light hammer is used to knock out bolts, nuts and studs. The heaviest one is needed for wheel replacement operations, door repairs and other heavy work.
  • Pliers.
  • Wire cutters.
  • Cable for towing cars. It must be unworn, reliable, non-slip and free of damage.

Machine repair tools

Equipment and materials

In addition to the standard set of tools, it is advisable for you to carry with you special devices and materials that you may need to work with your own hands at the site of a breakdown:

  • spare parts - it is advisable to have small spare parts with you that may be needed during repairs. These can be bolts, nuts, gaskets, hoses and the like;
  • spare parts and components: belts, fuel pump, fuses and other little things that may fail you along the way;
  • spare tire - if you puncture a tire, only the spare tire will save you;
  • cigarette lighter - it will come in handy if there is a need to charge the battery from another car;
  • wool gloves - useful to avoid injuring your hands during hard work;
  • clean, dry rags and rags - they are used to wipe hands or car components from dirt, dust and oil.

Tools and accessories in your garage

It makes sense that you don’t need to take a whole workshop with you. However, if you want to do all the car repairs yourself, if possible, your garage should double as a car repair shop.

Your garage needs to have:

  • high-quality lighting - no matter how strange it may sound, the light source plays a huge role in car care. Your eyes should not get tired from bright light. At the same time, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of a full review of any areas of work;
  • welding machine - it is likely that you will have to perform welding operations metal elements. Therefore, if possible, it is worth acquiring a welding machine;

Welding machine

Please note that its operation will require certain skills from you. Practice well before you start working.

  • straightening spotter with all the equipment. Used for straightening car body parts and for spot welding;
  • sandblasting machine. Used for cleaning and degreasing various surfaces. Indispensable in the fight against emerging pockets of corrosion, as well as when repainting car components;
  • a set of tools for weldless straightening: hammers, blades, mandrels, etc.;
  • vice;
  • Sander. It can also be a regular grinder that can grind and cut;

  • electric drill;
  • milling machine;
  • pneumatic spray gun for painting surfaces;
  • a set of hand tools: chisels, punches, bits, etc.;
  • measuring instruments: calipers, tape measures, etc.

Measuring tape

It is logical that this list can be continued indefinitely - its length depends on your knowledge, skills, financial opportunities and willingness to delve into the intricacies of the process.

It is likely that you will only undertake simple work with your own hands, and for more serious maintenance, go to a car service station.

Special purpose equipment

Any car repair specialist uses devices that can hardly be called standard, but they make your life a lot easier. Let's look at some of them:

  • gate for places with difficult access. If you have trouble getting to the bolt, a ratchet collar will help you get it out without any extra effort;

Gate with ratchet
  • needle hammer. Removes any scale, rust and paint no worse than a sandblaster. Needles (12 or 19 pcs.) are located on the handle, which is attached to the compressor. Using pneumatics, this device taps and cleans the surface very effectively;
  • nut - a union ring with a cutting tooth inside. If the rusted nut does not budge, put on a ring, press the cutting tooth and apply force until the nut breaks. The thread of the bolt remains intact: put on a new nut, make a passage with lubricant - and the problem is solved;

  • a set of hooks for detaching plastic fastenings of electrical connectors;
  • electronic digital adapter for ratchet wrench - it shows the torque with which you tighten the threaded connection;
  • magnetic plate - place all the nuts and bolts on it. Then they won't get lost;
  • mirror and handle with magnets. Used for visual control of working with nuts in hard-to-reach places. To remove the nuts, use a handle with a magnetic attachment;
  • regular torque wrench;
  • a set for drilling bolts with a broken head;
  • digital electrical tester.

Professional Electrical Handheld Tester


Repairing a car with your own hands requires having a serious base of tools, devices and materials. Without the required standard tools, car repairs will simply be impossible.

Therefore, if you are planning to repair your car yourself, it will be very useful to know what tools and accessories are used for various tasks. The success of the work, as well as the time spent, depend on how fully and competently staffed your workshop is.

There is no limit to perfection. This saying is well known to one and all. And any car owner strives to make his car perfect. For many drivers, the factory settings are not enough. They strive to bring something of their own. Something that will set them apart from the rest. But what to do if what you want cannot be purchased in the store? There is only one way out: if you can’t buy it, do it yourself.

They have become very popular lately. They improve the appearance of the car, change some specifications or bring pleasant additions to the options. Among the variety of possible alterations, we suggest considering several options.

Car wash

Let's start, perhaps, with appearance. When the car is clean, it paintwork glitters and sparkles. It's nice to look at this technique. You immediately get the feeling that the owner is taking care of his car. But going to the car wash is not always possible due to various circumstances. In such cases, homemade car products will come to the rescue. You can assemble a small sink with your own hands, which you can use at any convenient time.

To make a sink you will need the following parts:

  • canister with two drains;
  • hose 2 m long (suitable for connecting a washing machine);
  • watering gun with telescopic rod;
  • union;
  • spool;
  • rubber gasket (outer diameter 2.4 cm, inner diameter 1.5 cm);
  • coupling.

Now let's get started:

  1. We make a hole in the lid of the canister. We coat the “spool” with sealant and insert it into the prepared hole in the lid. Let it dry.
  2. We make a small hole in the second lid. It is necessary for treating the connection between the cover and the coupling with sealant and also allowing it to dry.
  3. We cut off the nut with fastening from the curved end of the inlet hose. No need for fastening anymore. Apply sealant to the nut and secure it with reverse side couplings. We connect the cut side of the hose to the nut of the quick-release fitting. Next, the main fitting is screwed in, which is also connected to the watering gun.
  4. On the second side of the hose, insert a rubber gasket into the nut. This will protect the system from air penetration. After this, the nut is screwed onto the quick-release fitting.

This completes the process of making a homemade car for a car with your own hands.

Seat reupholstery

Homemade products can also be useful for updating the interior. Useful gadgets and crafts for cars allow you to replace worn out parts, add lighting to the interior and do much more. Let's consider the option of how to update the seats.

For this you will need fabric. You can choose two colors - beige leather will be suitable for the central part of the seats, the back of the backrest (about 4 m of it will be needed), and everything else will be black. Black leather needs about 3.5 m. All fabric needs to be duplicated (glued) with a layer of foam rubber 0.5 cm. The foam rubber is glued with non-woven material using an iron. This will make it easier to work with.

Co removed seats(it’s more convenient) remove the covers. We number their individual parts. In order not to get confused, we transfer everything to paper. Also on paper you need to mark the places where the knitting needles are attached (they are on the back of the covers). The knitting needles themselves will then be inserted into new cases.

Next, we disassemble the casing into individual parts (unravel the seams). Patterns of the necessary elements are obtained. We lay them out on the wrong side of the fabric (wrong side up to avoid mirroring the details) on thick paper (you can use wallpaper) and trace them around the perimeter. We leave a 1 cm allowance along the edges, which will be used for seams. Then all the patterns are cut and sewn (starting from the center). On the reverse side of any fabric we make pockets into which the knitting needles are inserted.

Having connected all the parts, we get new covers. We carry out this process one by one for all seats. Having made such interesting and useful homemade products for your car with your own hands, you can update the interior without contacting a service center.

Ceiling renovation

You can also replace the ceiling trim yourself. Homemade products for cars in in this case you need to start by removing the ceiling. This can take quite a long time. Fastening is individual in each case. There is nothing complicated, the main thing is to carefully inspect everything and check that all the parts remain intact.

When the ceiling panel is removed, the old fabric is removed from it. When preparing material for the ceiling, you need to remember one thing important point: on the wrong side it should have a small layer of foam rubber. The fabric is glued with heat-resistant glue. When the glue has dried, the panel can be reinstalled on the ceiling. Do this in reverse order.

"Angel Eyes"

It is quite possible to assemble useful electronic homemade products for cars with your own hands. For example, “angel eyes” will allow you to update the headlights of any car. To make them you will need:

  • plastic transparent sticks (can be from blinds);
  • resistors (220 Ohm);
  • battery (9 V);
  • LEDs (3.5 V).

The process looks like this:

  1. On any metal can, the same diameter as the headlights, we screw a ring from a plastic stick using pliers. To do this, it is heated a little.
  2. Next, connect a pair of LED and resistor. Their performance is checked using a battery.
  3. Another LED is connected to it.
  4. We make deep cuts on the frozen ring from a plastic stick.
  5. We assemble the ring, attach the LEDs, and connect.


Anyone can assemble homemade products for a car with their own hands. The main thing is to be confident in your abilities. A little information from our article, a little of your reasoning and thoughts, and everything will work out. And the car will only get better from this. And it’s doubly nice that it was done with your own hands.

Factory tools are undoubtedly necessary things, but sometimes the tools for doing your own car repairs and caring for them are in no way inferior to factory ones.

A car requires two types of repairs: quick and long-term. The first type involves a certain replacement of spare parts - most often, only one needs to be replaced. The second type involves partial or full time job for car repair.

There are the following subtypes of car repair:

  1. Actual. Involves replacing individual parts only when full exit failure, for example, repair of the brake system.
  2. Repair according to plan. It will be produced according to schedule. Most often, it is used when repairing public or special transport.
  3. Complete renovation. It is necessary in case of failure of several parts of the car at once, which requires its complete disassembly and reassembly of all spare parts.

Thus, based on the types of repairs, the following methods can be distinguished:

  1. Individually for every detail. It involves removing individual parts, repairing and reinstalling. This is the most long lasting look renovation - complete. At this type you have to wait quite a long time for it to finish.
  2. Fast way. In this case, the faulty parts are first removed, and then the working parts are immediately inserted. This type of repair is called actual repair. It takes about an hour, during which it happens complete replacement failed spare parts.
  3. Self-repair. Involves carrying out independent repair actions in relation to your car. It can combine all types of repairs at once - depending on the severity of the repair.

With this type of repair, the main rule is to prepare in a timely manner and constantly carry with you tools and equipment for car repairs.

They can be located in one of two options: in a special box or a special cassette. It is a piece of foam plastic in which a hole is cut.

All other parts are attached to the bottom of the car.

These containers will include the following types of tools:

  • Screwdrivers. You must have at least two pieces. Wherein. The best option There will be the presence of universal devices in which you can constantly change attachments. There should also be at least two of them in order to most fully carry out repairs in several departments of the machine at the same time. Will be needed, for example, to install a trunk.
  • Jack. It must have hydraulics in order to be able to set the required height for changing a wheel or minor repairs. In addition to it, there are three more varieties: screw - it is designed to replace a wheel by twisting the jack to the required height; rack and pinion. It's best to have one of these types. The most popular is the screw type - it is small in size and easy to transport.
  • Adjustable wrench. It is necessary for several types of work. Despite its imperfection in gripping the bolt head, it can replace pliers or wire cutters.
  • Socket wrenches. They have hexagonal or dodecagonal shapes, which are great for twisting socket heads. It is best to keep two types of such keys in your suitcase at once.
  • Wrenches. They come in various types, but all of them are extremely necessary for urgent repairs car or installing a number of accessories. That is why you should have as many of them as possible. This is especially true for a size 13 wrench, which is needed most often.
  • Set of hammers. They come in light, medium and heavy. The first type is intended for easy repairs by knocking out nuts and bolts. The second type takes on work with heavier objects. Heavy hammers are needed when repairing doors, changing wheels, and other heavy-duty work.
  • Pliers and wire cutters. The former are necessary for unscrewing wire and other flexible materials, and wire cutters cut through.
  • Tow rope. It is required for transportation and evacuation of the car. It must be strong, absolutely intact and not slip.

This is the complete DIY car repair tool.

Read about repairing cars of all brands. Is it possible to repair the bumper yourself? See this article.

Handy devices

As for devices made with one’s own hands, the following points can be noted:

  • Rags. They should be wide and made of thick fabric. Best choice There will be rags or canvas fabrics. They are less prone to chafing and last longer without forming holes. You can use them to wipe off excess oil, wipe your hands, or wipe glass. It should be remembered important rule: If oil appears on the rag, you should get rid of it, as it may cause a fire.
  • Spare parts. In case of replacing contacts or other parts of the car, the parts that are least worn can be reused for preliminary repairs with the possibility of arriving at the repair site.
  • Additional details. These include the radiator cap, gasoline pump, fuses and additional belts. All of them tend to fail at the wrong time. In their presence this situation easy to fix.
  • Additional wheel. If you are in a deserted area, only this will help in case of a broken old tire.
  • Cigarette lighter. It is necessary to charge the battery from another car.
  • First aid kit. It should contain all necessary medicines and first aid supplies.
  • Gloves. They should be woolen with the possibility of getting dirty and dirty in them. difficult work, like pulling a car out of a swamp or replacing a dirty tire.

These homemade car repair tools will help you cope with car repairs in difficult conditions.