Is it possible to park at the bus stop? Stopping and parking at bus stops: rules, fines, nuances Can a taxi stop at a bus stop?

Despite the fact that the stops public transport intended for shuttle buses, you can often see cars on them that stop for their own business, and not just to drop off or pick up passengers.
Is this a legitimate and correct decision on the part of such drivers? If not, what punishment in the form of a fine is promised to them for such behavior? It is these questions that we will try to answer in our article.

Is it possible to stop at public transport stops?

Before we talk about offenses and the fines for them, we will look at the issue of the ability to stop at traffic stops. Yes, you can stop at public transport stops, but only under one condition that the driver either drops someone off or gets into his car. In this case, the condition must be met that the vehicle will not interfere with buses or taxis. This state of affairs is clearly stated in clause 12.4 of the traffic rules.

For clarity, here is a picture of when a driver violates the rules of stopping at a public transport stop

If such a condition, not to create interference, is not met, then in fact it is traffic violation, for which there is a fine.

Fine for stopping (parking) at a public transport stop (not in Moscow and St. Petersburg)

If one of the conditions described in the paragraph above was not met, that is, the driver stopped at a parking lot or stop not to drop off passengers, but at his own whim, and all this did not happen in cities federal significance(Moscow or St. Petersburg), then for him Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Violation of the rules of stopping or parking vehicles” (Part 3.1).

In this case, disembarkation and embarkation of passengers must be carried out without creating interference, which is prescribed in the traffic rules. (clause 12.4).

Now the second option, when the driver stopped at a stop (not for disembarking, not in case emergency stop), while also creating interference for route vehicles. In this case, Part 4 of the same Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation applies:

Everything is simple here too. If you stop in violation of traffic rules and create an obstacle at a public transport stop, you will be fined 2,000 rubles. However, this is not the case for a similar violation in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Fine for stopping at a public transport stop (in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg)

Well, as always, residents and guests of large federal cities, namely Moscow and St. Petersburg, “get it” the most. Here it no longer matters whether the driver simply violated the stopping rules or also created an obstacle to traffic. The fine will be issued under Part 6, the same Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

Everything is also quite simple and clear. In Moscow or St. Petersburg, a fine for violating traffic rules associated with stopping at a public transport stop can cost 1.5-3 times more than in all other cities of our country.

Is it possible to pay a fine for stopping at a bus stop with a discount?

Since 2016, conscientious motorists have the opportunity to pay a traffic fine with a 50 percent discount. In fact, this is laid down in Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, but such a discount applies only to certain articles. Fortunately, Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation also applies to such articles, that is, the fine for stopping at a bus stop can be paid cheaper. However, such a fine must be paid on time. This is no earlier than the fine enters the traffic police database, and no later than 20 days from the date of the decision.

Food for thought about stopping a vehicle at a public transport stop

An inquisitive and truth-seeking mind will not know what criteria are applied in the case when a stop is considered unauthorized due to the creation of an obstacle, that is, when their car becomes an obstacle, according to Part 4. In the Traffic Regulations (“General Provisions”) you can find the term “Obstacle” and analyze the case when the car actually becomes that same obstacle at a stop. Let's say because of a breakdown. The second thought concerns a forced stop, which is permissible, according to part 3.1. (12.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), if you do not take into account part 4 of the same article. In essence, 3.1 allows an emergency stop, but an emergency vehicle is an Obstacle, the presence of which at a stop is punishable under Article 4. There is some obvious inconsistency here. It seems that for a forced stop you can use a public transport stop, but immediately a broken car becomes an “Obstacle”, for which there is a fine under Part 4, Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Here our law is like a juggler in a circus, throwing circumstances around like balls. It doesn’t seem like you’re creating an obstacle, but a forced stop is possible!

Questions and answers on the topic "Fine for stopping (parking) at a public transport stop"

Question: Is it possible to stop at a bus stop?
Answer: Yes, if you drop off or pick up passengers and do not interfere with public transport, or you have a forced stop.

Question: What is the fine for stopping at a traffic stop if it was in violation of traffic rules?
Answer: For cities of federal significance (Moscow, St. Petersburg) 3000 rubles, for all other cities of Russia 1000-2000 rubles.

To serve passengers, public transport is allocated special places in order to ensure the safety of citizens and reduce traffic jams. The fine for stopping at a public transport stop is up to 3,000 rubles.

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Responsibility for violations of traffic rules is provided for by the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses. In this case, the driver faces the average size fine In addition, you will have to pay for the services of a tow truck and for the impound area if the car is taken away. This measure is provided if the vehicle creates significant interference and danger to traffic.

The public transport stop zone is indicated by signs 5.16 – 18. They are classified as signs of special requirements.

To designated transport traffic rules includes the following:

  • buses;
  • trolleybuses;
  • trams;
  • route transport;
  • Taxi.

Please note that taxis are also included in the list as they carry passengers. The signs are made in rectangular shape, where the corresponding transport image is drawn in a white square on a blue background.

They are necessarily double-sided and are installed on road sections intended for stops. public funds. The sign is located in the middle or at the end of the zone, and if it is long, then its repetition is allowed.

The Appendix to the Traffic Regulations describes road markings, used in conjunction with the indicated signs. This is a yellow horizontal line near the curb (maybe without it) and oblique lines like a ladder, indicating the stopping area. The marking has its own number – 1.17.

In practice, there may be no markings or signs, but one of them must be present.

If the zone is marked in this way, the driver must comply with the following rules:

  • you cannot stop closer than 15 m from the markings;
  • If there are no markings, then stopping is prohibited within a 15-meter zone from the sign. Exception: boarding/disembarking passengers if the driver’s actions do not interfere with the movement of route transport;
  • V in case of emergency stopping in the area in question is allowed.

So, a public transport and taxi stop means a specially designated 15-meter zone, marked with markings 1.17 and/or signs 5.16 - 18, where stopping is prohibited regular cars, except in exceptional cases.

There are two types of administrative sanctions for violation: a fine for stopping at a public transport stop and towing the car.

If it interferes with traffic and the driver is not nearby. Towing and impound parking services are at the driver’s expense.

The gradation of fines is as follows:

On average, the fine ranges from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.

  • In case of evacuation you will have to pay the following amounts:
  • basic penalty;
  • the cost of the service itself;

for storage at a special site. If the driver is absent, then there must be 2 witnesses or video recording must be used. The inspector who drew up the protocol must remain at the place where the vehicle was detained until the tow truck starts moving.

Creating interference

A violation involving obstruction of traffic means the following:

  • stopping the vehicle in or near the zone and creating an emergency situation or obstructing traffic;
  • failure to maintain distance by a car driving behind a bus;
  • when the bus leaves and changes lanes to the left lane, the car that is traveling in it does not allow it to pass;
  • violation speed limit and incorrect calculation of the braking of a car, which should allow public transport to pass when leaving the zone.

The part regulates punishment for violations involving the creation of obstacles and obstacles to exit, as well as when stopping in a tunnel. The fine for stopping at a public transport stop in in this case– 2000 rub. (3000 rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg).

If the interference is not created, then the driver is charged with violating Art. 12.19 Code of Administrative Offenses “Ignoring parking and stopping rules” (Part 3.1.), the amount of sanctions is 1000 rubles.

It should be remembered that sanctions are not imposed for parking if it is forced and during disembarkation/pick-up of passengers.


When approaching designated areas, the driver is obliged to:

  • reduce speed;
  • cancel overtaking, if one was planned;
  • increase your alertness and check for pedestrians about to cross the road;
  • maneuver exclusively according to the rules;
  • do not make unsafe maneuvers, namely: it is forbidden to move backwards, turn around, park, or stop the car at a distance closer than 15 m.


Allows you to pay half of the fines (50%), but only within 20 days from the date of drawing up the protocol or issuing a decision on the violation. These documents indicate the amount of the amount with and without the discount.

The sign must be placed in the middle or at the end of the stopping area and be visible from the car while it is moving. If there are no such conditions, then this can be used by the driver as an argument not to be imposed. Even if the rules are violated, but the sign or markings are missing or are not visible for reasons beyond the driver’s will, he can avoid this sanction.

The citizen must point out to the inspector the above circumstances. If a protocol is nevertheless drawn up, then this should be described in it in a specially designated section for notes. Plus, proof of innocence can be a DVR recording or recording using other photo and video equipment, as well as testimony of witnesses.

A fine for stopping at a public transport stop can also be avoided in some cases when the stop is visually decorated in accordance with all the rules.

  • you need to remember that you can stop if there is no interference, but if it lasts more than 5 minutes, imposing a fine will be legal. The protocol or resolution may also arrive by mail if the violation is recorded by surveillance cameras;
  • If a citizen agrees with the sanctions, then he has 2 months to pay. They are counted after 10 days after the offender receives the order. During this period he pays 50% of it. If the deadline is missed, the violator faces increased sanctions, up to and including mandatory labor;
  • You can check whether there are fines for parking and others on the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate;
  • If you disagree with the protocol or resolution, you can appeal it. The citizen has 10 days to do this after they are issued. In fact, this period is counted from the date of receipt of copies specified documents(envelopes must be kept or dated upon delivery);
  • if the specified period is missed for a good reason (business trip, hospital, circumstances beyond the will of the citizen, failure to receive copies of documents), then you can apply for its restoration;
  • Administrative fines are appealed in accordance with Art. 30.2 Code of Administrative Offences.

The following evidence is important for the trial: photo and video recording of the stop site from different angles, eyewitness testimony, violations in the preparation of the protocol (no date, no number, signatures and full details of authorized persons, violator, witnesses).

Is it possible to make an exception?

Exception: it is allowed to make short stops for disembarkation/pick-up of passengers on a site intended for public transport, if this does not interfere with its movement (clause 12.4 of the traffic rules).

That is, any vehicle can still stop in this zone if the following conditions are met:

  • disembarkation/landing, as well as unloading/loading of cargo for no more than 5 minutes;
  • traffic is not interfered with;
  • emergency circumstances: breakdown, accident, cases when a threatening situation is created for the life and health of people, dangerous condition of the driver or cargo ().

Equipment tends to break down, and there are also emergency situations. In these cases, the driver may not be able to freely choose where to stop. Such situations are referred to as “involuntary or necessary stop“And there are no fines for parking of this kind.

These are the following cases:

  • problems with steering and brake systems;
  • breakdowns of headlights and dimensions;
  • malfunction of the glass cleaning system in bad weather;

Under these circumstances, an emergency stop sign must be displayed. Let us remind you that sanctions are also unlawful if the stop sign is out of sight when viewed from the car while it is moving.

Legislation on parking at public transport stops

The fine for stopping at a public transport stop and its amount are provided for by the Code of Administrative Offences. Rules, appearance signs and markings are regulated by traffic rules.

Let us briefly list point by point which act regulates what (the first 5 points are the Code of Administrative Offenses, then the Traffic Rules):

  • appealing fines – ;
  • responsibility of a peace officer when drawing up a protocol -;
  • Art. 12.19 – description of the violation and sanction;
  • Art. 27.12 – evacuation;
  • Art. 32.2 – discount;
  • descriptions of signs (their numbers 5.16 – 18) and markings (1.17) are located in the Appendices to the traffic rules. Section No. 12 – stopping and parking, No. 8 – maneuvering rules;
  • – stopping rules and the ability to park without interference for 5 minutes;
  • clause 1.2 of the traffic rules - stops in emergency situations when a fine is not imposed.


In the case of a violation in Moscow, it does not matter whether interference is created during a stop or not; the sanction is imposed under Part 6 of Art. 12.19 Code of Administrative Offences. The fine for stopping at a public transport stop under Parts 3 and 4 is 3,000 rubles. (regular size – 2000 rub.).

Saint Petersburg

This city is also of federal importance, so the rules are the same as those indicated above for Moscow.

How to evade

There are several ways to evade sanctions:

  • try to prove to the inspector that the sign is out of sight from the car;
  • prove in court or on the spot when drawing up a protocol that the stop was forced due to emergency circumstances (car breakdown, exacerbation of the painful condition of the driver or passenger);
  • if, despite the driver’s poor health, a report is still drawn up, then it is necessary to call an ambulance and demand a medical certificate, which will be evidence in court.

Fine in the amount of 20,000 rubles. may be imposed on the inspector himself if he takes illegal measures against participants in the incident or violates the legal procedure for their application (). When drawing up a protocol, you can write your refutations in it, and then challenge it in court.


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Questions stopping at bus stop are clearly regulated by traffic rules. By general rules stop a car in a public transport pocket or in a specially marked area is prohibited, but there are exceptions that allow you to not comply with this requirement.

When is stopping at a bus stop allowed?

According to clause 12.4 of the traffic rules, drivers of passenger cars who do not operate taxis are prohibited from stopping in a zone of 15 meters before and after the stop pocket, and in its absence, in places marked with special markings or sign 5.16.

If there is no sign, the prohibited zone may be marked with yellow zigzag markings - then you cannot stop vehicles there.

However, there are exceptions that allow you to occupy a public transport stop pocket for up to 5 minutes, if this does not interfere with its movement:

  • For disembarking passengers.
  • For boarding passengers.
  • For loading or unloading goods.

Important! If the driver wants to pick up or drop off passengers, it is recommended to drive to the end of the stop pocket so as not to interfere with public transport drivers who will follow him.

If you stand at the beginning, a passenger car will create an obstacle, because in this case buses and trolleybuses will have to go around it to let passengers in.

When can you stand in a stop pocket for more than 5 minutes?

There are other exceptional cases when a stop of more than 5 minutes in a public transport pocket is allowed:

  • When public utility services operate. For example, when repairing a road or heating, water, gas or electricity supply networks;
  • When a stop is required for emergency response vehicles: ambulances, firefighters, rescuers, police;
  • If unloading of goods brought to the enterprise is required, and there is no other place to locate the vehicle.

A longer stop is also allowed when the driver feels unwell while driving, the vehicle malfunctions, or an accident occurs in the area of ​​the bus pocket.

Is it possible to stop at a bus stop sign?

The traffic ban only applies to the area 15 m before the sign. It is needed so that other drivers can see a public transport stop in a timely manner and, if necessary, react - to let a bus enter the right lane, not to hit a hurrying person crossing the road in the wrong place, etc. In the latter case, despite the driver being right, civil liability will be applied to him.

If the stop is more than 15 meters away, there are no prohibitory signs and the width of the roadway allows you to stop in such a way that other road users can go around the car without driving into oncoming lane, you can stay in such a place.

Fine for stopping at a bus stop

For non-compliance traffic rules requirements With regards to stopping at a public transport stop, administrative liability is provided in the form. Their size depends on the specific offense:

  • If the driver parked closer than 15 meters from a sign or a pocket for purposes other than picking up and unloading passengers or loading and unloading goods, but did not interfere with public transport, the amount is equal to 1,000 rubles.
  • Under similar circumstances and interference with buses, the amount increases to 2,000 rubles.

For residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, more stringent measures are applied, and the presence or absence of interference does not matter here - it will be equal to 3,000 rubles.

Drivers are given 60 days to pay, with a 50% discount until a certain time. The countdown of the period begins from the moment of receipt of a copy of the decision on the offense.

It is important to distinguish between the concepts of “stop” and “parking”. In the latter case, the driver simply leaves the car for a long time and can leave it. If this happens at a stop pocket, the vehicle may be forcibly evacuated, and then, in addition to, you will have to pay the cost of evacuation and stay at. Thousands of rubles can accumulate in a few days.

It would seem that a taxi is the same public city transport, and it should be subject to similar requirements that apply to buses, trolleybuses and trams. But the legislator still makes a distinction between them and allocates taxis to a special transport group. Let's figure out whether it is possible to park a taxi under a bus stop road sign.

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To understand this issue, you first need to remember the differences between a taxi stop and a taxi rank.

As they say, parking means stopping the movement of vehicles for a period exceeding five-minute interval, without the purpose of picking up a client or loading any things.

But a taxi may stop temporarily to disembark passengers, unload things, etc., and after about 5 minutes continue along the route.


  • Based on , it is prohibited for any vehicle to stop at a distance less than 15 m from the sign in one direction or another.

    The same requirements apply to yellow markings if there is no prohibiting stop sign at the place where passengers disembark on buses, trolleybuses or trams. But such an action as disembarking a client from passenger taxi is allowed if its maneuver does not interfere with public transport.

  • The same rules stipulate that the stop sign applies to short-term parking.
  • For violating the rules of stopping or parking in the area covered by a prohibited stopping sign, for parking vehicles closer than 15 m provides for administrative punishment by imposing a fine in the amount of from 1 to 3 thousand rubles.

    In addition, the car can be towed to a paid impound parking.

Rules for stopping and parking for taxis

Officially, the taxi road sign according to the classifier is designated as Parking place passenger vehicles with corresponding taxi on-board designations. But with its appearance, drivers had many different questions.

The change in the Traffic Rules was prompted by numerous complaints received from taxi drivers - they could not park in public places without violating markings or road signs.

For example to pick up clients from a catering point - all places were occupied by both the visitors themselves and the employees.

To install the sign, they usually choose crowded places, near railway stations, airports, entertainment centers or metro stations, that is, where it is most convenient to hire a car to transport passengers.

Video: nuances of maneuver

No stopping sign

In most cases, drivers are required to comply with the requirements of the prohibition sign, but, as with any rules, exceptions are allowed:

  • The sign does not apply to public transport, which includes mini-truck taxis.

    They, just like other types of urban transport, are engaged in transporting passengers along a given route.

  • However, before stopping, you should study the signs accompanying the sign, the applied road markings or additional designations on the sign itself. If there is a badge with a crossed out passenger car or by freight transport with a trailer, bus or motorcycle, the action will apply only to the designated vehicle.

    And if there is no sign with the characteristic mark of a taxi, then you can stop without problems: pick up or drop off clients.

  • But this sign can be supplemented sign 8.18, that is, a parking lot for people with physical disabilities; other drivers do not have the right to stop/park here.

As a traffic police officer outside a stationary post

If while driving an employee traffic police calls you to stop at the location of the sign, marking or pointer, then, despite the prohibition, you are obliged to comply with its requirements.

With the taximeter on

In this case, the situation can be defined as the client’s expectation, that is, the car can be left under the sign only in one case, if the taximeter is working.

In addition, this exception applies only to officially registered vehicles as a passenger carrier; for illegal immigrants, the requirements of the sign must be complied with.


If it is intended to stop a taxi at the final stop of public transport, and at the same time not create obstacles for maneuvering and turning around, then such actions are allowed.

In case of interference with the movement of other types of vehicles on final stop, will be regarded as a violation of traffic rules, the driver will be held administratively liable in the form of penalties.

Without waybill

If you don't have it on hand waybill, this may mean that the taxi driver is not officially working on the day of the inspection, and he is not subject to exceptions to the rules that apply to a legally working driver of both route and passenger taxis.

Where is a taxi stop allowed?

For passenger taxis, the basic rules apply; they allow stops in the following places:

  • At the location where a special sign is installed, that is, under the taxi sign.
  • In addition, the driver can stop the vehicle at the request of a passenger if he feels ill and urgently needs to leave the car.
  • allows taxis to stop on roadsides along right side, or along the right edge of the road if there is no shoulder on the route.
  • On distance up to 5 m from crossing pedestrians and the edges of crossed places on the carriageway of roads.
  • On distance up to 15 m from the stopping place of city vehicles.
  • Behind 50 m to the railway crossing point.
  • IN one parallel row with roadway roads.
  • Stand in the action area plates 7.10 and 7.11(place for rest or parking).
  • Along the edges of pedestrian sidewalks, if installed icon 6.4.
  • Along the edges of roadsides or roadways, unless there is a ban on stopping.
  • In case of installation plates 3.29 and 3.30 by permissive days of the week.


How much does it cost the driver? wrong parking Taxi?

To do this, we carefully study the administrative regulations:

  • For failure to comply with the requirements, the driver is punished with a fine. from 1 to 3 thousand rubles.(the last figure applies to Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents).
  • For parking vehicles with unreadable registration numbers Punishment awaits - evacuation to an impound lot until the driver’s identity is determined. Parking services cost 5 thousand rubles.
  • For a stop at pedestrian sidewalk punishment is provided for 1 thousand rub., By . Even a collision with one wheel is already equated to a violation; for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg it is equal 3 thousand rubles.
  • Leaving a car in places intended for drivers with disabilities is punishable by the amount up to 5 thousand rubles
  • For unforeseen exceptions, taxi stops in places where the prohibition sign is in force - the sanction will be up to 3 thousand rubles.
  • For a stop in 2nd row punishment provided 2 thousand rubles.
  • If a taxi driver parks on the lawn, he will be fined from 3 to 5 thousand rubles., for legal entities there will be punishment from 100 to 250 thousand rubles., the manager will be fined 30 thousand rubles

Therefore, all drivers, not just taxi drivers, should follow traffic rules in order to avoid fines or towing the car.

For stopping and parking a car in a 15-meter public transport stop zone, the driver will be punished by a fine. If a parked car interferes with the movement of other vehicles and the driver is not nearby, the car will be towed to a impound lot at the violator’s expense.

Stopping at a public transport stop

A public transport stop is an area specifically designed for boarding and disembarking passengers of public transport, including taxis. Stopping cars on it is prohibited and punishable a fine of up to 3,000 rubles, as well as the possible evacuation of the car to the impound lot.

The stopping place is indicated road signs and is highlighted with special markings 1.17 applied to the road surface. The stopping zone is 15 meters.

What is the fine for parking at a bus stop?

All other options are a violation (clause 12.4 of the Russian Traffic Regulations). Punishment is provided for in Article 12.19 of the current edition of the “Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses” dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

If the violation of parking or stopping rules did not occur in a public transport stop zone or railway crossing, then punishment is possible in the form of a warning or a fine of 500 rubles (Article 12.19, paragraph 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). And for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fine for the same violation will be 2,500 rubles (Article 12.19, paragraph 5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

1. Parking at a bus stop without interference - 1000 rubles

If a car ignored the rules for parking and stopping vehicles (TS) and parked closer than 15 meters from a public transport stop not to disembark passengers, then according to Article 12.19, paragraph 3.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, it will be punished with a fine of 1,000 rubles.

2. Parking at a bus stop with obstruction - 2000 rubles

If a car parked in a bus stop area interferes with the movement and stopping of public transport (including commercial minibuses and taxis), according to Article 12.19, paragraph 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the driver is punished with a fine of 2,000 rubles.

3. In Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3000 rubles

In the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, they do not make a difference when a driver parks at a public transport stop with or without interference, and according to Article 12.19, paragraph 6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine of 3,000 rubles is issued to the violator.

4. Evacuation to the penalty area

A vehicle that interferes with traffic is subject to evacuation to the impound area if the driver is not present. As a result, the violator will have to pay

  • fine for violating stopping rules;
  • car evacuation work;
  • storing it in a parking lot.

But if the driver is lucky and returns before the tow truck with his car sets off, the vehicle will have to be returned to him (Article 27.13, paragraph 11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). He himself will eliminate the reason for the detention (remove the car from the public transport stop zone).

Naturally, he will still receive his fine for ignoring the rules.

The protocol on the detention of a vehicle is now drawn up in 3 copies (the third - to the tow truck driver). In the absence of the driver of the detained car - with two witnesses or using video recording. And the traffic police inspector who drew up the report is present at the place where the car was detained until the tow truck starts moving (Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

According to Article 12.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine of 20,000 rubles can be imposed on the traffic police inspector himself, as executive, if he applies to road users measures not provided for by law to restrict the rights to drive and use vehicle or violate established order application of measures provided by law.

A public transport stop is an area specifically designed for picking up and unloading passengers. A car can stop there only to pick up or unload passengers, without creating obstacles to the movement of public transport. Violation of these stopping rules entails a fine of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. And in the absence of the offending driver, his vehicle will be towed.

Exceptions to the rules

Car drivers can stop at public transport stops only when picking up or unloading their passengers, without creating interference with the movement of public transport and taxis (clause 12.4 of the Road Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation (RF Traffic Regulations).

A forced stop due to technical malfunction car or danger created by the condition of the driver (passenger) or the transported cargo (clause 1.2 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations).

In both cases, you need to try to remove the car from the stopping zone as quickly as possible and clear the roadway.