Traffic rules for drivers of minibuses, buses and trolleybuses. Rules for using NGPT Are intercity buses route vehicles?

In the 21st century in Russia widespread got this look public transport, How minibus. In the Rules traffic There are a number of privileges for route vehicles. Hence the dispute arose whether a “minibus” is a route vehicle in accordance with the definition of traffic rules.

"Route vehicle" - vehicle common use(bus, trolleybus, tram), designed to transport people on roads and moving along a set route with designated stopping places.

"Marshrutka" is a route vehicle:

  • a public vehicle intended for transporting people on roads;
  • moving along a set route.

"Minibus" is not a route vehicle:

  • This is not a bus;
  • It has no designated stopping places.

So can a minibus enjoy the privileges of the Traffic Rules for minibuses?

A minibus is not a bus

From the explanatory dictionary of foreign words (bus is a foreign word)

BUS, a, m. [English] autobus< греч. autos сам + англ. bus омнибус; автобус]. Вид общественного транспорта: многоместный passenger car carriage type for transporting passengers.

A carriage body is a cargo-passenger type of body. May have one, two or three pairs of side doors and two or three rows of seats. Rear end carriage body made in the same way as a station wagon, but accommodates more seats and provides more opportunities for their transformation.


The movement of public transport is regulated by the charter road transport and urban ground electric transport and rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport. The movement of minibuses in accordance with these documents refers to the regular transportation of passengers and luggage. Transportation is classified not by type of vehicle (bus, tram, trolleybus), but by vehicle category (M1, M2, M3).

“Minibuses” belong to the M2 category

“vehicle of category “M2” - a vehicle that is used to transport passengers, has, in addition to the driver’s seat, more than 8 seats and maximum weight which does not exceed 5 tons;

From the Charter:

3. Regular transportation of passengers and luggage is divided into:

  1. transportation with passengers boarding and disembarking only at designated stopping points along the regular transportation route;
  2. transportation with pick-up and drop-off of passengers in any place not prohibited by traffic rules along the route of regular transportation.

“Minibuses” can refer to any of these types of transportation.

5. Transportation with pick-up and disembarkation of passengers in any place not prohibited by traffic rules along the regular transport route is carried out in accordance with the schedules established for travel from the starting and final stopping points along the regular transport route. Vehicle stops for boarding and disembarking passengers are carried out at the initial and final stopping points along the route of regular transportation, as well as at the request of passengers.

This type of transportation also has two designated stopping points - initial and final, which corresponds to the definition in the Traffic Rules.

“Minibus” is a route vehicle and can enjoy the privileges of the Traffic Rules for route vehicles.

Let's consider the Traffic Rules that apply to route vehicles. The concept of a route vehicle itself was introduced by the Traffic Regulations (clause 1.2) and looks like this:

"Route vehicle" - a public vehicle (bus, trolleybus, tram) intended for transporting people on roads and moving along a set route with designated stopping places.

As will be seen from the text below, such vehicles are often subject to special rules that differ from traffic rules for other vehicles. This is due to the fact that public transport performs extremely important function– provision passenger transportation. It transports many people at the same time, which means that such vehicles must move without delays, and this determines the ability to deviate from certain traffic rules.

Dedicated areas for route vehicles

To make it possible to carry out passenger transportation in urban traffic jams, special dedicated lanes for public transport were introduced. These lanes are marked with markings and road signs 5.11.1, 5.13.1, 5.13.2, 5.14:

The prohibition of movement of other vehicles in such lanes is contained in clause 18.2 of the Russian Traffic Regulations:

18.2. On the roads with lane for route vehicles marked with signs 5.11, 5.13.1, 5.13.2, 5.14, the movement and stopping of other vehicles is prohibited (except school buses and vehicles used as passenger taxi, as well as cyclists - if the lane for route vehicles is located on the right) on this lane.

If this lane is separated from the rest of the roadway by a broken marking line, then when turning, vehicles must change lanes to it. It is also permitted in such places to enter this lane when entering the road and for boarding and disembarking passengers at the right edge of the roadway, provided that this does not interfere with route vehicles.

Advantage when starting from a public transport stop

Public transport has an advantage over other road users when starting from a stop in accordance with clause 18.3 of the traffic rules:

18.3. In populated areas, drivers must give way to trolleybuses and buses starting from the designated stopping place. Drivers of trolleybuses and buses can start moving only after making sure that they are given way.

When should you give way to a bus?

Thus, it is necessary to give way to a bus, trolleybus, or minibus leaving the stop only in locality, only if the stop is official, i.e. indicated by road sign 5.16.

Clause 18.3 of the traffic rules contains a requirement for the driver of a route vehicle to make sure that they are giving way to him before taking advantage. That is, in the case of an accident with a bus or trolleybus leaving a stop, the fault can be both mutual and the fault of the driver of the car who did not let the route vehicle pass - as the traffic police inspector decides for the analysis of the accident.

Which road signs do not apply to buses, trolleybuses and minibuses?

According to Traffic rules action Some road signs do not apply to route vehicles. This allows you to set traffic routes regardless of the established rules for crossing intersections for other vehicles.
Of course this advantage valid only when buses and trolleybuses move along their established route. If a minibus leaves the route, for example, to avoid a traffic jam, it loses the right not to follow these signs. We quote the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations:

3. Prohibition signs
The signs do not apply to:
3.1 - 3.3, 3.18.1, 3.18.2, 3.19, 3.27 - for route vehicles;

Here we are talking about the following road signs:

Hello. I understand that you can transport company employees without a license, but what about their families who are not employees of our company.

Alexey, if family members are transported for money, then we are talking about commercial transportation and a license will indeed be required.

However, if I understood your question correctly, families are transported free of charge. IN in this case transportation is carried out for the needs legal entity(and not for profit), so no license is required. You just need to understand that the needs of a legal entity include not only the movement of workers, but also the movement of their families.

Good luck on the roads!

Thanks for the clarification.

Good evening, my husband works as a minibus driver, leaving the stop he saw that the cars were driving and were not letting him through, he stopped but had already managed to partially leave the stop, one car passed and a friend who was driving behind him pressed closer to the standing minibus and knocked off his mirror. The traffic police arrived and said that my husband was at fault because... minibuses are not buses but are alternative transport. And who is right, you can write an article and a law where it is spelled out who is who.

P.S. then the driver of the car who blew off his mirror standing car He himself admitted that he did it on purpose. I saw that the minibus had partially left and did this on purpose.

And how can you work now if anyone can crash into you when entering the road, it will always be the minibus’s fault

Lyuba, Hello.

2. The traffic police officers are wrong, the driver passenger car had to give way (clause 18.3).

3. I would like to see a video from the scene of the accident or a diagram of the accident. Judging by your description, the minibus did not move for quite a long period of time before the collision (it managed to pass one car). This was the fulfillment of the requirement to “give way.” Your husband could not give way any other way.

Good luck on the roads!


Maxim, hello.

Can a minibus stop in “pockets” without a sign indicating the stopping place, without a parking sign, without a “no stopping” sign along the route?

Evgenia, Hello.

The following situations are possible:

1. The car, which is a minibus, stopped at specified location according to the driver's needs. For example, the driver went to have a snack at a cafe. In this case there is no violation.

2. To disembark passengers at the indicated place, the minibus should not stop. It may be imposed on the driver.

Good luck on the roads!


Is "Pocket" not designated place?

Evgenia, if sign 5.16 is installed in the “pocket”, then minibuses can stop there to board and disembark passengers:

If there is no such sign, then they should not stop. This is a violation.


The following is very interesting: if the driver of a gazelle (public transport) stops and waits for passengers to load in a place where “there has been a stop all his life,” but there is no sign in this place. It hangs 2 meters from the “stop”. Is this considered a violation?

Andrey, Hello.

Do you think that two meters from the sign the stop has already ended? Why?

In our city, some stops in the center are 30-40 meters long. Naturally, at such stops, some route vehicles stop at a distance from the sign.

Hello. Here (and not only here) they appeal to the concept of “minibus taxi”. Please tell me where from this moment time, this concept in the answers has been elevated to the rank of an axiom that a minibus taxi exists, although such a concept does not appear in the current legislation? In your answer, please provide links to regulatory framework.

Igor, Hello.

The concept of "minibus taxi" is exactly the same as the concept of "scooter". There is neither one nor the other in the legislation. But both are in people’s heads. But they don’t want to call minibuses buses and scooters mopeds.

Good luck on the roads!

Please note that paragraph 18.3 of the rules is not about route vehicles, but about buses and trolleybuses.

Those. there is no need to give way to the tram (well, this question does not arise)

And the bus does not have to follow the route (i.e. be a route vehicle) for this rule to apply to it.


Does a company bus that transports employees at night after work have the right to stop on request? Or also only at stops?

Evelina-3, of course, can stop on demand. It’s just that if passengers ask to stop every 100 meters, then the driver is unlikely to like it. And if on a long stretch, and even driving past stops without stopping, you ask to stop at a specific place, the driver will probably not refuse.

Kirill-24, let me draw your attention to the fact that the clause 18.3 of the traffic rules you indicated is in chapter 18 of the traffic rules, but the chapter is called: Priority of route vehicles.

Please note that paragraph 18.3 of the rules is not about route vehicles, but about buses and trolleybuses.
That is, in 18.3 of the traffic rules we are talking about buses and trolleybuses, which are route buses.


The driver of a service bus refuses to stop when requested, citing new rules. Do the rules apply to all buses or just regular ones? And the service bus can stop not only at bus stops?

IMHO, but a service bus is not a route vehicle, but simply regular car, and in theory he should not stop where stopping is prohibited. Moreover, it is prohibited for all types of transport (at the same time, MTS in this zone may be allowed to stop at public transport stops). In all other places where regular transport can stop, your service bus can stop in the same way.

wowick, I ask you to explain what “IMHO” is. I often see these letters, but I can’t understand what they mean?

GDW nik, but it’s not destiny to put them in a search engine? five seconds and the answer))

(wowick, sorry)

The intercity minibus arrived ahead of its boarding time. RTI officers were issued for non-compliance with the schedule. Is it possible to arrive and leave early if the bus is full?


1. Under which article of which normative document fined?

2. For violation of which clause of which document was a fine imposed?


With designated stopping places, we mean the names of the stops written on the route vehicle: for example, “Department Store”, “Central Market”, “Theater”, and MTS has the right to stop in the area covered by the “Stopping is prohibited” sign.

Is it possible for a public transport driver moving in the second lane to enter a stop from the second lane, crossing the markings where there are no broken lines?

Amir, intersection continuous marking is a violation of the rules. Those. You can't do that.

Good luck on the roads!


Interest Ask. According to the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 do not apply to route vehicles. But there is nothing about marking 1.18 in the traffic rules. Why do you think?

I think in order for MTS to make left turns with the left, and right turns with the right lane. Even if the sign allows from other lanes.


There is not a word in the article about the “Driving in Lanes” signs and markings 1.18

Vet MTS has the right to ignore these signs and markings!

And most importantly, when MTS “ignores” it MUST let through those who are in the way!

If I'm wrong, correct me

In the 21st century in Russia, such a type of public transport as a minibus taxi has become widespread. The Traffic Rules for route vehicles have a number of privileges. Hence the dispute arose whether a “minibus” is a route vehicle in accordance with the definition of traffic rules.

“Route vehicle” is a public vehicle (bus, trolleybus, tram) intended for transporting people on roads and moving along a set route with designated stopping places.

"Marshrutka" is a route vehicle:

  • a public vehicle intended for transporting people on roads;
  • moving along a set route.

"Minibus" is not a route vehicle:

  • This is not a bus;
  • It has no designated stopping places.

So can a minibus enjoy the privileges of the Traffic Rules for minibuses?

A minibus is not a bus

From the explanatory dictionary of foreign words (bus is a foreign word)

BUS, a, m. [English] autobus< греч. autos сам + англ. bus омнибус; автобус]. Вид общественного транспорта: многоместный пассажирский автомобиль вагонного типа для перевозки пассажиров.

A carriage body is a cargo-passenger type of body. May have one, two or three pairs of side doors and two or three rows of seats. The rear part of the carriage body is designed in the same way as that of a station wagon, but accommodates more seats and provides more possibilities for their transformation.


The movement of public transport is regulated by the charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport and the rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport. The movement of minibuses in accordance with these documents refers to the regular transportation of passengers and luggage. Transportation is classified not by type of vehicle (bus, tram, trolleybus), but by vehicle category (M1, M2, M3).

“Minibuses” belong to the M2 category

“vehicle of category “M2” - a vehicle that is used to transport passengers, has, in addition to the driver’s seat, more than 8 seats and whose maximum weight does not exceed 5 tons;

From the Charter:

3. Regular transportation of passengers and luggage is divided into:

  1. transportation with passengers boarding and disembarking only at designated stopping points along the regular transportation route;
  2. transportation with pick-up and drop-off of passengers in any place not prohibited by traffic rules along the route of regular transportation.

“Minibuses” can refer to any of these types of transportation.

5. Transportation with pick-up and disembarkation of passengers in any place not prohibited by traffic rules along the regular transport route is carried out in accordance with the schedules established for travel from the starting and final stopping points along the regular transport route. Vehicle stops for boarding and disembarking passengers are carried out at the initial and final stopping points along the route of regular transportation, as well as at the request of passengers.

This type of transportation also has two designated stopping points - initial and final, which corresponds to the definition in the Traffic Rules.

“Minibus” is a route vehicle and can enjoy the privileges of the Traffic Rules for route vehicles.

Approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 2, 2008 No. 797-PP (as amended by Moscow Government Decrees No. 663-PP dated November 20, 2012, No. 55-PP dated February 18, 2014, No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014, December 15, 2015 No. 880-PP, dated 03/01/2016 No. 62-PP, dated 08/30/2017 No. 596-PP)

1. General Provisions

1.1. Rules for the use of public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with the Civil Code Russian Federation, Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 N 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ “Charter of Motor Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”, Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 “On the Traffic Rules” (hereinafter referred to as the Traffic Rules), Moscow City Law of November 21, 2007 N 45 “Moscow City Code on Administrative Offences”.

(Clause 1.1 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

1.2. These Rules determine the procedure for using public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) equipped with devices automated system travel control and transporting passengers using travel tickets and tariffs established by the Moscow Government.

1.3. Lost power. - Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP.

1.4. These Rules must be located in the interiors of rolling stock of public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses).

1.5. The operating mode of public ground urban transport in the city of Moscow is established by the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow. Information about the operating hours of public ground urban transport routes is posted at stopping points located along the routes and on the official website of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow.

(Clause 1.5 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 55-PP dated February 18, 2014)

2. Passenger transport enterprises (carriers) are obliged to:

2.1. Ensure the transportation of passengers of all categories, including persons with disabilities, to their destination according to the established route.

2.2. Ensure that there are stencils at stopping points with information about the names of stops, numbers and operating modes of passing routes, indicating the final stops of these routes, ensuring access to information for people with visual and hearing impairments.

2.3. Observe the established schedules of traffic intervals on public ground urban transport routes (trams, trolleybuses, buses).

2.4. In case of planned changes or closures of routes, notify the population through the media or by posting announcements at stopping points.

2.5. When promptly changing the route, notify the population by placing announcements at stopping points and by equipping rolling stock with information signs.

2.6. Before leaving the line, ensure the proper technical and sanitary condition of the salons, equipment, internal and external design rolling stock in accordance with established requirements.

(Clause 2.6 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

2.7. Ensure the safety of passenger transportation. For improper fulfillment of the transportation conditions established by the relevant regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, the carrier’s liability arises in accordance with current legislation.

3. Responsibilities of the driver of public ground urban transport (tram, trolleybus, bus)

3.1. The driver is obliged:

3.1.1. If information is detected or received from passengers about the presence of objects in the cabin of the rolling stock that may pose a danger to life and health, as well as the smell of burning, smoke, fire, exposure electric current act according to instructions.

3.1.2. Strictly comply with the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations.

3.1.3. Ensure the transportation of passengers in strict accordance with the requirements of the operation of rolling stock, road safety and passenger transportation.

3.1.4. Dispatch a tram, trolleybus, or bus from a stopping point only with the doors closed after passengers have boarded and disembarked.

3.1.5. Inform passengers, including those with visual and hearing impairments, about the name of each stop point and the next one, transfer another necessary information using a voice recorder and special means.

3.1.6. In the event of a malfunction of warning devices, their absence, as well as in case of a prompt change in the route, announce information via microphone along the entire route until the malfunction of the devices is eliminated or the warning devices are installed and until the route is restored.

3.1.7. Sale of travel tickets only at bus stops.

3.1.8. Issue travel tickets to passengers after receiving payment for travel at the established tariff.

3.1.9. Limit the boarding of passengers depending on the occupancy of the tram, trolleybus or bus after notifying passengers about the end of boarding.

3.1.10. Lost power. - Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP.

3.1.11. Observe the route of the established route and the given schedule of public ground urban passenger transport.

3.1.12. Carry out boarding and disembarking of passengers at equipped stopping points provided for by the route diagram, with the exception of emergency situations.

3.1.13. When driving along an established route of public surface urban transport, ensure that the vehicle has information signs about the route number, as well as the names of the starting, final and main intermediate stopping points.

(Clause 3.1.13 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

3.1.14. Ensure safe boarding and alighting, including through the second door, as well as comfortable travel conditions for wheelchair users, people with mobility impairments and people with visual and hearing impairments.

3.2. Other responsibilities of the driver are determined by his job description.

4. Entry and exit procedures

4.1. Entry and exit of passengers is permitted only at stopping points after a tram, trolleybus, or bus has completely stopped.

4.2. Passengers are required to follow the order when entering a tram, trolleybus, or bus and when exiting them.

(as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

4.3. Entrance to a tram, trolleybus, or bus equipped with turnstiles is through the front door. With a turnstile-free travel system, passengers enter through all doors of the vehicle and pay for the fare through ticket control and redemption devices located at the corresponding doors.

(Clause 4.3 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

4.4. Exit from a tram, trolleybus, or bus equipped with turnstiles is made through all doors except the front door. With a turnstile-free travel system, exiting a tram, trolleybus, or bus is done through all doors. To exit, passengers must give a signal to the driver in advance by pressing the bell button.

(Clause 4.4 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

4.5. Passengers with a stroller, disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders, visually impaired people with a guide dog, or those with a white cane can enter a tram, trolleybus or bus equipped with turnstiles through the second door after passengers exit.

(Clause 4.5 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

4.6. Wheelchair users are allowed to enter a tram, trolleybus, or bus specially equipped for the disabled through the second door after passengers exit.

4.7. When entering or exiting a tram, trolleybus, or bus, passengers must hold on to the handrails to avoid injury.

4.8. Entry of passengers with a bicycle into a tram, trolleybus, or bus is permitted if it is possible to place the bicycle on the storage area of ​​the tram, trolleybus, or bus. Passengers with a bicycle can enter a tram, trolleybus or bus equipped with turnstiles through the second door after the passengers exit.

(Clause 4.8 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

5. Procedure for paying for travel and carrying hand luggage

5.1. Payment for travel in accordance with current tariffs is made at the entrance to the tram, trolleybus, bus by redeeming the ticket through the control and ticket redemption device. Travel tickets on magnetic stripe media are passed through the tray of the ticket control and redemption device. Travel tickets on a medium without a magnetic stripe (hereinafter referred to as contactless travel tickets) are brought to the target of the ticket control and redemption device. It is not recommended to store travel tickets with sources of electromagnetic radiation in places of high humidity and high temperatures, expose them to chemical and mechanical stress. When exercising the right to free travel, passengers, upon entering a tram, trolleybus, or bus, register their trip by presenting a Muscovite social card (SKM), a social card of a resident of the Moscow region (SKMO), to the target of the ticket control and redemption device. The categories of passengers specified in paragraphs 4.5, 4.6 and 4.8 of these Rules, when entering a tram, trolleybus, bus, equipped with turnstiles, pay for travel through the second door (register the trip) in transport through a ticket control and redemption device installed at the second door, and in its absence - through the ticket control and redemption device installed at the front door.

(Clause 5.1 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 596-PP dated August 30, 2017)

5.1(1). To pay for travel (register a trip), a contactless travel ticket, SKM, SKMO must be brought parallel to the target of the ticket control and redemption device, applied to it and held in this position for at least 2 seconds.

(clause 5.1(1) introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 30, 2017 N 596-PP)

5.1(2). Payment for travel (registration of a trip) is confirmed by the green indication of light elements located on the bodies of the turnstile and (or) the ticket control and redemption device, and (or) the corresponding message in the information line on the display of the ticket control and redemption device.

(clause 5.1(2) introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

5.2. Payment for carriage hand luggage(the size of which in the sum of measurements in length, width, height exceeds 120 cm) is made by redeeming a ticket for the carriage of hand luggage, which does not give the passenger the right to travel. When transporting paid hand luggage, the passenger must first redeem the ticket for transportation through the ticket control and redemption device carry-on luggage, and then a travel ticket to pay for your travel. Travel documents for categories of citizens entitled to free travel or travel with incomplete fare payment do not entitle them to free carry-on baggage.

5.3. Travel tickets for paying for travel on trams, trolleybuses, and buses are purchased at specialized points for selling travel tickets for travel on city buses. passenger transport for public use, from drivers, conductors, distributors, as well as in retail facilities of organizations that have contracts for the sale of travel tickets.

(Clause 5.3 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

5.4. Valid tickets are only travel tickets intended for travel on public ground transport in the city of Moscow.

5.5. Invalid travel tickets are:

5.5.1. Expired tickets.

5.5.2. Tickets for a limited number of trips with the travel limit exhausted.

5.5.3. Unlawfully used SKM, SKMO, discount ticket for pupils and students on public ground urban passenger transport, in commuter bus no travel limit (discount ticket for students).

(Clause 5.5.3 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 596-PP dated August 30, 2017)

5.5.4. Tickets placed on the stop list. Stop list - a list of numbers and series of travel tickets, SKM, SKMO, discount tickets for students, the validity of which was stopped by the carrier in connection with the receipt of information about identified facts from the authorized government body or subordinate organizations (state institutions and unitary enterprises) of government bodies unlawful issuance or withdrawal from circulation of these travel tickets, SKM, SKMO, discount tickets for students.

(Clause 5.5.4 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

5.5.5. Faulty tickets - travel tickets in which the magnetic stripe or the recording on the magnetic stripe is damaged, tickets that have mechanical damage, as well as contactless travel tickets that cannot be read. A faulty ticket is not accepted by the ticket control and redemption device.

5.6. Exchange of faulty travel tickets is carried out at specialized points for the sale of travel tickets for travel on public urban passenger transport in accordance with the current instructions for the exchange of travel tickets, approved transport company.Travel tickets that have external damage, including mechanical, thermal, chemical or other. A travel ticket without a travel limit, as well as a “Wallet” travel ticket, which provides the right to make trips within the amount paid, that have mechanical, thermal, chemical or other external damage, are restored by the transport company after paying the cost of their production (with the restoration of the paid validity period) after the passenger has handed them over to a specialized point for the sale of travel tickets for travel on public city passenger transport.

(as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated December 15, 2015 N 880-PP)

Lost travel tickets (including those on contactless media) cannot be restored or blocked.

(Clause 5.6 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

5.7. In case of failure of a tram, trolleybus, bus equipped with turnstiles, SCM or other documents on the basis of which the right of free travel or travel with incomplete payment is granted, and not included in the stop list, the driver is obliged to let the passenger into the vehicle through the second door .

(Clause 5.7 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

6. Directions

6.1. The list of categories of citizens entitled to free travel or partial payment of travel in public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) is determined in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

6.2. The passenger is obliged:

6.2.1. Pay for travel (register a trip) in the manner established in paragraph 5.1 of these Rules. One redemption of a travel ticket entitles the passenger to only one pass for a trip in one direction.

(Clause 6.2.1 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

6.2.1(1). With a turnstile-free travel system, make sure that the fare payment (trip registration) is processed through the ticket control and redemption device in accordance with clause 5.1(2) of these Rules.

(clause 6.2.1(1) introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

6.2.2. Keep travel tickets redeemed in the ticket control and redemption device until the end of the trip.

6.2.3. When traveling, have documents confirming the passenger’s right to free travel or partial payment for travel.

6.2.4. Present for verification (hand over) to the controllers of public ground urban transport and conductors all types of travel tickets, as well as documents for the right to travel free of charge or for partial payment of travel. The controllers of public ground urban transport in the city of Moscow are officials, authorized by the carrier (carrier controllers), as well as officials of the State Public Institution "Transportation Organizer" (controllers of the State Institution "Transportation Organizer").

(Clause 6.2.4 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

6.2.5. If the carrier's controllers identify the fact of travel without payment, carriage without payment of paid hand luggage in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of these Rules for hand luggage, as well as the fact of presentation of invalid travel tickets to confirm payment for travel, transportation of paid hand luggage, the passenger is obliged to pay for travel, transportation of paid hand luggage by purchasing travel ticket sold by the carrier's controllers at a set price, and redeem the ticket through the ticket redemption control device. In case of refusal, present it to the carrier's controller for inspection in the manner prescribed by paragraph 6.2.4 of these Rules travel document(ticket), pay for travel and (or) carriage of paid hand luggage, the passenger must leave the tram, trolleybus or bus at the nearest stopping point.

(Clause 6.2.5 as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

6.2.6. To avoid injury while moving a tram, trolleybus, or bus, hold on to the handrails.

6.2.7. The front seats in the cabin, marked with special inscriptions or symbols, are intended for disabled people, the elderly, passengers with children and pregnant women. Other passengers occupying these seats are required to vacate them for the indicated persons.

6.2.8. Maintain public order in public ground transport.

6.2.9. Upon arrival at final stop route to clear the interior of a tram, trolleybus, or bus.

6.2.10. When purchasing a ticket from the driver, prepare payment for the fare in advance, do not delay or impede the movement of other passengers.

(clause 6.2.10 introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

6.3. The passenger has the right:

6.3.1. Carry with you free of charge: Children under 7 years of age. Baby stroller. Children sledges. One piece of hand luggage not exceeding the sum of three dimensions (height, length, width) 120 cm. One pair of skis in a case or other sports equipment in a case or bag. Animals and birds in cages with a solid bottom (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.), if the dimensions of these cages (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.) do not exceed the dimensions of hand luggage established in paragraph of these Rules.

(Clause as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014) Musical instrument in a case or case. One bicycle on the storage area of ​​the interior of a tram, trolleybus, bus, subject to conditions that exclude inconvenience for the passage of passengers (the bicycle must be held by the passenger while moving, excluding its spontaneous movement around the cabin, subject to the requirements of paragraph 6.2.6 of these Rules).

(clause introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 18, 2014 N 55-PP)

6.3.2. Travel without additional fare in the next tram, trolleybus or bus that has left the line due to a fault if you have a travel ticket redeemed on the faulty tram, trolleybus or bus.

6.3.3. If you discover a fault with your travel ticket, contact a specialized point for selling travel tickets for travel on public city passenger transport to exchange it.

(as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

6.3.4. Carry pets, including guide dogs for the visually impaired, under conditions that do not disturb passengers (dogs must be muzzled and on a short leash).

(Clause 6.3.4 as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

6.4. Passengers are prohibited from:

6.4.1. Travel on a tram, trolleybus, or bus without paying a fare.

6.4.2. Travel in soiled clothing, carry foul-smelling and dangerous (flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and other) substances, bladed weapons and firearms without cases or packaging, as well as things (objects) that contaminate vehicles or passengers’ clothing.

(Clause 6.4.2 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

6.4.3. Smoking in the cabin.

6.4.4. Be in a state of intoxication in the cabin, drink alcohol and alcohol-containing products, use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.

6.4.5. Damage rolling stock and equipment located in the cabin.

6.4.6. Unauthorizedly activate door opening mechanisms, fire extinguishing equipment, emergency hatch levers, emergency exit rings and other equipment, as well as interfere with the closing and opening of doors, unless this is required to prevent accidents associated with a threat to the life and health of passengers.

6.4.7. Leaning out of windows, placing hand luggage on seats and contaminating seats.

6.4.8. Distract the driver and talk to him while driving.

6.4.9. Travel on invalid travel tickets.

6.4.10. Travel on a preferential travel document or ticket issued to another person.

6.4.11. Carry hand luggage whose total dimensions in length, width and height exceed 180 centimeters, as well as long items over 190 centimeters (except for skis in a case).

(Clause 6.4.11 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

6.4.12. Ride on the running boards and other elements of the body of rolling stock of public surface urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) that are not intended for travel.

6.4.13. Lost power. - Decree of the Moscow Government dated March 1, 2016 No. 62-PP.

6.4.14. Pick up objects and things that have been forgotten or left by unidentified persons. If you find forgotten (abandoned) objects, things, documents or any valuables in public ground public transport (tram, trolleybus, bus), as well as feeling the impact of electric current, the smell of burning, smoke or fire, the passenger must immediately inform the driver about it .

6.4.15. Carry out professional photography and video shooting in the interiors of rolling stock of public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) without permission from the administration of transport enterprises.

6.4.16. Violate the procedure for transporting pets set out in paragraphs and 6.3.4 of these Rules.

6.5. It is prohibited to apply inscriptions, images, place information and advertising materials on external and internal surfaces public ground urban transport (tram, trolleybus, bus), as well as on public urban transport infrastructure facilities, except those related to the procedure for their operation and (or) applied (placed) within the framework of the execution of a government contract or other agreement concluded with authorized body executive power of the city of Moscow, a state unitary enterprise of the city of Moscow or a state institution of the city of Moscow.

(as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated March 1, 2016 N 62-PP)

7. Monitoring compliance with these Rules by passengers, payment of travel, carriage of hand luggage and responsibility of passengers

7.1. Control over compliance by passengers with these Rules, as well as over the availability of tram, trolleybus, and bus passengers with tickets that have been redeemed in these vehicles, during the entire operation of public ground urban transport is carried out by controllers of public ground urban transport.

(Clause 7.1 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

7.2. A person traveling without a ticket is:

7.2.1. Found during an inspection in a vehicle without a travel ticket, with the exception of persons accompanying disabled people of the first group and disabled children.

7.2.2. Presenting a travel ticket without a redemption mark.

7.2.3. Presenting a fake travel ticket.

7.2.4. Presenting a travel ticket whose validity has expired.

7.2.5. Presenting a SKM, SKMO or student discount ticket that does not belong to this person or whose validity has expired.

(Clause 7.2.5 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 596-PP dated August 30, 2017)

7.2.6. Presenting a previously used travel ticket.

7.2.7. Presenting a travel ticket intended for a person who has been granted an advantage in paying for travel, but does not have a document confirming the right to provide the specified advantage.

7.2.8. Refused to present a travel document (ticket) confirming the fact of payment for travel.

(Clause 7.2 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

7.3. Checking the fare and carriage of hand luggage is carried out in the cabin of the rolling stock of public ground public transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses).

7.3(1). When a passenger presents to the controller of public ground transport to confirm the fact of payment for travel, the travel ticket specified in paragraphs 7.2.3, 7.2.4, 7.2.6, 7.2.7 of these Rules, as well as SKM or SKMO or a discount ticket for students who do not belong to this person or whose validity period has expired, these documents are subject to seizure in the prescribed manner. The seizure of a travel ticket (document) is documented in an act in two copies, the first copy is issued to the passenger who presented the specified travel ticket (document), and the second copy remains with the controller.

(clause 7.3(1) introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

7.4. For damage to the rolling stock of public ground urban transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses), as well as their equipment and road maintenance ( tram rails, contact lines, etc.) liability occurs in accordance with the law. The perpetrators may also be subject to recovery of damages in established by law ok.

7.5. Violation of these Rules entails administrative liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. Payment of the cost of travel, carriage of paid hand luggage in the manner prescribed by paragraph 6.2.5 of these Rules, or refusal to pay does not exempt the passenger from paying fines for ticketless travel and carriage of unpaid baggage in public land transport, established by the legislation of the city of Moscow on administrative offenses .(paragraph introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

The powers to draw up protocols and consider cases of administrative offenses provided for in Articles 10.1, 10.5 of Moscow City Law No. 45 of November 21, 2007 “Moscow City Code on Administrative Offences” are assigned to the controllers of the State Public Institution “Transportation Organizer”. (paragraph introduced by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 27, 2014 N 483-PP)

8. Responsibilities and rights of the controller of public ground urban transport

8.1. When working on the line, the controller of public ground transport is required to have an official identification card and present it at the first request of the passenger and state his last name.

(Clause 8.1 as amended by Moscow Government Resolution No. 483-PP dated August 27, 2014)

8.2. When working on the line, the controller of public ground urban transport has the right and obligation to:

8.2.1. Monitor passengers' compliance with these Rules, including the correct payment for travel and carry-on luggage.

8.2.2. If it is established that passengers have violated the requirements of these Rules, take, within the limits of their powers, in relation to the persons who committed the violations, measures provided for by law and clauses 6.2.5, 7.3(1) and 7.5 of these Rules.