When is a full test of car brakes performed?

What signs and inscriptions are applied to rolling stock?

Technical sign Russian Railways, initials of the railway (except for carriages), number (for passenger cars-code), manufacturer's plate indicating the date and place of construction, date and place of production of established types of repairs, tare weight (except for locomotives and special self-propelled rolling stock). On passenger cars, MVS and special vehicles. on self-propelled rolling stock the number of seats, on freight cars - the carrying capacity. On locomotives, MVS and special ones. PS – design speed, series, name of the depot, plates and inscriptions on the inspection of tanks, control devices, boiler.

When is it produced? full testing auto brakes?

Status-checking software brake line and the operation of the brakes on all cars is carried out:

At formation stations before train departure;

After changing the locomotive;

At stations preceding sections with long descents, where the train stop is provided for by the schedule;

Before long descents 0.018 and steeper with a ten-minute delay in a braked state (the list of stations is established by the “H” of the road).

* EPT at stations of formation and turnover from stationary installations.

4. ● ● ● “Stop!”


1. What are the main responsibilities of employees railway transport?

Meeting the needs for transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage and cargo luggage, efficient use technical means, compliance with environmental protection requirements.

2. What kind of inspection are the wheelsets subjected to?

Complete and ordinary.

3. When is the shortened brake test performed?

CO with checking the TM condition by the action of the brakes for two tail cars:

After coupling the locomotive to the train, if the brakes from a stationary device or locomotive were previously applied at the station;

After changing the locomotive cabin;

After a change of locomotive crew, when the locomotive is not uncoupled from the train;

After any disconnection of the brake hoses in the train;

End valve covers;

After connecting the hoses, due to the coupling of the rolling stock (in the latter case, checking the operation of the brakes on each attached car);

After the train has stopped for more than 20 minutes;

When the pressure in the reserve tank drops below 5.5 kgf/cm2;

After transferring control to the driver of the second locomotive on the stretch after stopping the train due to the impossibility of further controlling the movement of the train from the head cabin.

* EPT at locomotive and crew change points, after coupling cars with checking the brake action on each attached car, as well as after coupling a train locomotive to the train, if the EPT from a stationary device or locomotive was previously fully tested at the station.

4. ▬ “go on a train”


1. Rules for hiring jobs related to train traffic?

Persons entering the railway transport to work related to train traffic must be passed by prof. training, pass tests and subsequently be periodically tested in knowledge of the Rules and Instructions, basic provisions of the railway. transport. The list of positions and professions for which workers are subject to testing is established by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation. Subject to preliminary and periodic honey. inspections in accordance with the established procedure.

2. Distance between the inner edges of the wheels?

1440 mm. For trains traveling at speeds over 120 km/h to 140 km/h, deviations in the direction of increase are allowed no more than 3 mm, in the direction of decrease no more than 1 mm. At speeds up to 120 km/h, deviations are allowed ± 3 mm.

3. Who is involved in shortened testing of brakes on hauls and on whose instructions?

LNP and conductors of the tail and head cars according to the instructions of the driver transmitted via communication.

4. ▬ ▬ ▬ “Slow down”


1. How is the correct placement of cargo within the specified dimensions checked?

To check the correct placement of cargo within the dimensions, clearance gates are installed in mass loading areas.

2. What kind of wheel rolling is allowed?

* At speeds over 120 km/h to 140 km/h – no more than 5 mm, ridge thickness 28-33 mm with ridge height 28 mm when measured at a distance of 18 mm from the top of the ridge;

* At speeds up to 120 km/h in long-distance trains no more than 7 mm, local and suburban trains no more than 8 mm, ridge thickness 25-33 mm with ridge height 28 mm when measured at a distance of 18 mm from the top of the ridge.

The vertical undercut of the ridge with a height of more than 18 mm is measured by special. template.

3. How are passenger trains equipped?

Radio stations for communication with the locomotive driver, fire fighting equipment, and first aid equipment.

4. ▬ ▬ “Release the brakes”


1. How should loads be stowed and secured so that the clearance clearance of buildings is not violated?

Loads unloaded or prepared for loading near the track must be stacked and secured so that the dimension C P was not violated.

2. What kind of sliders are allowed on the wheel rolling surface?

No more than 1 mm.

* If detected along the route from the roll. using axleboxes, a slider with a depth of more than 1 mm, but not more than 2 mm, is allowed to bring such a car without uncoupling from the train at a speed of no more than 100 km/h to the nearest service station that has the means to replace wheel pairs;

* When the slider is from 2 mm to 6 mm, the train is allowed to travel to the nearest PTO at a speed of 15 km/h;

* With a slider from 6 mm to 12 mm - at a speed of 10 km/h;

* Over 12 mm - at a speed of 10 km/h, provided that the wheel set is suspended or the possibility of rotation is excluded, while the TC of the car of the damaged wheel set must be turned off and the locomotive uncoupled.

3. What signals should be used to stop a train arriving at the station?

It must be stopped between the input signal and the limit column of the receiving path, and where there is no output signal, between the limit columns.

If the tail of the train remains behind the front. column, the signalman or switch post duty officer is obliged to immediately report this to the station duty officer, who takes measures to position the train within the useful length of the receiving track.

4. ▬ ▬ ▬ ● “arrival of a train at the station with an incomplete complement”


1. In accordance with what laws the Rules were developed technical operation?

Developed in accordance with federal laws: “On the Federal Railway. transport" dated August 25, 1995, No. 153-FZ, "Transport Charter of the Railway. RF" dated 01/08/98 No. 2-FZ, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

2. What should be the height of the automatic coupler axis above the top of the rail head?

No more than 1080 mm when unladen and no less than 980 mm when loaded.

3. In what cases is fencing of a train stopped on a stretch carried out?

When requesting a recovery or fire train, as well as an auxiliary locomotive, immediately after the call.

If the train is stopped when all signaling and communication means are interrupted, immediately after the train stops.


1. The track width between the inner edges of the rail heads on straight sections of the track and on curves with a radius of 350 m or more?

The track width on more curved sections should be:

with a radius from 349 to 300 m – 1530 mm, incl. on reinforced concrete sleepers – 1520 mm;

with a radius of 299 m and less - 1535 mm.

On railway sections lines and tracks where a comprehensive replacement of the rail and sleeper grid has not been carried out is allowed on straight and curved sections of the track with a radius of more than 650 m nom. The track width is 1524 mm; on steeper curves the track width is adopted:

with a radius from 650 to 450 m – 1530 mm;

with a radius from 449 to 350 m – 1535 mm;

with a radius of 349 and less - 1540 mm.

The magnitude of deviations from the nom. The dimensions of the track width that do not require elimination on straight and curved sections of the track should not exceed 4 mm for narrowing, + 8 mm for widening, and in sections where the speed is set at 50 km/h or less for narrowing - 4 mm, and widening + 10 mm.

Track widths less than 1512 and more than 1548 mm are not allowed.

2. What is the allowed difference in height between the longitudinal axes of automatic couplers?

At speeds up to 120 km/h – 70 mm between cars;

At a speed of 120-140 km/h – 50 mm between cars;

Between the locomotive and the first carriage passenger train– 100 mm.

The automatic coupler of passenger cars must have a vertical movement limiter.

3. What is the conductor’s action when the train is forced to stop on the stretch?

The conductor of the last passenger car is required to check the visibility of the tail signals. Carefully monitor the route and if a train appears behind you, take measures to stop it.


1. What trains should be in constant readiness and what do they serve?

Recovery trains - to restore normal traffic and eliminate the consequences of collisions and derailments of rolling stock.

Special railcars, handcars, cars - for restoring tracks and power supply devices.

Cars for repair and restoration communications flights.

Emergency field teams.

Fire trains and fire brigades - to prevent and extinguish fires.

2. What defects are not allowed to include passenger cars on trains?

Having malfunctions of EPT, heating, electrical equipment, ventilation and other malfunctions that violate the normal conditions of passenger transportation, as well as cars with radio compartments (headquarters) with faulty radio communication between the train chief and the driver.

3. What are passenger cars intended for and what other cars besides passenger cars are intended for transporting passengers?

Mail cars, restaurants, service cars, clubs, testing, measuring laboratories and other special passenger cars.

4. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● “Air raid”


1. What are the signals used for?

To provide safe traffic, as well as for the precise organization of train movement and shunting work.

2. What is the basis for organizing train traffic?

Train schedule, which combines the activities of all departments and expresses the plan operational work railways. GDP is an urgent law for railway workers. transport, the implementation of which is one of the most important quality indicators of railway performance. The State Traffic Police is approved by the Ministry of Railways or its first deputy. Compliance with the traffic regulations and the prevention of its violations should be the main thing for all workers involved in the organization of train traffic. Violation of the GDPR is not allowed.

3. What is the loading clearance?

The maximum transverse (perpendicular to the axis of the track) outline in which the cargo must be placed without going outside (taking into account packaging and fastening on open rolling stock when it is on a straight horizontal track).

4. ▬ ● ▬ ● ▬ ● “Radiation Hazard” or “Chemical Alert”


1. The main signal colors in signaling related to train movement and shunting work?

Green - allowing movement with set speed;

Yellow – allowing movement and requiring a reduction in speed;

Red – requiring immediate stop.

At shunting work:

Lunar - white - allowing maneuvers.

Blue – prohibiting maneuvers.

2. What numbers are assigned to trains in the direction?

Each train is assigned a number established by the schedule. Trains in the same direction are assigned even numbers, and trains reverse direction– odd.

3. What is the gauge of rolling stock?

Limit transverse (perpendicular to the axis of the track) outline in which both loaded and empty rolling stock installed on a straight horizontal track must be placed without going outside.

4. Alert sound: one short and one long ● ▬


1. At what distance are traffic light signals installed on straight sections of track so that they are clearly visible from the locomotive cabin?

A) extraordinary: restoration, fire, snow plows, locomotive without cars, special. self-propelled rolling stock designed to restore normal traffic and to extinguish fires.

b) regular in order of priority: pass. high-speed, pass. fast, passenger of all other types, postal and luggage, military, cargo and passenger, human and accelerated freight trains, freight trains (through, sectional combined, export, transfer), utility trains and locomotives without cars.

c) trains assigned according to special requirements, the order of which is established at the time of assignment.

3. What is the approach clearance of buildings?

Limit transverse (perpendicular to the axis of the path) outline, into which no parts of structures and devices should go.

4. Alert sound: one long ▬


1. At what distance are traffic light signals installed on curved sections of track so that they are visible from the locomotive cabin?

At least 400 m.

2. What standard time is train movement calculated by?

24 hour basis, Moscow time.

3. What types of services are passenger trains divided into?

Long-distance – following a distance of over 700 km.

Local – up to 700 km.

Suburban – up to 150 km.

4. ● ● ● “Stop!”


1. In very rough terrain, at what distance are traffic lights installed?

At a distance of less than 400 m, but not less than 200 m.

2. What are the station boundaries?

On single-track sections there are entrance traffic lights.

On double-track sections, the main track has an entrance traffic light on one side, and a “station boundary” signal sign on the other side, installed at a distance of at least 50 m behind the last exit switch.

3. Which passenger train is considered increased length?

A passenger train consisting of 20 or more cars.

4. ▬ “Go on a train”


1. List all types of communication?

Dispatch rooms, train interstation, non-station, turnout communications, energy dispatch, stage communications, mainline, road, road control, ticket control, carriage control, shunting, information and computing, telephone, telegraph communications.

2. What is the main means of transmitting instructions during shunting work?

Radio communication, two-way park communication. Giving signals during shunting operations is permitted using hand-held signaling devices.

3. Which passenger train is considered high-speed?

Passenger train operating at speeds in the ranges of 141-160 km/h and 161-200 km/h.

4. ▬ ▬ ▬ “Slow down”


1. What is the purpose of train radio communication?

Two-way with drivers, chipboard, train dispatcher, crossing duty officer, LNP.

2. At what speed are the maneuvers performed?

60 km/h – when moving along free tracks of single locomotives and locomotives with carriages coupled to the rear with the brakes turned on and tested.

40 km/h – when moving a locomotive with cars attached to the rear, as well as when moving a single special vehicle. self-propelled train along free tracks.

25 km/h – when moving carriages forward on free tracks, as well as recovery and fire trains.

15 km/h – when driving with carriages occupied by people, as well as oversized cargo lateral and bottom oversize of the 4th, 5th and 6th degrees.

5 km/h – during jerky maneuvers, when a car detachment approaches another detachment in the sub-hill park.

3 km/h – when the locomotive (with or without cars) approaches the cars.

3. What does the concept “ braking distances»?

The distance covered by the train during the time from the moment the driver or crane handle is turned emergency braking to the braking position until it comes to a complete stop.

4. ▬ ▬ “Release the brakes”


1. The height of the contact wire suspension above the level of the top of the rail head on hauls and at stations?

On hauls and stations not lower than 5750 mm and not higher than 6800 mm.

At a crossing not lower than 6000 mm with the permission of the Ministry of Railways it can be reduced to 5675 mm with electrification of the line at alternating current and up to 5550 mm at DC.

2. Which cars are prohibited from being placed on passenger and mail and luggage trains?

Cars with dangerous goods, cars with expired periodic repairs or with expired unified technical inspections.

3. What does the Signaling Instruction establish?

A system of visible and audible signals for transmitting orders and instructions relating to the movement of trains and shunting operations, as well as the types of signaling devices by which these signals are given.

4. ▬ ▬ ▬ ● “The arrival of the train at the station is not full”


1. What is the distance from the current-carrying elements of the pantograph and parts of the contact network that are energized to the grounded parts of structures and rolling stock?

At least 200 mm on lines electrified with direct current, and at least 350 mm with alternating current.

2. What freight cars Is it allowed to be placed on passenger trains?

With the permission of the Ministry of Railways, when a train is traveling within two or more railways or the head of the road - within one road, it is allowed to include freight cars:

Four-axle covered;

Tanks for transporting milk;

Autonomous refrigerators for transportation of live fish.

At the same time, no more than one freight car or two-section section for transporting live fish is allowed to be attached to a long-distance passenger train. There are no more than three cars per local and suburban train.

3. What are the signals used for and how are they divided?

Ensuring traffic safety, organizing train traffic and shunting work. Visible (day, night) and sound (whistles, hand whistles, horns, sirens, horns, firecrackers).

4. ▬ ▬ ▬ ● ● “Calling the assistant driver, chief conductor, mechanic-foreman, manager of the utility train to the locomotive”


1. What is the distance from the axis of the outer track to the inner edge of the overhead contact line supports at the stages and stations?

At stages and stations there must be at least 3100 mm. In especially heavily snow-covered excavations, the distance from the axis of the outer path to the inner edge of the contact network supports must be at least 5700 mm.

On newly electrified lines, the distance from the track axis to the inner edge of the supports is allowed to be at least 2450 mm at stations and 2750 mm at hauls.

2. What freight cars are allowed to be placed on mail and baggage trains?

Specialized cars: thermoses, refrigerated five-car sections, four-axle covered cars for light loads and all-metal cars with no more than 6 cars.

3. How are visible signals divided?

Daytime, nighttime, 24/7.

4. ▬ ● ● ● ▬ ● ● ● ▬ ● ● ● “General alarm”


1. General requirements to rolling stock?

PS, including special self-propelled rolling stock must undergo scheduled preventive repairs and maintenance in a timely manner and be kept in service in good condition, ensuring it uninterrupted operation, BD and TB. Preventing the occurrence of malfunctions and ensuring the established service life of rolling stock should be the main focus of the work of those responsible for its maintenance and repair.

2. What height and at what distance from the track axis are passenger platforms installed with mixed traffic of passenger trains?

1100 mm from the top of rail heads for high platforms;

200 mm from the level of the rail head for low platforms;

1920 mm from the track axis for high platforms;

1745 mm from the track center for low platforms.

Changes in height are allowed up to 20 mm in the direction of increase and up to 50 mm in the direction of decrease. The distance from the track axis is up to 30 mm in the direction of increase and up to 25 mm in the direction of decrease.

3. What to serve sound signals?

Locomotive whistles, hand whistles, horns, sirens, horns, firecrackers.

The explosion of a firecracker requires immediate stopping.

4. ▬ ● ● ▬ ● ● ▬ ● ● “Fire alarm”


1. How are passenger stations and stopping points equipped?

Substations are equipped automatic system seat reservations and ticket sales, a system of ticket printing machines and automatic machines, self-service storage lockers, automatic train departure signs, information systems.

2. Which cars are not allowed to be placed on freight-passenger trains?

Wagons with dangerous goods;

Empty liquefied gas tanks.

In exceptional cases, on inactive sections where no other trains except freight and passenger trains operate, it may be allowed to place wagons with dangerous goods in them (with the exception of wagons with dangerous goods of class 1, explosive materials) with the permission of the road manager.

3. How are traffic lights divided?

Entry, exit, route, checkpoint, cover, barrier, warning, repeat, locomotive, shunting, hump.

4. ▬ ● ▬ ● ▬ ● “Radiation Hazard” or “Chemical Hazard”


1. How is rolling stock installed on station tracks?

The substation on station tracks is installed within the boundaries indicated by limit posts. Trains standing on station tracks without a locomotive must be secured against movement by brake shoes, station devices for securing cars, hand brakes or other securing means installed by the Ministry of Railways.

The procedure for securing cars and trains is established by the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railway. RF and is indicated in the technical and administrative act of the station, taking into account local conditions.

2. What should workers do if a train is forced to stop during a stretch?

The driver is obliged to stop the train on a straight section of the track unless an emergency stop is required. Apply the brakes and auxiliary brake, inform via radio communication to the drivers of locomotives traveling along the haul, the EAF, the train dispatcher, and the train chief. Find out the reason. If the movement of the train is not resumed within 20 minutes or more, apply the hand brakes of the locomotive and give a signal to the carriage conductors to apply hand brakes. Take measures to remove obstacles to traffic. Provide fencing for the train and adjacent track if necessary. Operations for securing and fencing the train are carried out by LNP and conductors in one place. The conductor of the last carriage is obliged to check the visibility of train signals and observe the passage, take measures to stop the following train.

3. What are the main signals given by traffic lights?

One green – movement at the set speed is allowed;

One yellow flashing - movement is allowed at the set speed, the next traffic light is open and requires you to proceed at a reduced speed;

One yellow - traffic is allowed with readiness to stop, the next traffic light is closed;

Two yellow lights, the top one flashing - it is allowed to proceed through the traffic light at a reduced speed, the next traffic light is open, the train moves with a deviation along the turnout;

Two yellow lights - it is allowed to pass the traffic light at a reduced speed and be ready to stop at the next traffic light, the train follows a deviation along the turnout;

One red - “Stop! It is prohibited to pass the signal."

4. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● “Air raid warning”

What signs and inscriptions are applied to rolling stock?

Technical sign of Russian Railways, initials of the railway (except for carriages), number (for passenger carriages - code), manufacturer's plate indicating the date and place of construction, date and place of production of established types of repairs, tare weight (except for locomotives and special self-propelled rolling stock composition). On passenger cars, MVS and special vehicles. on self-propelled rolling stock the number of seats, on freight cars - the carrying capacity. On locomotives, MVS and special ones. PS – design speed, series, depot name, plates and inscriptions on the inspection of tanks, control devices, boiler.

When is a full test of car brakes performed?

Software for checking the condition of the brake line and the operation of the brakes on all cars is carried out:

At formation stations before train departure;

After changing the locomotive;

At stations preceding sections with long descents, where the train stop is provided for by the schedule;

Before long descents 0.018 and steeper with a ten-minute delay in a braked state (the list of stations is established by the “H” of the road).

* EPT at stations of formation and turnover from stationary installations.

4. ● ● ● “Stop!”


1. What are the main responsibilities of railway transport workers?

Satisfying the needs for the transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage and cargo, efficient use of technical means, compliance with environmental protection requirements.

2. What kind of inspection are the wheelsets subjected to?

Complete and ordinary.

3. When is the shortened brake test performed?

CO with checking the TM condition by the action of the brakes on the two tail cars:

After coupling the locomotive to the train, if the brakes from a stationary device or locomotive were previously applied at the station;

After changing the locomotive cabin;

After a change of locomotive crew, when the locomotive is not uncoupled from the train;

After any disconnection of the brake hoses in the train;

End valve covers;

After connecting the hoses, due to the coupling of the rolling stock (in the latter case, checking the operation of the brakes on each attached car);

After the train has stopped for more than 20 minutes;

When the pressure in the reserve tank drops below 5.5 kgf/cm2;

After transferring control to the driver of the second locomotive on the stretch after stopping the train due to the impossibility of further controlling the movement of the train from the head cabin.

* EPT at locomotive and crew change points, after coupling cars with checking the brake action on each attached car, as well as after coupling a train locomotive to the train, if the EPT from a stationary device or locomotive was previously fully tested at the station.

4. ▬ “go on a train”


1. Rules for hiring jobs related to train traffic?

Persons entering the railway transport to work related to train traffic must be passed by prof. training, pass tests and subsequently be periodically tested in knowledge of the Rules and Instructions, basic provisions of the railway. transport. The list of positions and professions for which workers are subject to testing is established by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation. Subject to preliminary and periodic honey. inspections in accordance with the established procedure.

2. Distance between the inner edges of the wheels?

1440 mm. For trains traveling at speeds over 120 km/h to 140 km/h, deviations in the direction of increase are allowed no more than 3 mm, in the direction of decrease no more than 1 mm. At speeds up to 120 km/h, deviations are allowed ± 3 mm.

3. Who is involved in shortened testing of brakes on hauls and on whose instructions?

LNP and conductors of the tail and head cars according to the instructions of the driver transmitted via communication.

4. ▬ ▬ ▬ “Slow down”


1. How is the correct placement of cargo within the specified dimensions checked?

To check the correct placement of cargo within the dimensions, clearance gates are installed in mass loading areas.

2. What kind of wheel rolling is allowed?

* At speeds over 120 km/h to 140 km/h – no more than 5 mm, ridge thickness 28-33 mm with ridge height 28 mm when measured at a distance of 18 mm from the top of the ridge;

* At speeds up to 120 km/h in long-distance trains no more than 7 mm, local and suburban trains no more than 8 mm, ridge thickness 25-33 mm with ridge height 28 mm when measured at a distance of 18 mm from the top of the ridge.

The vertical undercut of the ridge with a height of more than 18 mm is measured by special. template.

3. How are passenger trains equipped?

Radio stations for communication with the locomotive driver, fire fighting equipment, and first aid equipment.

4. ▬ ▬ “Release the brakes”


1. How should loads be stowed and secured so that the clearance clearance of buildings is not violated?

Loads unloaded or prepared for loading near the track must be stacked and secured so that the dimension C P was not violated.

2. What kind of sliders are allowed on the wheel rolling surface?

No more than 1 mm.

* If detected along the route from the roll. using axleboxes, a slider with a depth of more than 1 mm, but not more than 2 mm, is allowed to bring such a car without uncoupling from the train at a speed of no more than 100 km/h to the nearest service station that has the means to replace wheel pairs;

* When the slider is from 2 mm to 6 mm, the train is allowed to travel to the nearest PTO at a speed of 15 km/h;

* With a slider from 6 mm to 12 mm - at a speed of 10 km/h;

* Over 12 mm - at a speed of 10 km/h, provided that the wheel set is suspended or the possibility of rotation is excluded, while the TC of the car of the damaged wheel set must be turned off and the locomotive uncoupled.

3. What signals should be used to stop a train arriving at the station?

It must be stopped between the input signal and the limit column of the receiving path, and where there is no output signal, between the limit columns.

If the tail of the train remains behind the front. column, the signalman or switch post duty officer is obliged to immediately report this to the station duty officer, who takes measures to position the train within the useful length of the receiving track.

4. ▬ ▬ ▬ ● “arrival of a train at the station with an incomplete complement”


1. In accordance with what laws were the Technical Operation Rules developed?

Developed in accordance with federal laws: “On the Federal Railway. transport" dated August 25, 1995, No. 153-FZ, "Transport Charter of the Railway. RF" dated 01/08/98 No. 2-FZ, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

2. What should be the height of the automatic coupler axis above the top of the rail head?

No more than 1080 mm when unladen and no less than 980 mm when loaded.

3. In what cases is fencing of a train stopped on a stretch carried out?

When requesting a recovery or fire train, as well as an auxiliary locomotive, immediately after the call.

If the train is stopped when all signaling and communication means are interrupted, immediately after the train stops.


1. The track width between the inner edges of the rail heads on straight sections of the track and on curves with a radius of 350 m or more?

The track width on more curved sections should be:

with a radius from 349 to 300 m – 1530 mm, incl. on reinforced concrete sleepers – 1520 mm;

with a radius of 299 m and less - 1535 mm.

On railway sections lines and tracks where a comprehensive replacement of the rail and sleeper grid has not been carried out is allowed on straight and curved sections of the track with a radius of more than 650 m nom. The track width is 1524 mm; on steeper curves the track width is adopted:

with a radius from 650 to 450 m – 1530 mm;

with a radius from 449 to 350 m – 1535 mm;

with a radius of 349 and less - 1540 mm.

The magnitude of deviations from the nom. The dimensions of the track width that do not require elimination on straight and curved sections of the track should not exceed 4 mm for narrowing, + 8 mm for widening, and in sections where the speed is set at 50 km/h or less for narrowing - 4 mm, and widening + 10 mm.

Track widths less than 1512 and more than 1548 mm are not allowed.

2. What is the allowed difference in height between the longitudinal axes of automatic couplers?

At speeds up to 120 km/h – 70 mm between cars;

At a speed of 120-140 km/h – 50 mm between cars;

Between the locomotive and the first carriage of a passenger train - 100 mm.

The automatic coupler of passenger cars must have a vertical movement limiter.

3. What is the conductor’s action when the train is forced to stop on the stretch?

The conductor of the last passenger car is required to check the visibility of the tail signals. Carefully monitor the route and if a train appears behind you, take measures to stop it.


1. What trains should be in constant readiness and what do they serve?

Recovery trains - to restore normal traffic and eliminate the consequences of collisions and derailments of rolling stock.

Special railcars, handcars, cars - for restoring tracks and power supply devices.

Cars for repair and restoration communications flights.

Emergency field teams.

Fire trains and fire brigades - to prevent and extinguish fires.

2. What defects are not allowed to include passenger cars on trains?

Having malfunctions of EPT, heating, electrical equipment, ventilation and other malfunctions that violate the normal conditions of passenger transportation, as well as cars with radio compartments (headquarters) with faulty radio communication between the train chief and the driver.

3. What are passenger cars intended for and what other cars besides passenger cars are intended for transporting passengers?

Mail cars, restaurants, service cars, clubs, testing, measuring laboratories and other special passenger cars.

4. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● “Air raid”


1. What are the signals used for?

To ensure safe movement, as well as for the precise organization of train movement and shunting work.

2. What is the basis for organizing train traffic?

Train schedule, which combines the activities of all departments and expresses the operational plan of the railways. GDP is an urgent law for railway workers. transport, the implementation of which is one of the most important quality indicators of railway performance. The State Traffic Police is approved by the Ministry of Railways or its first deputy. Compliance with the traffic regulations and the prevention of its violations should be the main thing for all workers involved in the organization of train traffic. Violation of the GDPR is not allowed.

3. What is the loading clearance?

The maximum transverse (perpendicular to the axis of the track) outline in which the cargo must be placed without going outside (taking into account packaging and fastening on open rolling stock when it is on a straight horizontal track).

4. ▬ ● ▬ ● ▬ ● “Radiation Hazard” or “Chemical Alert”


1. The main signal colors in signaling related to train movement and shunting work?

Green - allowing movement at the set speed;

Yellow – allowing movement and requiring a reduction in speed;

Red – requiring immediate stop.

During shunting work:

Lunar - white - allowing maneuvers.

Blue – prohibiting maneuvers.

2. What numbers are assigned to trains in the direction?

Each train is assigned a number established by the schedule. Trains in one direction are assigned even numbers, and trains in the opposite direction are assigned odd numbers.

3. What is the gauge of rolling stock?

Limit transverse (perpendicular to the axis of the track) outline in which both loaded and empty rolling stock installed on a straight horizontal track must be placed without going outside.

4. Alert sound: one short and one long ● ▬


1. At what distance are traffic light signals installed on straight sections of track so that they are clearly visible from the locomotive cabin?

A) extraordinary: restoration, fire, snow plows, locomotive without cars, special. self-propelled rolling stock designed to restore normal traffic and to extinguish fires.

b) regular in order of priority: pass. high-speed, pass. fast, passenger of all other types, postal and luggage, military, cargo and passenger, human and accelerated freight trains, freight trains (through, sectional combined, export, transfer), utility trains and locomotives without cars.

c) trains assigned according to special requirements, the order of which is established at the time of assignment.

3. What is the approach clearance of buildings?

Limit transverse (perpendicular to the axis of the path) outline, into which no parts of structures and devices should go.

4. Alert sound: one long ▬


1. At what distance are traffic light signals installed on curved sections of track so that they are visible from the locomotive cabin?

At least 400 m.

2. What standard time is train movement calculated by?

24 hour basis, Moscow time.

3. What types of services are passenger trains divided into?

Long-distance – following a distance of over 700 km.

Local – up to 700 km.

Suburban – up to 150 km.

4. ● ● ● “Stop!”


1. In very rough terrain, at what distance are traffic lights installed?

At a distance of less than 400 m, but not less than 200 m.

2. What are the station boundaries?

On single-track sections there are entrance traffic lights.

On double-track sections, the main track has an entrance traffic light on one side, and a “station boundary” signal sign on the other side, installed at a distance of at least 50 m behind the last exit switch.

3. Which passenger train is considered an extended length?

A passenger train consisting of 20 or more cars.

4. ▬ “Go on a train”


1. List all types of communication?

Dispatch rooms, train interstation, non-station, turnout communications, energy dispatch, stage communications, mainline, road, road control, ticket control, carriage control, shunting, information and computing, telephone, telegraph communications.

2. What is the main means of transmitting instructions during shunting work?

Radio communication, two-way park communication. Giving signals during shunting operations is permitted using hand-held signaling devices.

3. Which passenger train is considered high-speed?

Passenger train operating at speeds in the ranges of 141-160 km/h and 161-200 km/h.

4. ▬ ▬ ▬ “Slow down”


1. What is the purpose of train radio communication?

Two-way with drivers, chipboard, train dispatcher, crossing duty officer, LNP.

2. At what speed are the maneuvers performed?

60 km/h – when moving along free tracks of single locomotives and locomotives with carriages coupled to the rear with the brakes turned on and tested.

40 km/h – when moving a locomotive with cars attached to the rear, as well as when moving a single special vehicle. self-propelled train along free tracks.

25 km/h – when moving carriages forward on free tracks, as well as recovery and fire trains.

15 km/h – when driving with carriages occupied by people, as well as side and bottom oversized cargo of the 4th, 5th and 6th degrees.

5 km/h – during jerky maneuvers, when a car detachment approaches another detachment in the sub-hill park.

3 km/h – when the locomotive (with or without cars) approaches the cars.

3. What does the concept of “braking distance” mean?

The distance covered by the train during the time from the moment the driver's crane handle or the emergency braking valve is moved to the braking position until it comes to a complete stop.

4. ▬ ▬ “Release the brakes”


1. The height of the contact wire suspension above the level of the top of the rail head on hauls and at stations?

On hauls and stations not lower than 5750 mm and not higher than 6800 mm.

At a crossing of at least 6000 mm with the resolution of the Ministry of Railways, it can be reduced to 5675 mm when electrifying the line on alternating current and to 5550 mm on direct current.

2. Which cars are prohibited from being placed on passenger and mail and luggage trains?

Cars with dangerous goods, cars with expired periodic repairs or with expired unified technical inspection.

3. What does the Signaling Instruction establish?

A system of visible and audible signals for transmitting orders and instructions relating to the movement of trains and shunting operations, as well as the types of signaling devices by which these signals are given.

4. ▬ ▬ ▬ ● “The arrival of the train at the station is not full”


1. What is the distance from the current-carrying elements of the pantograph and parts of the contact network that are energized to the grounded parts of structures and rolling stock?

At least 200 mm on lines electrified with direct current, and at least 350 mm with alternating current.

2. What freight cars are allowed to be placed on passenger trains?

With the permission of the Ministry of Railways, when a train is traveling within two or more railways or the head of the road - within one road, it is allowed to include freight cars:

Four-axle covered;

Tanks for transporting milk;

Autonomous refrigerators for transportation of live fish.

At the same time, no more than one freight car or two-section section for transporting live fish is allowed to be attached to a long-distance passenger train. There are no more than three cars per local and suburban train.

3. What are the signals used for and how are they divided?

Ensuring traffic safety, organizing train traffic and shunting work. Visible (day, night) and sound (whistles, hand whistles, horns, sirens, horns, firecrackers).

4. ▬ ▬ ▬ ● ● “Calling the assistant driver, chief conductor, mechanic-foreman, manager of the utility train to the locomotive”


1. What is the distance from the axis of the outer track to the inner edge of the overhead contact line supports at the stages and stations?

At stages and stations there must be at least 3100 mm. In especially heavily snow-covered excavations, the distance from the axis of the outer path to the inner edge of the contact network supports must be at least 5700 mm.

On newly electrified lines, the distance from the track axis to the inner edge of the supports is allowed to be at least 2450 mm at stations and 2750 mm at hauls.

2. What freight cars are allowed to be placed on mail and baggage trains?

Specialized cars: thermoses, refrigerated five-car sections, four-axle covered cars for light loads and all-metal cars with no more than 6 cars.

3. How are visible signals divided?

Daytime, nighttime, 24/7.

4. ▬ ● ● ● ▬ ● ● ● ▬ ● ● ● “General alarm”


1. General requirements for rolling stock?

PS, including special self-propelled rolling stock must undergo scheduled preventative repairs, maintenance in a timely manner and be kept in good working order, ensuring its uninterrupted operation, safety and security. Preventing the occurrence of malfunctions and ensuring the established service life of rolling stock should be the main focus of the work of those responsible for its maintenance and repair.

2. What height and at what distance from the track axis are passenger platforms installed with mixed traffic of passenger trains?

1100 mm from the top of rail heads for high platforms;

200 mm from the level of the rail head for low platforms;

1920 mm from the track axis for high platforms;

1745 mm from the track center for low platforms.

Changes in height are allowed up to 20 mm in the direction of increase and up to 50 mm in the direction of decrease. The distance from the track axis is up to 30 mm in the direction of increase and up to 25 mm in the direction of decrease.

3. What makes sound signals?

Locomotive whistles, hand whistles, horns, sirens, horns, firecrackers.

The explosion of a firecracker requires immediate stopping.

4. ▬ ● ● ▬ ● ● ▬ ● ● “Fire alarm”


1. How are passenger stations and stopping points equipped?

Substations are equipped with an automatic seat reservation and ticket sales system, a system of ticket printing machines and vending machines, self-service storage lockers, automatic train departure signs, and information systems.

2. Which cars are not allowed to be placed on freight-passenger trains?

Wagons with dangerous goods;

Empty liquefied gas tanks.

In exceptional cases, on inactive sections where no other trains except freight and passenger trains operate, carriages with dangerous goods (except for carriages with dangerous goods of class 1, explosive materials) may be allowed to be placed in them with the permission of the head of the road.

3. How are traffic lights divided?

Entry, exit, route, checkpoint, cover, barrier, warning, repeat, locomotive, shunting, hump.

4. ▬ ● ▬ ● ▬ ● “Radiation Hazard” or “Chemical Hazard”


1. How is rolling stock installed on station tracks?

The substation on station tracks is installed within the boundaries indicated by limit posts. Trains standing on station tracks without a locomotive must be secured against movement by brake shoes, station devices for securing cars, hand brakes or other securing means installed by the Ministry of Railways.

The procedure for securing cars and trains is established by the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railway. RF and is indicated in the technical and administrative act of the station, taking into account local conditions.

2. What should workers do if a train is forced to stop during a stretch?

The driver is obliged to stop the train on a straight section of the track unless an emergency stop is required. Activate the automatic brakes and auxiliary brake, and inform the locomotive drivers moving along the haul, the EAF, the train dispatcher, and the train chief via radio communication. Find out the reason. If train movement is not resumed within 20 minutes or more, apply the hand brakes of the locomotive and give a signal to the carriage conductors to apply the hand brakes. Take measures to remove obstacles to traffic. Provide fencing for the train and adjacent track if necessary. Operations for securing and fencing the train are carried out by LNP and conductors in one place. The conductor of the last carriage is obliged to check the visibility of train signals and observe the passage, take measures to stop the following train.

3. What are the main signals given by traffic lights?

One green – movement at the set speed is allowed;

One yellow flashing - movement is allowed at the set speed, the next traffic light is open and requires you to proceed at a reduced speed;

One yellow - traffic is allowed with readiness to stop, the next traffic light is closed;

Two yellow lights, the top one flashing - it is allowed to proceed through the traffic light at a reduced speed, the next traffic light is open, the train moves with a deviation along the turnout;

Two yellow lights - it is allowed to pass the traffic light at a reduced speed and be ready to stop at the next traffic light, the train follows a deviation along the turnout;

One red - “Stop! It is prohibited to pass the signal."

4. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● “Air raid warning”



In order to ensure traffic safety requirements and establish uniform order performing an abbreviated testing of brakes on trains:
1. Approve and put into effect from November 10, 2011 the attached procedure for conducting a shortened test of automatic brakes on trains (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).
2. Head of Department carriage industry The Central Directorate of Infrastructure, D.N. Losev, the First Deputy Head of the Traction Directorate, S.P. Mishin, the Head of the Central Traffic Control Directorate, P.A. Ivanov, and the heads of the railways, organize the study of the involved employees with subsequent testing of knowledge and ensure compliance with the requirements of this Procedure.
3. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the head of the Carriage Facilities Department of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure, D.N. Losev. and First Deputy Head of the Traction Directorate S.P. Mishin

Vice President of JSC Russian Railways
A.V. Vorotilkin


1. General Provisions

1.1. A shortened test of auto brakes with checking the condition of the brake line based on the action of the brakes of the two tail cars on trains should be carried out:
- after attaching the train locomotive to the train, if a full test of the automatic brakes was previously carried out at the station compressor unit(station network) or locomotive;
- after the shift locomotive crews when the locomotive is not uncoupled from the train;
- after any disconnection of hoses in a train or between a train and a locomotive (except for the uncoupling of a pushing locomotive included in the brake line), connection of hoses due to the coupling of rolling stock with checking the operation of the brake on each coupled car, as well as after closing the end valve in the train;
- in passenger trains after the train has stopped for more than 20 minutes, when the pressure in the main reservoirs drops below 5.5 kgf/sq.cm, when changing the control cabin or after transferring control to the driver of the second locomotive on the stretch after stopping the train due to the impossibility of further traffic control trains from the head cabin;
- V freight trains if, when the train is parked, the automatic brakes spontaneously activate or if the density changes by more than 20% from that specified in the VU-45 form certificate;
- in freight trains after the train has stopped for more than 30 minutes, where there are car inspectors or workers trained to perform operations for testing auto brakes, and who are assigned this responsibility.
1.2. A shortened test of electro-pneumatic brakes should be carried out at the points of change of locomotives and locomotive crews based on the action of the brakes of two tail cars and when coupling cars, checking the brake action on each attached car, as well as after coupling a train locomotive to the train, if a full test of electro-pneumatic brakes was previously carried out at the station from a stationary device or locomotive.
1.3. A shortened test of automatic brakes is carried out on trains changing the direction of movement to the opposite, if the locomotive does not change (telegraphic instruction of JSC Russian Railways dated 06.08.2009 N ref-13323):
1.3.1. In passenger trains (except for two-group trains, as well as trains that include cars with Western European type brakes) - when the train stops for less than 40 minutes;
1.3.2. On freight trains (except for connected trains) - when the train stops for less than 1 hour;
1.3.3. When coupling cars to such trains during parking, a short brake test is carried out by checking the operation of the automatic brakes on each attached car;
1.3.4. The abbreviated brake testing established by this procedure is carried out by checking the integrity and measuring the density of the train's brake line and the pressure value of the tail car.
1.4. A shortened brake test is carried out by two wagon inspectors, from the “head” and “tail” of the train, or by one inspector from the “tail” of the train at stations where the wagon inspector works as one person in accordance with clause 4.4.10 of the Standard technological process work of PTO (points Maintenance cars TK 292). At stations where carriage workers are not provided, persons who have permission to perform this type of work, persons appointed by order by the head of the road, and locomotive crew workers are involved in a short testing of brakes.
1.5. An inspector of tail group cars or executive testing the brakes from the tail of the train.
1.6. The PTO operator ensures interaction between car inspectors during the work process and monitoring compliance with brake testing technology.
1.7. During a shortened testing of brakes by one employee, the person responsible for performing the shortened testing of brakes shall comply with established order sequence of operations and transmits commands via radio directly to the locomotive driver or through the station duty officer.
1.8. On passenger trains, a short test is carried out first on electro-pneumatic brakes and then on automatic brakes.

2. Conducting short testing of brakes on freight trains after full testing from a stationary installation

2.1. The station duty officer (DSP) informs the PTO operator about the entry of the locomotive under the train presented for departure.
2.2. The PTO operator gives instructions via radio communication to car inspectors to arrive at the appropriate track (depot, station) and begin a short testing of the brakes of the train planned for departure:
- Inspectors of cars under the train on... the track (park, station) "..." a locomotive enters, the train is fenced, in the "head" is "surname", in the "tail" is "surname", begin a short testing of the brakes.
2.3. Car inspectors confirm receipt of the instructions:
- The train on...the track (park, station) "..." is fenced, proceed with a short brake test. Inspector of the head group "last name".
- The train on... the track (park, station) "..." is fenced, proceed with a short brake test. Inspector of the tail group "surname".
and follow the presented train.
2.4. The inspector of the carriages of the head group gives the command to the locomotive driver to engage the train, informs him about the presence of passenger cars, locomotives and multi-unit rolling stock cars in the freight train, about the loading of the cars in the train (loaded, empty).
2.5. After coupling and combining the TM of the locomotive with the TM of the train, the driver and the inspector of the head group check the correct coupling of the automatic couplers, the connection of the brake hoses and the opening of the TM end valves between the locomotive and the first car.
Responsibility for the correct coupling of automatic couplers, connection of hoses, opening of end valves between the locomotive and the first car rests with the driver.
The connection of the hoses and the opening of the end valves is carried out by the assistant locomotive driver. When servicing locomotives with one driver, the car inspector, after the locomotive has been coupled to the train and the driver has moved to work cabin at the driver's command, he must blow through the end valve of the locomotive's TM, connect the TM sleeves between the locomotive and the first car, open the end valves first at the locomotive and then at the car.
2.6. After charging the train's TM, the inspectors report to the PTO operator that they are ready to conduct a shortened test of the auto brakes:
- The train on... the track (park, station) "..." is ready for a short brake test. Inspector of the head group "last name".
- We proceed to a short test of the train brakes on... track (park, station) "...", time.... Inspector of the tail group "last name".
2.7. The PTO (DSP) operator, having made sure that the carriage inspectors have correctly understood the instructions, marks on the schedule of work performed the time for the start of the shortened testing of the brakes on this train and reports:
- That's right, do it, time.... Operator (DSP) "last name".
2.8. After charging the brake line on the train to charging pressure, the driver informs the inspector of the lead group that he is ready to conduct a brake integrity check.
2.9. The inspector of the head group, being in the locomotive cabin, informs the inspector of the tail group cars about readiness to check the integrity of the TM:
- The train on... the track is ready to check the integrity of the TM. Car inspector "surname".
2.10. The inspector of the wagons of the tail group notifies the inspector of the head group and the driver about the start of the inspection:
- I'm checking the integrity of the brake line. Inspector "surname".
and, observing safety precautions, opens (blows) the last end valve of the tail car for 8-10 seconds. Based on the intense release of air, it is verified that there is free passage compressed air according to TM and closes the end valve.
2.11. The inspector of the cars of the lead group is convinced of the integrity of the TM by the actuation of the locomotive's auto brakes, determined by the lighting of the "TM" lamp of signaling device No. 418.
2.12. After at least 2 minutes, the driver extends the speed meter tape, gives one short signal and uses the driver’s crane to make the condition. N 394 braking stage by reducing the pressure in the surge tank by 0.5-0.6 kgf/sq.cm, followed by moving the driver’s tap handle to position IV.
2.13. The inspector of the tail group cars, making sure that the brake cylinder rods come out and are pressed brake pads to the rolling surface of the wheels when the brakes of the tail cars are activated, via radio communication through the inspector of the head group he transmits the instruction to the locomotive driver to “Release the auto brakes”:
- The brakes of the tail cars worked. Release the brakes. Inspector of the tail group "surname".
2.14. Having received instructions from the head group wagon inspector to “release the brakes,” the locomotive driver blows two short whistles and releases the brakes in the established manner.
2.15. The inspector of the tail group cars, having received a message from the head group inspector about the start of the brake release, records the start time of the brake release, makes sure that the brakes of the tail cars are released by the movement of the brake cylinder rods and the departure of the brake pads from the wheel tread, records the longest time of release of the brakes of the tail cars and informs the head group wagon inspector:
- The brakes of the tail cars were released. Release time of the tail car brakes... seconds. Inspector of the tail group "surname".
2.16. The inspector of the head group cars confirms the information received, records the time of release of the tail car and informs the inspector of the tail group cars about the start of checking the pressure in the brake line.
Inspector "surname" to measure the pressure in the brake line.
2.17. The tail group inspector hangs a pressure gauge on the end sleeve of the tail car, measures the pressure in the brake line of the tail car and transmits the information to the head group inspector to enter the parameter into the VU-45 form certificate:
- The pressure in the brake line of the tail car number... is... kgf/sq.cm. Car inspector "surname".
2.18. The inspector of the head group cars, having checked the compliance of the pressure in the tail of the train with the established norm and the number of the tail car reported by the tail group inspector with that indicated in the train documents, confirms the received information:
- The pressure in the tail car number... is... kgf/sq.cm and corresponds to the established norm, the number of the tail car corresponds to the number indicated in the train documents. Car inspector "surname".
If the pressure in the TM of the tail car is less than that established by the instructions for brakes TsT-TsV-TsL-VNIIZhT/277, the inspector of the tail group cars takes measures to identify and eliminate the cause of the low pressure in the TM of the tail car.
2.19. After measuring the pressure in the brake line, the tail group car inspector removes the pressure gauge, hangs the hose and secures the end valve handle in the closed position.
2.20. After fully charged brake network of the train to the set pressure, the driver and the inspector of the head group cars check the density of the brake network. To do this, after turning off the compressors by the regulator, upon reaching the maximum pressure in the main tanks of the locomotive and subsequent reduction of this pressure by 0.4-0.5 kgf/sq.cm, the time of its further reduction by 0.5 kgf/sq.cm is measured in the train position driver's crane handles.
The shortest permissible time for pressure reduction when checking the density of the brake network, depending on the series of the locomotive, the length of the train and the volume of the main reservoirs is indicated in table. 9.1. instructions for brakes TsT-TsV-TsL-VNIIZHT/277.
2.21. After at least 2 minutes have passed after checking the integrity of the TM and fully charging the brake network, the inspector of the head group cars, in agreement with the driver, informs the inspector of the tail group cars about the readiness to check the operation of the brakes on the train and informs the inspector of the tail group cars:
- The train on... the track is ready to check the brakes. Inspector of wagons of the head group "last name".
2.22. The inspector of the cars of the tail group, via radio communication, through the inspector of the cars of the head group, gives the command to the locomotive driver to “Brake”:
- The train is on... the track "Brake." Inspector of the tail group "surname".
2.23. The inspector of the cars of the head group gives the driver the command “Brake”, informs the inspector of the cars of the tail group about the start of braking:
- The train on... the tracks was slowed down. The car inspector “last name” goes to the train to check the operation of the automatic brakes on the head cars.
2.24. The driver gives one short signal with the locomotive whistle and reduces the pressure in the surge tank by the value set for full testing (by 0.6-0.7 kgf/kgf/sq.cm), then moves the driver's tap handle to position IV (roof with power) .
If a shortened testing of brakes on trains is carried out after a complete testing of the brakes or locomotive carried out from a stationary installation, the driver, 2 minutes after braking, is obliged to check the density of the train's brake network after the braking stage at the IV position of the driver's tap handle, which should not differ from the density at the II position operator's crane handles by more than 10% downward.
2.25. The inspector of the tail group cars, after 2 minutes after braking, checks the effect of the brakes by the release of the brake cylinder rods and the pressing of the pads to the rolling surface of the wheels of the two tail cars, and in a train of increased weight and length, five tail cars, if there are 8 axles in the tail of the train cars near the three tail cars, measures the value of the rod output brake cylinder of the tail car and, via radio communication, informs the inspector of the lead group:
- The train is on... the brakes worked. The output of the tail car brake cylinder rod number is... mm. "Release the brakes." Inspector of the tail group "surname".
2.26. The inspector of the cars of the head group, by the exit of the brake cylinder rods and pressing the brake pads to the rolling surface of the wheels, makes sure that the brakes of the two head cars are actuated and confirms the message:
- The train is on... the brakes worked. The output of the tail car brake cylinder rod number is... mm. “Release the brakes” and gives the driver the command “Release the brakes”.
2.27. At the command of the car inspector to “Release the brakes,” the driver gives two short signals with the locomotive whistle and releases the brakes by moving the handle of the driver’s tap to position I until the pressure in the surge tank is 0.5 kgf/kgf/cm2 above the pre-brake charging pressure, followed by moving the handle in train position.
2.28. The inspector of the cars of the head group transmits a message via radio communication to the inspector of the tail group about the release of the brakes by the locomotive driver:
- The train is on... the "We're taking a vacation" track.
2.29. The inspector of the tail group cars checks the release of the brakes of the tail cars and reports to the head inspector:
- The train is on... the tracks, the brakes of the tail cars have been released. Inspector of the tail group "surname".
2.30. The head group wagon inspector confirms the received message:
- The train is on... the tracks, the brakes of the tail cars have been released. Inspector of the head group "last name".
Fills out the VU-45 certificate and enters into it the data obtained during testing of the brakes. Hands the completed certificate to the locomotive driver and reports to the tail group car inspector about the completion of testing the train brakes:
- Train N... on... track (station park) "...", short brake testing is completed, certificate VU-45 was handed to the driver "last name", time.... Inspector of the lead group "last name".
2.31. The inspector of the tail group cars, having received the message, reports to the PTO (DSP) operator about the completion of testing the brakes and the readiness of the train:
- Train N... on... track (station park) "...", shortened brake testing is completed, time.... Responsible for conducting shortened brake testing is tail group inspector "last name".
2.32. The PTO (DSP) operator confirms the message of the person responsible for the abbreviated brake testing:
- Train N... on... track (station park) "...", shortened testing is completed, time.... VET operator (DSP) "surname".

3. Conducting short testing of brakes on transit freight trains when changing locomotive crews without uncoupling the locomotive

3.1 The PTO operator (DSP in the absence of the PTO operator) gives instructions via radio communication to the car inspectors (the car inspector when working as one person or the employee responsible for performing the shortened testing of the brakes) to begin the shortened testing of the brakes planned for the departure of the transit train:
- Inspectors of “surname” cars, Transit train N... on... the track is fenced, “surname” in the “head”, “surname” in the “tail”, proceed to an abbreviated testing of the brakes.
3.2 Car inspectors confirm receipt of the instructions:
- Train N... on... the track is fenced, the inspector of the lead group is “last name”, I’m starting to test the brakes.
- Train N on... the track is fenced, tail group inspector "last name", time...., I'm starting to test the brakes.
3.3 The PTO (DSP) operator, having made sure that the instructions on the schedule of work performed are correctly understood, notes the start time of the operation and reports:
- That's right, do it. Operator (DSP) "surname".
3.4 The sequence and procedure for short testing of brakes on freight trains when changing locomotive crews, if the locomotive has not been uncoupled from the train, is carried out in accordance with paragraphs. 2.5 - 2.32., with the exception of clause 2.9. regarding the location of the head group inspector in the locomotive cabin, clause 2.11. in terms of checking the integrity of the TM by triggering the signaling device N 418 and clause 2.20 in terms of measuring the density of the TM.
In all cases, except for performing a short testing of the brakes after the train locomotive has been coupled to the train, if a full testing of the auto brakes from the compressor unit (station network) or the locomotive was previously performed at the station, the presence of a car inspector in the locomotive cabin is not required. The TM density check is carried out by the locomotive driver in accordance with the procedure established by the brake instructions.

4. Conducting short testing of brakes on passenger trains

4.1 The PTO (DSP) operator transmits via radio an instruction to the car inspectors to begin conducting a short testing of the brakes of the passenger train planned for departure:
- Inspectors of carriages “surname” in the “head”, “surname” in the “tail” train N... on... the track is fenced, proceed to an abbreviated testing of the brakes.
The wagon inspector confirms receipt of the instruction:
- Train N... on... the track is fenced, the inspector of the cars of the head group is “last name”, I’m starting to test the brakes.
- Train N... on... the track is fenced, the inspector of the tail group cars is “last name”, time..., I’m starting to test the brakes.
4.2 The PTO (DSP) operator, having made sure that the instructions have been correctly understood, marks the start time of testing the brakes on the schedule of work performed and reports:
- That's right, do it, time.... Operator (DSP) "last name".
4.3. After charging the brake line on the train to charging pressure, the driver informs the inspector of the lead group that he is ready to conduct a brake integrity check.
4.4. The inspector of the head group (being in the locomotive cabin in the case of a shortened testing of the brakes after a full test from a stationary installation or locomotive), informs the inspector of the tail group cars about readiness to check the integrity of the TM:
- Train N... on... track, ready to check the integrity of the brake line. Car inspector "surname".
In all cases, except for performing a short brake test after a full test from a stationary installation or locomotive, the presence of a wagon inspector in the locomotive cabin is not required. The TM density check is carried out by the locomotive driver in accordance with the procedure established by the brake instructions.
4.5. The inspector of the tail group cars notifies the inspector of the head group and the driver about the start of the inspection: - I am checking the integrity of the brake line. Inspector "surname". Observing safety precautions, he opens (blows) the last end valve of the tail car, and after the emergency braking accelerators of the cars' air distributors are activated, he closes the end valve.
4.6. When the locomotive's auto brakes are activated, determined by the filling of the locomotive's brake cylinders, the driver extends the speed meter tape, gives one short signal and uses the driver's crane to make the conv. N 395 braking stage by reducing the pressure in the equalization tank by 0.5-0.6 kgf/kgf/sq.cm. After the end of the release of air from the line through the driver's tap, the driver gives two short signals, releases the brakes in the established order and charges the train's brake network, reporting the results of the check to the inspector of the lead group cars.
4.7. The inspector of the tail group cars, having made sure that the brake cylinder rods are coming out and that the brake pads are pressed against the rolling surface of the wheels of the tail cars, informs the inspector of the head group:
- Train N... on... the track, the brakes of the tail cars worked. Inspector "surname".
4.8. When the brake cylinder rods move away and the brake pads move away from the wheel tread, the inspector of the tail group cars makes sure that the brakes of the tail cars are released and informs the inspector of the head group cars:
- Train N... is on... the track, the brakes of the tail cars have been released, the integrity check of the brake line has been completed. Car inspector "surname".
4.9. Before checking the integrity of the brake line, the inspector of the tail group cars informs the inspector of the head group cars the number of the tail car for entering the information into the certificate f. VU-45.
4.10. On a train containing more than a third of the cars with Western European type brakes, check the integrity of the brake line in the following order:
after the carriage inspector reports the start of the inspection and the opening of the end valve of the tail car, the driver moves the handle of the driver's valve to position III. After the locomotive’s auto brakes are activated, the pressure in the brake line and equalization tank is reduced, the driver’s valve handle is moved to position IV;
the driver extends the speed gauge tape, releases the brakes and charges brake network trains and reports the results of the inspection to the head group wagon inspector.
4.11. After the train's brake network is fully charged to the set pressure, the density of the train's brake network is checked. The driver closes the combination tap or tap double traction and after 20 seconds after turning off the valve, measures (together with the inspector of the lead group cars in cases where he is in the locomotive cabin, when a short brake test is performed after the locomotive is hitched and a full brake test was carried out from a stationary installation or locomotive) the pressure drop in the brake line. A decrease in pressure is allowed by no more than 0.2 kgf/sq.cm for 1 minute or 0.5 kgf/sq.cm for 2.5 minutes.
4.12. In the case of coupling cars to a train, checking the density of the train's brake network is carried out in the manner described in clause 4.11.
4.13. After checking the density of the train's braking network, the inspector of the cars of the head group, in agreement with the driver, informs the inspector of the cars of the tail group that he is ready to check the operation of the electro-pneumatic brakes on the train:
- The train on... the track is ready to test the operation of the electro-pneumatic brakes. Car inspector "surname".
4.14. The inspector of the cars of the tail group, via radio communication through the inspector of the cars of the head group, gives the command to the locomotive driver to “Brake the EPT”: - Train N... on... the track “Brake the EPT.” Inspector of the tail group "surname".
4.15. The inspector of the head group cars gives the driver the command “Brake the EPT” and informs the inspector of the tail group cars about the start of braking:
- The train on... the EPT tracks was slowed down. The inspector goes to the train to check the operation of the brakes on the head cars.
4.16. The driver gives one short signal using the locomotive whistle, moves the handles of the driver's crane to the standard. N 395 to position VE until the pressure in the brake cylinders of the locomotive reaches 1.0-1.5 kgf/sq.cm, and then moves it to position IV.
4.17. The inspector of the tail group cars checks the operation of the electro-pneumatic brakes on the two tail cars and on all attached cars and, having verified the release of the brake cylinder rods and the pressing of the brake pads to the wheel tread in their normal operation, informs the head group inspector about the operation of the brakes and gives the command to release brakes:
- Train N... on... the EPT track worked. Train driver N... release the EPT. Inspector "surname".
4.18. The inspector of the cars of the lead group, having made sure that the EPT is activated in the 2 lead cars, duplicates the command “Release the EDT” to the driver.
4.19. At the signal from the head group inspector to “Release the brakes,” the driver gives two short signals with the locomotive whistle, turns off the toggle switch for the power supply circuit of the electro-pneumatic brakes, leaving the driver’s crane handle in the overlap position. After 15 s, when the brakes on the train are released, the toggle switch for the power supply circuit for the electro-pneumatic brakes is turned on.
4.20. The inspector of the wagons of the head group informs the inspector of the tail group about the completion of the EPT release:
- Train N... is on... the way to leave EPT. Inspector "surname".
4.21. The inspector of the tail group cars checks the release of the brakes of two tail cars or all attached cars and, making sure that the brakes of the cars being checked are released, passes the check result to the inspector of the head group cars:
- Train N... on... the EPT track of the tail (attached) cars was released. Car inspector "surname".
4.22. The inspector of the head group, having made sure that the EPT has been released from the 2 lead cars, informs the driver about the completion of the shortened testing of the EPT.
4.23. The driver moves the handle of the driver's crane to position II, charges the train's brake network and turns off the power source for the electro-pneumatic brakes.
4.24. After charging the train brake line to charging pressure, the driver informs the head group inspector that he is ready to begin a short test of the brakes.
4.25. The inspector of the head group informs the inspector of the tail group that he is ready to check the operation of the brakes:
- Train N... on... the track is ready to check the operation of the auto brakes. Inspector "surname".
4.26. The inspector of the tail group cars, through the inspector of the head group cars, gives the command to the locomotive driver to “Check the operation of the auto brakes”:
- Train N...on... track "Brake." Inspector "surname".
4.27. The inspector of the lead group cars gives the driver the command “Brake.”
4.28. The driver gives one short signal using the locomotive whistle, reduces the pressure in the surge tank at one time by 0.5-0.6 kgf/sq.cm and moves the handle of the driver's crane to the shut-off position with power. With such a decrease in pressure, the automatic brakes on the train come into action and are not released spontaneously until they are released by the driver's crane.
4.29. The inspector of the cars of the head group informs the inspector of the cars of the tail group about the start of braking:
- Train N... on... the tracks was slowed down. Inspector "surname".
4.30. The inspector of the tail group cars, no earlier than 2 minutes after the braking has been performed, checks the operation of the automatic brakes on the two tail cars and on all attached cars and, making sure that the brake cylinder rods come out and the brake pads are pressed against the wheel treading surface in their normal operation, informs the inspector the head group about the activation of the auto brakes and gives the command to release the brakes:
- Train N... on... the track, the auto brakes worked. Train driver N... release the brakes. Inspector "surname".
4.31. The inspector of the cars of the lead group, no earlier than 2 minutes after the braking has been performed, makes sure that the brakes of the 2 lead cars are activated and gives the command to the locomotive driver to release the brakes.
4.32. The driver gives two short signals using the locomotive whistle and moves the handle of the driver's crane to position II.
4.33. The inspector of the tail group cars checks the release of the brakes of the two tail cars or all attached cars to ensure that the brake cylinder rod is moving and the brake pads are moving away from the wheels and reports:
- Train N... on... the brakes have been released. The brake test is completed. Car inspector "surname".
4.34. All identified faults brake equipment on the cars must be eliminated and the operation of the brakes on these cars must be checked again.
4.35. The inspector of the head group cars enters the data into the VU-45 form certificate and informs the tail group car inspector responsible for testing the brakes about the time of delivery of the VU-45 certificate to the driver and the end of the shortened testing of the train brakes.
4.36. The inspector of the tail group cars reports to the PTO (DSP) operator about the shortened testing of the brakes on the train:
- Train N... on... the track, the shortened testing is completed, time.... The person responsible for the shortened testing of the brakes is the inspector of the tail group cars "last name".
4.37. The PTO (DSP) operator confirms the message of the person responsible for the abbreviated brake testing:
- Train N... on... track, short testing is completed, time.... PTO operator (DSP) "last name".