What must be in the car. What should be in the car - the advice of a "thrifty" driver. What are the requirements for a fire extinguisher

To be prepared for just about anything, check out this list. Foresight will greatly facilitate your upcoming trip, especially if it is a long one.

The hassle before the trip should not interfere with checking whether all the required and desirable things are in the car.

What you need to have in the car - a must.

Any driver remembers the need to have documents with him in accordance with clause 2.1.1. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation, a sign informing about an emergency stop, car first aid kit, fire extinguisher. Drivers with bad experience extreme situations advise to play it safe and take two fire extinguishers with various principles actions. Place one fire extinguisher in the cabin. This can play a pivotal role. Be sure to check to see if they have expired. Look closely at the sign. Will the model you purchased withstand gusts of wind, a stream of rainwater. Folding signs with a metal base have proven themselves well. Don't skimp on security.

Attention! Check if you have taken the phone. It must be fully charged. Think about how you can charge it on the go, take the wire and adapter necessary for this.

What will be very necessary on the trip

Experienced drivers prefer to carry traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses. It may happen that you are accidentally accused of imperfect violations. The presence of a set of rules and legislative provisions will greatly simplify communication with incompetent employees.
If there is no navigator in, the presence of an atlas will be very appropriate. highways in print or electronic version.
It is hardly necessary to remind you of the need for a spare wheel. Experience shows that as soon as you do not take it, you will immediately need it. Being in the city, the nearest suburb, you can call a service department or a tow truck. If you are going to travel to remote places, it is useful to remember that help services may not cover the entire territory of the country with their attention.
You may also need:

  1. jack
  2. balloon,
  3. tow rope,
  4. compressor,
  5. pump.

If you don't want to have problems, grab these things too.

It is useful to have a set of necessary things in the trunk:

  • screwdriver,
  • pliers,
  • a set of keys, in particular for 10 and 12,
  • cross/slotted screwdriver,
  • small pliers,
  • torch,
  • sapper shovel,
  • canisters for water and gasoline,
  • lighter,
  • matches,
  • in winter - a brush for cleaning from snow and ice,
  • gloves,
  • a few spare bulbs.

List of funds for the first-aid kit.

The most necessary minimum is in the first aid kit. Good to always have additional funds.

  • such as analgin, paracetamol can help in many cases.
  • Broad-spectrum allergy tablets will protect against reactions to insect bites, inhalation of pollen, unusual odors for you. There are many medicines, in particular loratidine. Asthmatics should always carry proven inhalers with them.
  • Hydrogen peroxide can disinfect any biological object and help stop bleeding.
  • Persons prone to high blood pressure need to have hypertensive drugs. It could be captopril. It is better to take with you those that you usually take when you have high blood pressure.
  • People who are prone to low blood pressure, it is desirable to have a tincture of Eleutherococcus. A thermos with strong coffee or tea, chocolate would be appropriate.
  • Unexpected spasms of blood vessels will help relieve nitroglycerin. It must be used carefully, in no case exceeding the recommended concentration.
  • Antacids such as maalox, neutralize unexpected pain in the stomach.
  • Soon after incomprehensible sensations in the stomach, the stool may be upset. AT long road this situation is particularly unfortunate. Medicines for diarrhea such as lopedium will greatly alleviate the condition.
  • Take on the road liquid for washing the mucous membrane of the eyes. If dust, foreign particles get in, washing will soothe the mucous membrane.
  • At self repair machine, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause burns. Panthenol will perfectly relieve burn skin lesions.
  • You may need tweezers, a syringe, condoms. The latest products, in addition to direct use, are convenient to use as a compact water tank.

If you want to be completely safe

Buy and install a DVR. Quite budget models can prove your innocence in difficult traffic situations.
Get yourself a multifunctional folding knife. When traveling for many hours, this is the subject of the necessary comfort.
Get in the habit of duplicating phone numbers in notepad. The memory of the phone and laptop can sometimes let you down if there is no power for a long time. Handwritten numbers in a notebook are reliable and indestructible.

At long journeys for children and some adults, compact urinals - bags with adsorbents may be needed. They are inexpensive and, under certain circumstances, essential.
Foresight promises a minimum of discomfort in any unexpected circumstances.

Good luck on your journey, without a nail, without a rod.

You can view and print the entire list here:

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2018 supplemented the list of mandatory items in the car of any driver with another indispensable attribute - a reflective vest, which must comply with GOST. The obligatoriness of other subjects has not gone anywhere. What and how exactly you need to carry with you in a car in 2019 and what criteria all this must meet - from the volume and composition of the fire extinguisher and first aid kit to the size of the sign emergency stop(AO, triangle) and, of course, the requirements for the vest?

What are the 4 things you need to carry in your car?

Everything is simple and clear here... On the one hand. After all, it is often spoken for passenger cars mobiles. And for them, the required attributes are:

  1. first aid kit,
  2. fire extinguisher,
  3. warning triangle,
  4. reflective vest.

But there are also trucks, motorcycles and buses. So, for them the following mandatory subjects are provided:

Trucks less than 3.5 tons- all the same as for passenger cars.

Trucks over 3.5 tons and buses maximum weight over 5 tons:

  1. first aid kit,
  2. fire extinguisher,
  3. warning triangle,
  4. reflective vest,
  5. wheel chocks(at least 2 pieces).

Motorcycles with a side trailer:

  1. first aid kit,
  2. warning triangle,
  3. reflective vest.

But not everything is so simple! Judge or executive, considering the violation, can justify their conclusion by the objectivity of the driver's actions - especially if he realized that he was driving with expired attributes that must be in the car. The expiration of these objects can form an offence, as it does not contribute to safety traffic just as if they were not present at all.

What are the requirements for a fire extinguisher?

Requirements for a fire extinguisher are dictated only technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles, so he has no direct duties for the driver.

Thus, the regulation provides for the following rules:

  • each car and motorcycle must have a place for its installation (clause
    • for passenger cars - 1 fire extinguisher with a volume of 2 liters,
    • for trucks over 3.5 tons - 2 fire extinguishers: one - 2 liters, the second - 5 liters,
    • for buses - 2 fire extinguishers, one of which should be located near the driver's seat.
  • the driver must reach the fire extinguisher with his hand from his seat (clause, which is surprising, because many fire extinguishers are located in the trunk or behind the passenger compartment,
  • it must be sealed and with the specified expiration date,
  • it must be securely fastened.

What are the requirements for a first aid kit?

A first aid kit has almost the same placement requirements as a fire extinguisher: a place to install it in a car. But there is no requirement for accessibility from the driver's seat. It must also not be expired.

The composition of the first-aid kit, according to the Order of the Ministry of Health No. 325, should be as follows:

  1. tourniquet to stop bleeding
  2. sterile and non-sterile bandages of various widths,
  3. sterile dressing bag
  4. gauze wipes,
  5. adhesive plasters of various widths, including rolled,
  6. system for artificial respiration,
  7. medical scissors,
  8. medical gloves,
  9. instructions for use of all these items.

What are the requirements for an emergency stop sign?

This attribute in 2019 is already regulated by a special GOST - R 41.27-2001 (UNECE Regulations N 27). It is very large, we will give only the main theses:

What are the requirements for a reflective vest?

The cape is also regulated by GOST under the GOST number 12.4.281-2014. In particular, it provides for the following basic requirements:

  • reflector strip width not less than 5 cm,
  • it can be either a vest or a jacket,
  • they can have 2 stripes with reflective material.

Preparing a car for operation includes many nuances. One of them is filling the trunk with a certain set of tools and other necessary items. For the absence of some of them, for example, a fire extinguisher and an emergency stop sign, there is a possibility of being fined.

But the point is not even a fine, but the fact that, having got into a difficult situation along the way, you can change the wheel yourself and even provide first aid to the victim. With a certain set of tools in the trunk, you can be sure that you will be able to carry out repairs on the road if necessary. And this can be done even if there is no service station nearby.

When buying tools, you should keep in mind that the set must certainly contain different keys, especially - balloon and candle, as they are the most popular. In no case do not try to save money on inexpensive tools of dubious quality, as they may break during the first use. As the saying goes: "The miser pays twice." It is not a problem to purchase a good, high-quality tool today, both in specialized auto parts departments and in online stores without leaving your apartment.

The most popular and indispensable tool, perhaps, is the jack. After all, if you need to replace the wheel, you need to raise the car, and in this situation it is simply impossible to do without a jack. Also purchase and not remove a pump with a pressure gauge or a compressor from the trunk, as well as find a place for a spare chamber.

In the event of a serious breakdown, it may be necessary to tow the car to the workshop. In this case, a cable with hooks at the ends is useful. It makes sense to recall that saving on such things is not worth it. Buy a quality, reliable tool.

In addition, a fuse kit may be useful, as well as tire spools, a set of spark plugs, an ignition coil, wires, and possibly a switch. Additionally, you can purchase the so-called "shoe" - a fixing, anti-recoil device made of hard rubber, which gives support to the car during, for example, changing a wheel.

Be sure to “shelter” at least a small set of wrenches in the trunk of your car, as very often there are situations in which you cannot do without a wrench. Do not be too lazy to place a small hammer, a couple of screwdrivers, electrical tape and pliers in your “swallow”.

It should be noted that a number of other little things can come in handy on the road. These include light bulbs, several additional fuses and others useful little things which are sometimes impossible to do without. And of course, a few pairs of construction gloves can come in handy.

In the cabin of the car, there will also not be superfluous a bottle of drinking water(drink, take a pill and even wash), toilet paper and antibacterial wet wipes. In case of long trips a blanket might come in handy. It will not only save you from the cold, but will also make sleeping in the car much more comfortable.

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Every car enthusiast knows that the car must have essential items, including a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, an emergency sign. However, this list of things that should be in the trunk of a car is far from complete. On the road, you often have to deal with unforeseen situations (breakdowns and accidents). What then to do if you need to travel a long distance? It is necessary to take care in advance of supplying the trunk of the car with everything you need on the road by car.

What must be in the car interior?

A first aid kit is the most important item in terms of value and importance, which, according to the rules of the traffic police in 2015, must be in the cabin of any car if an unforeseen situation suddenly happens. List medicines strictly regulated in traffic rules. The main medical supplies that should be in the first aid kit include: bandage, tourniquet, ammonia, iodine, validol, artificial respiration apparatus, cotton wool, analgin, activated charcoal and plaster. Other components of the pharmacy kit can be selected purely individually.

Among the urgently needed items spare wheel, jack, wheel wrench. The wheels fail frequently and it becomes impossible to keep moving. To eliminate this trouble, the wheel needs to be replaced. To this end, you need to have a spare wheel in stock, to replace which you need a wheel wrench with a jack. In order to use the jack without any consequences (holes and dents) for the car body and the health of the car owner, it is desirable that there are several small boards or bars in the trunk. They can be placed under the car body and on the road. It does not hurt to stock up on a tire repair kit in order to seal a punctured wheel.

Wrenches will be needed on the road to troubleshoot the car. In addition, you may need a hammer, screwdriver, pliers, spare light bulbs, fuses. Emergency sign with a fire extinguisher is an important means to ensure the safety of the motorist. There are many types of fire extinguishers and car signs.

In addition to the above, the following devices must be present in the car trunk: pressure gauge, pump, reflective vest, tow rope, a scraper brush, a canister of gasoline, battery cigarette lighter wires, repair clothes, a flashlight. Only having prepared this set of items, you can safely go to the track.