How is the Moscow rally vintage cars Chopard. L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally: emotions with a touch of antiquity Pleasure is not cheap

The fifteenth anniversary rally of antique cars under the patronage of the Swiss company Chopard - a manufacturer of luxury watches - was held on Moscow streets and boulevards on Sunday, June 4th. This time, the starting arch was installed not near the Maly Theater, as in previous years, but a hundred meters obliquely - at the corner of Tretyakovskiy and Teatralny passages. The total number of crews at the start reached seventy-five, and on the occasion of the anniversary, a new category of cars was allowed to participate in the race - “supercars”, that is, cars manufactured after 2003: the very first Moscow Chopard Classic Weekend fell on this year.

The participants had to go through the city and the suburbs - the finish line, as always, was set in Barvikha - in a rather winding way; traps and special stages were provided, the navigators of the crews had to work hard before arriving at the finish line in Luxury Village. The winners were expected to receive awards - mainly in the form of Chopard watches.

Renault AF 1914, oldest car on the run. First place (for the second year in a row) in the Veteran category

Rare american car Briscoe, model 1917, is starting for the first time. The navigator in his crew was the singer Masha Rasputina

Another pioneer, and also American, is the 1956 Ford Fairlane.

Open Rolls-Royce Phantom 2013. First place in the new "supercars" category

An unprecedented miracle: the artist Vladimir Sizov painted this Cord 810 of the 1937 issue by order of the Kamyshmash restoration workshop

Ford T 1924 with a crew dressed in the spirit of its time. Second place in the "Veteran" standings (for cars manufactured before December 31, 1945 inclusive)

Rolls-Royce 20|25 1934, four-door open body Atelier Martin Walter

Beautifully painted, but not very correct historically "twenty-first"

ZIL-41041 of 2015 release with a female crew. This copy was manually assembled at ZIL in honor of the centennial anniversary of the plant

“If it says “buffalo” on an elephant’s cage, don’t believe your eyes!” It's not a Bentley at all, but Cadillac models 1957. There were three of them at the start, and here in front of us - open car Eldorado Biarritz

Bugatti Type 44 of 1929, the hero of sports battles almost ninety years ago. pay attention to characteristic design front suspension

"Three Graces": Jaguar XK140 (1956), Maserati 3500 GT Touring Superleggera (1963) and Ferrari 250 GT Cabriolet (1961). Chopard co-president Karl-Friedrich Scheufele participated in the last rally

This rally is called a navigation rally: the participants themselves joke that success almost does not depend on the pilot - he only turns the steering wheel and puts pressure on the pedals. The task is to pass all the checkpoints of the route at a strictly defined time and without traffic violations. The route is designed for 3 hours and starts from the Central Department Store and ends in Barvikha Luxury Village. The competition is supported by the Swiss watch brand Chopard, which celebrated its 155th anniversary last year. And the main ideological inspirer was the co-president of Chopard, Karl-Friedrich Scheufele, a passionate collector vintage cars and an amateur racer who regularly participates in the famous Italian oldtimer rally Mille Miglia. Chopard has been the official sponsor and timekeeper of the Mille Mile since 1988.

And Karl-Friedrich comes to Moscow every year. The role of navigator in his crew is usually played by the father, Karl Scheufele. This year, Carl-Friedrich's wife, Christine, became a partner. I asked what caused the replacement. He replied that it was okay, his father just took time off for his friend's 90th birthday, but he was quite healthy and ready for new starts. But now we have met almost the entire older generation of the Scheufele family, except for Karl-Friedrich's sister, Caroline. Mom, Karin, came two years ago - but only as a guest. She did not participate in the rally. She did not get behind the wheel of the 1961 Ferrari 250 GT Cabriolet Pininfarina, the usual Scheufele crew, and did not take the legend into her hands.

For the first time, we saw a Ferrari convertible driven by the Scheufeles in 2003 among 11 crews that started the first L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally. In 2004, Jacky Ickx, the legendary race car driver, came to Moscow to the Chopard, he started the fashion for celebrities, both foreign and domestic, to participate in the race. In 2005, 40 crews started, and five years later, 121 cars of the most respectable age could already be seen. The oldest in the history of the capital's rally was the world's first electric car Waverly Electric in 1913. He was at the "Chopart" in 2014.

Pleasure is not cheap

On May 29, 57 cars started from the Central Department Store, half as many as in the most fruitful year of 2010. Maybe the crisis has affected. Participation in the rally cost 85 thousand rubles. from the crew upon prepayment of half the amount. On the day of the race itself, the entry fee was even higher, 95 thousand rubles. Even taking into account the fact that the participants are waiting for a banquet and that the winners receive expensive prizes - the same Chopard watches, this is a lot. Plus, you need to take into account the cost of preparing for the race. Some owners of vintage cars bring cars to the start and pick up from the finish line by tow trucks. Pleasure is not cheap. But there are people who participate in this rally every year. There are those who come to see it every year. I am one of them.

I like what you can see here rarest cars in all its splendor - not in the dull silence of museum halls, but on the roads. When you see an oldtimer surrounded by modern machines, you immediately understand the difference in the campaign to create cars then and now. Previously, they were literally built like houses. Now they are stamped like tin cans. With rare exceptions.

I like the relaxed, light atmosphere of the holiday that reigns in this rally from the very beginning, when the cars come to the Central Department Store, and does not disappear even when all the winners are determined, prizes, gifts and diplomas are presented, champagne is sprinkled and drunk, the traditional giant cake is cut and eaten. Already at this moment, everyone begins to wait for the next year, the upcoming rally.

Four wheel vintage

It's all about tradition. Now about what was the first time at the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally. Route dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Chopard Happy Diamonds collection, inspired in 1976 by the waterfalls. But there are not enough waterfalls in Moscow and its environs, so the organizers suggested that the participants go around the most beautiful fountains in the capital. Many feared that this would be impossible due to the bicycle parade and other cultural events held on the same day, but nothing happened.

The oldest cars this year were Renault EF and Mercedes-Benz 22/50 Faeton (so in the rally protocol), both 1914. Imagine, these cars were produced in the year of the beginning of the First World War and are still on the move! True, Mercedes did not reach the finish line, its pilot, Grigory Berezkin, had to get to the finish line on a wooden retrobike. But he received the prize "For the will to win." And Mikhail Kovalchuk and Olga Shadrina came to Barvikha on foot when the 1929 Cadillac broke down, and for some reason the bicycle was not at hand. The panel of judges rightly decided that they deserve the nomination “For the will to win”.

As for the second 102-year-old veteran, the Renault EF, he not only made it to the finish line, but also won the standings among cars produced before December 31, 1945, and such success - the second year in a row! Most likely, Mikhail Openheim and Sergey Ushanov, permanent members of Chopard, know some kind of trouble-free secret of victories. We'll check next year.

Test performances

I also remember the Bugatti Type 57 Pillaress Saloon of 1936, made by the Parisian coachbuilder Vanvooren in a single copy. It was put to the start by the Kamyshmash company, which brought an electric car of 1913 in 2014. The same workshop owns the 1916 Dodge Old Betsy, which performed with a sticker on the hood "100 years on the road." It drives fine for a century old car, I followed the crew along the Third Ring Road, and then in front of it - and we drove at the same pace. If drivers had to brake because of this Dodge, it was only in order to get a better look at it.

From the "Absolute" category, I will mention the Datsun Bluebird SSS of 1971, brought from Portugal, which was attended by representatives brands Datsun, and the 1975 VAZ-2102 of the Red Rabbits team, regular participants in the rally. This year it was possible to drive cars manufactured before December 31, 1976. This opportunity makes the rally a little more democratic: it turns out that it is not necessary to buy Rolls-Royce or Bentley of the 20s, you can do something simpler, newer and cheaper. So, Yuri Budrin and Anna Derkach from the Red Rabbits became one of the most erudite crews, along with Yuri Pripachkin and Sergei Makarenko and Chrysler Town & Country 1949 and Igor Fedorov and Vladimir Popov on Rolls-Royce Phantom 1 1929.

Konstantin Krivtsov and Yevgeny Soroka won the overall standings in the GAZ M20 Pobeda 1953, once again justifying the name of the car. I wonder how they will show themselves at the Night Moscow rally, which is due on July 17? Let's see!


On Sunday, June 4, the 15th L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally took place in Moscow. This year, 75 cars took part in the anniversary race. Details on the website website

In addition to retro cars (released no later than December 31, 1976), this year, in honor of the 15th anniversary of the race, a new category of crews was allowed to participate in the rally - supercars (released since 2003, when the L.U.C Chopard rally was held in Moscow for the first time). In addition, the event presented special model watch L.U.C Time Traveler One “Moscow”, released in a limited edition of 15 pieces exclusively for Russian market. On the eve of the event, Chopard co-president Karl-Friedrich Scheufele arrived in Moscow to personally take part in the race.

At the start, the host Andrey Malakhov traditionally told the audience about each of the cars. During grand opening rally Karl-Friedrich Scheufele announced that Andrey Malakhov became a “friend” of the Chopard brand, and at the finish line in Barvikha, Luxury Village handed him one of fifteen copies of the L.U.C Time Traveler One “Moscow” model.

The 2017 rally brought together an unprecedented number of cars, both technically and historically interesting. The 1914 Renault EF was once again the oldest participant in the race, driven by Mikhail Opengeim, a multiple winner in the Veteran category. The next oldest vintage car is the 1917 Briscoe Touring. It is the rarest instance of the automotive industry, since cars under the American Briscoe brand were produced for only 9 years: from 1914 to 1923. No less attention deserves the car of another non-existent now american brand– cord. The Cord 810 that participated in the rally, released in 1937, became a joint project of the resuscitation workshop "KAMYSHMASH" and the artist Vladimir Sizov, who depicted scenes from the cover of the debut album of the British rock band Led Zeppelin on the surface of the body. New category"Supercars" also collected interesting models, for example, a 2009 Ferrari California driven by regular rally participant Natalia Mazurina, or a snow-white car Bentley Continental GT V8S 2015, which was driven by TV presenter Elena Letuchaya and her husband Yuri Anashenkov. Another unusual specimen in this category is the ZIL-41041 cabriolet, 5.8 meters long and weighing almost 3.5 tons, handmade in 2010 for the 100th anniversary of the ZIL plant.

Cars that started from Tretyakovsky passage had to overcome a number of checkpoints and, having completed special tasks, finish in Barvikha Luxury Village. A complex 3-hour route was developed for the participants of the rally, which runs through the north-west of Moscow and the Northern Odintsovo bypass highway. The winners of the rally were traditionally rewarded with L.U.C watches produced at the Chopard Manufacture in Fleurier.

Spectators and fans gathered at the finish line in Barvikha Luxury Village. While waiting for the names of the winners, the guests enjoyed cocktails, snacks and ice cream. The partner of the rally was Lenmix, the official importer of illy coffee in Russia. While the judging panel was counting the results, keeping the participants in suspense, the Leningrad group performed on the stage. After the concert, presenters Andrei Malakhov and Nikolai Fomenko, as well as Chopard co-president Karl-Friedrich Scheufele, took the stage to announce the results. To the sound of fanfare, the winners of the rally were announced, more precisely than all those who passed the route of 2017. Chef David Desso delighted the audience with an unusual cake depicting the L.U.C Time Traveler One “Moscow” watch. Near the stage, a line of children instantly lined up, wanting to taste such a sweet and impressive trophy.

First place: Mikhail Opengeim and Sergei Ushanov in Renault EF 1914. These participants have won the Veteran category for the third year in a row.
Runner-up: Mikhail Gotesman and Olga Shadrina in a 1924 Ford T
Third place: Alexander and Elena Krylovs in a 1930 Ford A

First place: Konstantin Krivtsov and Evgeny Soroka in a GAZ M-20 Pobeda Cabriolet 1953. For the second year in a row, these participants become winners in the "Absolute" standings.
Second place: Gorokh Ivan and Kostyrko Boris in a 1965 Mercedes-Benz W113 230 SL
Third place: Korolev Yuri and Yarullin Marat on the GAZ M-20 Pobeda 1957

The winners in both categories were presented with a Chopard watch: the ultra-precise L.U.C 1937 Classic chronometer in rose gold for first place, the Mille Miglia GTS Chrono in steel for second metro, and the Grand Prix de Monaco Historique watch in titanium for third place.

Rafael Baryshnikov and Petr Bogachev in the Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead became the winners in the Supercars category. The crew received a Superfast Chrono in a steel case.

Popov Vladimir and Evstafiev Kirill received the Super Cup Tesla Model S P85D 2015. They received a Superfast Chrono in steel case, as well as a special prize from Ferrari Moscow: participation in the exclusive Passione Ferrari test drive program, which will take place on June 24 at the Formula 1 track in Budapest.

To announce the winners in the nominations "Best Ladies' Crew" and "Most Stylish Crew", Tatyana Navka, the official ambassador of Chopard in Russia, took the stage.

Yulia Kuklina and Yuliya Dolnikova won in the nomination “Ladies' Crew” in a ZIL-41041 2015 cabriolet. The girls, who courageously overcame the entire route, received a certificate for a shopping session with TSUM creative director Natasha Goldenberg, who will help update the wardrobe in the NGxTSUM corner.

Mikhail Gotesman and Olga Shadrina won the Most Stylish Crew nomination. Ford car T 1924. They dressed in elegant outfits from the beginning of the 20th century to match their car. The crew received a certificate for a relaxing treatment package at the Espace Vitalité Chenot Spa at the Barvikha Hotel & Spa.

Elena Letuchaya, host of the Revizorro program, who took part in the race on a snow-white Bentley car Continental GT V8S 2015 Elena got the new Chopard Avant-Première perfume, created in honor of the 20th anniversary of Chopard's partnership with the Cannes Film Festival and embellished with the image of the Palme d'Or.

Egor Kareev and Maria Tyumentseva won in the L.U.C Chopard Rally Discovery nomination in a VAZ 2103 1973 car. 16-year-old Egor himself restored the vintage car, making it a copy of the car from the movie comedy The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia. He got a certificate for a dinner for two in the design interiors of the Cristal Room Baccarat restaurant with an author's tasting set from chef Michel Lenz.

Sharov Arseniy and Zorin Grigory in Cadillac 62 1958 were awarded in the nomination “For the will to win”. The crew received a certificate for a country weekend at the Barvikha Hotel & Spa, fitness areas at the Espace Vitalité Chenot Spa.

Sergey Berendeev and Elena Vlasova won in the nomination “For fidelity to traditions” Mercedes-Benz car 1936 The crew received a certificate for a dinner for two at the Barvikha Hotel & Spa with an author's set from chef David Desso.

Baryshnikov Rafael and Bogachev Petr won in the nomination "Best male image" on the Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead 2013. The crew members appeared in the image Arab sheikhs. They received a certificate for a shopping session with Riccardo Tortato, fashion director of men's collections at TSUM.

In the nomination "The most erudite crew", three teams won at once: Sereda Pavel and Shneider Vadim on the GAZ-21I 1960, Fedorov Igor and Salnikov Evgeny on the Buick LeSabre 1959, and Popov Vladimir and Evstafiev Kirill on the Tesla Model S P85D 2015 d. These participants correctly answered all the questions of the Chopard history and watchmaking questionnaire, which was distributed at one of the checkpoints of the rally, and correctly assembled the puzzle with the image of the L.U.C Time Traveler One “Moscow” watch. The winners received a new Chopard Avant-Première perfume, created in honor of the 20th anniversary of Chopard's partnership with the Cannes Film Festival and embellished with the image of the Palme d'Or.

Rally starts vintage cars. Wish victory to the crew of Konstantin Golota on the sky-blue Zaporozhets!

Crew press release from Konstantin Golota

On Sunday morning, June 4, the IB Translations team will enter the rally track classic cars L.U.C. Chopard Classic Weekend Rally, which is held in the 15th anniversary time. For the fifteenth consecutive season at the junction of spring and summer, dozens of outrageous crews go to the start of a grandiose action, a motorsport festival, from which adrenaline, scorched rubber and burnt oil reek from a mile away.

Our sky-blue car ZAZ-965A V4 887 Pumpkin Special LE, produced by the Zaporozhye Automobile Plant in 1967 to mark the introduction of a five-day working week with two days off in the USSR, will start with confidence in own forces And full tank will to win. Crews will start from the Metropol Hotel (Teatralny proezd, 2), while the finish of the race will take place in Barvikha Luxury Village from 15:00 until the evening.

K. Golota, driver: We will start our rally in order to show the world in its way all the might of our car industry. Maybe these are big words, but no. Maybe I copied them from somewhere, but also not. After all, we are not just every year, but we go to places where we ourselves do not know how to finish, since the route of our map is secret and unknown except. We are ready to win, no matter how much it costs us!

M. Tsyferov, co-driver: Last year we took 12th place, but this year we hope to be at least on the podium. At least third. The crew that does not dream of finishing third is bad!

We will be glad to see our fans at the start and finish of the race. Read the history of the rally in advance: , and follow the live broadcast on Twitter @golota82 on Sunday:

Forward, to victory k̶o̶m̶m̶u̶n̶i̶z̶m̶a̶!

I'm reporting from the trunk, we're driving to Barvikha.

Pilot Kostya Golota:

Navigator Misha Tsyferov:

The most important thing in the race is not to mess up with the route:

Time machine - from 1967 to 2017:

I continue to report. The slalom was excellent, the oil almost does not drip, we drive on!

The puzzle is almost complicated:

We passed the track without mistakes, the puzzle was assembled without a single link, we are sitting in Luxury in Barvikha at a banquet on the stage of Malakhov and Fomenko, we are waiting for the results of the rally. We hope it's in the top ten. But nothing is known at all, the calculation goes on behind the scenes.

Well, that's it, the organizers begged the children for half an hour to leave the site and go to the shelter. Everything became clear to everyone. Yes, Shnurov entered the stage, www-leningrad

Well, that's it, I'm already at home. Results of the race: 8th place out of 49 in the "Absolute" standings. Thanks to everyone who supported us! Thanks to Konstantin Golota