Ratraki - as an urgent need for modern ski slopes. Visiting the "snow cats". About the life of snow groomers and their operators Do-it-yourself equipment for preparing ski slopes

Which is able to move around mountainous terrain, climbing slopes with a sufficiently large angle of inclination (more than 20 degrees). The main purpose of snow groomers is to deliver people or goods to the top of the mountain. For this, the car is equipped with special cargo platforms or passenger cabins. The name "snowcat" was given to the technique by analogy with the first such machines, which were produced by the American companies Thiokol and LMC. The tractor was called "Ratrac" and was very popular in Europe in the 60s of the last century. In the 1990s, the last letter was replaced in the name and the technique was called "Ratrak".

Operation of snowcats

The snowcat is the most common technique used to prepare ski slopes, as it allows you to evenly compact the snow cover on the mountainside. With this technique, both natural and artificial snow produced by snow guns are leveled. It is rather problematic to do without snowcats on the ski slope, due to the fact that as a result of the operation of snow cannons, rather high snow piles are formed on the slopes, which must be evenly distributed over the mountain.

Although freshly fallen natural snow also causes a lot of problems for the track workers - if it is not compacted in time, then after a few hours of active descents, skiers turn the track into a bumpy space, which makes it difficult to move. Compacted snow, which is a smooth surface, "serves" much longer and allows you to actively exploit the ski slopes.

Ratraks are also used to build jumps and pipes, which snowboarders love so much. As a rule, during the operation of snow groomers, ski slopes are buried, since an accidental collision of riders with this technique can lead to sad consequences. To move along the mountain slopes, the snowcat is equipped with wide (more than 1 m) caterpillars with special lugs. It is special tracks that provide good stability of the machine on steep slopes and allow you to exert strong pressure on the snow cover.

Characteristics of snowcats

The equipment is excellent for operation even in harsh winter weather. For raking snow, the equipment is equipped with a bucket, and for compacting the snow cover, a cutter with projections is put on the bracket located at the rear of the machine. As a result of the work of this three-meter cylinder, the structure of the packed snow becomes ribbed, which greatly enhances the sliding of riders.

Additionally, it is possible to crush snow due to the installed rubber fins, which at the same time performs the function of protecting the cutter. For the production of snowcats, lightweight materials are used. Manufacturers take care of the insulation of the cabin, which offers a panoramic view. Some models of snowcats are equipped with special ski layers - these devices allow you to create an ideal track and adjust the distance between adjacent ski tracks.

The leading position in the market of snow-compacting equipment belongs to the Italian company Prinoth, which released its first snowcat model back in 1962. A huge variety of models, differing in power and additional equipment, gave this company worldwide recognition and the status of a leading manufacturer. Ergonomic design, high level of safety, low operating costs - these undeniable advantages attract a huge number of users around the world, including Russia.

A frequently encountered brand of snow groomers in Russia is Kassbohrer. The machines of each company have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is necessary to choose a specific model taking into account further operating conditions. Some snow groomers can also be used in the summer, for example, for creating mountain bike trails, leveling tennis and football fields. Recently, there are more and more lovers to conquer the untouched natural space. For the so-called freerider tours, snow groomers equipped with passenger cabins (with a capacity of up to 16 people) are used.

A brief guide and a commercial offer for the preparation and operation of ski slopes by a professional team of ROO "FLGM" using specialized snow-compacting equipment

Preparation of ski slopes (general provisions)

The area specially prepared for skiing is called the SKI ROUTE. The number and nature of ascents, descents and flat areas, their alternation determine one or another degree of difficulty of the tracks.

Ski slopes are laid, as a rule, on terrain with rugged terrain, the main components of which are ascents, descents and flat areas. On the track with different terrain, the competitive speed varies from 2-3 m/s on the rises to 14-16 m/s and more on the descents.

The distance measured on the track is called DISTANCE. For example, on a 5-kilometer track, distances of various lengths can be passed - 5, 15, 50 km or more. Currently, preference is given to holding competitions, even for marathon distances, on shortened tracks, which significantly increases their entertainment and, consequently, popularity. The length of the training and competition distance, depending on the age, gender and qualifications of skiers, can be from 1-2 to 70 km or more.

Two parallel ski tracks on the track are the SKIS. Its parameters for track width, depth and distance between the centers of each track are regulated by the rules of the competition. With the machine method of preparing tracks, these parameters are set by a special ski cutter.

A group of skiers leaves a trail close to these characteristics when moving along untouched snow cover (if the ski track is laid by people).

A snow bed with one or more ski runs is a CLASSIC STYLE TRACK, the width of which during the competition must be at least 3 m.

A well-rolled, fairly hard snow sheet with a width of at least 4 m and with a ski track on the side is a FREESTYLE TRAIL.

It is recommended to measure the length of the route manually with a steel cord (tape measure) about 50 m long, electronic measuring instruments and distance meters of various designs are also used (measuring wheel, for example). The angular and altitude characteristics of ascents and descents are determined by goniometers and altimeters.

On the map of the area, a SCHEME OF THE ROUTE is depicted, according to which its profile is built.

When building a SKI ROUTE PROFILE, they study the scale of the map, find the beginning and end of the track, the direction of movement along it, the total length, then set the highest and lowest points on the track. Given these data, the dimension of the coordinates is determined.

The profile of the ski run clearly displays the number, characteristics, sequence and combination of ascents, descents, flat areas on the track, laid on a rugged terrain.

The main characteristics of the relief of the ski slopes are the following indicators: the height of the ascent (descent) - H;

1) maximum lift - MS;

2) height difference - ND;

3) the sum of the height differences - TS;

4) the length of the ascent (descent) - l;

5) the average steepness of the ascent (descent) -

Height of rise (descent)- this is the vertical distance between the highest and lowest points of one ascent (descent).

Max lift is the highest elevation on the route.

Height difference is the distance between the highest and lowest points on the entire route.

The sum of the elevation changes is found by adding the height of all the slopes available on the track.

Length of ascent (descent)) is determined by the horizontal distance between the extreme points of the slope.

The average steepness of the ascent (descent) is found from the ratio of the height of the ascent (descent) to its length and is expressed according to the FIS rules as a percentage:

< α = H:L · 100%.

The preparation of the ski slopes begins long before the snow falls, so that even with a slight snow cover, skiing is safe. It is necessary to prepare tools and equipment for earthworks in advance. The route of sufficient width is cleared from stones, remains of trees, branches, stumps, roots, branches. In agreement with the forestry services, the felling of trees and shrubs is reduced to the maximum possible minimum. The main task when choosing the terrain for the track is to preserve the forest plantations as much as possible, which create environmentally favorable natural conditions for skiing.

Depending on the degree of forest protection, the routes are divided into open and closed. A route is considered open, more than one third of which passes through an area not protected by forest, tree strips, dense bushes, terrain, buildings, etc. Preference is always given to closed trails laid in a picturesque forest area.

If the route passes through reservoirs and other water channels, reliable and durable bridges must be built through them. Before the direct entrance to the bridge, abrupt changes in the direction of movement should not be allowed, i.e. sharp turns.

Especially carefully prepare the sections of descents and turns on them. In winter, the track is constantly cleared of branches, remnants of trees.

In order for the classic style ski tracks and the skating snow to withstand the passage of numerous skiers, a long preliminary winter preparation is required. It consists primarily in the timely and regular compaction of the snow cover on the entire track with the help of special heavy machines, and in their absence - directly by skiers. Cars or skiers compact the snow, smooth out small dips and other dangerous bumps. It is extremely difficult to carry out such work on terrain that runs along ravines, hillocks, forest paths, through reservoirs and other natural obstacles. The track bed must be processed with each snow fall. If the track is compacted just before the competition, then a layer of loose snow forms under the canvas, and when the first group of participants passes, it breaks. Compaction of the snow cover is an extremely time-consuming job, which is further complicated by the often unpredictable in time and amount of snow, and even in combination with the wind, which knocks branches off trees and clogs the track with them.

On the ski slopes for the classic style, the tracks are laid or cut with a special device - a cutter. With a free style, a well-rolled snow sheet is prepared, and the ski track is cut from the side along the entire route so that skiers using both skating and classic modes of movement allowed in free style do not interfere with each other.

The constant preparation of existing competitive, training and walking trails is a long, many-year continuous process with a large amount of work. It is impossible to choose and prepare a decent track right away, it requires annual and constant processing.

Each skier chooses a route, taking into account preparedness and tasks.

It is also possible to prepare a sufficiently long ski run on a site of limited size, for example, at a school mini-stadium. The most rational way of laying a route in small areas of the terrain is the principle of twisting-untwisting

spiral, which allows you to lay a route with a length of 3-5 km or more, using the territory as densely as possible. And if the site is located on rough terrain with low hills, then there will be several small ups and downs on the track. The parallel way of laying ski tracks also allows you to extend the track on a limited area.

The rules of cross-country skiing competitions, in accordance with the requirements of the International Ski Federation, establish the permissible limits for the parameters of the relief of cross-country skiing tracks, taking into account the age, gender and sports qualifications of the participants, the scale of the competition, and the length of the distance.

Competitive and training tracks for skiers of high qualification are most often laid along a highly rugged terrain.

In competitions and trainings of young skiers and amateur skiers, in mass cross-country skiing, preference is given to slightly crossed and cross-country tracks. It is on such tracks that the most massive competitions in our country are held - the Ski Track of Russia.

In physical culture and health-improving orientation, skiing mainly uses slightly crossed and flat tracks.

Pre-season course preparation.

Stones, roots, bushes, stumps and similar obstacles must be removed. Particular attention should be paid to descent sections and turning fences where necessary - also “backfilling counterslopes”.

The ski run in winter requires special preparation in order to:

create and maintain an even, dense snow surface;

loosen the surface of the snow on the track if it is “frozen”;

roll and compact the top layer of snow if the track is loose (as a result of a thaw or snowfall);

remove the "wave" that occurs on the track for the classic course;

remove the longitudinal hillock that occurs on the track for skating;

to prevent the rapid melting of snow in the spring, thereby;

Snow on the ski run during its operation is subjected to the following


over time - the snow "gets old";

temperature fluctuations change depending on the weather;

changes in day and night temperatures;

humidity changes;

solar radiation

The process of preparing snow surfaces, in particular ski runs, is based on the process of compaction of snow crystals.

A common misconception is that snow is compacted by weight, much like how an asphalt paver creates a roadbed.

Surprisingly, the specific pressure on the snow of snowmobiles and snow-compacting machines (it is measured in pressure per unit area) can be less (50-100 g / sq. cm) than that of a pedestrian (from 200 and above g / sq. cm) , or for a skier-athlete skating on a “edge” ski (150-200 g / sq. cm).

Compaction of snow occurs when the snow is mixed with the help of a cutter or harrow teeth, as a result of which the snowflakes lose their “branchiness”, the snow particles are crushed and lie more compactly in the thickness. Daily fluctuations in temperature and changes in humidity make their own - the snow freezes.

Pushing and compacting the entire thickness of a snowdrift is very difficult, so the only reasonable way to compact the snow cover is to prepare each layer of fallen snow, preferably several times.

The main factors determining the quality of the preparation of the ski run:

ski slope preparation equipment

frequency of preparation of the ski run

Equipment for the preparation of ski slopes

To prepare the ski slopes in winter, the following special equipment with attachments is used:

light - snowmobiles with bump cutters, comb and cutter;

heavy - snow groomers with a bump cutter and a cutter.

The full cycle of works for the operation of ski slopes in winter consists of three stages, which are performed in strict sequence one after another:

1st - snow-compacting work,

2nd - alignment of the track canvas,

3rd - cutting ski tracks.

Ratraki – these machines are ideal for preparing ski slopes. The limiting facts are the relative high cost and the need to have snow cover from 25 centimeters thick.

Snowmobiles - a more budget option. For example, our domestic snowstorm, along with which trailed equipment is used:

Ice rink - when preparing the track from the first snowfall and in difficult conditions - heavy snowfall or severe thaw.

Harrow – when preparing the track bed, when there is snow on the track, it levels the track both in the longitudinal and transverse axes, cutting off snow bumps and filling in the depressions.

Cutter for the preparation of a classic track: they are both extruding (used for laying tracks on soft fresh snow) and cutting, which are used on harder, well-rolled tracks. The track must be prepared regularly. In Scandinavia, the tracks are prepared daily, despite the fact that their length in some resorts goes beyond 100 km. It is advisable to prepare the track at least three times a week, and in snowfall, every day, while it is snowing. Even if it is not snowing, but the weather is clear, frosty, the track must be prepared!

Route preparation procedure:

The following requirements are mandatory:

On the same track, snow compaction works for all three stages must be carried out completely on one day and cannot be transferred to another day.

The edges (edge ​​parts) of the tracks from the very first cycle of snow compaction at the beginning of the season and until the last one at the end of the season must be rolled up over the entire width “under cut” with growing trees, and in open areas - at the established average track width plus 1 m.

It is not allowed to leave "scallops" and unrolled sections.

Finishing and starting sections of the tracks must be rolled across the entire width with special care.

Sections of the canvas where two or more tracks are combined must be marked in advance with branches or special marking tapes.

Preparing slopes for classic style

When cutting the tracks, one should be guided by the requirements set forth in paragraph 19.3 of the Rules for Cross-Country Skiing Competitions

The track must be prepared in such a way that it is possible to control and slide the skis without the effect of lateral braking by any part of the binding. The distance between the right and left tracks should be 17 - 30 cm, measured from the middle of each track. The depth of the track should be 2 - 5 cm, even on hard snow. If 2 or more tracks are used, the distance between them should be 1 - 1.2 m, measured from the middle of each track.

It is strictly not allowed to cut the track on turns where the speed of the skiers is too high to stay on the track. In these places, the track is interrupted at least 30 meters before entering the turn and resumes at least 10 meters after the turn.

The track is cut on the right side of the track, no closer than 1 meter from its edge. In each next cycle (except for illuminated and walking tracks), the track is cut to the left of the previous one by 30 cm, but not to the left of the middle (centerline) of the track. After that, cutting starts again from the extreme right position. On the slopes, the track is cut in the middle of the track.

On the illuminated track, two parallel ski tracks are cut in the forward and reverse directions. The distance between them should be 1 - 1.2 m.

For high-quality cutting of the ski track to the required depth along the entire length of the track, the load on the cutter must correspond to the snow density.

Preparing Courses for Freestyle

On pistes prepared for freestyle movement, the pistes must be at least 4 m wide. The track on downhill sections must follow the ideal line of the pistes.

It is better to do all the preparation in the evening, in the dark - there is less chance of meeting with skiers, and most importantly - the snow will freeze overnight, the track will be of high quality and tough.

Route marking

The marking of the route should be such that the skiers have no doubt where to go next. Kilometer marks should reflect the total distance traveled along the course. If possible, each kilometer should be marked.

Forks and junctions along the route must be clearly marked and unused parts of the route must be fenced off.

Stadium for cross-country skiing

Stadium area

The optimal dimensions of the stadium area are as follows: width 50 - 75 m, length - 150 - 250 m. The stadium for cross-country skiing should have a well-thought-out start and finish area. The stadium should be a single functional facility, divided and controlled where necessary by gates, barriers and

marked areas. It must be prepared in such a way that: participants can pass through it several times, while the transit zone should not pass through the finish area and


An example is a 15 km track with 3-5-10 km cuts. Width 4-5 meters - 3 harrow widths on the ridge strip and a classic track - along the edge.

  • One trip - 4 hours with changing clothes, gas stations, etc. - Based on this, the employee's salary fund is formed.
  • Winter in central Russia - 15 weeks on average 4 trips per week (including snowfalls and competitions) = 60 trips of 50 km (with cuts, etc.) = 3,000 km of run per winter with fuel, oil, Maintenance, repair and depreciation of the snowmobile and trailed implements.
  • The life cycle of a snowmobile and implements is best calculated at 5 years.

Do-it-yourself skiing is an exciting and time-consuming activity. It implies the compaction of snow in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bland for walking or competition. A variety of models and brands of special equipment allows you to prepare the track with high quality and in a short time. The most common and easiest way is to put it on and lay it yourself.

Ratrak is a self-propelled transport on caterpillar tracks, developed on the basis of a tractor design. It is used for pressing snow on ski tracks and ski slopes, transporting passengers and goods, rescue operations in difficult places.

It is believed that the machine was designed by the American Emmit Truck in 1930. The first transport was on two tracks and three and was intended to transport people in deep snow. In 1951, the same inventor patented an all-terrain vehicle on four tracks. And only much later, the vehicle was adapted for compacting snow in the ski resorts of America.

On the European continent, snow groomers appeared as snow-compacting equipment shortly before the VIII Winter Olympic Games in 1960. Courchevel was the first ski resort to use the American technique of Emmit Truck to prepare its slopes. A little later, but still in the same 60s, the Austro-Swiss company Ratrac released the Ratrac-S machine, which gave the name to the vehicles used to care for ski slopes and slopes. In the 80s in the USSR, on the basis of the Lvov Special Design Bureau "Sportmash", under the leadership of Valery Dmitrievich Syrtsov, three types of snow groomers were created. Until the 90s, 40 cars were produced, and then the projects were closed, the association ceased to exist.

Modern production

The leading companies in the production of snowcats in the world market are:

  1. Italian Prinoth. Founder - Ernst Prynot, invented the first snow compactor P-20 in the early 60s. The company produces 7 different models.
  2. German Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG. The most famous PistenBully brand cars. It is noteworthy that one of the models is designed for leveling artificial snow indoors. The company produces 16 models of snowcats.
  3. Japanese Ohara. The company produces equipment for waste processing, equipment for oil and gas production. Therefore, the range of produced snowcats is small, only 3 types.
  4. Another Italian company Favero Lorenzo. Produced 2 models are compact and inexpensive.
  5. American Tucker Sno-Cat. Works mainly for the domestic market.
  6. Russian SnezhMa. Almost the only domestic company. Located in Chelyabinsk. It produces snow groomers SM-170, SM-210 and SM-320.

Operation of snow-pressing equipment

In addition to compaction, modern machines perform the functions of cleaning, distributing snow mass, smoothing and leveling slopes, laying walking trails and ski tracks, building pipes and jumps, creating figures in snow parks, transporting passengers and goods.

Important! According to safety requirements, skiers are denied access to sports facilities during the operation of the equipment in order to avoid accidents.

Characteristics of snowcats

  1. The equipment is designed for operation at any time of the year.
  2. Design principles are based on stability and power. The machines have ROPS (Roll Over Protection System) anti-rollover systems and wide tracks with lugs that provide high cross-country ability. The hydraulic winch allows the machine to climb steep slopes while pulling on the cable as the tracks move. Engine power, measured in horsepower, is enough to lay a track of 10,000 km in two hours.
  3. Cabins are installed on models for passenger transportation.

Snow groomers for cross-country skiing

Transport for laying routes is not diverse:

  • German car brand PistenBully Paana (117 hp) from Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG;
  • Prinoth Husky (177 hp), manufacturer - Prinoth (Italy);
  • Favero Snow Rabbit 3 (100 HP) by Snow Rabbit.

If you have technical knowledge and practice, then you can make a do-it-yourself ski snowcat using parts from different brands.

The high cost of special equipment limits the mass use of these machines for laying tracks. A more acceptable technique is a snowmobile with a wide and long caterpillar and two skis in front. For example, Russian: Buran, Taiga, imported: Yamaha, Artik KET, Polaris.

Do-it-yourself ski slope preparation equipment

In this category of equipment, trailers are used:

  1. Cutter - serves to create a classic ski track. The cutting and pressing principle is used, depending on the quality of the snow surface. SNOWPRO's XCSPORT is recognized as a universal cutter for preparing ski slopes. With a weight of 32 kg, the equipment will make a high-quality track in any condition of the snow mass.
  2. Harrow - removes, loosens crust, fills holes, levels, forms longitudinal strips.
  3. Snow roller. Designed for all types of surfaces. Compacts the snow mass.

When preparing a new ski run, some rules must be taken into account:

Important! It is forbidden to lay a ski track across the banks of rivers, canals, beams, ravines, road and railway tracks, through poorly frozen reservoirs.
  1. Study the landscape and determine the route.
  2. For ordinary skiing, they are laid in an open area, creating several tracks of various lengths and complexity. Combine climbs, flat sections of the path and descents.
  3. On the slopes, obstacles in the form of vegetation, ditches, funnels are excluded. Distributes low climbs and long and difficult descents.
  4. From each path to a width of 1 m in both directions, the snow is compacted.
  5. Schemes of mass routes are placed on a separate board in a prominent, accessible place.
  6. Color markings are applied throughout the track.
  7. The first third of the route is laid on a flat terrain. The second part is the most difficult. The latter is formed from equivalent ascents and descents.
  8. On a straight track, the distance between turns is 50 m.
  9. Be sure to take care of lighting routes. Lanterns are installed on supports, observing uniformity between oncoming tracks.
  10. Upon completion of the construction, the ski tracks make up a kind of route passport by drawing on a map of the area.

Important! During ascents and descents, the track cannot pass along the slope and include hills steeper than 20 °.

Professional routes are equipped based on the complexity of the races, the territory, and the training of athletes. Mostly in areas overgrown with trees and shrubs.

Preparing ski slopes with devices takes a significant amount of time and effort. Financial investments are also important. But this work brings pleasure and joy when you see the happy eyes of people, you feel their gratitude and gratitude.

We go to the ski slope of the Volen sports park in Yakhroma, near Moscow, and I look skeptically at the snow sprayed with cannons. The slope looks like the terrain after a bombardment: heaps of snow one and a half human height are scattered here and there. “Work, perhaps, for a week?” - asking. "What's another week? - Aleksey Malyarov, the snowcat operator, is surprised. - Now in two hours we will level everything, and after the snow settles, we will mill it. By evening the slope will be open for skiing.

“The technology is rather complicated,” Vladimir Marin, head of the slope preparation service at the Volen sports park, explains to Popular Mechanics. “It is enough to ride the slope several times and half of the freshly fallen snow will be at its foot. Snow (preferably artificial) must be compacted, and this is done in several stages. First, after spraying with guns, it is leveled, the main tool for this is a blade. Then they wait a few hours for the snow to settle. For the second time, the snow groomers go to the slope to finally level, compact and mill the snow, after which it again needs to be allowed to settle. Only after all these procedures are completed, the slope can be opened for skiing.

On a wide foot

The snowcat is a rather heavy machine, but its pressure on the snowy surface is small - about 0.05 kg / cm 2. The fact is that the machine is equipped with wide caterpillars, consisting of parallel reinforced rubber bands, to which powerful transverse lugs are attached (and on some models, spikes - for working on icy areas). The openwork design is somewhat reminiscent of the Nezhdanovsky mover, although in fact it is just a classic caterpillar mover with rollers, the role of which is played by pneumatic wheels. Hydraulic transmission with diesel power plant rotates several drive pumps. The patency of the snowcat is simply incredible - the tracks practically do not slip, and the snowcat can climb a slope with a steepness of 45-50 degrees (not percent!). True, to conquer steep slopes, you will have to use a hydraulic winch that pulls the cable synchronously with the movement of the tracks.

Despite the outward resemblance to a bulldozer, the snowcat is controlled in a completely different way. Its blade has many degrees of freedom, which allows not only to level the snow, but also to build complex structures for parks. But the possibilities of this machine, of course, are not unlimited - for the construction of the pipe, a special arc-shaped cutter is required, which is hung on the front of the snowcat. The rear cutter is also a fairly flexible tool, depending on the model, it can consist of several parts, and sometimes ski pads are also hung on it to create a ski track. The force, depth, direction and speed of rotation of the cutter are adjusted by the operator depending on the external conditions (type of snow, temperature) and the requirements for the track.

The main controls are the steering levers or steering wheel (1), which controls the movement of the tracks, and the accelerator pedal (2). Commands from the levers and pedals go to the computer, which controls all systems, the status is displayed on the screen (3). The joystick for the right hand (4) controls the blade. This tool allows you not only to cut bumps and level the track, but also to give the snow surface an arbitrary shape with literally jewelry precision. On some machines, the joystick has keys for controlling the most common functions (5). The main work of snow groomers begins after the slopes are closed, so the machines are equipped with several sets of powerful headlights controlled from the panel (6).

What's in a name?

The main manufacturers of snow groomers in the world are Prinoth (Italy), Kassbohrer (trade mark PistenBully, Germany), Bombardier (Canada) and OHARA (Japan). The very word "ratrak", which has become a common noun in Russian, comes from the trademark Ratrac (later Ratrak) - that was the name of the Thiokol / DMC / LMC model range. In English, such machines are designated by the term snowcat, which comes from the Sno-Cat trademark. This was the name given to models by the Oregon-based Tucker Sno-Cat Corporation, which dominated the all-terrain snowmobile market from the late 1940s to the 1960s.

Few of us know that the technical equipment of modern ski resorts, as well as stadiums of ski sports, must necessarily include a machine called a snowcat. This technical tool is nothing more than a snow compactor that moves with the help of caterpillars.

To make it clearer to the reader, a snowcat is an adapted model of a bulldozer designed to work in harsh winter conditions. Such a tractor is able to move on mountain slopes, which have a rather steep angle of inclination.

The main purpose of such a snow packer is the preparation of ski slopes, the formation of ski slopes and the performance of rescue operations in case of emergencies in the mountains. Also, such a mountain tractor is a very convenient means for transporting people, in which it is equipped with a separate passenger cabin, and a reliable mechanism for transporting goods.

The car got its name - "snowcat" - from the name of the first model of this mechanical tool, which were sold in Europe back in the distant 60s. From the very beginning, the main manufacturers of the unit were the American firms Thiokol and LMC, which sold them under the Ratrac trademark. Since then, this car has acquired its name, which is still used today.

To date, brands for the production of snow groomers are such famous engineering companies as Prinoth (Italy), Bombardier (Canada), Kässbohrer (Germany). All these firms are engaged in the production of snowcats, which are sold on the market for the sale of special equipment under the PistenBully trademark, and in America this type of snow compacting machine is sold under the name snow cat.

It is almost impossible to get by on the ski slopes without a snow-compacting tractor. The cannons that pour snow onto future slopes and ski runs create large enough snowdrifts that need to be evenly distributed and compacted.

Technical Parameters of Snowgroomer

Ratraki have a wide range of models from different manufacturers. In Russia, at ski resorts and on sports ski slopes, the snowcat of the Japanese company OHARA is widely used, which is excellent for building ski jumps and ski slopes for snowboarders.

The OHARA model range includes the following series of snow groomers - DF 330, DF 357 and DF 430, they have very high reliability in operation, high power and high-quality execution of the technological process. Snow groomers from a Japanese manufacturer have technical parameters that distinguish them from other brands of snow grooming equipment. Such design characteristics allow OHARA to perform a whole range of tasks in the formation of ski slopes, both of a simple degree of difficulty, and complex, with a steep slope.

The snow groomer from the Japanese manufacturer OHARA for raking snow mass is equipped with a special bucket, which is located in front of it. To carry out sealing work, the snowcat of this model in its rear part has a milling mechanism with protruding elements, designed on a metal bracket.

To perform the function of additional compaction of the snow mass, the snow-compacting tractor of this brand has a special rubber flipper in its design. This device is also a protective shield for the milling mechanism.

The OHARA tractor has a very spacious and warm cab, from which you can enjoy watching the beauties of the natural landscape. And most importantly, because of this view of the cab, the driver has a complete overview of the area where the work is being done.

It is worth noting that the Japanese snowcat can, according to its technical feasibility, be equipped with a special device with which an ideal ski track is arranged. Such an additional mechanical element is called a ski-layer, with the help of which the distance to neighboring ski slopes is also adjusted.

The OHARA Tractor is built from a very lightweight yet durable material to easily move up and down steep mountain slopes. For high stability and high maneuverability of movement when performing work of varying complexity, the Japanese brand snowcat is equipped with wide tracks, which have lugs in their design. It is thanks to these mechanisms that the OHARA tractor is able to exert great pressure on the snow cover, as well as to have a stable state on very steep slopes.

This Japanese mountain tractor is also a great tool for setting up bike trails in the summer. This technical possibility once again confirms its versatility.