A screwdriver from a car charger. Is it possible to power a screwdriver from a car battery? Communities › Garage › Blog › Screwdriver from an external battery

Those who have used a cordless screwdriver appreciate its convenience. At any time, without getting tangled in wires, you can crawl into hard-to-reach niches. Until it runs out.

This is the first drawback - it needs regular recharging. Sooner or later recharge cycles.

This is the second drawback. This moment will come sooner, the cheaper your instrument is. To save money when purchasing, we most often purchase inexpensive Chinese “no-name” devices.

There is nothing wrong with this, but you should be aware: the manufacturer saves as much as you do. Consequently, the most expensive unit (and this is the battery) will be the cheapest when completed. As a result, we get an excellent tool with a working engine and a non-worn gearbox, which does not work due to a low-quality battery.

There is an option to purchase a new set of batteries, or replace the faulty ones in the unit. However, this is a budget event. The cost is comparable to the purchase.

The second option is to use a spare or old car battery (if you have one). But starter battery has a lot of weight, and using such a tandem is not very comfortable.

IMPORTANT! Many screwdrivers have an operating voltage of 16-19 volts. Even a fully charged car battery will not provide such voltage. And we mean using a used battery, where there can be a maximum of 10.5-11.5 volts at the terminals.

There is a solution - converting the screwdriver into a network one

Yes, this loses one of the advantages of a cordless tool – mobility. But for work in rooms with access to a 220-volt network, this is an excellent solution. Moreover, you give new life broken instrument.

There are two concepts on how to turn a cordless screwdriver into a corded one:

  • External power supply. The idea is not as absurd as it might seem. Even a large and heavy step-down rectifier can simply sit near the outlet. You are equally tied to the power supply and to the plugged-in power plug. And the low-voltage cord can be made of any length;
  • IMPORTANT! Ohm's law states that for the same power, by decreasing the voltage, we increase the current!

    Accordingly, a 12-19 volt power cord should have a larger cross-section than a 220 volt one.

  • Power supply in the housing from the battery. Mobility is maintained, you are limited only by the length of the network cable. The only problem is how to squeeze a sufficiently powerful transformer into a small housing. You don’t have to ask questions about how a store-bought compact screwdriver works from the mains. A 220 volt motor was initially installed there. Let's remember Ohm's law again and understand that a powerful 220-volt electric motor can be compact.

The service life of the screwdriver is 5–7 years, and its battery life is best case scenario 2 years. This means that by replacing the power source, you will be able to extend the life of your favorite instrument by at least 2 years. Of course, it is best to find an original battery, but the problem is its availability and cost.

How to replace a battery for a screwdriver

It’s worth noting right away that homemade modifications will reduce the mobility of the screwdriver due to the additional wire from the new power source and its weight. On the other hand, the operating time on a single charge will increase to 12–20 hours, versus 2–3 with the original battery. This will be very useful at remote sites without power supply.

For convenience and safety, you should use a flexible wire in double insulation, such as PVS and ShVVP. Section 0.75 mm 2 and more.

  • You can connect it in two places:
  • to the screwdriver handle;

to the body of the old battery. The cast body is split by a sharp blow with a screwdriver or separated by a hacksaw blade at the soldering point. Then the old one is deleted lead battery

, and power from a new source is connected to the freed wires, observing polarity.

Battery selection

The main parameter that needs to be taken into account is the supply voltage indicated in the passport or on the case. The motors used in screwdrivers also operate at reduced voltage, losing somewhat in speed and torque. The most affordable batteries will be acid ones for cars, motorcycles, and also for uninterruptible power supplies.

Automotive The question often arises whether it is possible to connect a screwdriver to a car battery. Indeed, you can use a battery that has exhausted its life, the capacity of which is no longer enough for a car, but enough for.hand tools

Due to its weight of 14 kilograms, it is advisable to use such a source at a stationary workplace, scaffolding or moving platforms. The length of the wire is 2–3 meters. Charging will have to be done with a third-party device due to the high charging current.


They differ in weight within 2–4 kilograms. Voltage 6 and 12 volts.

Gel (batteries for UPS)

Their advantage is sealed housing and paste electrolyte, which allow the instrument to be used in any spatial position. Can be used charger from a screwdriver. Here you don’t have to worry about acid burns or damaged clothes. You can attach the battery directly to the screwdriver or carry it in your bag or pockets.

Precautionary measures

Please note that connecting a new power source is an intervention in the factory design. This means that it is important to pay attention to personal and fire safety. Remember what you need:

  • observe polarity;
  • reliably insulate wire connections;
  • Use chargers designed for the capacity of this battery.

To replace the battery, minimal knowledge of electrical engineering is sufficient. Plumbing skills will also come in handy. It is necessary to ensure increased mechanical strength of the wire connection points.

How can this be done? Is it dangerous for a screwdriver?

Because The operation of a screwdriver is associated with voltage surges when turning on and off, automotive battery will do couldn't be better, because normal mode The operation of the latter is associated precisely with the discharge-charge mode. As for the harm to the device itself (screwdriver), there is no reason to be afraid - it will consume as much as it needs. True for good performance of a screwdriver from car battery its operating voltage should be around 12V.

You can connect the screwdriver to the battery using a flexible copper cable to the plus/minus poles on the device and the battery, respectively.

You can connect a screwdriver to a car battery if they match in voltage, namely, the screwdriver will be marked 12 V (there are plenty of these on sale!), in this case, you can simply connect it with a temporary hut and work without fear.

But a large number of screwdrivers have a higher voltage, both 14V and 18V - in this case, for stable and quality work When using a screwdriver, you need to use a rectifier with an increase in voltage control, otherwise the screwdriver will choke due to low power, and the amperage of the battery will heat it up - which can lead to damage to the electrical appliance.

As a rule, more often we deal with 12-14 volt screwdrivers. This is the most optimal voltage and is quite suitable, therefore it is quite suitable for connecting a screwdriver to a car battery. The main thing here is not to confuse the polarity of minus plus. Even if your screwdriver is 18 volt, it doesn’t matter. It can also be powered, but the power will drop slightly. But it’s not scary, it’s a screwdriver, not a high-speed drill. This screwdriver will do its job normally.

If the screwdriver is designed for a voltage of 12 volts, then naturally you can connect it to a car battery and not only. A battery from an uninterruptible power supply is also suitable; it is also designed for 12 volts. The main thing is not to confuse the positive and negative terminals for connecting the screwdriver. As a protection against incorrect switching on, you can try turning on diode in the break of one wire. This should just theoretically help against incorrect connection.

Inexpensive screwdrivers are good for those who do not use the tool very often. But, as practice shows, for the time being. Most of them have batteries that fail quite quickly, and sometimes they simply do not have enough power. A simple tool modification will help solve this issue. As a result, you will receive a screwdriver that will work directly from the car battery.


To modify a screwdriver with your own hands, prepare:

  • the screwdriver itself;
  • long Phillips screwdriver;
  • file;
  • battery clamps with wires;
  • wire cutters;
  • soldering iron;
  • solder;
  • electrical tape.

Step 1. Before starting work, you need to completely disassemble the tool. Use a thin, long screwdriver for this.

Step 2. First, remove one half of the case, and leave the second with its internal contents in original form. Remove the battery from the case. The inside of your screwdriver may look a little different. Here everything depends on the manufacturer. Be sure to locate the positive and negative electrodes. For further work they will be needed.

Remember the location of everyone internal parts tool and carefully remove them from the housing.

Step 3. Feel free to cut off the lower part of the plastic case, which serves as a stand, with a file. In a modified screwdriver, this part will be redundant. Try to cut the parts symmetrically on both halves of the tool.

Step 4. Strip the ends of the wires on the battery terminals. To do this, use a sharp knife. If your wires are too long, cut off the excess parts with wire cutters and only then strip them.

Step 5. Connect the wires to the electrodes. IN in this case The design was a little unusual, so it was enough to thread the wires into the clamps and secure them with electrical tape. In most cases, you will need to use a soldering iron with solder to make the connection. Be prepared for this in advance.

Step 6. Reassemble the screwdriver. Insert the internal contents, bring the wires with clamps out. Assemble the housing and secure it with screws. In the lower part where the stand was, secure everything with electrical tape, covering the resulting hole with it.

Despite how comical the method is, it really works. Only for lighting we will not use the screwdriver itself, but only the battery from it. It is much smaller in size, not to mention capacity and voltage, but it is quite capable of starting a car with a dead battery.

You will need

  • A screwdriver battery with a voltage of 12 V or more, or better yet, 14 V.
  • Standard wires for lighting with alligator clips.
  • A pair of nails, screws or hex keys.
  • Electrical tape or .
  • Dry sponge or rag.

How to start a car

If you have everything you need at hand, you can begin the lighting process. The procedure will be as follows:

1. Remove the battery from the screwdriver or drill by disconnecting it from the housing.

2. Inspect the contacts. If they have internal structure, try inserting a nail, screw or hex key into each of them. If they are made in the form of external connectors, then attach the same nails or screws, and then securely fasten them with electrical tape or tape.

3. Additionally, insulate improvised contacts from accidental contact, which could cause a short circuit, using a dry sponge, rag or other object that does not conduct current.

4. Connect the screwdriver battery to the cigarette lighter wires, connect the positive contacts to the positive ones, and the negative contacts to the negative ones.

5. Wait about 10 minutes.

6. Try to start the engine by confidently turning the starter.

7. Once the engine is running, disconnect the cigarette lighter wires from the car battery.

What else

Now about a few important nuances. Firstly, before you begin any manipulations with the screwdriver battery, you first need to check its type. Nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride batteries are suitable for our purposes. It is better not to experiment with lithium-polymer models, as they may not withstand high current and explode.

Now about the charge. It is clear that the screwdriver battery must be charged, and at 100%. If you try to do the trick with a half-dead battery, it will definitely not work.

And the last point: even with a fully charged screwdriver battery, you can only start the car once. If you try this again, it won't work until you recharge it again. It is therefore important not to turn off the engine after it has started to allow standard battery opportunity to recharge.