The “impossible” EmDrive engine: to be continued! The debatable quantum engine of the future em drive for long-distance space flights was tested at NASA The em drive engine operating principle

Ecology of knowledge. Science and technology: EmDrive belongs to the category of hypothetical machines that use the “RF traction cavity resonator” model in their operation; such devices operate due to a magnetron that emits microwaves into a closed metal chamber in the shape of a truncated cone, which are then reflected from its rear walls, transmitting jet thrust to the apparatus.

Even if you are not interested in spacecraft propulsion systems, you have probably heard about the EmDrive device. The engine often appears in headlines describing it as a revolutionary technology that could revolutionize interstellar travel, critically shorten travel times between planets both within and outside the solar system, and make humanity's long-held dream of accessible space a reality.

These are quite loud and ambitious statements, and at one time, commenting on such things, the great astrophysicist and cosmologist, a pioneer in the field of exobiology, Carl Sagan, said that “extraordinary statements require extraordinary evidence.” Guided by this, we will try to explain what this sensational EmDrive actually is, and whether it really is key technology, which will allow people to conquer distant stars.

So, we tried to outline everything you need to know about the “impossible” engine in one short article, let’s go.


EmDrive is a mystery engine. First introduced by aerospace engineer Roger Shawyer in 2001, the technology can be described as a “fuelless rocket engine,” in the sense that it does not require fuel in the traditional sense. Not having large amounts of fuel on board will make spacecraft lighter, easier to propel, and, in theory, much cheaper to produce. In addition, the hypothetical engine will allow reaching incredibly high speeds: astronauts will be able to reach the outer limits of the solar system in just a matter of months.

The thing is that the concept of motion itself without a reactive release of mass “does not fit” with Newton’s Law of Conservation of Momentum, which states that inside a closed system, linear and angular momentum remain constant, regardless of the changes occurring within this system. Simply put, if an external force is not applied to the body, then it is impossible to move it from its place.

The mysterious electromagnetic engine, which creates thrust without any reactive processes, also violates Newton's Third (no less fundamental) law: “For every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.” So how then does “action” (the jet propulsion of a spacecraft) occur without “reaction” (fuel combustion and jet mass ejection) and how is this even possible? If the system works, it means that forces or phenomena of an unknown nature are involved in it, or our understanding of the laws of physics is completely wrong.


Leaving aside the physical “impossibility” of technology for a while, let’s define what it is. So, EmDrive belongs to the category of hypothetical machines that use the “RF resonant cavity thruster” model in their operation. Such devices operate by a magnetron that emits microwaves into a closed metal chamber in the shape of a truncated cone, which are then reflected from its rear wall, transmitting jet thrust to the device. Again, in ordinary language, the body simply “pushes away” from itself (how stupid were the people who did not believe Baron Munchausen when he talked about how he pulled himself out of the swamp by his hair).

This principle of propulsion is fundamentally different from that used by modern spaceships, which burn huge amounts of fuel to produce the energy that lifts massive vehicles into the sky. One of the metaphors that reveals the essence of the “impossibility” of such technology may also be the assumption that a driver sitting in the cabin of an unstarted car is able to move it from its place - just by pressing properly on the steering wheel.

Although several successful tests of experimental prototypes have been carried out - with very small energy releases of the order of a few tens of microns (the weight of a small coin) - the results of none of the studies have been published in any peer-reviewed journal. This means that any positive result must be treated with a dose of healthy skepticism, which allows that the recorded thrust could be an unaccounted force or an equipment error.

Until the technology has received appropriate scientific confirmation, it would be logical to assume that EmDrive does not actually work. However, there are many people who have experimentally proven that the “impossible” electromagnetic motor still works:

In 2001 In 2009, Scheuer received a grant of £45,000 from the British government to test EmDrive. He stated that during the tests a thrust force of 0.016 N was obtained and this required 850 W of energy, but not one expert review did not confirm the result. Moreover, the numbers were so small that they could easily pass for a measurement error.

In 2008 year, a group of Chinese scientists at Northwestern Polytechnic University, led by Yang Juan, according to their statement, confirmed the viability of the technology for creating thrust through electromagnetic resonance and later developed their own working model engine. From 2012 to 2014, several successful tests were carried out, in which it was possible to obtain a thrust of 750 millinewtons using 2500 watts of energy.

IN 2014 This year, NASA researchers tested their EmDrive model, and the tests also took place in vacuum conditions. And again, scientists reported a successful experiment (they recorded a thrust of 100 μN), the results of which, again, were not confirmed by independent experts. At the same time, another group of space agency scientists was very skeptical about the work of their colleagues - however, they could neither refute nor confirm the possibility of the technology, calling for more in-depth research.

In 2015 In 2009, the same NASA group tested another version of the Cannae Drive (formerly Q-drive) engine, created by chemical engineer Guido Fetta, and reported positive results. Almost at the same time, German scientists from the Dresden University of Technology also published results in which they predictably confirmed the presence of “impossible” thrust.

And already at the end of 2015, another NASA experiment conducted by the Eagleworks group (Johnson Space Center) finally confirmed the viability of the technology. Testing was carried out taking into account previous errors and, nevertheless, the results were positive - EmDrive engine produces thrust. At the same time, the researchers admit that new unaccounted factors have been discovered, one of which may be thermal expansion, which significantly affects the device in vacuum conditions. Whether the work will be referred to peer review or not, scientists at the Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, Laboratories jet propulsion NASA and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory are confident that it is worth continuing the experiments.


In general, the scientific community is very cautious about everything related to EmDrive and electromagnetic resonant cavity motors in general. But on the other hand, such a number of studies raises several questions. Why is there such increased interest in the technology and why do so many people want to test it? What does an engine with such an attractive concept actually have to offer?

From various kinds of atmospheric satellites to safer and more efficient cars - such wide scope applications are predicted for the new device. But the main, truly revolutionary consequence of its implementation is the unimaginable horizons that open up for space travel.

Potentially, a ship equipped with an EmDrive engine can get to the Moon in just a few hours, to Mars in 2-3 months and to Pluto in about 2 years (for comparison: the New Horizons probe spent more than 9 years to reach Pluto years). These are quite loud statements, however, if it turns out that the technology has a real basis, these numbers will not be so fantastic. And this takes into account the fact that there is no need to transport tons of fuel, the production of spacecraft will become simpler, and they themselves will be much lighter and much cheaper.

For NASA and similar organizations, including many private space corporations like SpaceX or Virgin Galactic, a lightweight and affordable ship that can quickly reach the farthest corners of the solar system is something that can only be dreamed of. However, to implement the technology, science will still have to work hard.

At the same time, Scheuer firmly believes that no pseudoscientific or quantum theories are required to explain how EmDrive works. On the contrary, he is confident that the technology does not go beyond the current model of Newtonian mechanics. To support his words, he wrote several articles, one of which is currently under review. The document is expected to be published this year. However, his past works have been criticized for incorrect and inconsistent scientific research.

Despite his insistence that the engine operates within the existing laws of physics, Scheuer also manages to make some wild assumptions about the EmDrive. For example, he stated that new engine works due to the warp field and that is why NASA's latest results were successful. These findings have attracted a lot of attention from the online community. However, again, today there is no transparent and open supporting data, and in order for the technology to be accepted by official science, more than one in-depth study needs to be conducted.

Colin Johnston, an employee of the Armagh Planetarium, wrote in which he criticized EmDrive and the inconclusive results of many experiments carried out. In addition, Discovery's Corey S. Powell developed his own for the EmDrive and Cannae Drive engines, just as he did for NASA research. Professor of Mathematics and Physics John S. Baez in General named the concept This technology is "nonsense" and its conclusions reflect the sentiments of many scientists.

The EmDrive engine was received with enthusiasm by many, including the website, which posted information about the latest Eagleworks experiments, and the popular magazine New Scientist, which wrote a positive and optimistic review of the electromagnetic engine, in which, however, it did not forget to mention about the need to provide additional facts, mandatory for such controversial issues. In addition, enthusiasts from all over the world began to build their own models of engines with thrust of “unknown origin”; one of the interesting working versions, created in “garage” conditions, was proposed by the Romanian engineer Iulian Berca.

Before drawing definitive conclusions, it is important to remember that physics, in principle, excludes the appearance of any thrust in EmDrive and similar devices. However, truly proven working versions of electromagnetic wave engines could open up hitherto unprecedented opportunities for both space and ground transport and revolutionize modern science upside down. In the meantime, most scientists tend to classify EmDrive as science fiction. published

Regardless of what happens next, Roger Scheuer can be proud. There's no way of knowing whether its revolutionary EM Drive will come to fruition, but the idea doesn't seem as absurd as it did in the past. Despite decades of skepticism and denial, Scheuer's technology is finally being accepted by scientists. The only question is where the researchers will go with it.

The growing popularity of the EM Drive has been fueled by NASA reports which confirm that the engine can produce some reliable thrust. But at the same time, the space agency distances itself from the results. A more recent report states that the tests were conducted in a vacuum chamber, responding to critics who noted the failure of engine tests in atmospheric conditions.
The main feature of EM Drive is that this engine jet thrust supposedly does not require fuel. This means that a set of multiple EM Drives can be powered by solar panels and produce small, infinite acceleration, thereby solving many of the most difficult problems of long-distance spaceflight. Eagleworks researcher Harold White predicts that a crewed spacecraft could get to Mars in just 70 days using just 0.4 Newton/kW, which is about 10 times more energy efficient than a current ion engine.

But its fuel-free nature contradicts the law of conservation of momentum, since it will produce a frontal force without an equal opposite force in the direction. Thus, EM Drive appears to be a kind of perpetual motion machine.
It's unlikely that Scheuer built the world's first engine to defy the fundamental laws of physics, but it's possible that the EM Drive maintains momentum through some process unknown to us. The most commonly cited process is vacuum polarization, which involves creating short-lived particles in the vacuum of space that the EM Drive turns into plasma and ejects in a specific direction. If this idea is correct, then the engine still uses some variant of the fuel, thus remaining within the physical laws of the universe.

It is also possible that the EM Drive is some kind of prototype of the warp drive from Star Trek - its electric field compresses the space in the front of the drive and expands the rear. NASA Eagleworks tested it with laser pulses and found that the motor caused laser distortion. This could be due to the distortion of space and time, but these studies were carried out in the atmosphere, not in a vacuum. Next, the researchers can begin experiments with the interferometer in a vacuum to rule out the possibility that air is causing the observed laser diffractions.

IN this moment The practical application of EM Drive is still very far away, although such experiments show that its principle works. The engine is still the subject of scientific controversy, but the fact that serious scientists from high places are being brought in to test the accelerator proves that the EM Drive is not as hopeless as many claim.

NASA can get a person to Mars in 10 weeks. The whole matter of impossible speed is contained in the bucket of the EM Drive engine, held together by numerous studs and bolts.

Breaking the foundations of physics, the engine requires no fuel except the sun's rays - can be considered eternal until our star goes out.

Advanced system propulsion system invented by Roger Scheuer 10 years ago at his Satellite Propulsion Research Ltd., having undergone a test run of an experimental model.

The demonstration was a success, it was a sensation - the engine, which did not require refueling or a nuclear reactor, worked! He created a wild thrust with the efforts of microwaves, pushing them away from... from...

But no one really knows on what principle the strange device works, not even the inventor himself. The machine “warms up” photons, they are “catapulted” from the working chamber with high speed, telling the device to move.

The latest NASA report (leaked to the press) allegedly reports on a series of tests conducted by specialists at the Johnson Space Center in Texas.

A document from NASA engineers shows successful technological tests in a vacuum. As some suspect, it was with the EM Drive engine on board that it was in space - testing the technologies of the future.

A technologically advanced free energy engine, or EM Drive simply cannot be called anything else, is now believed to have brought Mars closer to Earth by at least six months. Dubbed EM Drive, the engine anecdotally has enormous potential for fast intra-system flights.

EM Drive is capable of delivering a human crew to Mars in just 10 weeks, without the use of conventional rocket fuel or a nuclear reactor. Moreover, chemical engines are significantly inferior in speed characteristics to the new product.

The EM Drive prototype pictured is an experimental propulsion system that caused a sensation because, according to the laws of physics, it should not work. Traditional rocket engines use chemical fuel that is burned and expelled from thrusters.

In the airless vacuum of space, this works by Newton's third law of motion - generating thrust by ejecting mass in airless space, without the necessary air. And this is quite understandable, it works.

Testing the EM-Drive engine.

In the case of EM Drive, there is no fuel to extract thrust, so how does it work? Don’t ask, because without “half a liter, brother, you can’t figure it out.” However, the second half of a liter won’t help either, because the author of the invention either really doesn’t know what he was inventing and what principle he was developing - which looks like nonsense, or everything is a deep secret.

In tests, the small unit showed a thrust force of 1.2 mN per kilowatt (Mn/kW), a small fraction of the 60 Mn/kW capability (in the example). Propulsion system can make deep space flight, like the heroes of the space epic Star Trek.

All this, of course, looks doubtful to us; the principle of working on microwaves/ions and photons is too alien modern technologies. However, NASA earlier this year stated: There were things that became a reality at the conclusion of many years of scientific research.

And yet, while conducting an offensive on Mars, planning flights on our home system, the agency brushed aside the creation - for them it is interesting, but not a priority issue. Is it because they have a “fast engine”?

Respected professor of physics at the University of Helsinki Arto Ennila, speaking about the work of EMDrive, said a mysterious phrase: like any other engine, EmDrive is capable of generating thrust without fuel. Its fuel is input photons of ultra-high length (according to foreign media).

The secret engine is NASA's weapon for high-speed travel.

The design generates thrust by engaging a light particle to emit microwaves inside a closed, cone-shaped chamber. The movement inside creates a thrust on the thin bell of the cone, which drives the engine. Judging by the many bolts in the device there is high pressure.

The fascinating document first appeared on the Nasa forum from Australian user Phil Wilson (writes dailymail) before the post was deleted by administrators. Subsequently, a publication reporting on field tests of the device in space conditions spread across the entire Internet, and the secret could no longer be hidden.

Despite NASA's apparent success in test experiments in the "document," there is no sign of publication in a scientific journal. Several teams are reportedly working on the technology, including NASA's Eagleworks Laboratories, which is developing advanced propulsion systems.

What is EMdrive?

The concept of an EmDrive engine is relatively simple. It provides thrust to the spacecraft using microwaves. Solar energy provides electricity for microwaves. The consequences of a truly existing technology, once put into production, are invaluable.

The incredible power of the no-fuel engine gives humans the ability to travel further into space, at greatly increased speeds. There is no need to carry reserves of fuel that is precious in space.

And the space and mass (?) It’s scary to think how much the spacecraft will be “lightened” and the useful volume will increase. In essence, a launch vehicle with fuel tanks will also become a thing of history.

In fact, there are many advantages provided by the charming unit. However, when this concept was first proposed, it was considered a hoax, since the “motor” went against the laws of physics.

Now experts, knowing only an approximate operating principle of the device, are trying to figure out the possibility of photon propulsion, which probably serves as the inertial mass for the movement of the machine when photons are “thrown out” from the motor chamber.

Despite a dozen years of testing and discussion, the drive remains controversial. The bottom line is that, on paper, it shouldn't work while respecting the laws of physics. And yet, in test after test, the EM Drive simply continues to work.

Despite numerous rumors about that NASA's document on these tests has undergone the peer review process ishas not been published in a scientific journal. So for now, this is just one group of researchers reporting incredible results, with absolutely no external validation.

Successful space exploration constantly requires humanity to study and discover new technologies that would allow us to have more powerful equipment and create crew life support systems for further space flights. One such revolutionary technology could be the hypothetical EmDrive electromagnetic motor, which until recently was considered impossible. However, in 2016, NASA published the results of research and experiments carried out on the engine, which prove its functionality. The next step of the American space agency in researching this issue is to conduct experiments on the EmDrive engine in outer space.

But let's start in order

First of all, let's briefly consider the operating principle of an ordinary rocket engine. There are three most popular types rocket engines:

  • Chemical is the most common type of rocket engine. Its operating principle is as follows: depending on the physical state of the fuel (solid fuel or liquid engine) in one way or another the oxidizer is mixed with the fuel, forming fuel. After a chemical reaction, the fuel burns, leaving behind combustion products - a rapidly expanding heated gas. A jet of this gas exits the rocket nozzle, forming the so-called “working fluid”, which is the same “fiery” jet that we often see, for example, in TV shows or films.
  • Nuclear is a type of engine in which a gas (such as hydrogen or ammonia) is heated by obtaining energy from nuclear reactions (nuclear fission or fusion).
  • Electric – an engine in which gas is heated due to electrical energy. For example, the thermal type of such an engine heats up the gas (working fluid) using a heating element, while the static type accelerates the movement of gas particles using an electrostatic field.

Jet engine assembly

The body of such an engine must consist of non-consumable metal.

Regardless of the choice of engine type, its operation will require an impressive supply of fuel, which makes the spacecraft significantly heavier and requires more power from the same engine.

EmDrive engine – what is it and how does it work?

In 2001, British engineer Roger Scheuer proposed new type an electric motor, the principle of which is fundamentally different from the operating principle of the engines listed above.

The design is a closed metal chamber (resonator) in the shape of a truncated cone (something like a bucket with a lid), which has a certain reflectivity of microwave radiation. A magnetron connected to the cone generates electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range, which enters the resonator and creates a so-called standing wave there. Due to resonance, the vibrational energy of microwaves increases.

As you know, light, or electromagnetic radiation, exerts pressure on a surface. Due to the narrowing of the chamber to one side, the pressure of microwaves on the smaller base of the truncated cone is less than the pressure on the larger base. If we consider the camera as a closed system, then the result of the effect described above will only be a load on the material of the camera, and more on one side of it. However, the creator of the EmDrive engine concept claims that this system is open due to the maximum speed of movement of electromagnetic radiation (“speed of light”).

The physical principle of operation of such an engine is not fully clear. Roger Scheuer is convinced that explanations for this technology are possible within the framework of the well-known Newtonian mechanics. Probably, due to the presence of the reflectivity of microwave radiation in the chamber, some small part of the radiation goes outside, beyond the resonator, which makes the system open. At the same time, the radiation output from the side of the larger base of the truncated cone occurs to a greater extent due to the larger base area. Then the emerging microwave radiation will be an analogue of the working fluid, which creates the thrust that moves the spacecraft in reverse direction from emitted microwaves.

At the same time, NASA researchers suggest that the true action of the engine lies much deeper, in quantum mechanics, in the general theory of relativity, according to which the system is open. Simplifying the theory as much as possible, we can say that particles can disappear and be born in a closed loop of space-time.

The possibility of implementing an engine using a similar method was assessed by several research organizations, including NASA.

Experimental results

Over the course of 15 years, many experiments were carried out. And although the results of most of them confirmed the performance of the engine concept, the opinion independent experts differed from the opinion of the experimenters. The main reason refutation of the results of experiments is the fact of incorrect setup and implementation of the experiment.

Finally, the American space agency, which has sufficient resources to create an experiment capable of rendering a final verdict, has taken up research on the EmDrive engine. Namely, NASA's experimental laboratory - Eagleworks, where the prototype EmDrive engine was constructed. The engine was placed in a vacuum, where any thermal convection was excluded, and it turned out that the prototype was indeed capable of producing thrust. According to a recent NASA report, the laboratory was able to obtain thrust with a power factor of 1.2 ± 0.1 mN/kW. This figure is still significantly lower than the power of rocket engines used today, but about a hundred times higher than the power of photon engines and solar sails.

With the release of the report on the experiment, the experiment on the engine under terrestrial conditions is probably over. NASA plans to conduct further experiments on EmDrive in space.


The presence of such an engine in the hands of mankind significantly expands the possibilities of space exploration. Starting relatively small, EmDrive installed on the ISS would significantly reduce fuel reserves at the station. This would extend the life of the station, as well as significantly reduce cargo missions for fuel delivery. Consequently, funding for missions and support for station operation will be reduced.

If we consider an ordinary geostationary satellite on which it will be installed this engine, then the mass of the apparatus will decrease by more than half. Likewise, the presence of EmDrive will affect a manned spacecraft, which will move noticeably faster.

If we also work on the engine power, then according to calculations, the potential of EmDrive allows us to deliver six astronauts and some equipment, and then return to Earth in about 4 hours. Similarly, a flight to Mars, with similar technology, will take a couple of months. The flight to Pluto will take about two years. By the way, the New Horizons station took 9 years to complete this.

To summarize, it should be noted that EmDrive technology can significantly increase the speed spaceships, save on the operation of devices, as well as fuel. In addition, this engine allows humanity to carry out those space missions that were hitherto on the border of the possible.

. Used in itmagnetron generates microwave , the energy of their oscillations accumulates inresonator high quality factor , and, according to the author, the radiation is converted into thrust. At first glance, this is an ordinary photon engine. Since electromagnetic radiation is present, look at the drawing with translation.
It is known that an electromagnetic wave is also a flow of photon corpuscles of various energies. Photons in the X-ray spectrum are the worst absorbed and reflected. It is clearly not photons of the X-ray spectrum that are involved here, so the reflection and re-reflection of photons of the invisible spectrum is present here. But as stated, the resulting thrust does not fit into the framework of the “photon theory”. It is significantly higher than calculated. At the same time, some researchers completely deny the “photon theory”. That is, there is supposedly an “uncompensated force”. And we are dealing with a violation of the law of conservation of momentum. The proposed article will express a dissenting opinion regarding the nature of this additional force.
(inertia ) (from Latin iners, gen. case inertis - inactive) in mechanics - a property of material bodies, manifested in the fact that the body maintains unchanged the state of its movement or rest in relation to the so-called.inertial system countdown when ext. influences on the body (forces) are absent or mutually balanced. If the body is affected by an imbalance. system of forces, then the property of I. is reflected in the fact that the changestate rest or movement of a body, i.e., a change in the speeds of its points occurs gradually, and not instantly; whereinmovement The more fluid the body increases, the slower it changes. The measure of an I.body is itsweight . So Mass is the denominator in the formula for calculating acceleration through force (a=F/M) - from pure physics, The essence of the idea. Perhaps it is body weight that changes. That is, in fact, we are dealing with “zero weight technology” or, more precisely, mass. To understand the essence of this technology, let's delve into the proposed formula. Before turning on the EMG, the engine has a mass of, for example, 100 grams. And as soon as he turned on, the mass became different. But they forgot to minus this change in the formula. Since theoretically, “zero weight or mass technologies” exist only on the pages of science fiction books.. Naturally, it is very difficult to believe in such an effect as unstable mass. Why believe that the “law of conservation of momentum” is violated?
That is, in fact, physicists were faced not with an “uncompensated force”, but with a change in the mass of the engine.
Let’s just say, for the purity of the experiment, in order to prove that the mass of the EMG engine really decreases, it needs to be tested not just in a vacuum, but also by hanging it on very sensitive scales.

In all the experiments, no one thought of weighing this device during its operation. A simple diagram based on the results of the experiment would be of great help.

The great Newton taught that if we see something autonomous movement then the reason is the reactive force. If we see a force, we observe some kind of autonomous accelerating force, then this is a reactive force. And only reactive. See the so-called law of jet motion: A = F / M A - acceleration of a material point;

F is the resultant of all forces applied to a material point; m is the mass of the material point. If the mass is stable, then the detected force is truly uncompensated. 1. Experiments with mass. So there are known experiments that show that the mass at certain 2. The conditions appear to be inconsistent. Thus, there is a known experiment with heating a steel ball, carried out by A.P. Shchegolev. The central region of a steel ball (r = 50 mm), mounted on a precision scale, was heated by a laser beam through a hole drilled to the center of the ball. During operation of the laser, which heated the steel ball, the weight of the ball became 200 mg less than the original one. As the ball cooled, its weight was restored. In a control experiment with the same ball, heated in an electric furnace and transferred to a scale to cool, no change in weight was recorded. The change in the weight of the steel ball is explained by the appearance of an energy flow directed from the center to the surface of the ball: the flow of thermal energy reduced the gravitational flow to the centerat the ball. As a result of the superposition of opposite energy flows, the weight of the steel ball decreased." Of course, this experiment must be carried out in a vacuum. Because hot air flows around the ball in the same way as fire “flows around” the head of a lit match, and this upward flow may well lighten the weight of the ball by carrying away it upward due to the interaction of the lower and side surfaces of the ball with the upward flows warm air. But Miroshnichenko just conducted experiments with flasks in a vacuum. 3. Experiments of Kunyavsky-Shabetnikov. So it turns out that the effect of weight reduction is also observed with electrical pulsations. Works of an engineer from Moscow Yuri Kunyansky. According to the author, in experiments, conductors under the influence of a constant electromagnetic field were “weightless” in a vacuum by 0.3 - 0.4%, which in terms of the “thrust” of the designed “anti-gravity engine” was 4 g. “Thrust”, frankly speaking, not big, but inspired by the first successes, Kunyansky believed that if we pressed the current further, this figure could be raised to a level of 3 - 5% of the total weight of the “gravity plane”. Also, the phenomenon of a decrease in the weight of a conductor in the gravitational field of the Earth when a direct electric current passes through it, proportional to the current strength, was also discovered by V. Shabetnikov. . What common? Let's analyze what unites all these experiences, including the EM driver? Let's start with experiments with flasks in a vacuum. Yes, all bodies in a vacuum begin to radiate intensely, IR waves, or photons of the thermal spectrum. It is known that heat transfer by radiation in a vacuum is proportional to the surface area and, according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, to the fourth power of its temperature. The ball emits IR waves. The flasks emit infrared waves. And including the wires in experiments with electric shock also emit infrared waves. And as the current increases, the heating and radiation intensity only increase. And the EMG engine also gets hot. That's the whole reason, all these devices begin to emit IR waves. And bodies emitting IR waves have unstable mass. So much for the “zero mass” technology. The more EM the engine will heat up and emit IR waves, theits mass is less, which means according to the formula (a=F/M) We will have an abnormally high thrust which will not fit into the calculations if we do not take into account the reduction in the mass of the EM engine. When they emit IR waves. Epilogue. That is, we can generalize that the EM engine does not provide any “uncompensated force”. Scientists simply encountered the “zeroing mass effect.”Caused by intense radiation of infrared wavesWe are dealing with the beginnings of “zero mass technologies”, and the law of conservation of momentum remains invariably unbreakable. Back in the 50s, there was even such a direction - microwave power measuring devices based on panderomotorics - a “curtain” made of quartz, which was “deflected” by the flow Microwave Nowadays, a calorimetric (by heating the load) method of measuring power has been adopted, and then even such devices were created with curtains. Everything new is well forgotten old. Let's just say you need to cover the pipe into which the microwave radiation enters with quartz and the thrust will become even more noticeable. Literature 1. Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations Harnessed in a Propellant-less Engine Tested by NASA 2..shtml