What does the transport police do? Department of Law Enforcement in Transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. South-Eastern LU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in transport Linear management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in transport

An example would be punishment in the form of a severe reprimand for the fact that when accepting two criminal cases from other investigators, whose term at that time was already a month old, the investigator did not draw up plans and orders. Although, according to the instructions for optimization of the head of the Investigative Department of the Armed Forces of the LU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in transport, in all criminal cases the investigator within two days draws up an order to create an SOG and an investigation plan for the criminal case. However, when the investigator accepted criminal cases for production without having had time to familiarize himself with them, the zonal curator of the SB Armed Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for transport immediately requested criminal cases and, seeing that the cases did not contain orders and plans from investigators who had previously investigated criminal cases, issued a report on conducting an internal check against the investigator, who accepted them three days later.

A mess as a result of the East Siberian lu in transport.

Monitoring the activities of the transport police in the south of Russia, which is systematically carried out by the Public Council under the Department, helps us become more open and understandable to society. Today, November 10, unites those who are devoted to official and civic duty, those who have fortitude and strive to contribute to ensuring security and peace in the country.

Today, for many families, November 10 is a special date on the calendar, which resonates in the hearts of relatives and friends of police officers. After all, they know firsthand about the difficulties of our service and share the burden of the responsibilities assigned to us.

On this holiday, I wish the personnel, veterans, honored guests health, family well-being, and further success in serving for the benefit of the Fatherland! Head of the Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Southern Federal District, Major General of Police V.V.

Happy Transport Police Day!

The fact that the region’s gigantic transport complex is functioning safely and stably today is the main visible indicator of the effectiveness of the work of the team of the Western Line Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, carefully preserving what was laid down by veterans best traditions services. Thank you, dear friends, for your conscientious work to ensure social stability and sustainable development of the Kaliningrad region! With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! May success always accompany you in the difficult, but necessary and honorable task of serving the Fatherland! With respect, Chairman of the Kaliningrad Regional Duma M.E.

A policeman from Ivanovo headed the Kazan LU of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for transport

Dear employees and veterans of the Western LU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in transport! On behalf of the deputies of the Kaliningrad Regional Duma and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you, the employees and veterans of the Western LU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on transport on your professional holiday! Your management nice story which begins with three linear police departments created in February 1946, occupies the most important place in the system of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia working in the Amber Region. Sea trade, fishing and river ports, large port terminals, hundreds of kilometers railway, the main air harbor of the region - these and other infrastructure facilities included in your area of ​​​​responsibility not only play a strategic role in the development of the region’s economy, but are also key elements of the life support of the region’s population.

May 08:00 2 On the eve of Victory Day, the Public Council held another meeting as part of the patriotic event “Memory Day”. On the eve of Victory Day, the Public Council under the East Siberian LU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on transport held another meeting as part of the patriotic event “Memory Day”.

04 May 15:57 1 Transport police officers to security public order during the preparation and celebration of Victory Day are ready. In the East Siberian Federal District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a drill review was held on transport; transport police officers are ready to protect public order during the preparation and celebration of Victory Day.

04 May 14:39 1 Transport police detained a poacher in the Republic of Buryatia During a raid, employees of the Ulan-Ude Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia identified a 32-year-old resident of the Kabansky district of the Republic of Buryatia on transport, who is suspected of illegal fishing.

It is interesting that criminal cases of “workhorses”, in which the suspects (accused) are arrested and kept in a pre-trial detention center in Irkutsk, and requiring special control from management, are not considered at meetings, but in cases of “favorites”, in which, for example, , one criminal case, meetings are held every 10 days! However, Deputy SO Tsurkan I.V. has no idea how to distinguish theft from fraud and establish qualifying criteria in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

This fact is confirmed by the return of the criminal case to her for additional investigation, in which it was under investigation, due to the incorrect classification of the actions of the accused. Internal inspections are generally a separate topic for which there is no end.

IOPND and Angarsk PND, although in 80% of criminal cases, there are no grounds for its implementation. And if you consider that the suspects can be located “from Moscow to the very outskirts.”
- this is a railroad, and not a small town in which the suspect lives, then these terms are simply unrealistic and pulled from the boss’s fingertips. At the same time, criminal cases under Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation must be sent to court after a month of investigation. The question arises, what about Art. 38 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, which stipulates that the investigator independently directs the course of the investigation and makes decisions on investigative and other procedural actions, as well as Article 162 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, which states that the preliminary investigation in a criminal case must be completed within a period not exceeding 2 months from the date of initiation of the criminal case? In addition, investigators from the Investigative Department of the Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the station.

Public award “Serve Russia”, award from the Council of Veterans named after. Pashinsky A.V., patriotic and preventive actions and events that are organized today by the Veterans Council and the Public Council help not only to more effectively implement the tasks we face, but also to encourage personnel to strive to be the best.

The leading position in this work is occupied by public order protection activities. Today we are the only unit in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in which veterans of the service go out to protect public order as part of the patrol service. In practice, they pass on their experience to the younger generation of human rights activists, accompanying and processing trains with them long distance and suburban traffic, solve crimes and suppress violations of administrative legislation.


Today 10:13 3 In the Church of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, a prayer service and memorial service were held for employees of internal affairs bodies who died in the line of duty. Employees of the East Siberian LU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for transport took part in a prayer service and memorial service for employees of internal affairs bodies who died in the line of duty.


Today 10:10 2 In honor of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian police, a bullet shooting competition was held in the East Siberian Leningrad Region of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on transport. In the East Siberian Leningrad Region of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a bullet shooting competition was held in transport.

Today 10:06 4 In the East Siberian Leningrad Region of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on transport, a solemn ritual of taking the Oath took place.
Thanks to your professionalism, it is possible to ensure the proper level of security and protection of public order at operational service facilities. Evidence of this is the annual reduction in the total number of crimes, the increase in the percentage of their detection, as well as the assessment of the activities of the transport police in the south of Russia by society, which places the highest demands on our work. The competent organization of the work of the department for interaction with the population allowed us to take a leading position in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia according to the results of the annual all-Russian action “Citizen and the Police”. This status, as well as hundreds of letters received from grateful citizens, is a chronicle of our successes, which the Veterans Council and the Public Council under the Administration help us achieve. I want to express special gratitude to them.

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  • Comprehensive assessment 30 points
  • Industry rating in region No.
  • Date added 05.02.2017
  • Jobs on HeadHunter 0/0
  • Verification status being checked
  • Current Yes
  • Goods and services 0
  • Region Republic of Crimea
  • City Simferopol
  • Index 295006

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OKOPF help_outline 75104 Federal government agencies
Kind of activity Activities to ensure public order and security
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OGRN help_outline 1147746383290
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is not a mass registration address. The main activity is to ensure public order and security; 0 additional activities are registered. Organizations with the full name CRIMEA LINE MANAGEMENT OF THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR TRANSPORT were assigned TIN 7706808339, OGRN 1147746383290.

CEO Andrey Aleksandrovich Rybinsky is not listed in the register of mass leaders of the Federal Tax Service. The company ranks # in the industry ranking for the city of Simferopol. Independent assessment of the company 30 points.

The company has participated in arbitration cases once, as a plaintiff and as a defendant. In the history of bailiffs enforcement proceedings are not included.

Crimea, Simferopol, Lenina Boulevard, 11

Creation of a transport police. Was it really created on this day? After all, this is a very complex government structure, consisting of several sections and many branches throughout the country. How transport police did you study then and now? What is it really needed for?

The history of transport in our country is long and complex. It developed unevenly. The prototype of the transport police in Russia was created back in 1809, published by the Manifesto of November 20 “On the management of water and land communications.” Since then, the department has periodically changed its name, and its activities have only expanded due to the emergence of new types of transport.

The first attempts to create a transport police on the railway

With the beginning of the construction of railways, the need arose to create a specialized body for the protection of cargo and train passengers, as well as the investigation of crimes committed on the railway. In addition to criminal cases: robberies, thefts, murders, beatings and other acts of a violent nature, what the transport police mainly did was perform the functions of identifying bribery and embezzlement on the part of railway officials. They were also responsible for the condition of the bridges, and in the event of flooding or destruction they were obliged to ensure their repair and proper maintenance. The appearance of the transport police on the railway was initiated by the decree of Nicholas 1, adopted on April 15, 1836 “On the construction of the Petersburg-Tsarskoye Selo railway.”

As the length of railways grew, the number of crimes committed on them also increased. Since with development railway transport As previously uninhabited territories were being developed, riots most often occurred in such areas. To ensure security, Nicholas 1 decided to involve the gendarmerie in this work, since in remote areas it was not always possible to involve the local police, since in many populated areas she was simply absent. The gendarmes were subordinate to the Ministry of Railways.

Features of the work of the railway police

Unfortunately, the fact that the transport police was a departmental security agency of the Ministry of Railways, and the head of the transport police reported directly to the head of the railway, did not lead to anything good. In fact, the gendarmes were financially and professionally dependent on railway officials. Therefore, their work was extremely ineffective, and in some cases even detrimental to the department. Those who were not guilty were punished, but the guilty managed, thanks to their high positions, to avoid sanctions.

For obvious reasons, this situation could not last long. On March 16, 1867, the chief of the gendarmes, the adjutant general, addressed the sovereign with a report asking the tsar to make changes to the structure and staff of the gendarmerie departments on the railways.

River transport police

In Russia there was not only land, but also river transport. And although there were significantly fewer crimes along the river, this transport system also needed appropriate supervision. The work of the transport police was especially relevant in St. Petersburg, since it is a port city and large merchant ships arrived there, especially in the 18th-19th centuries.

Therefore, in St. Petersburg there was a need to create a special police department to monitor maritime and river boats and their compliance with the rules of cargo transportation. In addition to identifying crimes against persons or embezzlement, they served as customs officers and identified cases of smuggling of goods. The project to create a river police was adopted on June 2, 1867.

The first years after the revolution

After the Great October Revolution, despite the negative attitude of the revolutionaries towards the gendarmerie and the police in general, a special authority was created to restore order - the transport police. It was legalized by the decree “On the organization of railway police and railway security” on February 18, 1919. The history of the creation and development of the transport police officially begins from this date.

In the new conditions, the old methods did not work, so the USSR looked for new, more effective ways organizing control and developing new rules for the transportation of goods. Regular checks were carried out at train stations and raids by mobile units. Transport changed and working methods improved. The number of police officers grew. Individual outfits began to accompany passenger trains. Many methods that have been developed in Soviet time, are still used today.

Problems and ways to solve them

It would seem incredible that on an airplane it would occur to anyone to engage in banditry. However, in the late 60s and early 70s this was the harsh truth. For the first time, people were faced with rampant crime in air transport. Criminals have appeared who attack passengers and crew. Passengers were robbed or beaten by hooligans and brawlers. This type of transport was chosen by terrorists. Planes were blown up or hijacked.

In order to prevent crimes in air transport and ensure security, the USSR adopted relevant resolutions. On November 3, 1970, the Council of Ministers decided on the mandatory presence of transport police officers on the plane. However, this measure turned out to be ineffective. A policeman could not use hand-to-hand combat techniques on an airplane.

Fighting crime in air transport - a non-standard solution

Since the old methods turned out to be inapplicable on the plane, it was decided to develop new ways to combat crime in air transport. Because the dangerous goods can only be carried through the airport, it is quite clear that the only way to prevent the tragedy was to conduct a thorough search of passengers and their luggage.

In 1978 soviet government adopted a resolution on the introduction of a complete search of passengers and their luggage, including hand luggage. In some cases, personal searches of passengers were allowed on both domestic and international flights. This practice has been recognized as effective and is used not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

The same system still operates in our time and has been adopted by the Department as the main means of ensuring safety in air transport.

An attempt was made to change the control procedure in 1997. However, subsequent events showed that refusing personal searches was the wrong decision. Due to the increasing frequency of terrorist attacks using air Vehicle(the most ambitious was committed on September 11, 2001 in the United States, when a plane crashed into the twin towers) this measure was reintroduced in August 2004.

Work of the Department

One of the transport police bodies is the Department of Law Enforcement in Transport. His responsibilities include identifying dangerous actions at transport infrastructure facilities by minor street children who create situations dangerous not only for their life and health, but also for other participants. The department identifies such children and adolescents and refers them to specialized children's institutions.

Transport police structure

The transport police consists of more than 500 line police departments, whose activities, in turn, are controlled by 20 departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for transport. Today, the transport police is a complex multi-tiered structure.

In the last few years, due to the deterioration of the international situation, the increase in crime, terrorism, what the transport police has been doing is identifying channels for the illegal supply of weapons and ammunition, explosive devices, drugs and other prohibited substances transported by rail, air or water transport. . These were the transport police officers both before October 18, 1917 and after.

Criticism of the transport police

Despite the fact that without the transport police the situation would be much worse, they are often criticized. It is not always unreasonable. What the transport police are doing unwittingly creates conditions for abuse.

But “random” people do not work in this department! Therefore, all cases that come to the attention of the media or are revealed as a result of an audit are thoroughly investigated. If the violation is confirmed, then such employees are fired. The Federation Administration does everything to recruit only honest and conscientious citizens into its ranks. Special requirements are imposed on employees, since the work requires the presence of special training and excerpts.

What are the requirements for transport police officers?

In order to ensure order and safety in transport, a police officer working in any of the line police departments must have high level professionalism, know not only the features of your specialty, but also how transport services work, be able to instantly navigate in a constantly changing environment. After all, he often has to act alone and risk his life.

A transport police officer does not have the right to turn off the phone and must be ready to work 24 hours a day. This job requires DC voltage. And for this he must have not only good physical, but psychological preparation.

Powers of transport police officers

What do the transport police do these days and what powers do their employees have? Its competence includes carrying out inspections in the event of incidents on railway, air or water transport, as well as the territories where ports, train stations and airports are located.

Employees have the right to inspect cargo, open containers or search passengers. But they can do this only if there are serious reasons. For example, there is information that one of the passengers is carrying weapons or drugs. Police can conduct an inspection only in the presence of two witnesses. Upon completion of the inspection, a protocol must be drawn up.