The current consumption of the car alarm. Current consumption of two-way car alarms. Notes and Conclusions

The market needs for new security systems that work with the CAN bus have led to the birth of a new class of systems adapted to the digital standard. Not so long ago, these systems were new, but now modern car alarms, especially in higher price segment, must be "ready" for CAN. Each of the manufacturers and vendors of automotive security systems solves this problem in different ways. Someone thinks that an external CAN module (either their own or third-party manufacture) is enough for them, someone integrates the CAN module into the system, and someone makes the central processor work directly with CAN.

Test of car alarms working with CAN

The purpose of our test is to check which of the market leaders is on which path, compare modern premium class CAN car alarms and try to guess which of the proposed technologies is the future.

Participants were selected according to the following criteria:

  • the presence of two-way communication;
  • the ability to work with CAN-tires of cars;
  • implementation of automatic and remote start engine;
  • high functionality;
  • positioning in the premium class.

Based on this, the following models were selected:

These systems at the time of the test were the majority among the foundations of anti-theft systems for modern cars.

Since not all of the selected security systems are equipped with integrated or built-in CAN modules, it was decided to take the most popular and commercially available CAN adapters: StarLine CAN F5 and CAN Pro.

Conventionally, the criteria and parameters by which the systems were tested can be divided into consumer and professional.

Consumer: key fob size, communication range in the city and field, radio channel control, price.

Professional: size of installed components, current consumption, processor used, CAN protocol operation with vehicles 6 and Toyota Camry.

Communication range

The most heated debate is the testing of car alarms for the range of the radio channel. And this is not surprising, since the connection parameter directly depends on the purity of the ether in a particular place and a particular moment in time. Representatives of the expert community have already agreed that it is necessary to test systems in two modes: field and city.

When testing in the field, the system is installed in the car, and the user with the key fob moves away from it, being in line of sight. Tests are being carried out outside the city, where it is easier to provide direct visibility and there is less interference. To collect statistics, several test messages are made and the number of successful ones is recorded in the protocol.

In urban mode, the operation of the radio channel, in addition to building, is significantly hindered by the noise of the radio, so the most indicative in this case is the car alarm test in the parking lots of hypermarkets, which, by the way, are still the most frequent places. The rules of the test are similar to the field ones: ten parcels are made, successful ones are counted.

We conducted our test in the parking lot of the MEGA-2 hypermarket in Teply Stan (Moscow). The car was located in the center of the parking lot, and the tester made a route to predetermined points.

Consumption current

The current consumption of a car alarm is an important parameter. And not only because the work security complex can drain the car battery during long-term parking. AT modern machines stuffed with electronics, on-board computers monitor power consumption, because the electronics never turn off completely. According to the level of consumption, the processor monitors what mode the system is in and whether everything is fine with it. If suddenly the consumption in one of the modes turns out to be more than the standard one, it can give a signal about a malfunction. After that, the owner will have to go to MOT. Therefore, the lower the consumption of the security complex, the better.

When measuring the current consumption of the security complex, all sensors were connected to it, and if it was necessary to use a CAN module, then the measurements were made together with it.


Since we set ourselves the task of not just describing and testing systems, but trying to assess the development trends of modern security systems, we will evaluate design features systems.

Let's start with the overall dimensions of the base unit and the radio module, and end with the element base, since it will determine the viability and prospects of a particular model. In modern cars, there is less and less space where it would be possible to install optional equipment. There is a constant struggle for usable space in the cabin in relation to the total volume of the car while increasing the "stuffing". So size matters here. The easier it is for the installer to hide the base unit, the more reliable the security will be. And the smaller the size of the radio module, the less it will interfere with windshield. We will also evaluate the size and shape of the keychain, as this important parameter for a simple user.

The element base and the processors used will tell about the relevance of the filling and the possibility of its modernization based on the existing system.


To check the quality of work directly on the "digital" part of the subjects, we took two cars: Volkswagen Golf 6 and Toyota Camry. Actually, they are almost the ideal platform for verification.

Volkswagen Golf 6- one of the most common not only in Russia, but also in the world, a representative of the class of cars of the same name, besides, the golf platform is used in dozens of other models of VW, Skoda, Audi cars.

Toyota Camry- too iconic car, which has been at the top of the ranking of the most stolen cars for more than a year, besides, it is equipped with a high-speed CAN bus, about the possibilities of interaction with which there is a lot of the most conflicting information.

We started the test with the Golf 6, using only the CAN bus connections (and, of course, the power wires), after which we checked what statuses the alarm controls and what commands it can execute.

MS Stalker NB 600 LAN3

Serial number:there is no unambiguous marking, the numbers 355 are indicated on the barcode


The developer and manufacturer of the Stalker NB 600 LAN3 security system is the domestic company Magic Systems. Its head office and production area located in St. Petersburg. One of the oldest and few truly Russian developers and manufacturers, whose history dates back to 1990. Official website:

Car alarm Stalker NB 600 LAN3 belongs to the fifth - current - generation of systems and is the most new model in the range of the company.

DECLARED FEATURES: Stalker NB 600 LAN3 operates in an interactive radio mode. It is claimed that the narrow-band radio path provides a high range of control and warning in urban environments. There is an identification label of the owner and the built-in microprocessor sensor of an inclination and movement. It is alleged that in the "Protection" mode, the complex consumes only 3 mAh.

To implement autostart and remote start, retrofitting with the MS-A4 module is required.

RADIO CHANNEL RANGE: The Stalker NB 600 LAN3 generally performed well at this stage. It was not possible to take the first place, but he is among the leaders. By the range of the control channel in field conditions Stalker NB 600 LAN3 showed stable operation at a distance of up to 1100 m from the vehicle. After that, the stability of the connection fell, although the signal periodically reached the car. At the same time, at a distance of 1900 and 2300 meters, the control of the main unit was restored to almost ideal: 9 and 10 test messages out of 10 passed, respectively.

As a result, according to this indicator, Stalker took a confident first place in the operation of the warning channel and the third line in the operation of the control channel in field mode.

A study of the radio communication range in parking conditions revealed similar features in the operation of the system. The system consistently notified the owner of all events and failed only twice - in the zones of maximum distance of 360 and 240 meters inside the building (points 10 and 12). With the control channel, everything was somewhat worse, and exceeding the distance of 200 meters from the car was given to the system with difficulty. As a result, she lost and in the overall standings moved to fourth place.

In general, the operation of the radio channel anti-theft system Stalker NB 600 LAN3 deserves a good rating. Although, according to subjective indicators, this copy worked a little worse than those that we got in previous tests.

There is a communication channel control in this model.

CONSUMPTION CURRENT: we so wanted to see the declared 3 mAh, but, alas, the miracle did not happen. Firstly, the Stalker had to be turned on with the CAN Pro module, and secondly, as it turned out later, the system could not meet such a low consumption level.

In general, the system looked very good in the most important modes armed with CAN bus on and off: the results were 31.8 and 21.2 mA, respectively. In the overall standings, it turned out to be fourth and third places. Moreover, the consumption of the system was more than the leader by only 5.8 and 6.7 mA. In light of the car's overall energy consumption, these are insignificant numbers.

However, the claimed 3 mAh did not give us peace of mind, and we first called the authorized installation studio, which told us that, according to their estimates, the consumption of the Stalker NB 600 LAN3 is within 100 mA. After that, we had no choice but to contact the head office of Magic Systems, where we were responsibly told that the system could not consume less than 30 mA.

But maybe! Even together with an additional CAN module.

CONSTRUCTION: Despite the fact that the length of the base unit Stalker NB 600 LAN3 is the longest in the test (155 mm), the unit itself is optimized for hidden installation in modern car. It has a small height of 25 mm and a width of 63 mm, due to which it is convenient to place it in hidden niches.

Key fob of the security complex of a standard size (80 mm), with a metal edging that acts as a power chassis, and with two buttons at the bottom front side keychain. This arrangement of controls caused a lot of criticism from users, but for many years it has been used deliberately by designers. This allows you to keep your hands away from the key fob antenna as much as possible.

The radio module of the system seems to have remained unchanged for many years and does not indulge in either the beauty of design or additional features(for example, you cannot call a key fob from the RF module in the Stalker NB 600 LAN3).

As the brain of the security complex, the Pic18 processor manufactured by Microchip is used - eight-bit, with a maximum clock frequency of 40 MHz and 128 KB of built-in flash memory. Not the most advanced processor, which is enough for car alarms, but will not be enough when processing high-speed digital bus protocols of modern cars.

It should also be noted that three modern relays are used in the base unit, while the turn signals are controlled by transistor keys.

CAN BUS: Stalker NB 600 LAN3 cannot work independently with the CAN bus. To do this, we had to connect an additional CAN Pro adapter. The module itself has larger dimensions than its counterpart StarLine CAN F5, but at the same time, in the active state, it consumes almost 3 times less energy (12 mA versus 40 mA for F5). The model also supports a wide range of vehicles, is easy to install and reliable in operation.

Work with the CAN bus was primarily limited by the capabilities of the CAN Pro adapter, which did not support some of the functional commands: control of the included dimensions, control of the security system on the Volkswagen Golf 6, control of the emergency gang. But the possibility of working in slave mode was not supported by Stalker itself.

In Volkswagen Golf 6, according to a group of status control commands, two were inaccessible to her understanding: dimensions and speed. And the system was not able to generate commands to control the standard security system and light alarms.

When working with Toyota Camry, a CAN Pro and Stalker NB 600 LAN3 link could not understand two status control commands - the same as in Volkswagen. But among the control commands in Toyota, the Comfort and Trunk Open functions also turned out to be inaccessible.

The test results of the capabilities of the Stalker NB 600 LAN3 security system with CAN bus are identical to the results obtained when testing the Harpoon BS 3000 car alarm.


In general, security automobile complex, created on the basis of Stalker NB 600 LAN3, will find its adherents. The system showed Good work radio path and good constructive manufacturing (at the same time, we recall that we did not evaluate functionality systems). Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting high cost equipment: a set of MS Stalker NB 600 LAN3 and a CAN Pro module costs 16,500 rubles.

Pandora DXL 3300

Serial number: 2330200020071


The company announced the release of systems with a built-in CAN-adapter for mid-2011.

DECLARED FEATURES: The StarLine B92 Dialog system uses dialogue coding for radio communication. A 512-channel radio path has been announced, operating on an innovative method of hopping frequencies. This allows, according to the assurances of the manufacturers, to increase the noise immunity and the range of the radio channel by 2 times.

Ergonomic keychain with internal location antennas and recessed four control buttons.

Intelligent remote and automatic start of any engine is implemented using the functionality embedded in the StarLine B92 Dialog, including work with cars with the Start/Stop button.

The system has more than 50 standard and programmable functions.

RADIO CHANNEL RANGE: in this model, this is almost the most interesting thing. The developers declared the use of a specialized transceiver with jumping frequencies. An autopsy showed that the Wintec W84R01AQ transceiver is used in the StarLine B92 Dialog system. Experts say that its body kit is very similar to the body kits of two inexpensive transceivers from Amiccom and Sinowealth. Nothing can be said unequivocally here, because StarLine also uses its own algorithm for changing the frequency of the message.

We tried to get an explanation from the technical support service of how the multichannel (up to 512 channels) radio path works, but they could not tell us anything intelligible. Since the study of the reality of multichannelness is not included in the list of questions this test, we will leave confirmation of the declared properties on the conscience of the manufacturer.

Literally on the eve of the release of our test on the website of the company "UltraStar" appeared their own tests of the range of the radio channel in the field. We have the opportunity to compare the data obtained in both tests. Despite the slight difference in the test methods, we consider it appropriate to give a link to the results obtained by the company's specialists, especially since they tested three samples of the StarLine B92 Dialog system, while we had only one at our disposal.

The stable operation of the control channel outside the city in our case was limited to 500 meters, while according to the manufacturer, the zone of stable passage of the key fob command is 750 meters, and after this distance, stability drops significantly. The last point we established, where the connection worked, was at a distance of 700 m, and in the manufacturer’s test at a distance of 1350 meters, the team passed 1 time out of 10. Moreover, our testers noticed that if you hold the key fob not as it should be in your hand, but ”, then the communication range increases.

The range of the notification channel in both tests differs more significantly. In our case, the last communication session was at 800 m, with the manufacturer - at 2060 m. Unfortunately, the testing methodology of the UltraStar company did not provide for the calculation of passed parcels.

In hypermarket conditions, the situation has changed somewhat. Like many other test participants, the work area was limited to 200 m, but the system worked stably only within 150 m. Only at point 3, located at a distance of 210 m from the car, StarLine B92 Dialog was able to catch two out of ten control messages. The saddest thing is that the zone of operation of the notification channel only at one point 6 (220 m) exceeded the zone of operation of the control channel.

In the overall standings, StarLine B92 Dialog takes the penultimate place in terms of the range of the radio channel.

It can be assumed that the insertion of the antenna into the body of the key fob for the sake of ergonomics, as well as the restructuring of the band, played a similar cruel joke with the system.

There is control of the communication channel, while the user can set the time between communication sessions.

CONSUMPTION CURRENT: since we tested the StarLine B92 Dialog system together with the StarLine CAN F5 CAN module, the total energy consumption was also measured.

When the CAN bus is disabled and unarmed, the StarLine B92 Dialog consumes 36.5 mA, when armed it consumes 42.8 mA, of which 7 mA is the “sleep” mode of the StarLine CAN F5 module. When it is activated to control the CAN bus, the system consumption increases significantly and reaches 69 mA in disarmed mode and 75.5 mA in armed mode.

These are the highest scores in our test. Played a big role in this high level consumption of the StarLine CAN F5 module.

CONSTRUCTION: body of security StarLine systems B92 Dialog cannot be called miniature: its length is 120 mm with a rather large thickness of 24 mm, due to the power relays located in the base unit case. A piezoelectric two-level shock sensor is made in an independent case.

The keychain of the system is made ergonomic: no corners, everything is semi-circular and soft. The system is controlled by recessed soft buttons located on the side surface. The keychain is very pleasant to the touch, but somewhat thicker than its “competitors”.

In order to increase the range, the developers used a whip antenna, but at the same time they had to give up the dimensions of the RF module. True, the thin antenna pin, when properly placed on the windshield, does not block the view, and many car owners simply do not notice it. The module has a button to call the driver or search for a key fob - as you like.

The system uses an eight-bit Microchip Pic16F77 microprocessor. Its maximum clock frequency is 20 MHz, there is 8 KB of built-in flash memory. The 16th series of microprocessors at Pic has been on the market for 20 years, but at the same time, this processor is not inferior in price to more modern high-bit "stones", so the best choice you won't name him.

To implement automatic and remote start on the basis of StarLine B92 Dialog, no additional blocks are required: everything you need is already “on board”.

CAN-TIRE: To operate the StarLine B92 Dialog system with the CAN bus, we used an external StarLine CAN F5 adapter.

Integrated in the offspring German car industry the combination of StarLine B92 Dialog and StarLine CAN F5 performed well, getting the third result in the overall standings. When communicating with Volkswagen Golf 6, the system did not understand the control commands parking lights and speed sensor signals. Moreover, the use of these commands was limited by the functionality of the B92 base system, and not by the CAN adapter. A similar situation occurred with the possibility of using the slave mode. Of the control commands, only the light signaling command was unavailable, all other functions were performed by the system successfully.

Relations with the Japanese did not work out. If with the state control everything was exactly the same as in the Golf 6 (only two commands were not available), then with the control commands in the Toyota Camry we were in for a complete fiasco. As a result, the system had the worst result.


The car security system based on StarLine B92 Dialog is very popular and well known to many installers. We expected more from him both in terms of the quality of the radio channel and the work with the CAN bus.

The cost of StarLine B92 Dialog is 12,600 rubles.

StarLine B9 Dialog

Serial room:b91w908000379


Before the test, we called StarLine technical support to find out how the new StarLine B92 Dialog differs from StarLine B9 Dialog. It turned out that the functional difference between the products is small, but in terms of price they differ almost twice. In addition, it was interesting for us to see the claimed differences between the radio paths of the two models.

DECLARED FEATURES: the system has a dialogue encoding of the radio channel and a multiband radio path with a frequency change with each message. Doubled range and noise immunity.

StarLine В9 Dialog can be installed on any vehicles with petrol, diesel or turbocharged engines, with automatic or manual box gears.

The system has over 60 standard and programmable functions.

RADIO CHANNEL RANGE: StarLine B9 Dialog uses a multi-channel radio path, but, according to technical support, it is not as advanced as in the new B92. We were not able to say exactly what the differences are, referring only to the fact that the transceiver was specially made for the new product, and for the StarLine B9 Dialog it was taken from the OEM. They also clarified that in B9 Dialog there is no frequency tuning for each radio message. A key fob of a standard design, when the antenna is not hidden in the case, allowed the security complex to perform better than its new “antennaless” counterpart in the radio channel range test.

In open areas, the control channel worked stably up to a distance of 1000 m from the car, without "saying" a word further. At the same time, the alert signal was heard up to 1300 m. The range shown by two StarLine B9 Dialog test systems in the manufacturer's test was almost identical in the operation of the control channel, where the maximum range was 1040 m, and the alert channel worked better and showed a communication range of up to 2060 m.

At the city parking lot, noisy with interference, the points on which the control and notification channel worked coincided, while the maximum distance was 220 m (point 6).

There is no radio channel control in the system.

CONSUMPTION CURRENT: the presence in the test of two models of the same manufacturer leads to their inevitable comparison. In that test, it turned out that StarLine B9 Dialog consumes less in all modes of operation than StarLine B92 Dialog.

In the disabled CAN-bus mode without security, B9 consumes 30 mA, in armed mode 33 mA, of which 7 mA is the “sleep” mode of the StarLine CAN F5 module.

With an active CAN bus, the consumption was 63 mA when the security mode was off and 66 mA when it was on. This is one of the most high performance in our test.

CONSTRUCTION: security systems StarLine B9 Dialog and StarLine B92 Dialog are made almost the same, in the same housing and on the same processor. They differ only in radio modules and key fobs.

The radio module is made in a small 80 mm case, with two helical antennas for receiving and transmitting. On the body there is a button to call the driver. The protein is made according to the standard scheme, with an antenna protruding beyond the main body.

CAN BUS: To operate the StarLine B9 Dialog system, as in the case of the new StarLine B92 Dialog, we used an external StarLine CAN F5 adapter, respectively, and the test results were the same.

The bundle of StarLine B9 Dialog and StarLine CAN F5 integrated into the brainchild of the German automotive industry performed well, getting the third result in the overall standings. When communicating with the Volkswagen Golf 6, the system did not understand the side light control commands and the speed sensor signals. Moreover, the use of these commands was limited by the functionality of the B9 base system, and not by the CAN adapter. A similar situation occurred with the possibility of using the slave mode. Of the control commands, only the light signaling command was unavailable, the control of all other system functions was successful.

But relations with Toyota Camry did not work out. If with the state control everything was exactly the same as in the Volkswagen Golf 6 (only two commands were not available), then with the control commands we were in for a complete fiasco. As a result, the system received the worst rating.


Despite the inconsistency of the test results, the car security complex StarLine B9 Dialog in conjunction with Starline module CAN F5 deserves attention. First of all, because it is one of the most affordable (7500 rubles), while having good functionality and workmanship.

Scher-Khan MAGICAR 9

Serial room: 9nb08-0005642


The Scher-Khan brand is owned by another oldest trading company. She has several more trademarks auto security market: Pharaon, Partisan, Falcon.

The model of the Scher-Khan MAGICAR 9 car security system, although it was released to the market in 2009 and is not a novelty, still remains one of the main models for building anti-theft systems based on Scher-Khan car alarms.

DECLARED FEATURES: The model is positioned by the manufacturer as an elite two-way car security system with automatic engine start. It has the function of connecting to the CAN bus.

System auto start with condition monitoring battery. Synchronization of key fobs with automatic transmission data on all key fobs. Claimed communication range up to 2000 m.

RADIO CHANNEL RANGE: the manufacturer does not declare any fundamental features in the operation of the radio channel of the Scher-Khan MAGICAR 9 security system. Neither narrow-band, as in Stalker, nor multi-channel, as in Starline or Pandora. Simple and sparingly: a range of 2 km.

Oddly enough, the test results put this system among the leaders in terms of the range of the warning channel and showed a good performance of the control channel.

In the field, the system stably notified the key fob in the flesh to the farthest point located at a distance of 2600 m. When the control channel was operating, stable communication was at a distance of up to 1100 m, then the number of parcels that reached the base steadily decreased to one out of ten at a distance of 1700 m. There were also single communication sessions at a distance of 2200-2500 m. As a result, the fourth place in terms of the range of the control channel in the field.

In high interference conditions Scher-Khan MAGICAR 9 also performed above average, demonstrating the ability to control the system at a distance of 210 and 220 m (points 3 and 6). At the same time, the system quite stably informed the user about the events that occurred with the car, in almost all test points, except for the most remote point 10 (360 m), and points 12 and 13, which were not obeyed by almost anyone.

As a result, in urban conditions, Scher-Khan MAGICAR 9 receives the second result in terms of the range of the warning channel and the third in terms of the range of the control channel.

It should be noted that there is no radio channel control in the system.

CONSUMPTION CURRENT: " eat” the Scher-Khan MAGICAR 9 security system loves. It cannot be called the most voracious, but connecting the system to the car's CAN bus adds 15-20 mA to consumption. If the system consumes 35 mA and 40 mA in armed mode with the disabled CAN module unarmed, then when the digital bus is activated, the consumption increases to 50 mA and 60 mA, respectively.

CONSTRUCTION: The Scher-Khan MAGICAR 9 security complex is a kind of leader in terms of the size of the base unit: 150 mm in length, 90 mm in width and 30 mm in height. Against the background of large power relays, the CAN bus adapter, made in the form of an additional board, does not seem like an anachronism.

To match the main unit and the base radio module: it has the largest linear size (24 cm). At the same time, in addition to the keychain call button, it is decorated with the head of a tiger with a fiery mane.

Trinket standard sizes 80 mm with protruding antenna stub. The control buttons are located on the side surface.

The system uses an 8-bit ATMEGA325 microprocessor manufactured by Atmel, with a maximum clock speed of 16 MHz and 32 KB of internal flash memory. Not the most productive microcontroller by modern standards.

CAN-TIRE: on the work of the digital part Scher-Khan alarm system MAGICAR 9 is a conventional analog system, inside the base unit of which a CAN module is located on a separate board. The module itself was developed as an external one, and its prototypes (if not analogues) can still be purchased under the Falcon brand.

Regarding the operation of this system with Volkswagen car Golf 6, then in general it can be called satisfactory: the system reads almost all status commands. But a number of functions - such as control of light alarms, trunk opening, step by step withdrawal from protection, as well as closing the doors at the beginning of the movement - we failed to implement. But Scher-Khan MAGICAR 9 is one of the few systems operating in slave mode. True, the quality of work leaves much to be desired: when the trunk was opened from the standard remote control, the system was completely disarmed and returned to the mode only after the trunk was closed.

With Toyota Camry system could not show full functionality. Of the control commands, only control turned out to be available. central lock, well, slave-mode.


The Scher-Khan MAGICAR 9 car security system is controversial enough to be deliberately chosen as the basis for anti-theft complex, especially considering the price of the system - 13,500 rubles.

Serial number: 1002000491


Harpoon brand is shipped to Russia trading company « ».

DECLARED FEATURES: on the vendor's website, they are described very sparingly - in the form of a listing of 64 main functions.

The declared range of the radio control channel is up to 700 m, the warning channel is up to 1200 m. The encoding is dynamic Keeloq.

The current consumption with the ignition off is not more than 16 mA. Two-level external digital sensor hit.

RADIO CHANNEL RANGE: the use of dialogue coding of the radio channel imposes increased requirements on the reliability of the communication channel for car alarms, because the key fob and the base unit have to communicate with each other several times, exchanging code packets. If one of the communication sessions is interrupted for some reason, then the command sent from the key fob is not executed. Thus, systems operating on the simpler Keeloq encryption algorithm will have advantages in the range test. In our case, the Harpoon BS 3000 security system strong point did not use.

When testing outside the city, the range of the control channel did not exceed 400 m, and the range of the notification channel did not exceed 600 m. With such indicators, the system took the last place in our test.

When working in the city, the stability of the control channel has dropped significantly. The system did not provide a 100% pass at any test point. Although there were separate communication sessions at a distance of 210 m (point 3). Thus, here the system was in last place. The notification channel was a little more stable.

There is no feedback channel control in the system.

CONSUMPTION CURRENT: stating the low power consumption of the Harpoon BS 3000 security system, the manufacturer did not feign a lie. The test showed that the system fits into the declared 16 mA. When the CAN bus is disabled, both in armed and unarmed modes, the system consumes 14.5 mA. In our test, this is the best indicator.

To test the system with an active CAN bus, we used an external CAN Pro adapter. The total current consumption of Harpoon BS 3000 and CAN Pro was only 26 mA, losing only 6 mA to the test leader - the Pandora DXL 3500 system.

CONSTRUCTION: the car security system Harpoon BS 3000 does not shine with novelty of design ideas and advanced solutions.

It is enough to look at the volumetric body of the main unit, maximum size which is slightly less than 140 mm. Opening it, we saw a block of massive relays and a central processor inserted into a 28-pin socket.

Custom Keychain in standard version, with a small antenna pole and the main control buttons on the front panel at the top of the key fob.

The radio module is also made without frills. Its heart is the Philips NXP UAA322 integrated receiver, the time of which has already passed, and almost all manufacturers have already stopped using it in their products. At the same time, the developers did not forget about the driver call button.

An 8-bit Pic16F76 microprocessor manufactured by Microchip is used as a think tank. Its maximum clock frequency is 20 MHz, there is 8 KB of flash memory on board. The 16th series has been on the market for 20 years and is already quite outdated. At the same time, the price of this processor is kept at the level of more modern high-bit ones.

CAN BUS: opportunities to work with digital bus vehicle were determined primarily by the external CAN adapter CAN Pro. Compared to StarLine CAN F5, it has larger dimensions, but at the same time, in the active state, it consumes almost 3 times less energy (12 mA versus 40 mA for StarLine CAN F5). The model also supports a wide range of vehicles, easy to install, reliable in operation.

The results of the Harpoon BS 3000 security system performance test are identical to the results obtained when testing the Stalker NB 600 LAN3.

Working with the CAN bus was limited by the capabilities of the CAN adapter, which did not support some of the functional commands: control of the included dimensions, control of the security system on the Volkswagen Golf 6, control of the emergency gang. But the possibility of working in slave mode was not supported by Harpoon.

In general, the system showed an average result when managing both types of CAN systems.

In Volkswagen Golf 6, according to a group of status control commands, two were inaccessible to her understanding: dimensions and speed. And the system did not know how to generate commands to control the standard security system and light alarms.

When working with Toyota Camry, the CAN Pro and Harpoon BS 3000 bundle could not understand two status control commands - the same as in Volkswagen. But among the control commands in Toyota, the Comfort function and opening the trunk also turned out to be inaccessible.


The decision of whether or not to build a car security system based on Harpoon BS 3000, we will leave it to the choice of a professional installer. Maybe there are cases when every milliamp counts and you need to bet on the record low consumption of the security system. In all other respects, the system proved to be mediocre. It must also be taken into account that at the cost of Harpoon BS 3000 at 6700 rubles. and purchase of the CAN Pro module final price equipment will exceed 9,000 rubles.


The most interesting, in our opinion, are three systems: Pandora DXL 3500, MS Stalker NB 600 LAN3 and StarLine B9 Dialog.

Pandora DXL 3500

Collected everything technical innovations used today in the construction of a security complex for a car.

MS Stalker NB 600

The only system in the test with an identification tag, but an external CAN module is needed to integrate with the car's digital bus.

StarLine B9 Dialog

I made this list solely because of the price. At a price of 7500 rubles. together with the CAN module, the cost of a single function when using this system will be minimal.

2 comments to the article: Car alarm test

    A decent, adequate and understandable test, to which there is enough information to make your choice. I learned a lot about the above security systems. For compiling complete picture only an overview of the functionality is missing, so that it is clear what, in essence, this or that signaling is. And thank you so much for the work you've done.

I will share my observations (after a long reading on the forum).

Reason: search for the cause of the battery discharge for 9 days.
Object: FF-2 (GIA), 2008 onwards, worth extra. signalka Sherkhan-10, all regular. Battery voltage = 12.3V. For 2 years without problems to the electrician.
Measurements with a digital multimeter on the 10A range. Time readings are indicated with an error of up to 1 min (response of the tester).


1. Regularly without arming (the hood lock is latched, everything is closed).
- 0 min - the beginning of the countdown, the displays of the onboard computer (BC) and radio (AM) are on - current consumption (Ip) = 1.32A;
- 9 minutes - AM and BC turned off (AM a little earlier) - Ip = 0.48A;
- 28 min - BC "woke up" - Ip first jumped to 0.7, and then settled at 0.38A;
- 40 min - the BC "fell asleep" - Ip = 0.05A (45-50 mA, the extreme figure dangles in time with the standard anti-theft signaling device).
After opening the door, the current jumped to 2.5A and calmed down at the initial 1.32A.

2. Arming (the hood lock is latched, the signaling hood limit switch is clamped, everything is closed).
- 0 min - the beginning of the countdown, the displays BC and AM are on - Ip=1.32A;
- 8 min - AM turned off - Ip \u003d 0.82A;
- 10 min - the BC turned off - Ip \u003d 0.49A;
- 28 min - "woke up" BC - Ip=0.38A;
- 38 min - "fell asleep" BC - Ip=0.06A (50-60 mA).
After disarming - initial current (see above).

3. Checking the consumption of AM (for the sake of sports interest).
- initially (AM off) - Ip=2.4A;
- on AM, volume "5" - Ip \u003d 2.5A - typical volume for me in the parking lot;
- on AM, volume "10" - Ip=2.6A - maximum volume in motion and in the parking lot to listen loudly anyhow;
- on AM, volume "20" - Ip = 4.0A - it is difficult to sit in the car;
- on AM, volume "30" (max) - Ip = 5.0A - it is not possible to be in the car, you can entertain big company on a picnic.

- after the battery was discharged during the primary current control (in the first few minutes) there was a panic - the consumption on guard was more than 500mA, but after climbing the forum I realized that it was too early to take this measurement as a basis - see the order above. It is a pity that such a technique and figures are not given in the OM of the machine - if only they put them in a "puddle" in the service as a "teapot" - thanks to the colleagues of the forum ;.
- the value of the current on protection after 40 minutes corresponds to the manufacturer's data - 50-60 mA, and do not take into account everything that is in the interval;
- BC really wakes up after 30 minutes, but the consumption almost does not jump (10-20 mA). This (waking up) is obviously related to the operation of the energy saving circuit (STM module and relay) set to 30 minutes;
- the total amount of battery resources "eaten" after arming to complete "hibernation" is no more than: 1.3A*0.15h+0.5A*0.5h=about 0.5A/h /h not essential;
- moderate (volume< "10") использование АМ на стоянке даже с выключенным двигателем должно позволить наслаждаться музыкой в течение 4-5 часов без значитительного ущерба исправной АКБ (разряд на 2,5А*5ч= менее 10А/Ч, т.е 1/5 емкости АКБ). А прослушивание эфира в "тихую" (=<5) вообще хоть пол дня (или всю ночь, подремывая под мурлыкание радиостанции).

Note: but it was not possible to find out the reason for the battery discharge, because all consumption indicators turned out to be normal and pulling out the fuses was gone. What a pity! Boom think!
Limited to recharging (essential) battery.

It got too long, sorry.
Good luck.

A very topical issue is the consumption of car alarms. Excites not only installers, but first of all users of systems. Probably, many are familiar with the sensations when you find a car with a dead battery - they are not pleasant. The reason for this is various consumers - not the lights in the cabin or the side lights not turned off, or maybe the security system. If we consider the security system as the main consumer, then we should "build" anti-theft systems based on systems with the lowest consumption. Which is quite logical. The basis of the complex, as a rule, is a car alarm. Consider, using the test results as an example, the consumption currents of various systems.

The objectivity of the test is confirmed by independent experts from various car-security companies:

  • Laboratory of Andrey Kondrashov (Kondrashov Andrey, head)
  • StarLine (Vladislav Suslov, technical support engineer)
  • portal (Evgeny Shevtsov, technical specialist)

We list the conditions under which the measurements were made:

  • As an auxiliary tool, we use a car with a CAN bus (Opel Astra H sedan 1.6 XER, 2008), to which we connect some alarms that can support data exchange with this bus. Those systems that do not have a built-in CAN module, we connect in the usual way to the car battery.
  • We are waiting for the standard CAN bus to "fall asleep" (the state of the CAN bus is controlled by a Velleman hps 10 digital oscilloscope).
  • After "falling asleep" we take measurements for 5 minutes with the Powergraph E14-440 equipment. We measure the consumption of alarms in the "protection" and "disarmed" modes.
  • Measurements are made using the voltage drop across a resistor with a nominal value of 1 ohm, connected in series with the signaling power supply circuit.
  • We connect all alarms to the siren that comes with the kit or take an additional non-autonomous
  • We connect to the alarm all the modules that are included in the kit (shock sensors, temperature sensors, launch modules, etc.)

Table of measurement results:

Fragments of charts:

Notes and Conclusions:

Some observations should be noted: an interesting algorithm for "falling asleep" was found in StarLine systems - after 3 minutes, after the system reacts to the last key fob command, the transceiver (receiving-transmitting module) of the alarm goes into energy-saving mode. Also, a minute after arming, they noticed a jump in the current consumption of the Tomahawk - this triggered the relay of turning lights. As a result of the final measurements, we took into account these factors.

In general, we found high current consumption among the test subjects in the Scher-khan 10 and Pandora DXL 3300 systems, most likely this is due to the specifics of working with the built-in CAN module. Note that systems that have in their arsenal the function of monitoring the communication channel also show an increased result due to the high consumption of the transceiver during this process, the frequency of its communication, as well as the duration of the communication check. This is observed in the Stalker, StarLine B62 and Pandora DXL 3500/3300 systems. Communication channel control gave an increase in Pandora 3300 systems of about 10mA - this is almost 30% of the total, StarLine b62 5 mA is 10%, Stalker has this figure of 1 mA. But this function is important and is recommended for use in devices as a guarantee of reliable reception.

In order not to mislead car owners who use car alarms, the alarm installer, for example, the starline a91 dialog model, which you can buy at any car dealership, must also know the actual amount of electricity consumed by the security system.

Many car enthusiasts often had situations when their car suddenly ended up with a dead battery. These situations arise for a variety of reasons. It may not be turned off side lights or a lamp in the car. Another reason due to which the battery is discharged is the influence of the starline b94 gsm protection system or any other. Since the car security system is the main consumer of electricity in the car, you should use anti-theft systems that consume the least amount of energy. The basis of any anti-theft system is a car alarm. Below we will conduct a study of systems that are currently used by installers of security systems.

An auxiliary tool is a car with a CAN bus, to which some alarms are connected that support the exchange of information with this bus. Systems that do not have CAN modules are connected to the battery. After the standard CAN bus falls asleep, the Powergraph E14 - 440 device measures the voltage for 5 minutes. Measurements are made on a 1 ohm signaling resistor. This measurement is made on the basis of the voltage drop across the included resistor with its serial connection to the alarm power circuit. It should be noted that all alarms are connected to the siren of the kit. Also, all the modules located in the kit are connected to the siren. The latter (modules) include shock sensors, temperature sensors, and much more.

The results of the results lead to interesting conclusions: there is an interesting sequence of falling asleep StarLine systems, especially if they are equipped with such an element as the starline i92 immobilizer. To be more precise, 3 minutes after the command is given from the key fob, the receiver - transmission (transceiver) instantly switches to a mode in which energy is saved. And a minute after turning on the security system, the consumer current begins to jump. And this affects the turn signal switches. The highest current values ​​were found in the Pandora DXL 3300 and Scher-khan 10 systems. Systems that have the function of controlling the technical means and environment for the propagation of incoming signals for data transmission also have an increased energy consumption during these processes. This also increases the frequency of communication and the duration of the ping.