Donetsk license plates. Car codes of the countries of the world. Possible letter combinations in license plates

Car license plates by region of Ukraine are one of the biggest mysteries on our roads. We will never know who encrypted the codes of our regions and why, just as we will never understand the logic of this action. Fortunately, deciphering the codes is no secret.

The current format of license plates for passenger cars was adopted in Ukraine in 2004, with a slight correction in 2015, when the field of colors of the Ukrainian flag on the left edge of the number was replaced by blue with a small blue-yellow flag on it. The registration plate carries the four-digit vehicle number itself and two letter indices before and after it.

Only the first group of two letters is related to the region of registration of the car; the remaining symbols refer to the registration number itself

The first pair of letters indicates the region code to which the vehicle is assigned. The second pair of letters that complete the inscription on the plate is a serial number, which allows you to expand the number of registrations in the future.

In this case, only those letters of the Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet are used that have analogues in the Latin alphabet - supposedly so that the car can travel abroad without problems. There are only twelve such letters in the Ukrainian alphabet: A, B, E, I, K, M, N, O, R, S, T, X.

Ukrainian model numbers 1995 - 2004. determined belonging to the region by digital code. Assignment logic – alphabetical arrangement of areas

Active letter indices For some reason, regions of the 2004 model are not morphologically related to the names of the regions; to identify the place of registration of the car, the codes must be memorized or use the table below.




Vinnytsia region


Volyn region


Dnepropetrovsk region


Donetsk region


Kyiv region


Zhytomyr Oblast


Transcarpathian region


Zaporozhye region


Ivano-Frankivsk region

Kharkov region

Kirovograd region

Lugansk region

Lviv region

Nikolaevkskaya area

Odessa region

Poltava region

Rovenskaya region

Sumy region

Ternopil region

Kherson region

Khmelnitsky region

Cherkasy region

Chernihiv region

Chernivtsi region

The picture was even more confused by an attempt to “refresh” the indices at the end of 2013, when the first letters in regional codes began to be replaced: A was changed to K, B to N, C to I. But the previous codification also remained.

Series of numbers for “untouchable” owners in different years canceled and reintroduced

Car license plates by region in Ukraine, in addition to the usual ones for “passenger” cars described above, there can be several other types - temporary, bus, diplomatic, police, military, volunteer and others. Many of them have their own codification, their own variations of execution and their own history, and perhaps we will talk about them next time.

Let's continue the series of articles about license plates. Today we will touch on license plates introduced in already independent Ukraine. After the collapse of the USSR, they acted in Ukraine car plate numbers model 1959-1980. In 1992, in the absence of others, Soviet car license plates of the 1980 model continued to be issued: 1) for private cars: a small letter on a white background, four numbers separated in the middle by a hyphen and two capital letters (abbreviated name of the region, edge , ASSR); 2) for state ones, on a white background, four numbers separated by a hyphen and three capital letters (the first two of them are the name of the region).

For example an ambulance medical care had the following license plate, which indicated that she belonged to some institution (i.e., not a private car enthusiast).

The new authorities decided not to philosophize and not to compose new numbers, to diversify the old ones by adding the decimal letter “i”. In the same year, another modernized number appeared with the flag of Ukraine and the inscription “UA”. Its structure was the same as that of the Soviet number, but the coding of the regions changed somewhat.

On this number Unfortunately, the flag and the abbreviation “UA” on the left side of the license plate are no longer distinguishable.

We will provide a table with the new regional numbers introduced in 1992 below.

Region Auto series Trailer series
Autonomous Republic of Crimea KR, MY, MH KR, NY
Vinnytsia VI, VX XO, VI
Volynskaya VN, VYa VN, IC
Dnepropetrovsk YA, YAS, YAV, AE XX, JAV, JAS, JE
Zhytomyr IO, IP NN, IO
Transcarpathian IK, IM NM, IM
Zaporozhye YAT, YAYA, YAH, IT EE, YA, YAH
Ivano-Frankivsk IB, IA EY, IG
Kyiv KH, MI KH, MI
Kyiv KI, XE, XT KI, SY
Kirovogradskaya EI, EM, EE VS, EI
Lugansk AI, AY BP, AI, IE
Lvovskaya IN, II ХР, IН, II
Nikolaevskaya HI, NV, NY NK, HI
Odessa OI, OYA OE, OYA, RH
Poltavskaya IX, II XT, IX
Rivne RV, RN RV, PI
Sumskaya SI, SY, SR OT, CI
Ternopil TE, TI TE, TI
Kharkovskaya HA, XI, HC HA, XI, YaI
Kherson XO, XY ХН, ХЯ, IP
Khmelnitskaya HM, TY ХМ, IВ, IК
Cherkasy RK, RS, PI RK, IA
Chernigovskaya RM, RH HV, IT
Chernivtsi IC, IE OX, OI

In 1995, new state license plates were introduced on the territory of Ukraine. On the left side there was a yellow-blue flag, and below it a region code, which I will tell you about which one it belongs to a little later. Next came two digital block 3 and 2 digits each, separated by a hyphen and two capital letters indicating the name of the region (see below).

Although license plates of this type began to be issued in 1995, for some time old “Soviet” license plates could still be issued, which were naturally cheaper, but they were not allowed to cross the state border.

Sorting of these numbers by region was carried out according to letter area designation located on the right. According to this sorting, the areas were assigned serial numbers– automobile region codes. I would especially like to emphasize that although the license plates used only those alphabetic characters of the Cyrillic alphabet that coincide in spelling with the Latin alphabet, the numbers were still sorted according to the Cyrillic alphabet.

Region Ukraine license plate codes Series
Autonomous Republic of Crimea 01 KO, KR, CT
Vinnytsia 02 VT, VH, BI
Volynskaya 03 VK, VM, VO
Dnepropetrovsk 04 AA, AB, AE, AK, AN
Donetsk 05 EA, EB, EC, EH, EO, EU
Zhytomyr 06 VA, BB, BE
Transcarpathian 07 RE, RR, RT
Zaporozhye 08 ON, NOT, BUT, HP, NS
Ivano-Frankivsk 09 IB, IC
Kyiv 10 KK, KM, KH
Kyiv 11 KA, KB, KE, KN, KI
Kirovogradskaya 12 OM, OH, OS
Lugansk 13 AM, JSC, AR, AT, AX
Lvovskaya 14 TA, TV, TN, TS
Nikolaevskaya 15 NK, NT, HI
Odessa 16 OA, OV, OE, OK
Poltavskaya 17 SK, SN, SS
Rivne 18 RA, RV, RO
Sumskaya 19 SA, SV, SE
Ternopil 20 TE, TK, TI
Kharkovskaya 21 HA, HV, HC
Kherson 22 XN, XO
Khmelnitskaya 23 XM, XI
Cherkasy 24 MA, MB, ME
Chernigovskaya 25 MK, MM, MN
Chernivtsi 26 MO, MR, MS
Sevastopol 27 KS

The next significant reform took place in 2004. So the structure of the license plate became as follows. On the left side of the license plate was a vertical rectangle, horizontally divided into two areas of blue and yellow. In the “blue square” there is a small coat of arms of Ukraine, a trident, made in yellow, in the “yellow” - in black “UA” - the international automobile code of Ukraine. Next on a white background in black are two letters indicating the region code, a four-digit number and two more letters. For the rear license plates of some cars, mopeds and motorcycles, almost “square” license plates are allowed, where the letters are located on top and four numbers below (for cars and mopeds) or in three lines - two letters, four numbers and again two letters (for motorcycles ).

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that although it seems that the numbers are written in Cyrillic characters, they are still sorted according to the Latin alphabet. Now we have real “bourgeois” numbers.

Region Region code
Kyiv A.A.
Vinnytsia AB
Volynskaya A.C.
Dnepropetrovsk A.E.
Donetsk A.H.
Zhytomyr A.M.
Transcarpathian A.O.
Zaporozhye AP
Ivano-Frankivsk AT
Kyiv A.I.
Autonomous Republic of Crimea A.K.
Kirovogradskaya B.A.
Lugansk BB
Lvovskaya B.C.
Nikolaevskaya BE
Odessa B.H.
Poltavskaya B.I.
Rivne B.K.
Sumskaya B.M.
Ternopil B.O.
Kharkovskaya AX
Kherson BT
Khmelnitskaya BX
Cherkasy C.A.
Chernigovskaya C.B.
Chernivtsi C.E.
Sevastopol CH
Throughout Ukraine II

The last two letters can have any combination, except for BP and KM, due to their similarity with the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers (which was the case in the license plates of the previous model).

It is also quite remarkable that the city of Kyiv was singled out from the general sorting by the region code AA. But why is the Kharkov region marked with the AX code in exactly the same way? Or maybe she was entitled to a BP code that they decided to reserve? All this remains a mystery.

Separately, I want to talk about transit numbers. Their structure is similar, but the main difference is that the “stamp” block on a red background is followed by two digits of the region code (according to the table of region codes for license plates of the previous model of 1995, or the designations “T1”, “T2”, which indicates that the number was issued by the manufacturing company, as they are popularly called “terminators”), two letters indicating the region code (according to the 2004 classification) and four digits. Similar “square” numbers are possible for rear license plates.

Absence registration number on a vehicle entails a fine for the driver and is considered a violation of the Rules traffic Ukraine.

Below is data about license plates of Ukraine, classification of car numbers by region, by type of vehicle, markings of military and diplomatic vehicles, history of creation and decoding symbols car number in Ukraine.

License plates in Ukraine: how have they changed since 1991?

Modern license plates in Ukraine date back to the beginning of the country's independence in 1991. Until that time, in Ukraine, as well as in the territory former USSR, unified license plates were used. In the first years of independence and the construction of a sovereign state, Ukraine developed its own numbers. Was introduced new standard, which not only classified vehicles by region, but introduced the marking of the license plate with the color designation of the national flag and the abbreviation UA.

In subsequent years, car license plates in Ukraine changed several more times, as did their overall design and shape. License plates were introduced for transit cars, special vehicles, as well as a special letter designation for cities with a special status. At that time, Kyiv and Sevastopol were given this status. Special numbers were assigned to vehicles of higher officials, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and for carriers of technological equipment. The previously existing diplomatic and military numbers retained their special status, but their design underwent changes with the acquisition of independence of Ukraine.

Types of license plates in Ukraine

Depending on the types of vehicles, departmental or official affiliation, as well as for transit or use on non-standard transport, license plates in Ukraine are available for:

  • cars;
  • trailers;
  • buses, minibuses and taxis;
  • motorcycles;
  • mopeds;
  • vehicles that have a license plate mounting location different from the standard;
  • transit vehicles;
  • single trip, issued when purchasing a vehicle from a car dealer (including for mopeds and motorcycles);
  • diplomatic missions;
  • technical personnel of diplomatic missions (without diplomatic status);
  • individual car license plates, which consist of a set of letters, names, words;
  • individual motorcycle numbers (words, names);
  • transit numbers for deregistered vehicles;
  • Vehicles belonging to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Border Guard Service and the emergency situations(including for the top management of these departments);
  • Vehicles belonging to volunteer organizations and/or volunteer battalions;
  • Vehicles belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, including for vehicles of the ministry’s apparatus;
  • technological vehicles.

Car numbers by regions of Ukraine

Regional codes for license plates have a letter designation consisting of two letters written in Cyrillic, but having analogues in Latin. There are twelve such letters in the Ukrainian alphabet: A, B, E, I, K, M, N, O, R, S, T, X. Correspondence between the Cyrillic and Latin variants is necessary to identify national license plates on international routes, abroad.

Due to the growth in the number of vehicles in 2013, changes were made to the coding of license plates by region. At the same time, the old coding options remained in force, supplemented by new options. For example: if the old designation was AA, now, along with it, KA is also used.

Thus, the first letter in the license plate A is replaced by K,

B is replaced by H, and C is replaced by the letter I.

Regions of Ukraine (numbers)



Initial code

Updated code

Kyiv region

Vinnytsia region

Volyn region

Dnepropetrovsk region

Donetsk region

Zhytomyr Oblast

Transcarpathian region

Zaporozhye region

Ivano-Frankivsk region

Kirovograd region

Lugansk region

Lviv region

Nikolaevkskaya area

Odessa region

Poltava region

Rovenskaya region

Sumy region

Ternopil region

Kharkov region

Kherson region

Khmelnitsky region

Cherkasy region

Chernihiv region

Chernivtsi region


Diplomatic license plates in Ukraine

Until 2004, license plates of diplomatic missions had a red or yellow background. They are now shown on a white background with the corresponding code and letter designation belonging to one country or another.

Automotive codes diplomatic numbers in Ukraine

Number code

Affiliation of the diplomatic mission (country)

Russia (RF)

Great Britain





DPRK (previously active, now reserve number)








South Korea





United Nations




World Bank (IBRD)












OSCE (until 2004)

Red Cross Organization


STTC (Ukrainian Science and Technology Center)

Previously belonged to Yugoslavia


NATO (Communications Department)

NATO (information center)

New Zealand


EU Commission

EBRD (European Bank)

Service series

OSCE (until 2004)

Military and special numbers in Ukraine

In addition to encoding license plates for civil and truck transport general purpose and diplomatic numbers exist special system numbering of vehicles belonging to military formations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, other government ministries and departments that make up the so-called power block countries.

An alphanumeric combination is used to designate vehicle license plates of these formations (see table).

Number encoding


A, B, E, K, N, R, S, T - cars, I, M, O, X - trailers).

APU (Armed Forces of Ukraine)

F4 - for vehicles, F5 - for trailers

National Guard of Ukraine

State Special Transport Service

SBU (Security Service of Ukraine)

C2 (vehicles), O2 (trailers)

State Service of Special Communications

Yu with numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

State Border Service of Ukraine (State Border Service)

State Service for Emergency Situations of Ukraine

Society for Assistance to the Defense of Ukraine

Reserved numbers (letter series) in Ukraine


Who owns it

AA (0001-1000)

Secretariat of the President of Ukraine

Administration of the city of Kyiv

BB (00xx, 29xx, 99xx

State security

VR, KA ((00хх, 77хх),КI (00хх, 77хх)

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU)

Supreme Court of Ukraine

KA (33xx), KI (33xx), KS (33xx), KV (33xx), KK (33xx), KT (33xx), II (33xx), KM

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

NBU (National Bank of Ukraine)

MFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine)

KS (00xx, 70xx)

Constitutional Court of Ukraine

MM (00xx), TT (00xx)

Cars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Outdated encoding of Ukrainian license plates




Letter code


Kyiv region


Vinnytsia region


Volyn region


Dnepropetrovsk region


Donetsk region


Zhytomyr Oblast

Transcarpathian region

Zaporozhye region


Ivano-Frankivsk region


Kirovograd region


Lugansk region


Lviv region


Nikolaevkskaya area


Odessa region


Poltava region


Rovenskaya region


Sumy region


Ternopil region


Kharkov region


Kherson region

Khmelnitsky region

Cherkasy region


Chernihiv region


Chernivtsi region




Database of license plates in Ukraine

On the platform of the state website of electronic services iGov, a car search service using state license plates is operating in test mode. Thus, anyone can “punch” a car license plate in Ukraine for free, but only after registering on the website and entering their data. The functionality of the service can be seen.

Services for searching car license plates in Ukraine with access to the database are also offered by other specialized resources. Therefore, checking the car by license plate number will not be difficult. The license plate database in Ukraine opened recently, but previously access was either paid or through third-party resources that provided such a service not entirely legally.

Possible letter combinations in license plates

Car license plates by region may have the following letter combinations:

It is obvious that the classification and typification of license plates has a wide gradation according to ownership, nature of use, legal status and regions of Ukraine. Specialists and representatives of the road inspection can read them correctly. However, information that is publicly available on the Internet can be useful for all road users.

When registering a vehicle, the car owner is issued a license plate, which, as mentioned above, is a mandatory attribute of any vehicle. If for some reason your license plate is lost or has become unusable, you should register and get a new one. To do this, you should contact the territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs service center.

Standard materials (metal, paint) are used in the production of license plates. When ordering personalized numbers, you should avoid repeating number and letter combinations state numbers, and swear words are also excluded. The production of personal license plates in Ukraine is provided by service centers, which for an additional fee will not only produce the plate, but will also take care of everything documenting V service center Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In Russia, the main part of registration plates is from 1993, in accordance with GOST R 50577-93. The format and/or size differs from the standard ones: license plates of route vehicles, military vehicles, diplomatic mission vehicles, Ministry of Internal Affairs vehicles, trailers, construction equipment and motorcycles.

Standard rooms consist of 3 letters and 3 numbers. The letters indicate the license plate series, and the numbers indicate the number. An example is the description of the license plate on this page, A 421 УО 74 According to GOST, 12 Cyrillic letters are allowed for use, which have graphic analogues in the Latin alphabet (A, B, E, K, M, N, O, R, S, T , U, X). On the right side of the license plate, separated by a vertical black line, there are: a flag Russian Federation and the inscription “RUS”, at the top the code designation of the subject of the Russian Federation where the car was registered.

All license plates used are registered. Each administrative district has its own number, common to all vehicles registered in this district. The total number of sets of registration plates that can be produced for each subject of Russia is determined by GOST and is 1,726,272 pieces.

Initially, only numbers from 01 to 89 were used as region codes, according to the number of regions of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 1993. However, the number of registered cars is increasing every year, and license plates with valid combinations have become insufficient. For this reason, a number of Russian regions are introducing additional codes that can be used on signs; First, the issuance of region codes from the ninth ten (9x) began (except for code 92), and then they switched to three-digit region codes. Three or more region codes are used by Moscow (codes 77, 99, 97, 177, 199, 197, 777), Moscow region (, 90, , 190), Krasnoyarsk Territory (24, 84, 88, 124), St. Petersburg ( 78, 98, 178), Krasnodar region (23, 93, 123), Perm region (, 81, ) and Sverdlovsk region (66, 96, 196), with Krasnodar and Perm region received another code “inherited” from other constituent entities of the federation that became part of them; 19 constituent entities use two region codes. This page contains a number from a subject of the Russian Federation: Chelyabinsk region.

After the introduction of the current GOST, the numbers of the previous models were not withdrawn, for this reason you can still find cars with Soviet license plates on the roads of Russia: the 1980 model - with four numbers and three letters on a white background, and even the 1958 model - with two two-digit numbers separated by a hyphen and followed by three letters on a black background. Yellow numbers model 1947 are very rare, often fake on vintage cars. On our website, the main part of the registration plates are the numbers of private vehicles (A 421 УО 74). To post information about the car number, a photo of the vehicle, its Make and Model is required (

The car number contains certain information about its owner. It makes it possible to determine the region and status of the owner of the car.

Every car enthusiast, when purchasing, wants beautiful, memorable numbers for his vehicle. But they can be remembered not only by numbers, but also by letters.

A regular registration number contains three letters and three numbers in the main part. Still, more attention is paid to the numbers.

But no less pressing is the question of what the letters on Russian car license plates mean.

The symbols on the license plates of a car or other vehicle are the basic registration information, which represents data about the region and mode of transport necessary to identify the driver.

If at least one character is missing on the license plate, or the numbers cannot be read for some other reason, then the owner vehicle will bear administrative punishment, he is subject to a certain fine.

The numbers are installed in accordance with the traffic rules, they contain an algorithm and installation deadlines. The place for the registration number is located on the backing, which is specially installed on the bumper.

Positioning in any other visible place is considered an offense and will result in a fine. It is important that the license plates are not upside down.

A regular number is conditionally divided into 2 parts. On the left are three letters and three numbers. The first letter comes, then three numbers, followed by the remaining two symbols.

In accordance with GOST R 50577-93 - three letters in a number are a series, and numbers are a number registration plate . Russian license plates use only 12 letters of the Russian alphabet.

These are exactly the letters that have an analogue in the Latin alphabet. Among them are A, B, E, K, M, N, O, R, S, T, U, H. S right side letters and numbers are also depicted, but the letters are no longer Russian.

The numbers indicate the region of the Russian Federation where the car is registered, there may be 2 or 3 of them. And the letters “RUS” in the car number mean it belongs to the country in which it is registered.

These are all the signs that are available in a regular room. Besides them, there is only a figure with the colors of the Russian flag.

Registration license plates can have one of 5 colors. Some of them talk about the privileges of a motorist and carry information about belonging to departments of a government structure.

In addition to the above, there are license plates that are used by people and organizations close to the authorities in the Russian Federation.

These numbers often give the car an advantage on the road. FSB operational vehicles may have different state registration license plates.

Decoding license plates should start with the FSO RF series - EKH99. It appeared instead of EKH77, and EKH177 was used when the summit was held in St. Petersburg, after which it was put into storage.

The EKH97 series belongs to the FSO and other departments that have appropriate immunity.

Vehicles of the FSB and the Presidential Administration

One part of the signs from the XKH77 series is used by the FSB, and the other was always wanted by wealthy people on their cars, so it was sold.

Cars from the Presidential Administration use license plates from the AOO77, MOO77, BOO77 and SOO77 series.

A vehicle with a beacon indicates that a special postman from the State Service of the Russian Federation is traveling on it. These cars do not have advantages on the roads.

Series numbers AKR177, EKR177, VKR177 and KKR177 indicate belonging to those close to the authorities. Such cars used to have state license plates of blue color.

Members of the State Duma have numbers of the EPE177 series.

After blue license plates were introduced, the Ministry of Internal Affairs partially sold out the numbers AMP77, KMR77, VMR77, OMR77, MMP77, TMR77 and UMR77.

Only a few of them remained subordinate to this department.

РМР77 - license plates of the prosecutor's office. AMO77 series - almost completely used by the Moscow City Hall.

Deciphering thieves' license plates on cars highlights people in power and relevant government agencies.

Numbers such as NAA99, CAA99, TAA99 and XAA99 are also considered criminal numbers. Their main difference is that both employees of the FSB or a research institute, as well as a cool private trader, have these signs.

The numbers on the numbers play a big role. Beautiful numbers are those that have the same numbers.

The most popular and in demand are three sevens. After all, 7 is considered a lucky number. License plates that begin with two zeros are also popular - 003, 002 and the like. And also mirrors, for example, 101, 202.

But they look very nice and stand out among a large number of cars, vehicles whose license plates contain three identical letters - TTT, UUU, XXX.

The exception is thieves; they are not used for ordinary citizens. Any other identical numbers are not considered criminal. It’s just that such license plates are not issued by the MREO, but are sold.

Prices beautiful rooms different - 3000 rubles and above. For that amount you can buy the most simple mirrors or just an extraordinary prime number.

For example, you can put the number 308 on a Peugeot 308 for free, but practice proves that no one will just give it away. The same thing awaits those who want to use numbers matching the model on a BMW.

The price of the same figures starts from 15 thousand rubles, taking into account registration with a commercial MREO. In 2019, prices for identical letters have increased greatly, and together with beautiful numbers, they are practically unattainable for a middle-income citizen.

But it is always worth considering that the presence cool rooms will not eliminate all possible troubles. After all, the main role is played by the relevant certificate.

It is better to always follow the traffic rules. Not only your own health and life depends on this, but also the lives of other people participating in road traffic.

Thus, the combination of license plates is built on the principle of 3 letters and three numbers. The letters on the car numbers are deciphered as the license plate series, the numbers are the code of the region where the car is registered.

In addition, it is worth considering that the meaning of some letters may differ radically in different regions of the country.