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Many girls want to constantly change.

Therefore, they first look for a way to radically cut their hair, and after a while they become interested in how to beautifully remove bangs from their foreheads. This cycle will repeat again and again. There are many options for how to remove bangs beautifully - we will look at the most popular of them.

Why remove bangs? The most common reason is growing bangs to change your hairstyle. When you want this period to pass as less painfully as possible, girls try to find an acceptable temporary way to look attractive and neat. Also, bangs can get in the way when active rest

, on a hike or just annoying because you’re “bored.”

Just comb it to the parietal area, where you secure it with an original hairpin. This can be done explicitly - then the hairpin becomes And you can hide the place of fixation under the hair. The direction of laying bangs can be different: to the side, back, on both sides. You can comb the strands smoothly and fix them with hairspray so that the hair is glossy, or you can comb the bangs a little at the roots to give it volume, and then just fix it.

The effect of “overgrown bangs” looks very stylish - this is a fashion trend today and some even strive for such haircuts. Comb the strands a little to one side, revealing only part of the forehead, and firmly secure with a fixative.

The hair along with the bangs can be shaped into a kind of braid. Part your hair and separate your bangs. Comb your hair a little and lightly twist it together with a section of your main hair. The result will be an element resembling a free tourniquet. After this, you can secure the end of this element inconspicuously under the hair.

The next very common method of how to beautifully remove bangs is to wear a hoop or headband that will hold it in place and open up the face. A light backcombing is also often used here, which lifts the strands and visually enlarges the parietal area.

A more complex option is to weave a “spikelet” or “French braid” in a circle using strands of bangs. This is a very effective way of being beautiful. Photos of such hairstyles show either a completely open forehead or a braid falling onto the face.

Sometimes, instead of a hoop, a braid is used, which is woven from one’s own hair. This method, which helps answer the question of how to beautifully remove bangs, is only suitable for those who have long and thick curls.

For medium hair, you can use two separate braids, which are formed on both sides of the head and cross at the crown, pressing the bangs. The ends of the braids are fixed with elastic bands, hidden under the hair and secured with bobby pins.

Girls are fickle when it comes to: today they want a short haircut, and tomorrow they want long hair, the day after tomorrow they want to cut off their bangs, and next week they want to grow it out again.

The bangs in your hairstyle change very often and painlessly. Bored bangs can be grown out, hidden or styled. There is nothing easier than pinning up and getting rid of the “over-forehead strands” for a while, and then changing your mood and putting your bangs back in place.

There are several types of bangs: short and long - depending on the length of the hair, solid or thinned - depending on the type of haircut, straight and oblique - depending on the haircut model. So that you can learn how to style any type of bangs, we have prepared a lot of exciting ideas.

How to pin up bangs with bobby pins and bobby pins?

The easiest way to style bangs of any length and shape is with bobby pins. This applies primarily to short and very short bangs. Part your hair evenly, apply a little hairspray to the comb, comb your bangs to one side, and secure with one or two hairpins crosswise. Use both regular bobby pins to match your hair color and hairpins for this hairstyle. bright colors, with ornaments or decorations. If you do not comb your bangs to one side, but part them exactly in half with a middle parting, then there will be a greater chance that short strands will merge with the overall mass of hair and will be almost invisible.

If you are tired of wearing bangs and decide to grow them out, be patient, this process may seem endless to you. But there is a big plus - you have a reason to experiment with your image. Check out our article and take note of some ways to tidy up your growing bangs.

Wear your bangs to the side. This is always fashionable and relevant, and this hairstyle suits almost everyone. True, when the bangs reach a certain length, you still have to do something with them. And here it’s your right - either to constantly cut your hair and continue to wear side bangs, or to style it in your hair and grow it out.

If you have just started growing bangs and they are already bothering you, hide them with bobby pins and bobby pins. You can pin it on your forehead or next to your ear, depending on the shape of your face.

Hoops and headbands will be your faithful assistants in the fight for long bangs. The undoubted “queen of headbands” can rightfully be considered Miss Blair Waldorf from the television series “Gossip Girl”. Her hairstyles perfectly demonstrate how a headband or ribbon can simultaneously hide bangs and decorate the overall look.

If your bangs have already grown at least to the bridge of your nose, put them up. Hairstyles with combed back and fixed voluminous bangs look very impressive both at celebrations and in everyday life.

If you like a retro style, then wear your hair in the spirit of the 40s. The bangs are divided into two halves and twisted into loose strands, the ends of which are fixed behind the ears.

From your bangs you can make a very impressive braid along the hairline. To prevent short hairs from getting out of the braid, first apply a drop of hair gel to your bangs.

When growing bangs, think not only about beautiful hairstyles, but also about the condition of your hair. Don't forget to regularly trim your hair a couple of millimeters and moisturize it with masks and conditioners, because hair grows well when it has enough moisture.

Elegant look and complements the image favorably. According to the latest fashion trends, it is perfect for business women and simply stylish girls.

If you want to completely change your look by redoing your hair, try cutting off your bangs first. Having experimented with different ways styling, you can finally decide on the look you like.

How to beautifully remove overgrown bangs. Appearance types

Bangs can make a huge difference appearance and hair style. Depending on the length, it can be varnished, braided, laid on different sides, pinned with hairpins, ribbons and other accessories woven into it.

To figure out how to beautifully remove a strand, you first need to understand what type of appearance you have:

How to beautifully remove bangs if they have grown? In this case, it would be appropriate to braid it, gradually weaving it into other longer strands. You can also simply pin it back or remove it with a hoop.

5 ways to remove short bangs in one minute

How to beautifully remove long bangs

Long bangs go well with most types of hairstyles. However, wearing it in everyday life is not entirely convenient. You can learn how to beautifully remove bangs from the points below.

  1. Divide your hair into two parts. Roll each one into a rope shape. Throw the resulting strands back and pin them with bobby pins or openwork hairpins.
  2. You can often find girls who simply braid long bangs into a braid that smoothly transitions into the main flow of their hair. This method is the most common among all installation methods.

Short bangs

Don’t know how to remove bangs beautifully if they are short? Lift it up, then divide it into two parts. Backcomb the divided area that is close to the head. Don't backcomb it too much. Cover the resulting volume with the top of the bangs and give it a natural shape. Secure with a bobby pin and spray with a little hairspray.

Accessories that suit those with short bangs

To give an unusual and exclusive look to the image, use the following accessories:

  1. Ribbons.
  2. Headbands.
  3. Hairpins.
  4. Invisible.

If you are thinking about how to remove your bangs beautifully if they are short, use the simplest ribbon. This accessory is perfect for both short and long hair. You can hide short bangs by tying a ribbon on your head, capturing the front strands. When choosing such an accessory, do not forget to take into account the color combination.

Using headbands

Hair bands are made from various materials. They can be plastic and soft. The second type of headband will not suit short hair; it will not hold the hair, and the hairstyle will simply fall apart.

An unusual way to style bangs using a soft hoop. Place the elastic band around your neck. Level it up. Separate a small section of hair near your face, lowering it under the elastic. Place the headband on your head. Pull the strands away from your face (tuck them under the elastic and twist).

Styling products

When modeling bangs and the entire hairstyle in general, it is important to use styling products as intended. various types, this will give your hair a radiant look and make your look unique.

Bangs are a striking element of a hairstyle that can radically change a woman’s appearance. But even the most stylish bangs can quickly get boring, because every woman has a constant passion for change. Do you really have to spend months growing bangs? Of course not! Knowing how to beautifully remove bangs, you can very quickly start new fashion experiments!

Hiding bangs with bobby pins and hairpins

Using a comb, styling tool and a couple of accessories, you can easily remove bangs from your forehead. In addition, you have three main options at your disposal.

Method 1

  1. We apply gel or mousse to the bangs - they will not allow the hairstyle to fall apart.
  2. Comb your bangs back or lift them up.
  3. Secure the tip with bobby pins crosswise. If desired, use a decorative hairpin or crab.
  4. Sprinkle the strands with hairspray or fix with gel.

This method will help both those who want to completely open their forehead, and those who just need to reduce the thickness of their bangs. In the latter case, it is enough to separate the upper section of the bangs and comb it back, securing it with a bobby pin or a hairpin.

Method 2

Step 1. Lubricate the strands with wax or gel.

Step 2. Divide the bangs along a straight parting.

Step 3. We fix the bobby pins on both sides of the parting.

Step 4. Hide the ends of the bangs under the bulk of the hair.

This is a simple option for every day, but it only looks good with loose strands. If you want to wear your hair in a ponytail or any other hairstyle, your secret will be immediately revealed.

For more details, watch this video:

Method 3

  1. We moisten the bangs with water and apply gel or mousse to it.
  2. Divide the hair into two parts using a side parting.
  3. We attach the tip with an invisible hairpin to the main hair, hiding it under the hair or leaving it on top. In the first case, you can use a couple of invisible ones. For the second one, a beautiful decorative hairpin with a flower would be more suitable.

10 more interesting options:

Put it away under a ribbon or headband

Don't know how to beautifully remove short bangs? Your women's arsenal probably has all kinds of ribbons, hoops or scarves! So use them to your advantage.

Pay attention to the main point - the color of the accessory should be in harmony with the shade of the clothing and emphasize it. However, if you want to play in contrast, then why not take a risk?! Having chosen the desired headband or ribbon, we comb the bangs onto the top of the head and secure them with an accessory.

If this option does not suit you, separate the strands with a straight parting or comb them to the side.

For a romantic hairstyle, you can style your bangs in waves or twist them into a braid, and choose an openwork ribbon or an unusual hoop to secure them. They will make the styling more impressive and focus all the attention on the bangs.

Style your bangs with a braid

This is an exclusive way that will add elegance and charm to the whole image. To braid your hair, you only need three things: hairspray, a fine-tooth comb, and a clear elastic band. Now let's start braiding the braid.

6 simple and beautiful ways to pin up short bangs:

French braid on bangs

Step 1. Gently comb the bangs and divide them into three parts.

Step 2. Wet our hands with water and apply a small amount of mousse, gel or wax to the strands.

Step 3. We begin weaving a three-row braid, gradually adding side strands from the main hair.

Step 4. We can leave the spikelet tight, or we can slightly tousle it, stretching the segments with our hands.

Reverse braid

This method is similar to the previous one, only the strands need to be intertwined not from above, but from below. This braid can also be presented in two versions - openwork and strict. The result will be something like this:


How to remove bangs beautifully? Braid your hair!

  • Comb your bangs with a comb.
  • We select a thin strand from above and divide it into two parts.
  • We intertwine them with each other once.
  • During the second and subsequent weaves, add loose bangs to the top strand.
  • Secure the end of the tourniquet with a bobby pin or bobby pin.

By alternating bangs with an open forehead, you will always look interesting and fresh. Don't be afraid of change and change your image more often.