Operating principle of driver fatigue sensor q3. AutoTechno: Nissan Qashqai – tracking lane markings and monitoring driver fatigue. Basic principles of operation of a fatigue sensor

The DAC and Attention Assist fatigue monitoring systems monitor the driver's physical condition and, if necessary, signal that it is time for the driver to stop and rest. This check is carried out using three control options:

Attention Assist and DAC are fatigue monitoring systems that monitor the driver’s ability to physically control the vehicle and, if necessary, signal to stop driving to rest. Checking is carried out by three types of control, which depend on the following behavioral factors:
1. The driver's behavior is assessed;
2. The driver's gaze is fixed;
3. The movement of the vehicle is controlled.

Attention Assist device, which monitors driver behavior, Mercedes-Benz company has been publishing since 2011. This device is guided by the following motivations: the way the car is driven, the steering wheel, the driver’s actions while driving and some other parameters.
Schematically, the fatigue monitoring system consists of a steering sensor, a warning indicator and an audible warning that alerts the driver.

A sensor installed on the steering wheel monitors the change in force that is exerted on the steering wheel as it rotates. The system also takes into account information received from other control sensors: driving stability, brake system, visibility restrictions and engine parameters.
The signals received by the device are processed, determining the following parameters:
A) within half an hour from the start of movement, the speed and lateral acceleration of the car (driving style) are analyzed;
b) the condition under which the movement occurs (both the time of day and the duration of the trip are taken into account here);
V) the control of the following components is analyzed: buttons located on the steering wheel and switches under it, and the brake system;
G) the force on the steering wheel is analyzed;
d) state road surface and the behavior of the car while driving (lateral and longitudinal acceleration).
By analyzing all these parameters, the system detects violations in the driver’s actions and changes in the direction of the vehicle. After that, a signal with sound is sent to the screen located on the instrument panel so that the driver stops to rest. If a drowsy driver ignores the signal and continues driving, the system continues to remind him of this every 15 minutes. It should also be recalled that monitoring the driver’s condition begins to work at speeds over 80 km/h.

Volvo's Driver Alert Control (or DAC) differs from Attention Assist in that it monitors only the trajectory of movement along the highway, and video control, which monitors the direction of the vehicle's path, determines its location in the road lane. If suddenly the car begins to move away from the established boundaries, the system reacts to this as if the driver is tired and issues two warning signals: “soft” and “hard”. Both of these signals depend on the general well-being of the driver and differ from each other in volume and tone. The DAC system is activated, working in conjunction with system elements Lane Departure Warning when the vehicle speed reaches 60 km/h.

A special built-in unit that is installed by the company General Motors, where the base is the already proven Seeing Machines technique, which evaluates the state of the driver’s gaze, is installed not only on the car, but also on railway transport. The unit’s task is to monitor the openness of the driver’s eyes and their concentration, and if signs of fatigue or loss of attentiveness and a state close to sleep are detected, the system immediately gives a command to stop the vehicle.
Also, the driver fatigue monitoring system can control other vehicle functions, for example, the direction of gaze can enable or disable certain options on dashboard. Or, when performing any maneuver, notify the driver that he forgot to look in the mirror.

According to German insurance companies, a quarter of accidents on German autobahns occur due to drivers falling asleep at the wheel. Domestic statistics give a close figure. Most often, the driver falls asleep during a long and monotonous drive on a country road.

Studies have shown that four hours spent behind the wheel reduces the driver's reaction time by half; after eight hours of driving, the reaction time decreases by six times. There are many tips on how to deal with drowsiness. Periodic stops and physical exercise, conversation with a fellow traveler, etc.

From my personal experience:

  • wife sitting on back seat, watching my eyes in the rearview mirror. The method is unreliable, she can fall asleep herself.

The driver fatigue monitoring system monitors the driver's condition and, if necessary, requires him to stop and rest.

The system asks you to rest!

There are two types of control systems:

  • this is monitoring the actions of the driver;
  • or analysis of vehicle behavior on the road.

At the first stages of system design, the main parameter was monitoring the driver’s eyes - the frequency of blinking was controlled and, in case of danger, a signal was given to the driver. The method proved to be ineffective because drivers responded to the signal (steering wheel shaking) late.

Names of driver fatigue monitoring systems:

  • Driver Alert Control,
  • Attention Assist.

How does a modern driver fatigue monitoring system work?

Modern systems take into account a greater number of parameters. The style of driving a car, the frequency of influences on the controls, and the behavior of the car on the road are assessed.

The system is watching you!

The system includes the electronic unit controls, steering wheel position sensor, sound and light alarms. In its work, the control unit uses information from other security systems: engine control, night vision, etc.

The fatigue control system turns on when the car reaches a speed of about 80 km/h and operates according to the following algorithm. The control unit, having received initial information during the first half hour of the car moving at a steady speed, determines the driver’s driving style of the car: speed, longitudinal and lateral acceleration of the car, speed and acceleration when rotating the steering wheel, frequency of influences on the car’s controls.

If over time the car's driving style and its trajectory changes, an inscription appears on the car's monitor requiring a stop to rest and an audible alarm sounds.


This option is not bad for cars, I had it a couple of times, I started messing around while driving a car, luckily I caught it in time.

How does the fatigue control system work?

The creation of modern vehicles is accompanied by the introduction of functions aimed at making them more comfortable to use. Automakers have developed and are implementing Attention Assist and DAC - devices that monitor the degree of fatigue of the person sitting behind the wheel. They monitor the level of physical effort required to operate the unit and signal the need to stop for rest. And how does the driver fatigue monitoring system work? various manufacturers cars.

Basic parameters for organizing driver fatigue testing

The process has a triple level, depending on the created conditions.

The safety of the vehicle and the vision of the driver are checked. Automotive Mercedes-Benz concern In the last seven years, announcing various models, it equips them with Attention Assist, which is capable of monitoring the behavior of the person driving the vehicle. Driving operations and the use of the steering wheel are recorded, driving habits and other specific parameters characterizing the personality of the steering wheel are analyzed.

General Motors, using Seeing Machines algorithms, implemented it on cargo equipment, wheeled vehicles by rail tracks, used in developed mining enterprises involved in the extraction of minerals open method. A built-in special unit monitors the openness of the driver’s eyes, their concentration on movement, and monitoring the condition of the road surface.

The Skoda Kodiak driver fatigue monitoring system, for example, uses indicators from the driver's steering wheel sensor and a pedal frequency recorder. The average performance of a cheerful, attentive driver is used. The difference between the actual results and those recorded as a sample indicates fatigue.

The applied options can be used to control individual functions of the moving device. Eye direction allows you to manipulate individual indicators on the control panel. Forgetting to look in the mirror when overtaking or turning will be corrected by the built-in reminder system about the need for this action.

  • Dubinin Alexander Alexandrovich, bachelor, student
  • Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute
  • Moiseev Yuri Igorevich, Candidate of Sciences, Head of Department
  • Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute

This article discusses a system for determining driver fatigue. A solution has been proposed for upgrading equipment that can eliminate the existing problem.

  • Features of the use of tachographs in the control system of passenger vehicles
  • Development of methods for adapting the operating process of a diesel engine to run on compressed gas
  • Possibility of installing turbocharging on a passenger car engine
  • Development of a data transmission system for bus faults using a tachograph in order to reduce repair time

We all know very well that on the road the driver is the main figure traffic, I compare such components as “road” and “car”, accidents are mostly caused by the driver, namely two-thirds of all car accidents. One of the reasons is the psychophysiological state of the person behind the wheel. Of course experienced drivers they know everyday tricks on how to cheer themselves up before a long-distance trip and during their journey. But often all these techniques work for no more than 4 hours, and if you are driving in a car alone, for example, somewhere in another city, where you have to drive for more than 12 hours. Knowing from myself, a monotonous road, flashing trees, all this affects the attention and reaction of the driver. It is worth noting that drivers falling asleep at the wheel are the cause of 25% car accidents. Of course, everything cannot come down to just the driver and his condition. Road conditions, car malfunctions vehicle, traffic light breakdown. But still, I would like to return to being a driver.

Having analyzed the market for cars and technologies that keep pace with them, there are special systems determining driver fatigue. The driver fatigue monitoring system monitors the driver's psychophysiological and physical condition; if a deviation from the norm is detected by the specified system when analyzing the movement, the driver's control system informs the driver that he needs to stop or rest. There are three main fatigue recognition systems: a system for determining driver fatigue, a system for monitoring biometric parameters of the body, and a system for tracking exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Their purpose is to inform the driver about his fatigue. There are many such devices and they all work differently. There are SOUV devices that, when the driver deviates from the norms, inform him with sound and light signals, physical ones, namely, after identifying a danger, for example, the seats begin to vibrate. There are systems that, again, if the driver deviates from the norms, take over control of the car and operate autonomously. The operation of the driver fatigue detection system is shown in “Fig. 1".

Figure 1. Operation of the driver fatigue detection system

Most devices in the driver fatigue detection system operate autonomously and are not connected to the vehicle's BMU.

These devices are easily connected to the car. There are systems that are installed in front of the driver, providing sensory signals, monitoring the state of the person, his head position, his eyelids and pupils, and video surveillance systems.

There are SOUVs that have contact directly with the person himself, namely a bracelet that is worn on the hand and controls his condition using heart rate and body temperature.

A device called Stopsleep., which monitors human conditions using sensors that read information on skin conductivity.

All these devices, when the driver deviates from the norm, inform him about this, but other than signals and lights, the device does not apply any actions in relation to the car.

In connection with this problem, I would like to make changes that would affect the operation of devices that are not associated with the vehicle's control unit.

Let's look at the example of a tachograph, Atol Drive 5.

This device supports both wired and wireless technology for transmitting data to processing and control modules.

"TCA-02NK" produced by Izmeritel-Avto CJSC.

Violations are recorded and warnings are displayed about various violations ( speed mode, excess labor time, total driving time per day, operation of chip cards and much more). The built-in printer allows you to print all parameters on thermal paper, and information display will display the same information for your reference. "Drive 5" produced by ATOL.

An example is shown in “Fig. 2"

Figure 2. Tachograph Atol “DRIVA 5”

Advantages: the presence of a cover on the device for quick replacement CIPF and battery; allows you to minimize equipment downtime during maintenance; 10 colors and backlight brightness that can be adjusted by the driver; optimal design of the printing mechanism - the printer has the most high speed printing among devices on the market; support for working with 2 SIM cards; expansion slot, universal solution for pairing with other on-board devices.

The main purpose of the tachograph is to prevent dangerous emergency situations arising due to the driver's fault. Thanks to this device, the driver will not exceed the speed limit and will not get behind the wheel when tired.

We decided that we needed to improve the tachograph, namely the algorithm of its operation. Let's consider the system algorithm.

Let's describe how it works modernized model tachograph connected together with an infrared sensor that reads the driver’s pupil size. The operating principle is shown in Fig. 3

Figure 3. Algorithm of tachograph operation.

After turning on the ignition, the electronic control unit transmits to the tachograph to begin checking the system. After checking the system and starting to move the car, the fatigue detection system, namely the infrared sensor, is turned on.

When the sensor detects that the driver has deviated from the norm, it transmits a signal to the dispatcher that the driver is falling asleep. After which the dispatcher takes measures to eliminate this problem.

We analyzed the operating algorithm of a standard tachograph and made changes to it, which subsequently increased safety on the road for the driver, passengers and participants in all road traffic.

Based on the information I collected on the VCS, it can be noted that development in this industry does not stand still. Scientific developers are trying to protect the driver various systems, but let’s not forget that after all, a person drives a car and safety on the road depends on him. I would like every driver to take his profession seriously and clearly understand that when he gets behind the wheel, not only his life is in his hands, but also the lives of his passengers.


  1. Driver fatigue detection systems. Suslinnikov A. [Electronic resource].
  2. http://systemsauto.ru/active/drowsiness_detection_system.html
  3. A device called Stopsleep [Electronic resource]. - http://savepearlharbor.com/ (date accessed 02/6/2017).
  4. Tachograph: brands and models [Electronic resource]. – URL: http:postebor.ru/taxografy/cifrovye-taxografy/taxograf-continental-vdo-dtco-3283/ (date accessed 02/6/2017).
  5. Moiseev Yu.I., Popov A.V., Rybanov A.A., Surkaev A.L. // Increasing road safety through the introduction of a self-learning system for determining driver fatigue on a vehicle // article in the magazine // Motor transport company. – 2016 pp. 5-8
  6. Izustkin A.E., Poluektov M.V., Moiseev Yu.I. // Increasing the efficiency of operation of vehicles equipped with tachographs // appears in the collection of conference proceedings. - 2016 P 171-172

Most efficient systems driver condition monitoring systems are Attention Assist, Driver Alert Control and Seeing Machines. Their goal is to detect and report changes in the human body in a timely manner.

The content of the article:

Monotonous road or long trips in a car, especially at night, lead to driver fatigue. As a result, his reaction decreases and fatigue increases. This leads to the fact that the body cannot withstand the load, and the driver simply falls asleep. This leads to numerous serious accidents.

In order to avoid such cases, they came up with systems that monitor and control the level of driver fatigue. This can be done using 3 indicators. In the first case, the actions of the driver are observed, then the movement of the car, and finally the gaze of the driver.

Attention Assist

The Attention Assist system provides control using several parameters and elements. This system built into the car German mark Mercedes-Benz. The Attention Assist system consists of several sensors, each of which is responsible for a specific indicator of fatigue. These are sensors such as the steering wheel, engine or brake system. One of the main ones is the control unit sensor.

It monitors the driver’s physical condition for many indicators. First of all, he controls the driving style, namely the speed. The next indicators are the conditions in which the car is moving. This means the duration of the trip and when it occurs, at what time of day.

The brake system and steering column switches belong to the management system, which is also controlled by the system. Finally, acceleration is controlled, namely lateral and longitudinal.

Monitoring the current state, the system compares it with the original one. If the indicators indicate a significant deviation from the norm, it turns on sound signal and the message “Attention Assist: Pause” is displayed on the screen panel, warning the driver to stop.

A signal is sent every 15 minutes if the warning is ignored. The system comes into action at speeds from 80 km/h. Analysis of speed, maneuverability and reading of other parameters occurs 30 minutes after the start of movement, since most often this is the time required for moving over long distances.

Driver Alert Control (DAC)

The following Driver Alert Control system was created by the Swedish automotive industry. by Volvo. Here the principle is based on monitoring the driver’s condition through the vehicle’s driving style. For this purpose in Volvo car a special video camera is built in that monitors driving patterns on the road. The trajectory and its changes are assessed using the steering wheel sensor and monitoring road lanes. The second video camera monitors the driver’s external state, namely eye movements.

If a state of fatigue is detected, the system notifies the driver using a signal and the message “Driver Alert. Time for a break." The system begins to operate at speeds from 60 km/h.

Seeing Machines

The latest system that monitors the driver's condition is Seeing Machine, implemented in a British car Jaguar brand. It is noteworthy that this technology is used not only in the case of driving a car, but in other areas. The system is built solely on monitoring the external physical condition of the driver. The built-in camera records the position of the eyes and their direction.

If the indicator deviates from the norm, the system notifies you of fatigue and the likelihood of falling asleep while driving using a signal and a special message.

The perfection of this technology is that it is activated even if the driver is wearing sunglasses. This system also includes Extra options. For example, the system records a lack of attention to the rear view mirror. In this case, the driver receives a reminder about this action.

Video of the driver tracking system working: