The car door is shaking. The machine is energized. What to do? Charge on clothes and seat

Mumps or, as it is called in medicine, mumps is considered a viral disease that predominantly occurs in children.

The anomaly is accompanied by general intoxication, inflammation of the glands and fever.

If therapy is not started on time, there is a risk of developing dangerous consequences.

Therefore, many people are interested in how to treat mumps in children at home.


The main cause of the pathology is paramyxovirus infection.. This pathogen enters the body by airborne droplets - during coughing, sneezing and talking.

In this case, infection can occur even in the absence of symptoms of pathology. A sick child becomes a source of paramyxovirus 9 days before the appearance of signs of an anomaly. However, it remains contagious for another 9 days after the onset of manifestations.

During an epidemic, approximately 70% of children become infected. If a child has previously had mumps, a lifelong immunity is developed to it. In addition, 20% of babies are not exposed to infection due to certain characteristics of the body.

Because of this, doctors identify certain factors that increase the risk of developing the disease.. These include the following:

  • dysfunctions of the immune system;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • weakening of the body in winter and early spring;
  • lack of vaccination.

Thus, during the mumps epidemic in a kindergarten or school, it is quite difficult to protect a child from infection. The threat of infection is reduced if the baby has been vaccinated or has strong immunity.

Parotitis (mumps)


Pathology has a fairly long incubation period. It largely depends on the state of immunity of the baby.

The first signs of mumps in children after infection appear at about 11-13 days. In more rare cases they can occur only on the 19-23rd day.

To avoid the spread of the epidemic, when 2-3 cases appear in the children's team, quarantine must be declared. It must last 21 days.

A characteristic symptom of the anomaly is an increase in the size of the parotid glands.. About a day before this symptom, prodromal phenomena occur, which are the first manifestations of mumps.

So, how does the development of the disease begin? The child has:

  • headaches;
  • general weakness;
  • malaise;
  • muscle pain;
  • slight chills;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite.

Already the next day, the symptoms are growing. Parents must know how mumps manifests itself in order to consult a doctor in time.

With intoxication of the body, symptoms such as arthralgia, headaches, chills, myalgia occur.. AT difficult cases there is a risk of tachycardia, pressure reduction, anorexia, asthenia. The child may experience prolonged insomnia.

The temperature depends on the severity of the pathology. In mild forms of anomaly, it does not exceed subfebrile indicators. With an average severity of parotitis, the temperature is 38-39 degrees.

If the child has a severe form of mumps, the temperature can reach 40 degrees.. Wherein this indicator may be kept for 2 weeks. The duration of the fever is 4-7 days. In this case, the peak falls on 1-2 days.

With the defeat of the salivary glands, the following symptoms appear:

  • feeling of dryness in the oral cavity;
  • ear pain;
  • Filatov's symptom - when it appears, the maximum pain sensations are localized in the area of ​​the earlobe and mastoid process;
  • irradiation of pain in the ears during chewing and talking;
  • swelling in the region of the tonsils;
  • an increase in the salivary glands - most often bilateral in nature and extends to the neck;
  • Mursu's symptom - is an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane in the region of the excretory ducts of the parotid gland affected by the virus.

The swelling usually increases within 3 days and retains its size for another 2-3 days. Then it gradually decreases. This takes 1 more week. In addition, swelling of the submandibular and sublingual glands can be observed.

With the defeat of male organs, the following manifestations may occur:

  • damage to the spermatogenic epithelium of the testicles - observed in 20% of cases and can subsequently lead to infertility;
  • inflammation of the testicles - observed with the development of a complicated form of mumps;
  • pain in the gonadal area;
  • an increase in the size of the testicles, the appearance of swelling and redness.

The severity of the disease depends on the age of the baby. How older child, the more difficult the pathology is tolerated.

Puberty is especially dangerous.. In this case, there is a risk of damage to male organs, which subsequently threatens infertility.

Treatment Methods

What should I do if my child has mumps? First of all, you need to show the baby to the pediatrician. It is important to understand that there is no specific therapy for the disease.

The main goal of treatment is to reduce the suffering of the patient and prevent negative consequences.

The therapy includes several components:

  • proper care of the baby;
  • medical nutrition;
  • application medicines.

A sick baby must be isolated from other children immediately after the first symptoms of inflammation appear. In doing so, the following recommendations must be observed:

Therapeutic diet

Pancreatitis is a common complication of mumps.. To minimize the risk of this anomaly, a sick child must follow a therapeutic diet.

It must be built according to the following rules:

  • avoid overeating;
  • reduce the amount of pasta, white bread, fatty foods, cabbage;
  • give preference to dairy and plant foods;
  • include brown bread, potatoes and rice in the diet.

Treatment should be symptomatic. Therefore, drugs are selected for each patient individually. It is not recommended to self-medicate, since mumps can lead to serious complications.

With the development of parotitis, warm compresses should not be applied to the affected areas. This will only aggravate the development of inflammation and lead to dangerous complications.

Most often, doctors prescribe the following categories of drugs:

The pediatrician can pick up other categories of medicines. It depends on the individual characteristics of the child's body and the development of complications.

In addition to traditional methods of therapy, you can use effective folk remedies:


In most cases, mumps does not lead to dangerous consequences for health. However, the following complications can sometimes occur:

Vaccination is the main method of prevention. Currently, there are several types of vaccines. However, they all have the same principle of operation.

After vaccination, the child's body recognizes the incoming antigens, which leads to the synthesis of antibodies. This protection will last a lifetime.

In most cases, a combination vaccine is used that protects against measles, mumps and rubella.. Children are subject to vaccination 2 times - at 1 year and at 6-7 years.

Many parents wonder if a vaccinated child can get mumps.. The vaccine has a fairly high efficiency - it helps to reduce the risk of developing pathology and the threat of complications.

This means that after vaccination, the baby may get sick, but the probability of this is no more than 5%. In this case, the disease will have a milder course and will not lead to complications.

Non-specific prophylaxis of mumps in children is aimed at preventing the spread of the disease. It includes the following components:

  • isolation of sick children;
  • disinfection of toys and objects with which the sick child has come into contact;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • room ventilation;
  • observance of the mask regime.

Mumps is considered a fairly serious disease that can cause undesirable consequences. To minimize the risk of complications, you need to get your child vaccinated in a timely manner.

If the baby is still sick, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. The first symptoms of pathology should be the basis for going to the doctor.

A disease such as mumps can be dangerous for children. Often it proceeds without noticeable symptoms, but can give severe complications. Protecting a child from contracting this infection is not easy, since in a children's team it is not always possible to distinguish a sick baby from a healthy one. Manifestations usually occur only a few days after the disease has already begun, and the person has become contagious to others. Parents should be aware of the serious consequences that can result from getting mumps, as well as the importance of getting vaccinated against it.

The causative agent is a virus of the paramyxovirus family (measles and parainfluenza viruses belong to the same family). The causative agent of mumps develops only in human body, in its various glands. It primarily affects the salivary glands (parotid and submandibular). But it can also multiply in all other glands of the body (genital, pancreatic, thyroid).

Most often, mumps occurs between the ages of 3 and 7 years, but adolescents up to 15 years of age can also get sick. Newborns do not have mumps, since they have a very high content of antigens for this virus in their blood. A person who has been ill develops lifelong immunity, so they do not get sick again with mumps.

It has been observed that mumps occurs more frequently in boys than in girls. Moreover, the defeat of the testes in adolescents leads to subsequent infertility. However, damage to the gonads occurs only in 20% of cases with a complicated form of mumps.

Types and forms of the disease

The severity of the course of mumps depends on the number of viruses that have entered the body, their activity, as well as the age and physical form of the child, the state of his immune system.

There are 2 types of disease:

  • manifest (manifested by symptoms of varying severity);
  • inapparent (asymptomatic mumps).

Manifestant parotitis

It is divided into uncomplicated (one or more salivary glands are affected, other organs are not affected) and complicated (the spread of the virus to other organs is observed). The complicated form of mumps is very dangerous, since inflammatory processes affect the vital important organs: brain, kidneys, reproductive and mammary glands, heart, joints, nervous system. With this form, mumps can, meningitis, nephritis, mastitis, arthritis, myocarditis, orchitis, pancreatitis. In extremely rare cases, deafness occurs.

Mumps of this type proceeds in a mild form, as well as with manifestations of moderate severity and in severe form.

Light(atypical, with erased symptoms) form of mumps. There is a slight malaise, which quickly disappears without leading to any consequences.

Medium the disease is manifested by pronounced signs of damage to the salivary glands and general intoxication of the body with substances that the virus secretes.

heavy the form. pronounced characteristics lesions of the salivary glands, complications arise.

Inapparent parotitis

A feature of this disease is the complete absence of symptoms in a sick child. In this case, it is difficult to suspect the presence of a dangerous infection in his body. The insidiousness lies in the fact that the baby is a distributor of a dangerous infection, although he feels himself as usual.

Causes of mumps in children

The mumps virus is only spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. So the likelihood of the virus getting into the surrounding air increases if the child has a cold.

The incubation period is from 12 to 21 days. About a week before the onset of symptoms, the patient becomes contagious to others and continues to remain so until complete recovery, which is diagnosed by the results of the tests.

The virus, along with air, enters the mucous membrane of the nose and upper respiratory tract, from where it spreads further to the salivary and other glands of the body. Most often, the disease is manifested by inflammation and enlargement of the salivary glands.

The disease is facilitated by a decrease in immunity in a child due to frequent colds, malnutrition lagging behind in physical development. Susceptibility to the virus in unvaccinated children is very high. Children's institutions can experience outbreaks of mumps if they are visited by children who have a latent disease. In case of the appearance of the disease in several babies at the same time, the institution is closed for a 3-week quarantine. The mumps virus at a temperature of 20 ° dies after 4-6 days. It is unstable to the action of ultraviolet rays and disinfectants (lysol, formalin, bleach).

Outbreaks of the disease are especially possible in the autumn-winter period.

Signs of mumps

The disease proceeds in several stages.

Incubation period(duration 12-21 days). The following processes take place:

  • viruses penetrate the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract;
  • enter the blood;
  • are carried throughout the body, accumulate in the glandular tissue;
  • back into the blood. At this time, they can already be detected by laboratory diagnostic methods.

The period of clinical manifestations. In the normal course of the disease, there are signs of intoxication of the body and inflammation of the glands in the jaws and ears. This period lasts 3-4 days, if there are no complications.

Recovery. At this time, the symptoms of a child with mumps gradually disappear. This period lasts up to 7 days. Until about 9 days after the onset of symptoms, the baby can infect others.

First signs

The first signs of malaise occur in children a day before the appearance of swelling of the face. These include lack of appetite, weakness, chills, fever up to 38 ° -39 °, body aches, headache. All these are the consequences of poisoning the body with the products of the vital activity of microorganisms.

The child wants to sleep all the time, but cannot fall asleep. Small children are naughty. Perhaps the increase in the patient's pulse, lowering blood pressure. In a severe form of the disease, the temperature can reach up to 40 °.

Main manifestations

Children have pain in the earlobes, tonsils swell. Difficulty swallowing, chewing, talking, pain radiates to the ears. There may be increased salivation.

The salivary glands most often swell on both sides, although a unilateral form of the disease is also possible. Swell not only the parotid, but also the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands. Therefore, inflammation of the salivary glands leads to severe swelling of the cheeks, parotid region and neck.

The skin over the edema near the ears turns red, begins to shine. An increase in swelling is observed within 3 days, after which it goes reverse process gradual slow downsizing of the tumor. In adults and adolescents, swelling may not subside within 2 weeks; in young children, it decreases much faster. The older the child, the more severely he suffers the disease.

Features of the development of parotitis in boys and girls

In case of parotitis in boys, in about 20% of cases, a viral infection of the epithelium of the testicles (orchitis) occurs. If this happens during puberty, then infertility can become a consequence of a complicated disease.

Signs of the occurrence of such a condition are alternate swelling and redness of the testicles, pain in them, fever. Inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis) can also occur, the manifestations of which are pain in the groin area, frequent painful urination.

In girls, a complication of mumps may be inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis). This causes nausea, abdominal pain, teenage girls have abundant yellow discharge, and sexual development may be delayed.

Signs of damage to the nervous system

In rare cases, the virus affects not only the glandular tissues, but also the central nervous system. This leads to meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord). This is a disease that can pose a threat to the life of children. Its manifestations are very characteristic (tension of the muscles of the back and neck, which forces the child to take a special position), vomiting that does not bring relief, high fever.

Warning: A sign of the occurrence of complications is a sharp increase in temperature after a noticeable improvement in the patient's condition, when the temperature has already dropped to normal. Even if a child with mumps feels quite well, he should be under the supervision of a doctor until complete recovery.

Video: Signs and symptoms of mumps, the consequences of the disease

Diagnosis for mumps

As a rule, the characteristic course of the disease makes it possible to establish a diagnosis even without additional examination.

In addition to mumps, there are other causes of enlargement of the salivary glands, in which similar manifestations occur. This can happen due to the penetration of bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci), dehydration of the body, dental diseases, HIV infection.

However, in these cases, swelling of the cheeks is preceded by some other characteristic manifestations (for example, teeth hurt, there is an injury, after which bacteria could be introduced into the salivary glands).

In order to finally verify the presence of a contagious infection, it is necessary to conduct laboratory diagnostics: a blood test for antibodies to the mumps virus, a microscopic examination of saliva and swabs from the pharynx. If you suspect a defeat nervous system spinal puncture is performed.

Treatment for mumps

As a rule, treatment is carried out at home. Children are hospitalized only in case of complications.

In the uncomplicated course of the disease, no special preparations children are not allowed. They are only easing their condition. It is often necessary to gargle with a solution of soda (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of warm water). If the baby does not know how to gargle, then they give him warm chamomile tea to drink.

The neck is wrapped with a warm scarf, a warm compress is made (the gauze napkin is moistened with slightly warmed vegetable oil and placed on sore spot). This will help reduce pain. Antipyretics and painkillers are prescribed.

Physiotherapeutic heating helps to relieve inflammation of the salivary glands using methods such as UHF irradiation, diathermy. Sick children must comply with bed rest. Feed them preferably semi-liquid or soft food.

Video: Signs of parotitis in children, patient care


Vaccination is the only effective way to prevent mumps. The vaccine is given 2 times, since immunity after it lasts 5-6 years. The first vaccination is given at 1 year (along with measles and rubella), and the second at 6 years.

Children who have been vaccinated against mumps are completely protected from this disease and its dangerous complications. The vaccine is completely safe, including for allergy sufferers.

If there is a sick child in the house, then other children and adults can be prescribed antiviral drugs for prevention.

Video: Consequences of mumps, the importance of vaccination

This disease due to mass vaccination is not so common. But if parotitis in children gives symptoms, then treatment is required immediately in order to prevent serious consequences.

Parotitis (mumps) often infects children, while babies under 1 year old rarely get sick because of the immunity that they receive with mother's milk. Not so often the disease affects children under 3 years old. Schoolchildren and adolescents are most susceptible to the disease, and cases of mumps are recorded more often in boys than in girls. In young people aged 18-25 years and in adults under 40 years of age, parotitis is severe and almost always causes complications.

Symptoms of parotitis

Once in the glandular organs, the mumps virus begins to multiply rapidly. This period is considered the incubation period and in most cases is asymptomatic. Sometimes a child may complain of feeling unwell, he loses his appetite, but nothing more. After 5-7 days, while the virus is in the blood, it can be diagnosed through special studies, and then the stage of clinical manifestations of parotitis begins.

Since most often the first disease affects the salivary glands, the first clinical sign of the disease is swelling of the face in this area. The virus attacks the parotid salivary glands equally from both sides, but sometimes a unilateral process is also observed.

The defeat of the parotid salivary glands is not so noticeable, especially in the early days and in a full child, but when the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands are involved in the process, the face swells strongly, the skin is stretched, and it is impossible to form a fold from it with fingers. Hence the popular name of the disease - mumps.

Other symptoms are added to the swelling of the face:

  • pain on palpation;
  • an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C;
  • dry mouth;
  • pain when swallowing, opening the mouth, turning the head.

Since saliva has antibacterial properties and takes part in the digestion process, a violation of its secretion provokes nausea, abdominal pain, and stool changes. Sometimes the course of parotitis is complicated by bacterial infections of the oral cavity - stomatitis, gingivitis, caries.

In the normal course of the disease, an examination by a pediatrician is enough to make a diagnosis, but in order to exclude an error, a special blood test is performed for the presence of the mumps virus in it. Sometimes the disease can be asymptomatic, with only a slight increase in body temperature (up to 37.5 ° C). In such cases, the only way to determine the presence of the virus is through a blood test. The doctor resorts to it if the child has been in contact with the patient.

If an asymptomatic case is a single case in the children's team, then there is a possibility of confusing it with other diseases.

A child who has not been found to have characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease remains contagious to other children. It is only when other children become ill that mumps is suspected in the carrier.

A complete diagnosis of the body is necessary if the mumps proceeds in a severe form with the involvement of other organs in the pathological process. Complicated parotitis in children gives very different symptoms, and treatment will be required not only for the disease itself, but for its possible consequences.

Complicated mumps

Most often, the virus affects the pancreas. The patient complains of heaviness in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, stool is disturbed. Abdominal pains are paroxysmal in nature. In the blood of a sick child, amylase and diastasis increase, which is typical for acute pancreatitis. All these symptoms are also associated with the fact that the salivary glands do not function properly and the digestive system is disrupted.

In school-age boys, especially teenagers, the virus can enter the organs of the reproductive system, causing orchitis or prostatitis (inflammation of the testicle or prostate gland). In most cases, one testicle is affected. It swells, becomes painful to the touch, the skin turns red, the temperature rises. The last symptom is the most dangerous, because if you do not take action, then the consequences can manifest themselves already in adulthood. This is male infertility.

With prostatitis, the perineum becomes painful to the touch. And with a rectal examination of the rectum by palpation, a tumor-like formation is found at the location of the prostate gland. In girls, the organs of the reproductive system are not affected so often, but there are cases of oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries) as a complication of mumps.

Severe consequences can have damage to the nervous system, which provokes meningitis. This is one of the most dangerous complications of mumps. It is characterized by constant headache, fever body (up to 40 ° C), vomiting. The clinical picture is complemented by stiff neck muscles, when the child himself, and sometimes with the help of an adult, cannot reach his own chest with his chin.

To make an accurate diagnosis and start treatment, you will need a lumbar puncture, when cerebrospinal fluid is taken from the spinal cord and examined for the presence of the virus. Meningitis requires immediate treatment, as it poses a great danger to the life of the child.

Meningismus has symptoms similar to meningitis, but the above analysis does not reveal changes in the cerebrospinal fluid. Both meningitis and meningism can occur on the 5th day of mumps, and only laboratory tests will help to make a correct diagnosis. Meningism does not require specific treatment, only observation is needed (symptoms subside after 3-4 days), and meningitis is fraught with serious consequences.

Treatment of parotitis in children

Mild forms of the disease can be treated at home. In fact, it is not the disease itself that is treated, but its manifestations. With mumps, it is important not to catch a cold, so a sick child is prescribed strict bed rest, especially if there is a high temperature.

With damage to the parotid salivary glands, and especially when the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands are involved in the pathological process, it becomes difficult for the child to chew and swallow food, so it should be soft or crushed on a blender. A variety of vegetable purees, cereals, broths, grated soups are suitable. As with any other viral disease, warm, plentiful drinking is used for mumps. There is no need to heat the edema, you can only apply dry heat.

In the course of the disease of moderate severity, accompanied by high fever, antiviral drugs are used, and to maintain the immune system and as a prevention of complications, immunostimulating agents (for example, Groprinosin). At a body temperature above 38 ° C, antipyretic drugs are used, especially for children under 3 years of age who are prone to convulsions.

A sick child is isolated from the children's team for a period of 14-15 days from the appearance of the first clinical signs of the disease.

Complicated epidemic parotitis is treated in a hospital. With damage to the pancreas, food should be not only semi-liquid and liquid, but also dietary. Spicy, fatty, fried, smoked dishes are excluded. Such a diet will accompany the patient for the next 12 months, since there is a risk of developing diabetes.

At high temperature along with antipyretic drugs, cold should be applied to the area of ​​the pancreas, and for severe pain, antispasmodics, such as No-shpu, are used. So that the pancreas is not subjected to stress, the body is detoxified with saline solutions intravenously and Mezim and Creon enzymes are used. In rare cases, a consultation with a surgeon and special treatment of the pancreas may be required.

Testicular orchitis can lead to infertility in the future, so cold is used to relieve swelling and reduce temperature. Prednisolone is administered intramuscularly for 10 days to avoid testicular atrophy.

Children with meningitis are treated in a hospital under the strict supervision of a specialist through the diuretics Lasix and Furosemide to relieve. A necessary condition is strict bed rest. To prevent the consequences, nootropic drugs are used - Phezam, Nootropil. In severe cases, prednisolone is prescribed, the dose of which is determined based on the severity of the disease. It is possible to discharge a patient from the hospital only after a repeated examination of the cerebrospinal fluid with its normal parameters.

Disease prevention

The most reliable preventive measure today is the vaccination of children. For the first time it is held at the age of one. Full immunity lasts for 6 years, so before the child goes to school, he is vaccinated a second time. Vaccinated children get sick very rarely, and the disease is mild and treated at home.

Non-specific preventive measures are carried out among contact children using antiviral drugs - Interferon, Viferon. It is important to identify the carrier of the disease in time and declare quarantine in a children's institution for at least 3 weeks. Sick children can visit Kindergarten or school only 2 weeks after the onset of the disease.

Mumps is a disease that causes disruption of the central nervous system and glands (salivary, seminal) of the body. Pathology is viral in nature, representatives of paramyxoviruses are considered the causative agent.

The first symptoms of mumps occur in young children (3-7 years old), boys are most susceptible to the development of the disease. They get sick about 2 times more often than girls.

At the same time, the disease causes serious complications in boys, such as impaired reproductive function up to complete impossibility of conceiving a child. In the first year of a child's life, the risk of developing the disease is minimal, since the baby receives immune cells along with mother's milk.

Characteristics of the pathology

Symptoms of mumps in a child - photo:

In the adult population, cases of mumps single, which is why this disease belongs to the category of children.

Currently, cases of diseases have become rarer, which is associated with the introduction an effective vaccine having a preventive effect, contributing to the development of stable immunity to the pathogen.

The disease affects the lymph nodes located behind the ears of the child, as well as the glandular organs (the salivary glands and the seminal glands in boys).

The disease has a viral nature, the causative agent of the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, as a result of which the disease is considered extremely contagious.

Pathogen and methods of infection

Pathogenic microflora (viruses from the paramyxovirus family), which provokes the development of the disease, has a high degree of viability, the state of the virus is not affected by the change environment, the virus remains active even when sub-zero temperatures air.

Pathology is transmitted by contact with a sick person, and the carrier of the virus may not have symptoms (the pathology has a rather long incubation period, during which the disease does not manifest itself in any way, but the person is already considered a source of infection and can infect others).

A child with mumps build up a strong immune system to the causative agent of the disease, so cases of re-infection are extremely rare.


The main cause of the development of the disease is considered to be penetration into the body causative virus.

However, even when it enters the body of a child, symptoms and manifestations of pathology do not always occur. Therefore, other predisposing factors that increase the risk of developing the disease. Secondary risk factors include:

  1. Frequent infectious and viral diseases that lead to a long-term decrease in immunity.
  2. Poor nutrition that provokes development.
  3. Seasonal decrease in immunity, observed in the autumn-winter period.
  4. Lack of vaccination. A vaccine containing a therapeutic dose of the virus contributes to the development of immunity to the specified strain, as a result of which the risk of mumps is reduced to almost zero.

Incubation period

The virus, having penetrated into the child's body for a long time actively reproduces in it.

At the same time, there are no symptoms of the disease at this stage.

The duration of the incubation period is about 3 weeks although the state of the child's immune system is of decisive importance. In children with a weakened immune system, the symptoms of pathology develop in a shorter time.


The course of the disease can be different, it depends primarily on the state of the child's immune system.

Some children have pathology severe symptoms, has a severe course, in others it proceeds as much as possible painlessly. Depending on the area of ​​the lesion and the severity of the characteristic symptoms, several types of pathologists are distinguished.

area affected


Depending on the area of ​​​​damage, there are such varieties as:

  1. Uncomplicated, in which only the salivary glands are affected.
  2. Complicated, having a more extensive focus of inflammation (the salivary, seminal glands, as well as internal organs are affected). This form is accompanied by a number of concomitant diseases, such as nephritis,.

Depending on the severity of the characteristic symptoms, the disease can have the following forms of the course:

  1. Asymptomatic. There are no signs of illness, however, a sick child still continues to be a source of infection.
  2. Easy. The clinical picture is blurred, the symptoms are mild.
  3. Average. The child has an increase in the size of the salivary glands, there are pronounced signs of poisoning of the body.
  4. Heavy. The symptoms of the pathology are expressed as intensely as possible, the child feels an acute malaise, the work of the internal organs is disturbed, which leads to the appearance of other characteristic signs.

Complications and consequences

Mumps is considered a dangerous disease which can lead to various serious complications, especially in boys.

The most common negative consequences transferred disease are:

  • testicular atrophy, infertility in men;
  • chronic inflammation of the middle ear, which can lead to significant or complete hearing loss;
  • CNS disorders;
  • meningitis, encephalitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • disruption of the endocrine system.

Symptoms and signs

How does the disease manifest itself? The clinical picture of the disease is very extensive., includes a large number of a wide variety of symptoms that manifest themselves depending on the type of disease and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage.

The first signs development of the disease are considered:

  • weakness and malaise;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • chills and a slight increase in body temperature;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance.

Over time, the clinical manifestations of the disease become more extensive, there are symptoms of intoxication, such as nausea, vomiting, a significant increase in temperature and increased headaches.

Temperature indicators depend on the severity of the disease. Thus, the mild form is characterized by an increase in temperature to subfebrile indicators.

With mumps of moderate severity, the temperature reaches 38-39 degrees. If the disease has a severe course, hyperthermia reaches values life-threatening(40 degrees and above).

characteristic feature- damage to the salivary glands, which is manifested by such symptoms as:

  1. Dry mouth.
  2. Pain in the ear area, with painful sensations aggravated by talking or chewing food.
  3. Enlargement of the tonsils and salivary glands, which become painful to the touch.
  4. An inflammatory process covering the mucous membrane of the parotid gland, a change in the external skin in this area (the skin becomes smoother).
  5. Swelling of other facial glands.

In severe cases of the disease, it is noted lesion of the seminal glands in boys. In this case, symptoms such as pain in the area of ​​the gonad, an increase in the size of the testicles, and redness of the skin in this area occur.

The risk of damage to the seminal glands is especially high during puberty. In childhood, this form of the disease develops much less frequently.


To make a diagnosis in an uncomplicated form of pathology, it is enough only correctly assess the totality of the available signs.

If the disease has a complicated course, a number of additional diagnostic studies will be required, such as a general blood and urine test, a study of saliva, and other secretory secretions.

In addition, the child is given immunofluorescent study to determine the type of pathogen.

Methods of treatment

How to treat a baby? Treatment requires not only taking medications, but also following a special lifestyle. In particular, the child is recommended bed rest for 7-10 days, as well as its complete isolation from other people.

It is important to observe the fluid intake regimen, the child must enough consume warm drink.

Necessary dieting, the baby should not overeat, you should limit the consumption of flour products, fatty foods, white cabbage. The diet is based on dairy products, cereal cereals, potato dishes, rye bread.


Use of necessary medicines - required condition correct therapy. The child is given an appointment:


The prognosis depends not only on the severity of the disease, but also on how correct its treatment was.

Same important role the gender of the child plays (in boys, the disease has a more severe course) as well as his age (the older the child, the higher the likelihood of complications).


Protect the child from development such an unpleasant disease as mumps is not difficult, for this you need:

  1. Strengthen the immunity of the baby through the organization right image life and diet.
  2. Get vaccinated on time.
  3. Monitor compliance with sanitary standards in institutions visited by the child (kindergarten, school).

Mumps is a disease that affects glandular organs of the child.

Pathology can manifest itself in different ways, depending on its variety, in some cases the disease is asymptomatic.

The disease most often develops in boys 3-7 years old may appear at a later age. The disease is considered very dangerous, especially for boys, as it negatively affects the state of the child's reproductive system and can lead to the development of infertility in the future.

disease needs treatment moreover, it consists not only in taking medications prescribed by a doctor, but also in observing a special lifestyle and diet.

About the symptoms, treatment and prevention of mumps in this video:

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