Is it possible to mix the oil in the engine. Is it possible to mix motor oils of various types and brands? What negative consequences may arise

The question of mixing different engine oils, obviously, worries newcomers and experienced car owners. There are constant disputes regarding him, but there is no general opinion. Often there are situations when it is necessary to add missing engine oil, but the unit remains a lubricant from another manufacturer. The question arises how safely mixing different brands. This problem also appears when switching to a liquid of a different manufacturer and viscosity. If the old engine oil is completely fully, and then apply a device with suction and rinse the unit, then it will remain half a liter of the old liquid. Today we will try to answer the question - is it possible to pull oil into the engine of another brand?

All manufacturers assure that mixing is impossible. Motivation is understandable - each of them is interested in applying their lubricant for a long time. A similar opinion shared automakers. This is also clear, because not all motorists are dealt with consumables and can mix mineral water with synthetic. Such a cocktail will negatively affect the aggregate.

Many motorists do not care what lubricant is flooded in the unit. They believe that it is enough to maintain the required level of fluid, do not care about the manufacturer, based and viscosity. We will understand which it is worth mixing, and which categorically should not.

Combination of differentty oils

As practical experience shows, mineral can sometimes be combined with semi-synthetic and hydrocracking. Under certain conditions, mixing mineral and synthetic lubricants, which should be based on PJSC.

If there is a drop in synthetics or semi-synthetics, if necessary, plot a little mineral lubricant.

There is a different case - a combination of liquids at the same base: mineral with mineral and others. Such a cocktail works, but there is a risk. It is desirable that the components have the same viscosity.

Mixing synthetics

The connection of synthetic oils from unequal producers is permitted when the characteristics coincide according to the ASEA Eurostandard or the US API. This should be taken very seriously when the power unit forced and has turbocharging. There should not be poured an arbitrary engine oil - exclusively corresponding to the levels of engines, according to standards. There should not be effects of foaming and precipitation.

It is impossible to move for a long time on a similar cocktail, it needs to be merged, as soon as possible, rinse the unit and pour the necessary engine oil to the labels.

Semi-synthetic and synthetics

If a synthetic 5w40 is filled into the unit, and it urgently needs to be addressed, and there is extremely semi-synthetic lubricant 10W40, it can be added, since the total viscosity is not much smaller at low temperature characteristic. Much better option, if in semi-synthetic it is necessary to add high-quality synthetic lubricant.

Oil with unequal viscosity

If urgently need to add oil, but instead of 10w40 there is a motor oil of a similar manufacturer with the same labeling, but with a viscosity of 10W30. It can be treated without thought, but high-temperature viscosity will be less, and more fluid, and the basic compositions, as well as additives, will be the same.

In such a situation, you can pour and more lubrication volume. With negative temperature indicators, the engine will be highly started to -25c, since the low-temperature viscosity in liquids is the same.

Oils from various manufacturers

The most risky business is to mix liquids of different manufacturers. Their compatibility cannot be guaranteed, especially when they have different bases. So, synthetics happens on PJSC or on hydrocracking. Difficult additives, which, fortunately, do not interact, but it is possible to reduce the beneficial properties of a cocktail, which negatively affects the operation of the engine.

Liquid of one manufacturer

Such an option is considered the most successful, and motor oils made by one company have a great similarity, especially at the heart. Professionals unanimously declare that mixing liquids with non-denial viscosity is harmless to the aggregate. Slightly changes turning, but it will not have a significant effect on the efficiency of the engine oil.

  • With the same-based liquid, there is a guarantee that they have similar additives
  • In unequal proportions, viscous

Similar mixtures are often used when moving by car owners from one viscosity to another single engine oil supplier. The unit always remains the same fluid mixed with the bulk. When a liquid of one manufacturer is used during the transition, you can not wash the engine.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that there is nothing terrible in mixing liquids for a short period on different bases and from unequal manufacturers. The main one is not to use a long time like a cocktail, and get to the first specialized store and purchase the necessary engine oil.

The resource of any automotive power plant depends on the set of factors - the operating conditions, the quality of the fuel used, the maintenance conditions. An important role for the motor resource is also played by lubricants - engine oils.

All motor oils produced now are divided into three categories on the material and production method - mineral, made from crude oil by purification, synthetic, made from chemical materials, and semi-synthetic, which are the first two mixture.

But this classification does not fully characterize them, since the specified categories provide only information about the largest lubricant material. This base is only part of the finished product, since the composition of motor oils also includes special additives - additives, the use of which is aimed at improving certain characteristics.

From here there is one of the most interesting questions - is it possible to mix motor oils? But this question arises very often. Options when they are set - a lot. For example, the owner of the car found that the level in its power unit is minimal, and the product of which manufacturer is flooded - it is unknown, or known, but there is no possibility to get the same. Or, at hand, the product was the product of another manufacturer, and spend money on the manufacturer oil, which is polished - reluctance.

We will try to figure it out in this matter. First, consider the possibility of mixing individually components, then ready-made products, as well as the possibility of mixing oils of different manufacturers.

The foundation

Based on the above classification, there are two bases for oil, as well as the derivative obtained by mixing them - "semi-synthetic". It turns out that the mixture is created at the production level. But this mixture is made from the basics.

It turns out that the synthetic and mineral foundations are perfectly mixed with each other. Moreover, the production of the foundations that are indicated as synthetic, but in their composition, a part of the mineral base is added during production.

As a result, it turns out if oils consisted only from the foundations, problems with the possibility of mixing would not arise at all. It would be possible to mix the oils of different categories and in different proportions without any harm for the car.


Each of the manufacturers of this product uses its set of additives for one or another oil. Here when mixing lubricant and conflict may occur. When entering into the reaction, the additives can lead to a sharp decrease in the useful qualities and characteristics themselves, the formation of small particles that can climb channels, in general, lead to serious engine problems. Although the accurate result from mixing oils of different manufacturers is unknown. It is possible that a special conflict between additives may not arise.

But the same manufacturer uses its additives in oils belonging to different categories based on, so when mixed it, since they are the same, the reactions between them will not arise.

Mixing the finished product. What can happen?

Proof of this are the results that were made by specialists in mixing oils of different manufacturers and relating to different categories.

Mixing in the same proportions of synthetic and mineral products of different manufacturers showed that the resulting mixture could increase the viscosity, it could be muddy, flakes could appear, indicating the reaction between different additives, some species were practically mixed. But such indicators were only when trying to mix the same number of both categories.

Then, tests with mixing of different proportions of oils were carried out - in 80%, part of the mineral was added 20% part of the synthetic, and vice versa. Here the results were less critical. In the case of the addition of a small amount of synthetic oil into the mineral, the latter has improved its characteristics, they began to approach the "semi-synthetics" indicators. But when adding "mineral water" in "Synthetic", the latter readings declined, but such mixing is also allowed.

With these tests, semi-synthetic oils were not used. Although everything is much simpler here, since it has both other types in its composition. This affects the possibility of mixing. That is, when adding "mineral water" or "synthetics", only an increase in the mass of one or another oil in the mixture will occur.

Another important nuance - mixing produced products that have not yet been used in power plants. And when tagging, the new oil will fall into the one who has already developed partially its resource. In this case, part of the additives have already lost its original consistency. As a result, when adding a new oil of another manufacturer, the reactions may be reactions between additives, but since some of them have already been developed, the reaction force will be lower, which means that the possibility of negative consequences will decrease.

In general, even manufacturers provide for the possibility of a minor dilution of one oil to others. After all, this situation arises, for example, when changing the oil. Drain fully spent lubricant will fail, the engine will remain approximately 5-15%. And in this residue, pure oil will be added, but a slight amount of the residue cannot affect the composition of the new material.

Foreign classifications should be mentioned. According to these classifications, oils that have passed and received a specific class, can be mixed with each other, but only in the extreme case and for a short time of use. That is, in a power plant, with the need to replenish the level, any oil, which has been designating ASEA or API, can be addressed, but only to get to a hundred to replace.

Mixing viscosity

Let us turn to such an important indicator as viscosity because it is often wondering whether it is possible to mix oils with a different viscosity? The answer in this issue is affirmative. Mixing, for example, oil 5W-40 and 10W-40, then the output will be mixture with a viscosity indicator in 6W-40 or 8W-40. It all depends on how many oils were mixed.

Viscosity of oils

Oils of one manufacturer are quite well mixed, but this is due to the fact that the same additives are used in different classes. Butters of different manufacturers can be mixed, but here's the result from using such a mixture may not be very good, although not always.

If mixed products with different performance indicators, in particular with different viscosity, it is quite expected that this mixture will be averaged viscosity value, which will not affect the performance of the power plant.

Total, when question "can engine oils can be mixed?" The answer is affirmative, but with certain amendments. With the need to replenish the level in the power unit, the best option will be still tapped oil, which is already flooded. If it is not possible to add identical lubricant, then you can add other classes oil - mineral in the "semi-synthetic" and "synthetic", as well as in any other combinations. But it is important that the manufacturer is the same.

In this case, the addition of "semi-synthetic" will be ideal, since it contains both other class, and mixing if it affects the lubricant material, then slightly. There will be somewhat worse if you mix "synthetic" with mineralka. Although some car owners have added a lubricant of one class into a product of another class and no deterioration notes.

The same applies to oils with different viscosity. When mixing, it although it will change, but slightly and influence the engine viscosity as a whole will not.

It is worse - this is mixing products of different manufacturers, and even different classes. Here, there may be a conflict of additives that it may later affect negatively.

But in general, such mixing is allowed. It is better to ride with a mixture of incompatible oils than without it. It is not necessary that such a mixture will cause significant damage to the engine, but the operation of the motor without lubricating material will easily provide a long and expensive repair, since oil starvation will first have an impact on the crankshaft liners, which will lead to the engine.

The consequences of not high-quality oil and not timely replacement

And yet, when talling the product of another manufacturer, you need to try to reduce the operation of such a motor at the maximum, and at the first time this mixture is replaced.

As for the replacement, it is recommended to use the product of one manufacturer. In some cases, the use of filament washing before filling the oil of another class is required. So, the flushing should be performed when moving from mineral to semi-synthetic or synthetic. But when moving from the "semi-synthetic" to the "synthetic" or "mineral water" - washing optional.

It should be rinsed when changing the manufacturer. In this way, you can avoid conflict additives of oils of different manufacturers.

High-quality lubricant is a guarantee of reliable and long-lasting engine. Often car owners boast how often they change oils in the car. But today we will talk not about replacement, but about the topping. If in the first case there are no questions arise (I plited, flooded and drove), then in the second opinion of motorists diverge. Is it possible to mix the synthetics and synthetics of different manufacturers? Some say that you can. Others say it is categorically prohibited. So let's try to figure it out in this matter.

The reasons

There are several reasons for mixing. For example, after a trip to another region, you have dropped the level of oil on the dipstick. Especially often it happens on turbocharged motors with a mileage of more than two hundred thousand. Naturally, in order not to test the engine, it is necessary to resume its level as soon as possible. You move to the nearest store, but the shelves do not turn out to be the oil that you are flooded in the car. Is it possible to mix the synthetics with the synthetics of different manufacturers? We will tell about it a little later. In the meantime, consider another major reason, because of which it has to top up the oil.

This is a malfunction of the cylindrophone group. Thus, the consumption of lubricating fluid affects the presence of bulwes and other deformations of the walls of the cylinders, as well as the state of the oil-circulation rings. The latter may climb on the expiration of a long run. Also, the oil penetrates the chamber due to the ellipsence of cylinders. Yes, no one excluded natural care. But it should not exceed 20 percent of the total replacement time (this is 8-10 thousand kilometers). If you have to simplify the oil often, this is an occasion to think about the health of the cylindrophone group.

Also topping the oil car is required due to poor-quality seals. Often car owners forget to change crankshaft glands (front and rear). The part is kopeck, but to replace it, you need to reverse half of the boost space (especially if it is the rear gland). Look, there is no trace of the drift on the engine and hinged equipment. Perhaps the topping of oil you have to do precisely because of poor-quality seals.

We understand in the composition

To answer the question "Is it possible to mix the synthetics and synthetics of different manufacturers", you need to understand the product. Distinguish three types of lubricants. But regardless of the type, any oil contains a "base" and a set of additives that give it special, individual qualities. This applies to synthetics, mineral water and semi-synthetic. At the same time, each manufacturer uses its own technology and the method of obtaining the basis ("base"), as well as a set of additives.

Thus, even with the same viscosity, these products will differ among themselves. This causes certain difficulties when mixing different oils. As the tests have shown, largely products differ in the set of additives. This does not allow you to mix the synthetics of different manufacturers. Is it possible to do this with mineral oils? The answer will be negative. Yes, the mineral water is more gentle by the engine. But this does not mean that it can be mixed with products from other manufacturers.


What will happen if you add oil to the engine of another manufacturer? No one will guarantee that the motor will adopt such a "cocktail". Alternatively, due to the mixing of different additives, slag deposition will occur in the engine.

With long-term operation, it can cause a ringing of the rings. Part of the product will fall into the sediment. Additives will no longer provide former characteristics. The composition of the oil film is disturbed, which can lead to climbing oil-conductive channels. All this leads to the overhaul of the engine. Is it possible to mix the synthetics and synthetics from different manufacturers? Experts give a negative answer. Such experiments can turn into terrible consequences.

On viscosity

As you know, any oil has its own classification by SAE and viscosity. When choosing a new product, special attention needs to pay viscosity. This parameter depends on the quality of the engine launch in winter and its operation during the summer. Is it possible to mix the synthetics and synthetics of one brand, but with different viscosity? This can be done, but undesirable. Let us give an example. You are in another city, and the emergency oil lamp caught fire. You get the dipstick, and it is practically "dry." But the store did not have oil with the same viscosity of one manufacturer.

Instead of 5W30, you purchased 5W40. What will happen as a result? Is it possible to mix 5W30 synthetics from 5W40? When mixing, you will change viscosity characteristics. So, the liquid will receive averaged parameter (5W35). What will change in the future after mixing? Among the explicit features it is worth noting the minimum engine start temperature. Now it will be -35 degrees Celsius. But how to behave the additives in this case, no one can predict. If this is a product from one manufacturer, then you will not apply significant harm. But when mixing different brands, oils should be waiting for trouble.

Mix with minimal risks

So what to do if the level fell and in stores did not turn out to be the same oil? You need to know several rules:

  • Try to choose products, as similar to the characteristics with your oil. So you exclude risks.
  • Is it possible to mix the synthetics and synthetics of different manufacturers? Do not buy lubricant from other firms. Each company uses a set of additives, which is added to the base oil. Because of this, the characteristics of the film can vary significantly.
  • Adjust minimal viscosity differences. You can not pour into the engine, where 0W20 was previously used, even if the manufacturer had the same.
  • Do not change the type of oil. If you are filled with synthetic, in no case mix it with mineral and even with a semi-synthetic (let and viscosity will be the same). It will significantly harm your engine.

What to do on arrival?

So you returned to your city and put a car in the garage. What to do next? Experts recommend to completely merge such a "cocktail" and change it to a new, homogeneous oil. The intermediate step will be the use of washing oil.

The exception is cases with the addition of synthetics of one manufacturer, but with minimally distinguishable viscosity (as we noted earlier, it is 5W30 and 5W40). In the event that the volume of the oiled oil is small, it is not necessary to make a complete replacement. You can ride with such a "cocktail" and below. We will tell about this nuance below.

Harmless volume

As you know, completely merge the entire volume of oil from the engine will not work. How not to twist, but 500-800 milliliters of the liquid still remain in the system. What is it all? If you fastened some oil, you do not need to repeat extraordinary replacement. This is an absolutely safe amount that will not harm your engine. But remember that this is possible only when mixing products from one manufacturer. Also, the composition should not be different in viscosity characteristics.

Going to the long road, capture with you a small (at least liter) eggmarket oil. Perhaps she will not be useful for you. But if necessary, you will save a mass of time and effort spent on the search for oil of the desired viscosity and the manufacturer.

In addition, at refueling, the cost of products is much higher. It is also not superfluous to be a small canister with antifreeze and other workers by the way, too, can not be mixed with different classes and manufacturers. But this is the topic for another article.

Correctly go to another type of oil

Over time, car owners have a desire to change the mineral water on the synthetics or vice versa. But it is necessary to do it correctly, because the oil part will still remain in the engine. Is it possible to mix the synthetics with mineralka? Absolutely not. Therefore, when moving to another type of liquid, use flushing oil. Give me to work the engine on it for 5-10 minutes, you can not be afraid for the inconsistency of additives and the "base".

After the "washing" is fused, it is safe to pour oil of another type, without fear of consequences. Also do not forget to change and oil filter. It also accumulates a decent liquid volume (and dirt no less than ten thousand kilometers of run).


So, we found out one and different manufacturers in the car engine. As you can see, it is not always safe to top up. Remember that different companies use different ways and in particular additives. And how they will behave when mixing with the other liquid, it is worth only to guess.

Those who purchased the car are relatively recently wondering whether it is possible to mix the oils of various manufacturers or those that relate to different categories and are different in viscosity. It should be understood in this matter.

Oil of different marks

In any oil there is its own base and a set of additives, thanks to them, the oil base acquires a number of original qualities. Insofar as the basics of various grades may be incompatibleThis may turn out to be the first problem.

Each manufacturer has its own technology production technology, so different properties will be present in it. Since the foundations are unequal, they can occur trouble even when mixing oils that are similar, but produced by different manufacturers. This is due to the fact that the factor of additive begins to act. The fact is that to achieve equal viscosity and temperature regime indicators, the manufacturers were solved by the tasks in different ways, depending on the basis, which was taken for the basic.

Therefore, a different set of additives was used, which radically changed the solution of the problem, that is, the result was fundamentally different. If you mix the two different oils in the chemical composition, then it is not known what result will be with their interaction.

Different categories of oils

Above, a simple example was considered, it is difficult to submit what will happen if oils belonging to different categories will be mixed, for example, mineral with synthetic.

The main problem is that in mineral oil there is no stable viscosity of the one, which is in synthetic. In order to improve this indicator, it will be necessary to apply a specific additive that can only aggravate the situation with the synthetic interaction.

And it is not known how different additives will behave after some time. That is why it should not be mixed by various oils, since the result of such actions is unknown.

The main problems that should be expected from such mixing are:

  • the engine is contaminated: rings can be shielded, slag and so on;
  • part of the additive will fall into the sediment or will act less efficiently;
  • the viscosity of the oil will increase and the probability that oil channels will be born.

The result may be sad - the engine will need to be overhauled or so contaminated that it is sooner or later anyway will have to be repaired.

Causes of oil mixing

Already many know that it is impossible to mix different oils, the consequences of such actions are also known, but this question still remains relevant.

The reasons for this are as follows. Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that there is a need for an urgent top of the oil, and there are no categories of the same brand. Thanks to globalization and unification, there is a positive change in the market, additives and bases began to be produced less than manufacturers, therefore, oil compatibility began to gradually increase.

Many are focused on feedback from drivers who have once already made mixing various oils in the engine and have not seen any consequences. It pushes others to follow their experience. Each driver independently should make a decision on readiness to take a chance to save a little or do not add one longer more problems and pour suitable oil.

If a person still decides to listen to the advice, which will reduce the likelihood that problems arise, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with some recommendations:

  • In no case should not mix oils that relate to different types, for example, mineral with synthetic.
  • In case of extremely necessary, it is possible to mix the oils of one manufacturer, which will relate to different types (Mobile5W30 synthetics and Mobile5W40 synthetics).
  • In the future, it is better to replace the oil and filter.
  • If you add up to 10% similar to the composition of the oil, this will not affect its properties, since this is the number of component remains in the engine when it is replaced.
  • Mixing different oils from various manufacturers should be done only in exceptional cases.

Despite all warnings, some continue to risk and mix the oil in the engine. In most cases, it is negative about it reflects, after some time it is necessary to produce overhaul of the heart of the car.

Therefore. Before mixing various oils, especially those belong to different manufacturers, it is necessary to evaluate possible risks and think that more importantly, the every-minute situation or the normal operation of your car.

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Each motorist may face a problem on the road or other city, when the level of engine oil dropped to a minimum, and there is no identical fluid at hand. Before the driver, the question arises - is it possible to mix motor oils and what it can lead to. After reading this material, you will receive answers to this question, and also learn:

  • types of used motor lubricants
  • properties of additives
  • whether working fluids of different viscosity are combined
  • how to get to the house if the oil ends

Mix or not?

Immediately let's say that it is possible to mix oils, but there are some aspects of this procedure. You can theoretically mix different engine fluids. This is immediately convinced when you learn about the existence of a type of oil called "semi-synthetic". We know that the synthetic includes only artificially created chemicals, the organic agent contains natural minerals. The semi-synthetic is the symbiosis of two of these species.

Although the car does not stall after filling the third-party working fluid, it is worth resorting to this procedure only in extreme cases. If you find a suitable lubricant there is no possibility, then you can pour a third-party from other manufacturers.

Main differences between lubricants

At least the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of oils and their compositions makes it clear whether different stamps and types can be interconnected. The first part of the engine lubricant is called basic, the second part includes special additives. The mixture of two components and creates certain lubricant characteristics. The main difference between species in the database - it can be based on minerals or synthetics. As for the semi-synthetic lubricant, the synthetic and mineral bases are present in its base part. In the semi-synthetic working fluid contains 70% of the mineral base, and the synthetic, respectively, 30%.

Obviously, the synthetics need to be mixed with synthetics, and the organic is with a organic. But what will the mixing of motor oils of different species? The resulting mixture will not perform all the tasks of the working fluid, while some additives from the mineral fluid simply will not interact with the additives of the synthetic lubricant, as a result - they dissolve. Additives, like the base, are created separately for mineral and synthetic oils. Mix "Synthetic" and "mineral water" can not. For several hours of operation on such a mixture in the motor channels, loose rings and various slags will appear, after which the engine will fail.


Each engine oil contains a variety of additives that improve the characteristics of the working fluid. Depending on the types of oils, additives have a different chemical composition. If one composition is used for synthetics, then for mineral water - completely different.

In addition to the fact that additives contain different "chemistry", they also have different tasks. That is why "mineral water" is not mixed with "synthetics", since when the connection can be obtained a hazardous mixture. For example, synthetic lubricants have sufficient viscosity due to the synthetic base, while in the "mineral milk" there are additives that are responsible for ensuring a stable viscosity. The appearance of unnecessary additives can lead to an increase in viscosity.

This once again confirms that a mixture of synthetic and mineral oils can lead not only to the deterioration of the engine of the car, but also to completely deduce the power plant.

Mixing synthetics

It is possible to divide the modern brands of synthetic oils into two categories:

  • aCEA certification (for Europe);
  • aPI certification (for the USA).

In Russia and the CIS countries, you can see the first, and the second option. These tolerances were created in order for the oil to be completely resistant to mixing with another brand. That is, if you use a brand with ASE tolerance, you can mix it with synthetics, which also has such a tolerance. The same applies to the API tolerance.

Manufacturers argue that mixing different oils with the same certification does not lead to the fallout of the sediment, the appearance of chemical reactions dangerous for the elements of the motor or foaming. And if the synthetic certification or API certification or API is filled into your car, then it is possible to add any other engine fluid that appropriate for the certificate in emergency situations. You can drive to the car service without damage to the engine, where the masters will solve the problem and fulfill the full replacement.

Result of mixing synthetics and semi-synthetic

Sometimes it can happen that the level of working fluid will fall sharply, and at this time you will pass through the steppe deserted terrain. And if a canister with a semi-synthetic lubricant was lit in the luggage compartment, then the problem can be solved.

As the practice of motorists shows, the semi-synthetic 10W40 can be mixed with the 5W40 synthetic working fluid. As a result, you will get a mixture, the viscosity indicator will be 8W40 or 6W40 (the result affects the lubricant's ratio). An excellent option will be adding synthetic to the semi-synthetic lubricant with a higher indicator. For example, a synthetic lubricant 5W40 is suitable for the 14W40 semi-synthetic brand.

If you need to get to the house

Nude can overtake you right on the road or in another city. Here, before the driver, a question of finding a suitable oil or pouring of a third-party liquid. In such a situation, you must know exactly what fluid is in the expansion tank of your car.

In the store or in the automotive market may not be oil from the same manufacturer. In this case, you can buy engine fluid from other manufacturers, the condition is to purchase a working fluid with the same parameters as in the liquid that is over. For example, in the tank there may be a lubricant with the characteristics of 10W-30, you need to pour oil with identical indicators. Another requirement is that synthetics should be flooded with "synthetics". It concerns this and semi-synthetic, and mineral oils, which are poured to semi-synthetic or to "mineral milk".

If different stamps had to mix, then the end point of the destination should have a house where the fluid removal and the fill of the homogeneous liquid will be carried out. The experience of masters from car services shows that two types of lubricants with the same parameters, but from different manufacturers, can provoke various reactions that adversely affect the state of the motor.

Each company has the secrets of the composition, so after arrival home you need to perform the following actions:

  1. We drain the entire working fluid that is in the expansion barrel and the motor.
  2. We pour flushing oil on which the engine should work for 10-15 minutes. As part of the washing fluid there is a set of cleansing additives that remove traces of previous oils from the motor.
  3. Turning off the engine, it is necessary to drain the flushing oil and already pour the main one that you use.

We hope that this material will help many motorists. Now you know that you can mix different motor lubricants. The main thing is that the characteristics coincide, then there will be no significant damage to the motor, but in emergency cases, you can violate the rules.