Why dream of a red scooter. Riding a motorcycle - interpretation of sleep from dream books. Who drove the iron horse

Dream riding is your life. It depends on the nature of the road, fellow travelers, vehicles and surprises.

Riding in circles means that your thoughts revolve around the same subject and you cannot find a way out of the current situation.

See interpretation: road; vehicles by name: horse, racing, movement, car.

Riding calmly and measuredly is a sign of well-being in all matters.

To fall from a horse in a dream - unfortunately, to see a person who has fallen from a horse in a dream - to a loss.

Getting off the horse is a sign of worsening situation and contention with relatives or friends.

Riding in the company of men is a good sign and promises profit; in the company of women bad dream which portends trouble through deceit and gossip.

Riding in a carriage (wheelchair) is a bad dream for patients, as it predicts death for them; but the dream promises a promotion to the military.

For those who seek to improve their condition through a risky venture, such a dream predicts failure and debt.

Riding through a forest, desert or an abandoned city - to failure or misfortune.

Riding in a rich carriage (or in an expensive car) in a dream is a sign of honors and wealth.

Riding a chaise (cart) on a shaky road is a sign that you are going through difficult days, but they will end, and your ordinary life will seem like paradise to you.

Riding wild animals in a dream is a sign of victory over enemies.

Riding in public is a favorable dream for those who occupy a responsible position, strive for power or have subordinates.

For other people, such a dream promises losses and troubles. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will shamelessly use people for your own selfish purposes.

The rider in your dream is a messenger. See how it looks: you will receive such news.

Enter the city on horseback. For a sick person, such a dream promises recovery, and for those who have lost something and want to find it, the dream promises good luck in their search and subsequent success.

Leaving the city (village, house) in a dream is a bad dream.

For the sick, he predicts a quick death, for the military - defeat, injury or death in battle. Other people - failures in business.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation online Motorcycle

A motorcycle can be given a symbol of independence, freedom, wind and self-expression. This is the speed, the dynamics of life.

Symbolism of dreams

The noise of rubber, the whistle of the free wind, riding a motorcycle itself are associated with a certain risk. But the risk that is associated with excitement and energy. It is not uncommon for people who love extreme sports, who easily take risks, adventures, to ride this type of transport. What does a motorcycle mean in a dream?

Alternative opinion

Trying to unravel the meaning of dreams, a person always turns to dream books. We will not make exceptions and first look through the most popular and well-known. They are united in their interpretations of what the motorcycle is dreaming of.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of a motorcycle

According to the psychologist, a person who is inclined to make a lightning-fast and original decision can often see himself driving a bike.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The seer considers the one in which the motorcycle ride was a warning to be a dream. Sleeping in reality, without thinking, makes decisions, without calculating the consequences, underestimating the dangers.

Freud's dream book

Riding a motorcycle in a dream means waking up to crave spontaneous sex.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Riding a bike in a dream, according to the white magician, means a change in the rhythm of life towards greater mobility, mobility. Moreover, the meaning of dreams increases if in reality the dreamer does not know how to drive a bike.

The greater the speed in a dream, the more dynamic it will be future model your behaviour.

When you just dreamed of a motorcycle somewhere on the street, or peacefully standing in the garage, this indicates your readiness for change. And the impetus for these changes will not be long in coming.

They saw in a dream a motorcycle from which they fell, warns of stuffing cones on the way to the goal. But that won't stop you.

If you were riding a motorcycle

If someone else was riding the bike, this is evidence that a stranger you meet along the way will influence the determination to change. His words will shake you up and make you take action.

Other interpretations

We cannot ignore the interpretations of modern experts in this field. After all, they are associated with today's understanding of events and achievements.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

A dream about a dizzying career is evidenced by a dream about riding a bike. The dreamer will easily reach the intended goal.

But by acting carelessly, everything can be lost.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

Seeing a motorcycle in a dream means a desire to stand out from the crowd and break out the furthest, despite some risk. The dream emphasizes the dreamer's arrogance.

Islamic dream book

Someone will settle your troubles in business, the dream says, where, the dream book writes, the motorcycle was in the plot.

Modern dream book

A motorcycle in a dream indicates your imminent participation in some kind of risky venture.

It happened to sit behind the wheel of a bike, it promises changes in life that will excite the heart with very unexpected and pleasant surprises.

Difficult period in entrepreneurial activity promises a fall from a motorcycle.

Dream plots

What did they do with a motorcycle in a dream

What a motorcycle is dreaming of can be predicted with greater confidence, given all the nuances and details of dreams. After all, it is one of the modes of transport. And so movement is associated with it. Let's analyze the dream in parts:

  • does not start;
  • faulty;
  • ride;
  • motorcycle and sidecar;
  • accident;
  • stolen transport;
  • purchase or gift.

Why dream of a motorcycle that does not start. This is a call not to take on the implementation of the conceived idea in the next few days. Review old plans and summarize the conclusions.

A biker may regard the meaning of such a dream as a refusal to travel. It should be postponed to a later date. Because an accident is out of the question.

The motorcycle in a dream was out of order or broken, it speaks of the implementation of your plans, but not as quickly as you would expect.

If you were repairing your bike in a dream, then you will be able to catch up very quickly.

When a woman dreams of riding a bike with a man, this promises her a meeting with a man who is confident and purposeful. You can always rely on him in any danger and difficulties.

When a man had a dream where he had to ride a bike, which was red, or black, blue and yellow, this is a signal of the likelihood of bringing famously on himself.

If there was a red motorcycle

A biker who invited a girl to ride a red bike in her dreams is a warning against a rapidly developing relationship. Not everything is as sincere in them as she imagines.

If a man saw in his dreams that he was supposedly a biker, and he had to ride a motorcycle, changes are coming. They will affect the worldview of the sleeper.

If you dreamed of a fast ride, and as a result you lost control and the bike ended up in the water, they promise obstacles to your dream. You will overcome them, but they will slow you down a bit.

A motorcycle with a sidecar represents your lack of love and your desire to have a full-fledged family.

I dreamed of riding, the result of which was an accident and a burning bike, this is a probable threat to life or health is real.

In a dream, the girl had to ride a bike for the first time, it promises trouble in relations with her lover.

I dreamed of an accident when a biker knocked down a person, or even an animal, expect friction with superiors, or trouble on a personal front.

The accident in which the biker died warns against participating in a risky and dubious event. Don't rely blindly on chance.

I had to ride an iron horse that was stolen, which means you are preventing someone from implementing plans. But, when it is stolen from you, do not go along with the sugary promises of your business partners, because you are a hindrance to their plans.

Buying a new motorcycle and being able to ride it in a dream represents confident and rapid career growth.

If you were given a bike and you rode it on a night highway, this personifies the likelihood of fatigue from the generally accepted conventions of modern society. You strive to prove the consistency of your point of view on questions about the worldview.

Your mark:

A dream in which a sleeping person saw a motorcycle warns him to be careful. This may mean that in real life there may be a rise, but then it will end in a fall. Riding a motorcycle in a dream portends changes and surprises in life. But a fall from it will tell a person that his affairs will not be very successful, you can lose your friends and experience disappointment.

A motorcycle in a dream can be dreamed of in different life situations. Therefore, in order to better understand what the motorcycle is dreaming of, consider some of them.

If a motorcycle dreams of a man

So, consider the various interpretations of this dream:

  • I dreamed of a broken motorcycle - in your circle of friends there is an insincere person who is haunted by envy, and he is waiting for the right moment to harm you.
  • In a dream, you lost control - in real life, you keep everything under control.
  • If you dreamed of a motorcycle race that you carefully watched, this indicates that you are a leader by nature. If you yourself are a participant in the rally, then you are able to lead people.
  • A broken motorcycle in a dream will bring trouble that can change your life for a long time.
  • In a dream, you are riding a motorcycle and you clearly hear its deafening roar, which means that you pay a lot of attention to yourself without noticing the people around you. If the sound of a motorcycle is heard, but you do not see the vehicle itself, material well-being awaits you.

Why does a woman dream of a motorcycle

  • If a woman dreamed that her lover had crashed on a motorcycle, everything will be fine in life and nothing and no one threatens them.
  • acquaintance with a young and risky man is for a girl if she dreamed of a motorcycle. But before starting a serious relationship with him, it is recommended to get to know him better.
  • a woman in a dream rides a motorcycle with her companion - good sign. In family affairs, success awaits. Going on a joint journey, experience new scale feelings.

In most cases, a motorcycle dreamed of in a dream portends success in life. Cases will be resolved easily and simply. And how quickly this happens depends on the speed of the motorcycle. But when falling from it, you need to be on your guard in real life.

If you dreamed of another transport or technical means, then you can find out the interpretation of the dreamer from the section.

Why dream of riding a Motorcycle in a dream from a dream book?

Ride or ride a motorcycle in a dream - your ambitions prevail over common sense. Try to realistically evaluate your strengths before slashing. However, if there is reasonable self-confidence, act, and you will succeed.

Riding a moped - to uninvited or unexpected guests. A meeting with an unpleasant person is possible, or a conversation that will not bring pleasure.

Who was driving a motorcycle in a dream? With whom did you ride a motorcycle in a dream? Where did you ride a motorcycle in a dream?

Who was driving a motorcycle in a dream?

If in a dream you had to ride a motorcycle behind the wheel

The dream in which you were driving a motorcycle symbolizes the desire to move forward. Many profitable offers will appear, ideas will be brought to life with high speed. However, you should be careful in choosing business partners, your success can be used for personal gain.

With whom did you ride a motorcycle in a dream?

Why dream of riding a motorcycle with a man

According to Felomena's dream book, riding a motorcycle with a man means a thirst for adventure, a craving for everything new, a desire to change your life. Perhaps this is a reflection of the desire to change a partner who does not suit you. In the near future, a meeting with a reliable person is possible, who will be support and support for the rest of his life.

Where did you ride a motorcycle in a dream?

Ride a motorcycle on the road in a dream

Dream interpretation interprets fast driving on the road on a motorcycle as an attempt to escape from the routine. The accumulated problems discourage the desire to move towards your goal. Loss of strength, apathy, poor health overcome you and cause a desire to leave everything to chance. Do not succumb to momentary weakness, it is in your power to continue moving towards success.

Slow movement, on the contrary, is regarded as advice to take your time and make an informed decision before taking action.

Why dream of a motorcycle?

A motorcycle in a dream tells about an upcoming business, quite risky, in which it is not advisable to take part. If you dare to get involved in this matter, then it is important to pay attention to those who will be nearby, perhaps these people are not entirely honest and can let you down at any moment.

Why dream of a motorcycle? - this is an omen of success in life, pleasant surprises are likely, and all deeds and undertakings will be given easily and simply. Everything will turn out at the same speed as the speed of the motorcycle. If in a dream you see a fall from a motorcycle, then this is a rather bad sign. Be extremely careful when cornering in reality. You need to be very careful about the work, if there are doubts about a colleague, it is better not to trust him.

For ladies, seeing a motorcycle means an acquaintance or a strong friendship with a guy who knows how to attract the attention of the opposite sex. But you should not voluntarily put rose-colored glasses on your eyes, it is better to get to know him well before starting a relationship. It will be more useful to avoid dubious transactions and trips to the casino. Most likely, high speed and courage will not do you any good, there is a chance of being left with nothing. Better a bird in hand...

Seeing a motorcycle in a dream, or people riding around a city at night, means that in reality you are likely to be tired of the conventions of society and want to prove the viability of your personal point of view on the world. Seeing yourself on a motorcycle - in real life, you have to take up the organization and holding of some kind of event or holiday.

If you dreamed that the driver of a motorcycle lost control and got into an accident - in reality it means lack of confidence in his abilities. Riding in a dream on a beautiful expensive motorcycle- in reality, it is possible to make original decisions that can radically change life.

Dreaming of a motorcycle usually indicates the acceleration of life or calls for caution. You will probably have to experience a rapid and powerful rise, unfortunately followed by an inevitable fall. For a girl to see a motorcycle in a dream means that the girl feels her dependence on a dashing guy.

A broken or stalled motorcycle promises great setbacks, possible disappointment in friendship. If you dream of a motorcycle latest model- wait in real life an amusing trip to distant lands and new interesting acquaintances.

To see an old, weak motorcycle, intrigues from envious people and false gossip are possible, which can significantly affect authority among acquaintances and friends.

A motorcycle in a dream means that life is gaining momentum. Everything will happen so fast that you will not have time to assess the situation. Because of this, difficulties and troubles can arise. Try not to succumb to the whirlpool of events and keep calm and sober mind.

Who had a dream about a motorcycle? What did you do in a dream with a motorcycle? What color did you dream of a motorcycle? What kind of motorcycle did you dream about? What happened to the motorcycle in the dream?

What is the dream of a motorcyclist

Seeing a motorcyclist in a dream - an exciting adventure will happen in life. The existing stereotypes will be destroyed in an instant and outlook on life will be radically changed.

If you saw yourself driving a motorcycle, you will have to deal with conflict situation or to guide a team of like-minded people in some venture that will prove successful.

Who had a dream about a motorcycle?

If a girl had a dream about a motorcycle

A motorcycle in a dream for a girl means the intrusive attention of the opposite sex, which you want to get rid of as soon as possible. There is a chance of becoming dependent on an experienced manipulator. Caution and prudence will not hurt.

What did you do in a dream with a motorcycle?

Ride a motorcycle

What does the dream in which you had to drive a motorcycle mean

If you dream that you are driving a motorcycle, then in real life you are trying to keep everything under your control. If this fails, there is a feeling of dissatisfaction and aggression. Try to restrain emotions and not take on an extra burden of responsibility.

If the movement took place on a country road, it means that the dreamer's views on life are naive and somewhat infantile, and driving on the highway is a sign of openness to new sensations and a thirst for adventure.

Why dream of falling off a motorcycle

Falling off a motorcycle, according to the dream book, means a period of loss and disappointment that will take you by surprise. Despite all the efforts made, things stall and problems appear more and more problems. Do not give up and let everything take its course - a little perseverance, and everything will be back to normal.

What color did you dream of a motorcycle?

If you dreamed of a red motorcycle

A red motorcycle dreams of a happy change. Everything that before that seemed impossible will come true easily and naturally. At first, changes can be scary and cause fear, but the future will show that the excitement was in vain.

What kind of motorcycle did you dream about?

What does a motorcycle with a sidecar symbolize in a dream

To dream of a motorcycle with a sidecar that was empty means a feeling of loneliness in the dreamer's soul. He lacks mutual feelings and warm communication. If someone was sitting in a wheelchair, the spiritual emptiness will soon be filled. A close meeting with a new pleasant person will be fateful.

What happened to the motorcycle in the dream?

Why dream that the motorcycle crashed

If you saw a motorcycle crash in a dream, expect disappointment, either in a business partner who will let you down at a crucial moment, or in a relationship that will not live up to expectations.

If the motorcycle has already been broken, it means the occurrence of unexpected obstacles on the way, everything may not go according to plan. To see how someone crashed - your relationship with this person will be based on trust and mutual understanding.

Dream Interpretation Man on a Motorcycle dreamed of why a man on a motorcycle dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Man on a motorcycle in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

Achieve yours.

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

A more individual, independent, dynamic segment of the dreamer's life isolated from society, a strong-willed motivating impulse. The sound of the engine and the nature of the movement can additionally inform about the progress of affairs or relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

Romantic, but without special amenities travel with your loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

Emergency situation on the road.

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle, scooter.

Phallic symbol of male vitality, youth and instincts.

Ride a motorcycle

Dream Interpretation Ride a motorcycle dreamed of why in a dream Ride a motorcycle? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to ride a motorcycle in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

A motorcycle seen in a dream means that you will have to experience a quick and dizzying fall, freeing your place at work at the first serious setback. If your lover rides you on a motorcycle and you rush headlong in a straight line like an arrow of a freeway, such a dream says that it is advisable for you to take care of your health and reputation, which may fall under the shadow of slander, which will overshadow your existence and may cause misfortune in family.

If in a dream you ride a motorcycle through a green summer forest, it means that in reality you will have great opportunities to make a career. A broken and stalled motorcycle suddenly portends failure, disappointment in friendship.

A modern, latest model motorcycle, powerful and shiny with nickel finishes, is a sign that you have an exciting journey to distant lands and new interesting acquaintances. An old low-power motorcycle portends intrigues from envious people. A collectible motorcycle of a now rare brand, which has become an antique rarity, will give you a unique chance to improve your financial situation in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

A motorcycle is a powerful vehicle that is ridden, therefore, in such a dream they see sexual overtones, a warning against promiscuity.

These days, this is especially reasonable, especially with casual contacts.

However, you should not associate a motorcycle in a dream with sex.

Another interpretation is related to controlled power.

To successfully control a motorcycle, you need powerful control with prediction of each turn.

Concentrate on what lies ahead for you, how to adjust your actions in time and slow down.

But be brave, don't be afraid of speed if the path is clear.

Dream Interpretation - Ride

Dream riding is your life. It depends on the nature of the road, fellow travelers, vehicles and surprises. Riding in circles means that your thoughts revolve around the same subject and you cannot find a way out of the current situation. See interpretation: road; vehicles by name: horse, racing, movement, car.

Riding calmly and measuredly is a sign of well-being in all matters. To fall from a horse in a dream - unfortunately, to see a person who has fallen from a horse in a dream - to a loss. Getting off the horse is a sign of worsening situation and contention with relatives or friends. Riding in the company of men is a good sign and promises profit; in the company of women - a bad dream that portends trouble through deceit and gossip.

Riding in a carriage (wheelchair) is a bad dream for patients, as it predicts death for them; but the dream promises a promotion to the military. For those who seek to improve their condition through a risky venture, such a dream predicts failure and debt. Riding through a forest, desert or an abandoned city - to failure or misfortune. Riding in a rich carriage (or in an expensive car) in a dream is a sign of honors and wealth. Riding a chaise (cart) on a shaky road is a sign that you are going through difficult days, but they will end, and your ordinary life will seem like paradise to you. Riding wild animals in a dream is a sign of victory over enemies. Riding in public is a favorable dream for those who occupy a responsible position, strive for power or have subordinates. For other people, such a dream promises losses and troubles. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will shamelessly use people for your own selfish purposes. The rider in your dream is a messenger. See how it looks: you will receive such news. Enter the city on horseback. For a sick person, such a dream promises recovery, and for those who have lost something and want to find it, the dream promises good luck in their search and subsequent success. Leaving the city (village, house) in a dream is a bad dream. For the sick, he predicts a quick death, for the military - defeat, injury or death in battle. Other people - failures in business.

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

You should not rush, otherwise your wish will not come true.

Imagine that you leave the motorcycle in the garage, and you yourself go on foot or leave by car.

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

Indicates the acceleration of life or calls for caution.

For a girl to see a motorcycle - to feel her dependence on a dashing guy.

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

Seeing yourself in a dream on a motorcycle is an unpleasant conversation.

Probably, these are the neighbors: “the night is midnight, but you can’t sleep - noise, crackling, the smell of gasoline ...” maybe they are a little right?

Dream Interpretation - Motorcycle

Buying a brand new motorcycle is money.

Achieve yours.

Dream Interpretation - Ride, ride

Dream Interpretation - Ride

Success in professional activity. On horseback - control over an important area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork will be transferred to your hands; a passenger in a car - your timely advice will be approved and rewarded; driving a car - you will be appointed to a leadership position; on a bicycle or motorcycle - you are slowly but surely approaching your intended goal.

Riding an animal is a desire to get closer or get away from the situation: on a horse - a vain desire to restore relationships that have cracked due to your reckless act; on a donkey - an attempt to avoid undeserved ridicule will not be successful; on an elephant - a dream promises a vacation full of unforgettable experiences; on a camel - you cherish the hope of getting a good offer; on a bull or a cow - a dream reflects a desire to speed up some process.

Imagine that riding gives you real pleasure, you experience a feeling of joy and positive emotions. Try to add speed to the maximum possible value in order to reach the intended goal sooner.

Dream Interpretation - Riding

Riding any kind land transport is a rhythmic action and symbolizes sexual intercourse.

However long trip on transport, he speaks of some fears and concerns in the dreamer, he may develop some kind of phobia.

Why does a woman have a dream if she rides a motorcycle with a man?



This woman subconsciously really wants sex :))

Alex Manaenkov

Maybe you want to ride with a man on a motorcycle? =)


to dynamics


Anything fast moving in a dream indicates a malfunction in the work of the cardiovascular system. Be careful.

Brunhilda Kakovna

It's good to ride, it's progress. If a man is fat, to joy, if an ex-husband means you are thinking about him, not everything is gone.

Valerie Purk

A normal dream with sexual overtones.


Ride a motorcycle with

Dream Interpretation - Ride

Where is the road; safely - happiness, success in business; unsuccessfully - obstacles; on horseback - success, defeat the enemy, acquaintance (to a woman); with men - happiness, profit; women - trouble, deceit; rider - important news.

Dream Interpretation - Ride

Victory, accomplishments, success, achievement of the goal.

Dream Interpretation - Ride on city vehicles

Those or other small, insignificant, current periods of life. In violation of the rules traffic go against the will of one's fate and conscience, come into conflict with one's own abilities, feelings, intentions.

Dream Interpretation - Ride

If you see yourself riding some obsolete form of transport, such as a cart, and even fully loaded with knots and all sorts of rags, think that you most likely continue to live in the past, you are afraid to part with it, move on to new types of your activities etc.

Perhaps that is why your life is so slow.

If you dream that you are driving a car - in reality you will undertake a rather hectic, but very useful business that will be resolved with a successful outcome.

Dream Interpretation - Ride on the back of a lion

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Ride a black horse

Bad sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Ride a quiet horse

Family happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Convoy to go to the field

Experience happy moments

Dream Interpretation - Ride on horseback

To a successful road.

Dream Interpretation - Ride, ride

Often a dream ride is a waking trip.

In general, driving on a good road quickly, without obstacles is a symbol of well-being, happiness, and success in business.

Riding on bad road- obstacles in the implementation of the plan.



Hello, today I dreamed at first that I went to the toilet and got dirty there, sorry for the details in the shit, and then I started to wash it off, which no one saw. then in a dream it turned out to be mine former man, some kind of sad, and then I somehow got on a motorcycle and quickly left, and I don’t remember yet - I suggested to him - the former to sit with me, but in the end I left alone, or rather I didn’t leave, but flew away on this motorcycle


I dreamed that I was overtaking a car on a motorcycle, and two cars, a truck and a bus, were driving towards me, I managed to overtake in time, press the gas and go uphill.


I dreamed that I rode a motorcycle with a sidecar on the lawn and then in the city ... and I liked it ... the colors were juicy ...


Winter ... it seemed to me that my brother was going for a walk with several apparently his acquaintances. By some miracle, I find myself on a motorcycle (motocross, sports cool moto)).) and I go to look for my brother, I don’t know why, I just go to look for him. First I go to ordinary road like in a village, then I go onto the freeway, I try to drive according to the rules, but I have such a feeling that I interfered with someone, and I start to drive faster (as if running away from someone), I drive again onto the country road (sideways at home), I turn onto the street, which goes very I still have a good slope and on ice and snow (sometimes it happened that there was no snow, there was a bit of a swamp) I drive at a very high speed, and I manage the motorcycle so easily, I’m surprised myself. Having gone downstairs, I turn again, and I see those friends of my brother, but it turns out that they don’t know my brother at all and he wasn’t with them, that is, I just made a mistake, I politely say goodbye to them, and notice that there were still women with them (about 30 years old), when I said goodbye to the last one, she dictated her phone number to me and asked me to call, I asked for her husband, she said that her husband did not satisfy her ... woke up ... I don’t remember the phone number completely .. 098 **** 4022 and she said: “and 5 in the end". 4-stars are 4-digits that I don’t remember ... I immediately determined that there were too many digits for the number ... what can all this mean?


hello, I dreamed that on a new one beautiful motorcycle I drive around the city at great speed, I go into sharp turns, I overtake the car. But in what city I don’t know, I don’t know. Perfectly flat and new road, night, beautiful night illumination of the city…


i dreamed that I was swimming across the stakes, with clean water, and then like going with my brothers on a motorcycle, as if they had to take me to a stop from someone running away, but first they take me to my grandmother and she gives me a big bag of homeless days .. the whole dream is like that somewhere you need to go


i dreamed that I was driving from the forest on a motorcycle with my daughter. There was a wedding in the forest, everyone was crying, because a vampire started up. We were driving along a very wide highway.


The dream began with the fact that I was driving my sister’s car, and then a traffic cop stopped me, but I took a motorcycle from somewhere and drove off, I even liked it, and the traffic cop didn’t even chase me, waved his hand and turned away, then I began to worry that I had left the car but everything is fine, her sister turned out to have taken her away, and the dream was very bright, warm and summery, a lot of greenery, the city ....


I rented a bike in the service, paying with paper money, then I rode among the crowd of people on some holiday I visited the store, but the people standing in line were constantly ahead of me and shouted out their order to the seller, in the end, when I was about to leave, the seller himself asked what you need to buy in a pack of L&S BQB cigarettes and a bottle of cola when I went outside the sole of my shoes of my left foot turned out to be peeled off the heel of the heel was worn, then I was going to go to the area where I used to live but could not decide what to ride on a bike or a car I had money for gasoline not enough, but in the service they didn’t give a helmet to the bike, and a patrol car loomed with 2 traffic cops next to it, it appeared out of nowhere old friend who made an offer if I take him with me he will chip in for gasoline shorter like this sleepy brr everything was in dark shades so I woke up.


I dreamed that I was riding a moped with my ex-girlfriend on a rough road and there were a lot of puddles, holes and sand on it, but despite this, I drove normally with my passenger and didn’t fall even once. As we were not far from the end of the road, she leaned her elbows on my shoulders, which is in a dream I was not very pleased


I dreamed that the director called me to ride a motorcycle, I got on his motorcycle, didn’t have time to get dressed and was in my nightgown, both were pleased, then the director says that he would marry one, but spoke with such reluctance.


a policeman came in a dream, but he didn’t talk to me, then I went home on a motorcycle with my brother, the road was dug up and we had to drive over a cliff, we almost fell off, but we drove, then there was a repair of the bridge and we crossed the river along the crossing from sticks, I was in front, my brother was behind, at the end of the crossing I hurried and got my feet wet, but they crossed safely, but the boots fell apart


I sat down on a motorcycle as a passenger and we drove against traffic along snowy road and then when he got off the motorcycle he gave money to the driver a hundred rubles


My boyfriend and I rode a motorcycle, first along a narrow path, then we drove onto a highway where it was scary, but interesting to ride. We drove through a terrible accident with victims and blood. We drove around it and rushed to one of the districts of Odessa


i dreamed that a guy was eating on a matacycle, a guy I know with his girlfriend, I have a very warm relationship, I take a matatsikal from him, I’ll start food, but he eats the other way all the time and I jump off him and he continues to ride without me and toge I catch him and stop him and there turn out to be a crooked steering wheel


Good afternoon, Tatyana! I rode a motorcycle with a man at high speed like from a springboard, periodically hovering in the air, I closed my eyes, but the landings were safe


I ride a motorcycle to the church. I go into a large and beautiful church and see the priest. I go home on the bus, cry and go back to pick up the motorcycle.


Good day.
Fell asleep on a Saturday afternoon. I dreamed of riding a motorcycle (a bike or something powerful) in a city I knew among the movement of cars, around 4-7 pm in the evening, but it was not yet dark. Not far from me, a friend also rode alone on a motorcycle. For a while he rode in a baseball cap, then he asked a friend for a helmet and rode in a helmet.
The most interesting thing is that I don’t like motorcycles, but in a dream I clearly remember that I really liked it.
Thanks in advance


i dreamed that I was riding a bike, only it was skidding, like how slippery it was, rear wheel, but I managed to control and drove on


i dreamed that I was in my yard and a guy from one series drove up there, my friend got jealous, sat next to me, we kissed him, but this friend from the series was offended by me and I missed


I was driving along the city avenue on a motorcycle, in the middle of the road I met a trading stall with orange and yellow vegetables, while a man in church clothes helped the sellers - I drove by and when I looked back I saw that a large pumpkin had fallen from the table. Then I met a pavilion with fruits in front of the crossroads, stopped, went in and bought large, ripe pears. But I didn't buy it at the last minute. He began to ask questions to the seller why he was not selling and … woke up. He put the pears in a transparent bag for me.


Hello! i had a dream on the first of April that I was riding a motorcycle with my friend and then we were swimming across the river and moving on, but when we went to school, 2 more acquaintances were beaten there, one joked about marriage and then we went to volleyball competitions


I had a dream, I rode a motorcycle, a shiny new silver color. Through the streets where I used to live


I was riding a motorcycle with a man and I was hugging his waist, he put his hands on mine and hugged me tightly. He apologized for not coming earlier, said that he loves. Laid his head down on me. everything was warm and gentle..


I rode a motorcycle through the mountains to the river and back, then the motorcycle stalled and I still continued to move on it, although I can’t ride it at all.


I rode a motorcycle on a road that I drive every day for a year. I was driving very fast, one might say at breakneck speed. Outrun everyone. Then I saw on the road that someone fell off a motorcycle, and I kind of wanted to go around, shifted to the left a little, but seemed to drive right through, but still somehow flew off the motorcycle, but didn’t fall, but just rolled on the asphalt like on ice and next to my motorcycle. It wasn't painful or scary. Like it should be. Then the dream broke off and I’m already standing with a former classmate (who in reality wanted to take a walk with my ex) and my girlfriend and should go to the former, then this classmate clings, I’m talking to you, I’ll go, and he was waking up to her, in a dream I said no, stay here, she insisted, we went, stood on some square, I kissed him (as if we were together again), by the way, in reality we met and parted many times, and now we recently quarreled again, since he has another girlfriend , with which he, respectively, depending on me, whether we are in a quarrel or not, quarrels or puts up with her, so he dreams every day in a row, and everything is fine with us, in life I want to be with him, but I understand that nothing no good will come of it, so what about the motorcycle? and why is the former dreaming?


I took a moped (in my opinion from my brother) and drove off. fell on the turn. picked it up and where the girl came from. I planted it and we went together. went laughing, then I don’t remember


I rode a motorcycle at night, while my own father and a friend, why would this and a motorcycle be domestic and a minimotik that I want


I'm late for last bus and went on foot, a young man on a motorcycle agreed to give me a ride, but the gas ran out. I gave him paper money for a gas station, we drove through the mountains, not the road


Hello, Tatyana! my name is Olga, I dreamed of a motorcycle, very comfortable and large, but I was a passenger and the movement on a motorcycle was periodically interrupted. I stopped, did what was necessary and knew where to go. there was a good sense of comfort. I usually consider dreams by self-perception in a dream.


I rode a brand new bright large motorcycle with a very handsome, bright young man. Suddenly, unexpectedly, the road was interrupted by a very steep descent. I was frightened, clung to him and we still went down very easily without obstacles. I thought at first that we would not survive. but we moved out, crossed the river and the road was interrupted. Some kind of land with grass. Private sector. And the man pointed where to go. And we immediately crossed it and came out on a good road.


It was like I started learning to ride a motorcycle, at first I rode in circles in some room. Then I went to the track with obstacles and I think: “how am I going to go? This is for experienced motorcyclists. I'll go anyway!" I went, I pass through all the obstacles and suddenly there is a closed door in front of me and I know that there is a very difficult track and only a few are allowed there. Instead of a training bike, there was a heaped one under me and two roads - one simple, like a path, and the other, like a road in the city, a large illuminated track. I think "I've never traveled around the city" And I decided - I'll go anyway! And woke up.


In a dream, she drove a motorcycle at high speed, her husband was sitting behind, drove through the fields, saw the sea, climbed the mountain, was steep descent, then the husband moved forward and descended safely. Drove to friends who in this moment had an operation, his wife was setting the table


I rode a motorcycle behind the wheel in the company of the same motorcyclists who seemed to be familiar to me. Went ahead. Decided to just give gas, rushed forward. He stopped at a red light, then, without hesitation, pulled again (on the same red) and then drove as fast as he could. By the way, I liked it.


My director drove the motorcycle, the motorcycle was brand new and beautiful, we didn’t go fast at all, but he drove in after me ... a very bright dream, colorful, with pleasant emotions


dream - I'm riding a motorcycle through a snowy city. And my mother, the mother of a friend, slows me down and asks if I went to see you. I say yes to you. She says you're waiting for me and I'm leaving.


I rode a motorcycle black handlebar motorcycle is very modern new then the road became slippery with ice and potholes, I didn’t dare to go further along such a road and turned back, but I got off the motorcycle and moved it with my hands, I walked beside me Thank you!


Hello! I dreamed that I was riding a motorcycle driven by a man. It was a man whom I had never seen, but in a dream I knew that this was my man. I felt joy and happiness.


Hello! It often happens that I dream about how I drive a motorcycle. (I am not a biker, although there is a desire to buy a motorcycle). So today, I had a dream, I drive along the roads of the city, during the day, my arms and legs are trembling from adrenaline, and I'm driving. What is it for?


I dreamed of a night, I was riding a racing motorcycle with my youngest son .. when we arrived at the place to my grandmother (who died), my brother (who also died) stole a motorcycle and sold it, I cursed and asked me to return it very much expensive thing and he returned .. And again I rushed along the asphalt to meet fate .... Well, I woke up... All.
If a


I was riding a motorcycle with my husband and started falling off it. He stopped, I sat down and drove again


Good afternoon! I had a dream from Thursday to Friday morning! I met friends they are celebrities! And I borrowed a motorcycle from a friend! And I calmly rode it, although I had not previously traveled not in reality, not in a dream! I just wandered around the city! Enjoyed! Drizzling light rain! The motorcycle was very beautiful! Then, at the very night, I was also met on a motorcycle by my best friend and we went home! and all!! The dream was exciting and positive!!


I went out into the street and they offered me a ride on a motorcycle, I sat down and we drove off. I understood how I ended up driving, and we rode for a very long time, and then I don’t remember


We rode a motorcycle with my grandfather (he is alive) and my mother (she died a couple of months ago). I was happy, I laughed. And on the road we skidded, my mother fell off the motorcycle, and my grandfather and I remained sitting.

Do you often have colorful dreams? This is a sign that the universe is sending you clues.

Each dream has its own unique meaning. Why dream of a motorcycle? Worth sorting out.

What is the dream of a motorcycle - the main interpretation

Motorcycles are not a luxury these days. Almost every young man at one time or another of his life traveled on this particular vehicle. But why does a motorcycle appear in a dream? What does it mean?

It is believed that if you try to curb this type of transport in a dream, and nothing comes of it, you will have to face a number of difficulties in life, since the motorcycle is identified directly with the human body with its inner essence.

If in a dream any other type of transport appeared to you, which is personally controlled by a person, such a dream would have a slightly different meaning. But a motorcycle is a symbol of the spiritual state of a person, his inner needs, values.

What is important to pay attention to in a dream:

Is this your motorcycle?

Where did he come from in a dream;

Have you ridden it;

Did you have an accident in a dream;

Who else rode a motorcycle with you;

What symbols and signs are still found in a dream;

What mood accompanied your awakening.

If you have a dream in which you painstakingly choose an iron horse for yourself in the market, while bargaining, you will in reality defend your position for a long time, trying to argue it with others.

If you dream that the motorcycle is not yours, but you are trying to sit on it and go - such a dream indicates that in real life you may well try to take someone else's place. This may apply to both professional and personal matters.

If in a dream you don’t just want to ride someone else’s motorcycle, but even steal it - such a dream means that you should be extremely careful with your desires, as they can ruin you. You will not only lose reputation, but also trust in the eyes of a friend.

If you dream that someone else is riding your motorcycle, and at the same time you are calmly watching this - you will help someone in solving an important matter. In this case, the matter will be important for both. If you dream that you did not allow someone close to take a motorcycle, but the person disobeyed and set off on his journey - such a dream means that scandals and a showdown await you.

In order to avoid them, it is not necessary to try to do something good for others, it is enough to speak the truth. It is against the background of lies after such a dream that conflicts can arise in the house.

If you dream about how you fix a motorcycle, but at the same time, you don’t succeed - such a dream suggests that you have already done a lot of stupid things and it’s too late to correct the situation. If you dream about how someone else is trying to fix your motorcycle, you should expect an apology from a third party, most likely one of your colleagues who allowed earlier unflattering remarks to you will soon apologize.

If you dream that you are looking for a place to park your vehicle for a long time and you can’t find it in any way - such a dream means that you will forget about your promises and then you will regret it for a long time, because you will not be forgiven for a mistake. If you dream about how you repaired a motorcycle and suddenly it started up on its own, quite interesting events await you in life after a period of long stagnation.

If you dream of a chic red motorcycle in a shop window, and you just walk around it and really want to buy - such a dream means that you have gone headlong into your dreams and broken away from reality, it's time to return to it.

If you dream that you are buying such a chic vehicle- everything you have planned will soon come true, it remains only to wait a little, it remains only to believe in it.

If you dreamed that you were a witness terrible accident - such a dream means that in reality you will have to face difficulties, but you will miraculously get rid of them. If you dream that you yourself had an accident - such a dream indicates that you have been playing hide and seek with fate for a long time and eventually failed. You have long suspected that something in your life is going wrong, not as it could be, now after a series of troubles and troubles, everything will fall into place.

What is the dream of a motorcycle according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says what the motorcycle is dreaming of. Such a dream means that a person likes to quickly solve his questions and problems and forgets about the quality of their solution. Such a person should think about the correctness and measuredness of his life. He has been playing with fire for a long time and now there is very little left before defeat.

The man will play himself. We can talk about the banal lies that he filled his life with. Also, we can talk about betrayals that have become the norm for you and it seems to you that no one will ever reveal your secrets, but this is not so.

The faster you rush to the goal in a dream, the faster in reality all the secret will become clear. You just have to decide if you're ready to take that risk now, or if you're better off slowing things down and getting some rest.

If you dream about how someone offers to ride you on a motorcycle, you will find yourself in reality in a not very pleasant company in which people will seek only the benefit of communication. Do not be too deluded by new acquaintances, they will not lead to anything good in the end.

If you dream about how you ride a red light on your new motorcycle - such a dream means that troubles await you from your inner circle. Those people whom you recently trusted will now make trouble for you and your family. The dream interpretation warns that it is not worth forgiving such grievances. It is better to stop communicating with such people, otherwise you will be disentangling the consequences of your negligence for a long time to come.

Why dream of a motorcycle according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that for a girl, a dream in which she went on a trip on a brand new motorcycle means a new relationship filled with passion. Her chosen one will be quite impulsive and will try in every possible way to subdue her by all available and inaccessible methods.

As soon as the girl thaws and allows the man to take care of herself, his interest in her will abruptly disappear, he will cease to be interested in her life and may even completely disappear from it. It will be a kind of game in which the man is the conqueror, and the girl is the goal.

If a man dreams that he bought himself a brand new motorcycle, such a dream will mean a new exciting relationship with a girl that he will like very much. He will be pleased with the new connection, but it will be fleeting.

If a man dreams about how he changes one motorcycle for another in a dream - such a dream means that he will soon change his habits in his personal life, become more calm at home, this will be facilitated by a new passion.

If a man dreams about how he races on his motorcycle, such a dream also means rivalry in reality. The goal will be worthy enough. Depending on whether he comes first to the finish line in a dream, this will be the outcome of the case in reality.

Seeing a catastrophe involving a motorcycle in a dream is a litigation against the backdrop of a personal conflict. If you see in a dream how you crash on a motorcycle and die, such a dream should encourage you to take care of your physical and spiritual health.

Why dream of a motorcycle in other dream books

In Medea's dream book it is said that a motorcycle seen in a dream urges a person to be careful not only in his statements, but also with his desires. Some of them will come true, but the result will not live up to expectations.

In Grishina's dream book it is said that dreams about a motorcycle carry a hidden meaning of an unreasonable desire to radically change one's life. Why unreasonable? Because a person in real life has everything necessary to achieve the goal. But, instead of moving towards her, he drops his hands and drops everything. The dream book advises to do everything with precision, but on the contrary - to get involved in the work and not take risks yet.

The solution to all issues will come a little later, when a person can fully understand his needs. Dream Interpretation advises Special attention give to fellow travelers who meet in a dream. If this is a girl, then a romantic date awaits you, if a man, a business conversation awaits you. In any case, dreams only guide a person on the path to achieving the goal. Everything else is up to you.