A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Integrated lesson-conference “a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation” The birth of a catchphrase

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation
From the novel (chapter 6 “Antelope-Wildebeest”) “The Golden Calf” (1931) by Soviet writers Ilya Ilf (1897-1937) and Evgeny Petrov (1903-1942). The words of the slogan with which the organizer of a rally in a certain village on the Novozaitsevsky tract met the car of Adam Kozlevich with Ostap Bender and his companions, which accidentally ended up on the Moscow-Kharkov-Moscow motor rally. Their “Wildebeest” was mistaken for the leader of this run. Subsequently, these words will be repeated by Ostap, giving a response speech at a rally in the city of Udoev.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

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Hello, dear readers of the Sprint-Response website. Today is Monday, September 18, 2017. We have gathered here again to solve the next quiz in the Mnogo.ru club, which is called “Quote of the Day”.

The correct answer to the quiz question about the famous phrase about cars and their role in our lives is highlighted in blue and italics.

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation

And already after the retreating car, covering the congratulatory roar of the crowd, he laid out the last slogan:

-A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation! With the exception of Ostap, all the Antilopovites were somewhat worried ceremonial meeting. Not understanding anything, they twirled around in the car like sparrows in a nest. Panikovsky, who generally did not like large concentrations of honest people in one place, squatted down cautiously, so that only the dirty thatched roof of his hat was visible to the eyes of the villagers. But Ostap was not at all embarrassed. He took off his cap with a white top and responded to greetings with a proud tilt of his head, now to the right, now to the left.

Improve roads! - he shouted goodbye. - Mercy for the welcome! And the car again found itself on a white road cutting through a large quiet field.

  • Panikovsky
  • Ostap Bender
  • Kisa Vorobyaninov

As you can see, the correct answer about the fact that a car is far from being a luxury, but a means of transportation, is in second place in the list of options. This is, of course, the main character of the famous works of Ilf and Petrov - Ostap Bender.

Everyone has heard the phrase “A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.” Many people often pronounce it themselves, but not everyone understands the meaning. And the origin is known only to attentive lovers of classical literature and admirers of Soviet cinema.

The birth of a catchphrase

“A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation” - a quote from the novel “The Golden Calf” by Evgeny Petrov. She became known not only to readers, but also to movie lovers after the film adaptation of the work in 1968.

The phrase is repeated three times in the film. The first person to say: “A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation” was the organizer of a rally in one of the villages on the Novozaitsevsky tract. The words were part of the slogan that literally flowed from the lips of the organizer during the meeting of Adam Kozlevich’s car with Ostap Bender and his companions. Their “Gnu Antelope” was mistakenly taken for the leader of the Moscow-Kharkov-Moscow motor rally. A beardless man, who ran out from the crowd of spectators, shouted words about how important it is to establish production of the Soviet automobile industry, and at the end he shouted after the departing “Antelope”: “A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation!”

Ostap Bender repeated these words during a speech with a response address to the residents of the city of Udoev, and then again when he saw the real participants of the race, led by its leader.

“Yes,” he said. - Now I see for myself that a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Aren't you jealous, Balaganov? I'm jealous!

Where do legs come from?

“A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.” The meaning of this phrase can be understood if we look at life principles the great Henry Ford.

He was born and raised in a poor family, but this did not stop Ford from creating his own auto empire. It all started when little Henry saw a locomobile for the first time in his life. The “cart with a motor” gave the boy no rest. From that moment on, Ford did nothing but try to create a mechanism capable of propelling vehicles.

Having dreamed of designing cars since childhood, Ford decided that he needed to learn everything by doing. Therefore, he did not finish school and at the age of 15 began working in a mechanical workshop. After this, young Henry changed many more jobs, conducted experiments and studied the design of various equipment.

Ford's father was a farmer, so the young man really wanted to invent a machine that could pull a plow or cart to make a person's work easier. However, to build such a steam " iron horse“(it was steam transport that was “in use” at that time) was impossible, since the weight and size of such equipment would be too large for small-scale agricultural work.

Henry soon learned about gas engines and began to design his first car - a quadricycle. He sold his car for $200 and invested the money in building a new one.

To attract investors, Ford created two fast cars to participate in the race. His fast car rightfully won the race. The plan worked, and within a week after winning the competition, the Ford company Motor.

Ford set itself the task of creating an inexpensive, reliable and light car. He wanted to make a mass product accessible to almost everyone.

Of course, Henry Ford was not the one who said: “A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.” Nevertheless, this could be the slogan of his company.


What does the catchphrase mean? The expression must be interpreted depending on who is pronouncing it.

The phrase coming from the mouths of the participants in the strike on the occasion of increasing car prices means that the cost budget cars shouldn't be huge.

If it is pronounced by a car manufacturer, then he means that the main emphasis is not on decor or additional options, but on the basic set of functions necessary for the operation of the machine.

So luxury or not?

Many people have the opportunity to buy a car today. Almost everyone can afford a used car. And yet, for some it is a vital necessity, and for others it is a way to show their status.

The former include people who buy a machine to solve the following or similar problems:

  • working on a car;
  • trips to work, dacha, etc.;
  • ease of movement for a family (with a child, elderly parents, etc.).

For these people, a car is truly a means of transportation, not a luxury.

And sometimes the one who said: “A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation,” complains that servicing a car today is not a cheap pleasure. Gasoline prices are high, spare parts are very expensive, and insurance and car maintenance also cost a pretty penny.

Those who want to emphasize their position in society usually buy business class cars. Most likely, the machine is intended to solve the same problems as listed above, but costs much more.

TO luxury cars This also includes models produced in single editions. To purchase them, you need to “sweat”: order a couple of months before purchase, discuss all the details, sign a contract and leave a deposit. Automobile hand assembled With powerful engine and exclusive design - isn't this luxury?

Increase in the number of cars

The number of cars on the roads is steadily growing every day, which means that the car is becoming a regular part of our lives, just like, for example, a telephone. Is it good or bad? Probably everyone has an answer to this question. But we will still give some pros and cons.


The negative aspects of increasing the number of cars are as follows:

  • Declining quality of roads (you, of course, already know that no one is in a hurry to repair them).
  • Increase in traffic accidents - from minor to terrible accidents with fatal outcome.
  • Deterioration of the environmental situation due to large amounts of exhaust gas emissions.
  • Reduced road capacity (in major cities Motorists have to spend a significant amount of time in traffic jams).
  • The growth of fraud associated with the purchase and sale of cars (thieves, resellers, car drivers from abroad are not asleep and are in a hurry to snatch their tidbit).
  • Numerous construction projects (huge interchanges, overground and tunnels) serve the benefit of cars, all of them change their appearance settlements, and not always for the better.


What are the positive sides growth in the number of cars?

  • There is a huge manufacturing industry involved in manufacturing, selling and servicing automobiles, which means that numerous jobs are created.
  • The comfort of people's lives increases. Where is it more convenient to get behind the wheel? own car than to depend on public transport, stomping to a stop in the morning in cold or heat, in rain or snow.
  • Well, there’s one more plus, maybe dubious, but still. It consists in the fact that a large number of cars produced leads to a similar growth in transport in secondary market(where used cars flock from owners who have decided to replace the “iron horse”). Second-hand prices are low, so people with average earnings can afford a used car.

It is difficult to argue with the ambiguity of the phrase “A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.” You now know who the author of the expression is. Ilf and Petrov probably had no idea that it would become winged. But in vain.

So, let's consider the social aspect of the thesis: A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

Who used to travel on personal passenger cars? Worthy people went: Heroes of war and labor, order bearers, honored milkmaids, machine operators, livestock breeders, miners, cosmonauts, academicians, honored cultural figures, as well as regular visitors to the Berezka currency stores (this is about me), sailors, Civil Air Fleet pilots and others.Bosses of all ranks do not need personal cars; they and their wives rode in official ones.

Who is traveling now? personal cars? Again, worthy, but to them were added a disproportionately large number of unworthy: criminals, currency prostitutes, their gangsters and pimps, employees of virtual companies with real money, deputies proliferating in great numbers with their bloated apparatus, and, in general, people who can do it without working , make money. Look at the faces of those sitting in cars, stuck in traffic jams, and you will understand that the car has ceased to be a means of transportation. This is a means of standing: near the house, in a traffic jam, near the office, near the store. They stand wherever you can stand. But life glimmers in traffic jams. They live in traffic jams, talk about something on their cell phones, copulate, eat, defecate, in general, they show all the signs modern life as a way of existence of protein bodies.

The phenomenon of the sudden appearance in the country of a gigantic number of cars of all types led to a number of unpleasant consequences:

There are more cars than throughput roads; the quality of their coating has become worse, they are not repaired; cars crawl in a continuous stream, crash, collide, burn, masses of people die in them; add here the release of exhaust gases into the atmosphere, which affects the health of pedestrians and animals. There are dogs, cats, and other animals sitting in private cars. Why are they being tortured?

Around this automobile breakthrough, a huge group of people has formed who do not sow or plow, but have a guaranteed piece of bread with a huge piece of butter: drivers of cars from abroad, thieves, drivers of stolen cars, license plate exchangers, painters, dealers, brokers, intermediaries, managers, distributors, security guards and many others;

There is a whole industrial industry working on cars, producing: - car accessories, the service life of which is much longer longer term machine services; I don’t have a car, what should I do with all this body kit? That's right, to the landfill. And this is high-quality steel, plastics, paint and varnish products, etc. – auto tuning is a direct duplicate of the auto industry; - radio electronics that last forever; - security alarm; - auto cosmetics, this is a whole chemical industry.

A gigantic construction industry works for the automobile: - multi-storey interchanges, passages, tunnels, ramps; these monsters distort the appearance of the city beyond recognition; - fantastic automated multi-story parking lots, underground parking lots and other similar delights.

How do you like all this? Exaggerations? What do I propose in return for this motorization? This is a separate conversation.