Memo from the senior car. Departure and follow-up of units (teams). Use of hazard warning lights and warning triangles


The driver is responsible for maintaining the vehicle assigned to him, ensuring that it is in good condition and ready for use.

He is obliged:
- have a firm grasp of the device, technical capabilities and rules for operating the machine assigned to him;

Be able to operate the assigned vehicle day and night in various road conditions In any weather;

Know and strictly follow the Rules traffic, commands, regulation and control signals;

Know the frequency and scope of maintenance work, the service life (between repairs) and the service life (working life) of the machine assigned to it, tires and batteries;

Perform maintenance and routine repair work, as well as carry out special processing of the machine assigned to him;

Know the types and consumption rates of fuel, lubricants and other substances used on the machine assigned to it operating materials, prevent their overexpenditure and achieve savings;

Know the causes of major operational faults, be able to detect and eliminate them; prevent vehicle breakdowns, report them to the commander and fix them immediately;

Before leaving the car park, check the technical condition of the car and monitor it on the way, paying attention to Special attention for serviceability of brakes, steering, tires, towing device, external lighting devices, windshield wipers, on correct installation rear view mirrors, cleanliness and visibility of license plates and identification marks;

When driving a car, have a driver's license, driver's identification document, and waybill; The driver of the transport vehicle must also have a license to operate it;

Know and comply with the norms for loading a vehicle, the rules for boarding and transporting people, placing, stowing and securing cargo in the back of a vehicle;

Deliver the cargo safely and in a timely manner to the specified location;

Be able to use a route map and navigate the terrain;

Complete and submit in a timely manner technical part or to the department waybills;

Observe safety precautions when operating, repairing and evacuating the machine.

Platoon No.____


accounting for driving training on simulators, vehicles and practical work on vehicles of category “C” (VUS-837)

Rules for maintenance and storage

1. The book is issued to the cadet upon enrollment in educational institution and is kept with him until the end of his studies.

2. Without presenting a book, the cadet is not allowed to take classes.

3. At each lesson, the book is presented to the master of industrial driving training, who writes down the time of actual training and the assessment of the student in the appropriate columns, and puts his signature.

4. When training vehicle drivers, sections 1-5 are filled out in the individual book; when training specialists for vehicles with special equipment installed (mounted) on it, sections 6-7 are additionally completed.

5. The cadet must take care and carefully maintain the book.

6. Upon completion of training, the book is handed over to the educational part of the educational institution.

Stage 2 Practical Exam


Route number

Penalty points





Route number

Penalty points


Route number

Penalty points

5. Total time spent on training ______ hour.

Of them:

on auto simulators ________ hour.

to drive a vehicle ________ hour. , including:

freight _______ hour.

ATMZ-5-4320 _______ hour.

Internal driving test: passed / failed

ALLOWED for traffic police exams

Deputy Head for Human Resources Management of the Volzhskaya Driving School DOSAAF

Russia" _____________________________________________________

(signature) (first name, surname)

"_____" _________________ 201__

1. Accounting for training on simulators and driving vehicles


Exercise no.



by program




By program






Landing, familiarization with controls, instrumentation










Vehicle control techniques










Driving with gear shift












Stopping at a given place, turning around












Maneuvering in restricted passages














Difficult maneuvering













Test lesson No. 1



(name of educational institution)


(last name, first name, patronymic of the student)

Training platoon No. _______

Training started “____” ________ 201__

Training completed "____" ______ 201 __

Master of Industrial Driving Training

(surname and initials)

Master of Industrial Training

_________________________________________________________________(surname and initials)

Autosimulator: brand ________________, type ____________

Training vehicles:

brand _____________________, grz. No.________

brand _____________________, grz. No.________

Deputy Head for Human Rights Management I. Mikulchin



The control inspection is carried out by the driver in order tochecking and preparing the vehicle before a battle, march, lesson, exercise, transportation,at rest stops, before overcoming a water obstacle.

The driver must check:

Appearance of the car, condition and mounting of the left front wheel, steering rods, bipod;

The condition of the front suspension, whether there are any leaks of oils and special fluids;

Car front;

Engine condition, oil level in the lubrication system and coolant level in the cooling system;

Condition and fastening of the right front wheel;

Condition and fastening of the right cab door, rear-view mirror, spare wheel;

Condition and fastening of the right rear wheels;

Car from behind;

Condition and fastening of the left rear wheels;

Condition and fastening of fuel tanks and pipelines;

Condition and fastening of the left cab door, rear view mirror;

  • free travel of clutch and brake pedals;

  • operation of the engine, lighting and alarm devices, windshield wiper, glass washer, readings of instrumentation, refueling;

  • the angle of free rotation of the steering wheel and the effect of the parking brake;

  • availability, serviceability and stowage of spare parts, tools and accessories (SPTA).



Driving on routes with low traffic volumes





















Test lesson No. 2




Driving on routes with high traffic volumes























Test lesson No. 3




Improving driving skills in various road conditions













Test lesson No. 4










- internal


- Traffic police










2. Accounting for maintenance work


Control inspections, daily maintenance

Number of hours



According to program



k - t



KO before leaving the park

KO before leaving the park

KO on the way


Time: 30 minutes

Stage 1 practical exam


Exercise numbers




№ 4

№ 5


Penalty points

Penalty points

A driver is one of the most responsible professions. After all, the employee vouches for human lives, and for the variety of goods transported, and for the condition of the controlled transport, and for the accuracy of following the route, and the speed of the car. The responsibilities of a military driver overlap with data, general. But at the same time, they differ in specific features.

Military driver - who is he?

We will talk in the article about the responsibilities of a military driver vehicle. Type of troops - ground. The regular rank is private. He has two main tools - a control system vehicle and driver's tools.

The goal of the work is to ensure safe and efficient driving of the entrusted vehicle when transporting personnel and cargo (technical, material support) necessary in everyday life and combat situations.

Specialist training

To perform the duties of a military driver of the Russian Armed Forces, you need to have a general basic education. Persons who have not only passed necessary preparation, but also those with driving experience.

During military service under a contract, a military driver is entitled to improve his skills to 1st class, open other driving categories. As for the army position, he can be promoted to deputy. commander of a motor transport platoon.

Responsibilities of a military driver

Now let's move on to the most important thing. Driver Responsibilities military equipment the following:

Requirements for a specialist

To perform the duties of a military driver according to the regulations, a specialist must be distinguished by the following:

  • High level responsibility.
  • Ability to make the right decision short term.
  • Discipline.
  • Efficiency, hard work.
  • Ability to distinguish primary colors.
  • Maintaining concentration and attention when tired and fatigued.
  • Composure under various external influences.
  • High-speed visual adaptation.
  • Good coordination of movements.
  • Stability and quick switching of attention.

The responsibilities of a military driver overlap with the responsibilities of a civilian driver. However, service in the RF Armed Forces and for a driver is associated with a number of specific issues.

Amend the order of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation 2004 No. 450 “On the procedure for using automotive technology in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Peaceful time» according to the attached List.


army General

S. Shoigu


changes made to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2004 No. 450

In the Guidelines on the procedure for using automotive equipment in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime (appendix to the order):

1. Add paragraph 3 with the following paragraph: “When checking the procedure for using these cars, drivers, at the request of an official of the VAI (hereinafter referred to as VAI), hand over to them for verification: a driver’s license for the right to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category, and in case of seizure in in the prescribed manner driver's license— temporary permit; registration documents, diagnostic card for this vehicle, and if there is a trailer, also for the trailer; insurance policy compulsory insurance civil liability of the vehicle owner in cases where the obligation to insure one’s civil liability is established by federal law; documents for the transported cargo, and when transporting large, heavy and dangerous goods— documents provided for by the rules for the transportation of these goods; in addition, a document confirming the right to use or dispose of this vehicle, and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer - in the case of driving the vehicle by a driver of a third party and other documents provided for regulations Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."

2. In paragraph two of paragraph 6, the words “garrison” and “military district, fleet” are replaced with the words “(territorial)” and “(regional)”, respectively.

3. In paragraph 7:

In paragraph four, replace the word “garrison” with the word “(territorial)”;

Paragraphs five to seven should be worded as follows:

“Persons appointed to perform the duties of a foreman must have with them and, at the request of VAI officials, hand over to them for verification the certificate of a foreman (Appendix No. 2 to this Manual). The driver's license is valid for three years (regardless of the place of service or work of the driver). The certificate is annually re-registered in the Military Aviation Institute (territorial) after the military personnel have passed the appropriate test.

Forms of certificates for senior vehicles are prepared in the prescribed manner by the Military Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and are issued to the troops (forces) of the Military Aviation Inspectorate (territorial).

Costs associated with the purchase (production) of senior vehicle license forms are made at the expense of and within the funds allocated according to the consolidated estimate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Military Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the maintenance, operation and Maintenance weapons, military equipment and property."

5. Paragraph eleven of clause 9 should be stated as follows:

“drivers who have not passed a medical examination and do not have with them: a driver’s license for the right to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category, and in case of withdrawal in the prescribed manner, a temporary permit; registration documents, diagnostic card for this vehicle, and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer; an insurance policy for compulsory civil liability insurance of the vehicle owner in cases where the obligation to insure one’s civil liability is established by federal law; documents for the transported cargo, and when transporting large-sized, heavy and dangerous goods - documents provided for by the rules for transporting these goods; in addition, a document confirming the right to use or dispose of this vehicle, and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer - in the case of driving the vehicle by a driver of a third-party organization and other documents provided for by regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."

6. In paragraph four of paragraph 46, replace the word “garrison” with the word “(territorial)”.

7. In paragraph 107, delete the word “VAI”.

8. Paragraph 113 should be stated as follows:

"113. VAI Armed Forces:

Carry out constant monitoring of the order of use of vehicles on traffic routes, as well as the movement of automobile convoys and single vehicles used over a distance of over 200 km;

Regularly check the use of machines after working hours, on weekends and holidays;

Periodically check the legality and correctness of the use of machines;

Conduct technical inspection vehicles with a set frequency: vehicles equipped for the systematic transportation of people, with more than 8 seats (except for the driver’s seat), as well as vehicles and trailers for them, intended for the transportation of large, heavy and dangerous goods - every 6 months; other cars, regardless of year of manufacture - every 12 months.

If a traffic accident occurs, a gross violation of the procedure for using automobile equipment established by this Manual, VAI officials are given the right to stop using the vehicle until the identified deficiencies are eliminated.

Deficiencies identified as a result of inspections of the use of vehicles are reported in accordance with the established procedure to the commander of the military district troops and military police officials.”

9. In the first paragraph of paragraph 114, replace the words “VAI of a military district, fleet, group of forces” with the words “VAI (territorial), in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility of which the military unit is stationed.”


S. Postnikov

Permanent parks are equipped in places where the regiment is permanently stationed and at training grounds (in camps). In this case, weapons and military equipment are placed in locked storage facilities or under canopies, as well as on sites with reliable fencing. The park is equipped with a control and technical point with premises for the park duty officer, the head of the control and technical point, the traffic safety class, driver instruction, senior vehicles and the fleet squad; refueling point, cleaning and washing points, daily maintenance point (site), maintenance and repair point; storage areas for weapons and military equipment and facilities to ensure their readiness for combat use, other premises (places) for servicing equipment and necessary household premises.

Field parks are organized at the temporary location of a military unit (unit) in field conditions. They are usually divided for each battalion (company).

The design and equipment of the park must ensure quick and convenient exit of vehicles.

370. The territory of the park is divided into sections assigned to units. The boundaries of the plots are indicated by signs. The territory of the permanent park is fenced and equipped technical means security, devices ensuring compliance with security norms and rules environment, landscaped and illuminated.

All park buildings, building gates and park gates are numbered.

371. Roads must be built to the park, as well as to premises inside the park and special structures, and precisely established approaches that are constantly maintained in a condition suitable for movement. In dry weather in summer, the roads are watered and in winter they are cleared of snow.

Walking and driving in the park outside of roads is prohibited.

Direction and speed indicators and other road signs are installed on all roads in the park.

372. The deputy regiment commander for weapons is responsible for the organization of internal service in the park, for the proper maintenance and storage of weapons and military equipment, for the maintenance of special structures, warehouses, for maintaining cleanliness and carrying out fire-fighting and environmental measures, and where this position is not staffed provided - the head of the automobile service or the head of one of technical services shelf.

373. Maintenance of vehicles is carried out after each return from a trip, as well as after the mileage (operation) and storage established by the standards. In addition, there is a seasonal Maintenance cars

Inspection and maintenance of weapons and military equipment, as well as additional equipment and improvement of the park are carried out on park, park and maintenance days and during the time allocated for the care of weapons and military equipment.

Serviced weapons and military equipment are parked. During the cold season, in unheated warehouses and on open areas park at low temperatures water is drained from engine cooling systems, batteries are removed from weapons and military equipment. At the same time, signs are posted: “The water has been drained,” “ Rechargeable batteries removed."

Unmaintained weapons and military equipment are prohibited from being parked.

Storing vehicles outside the park is not permitted, with the exception of vehicles loaded with ammunition and other materiel and located on the territory of warehouses under guard protection.

When conducting inspections of weapons and military equipment, the regiment commander also checks the condition of the parks.

374. Vehicles are released from the fleet according to the order approved the day before by the regiment commander, technically serviceable and serviced, with drivers assigned to them, who have a document proving the identity of the driver and the right to drive the vehicle, who have passed a pre-trip medical examination and are allowed on the trip, with issued waybills, signed by the deputy regiment commander for armaments (the official responsible for the operation of weapons and military equipment) and bearing a mark from the head of the control and technical point about the serviceable condition of the vehicle, as well as a note from the park duty officer about the speedometer readings and the time of release from the park. The use of cars is planned taking into account providing drivers with the necessary time to service the cars, prepare them for the trip and rest.

The release of vehicles not specified in the order is carried out in exceptional cases and only with the permission of the regiment commander.

On weekends and holidays, the production of cars from the fleet is reduced to a minimum.

375. When two or more vehicles are sent on a trip, a convoy leader is appointed.

When transporting people and explosive cargo, both as part of a convoy and as single vehicles, a vehicle foreman is assigned to each vehicle. In other cases, senior vehicles are appointed if necessary by the decision of the regiment commander.

The head of the column (senior vehicle) is appointed from among the officers, warrant officers or sergeants, who know the rules traffic. He is responsible for completing the assigned task and correct use vehicles (vehicles), for the discipline of personnel located in the vehicles (vehicles), and their compliance with safety requirements.

The head of the column (senior vehicle) is obliged to:

Before starting the movement of vehicles (vehicles), check compliance with the standards for boarding people and loading cargo; control the order when boarding (loading), disembarking (unloading) and placing personnel (cargo) on vehicles (vehicle);

During the movement of vehicles (vehicles), monitor compliance with the route, the established speed, compliance by drivers (drivers) with traffic rules, and by the personnel in the vehicles (vehicles) with military discipline and safety requirements.

The head of the column (the leader of the car) is prohibited from taking control of the car or forcing the driver to transfer control of the car to anyone; give commands forcing the driver(s) to violate traffic rules and exceed set speed movements.

Column leaders (senior vehicles) and drivers are instructed on the purpose, procedure, timing of the task and how to comply with traffic safety requirements officials organizing this transportation, or their direct superiors. Car drivers, in addition, are instructed by unit commanders on compliance with the rules for operating cars, traffic rules and behavior during the trip. Drivers are strictly prohibited from transferring control of the car to anyone.

376. The preparation of vehicles for departure is carried out under the leadership of unit commanders or their deputies for weapons (chiefs of technical units, heads of automobile service, battalion technicians, senior technicians or company technicians).

Control for technical condition inspection of vehicles released from the park and returned to the park is carried out by the head of the control and technical point.

377. The internal order and work schedule in the park are announced in the order for the regiment (Appendix 11). Admission to the park and work in it at times not established by order are made only with the permission of the regiment commander.

378. At the times established for work and training in the park, personnel are allowed into the park only in formation under the command of officers, warrant officers or sergeants.

Military personnel of their regiment who are serving under a contract are allowed into the park at the designated work hours using their identity cards. Sergeants and soldiers arriving at the park on official business alone are allowed into the park with military ID cards with the permission of the deputy regiment commander for armaments, of which the latter informs the park duty officer.

Crews (drivers) arriving to withdraw vehicles are allowed into the park upon presentation of waybills.

Persons who are not members of the regiment are allowed into the park only with one-time passes signed by the deputy commander of the regiment for weapons, and accompanied by a specially appointed serviceman.

The military personnel to whom they are assigned are allowed access to vehicles and other military equipment located in the park with the permission of persons authorized to open storage facilities and park premises.

The procedure for access to vehicles and other military equipment in case of alarm is established by the regiment commander and is set out in the relevant instructions.

379. The procedure for storing and issuing keys to ignition locks, car hatches, park premises and park gates should ensure the timely exit of cars from the park, and also exclude cases of unauthorized use by personnel.

Keys are stored:

From ignition switches and car hatches: one set - from the park duty officer; the other - with the company duty officer (battalion, support units) in a sealed box along with waybills in case of alarm;

From park premises and park gates: one set - from the park duty officer; the other is with the regiment duty officer in a sealed box.

380. To maintain internal order The park appoints a park duty officer, orderlies, and driver mechanics (drivers) of tractors on duty.

The orderlies are posted by the park duty officer at the entrances to the park, and during the period of work, also on the territory of the park.

Permanent and field parks are guarded around the clock with sentries posted. When the park is equipped with reliably operating technical security means, they can be guarded by guards without posting sentries.

381. The procedure for sealing (sealing) all storage facilities, areas with weapons and military equipment, as well as the procedure for guarding weapons and military equipment that arrived at the park after it was handed over to guard protection, are established by the regiment commander.

Rights, responsibilities and responsibilities of the senior vehicle for violating the rules of operation of military vehicles

, colonel, head of department automotive training Military University.

IN modern conditions military service is directly related to daily operation various types military equipment. The use of machines in accordance with their intended purpose presupposes strict adherence to the procedure for their operation established by the relevant legal regulations.

In the conditions of the Armed Forces and other military formations provided for by law, an additional guarantee of ensuring the safety of driving and operation of combat, special and transport vehicles is the performance of the functions of a senior machine, appointed in accordance with current regulations.

The rights and responsibilities of the senior machine are determined by the Manual on automobile service SA and Navy (put into effect by order of the USSR Minister of Defense of September 1, 1977 No. 000), as well as the Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

According to the Manual on Automobile Service (Article 23), the senior vehicle is appointed by the commander of a military unit (unit) from specially trained officers, warrant officers (midshipmen) or sergeants (foremen) when transporting personnel, explosive cargo, as well as when sending war machine on long-haul flights and in other cases. The foreman of the machine is responsible for carrying out the task assigned to him. All personnel traveling by car, including the driver, are subordinate to him. The foreman of the vehicle is responsible for the correct use of the vehicle and the safety of the cargo, for the driver’s compliance with the Traffic Rules, as well as discipline and safety measures for all personnel in the vehicle.

If his immediate or direct superior is on the trip with the driver, then the senior vehicle is not appointed, and his function is performed by the superior.

After issuing an order to appoint a machine manager, he must be instructed by his immediate superior.

In accordance with the above acts senior machine obliged:

– accept the car in the park from the park duty officer;

– before leaving the car park, make sure that it is in good working order, that the driver is ready for the trip and that the required documents are available, study the features of the route, know dangerous places roads ( sharp turns, settlements, railway crossings, steep descents and climbs, etc.), familiarize the driver with them;

- know and comply with the rules for loading transported cargo onto vehicles and the rules for securing it, and when transporting ammunition, explosives, fuel and other dangerous goods - the rules established by Art. 259 of the above-mentioned Manual;

– be able to use a map, route diagram and navigate the terrain;

– remove from driving a driver who is ill or overtired, as well as if he is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and take necessary measures to timely completion of the task, and in the absence of such an opportunity, report to the senior superior about the current situation and act on his instructions;

– upon completion of work, make a note on the waybill about the completion of the task, sign the waybill and hand over the car and the waybill to the park duty officer;

– know the traffic rules;

– when transporting people, explain to personnel the safety rules and the procedure for observing them, know and accurately follow the landing standards and transportation rules, guided by the relevant articles of the Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Seniors are strictly prohibited from driving: take control of the car or force the driver to transfer control of the car to someone else, give commands forcing the driver to violate traffic rules and the set speed.

The commander of the military unit in the order and the commander of the unit during briefing may determine additional responsibilities for the senior vehicle, based on the characteristics of the task being performed.