Is overtaking allowed at a dangerous turn sign? Overtaking on a turn. Overtaking at a pedestrian crossing

Overtaking in areas such as turns is recognized by traffic police officers and legislators as the most dangerous.

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The design of the road may complicate the implementation of the action - a solid line may be drawn through which turning is prohibited, a section of the path may go steeply uphill, the turning angle is steep, and so on.

Overtaking is considered only that detour of a moving car in front, which is carried out with a stop at oncoming lane and with the intersection of the dividing broken line.

Moving within your lane is called advance. In order not to break the rules, you should understand all the details, when and how overtaking is allowed on a turning section of the highway.

Is it allowed and in what situations?

All standards for how to properly overtake on turns are indicated in - Russian Rules traffic.

If the driver violates them, then he will not only be automatically recognized as the culprit in the incident where he was a participant, or an agent provocateur, but will also be deprived of his rights and fined a decent amount.

By general rules All drivers must ensure the following:

  1. There is no traffic in the oncoming lane.
  2. When overtaking, no interference will be created for other participants.
  3. Find free place to return to duty after a maneuver.

The Rules talk about overtaking in Chapter No. 11. This action has its own characteristics. This is due, first of all, to different details of the situation on the roadway, as well as different travel patterns and the design of the road infrastructure.

For example, there is sharp turns, the letter “Y”, different sides - right or left. The driver must know how to behave in the presence of drawn markings and when it is necessary to enter a difficult, dangerous turn.

When turning left

When the driver intends to overtake to turn left, then he should take into account the following requirements of the Rules:

traffic rules point
Ban or
Overtaking standards
11.2 Prohibited The driver of the car in front has turned left if both vehicles are moving in the same lane.
13.12 Only after giving way First you need to give way to oncoming traffic driving in the oncoming lane, only after that you are allowed to overtake and turn left, if there are no other obstacles.
8.1 Allowed If there is no potential interference with other vehicles, turn on the warning lights or point to the left with your hand before performing the maneuver.
11.1 Allowed If the driver:

1. Make sure that the lane of oncoming traffic is clear.
2. The distance for overtaking is sufficient.
3. The distance between the cars in front is sufficient to return to their flow if the vehicles are traveling in a convoy.
4. There is no danger of movement for other participants.

When turning left, you can overtake at an intersection if this section is not regulated and the movement was carried out along main road, which will be discussed below.

It is important to track the intersection of trajectories in other areas where there are no intersections, but it is allowed to turn left.

Overtaking is permissible if there is a broken marking line, a permit sign, or the absence of any signs prohibiting passage. You cannot drive onto a continuous road that begins at a turn.


Due to the fact that in Russia it is predominantly accepted right-hand traffic, then overtaking is allowed only on the left side.

This is explained by the fact that if the action is carried out on the right, then the car will inevitably end up on the sidewalk, side of the road, beyond the road surface. This is when we are talking about a straight path.

IN in this case oncoming traffic is not affected at all if the driver does not move the car in the middle lane.

In the case of 3-lane traffic, overtaking on the right is allowed only if there is an intermittent lane. But this should be done correctly. When there is a sign prohibiting passage along the route, you cannot overtake to turn right.

If you overtake a car in front, this can create poor visibility in order to determine whether another car is leaving the right turn.

This requires extreme care not only in navigating the signs, but also in the situation on the road.

As soon as a car is seen leaving a right turn, and the passage is designed for only one vehicle, then the overtaking car will have to pass by or stop at a traffic light.

Otherwise, you can provoke an accident and collide with an exiting vehicle. Much depends on how the intersection or other part of the road is equipped where it is possible to turn right.

If there is a blue sign with a white arrow to the right, then you can overtake, but only to drive to the right.

You can overtake by exiting to the right only if the car in front has not turned in the same direction. When both cars intend to turn right, the one who has already overtaken right side the driver can overtake.

This is acceptable because its trajectory is shorter and it will end up on the main road earlier. But in this case, you need to correctly calculate the distance so that both cars do not collide.

And advance within one lane can be done when there are permitting signs and the distance is sufficient for this maneuver.

On the steep

Sharp turns are often recognized as hazardous areas that may have limited visibility. Overtaking on such road sections often leads to serious accidents.

When committing of this maneuver Drivers often increase their speed to overtake the vehicle ahead. This leads to skidding, collisions or throwing the car into a ditch.

For this reason in Russian Federation It is prohibited to drive cars in the area covered by the “Sharp Turn” sign.

Through continuous

Paragraph of the traffic rules No. 9.1 part 1 stipulates that where there is a marking in the form of a solid line, crossing it and entering the lane with oncoming traffic is prohibited under any pretext.

It is considered that it cannot be a violation if, when overtaking, you cross a solid line, which is the dividing line of two flows of the same direction.

In this case, the violation of “driving into the oncoming lane” is simply not considered, since the motorist changes lanes within his lane. It’s difficult to call it overtaking, because it looks more like ahead.

Solid lines are marked as follows:

1.1 single
1.3 double
1.1-1.11, 1.1-1.6 combined

The last option says that markup 1.1 can be combined with markup options such as: 1.11 or 1.6.

The first and second lines cannot be crossed when overtaking, but the third option is suitable for those cars that are moving from the side of the broken line. The combined marking consists of two lines - solid and broken.

The first prohibits crossing on its side, and the second gives permission to overtake. Even if the car, when performing such an action, briefly drives through a solid lane into the oncoming lane.

On a dangerous

Intersections are considered dangerous areas where turns must be made with utmost attention to signs and rules. The danger is warned by signs: “1.14”, “1.11” and “1.11.2”. They indicate a difficult bend in the road or an ascent.

Thus, the maneuver is not permitted in the following cases:

  1. If you pass a controlled intersection.
  2. If you drive through an uncontrolled intersection, but not on the main road.
  3. The location where the pedestrian crossing is affected.
  4. At railway crossings - closer than 100 meters.
  5. In special places - overpasses, bridges, embankments, tunnels, underground passages, overpasses, etc. Also under such structures as overpasses, overpasses or bridges.
  6. Less than 300 meters before the end of the climb, before a dangerous turn - where visibility is limited by the road structure or other objects.

It turns out that it is allowed to overtake in this area under the following circumstances:

  1. When to drive on the main road through an intersection that is not regulated.
  2. 10-15 meters from the pedestrian crossing.
  3. 100 meters from the railway passage.
  4. More than 300 meters from the end of a climb, or the start of a dangerous curve in places where visibility is considered limited.

When there are signs “2.1”, “2.3.1-2.3.7” in front of the intersection and there should not be any additional signs that can change (cancel at a certain range) the effect of the permit sign.

The main road should not change direction at the intersection. If this is not the case, and the main path goes left or right, then the section is considered very dangerous and overtaking cannot be done here.

Also, where the main road consists of 4 lanes, overtaking is not allowed when entering the oncoming section of the road.

Overtaking before a turn

You cannot overtake before turning if there are prohibitory signs from the traffic police. When not continuous marking, no permissive signs, sufficient space on the road and travel distance between motor vehicles, then overtaking is allowed.

Before overtaking within your own lane, or overtaking into the oncoming lane, the motorist should warn other drivers with a warning turn signal.

The front and rear turning lights should be turned on. Then you need to determine the distance and make a careful detour around the traffic ahead. As soon as the maneuver is completed, the warning lights should be turned off immediately.

Responsibility for violating the rules

If the Road Traffic Rules regulate the norms and requirements for participants, then liability for violation is prescribed in the Code.

This is the Administrative Legal Code (KOAP), and it describes each traffic rules clause, what punishment faces violators of the Rules.

Punishment for wrong overtaking the following measures may be taken:

  • monetary fine;
  • removal from the right to drive a vehicle.

Compared to other points that can be violated, in relation to improper overtaking on curves, motorists receive one of two punishment options, or both, depending on how the judge decides.

And the court decides based on the severity of the crime of the law. In the case where an accident occurs and people are injured, then the court will sentence the driver to both types of punishment, and in addition will award several more articles of violation related to the actions that caused the accident.

The standard amount of liability for disobeying the Rules for overtaking on a turn is as follows ( ):

Type of measure
Happening Size
Monetary recovery Clause 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia:

— entering the lane without permission;
- being on the tram track of oncoming traffic.

5000 rub.
Deprivation of rights 4-6 months
Monetary sanctions Repeated violation of clause 4 of article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. 5000 rub.
(if the offense was recorded by a roadside camera or photograph)
from vehicle control
1 year
Fine Clause 1 Art. 12.15 – driving on the side of the road 1500 rub.

Entering the oncoming lane is considered unauthorized when it is done through the intersection of a solid marking line, as well as if being in a section of oncoming traffic is regarded as driving in the oncoming lane, and not as a short-term drive for the sake of overtaking.

You cannot be on tram tracks in the opposite direction, but you can cross them to overtake if there are special permitting signs installed on the sides of the roads.

When to turn off your turn signals

According to the Rules, a motorist overtaking should turn off the lights as soon as he begins to perform the maneuver.

If the roadway is occupied by several cars driving in a row, and the driver who has overtaken the front car does not turn off the lights, then this will mean to all participants that the driver intends to overtake another vehicle.

In any case, left turning light signals– these are disorienting for other participants. Therefore, the lights turn off immediately after overtaking has begun, or at least immediately after it has been completed.

Where visibility is not limited, there are no prohibiting signs or traffic controller signals, and there are no prohibitions in the Rules, you can overtake.

In cities with heavy traffic, every minute counts, and if a car moves slowly in front of a hurrying driver, then there is a natural desire to overtake. We will tell you when you can overtake and when you should not do this, and what threatens those who overtake, despite the prohibitions.

○ How to overtake correctly?

Overtaking is a completely justified maneuver if a slow-moving vehicle is driving slowly in front of you. But even in this case, it must be done in the prescribed manner.

First of all, we are talking about the safety of the maneuver. The driver who decides to do it is obliged to personally verify his safety in accordance with clause 11.1 of the traffic rules:

  • “Before overtaking, the driver must ensure that the lane he is about to enter is clear at a sufficient distance for overtaking and that in the process of overtaking he will not create a danger to traffic or interfere with other road users.”

If an accident occurs, the overtaking person will be at fault by default. An exception to the rule is contained in clause 11.3 of the traffic rules:

  • "11.3. The driver of an overtaken vehicle is prohibited from impeding overtaking by increasing speed or other actions.”

If it turns out that the driver of the vehicle in front deliberately interfered with overtaking, which resulted in an accident, then he will be found guilty. Despite the absurdity of the situation, the network is full of videos where motorists who are especially offended by overtaking, preventing overtaking, create dangerous situations not only in the city, but also on highways. They often do this quite legally, using clause 11.2. Traffic regulations:

  • “The driver is prohibited from overtaking in cases where:
  • The vehicle ahead is overtaking or avoiding an obstacle.
  • A vehicle ahead in the same lane signaled to turn left.
  • The vehicle following him began to overtake.
  • Upon completion of overtaking, he will not be able, without creating a danger to traffic and interference with the overtaken vehicle, to return to the previously occupied lane.”

It is enough to pretend that you are going to overtake by turning on the left turn signal, and now you can no longer be overtaken. The overtaking person must see where he can fit into “his” lane.

○ Where is overtaking prohibited?

Some drivers are sure that you cannot overtake only if you have to cross a solid marking line, in fact, clause 11.4. The traffic rules provide a list of places where overtaking is prohibited:

  • “Overtaking is prohibited:
  • On controlled intersections, as well as at uncontrolled intersections when driving on a road that is not the main one.
  • At pedestrian crossings.
  • At railway crossings and closer than 100 meters in front of them.
  • On and under bridges, overpasses, overpasses, as well as in tunnels.
  • At the end of a climb, on dangerous turns and in other areas with limited visibility

If everything is very clear with the ban on overtaking at pedestrian crossings and crossings, then with intersections everything is a little more complicated. In any case, it is prohibited at a controlled intersection.

On an unregulated road, only vehicles moving on the main road can be overtaken, provided that it is not a four-lane road. In this case, it will be marked with special signs 2.1, 2.3.1 - 2.3.7.

As for bridges, you need to be careful. They will not necessarily be marked with special signs, but, nevertheless, you should not overtake under them.

You must not overtake at the end of a steep hill or in a closed corner. They are indicated by signs 1.14, 1.11.1 and 1.11.2.

One of the most difficult issues is overtaking in low visibility conditions, but what is “low visibility”? Clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations gives a rather vague definition:

  • ""Limited visibility" is the driver's visibility of the road in the direction of travel, limited by the terrain, geometric parameters roads, vegetation, buildings, structures or other objects, including vehicles.”

Visibility on the road may become limited at any time due to changes in the road situation and the location of vehicles. In such conditions, overtaking becomes extremely dangerous maneuver, which means it’s better to refuse it.

Please note that overtaking along the entire length from the exit from the occupied lane is considered uniform, and therefore it should begin and end only on permitted sections of the road.

And of course, in no case should you ignore the markings when crossing a solid line or “no overtaking” signs. Any of these violations are punishable by a serious fine.

○ Fines for illegal overtaking.

The Code of Administrative Offenses does not contain a separate fine for each of the possible cases of violation of the rules when overtaking. But for any of them the culprit will be held accountable under Parts 4 and 5 of Art. 12.15 Code of Administrative Offences:

  • "4. Driving into a lane intended for oncoming traffic in violation of the traffic rules, or tram rails in the opposite direction, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.”
  • "5. Recommitment administrative offense provided for in Part 4 of this article - entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in the event of an administrative offense being recorded by those working in automatic mode special technical means having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording - imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.”

This happens because now any overtaking means entering the lane of oncoming traffic.

Some drivers are sure that 5000 RUR fine under clause 4 of Art. 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offences, they are threatened only for overtaking under a prohibitory sign or crossing a solid road. In fact, it can be applied for any of the described violations. That is, it is enough to start overtaking, interfering with other vehicles in order to lose your license for 4 – 6 months.

Secondary violation guaranteed will cost driver's license for a year if you are noticed by a traffic police inspector. If the driver gets caught on camera, he will receive a “letter of happiness” with a fine of 5000r.

If the traffic police inspector recorded the violation on camera, he will also record the violation and will take the case to court for deprivation of rights, since in this case the recording is simply evidence. However, the inspector may also limit himself to a fine. And it doesn’t matter that the last time you were fined for incorrectly avoiding an obstacle or simply driving in the oncoming direction, the violation will be considered a repeat violation.

These rules are established at the legislative level, and certain penalties are provided for their violation (for example, money penalty, administrative arrest, warnings or deprivation of the driver’s license to drive a car). They are also updated every year, that is, changes are made to them, which should be strictly adhered to. What are these changes in 2019? What penalties are provided in the traffic rules for overtaking pedestrian crossing, in connection with the changes adopted this year? Our experts answer these and other questions regarding... Changing traffic rules in 2019 In our state, such rules are updated regularly.

The situation is like this

Responsibility: Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.15: 4. Driving in violation of the Traffic Rules onto a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months. If you were released, then you were VERY LUCKY.

Sign - dangerous turn - and overtaking in its coverage area

The markings are barely visible—approximately intermittent (the surface is muddy or dusted with snow). The road is an ordinary two-lane road (one lane in each direction) of regional significance. The car immediately after the sign will overtake and enter the oncoming traffic (naturally, if the oncoming lane is empty ahead) and moves into its lane before starting a dangerous turn. Ahead, 300-350 meters from the sign, right at the beginning of the turn, there is a traffic police car.

Overtaking, overtaking rules, penalties for overtaking

which came into force on November 20, 2010. Thus, now only driving ahead and entering the oncoming lane is considered overtaking. If you do not move into the oncoming lane, this is ahead of the curve. How to overtake Driving schools pay very little attention to the rules of overtaking, so the driver has to learn to perform this dangerous maneuver himself.

The most important rule safe overtaking stated in the traffic rules: Clause 11.1, before starting, the driver must make sure that the lane he is about to enter is clear at a distance sufficient for overtaking and that in the process of overtaking he will not create a danger to traffic or hinder other road users. Well, it’s quite understandable, but folk wisdom is even more laconic.

1 "Dangerous - turn"

The smaller the radius of the turn, the more dangerous the turn itself, since as the radius decreases, the straight line of the road moves further to the side. At the same time, a dangerous turn can be either with limited visibility or with normal visibility and looks good. For example, if trees are planted along the side of the road, then when the road curves, your visibility will be limited, the road will go beyond the planting of trees.

Penalty for overtaking on a dangerous corner

This issue was discussed in more detail in the article and the advance in the updated traffic rules. Problem of choice right place for is very relevant, since the wrong one is currently punishable by deprivation of rights. This article will cover the rules of the road.

related to, as well as fines for improper overtaking. First, let's consider the current concept of overtaking from paragraph 1.2 of the traffic rules: Overtaking is the advance of one or more vehicles associated with entering a lane (side of the roadway) intended for oncoming traffic, and subsequent return to the previously occupied lane (side of the roadway). Compliance with traffic rules Chapter 11 of traffic rules is devoted to compliance.

Penalties for overtaking across a solid line according to the new rules of the Russian Federation: fine or deprivation of rights

Two solid lines are drawn to delimit traffic flows moving in inverse directions on roads that have at least four lanes. Such lines are necessary for: According to Traffic rules entry such lines are prohibited, except special conditions, which will be discussed below. Entry means crossing, i.e. entering the lane with oncoming traffic, along which vehicles are moving in reverse direction. The number of lanes does not matter, with the exception of solid lanes that serve as separation of parking spaces.

A frequent violation of traffic rules is driving into the oncoming lane of traffic while crossing a continuous line (marked in the traffic rules as 1.1 and 1.3).

Trap when overtaking. Don't get deprived

A frontal impact is terrible accident. Cars are scrapped and people are killed or seriously injured. Therefore, you can drive into the oncoming lane only when it is really necessary and safe. If you can sometimes turn a blind eye to some rules, then the rules of overtaking must be strictly observed.

There are two basic rules when overtaking:

  1. First, do not overtake where it is prohibited. There are many such places, but in most cases they are marked with a solid marking line or a “No overtaking” sign. Therefore, you can navigate by them. Secondly, overtaking is prohibited for a reason; in these places there may be a danger that is not visible at first glance. In this recording, the road turns right, so when overtaking, the oncoming lane is not visible. They painted a solid road on the road, but the Daewoo driver ignored it and did not see the truck that appeared around the bend. The 45-year-old driver and his 47-year-old passenger died on the spot. And in this video, the driver is moving uphill, the oncoming lane is not visible behind the hill, so overtaking is prohibited here, but the oncoming car violated this rule and almost collided with the author of the video.
  2. Second rule: even if overtaking is allowed, you must be sure that there are no cars in the oncoming traffic. If the road is hard to see due to rain or fog, you should not drive into oncoming traffic.

How is the punishment for overtaking in the wrong place?

For violation of overtaking, you will be deprived of it, but you need to remember that according to the rules of the road, overtaking is only when there is an oncoming lane. This maneuver is called “advancing” and is not considered overtaking. Green car simply rearranges into the adjacent lane in its direction and gets ahead blue car. There is no entry into the oncoming lane here, so they cannot deprive you for such a maneuver, even if there is a “No Overtaking” sign in this place.

But this is overtaking. Narrow road, one lane in each direction and to overtake a truck, passenger car you will have to go into oncoming traffic. You can get confused with these concepts, but the main thing to remember is that you cannot be deprived of your license for such a maneuver without driving into oncoming traffic. But these concepts are confused because they were previously formed by “overtaking”.

The division appeared only in 2010. In the same year, the ban on overtaking on the right was removed from the rules. Now such a maneuver is allowed and is called “advanced on the right.”

Also, your license cannot be revoked for making a turn or turning across a continuous road. It is prohibited to do this, but there is no driving into the oncoming lane, so this only entails a fine of 1 to 1.5 thousand. But for a violation when driving into oncoming traffic, your license is deprived.

Standard term- 4 months.

If you went even a little over the edge and got caught, you are deprived. We started overtaking on an intermittent one, but ended up on a continuous one - deprivation. Forcing an oncoming car to slow down or swerve is also deprivation. Theoretically, they could give a fine of 5,000 rubles instead, but I wouldn’t count on it. Courts usually simply rubber-stamp standard decisions, and it won’t be easy to get away with a fine, so it’s better not to get into this situation at all.

Turning trap when overtaking

When overtaking, everyone is afraid of colliding with oncoming traffic, but sometimes the threat comes not from an oncoming car, but from a passing one. If both overtaking and turning left are allowed at the same time, then a trap arises.

The overtaking person does not expect that the passing car will turn, and the passing car does not expect that it will be overtaken.

To avoid such an accident, there are special rules that both drivers must follow.

How to turn if you are overtaking?

Before turning left, you need to look in the left mirror. If another car is overtaking you, you need to let it pass and only then turn. By the same logic, you need to look in the mirror when overtaking, otherwise you can cut off the car from behind. An accident can be easily avoided by looking behind you before turning, but the problem is that it is very easy to forget to look in the mirror.

At intersections with traffic lights, at multi-lane roads, on the roads from continuous overtaking prohibited, and such objects form the basis of a typical route in an urban environment.

It turns out that in most cases, when turning left, no one will overtake the driver, and he gets used to not looking in the mirror. Because of this habit, he forgets to look behind him when he really needs to. Therefore, it is better to look in the mirror when making any left turns, and not just in places where overtaking is allowed.

  1. Firstly, this will create a good habit and you will remember to look when you need it.
  2. Secondly, you will protect yourself from a violator, such as in this video, where the oncoming lane is clearly visible and there is a temptation to drive into oncoming traffic, despite the solid one.

A similar problem arises when leaving the adjacent territory. In this recording, the driver with the recorder needs to turn to the right. He drives up to the road, checks that there are no cars on the left, and drives out.

Usually this is enough, but the driver did not take into account that overtaking is allowed in this place.

When exiting the main road, the driver must yield to everyone, including overtaking people. Therefore, in places where overtaking is allowed, the driver must look in both directions. It’s better to always look in both directions in order to develop a good habit and protect yourself from violators, such as the author of this video, who overtook through a continuous line.

How to overtake?

To ensure everything is in accordance with the rules, you need to check a lot of things before overtaking. The first thing the driver should do is see if overtaking is allowed here. Solid, there is no sign or any other prohibiting sign, which means overtaking is allowed. Now he checks the oncoming lane. There is no one on it, which means it will not create a danger for oncoming cars.

But that is not all. Now you need to look in the left mirror and check that no one is overtaking him, and also that the cars in front do not have their turn signals on.

If the turn signal is on, it means the car is about to turn left or overtake. Overtaking her yourself at this moment is dangerous, so the rules prohibit doing this. But in the situation in the video there are no turn signals, and no one is overtaking the author himself, so he begins his maneuver.

The driver with the recorder did everything according to the rules, and It's Gazelle's fault.

At this point you can turn left, but Gazelle should have turned on the turn signal in advance and made sure that she was not being overtaken. But if the turn signal had been turned on in advance, then the driver with the recorder would be to blame. The one who started his maneuver first has advantages. You cannot start overtaking if the car in front has turned on its turn signal, and you cannot turn if you are being overtaken.

Is it easy to prove that you are right when overtaking?

If there is a video recording or one of the drivers admitted guilt, then it’s easy to deal with. Whoever started the maneuver first is right. But in practice, there is usually no recording, and both drivers say that they acted according to the rules. The person turning says that he turned on the turn signal in advance, and the person overtaking that there was no turn signal. In this case, police officers usually write in the protocol that the guilt is mutual.

Both drivers violated the rules and will have to go to court to receive compensation.

There is no uniform judicial practice in such cases. It is impossible to predict what the decision will be and the driver may be left without compensation, even if he is not at fault. In addition to this, if the overtaking person is found guilty, most likely they will lose their license for 4 months because he broke the rules when driving into oncoming traffic. For those who turn, the punishment is much milder - a fine of 500 rubles. So in such situations, I recommend thinking not only for yourself, but also for other drivers.

In the event of an accident, you will be tired of proving that you did not violate anything, so do everything possible to avoid getting into one in the first place.

Is it possible to overtake with a “locomotive”?

The rules prohibit overtaking after other cars. They block the oncoming lane, and you may notice the danger too late. In this video, the Lada driver began to overtake after a white Kia.

Here you can’t overtake anyway, because the meeting is not visible behind the hill, and now Kia has completely blocked the view. The driver of the Lada did not see Land Cruiser and collided head-on with him.

You can't overtake a "locomotive". First of all, it's dangerous. And secondly, like other violations when driving into oncoming traffic, you will be deprived of your rights for this. Therefore, if the car in front starts to overtake, you need to wait until it finishes and only then overtake yourself.

The truck is flashing its turn signal, what does that mean?

Sometimes it is difficult to overtake a truck on your own, so its driver can help, since he sits high and has a better view of the road.

Signal left turn signal indicates oncoming traffic busy and you can’t go to it, but right what's there now free and you can overtake.

In this video, the driver went to overtake at night in an area with limited visibility. Drivers of passing trucks tried to save him by flashing their left turn signals, but apparently he did not know about these signals and therefore did not pay attention to them. Two people died in this accident, and three more were taken to the hospital with various injuries. So sometimes help from truckers is useful, but remember that the truck driver can make mistakes and misunderstand. Therefore, such assistance should be treated with caution. These signals are not included in any rules and you alone are responsible for your overtaking.

Oncoming traffic suddenly appeared, what should I do?

If prevented dangerous situation It didn’t work out, according to the rules you need to slow down in your lane until you come to a complete stop. Of course, sometimes it makes more sense to turn the steering wheel and try to dodge, but this can create problems for yourself. If there is no contact with the culprit, and you fly into a bump stop or provoke another accident, you will most likely have to answer yourself.

Arbitrage practice for an accident without touching is ambiguous and getting the truth will not be easy, so turn the wheel only if you are sure that there is no other way out.


You can drive into oncoming traffic only where it is permitted and only if there are no oncoming cars. Before turning left, you need to turn on the turn signal in advance and look in the left mirror. You cannot overtake if the car in front has turned on its left turn signal. Also, you don’t need to overtake if the cars in front are slowing down; they probably do it for a reason. It’s better not to overtake anyone at all, especially if the traffic is heavy. You will overtake one truck and immediately get behind another. The time gain is minimal, so there is no point in taking risks.