Is antifreeze mixed? Motor oils and everything you need to know about motor oils. Liquid cooling system

Very frequently asked question both on my channel (Youtube) and on the blog this is the compatibility of coolants. Namely, what will happen if you mix antifreeze? And then there were variations - from the same manufacturer, but different colors. Same colors, but different manufacturers. Different standards, for example G11, G12, G13, etc. In general, I answer these questions all the time, and people ask me them all the time. Therefore, today I want to write this article in which I will answer everything at once, as usual there will be a video at the end. The information is useful, so read on...

I would like to note right away that we will also talk about mixing, because despite the different names, these two liquids are also very similar.

What is the same in the compositions?

Well, at the very beginning, I would like to repeat once again - guys, all antifreezes, especially in the G11 and G12 standards, are very similar in their base. What do I mean, 80% of the composition is both red and green and blue antifreeze- THE SAME. Usually this is ethylene glycol +. The remaining 20% ​​(and possibly less) are additives that characterize this or that behavior, I also have an article about this.

That is, it turns out if you mix, various antifreezes, different colors and categories, then they will be 80% similar.

What's different?

The difference, as I said above, is the additives. That is, various additives are added to the same liquid and it turns out the right composition. It is worth noting that additives in the compositions are needed precisely in order to remove the negative destructive effect of ethylene glycol and water, because this combination is extremely active and can destroy any metal surface, and even more so a tube or radiator wall. And additives restrain this fervor, removing the negative impact.

Roughly speaking, there are now only two types of additives:

  • These are protective . They protect the tubes and pipes inside, forming a film on their surface that prevents metal parts from collapsing. Mainly used in G11 and our antifreeze.
  • It is anti-corrosion . There is no film formation here, but it turns out that all the work happens when rust begins to appear. These additives block the outbreak by simply sealing it. Suitable for G12 and G12+.

To be fair, now there is also a third type - hybrid additives (G13 antifreeze), this is when two effects, protective and anti-corrosion, are combined at once, that is, they are simply mixed in the right proportion.

About color

The color of antifreeze is more of a distinctive component. As a rule, now it does not carry any semantic load. Although many manufacturers, including Volkswagen, tried to introduce color differences between antifreezes, they even had their own recommended colors.

So G11 was almost always green.

G12 – red (or bright orange)

G13 – purple

Although many manufacturers now do not follow the path of Volkswagen and paint antifreeze in the colors they please, this is because there is no strict standardization. So G11 can be either blue or reddish. G12 – green. .

Colors were introduced so that the driver could easily and simply distinguish between antifreezes, but the confusion between manufacturers is now increasingly confusing the common man.

What happens if you mix green, red, yellow (purple) antifreeze from different manufacturers?

YES, in fact, nothing will happen, you can pour and not even be afraid, if they maintain their standard, then ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TERRIBLE WILL HAPPEN. Such questions arise when we say our branded antifreeze ran out, there is nowhere to buy it (for example, you are on a trip), and they sell red ones from another manufacturer.

So G11 green (from one manufacturer) can be mixed with G11 green from another manufacturer. The main thing is that the standards are similar.

As you may have guessed, G12 can be mixed with G12 from another manufacturer.

The same can be done with G13, that is, pouring yellow into yellow or violet into violet.

What happens if you mix different colors?

We remember what I said above - there may be one characteristic, but the colors may differ. For example, I personally have seen the G11 in both blue and green. THEY CAN BE MIXED, NOTHING WORSE WILL HAPPEN.

Here I would also like to note that our Russian TOSOL is nothing more than G11 antifreeze and it can be mixed with green or blue from another manufacturer.

Everything is the same, you can do it with G12. If their colors are different, then this does not mean anything! The characteristics are the same, which means mixing is possible.

G13 is now very much fooling my readers. The thing is that there are only two primary colors - yellow and purple. And many are simply afraid to mix them. Guys, if there is a standard inscription, then there is simply nothing to be afraid of, don’t be afraid to mix. Color is just a dye.

Is it possible to mix different characteristics, for exampleG11 andG12

Here you already need to think, although again, nothing terrible will most likely happen. BUT you need to understand that there is a subgroup of G11 and G12, and there is a completely different option - G13.

If we take the first subgroup, then mixing will lead to the fact that the final liquid will contain both protective and anti-corrosion additives. Although you won't be able to control the mixing properly. Precipitation most likely will not form, BUT you need to understand that adding other additives not designed for your car, in particular radiators, can worsen cooling. WHY? YES because green antifreezes envelop the tubes with a film inside, which prevents the engine and other units from cooling. That is, if you suddenly added, say, green or blue antifreeze to red, then be prepared for the fact that temperature regime may fall. All this will also happen and vice versa, if you add blue or green (G11) to red (G12), then the characteristics of the liquid also drop.

Is it possible to mix yellow and green (red) antifreeze?

The situation here is slightly different, namely the yellow and purple compounds G13, these are completely different substances. What I mean.

In red and blue (green) versions - the main mass fraction This is distilled water + ethylene glycol.

And in the yellow and purple versions, the main mass fraction is propylene glycol + distilled water.

That is, even the base here is different! Ethylene glycol (toxic) was replaced with propylene glycol (safe), these are two monohydric alcohols, they were changed only to remove the toxic component.

G13 also contains two types of additives – anti-corrosion + protective.

What happens when you add to yellow antifreeze red or green?

Actually nothing good:

  • WE just don’t know how ethylene glycol and propylene glycol will react with each other, although they are similar, BUT THEY ARE NOT THE SAME.
  • The additives that are in the yellow (purple) version are designed for propylene glycol; it is not known how they will behave with ethylene glycol!
  • We also don’t know if the additives are compatible at all!

Hence the moral - to mixG11 andG12 (G12+) withG13, I wouldn't! There is a high probability that a precipitate may form, because it is still not the same thing.

But G13 purple and yellow, YOU CAN MIX WITHOUT AFRAID!

Fake antifreeze

Actually, it seems to me that the topic is completely covered! BUT what I would like to say finally is - have you ever wondered why some formulations, say branded or serious companies, are expensive, but there are formulations that are very cheap?

The same G13 antifreeze, made under the patronage of Volkswagen company(usually purple), can cost 300 rubles per liter

And the yellow one, let’s say the same G13, produced somewhere unknown and not clear by whom, can cost the same money only for a 5 liter canister.

The whole point here is “fake”, because quality liquid will not be cheap, and it will also meet all the characteristics and safety requirements, such as.

Good day to all! A rather relevant and interesting topic has arisen, which I propose to discuss in the comments. And we will talk about whether it is possible to mix antifreeze.

Moreover, Internet users ask a large number of questions on this topic. I will try to answer the main ones. This will allow you to finally understand the issue correct selection and coolant combinations for your vehicle.

Choosing for the motor, or buying and various other liquids, the driver should always think about how their use will be combined with the car. After all, if the composition does not meet the requirements of the automaker, this can potentially lead to serious and undesirable consequences.

The same goes for antifreeze. Many people think that when mixing different compositions can cause damage to the car and the entire . Whether this is true or not, and what you need to know about mixing coolant in general, we will find out.

Liquid cooling system

Liquid or water cooling systems engines are incredibly popular and widespread among automakers. Initially, ordinary water was used for such purposes. The advantage was that it was easy to get even in extreme situations.

However, water as a coolant has its disadvantages:

  • corrosion begins quickly;
  • when using dirty water, it is necessary to flush the system;
  • low freezing temperature;
  • rapid boiling;
  • active evaporation;
  • frequent engine failure;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the cooling system;
  • a large amount of sediment when using untreated water, etc.

Manufacturers realized that you can’t go far on water. First, glycerin and alcohol were added to the water. The composition has improved and modernized. As a result, we received special coolant, which is called antifreeze. The concept of antifreeze is also actively used in the post-Soviet space.

Let's look a little at the classification so that you can further understand whether motorists can mix compounds in certain situations. Namely:

  • different brands;
  • different manufacturers;
  • different colors, etc.

Some are sure that antifreeze and antifreeze should never be mixed. Others believe that even if you mix red with green, red with blue, or yellow with any other colors of coolant, absolutely nothing terrible will happen. So we will find out who is right.

A little classification

Currently, 6 compositions are used for automobile engines, or more precisely for their cooling systems:

  • antifreeze;
  • G11;
  • G12;
  • G12+;
  • G12++;
  • G13.

They can be different companies, one color, various forms, species, etc. That is, color is not a fundamental criterion here. Therefore, one type of composition can be blue and green, yellow and red, etc.

Let me tell you about each composition separately.

  • Antifreeze. Old type antifreeze, developed during Soviet times specifically for Soviet cars as an answer imported antifreeze. Consists of the usual aqueous solution using complex alcohols. This includes ethylene glycol and special protective additives;
  • G11. Traditional coolant based on ethylene glycol, water and additives. Silicates, phosphates, as well as borates, nitrites, etc. are used as additives. They do not have long service life. Main color is blue;
  • G12. Carboxylate automotive antifreezes, where, in addition to the components from G11, carboxylates are added. These are compounds of a fairly effective carboxylic acid. The coolant lasts a long time, the composition is mainly painted red or pink;
  • G12+. A hybrid fluid based on water, as well as ethylene glycol, carboxylate, silicate, nitrite and phosphate additives. The composition of the coolant may vary depending on the manufacturer and its geographical location. Mostly red;
  • G12++. So-called hybrid liquids. An organic base and silicates are used. In many ways similar to G12+ antifreeze, but has more long term services;
  • G13. The new kind Coolant, where ethylene glycol was abandoned and replaced with propylene glycol. This component is harmless, which is why it quickly gained popularity. It comes in pink and purple most often.

But you must understand that any of the antifreeze presented can be painted in completely different colors. This has nothing to do with the composition. Color is a purely decorative component.

Initially, manufacturers wanted to stand out by changing the color of the standard white liquid. But gradually everyone began to use different variants staining. Dyes are used for this.

Mixing issue

If you think it's completely safe to mix red with red, but blue and green automotive antifreeze In no case should they be combined with each other, do not rush to conclusions.

First of all, I advise you to read the material on choosing the best antifreeze. Here to this article. It is recommended for all cars to choose only the highest quality compounds. Moreover, it is not so important whether we are talking about antifreeze, or whether it is , flushing agent or some kind for rust. We put quality first. And it will be better if you constantly start using the same antifreeze.

It is better to mix the compositions in winter and summer in emergency situations, when there is simply no way to find the original coolant. If you buy a concentrate, then you simply have to mix it with water. But not from the tap, but with special, purified and distilled water.

As you understand, coolants differ in composition and additives used. And many of them can coexist in the same liquid without causing sediment or forming a gel from antifreeze.

If you mix coolants that differ in manufacturer and color, no disaster will definitely happen. But you shouldn’t experiment without urgent need. IN worst case the resulting mix will not last as long as you originally expected.

Motorists are interested in the possibility of mixing:

  • compositions of the same color;
  • mixtures from different companies;
  • G11 and G12;
  • G12 and G12+;
  • G12 and G13;
  • Coolant from different companies (for example, Sintek and Felix)
  • antifreeze and antifreeze;
  • G11 and G12++;
  • G12++ and G13;
  • red and blue;
  • blue and green;
  • pink and purple.

The list goes on and on as there are so many potential combinations.

But you should rely on generally accepted rules. They will be the basis for making decisions regarding mixing different coolants in emergency situations.

These rules read as follows:

  • do not mix coolants that belong to classes 11 and 12;
  • it is allowed to combine G11 with G12+ and even with G13;
  • if necessary, you can combine 12 and 12+;
  • in the case of a combination of 12 with 12++ or 13, it is better to refuse such a mixture;
  • It is not forbidden to combine 12, 12++ and 13 in parallel.

Agree that it is quite difficult to keep such formulas in mind. But sometimes it is better to have the appropriate knowledge in order to avoid mistakes.

Drawing conclusions

Practice clearly proves that drivers can mix coolant in the tank from different brands and manufacturers with the same class and chemical composition. In such situations, it is unlikely that a substance hazardous to the cooling system will form. car engine sediment

I thought that we had already closed the questions about antifreeze, we discussed the main colors - . We also talked a little about the purple version (read the link below). But now there are questions about the so-called yellow antifreeze. What kind of miracle beast is this, what characteristics does it have and which subspecies can it be mixed with? The information is light, but I think it’s useful...

First, I would like to touch on the color of the antifreeze. When these liquids were created, they differed in freezing point, so in order to distinguish them they began to be colored various colors. If we take the USSR, then we had only two colors - blue (TOSOL), the freezing point is about - 40 degrees, and red (also TOSOL), only the red color has a freezing temperature of about - 65 degrees. The coloring emphasized their different temperature thresholds, nothing more! The additive compositions were identical.

About color and antifreeze

In foreign antifreezes, everything was a little different; they have evolved greatly since the 90s of the last century and continue to develop to this day. Now on this moment There are several categories:

  • “G11” – usually green (similar in composition to our antifreeze)
  • “G12”, “G12+” - usually red (slightly superior previous generation, thanks to other additives)
  • “G13” - usually purple (the most advanced at the moment, more advanced formula, other alcohols are used)

Initially, the color had a real difference, both in composition and in characteristics, but now it has all become exaggerated - all because there is no common declaration. Therefore, many manufacturers make completely different colors. For example, I came across “G11” - red, although this somehow goes against the grain! To be honest, you can repaint any type into different shade, make it at least brown if necessary.

However, still serious producers They try to adhere to these rules and color their liquids in the desired, unofficially accepted color.

What is yellow antifreeze?

This is nothing more than purple coolant. If you classify it, then it is “G13”. That's all. It was first developed under the patronage of VOLKSWAGEN - it is now the most advanced liquid at the moment. Only "FOLTZ" was painted in purple, and third-party manufacturers began to paint it yellow.

Why this happened is not clear, there are a couple of rumors on the Internet, but they are all unverified:

  • It is said that VOLKSWAGEN has banned the use of purple by third-party manufacturers to avoid counterfeits. So they switched to yellow.
  • It’s just that third-party manufacturers want to “stand out” and do not accept the imposition of rules, which is why the yellow color appeared.

You can guess for a long time, but the truth is somewhere in the middle, as I think.

About the characteristics of yellow antifreeze

  • Propylene glycol is harmless dihydric alcohol, replaced the poisonous ethylene glycol.
  • Distilled water
  • Additives, hybrid.

As for additives - if we exaggerate, the “G11” compositions have excellent enveloping properties, that is, they form a protective film on the walls of the engine and pipes.

“G12” compositions have excellent anti-corrosion properties, but do not have an enveloping film.

But “G13” combines both at once, that is, a kind of hybrid formula - it moderately protects (enveloping the walls) and fights corrosion.

Can it be mixed with red or green?

YES of course you can! But why? Yes, and it will work out - don’t understand what!

However, if you mix yellowish and purple shades, I think nothing bad will happen (make sure both are “G13”)

But to mix with the rest:

Firstly , red (G12) or green (G11) does not contain propylene glycol, but ethylene glycol! It seems like two similar alcohols, but I personally don’t know what the mixture will cause!

Secondly , the additives in G11 are more “chemical”, as a result the mixture will give a composition more similar to G11.

Third , the additives in G12 are more “organic”, as a result the mixture will give a composition more similar to G12

To summarize, without loss of characteristics you can mix G13 - purple and yellow. Other mixtures will worsen the performance characteristics, as it seems to me, there will be - don't understand what! Right up to the formation of a sediment - who knows how propylene glycol and ethylene glycol will react in one bottle!

Now a short video.

This is how the article turned out, I think, I talked in detail about the yellowish tint, use it wisely. Sincerely yours, AUTOBLOGGER.

The article will also talk about antifreeze, which, despite its different name, has a number of general characteristics with antifreeze. Once again I would like to say that all antifreezes, be it G11 or G12, are very similar in their basic part. By 75 percent, the composition of all products is the same, that is, both contain ethylene glycol and a “distillant”. The remaining 25 percent, in some cases even less, are just additives that behave differently. Therefore, even if you mix various antifreezes, they will all be at least 75% similar.

What are the differences?

As mentioned above, the difference lies in the additives used. It is worth noting that the use of additives is mandatory, otherwise the composition of only water and ethylene glycol will lead to destructive effects. This combination is incredibly active and can destroy even the densest metal surface. Additives allow you to contain the “ardor” and remove the negative impact as much as possible.

If, in general, we consider all the additives that are now widely used, then we can form only two groups:

  • 1. Protective. They protect pipes and pipes from the inside, forming a kind of film that does not allow metal parts to deteriorate. They are mainly used in the G11 brand and in most domestic antifreezes.
  • 2. Anti-corrosion. Such additives do not form a film, their work is invisible until rust appears. Such additives can block the center of rot by simply closing it. Scope of use in class G12 and G12+.
  • 3. Hybrid. From the name it is clear that their functions include two main tasks. That is, when two tasks are mixed at once - protection and resistance to corrosion.


The color scheme is used more for distinctive purposes. As a rule, today, differences in color do not characterize the difference in characteristics. Although at the same time, many concerns still try to separate antifreeze only by color.

The popular G11 has always been green, G12 - red or bright orange, G13 - purple. Now there is no specific standardization of colors, so it is increasingly common that the same G11 can be of blue color, G12 is green, and G13 is even yellow.

What happens if you mix antifreezes of different colors from different manufacturers?

In fact, nothing will happen, you can pour without worrying, the main thing is that they maintain their standard. That is, you can mix green G11 with the same blue or green G11, but from a different manufacturer. The main thing is that the standards between products coincide.

What happens if you mix different colors?

The same principle applies here, the main thing is that the standards and characteristics coincide, and the color of the same G12 can be either green or orange, it doesn’t matter. Raises more questions new class, like G13, there is nothing terrible about it. There are two primary colors, but they do not play any role if the package is marked G13, no matter what color it is.

Is it possible to mix G11 and G12?

If you look into it, essentially nothing bad will happen if you mix G11 and G12, but the situation is completely different with G13. If we take the first type, subgroup, then mixing will lead to the formation of a liquid in which two functions will be combined, but it is almost impossible to control the mixing, so most likely there will be no sediment. But it is also worth understanding that adding, say, other additives such as protective additives can significantly worsen cooling. This happens because green antifreeze completely envelops the tubes and pipes, thereby preventing the engine from cooling. For example, if you poured green or blue antifreeze into red antifreeze, then the temperature threshold will drop. The same thing will happen if you mix, on the contrary, green and red, then the characteristics of the liquid itself drop. Often when a small volume is mixed or added, for example, 0.5 -1.0 liters. you won’t even feel the result as such. You will drive as before and not experience any problems.

Is it possible to mix G13 with G11 and G12?

Here things are completely different. Class G13 itself is characterized by other substances. For example, in the first two types, the bulk of the composition is water and ethylene glycol, while in G13 it is the proportion of propylene glycol plus distilled water. That is, you understand that even the base itself has a completely different composition. Ethylene glycol has been replaced by the safer propylene glycol. These are two alcohols, monohydric ones at that, they were changed to remove only the toxic effect itself.


As you can see, the topic is fully covered, the main answer to the question posed is given. You can mix different colors of the same class of antifreeze, as long as the characteristics match. You can also mix G11 and G12, nothing bad will come of it, most likely, no result or effect will occur. But it’s better not to mix G11, G12 with G13, because it is unknown how two different alcohols will behave, even though they are similar in many ways. In addition, the additives are also different, and what the relationship between them is is not known.

Also, when purchasing, you should focus on cost; the price of a quality product will not be lower than 200 -300 rubles. per liter At the moment, there are a lot of fakes that are offered at very attractive prices, but they were produced in artisanal conditions; there is no guarantee that the standards were met. Usually, good antifreeze“boil” only from 100 degrees; when “boiling” they will not burn and will not lose their characteristics. Cheap options do not guarantee you compliance with these standards.

Coolant plays important role in the operation of the car. Its chemical composition is selected by manufacturers in such a way as to ensure comfortable operation Vehicle. In order for consumers to visually distinguish products from each other individual companies with certain characteristics, the composition is painted in appropriate tones. In this regard, car enthusiasts often wonder whether it is possible to mix antifreeze of different colors.

This is due to the features chemical composition. Substances included in liquids can enter into an undesirable reaction, depriving the products of their inherent properties. However, some compounds are neutral among themselves and do not affect each other, so it is worth knowing what you can mix red antifreeze or a liquid of a different color with, and what you should absolutely not do this with.

The main task of antifreeze is to remove heat from the cylinder block. The main difference from water is stable work at low temperatures, which allows you to operate the car without problems even during frosts.

Coolant manufacturers have different goals. Most often it is possible to achieve the following parameters:

  • ensuring neutrality with respect to metal elements;
  • non-reaction with rubber gaskets and pipelines;
  • absence of insoluble precipitation during operation, etc.

A composition of additives that affect the properties of the liquid helps to achieve a successful result.

Some time ago, manufacturers used color differentiation for their products. Then the question is whether it is possible to mix red and green antifreeze, received a clear negative answer. This was due to the fact that reddish shades spoke of acid composition product, and the use of a green or blue tone indicated a silicate composition. Major popular brands adhere to this method and now.

All compositions available on the market are designed to remove excess heat from the engine both in summer and winter. Moreover, under any conditions, the physicochemical parameters and composition should not change dramatically. This fully applies to domestic antifreeze.

Practices in laboratories are subject to significantly more predicted operational parameters:

  • resistance to foam;
  • no formation of solid particles after long-term operation;
  • anti-corrosion resistance, etc.

Some brands have a more durable product, while others do not always manage to achieve the full positive effect. Cheaper compared to foreign analogues antifreeze is more susceptible to foaming and has minimum set additives

This limits its scope of use, especially for modern cars with turbines.

When thinking about whether it is possible to mix antifreeze of different colors, it is worth considering that the service life of the liquid may vary from company to company. Cheaper samples last 50–60 thousand km, while the motor life of a high-quality product reaches 130–160 thousand km. Although in most cases the basis for the composition is ethylene glycol. This component allows you to use antifreeze in any conditions without worrying about freezing. It is worth considering that without additional use

Ethylene glycol additives quickly form corrosion spots on metal surfaces. In this regard, special chemical additives are used.

The right choice of colors

Having received information about the composition of the liquid, some owners independently determine the mixing capabilities. It is important to pay attention to the recommendations of car manufacturers, which indicate the desired composition and sometimes the color of the consumable.

This is due to the fact that car companies test their products for compatibility with popular engine coolers. Based on long-term testing, the performance of the machines, the risk of corrosion or compatibility with other additives are determined. This also makes it possible to determine interactions with other similar liquids. It is important to know that the color of antifreeze cannot determine its quality, since this characteristic

refers only to conditional information and does not have a significant effect on the chemical composition.

What happens if you mix antifreeze of different colors?

If you use another liquid for this purpose, it may worsen. operational parameters including rapid foaming or precipitation due to chemical reaction additives arise negative factors capable not immediately, but after some time.

For a short trip, for example, in case of unexpected emergency situations and operation in gentle modes, experienced drivers may be filled with another liquid not recommended by the manufacturers. If long-term subsequent operation is expected, then it is not worth the risk.

When determining why you cannot mix antifreeze of different colors, you need to pay attention to the pump, which can quickly fail due to corrosion or precipitation. However, in such cases it is worth paying attention not so much to color differences, but to the chemical composition.

To understand whether blue and green antifreeze can be mixed, it is important to read their labels. After all, even with a different visual marker, liquids can be identical in components. Also, a single-color product does not always have similar parameters.

What and when do motorists fill the cooling system?

Often, changing antifreeze is a seasonal activity. Filling is also carried out when replacing the radiator. Most motorists, after purchasing a used car, try to update everything technical fluids, including the cooling system.

The main division between technical fluids by marking is to indicate the class: G11, G12, G13. The first type is the cheapest, it includes domestic antifreeze, etc. It contains a minimum of additives and additives. In the second more expensive class There are carboxylate chemical additives that help protect against rust and improve heat dissipation.

The most environmentally friendly is the G13 group, made on the basis of polypropylene glycol. It is non-toxic and has a wide range of advantages compared to other groups. This is what leading car manufacturers recommend. The abundance of chemical manufacturers has reduced color gradation to a minimum. Color has become more of a convention.

However, trusted legacy companies still have visual markers that you can trust. The most commonly used systems are:

  • G11 – green;
  • G12 – red;
  • G13 – purple or brown.

It is believed that G11 accepts any analogues. It’s not worth adding “eleven” to G12, but you can add “twelve” or G12 with pluses. Only “thirteen” should be poured into G13, but the composition itself can be added to almost any antifreeze.

Mixing different colors of antifreeze, especially if G12 is yellow and G13 is blue, can cause damage. But adding green 13th to the green 11th is unlikely to have any negative impact.