What kind of oil to pour into Zaporozhets ZAZ 968m. What you need to know when choosing engine oils for engines? The best budget oils

dream come true

As you know, the stability of marital relations is largely based on the unity of views and interests. As for the first, while studying with my future “beautiful half” in the same group of the university philological faculty, we were inextricably linked by love for literature and classical music. The commonality of other interests was based mainly on a passion for travel. That's why after getting married, immediately after graduation, our first "consumer" priority was to buy a car. At the same time, the most affordable option was, of course, the cheapest of domestic passenger cars- "Zaporozhets".

They saved up money earnestly, denying themselves all pleasures and saving even on food. However, living during the first 4 years of marriage with my parents, special problems We didn't experience food. The “starting capital” was one and a half thousand rubles donated by relatives for the wedding. Needless to say, we also denied ourselves a magnificent wedding celebration: everything went casually, in a narrow family circle, in a familiar home environment.

According to the distribution, I ended up in a boarding school for "children with deviant behavior", in other words, for difficult-to-educate juvenile delinquents. It was not easy to follow in the footsteps of Makarenko, but they paid decently, especially since there was an opportunity additional earnings on the "load", combining the positions of teacher and educator, replacements and night shifts. I spent the whole day at work from early morning until late at night, but the end justified the means. My wife also made good money.

And now, finally, after three years of undivided miserliness, our dream has come true! At the end of May 1984, a significant trip to a car dealership took place, where we chose a nice ruby ​​​​red ZAZ 968M with a forty-horsepower engine, since this new

At times, the model appeared then on free sale. Without saying a word, we immediately affectionately named our iron first-born “Charlick”, although later we often called him “Vampire”. Needless to say: in maintenance, the machine was not cheap, greedily absorbing monetary "blood" from the vessels of the family budget.

Vaccination for life

Having driven "Charlik" to the place of residence and putting it under the windows at the entrance of the house (the godfather was driving, professional driver), the next morning I went by car to the boarding school. Of course, I wanted to brag about my purchase to my colleagues, but not only: with the help of a hose and a jet of warm water from the tap of the school boiler room, I expected to “bring a full marafet” by removing it from the body.

However, in direct accordance with the aphorism from the famous comedy film, according to which “our desires do not always coincide with our capabilities,” the unexpected happened: the first independent trip ended in an accident.

On an arcuate bend of a narrow street, a huge Ikarus with an accordion trailer majestically moored to the stop, which did not fit into the short arrival of the stop. Having no driving experience, he tried to go around the obstacle, only at the last moment noticing the Volga rushing towards him. Walking away from frontal collision, turned the steering wheel sharply to the right to slow down in front of the standing Ikarus. The space for a successful maneuver was due to the low speed, but the trouble is: like many newcomers, instead of the brake pedal, he pressed the gas, “kissing” the stern of the bus.

The blow was not strong: the driver of the monster crowded with passengers did not even notice him. I, too, one might say, got off with a slight fright, and even a bump on my forehead, cracking Windshield, which was not affected. And here one of the most important advantages of the ZAZik in the form of a rear engine arrangement affected: the front panel, hood and left wing were shock-absorbed - these elements of the "bodywork" are prettydeformed, but saved both the car (the geometry of the body was not broken), and its driver in the person of the author of these lines.

It is difficult to put into words the extent of my shock when, having got out of the car, I looked at it from the outside. The psychological shock of the collision was elevated to superlatives at the sight of the front crumpled into a cake. The traffic cops arrived immediately, but, seeing that there were no casualties, they just as quickly got away, without even starting to draw up a report on the accident. Drove "Ikarus", a man in years, only sympathetically patted me on the shoulder with a hairy paw, resolutely refusing the proposed symbolic compensation for moral damage in the form of five rubles per bottle. “It will happen to you anyway,” he muttered, and drove the bus further along the route.

Soon, the savior-godfather arrived at the scene, got behind the wheel and, seating me next to him, went straight into the wilds of the private sector, to the household where grandfather Elizar lived and worked miracles. This well-known throughout the city, a tinker and painter, rolled into one person around the wounded "Charlick", mumbling something through his gray mustache. Then, stopping near us, he scratched his head and announced the verdict. “The matter is unpleasant, but fixable, the entire repair with spare parts and painting will cost seven hundred rubles, come back in a week and pick up the machine as if from a factory conveyor.”

Seven hundred rubles is a lot of money, given that the cost new car amounted to three and a half thousand with kopecks. But where to go - I had to scrape through the bottom of the barrel, and borrow the missing, but the result exceeded all expectations. The craftsman-grandfather turned out to be a real wizard, and "Charlick" seemed to be born again. New body parts were welded in, thanks to a skillfully selected shade, the painted surfaces became visually indistinguishable from the “native ones”, in general, my car enthusiast’s odyssey began with clean slate. Apart from, perhaps, the fact that what happened was a vaccination for me for life: since then I have been trying to drive carefully and, thank God, I have not got into an accident (pah, pah, so as not to jinx it).

Pros of ZAZ 958M against the background of cons - features of Zaporozhets

In general, our "Charlik Vampire" turned out to be a very successful car, especially pleasing in the spring and autumn-winter periods. There was no reason to complain about the suspension, apart from frankly weak hub bearings, which had to be changed often. The transmission did not fail either: for the entire period of operation, neither the gearbox nor the differential with final drive, no half shafts have been repaired.

Can't say anything bad about auxiliary heater: when the stove was turned on, the interior was transformed into a “little Tashkent”, although in the first minutes there was a strong smell of gasoline. The undoubted advantage of the car is its excellent stability on hard-surfaced tracks and excellent, almost all-terrain cross-country ability in off-road conditions.

Dynamic characteristics are quite weak motor also did not leave much to be desired: the "hundred" on the track "Charlik" kept without much effort, only provocatively whistling with a fan. In addition, the engine started up literally from half a turn, even in severe frosts, it was worth splashing on intake manifold some boiling water from the kettle. The Achilles' heel of the engine, which was clearly not adapted to operation in summer heat, was frequent overheating due to the ill-conceived design of the cooling system and, as a result, the rapid failure of rubber and paronite parts - various gaskets, seals, oil seals, etc. Rubber exposed to extreme high temperatures lost its elastic properties, hardened and cracked, giving room for oil to flow through the smallest cracks in the destroyed seals. Particularly problematic in this respect steel push rod seals and gaskets valve covers. To some extent, the situation was saved by the used viscous grades of engine oil: in summer season usually filled (and constantly topped up) aviation MS-20. Crooked imported products from Liqui Moly, Shell, Mobil, Total saved the situation somewhat, but did not become a panacea due to the then shortage and high cost. In non-hot seasons, bought from Kamaz drivers.

natural consequence"temperature-oil" adversities have become such "genetic sores" as coking piston rings, increased wear other parts of the cylinder-piston group, valves and their seats. So a “semi-capital” engine repair (without dismantling it for boring the crankshaft, replacing the main bearings and front oil seal) had to be done twice. The problem was the frequent clogging of the oil holes in the hollow adjusting bolts rocker arms, leading to non-flow of oil to the pushers. The result is an almost weekly need to adjust the gaps between the rocker arms and pushers with the accompanying dismantling and mounting of valve covers, which negatively affects the condition of the seals. Well, the real “cherry” on the cake of shortcomings turned out to be the drive cable that quickly wears out on the edges of the tubular guides throttle valve carburetor, in everyday life - just a "gas cable". Oh, that gas cable! Not a single sore car did not give me as much trouble as replacing it! It would seem that, the simplest operation: remove the old cable and insert a new one instead. And if there were no troubles with “deleting”, then the process of “inserting” could last for hours, accompanied by sighs, groans and streams of profanity. I will not delve into the essence of the procedure: the owners of the Zaporozhets will surely understand and sympathize with me.

On Zaporozhets on a trip

We traveled on the Zaporozhets for four years, during which, without exaggeration, we opened new life. And is it really so important that against this romantic pink background, "Vampirchik" presented a lot of technical surprises!

I believe, that the most important advantage our first car was the realization of a dream of wandering. Total mileage amounted to about one hundred thousand kilometers. Four trips to the Crimea and two to the Baltics.

Endless trips around the surrounding area for the purpose of both tourism and the search for scarce books that could be found in regional and rural shops.

Olechka's noisy delights - little ones -daughters who share backseat with the fourth member of the family crew - German Shepherd Berta. All these are milestones of true happiness, bestowed by the irrevocably gone beautiful youth. Thank you for everything, our faithful companion - a capricious, wayward, but unforgettable little humpbacked horse named "Zaporozhets" who has become so dear!

When choosing engine oil for your car, you need to take this issue very responsibly and seriously. In our time, modern foreign cars and new cars of domestic manufacturers best solution will be synthetic oils. They cost more than other species, but synthetic oil will allow you to avoid various problems. It is worth noting that you need to buy goods only from reliable sellers, because on domestic market often there are many fakes, especially popular manufacturers.

Semi-synthetic oil is great for picky cars and won't put a lot of pressure on your budget. It is ideal for those motorists who live in areas with a mild warm climate.

Mineral products are cheaper, so they are more preferable for cars that already have a significant history of travel and regularly need a large amount of oil. This option is the most effective for obsolete foreign cars.

To make a more specific choice, it will be useful for you to view our small rating(comparison) motor oils.

The best motor oil for any season

This product is a real leader. The presented oil has improved performance. You can travel on sultry serpentines or along icy roads - your engine won't even know the difference. The oil is perfect for new models, but it shows maximum performance for foreign cars that have a mileage of 100,000 kilometers. This brand is one of the few recommended for turbocharged cars that are used in more difficult climates. It tolerates well high temperature and does not notice the cold at all - its freezing point is -54 degrees. The main disadvantage is its high cost.

    Lukoil Lux 10W-40 SL/CF.

The presented semi-synthetic product is revered by our domestic cars And budget foreign cars. However, even cars with highly accelerated engines and power plants trucks interact perfectly with it. The main advantage of such multigrade oil is that despite its "small" peak temperatures, both in summer and in winter it works equally stably. The main disadvantage of the product is the high price.

The best budget oils

    TNK Magnum Super.

    Lubrication system for Zaporozhets car engines

    The engine of the ZAZ-965A "Zaporozhets" car has a combined lubrication system. Main and connecting rod bearings crankshaft, bearings of the camshaft and balance shaft, tappets and rocker arms of the valves are lubricated with oil under pressure; oil is supplied to all other rubbing parts by gravity and splashing.

    Rice. 1. Scheme of the engine lubrication system of the car ZAZ -965A "Zaporozhets"

    Oil is poured into the engine crankcase through an oil filler neck mounted on the rear crankcase cover. The oil level is checked with an oil dipstick.

    The oil enters through a fixed oil receiver with a strainer to the oil pump, is pumped by it into the oil centrifuge b and then passes to all lubrication points.

    The gear type oil pump is located in the lower lug of the rear crankcase cover and is driven by a shaft and a gear train from the crankshaft. There is a pressure reducing valve in the pump housing, adjusted to a pressure of 4.0 kg/cm2 and bypassing oil directly into the crankcase.

    From the pump, oil flows through channels in the crankcase wall, in the crankshaft bearing and the rear end of the shaft into the cavity of the centrifuge, which rotates with the shaft. In the centrifuge, the oil directed by the oil deflector acquires a rotational motion, and the mechanical impurities present in the oil, due to the resulting centrifugal force are thrown to the outer walls of the lid. The purified oil flows through the central channel of the shaft to the rear main bearing and to the rear connecting rod bearing.

    Through the side channel in the housing of the rear shaft support and crankcase, oil flows from the main bearing to the main line located along the crankcase on the left side. From the line, the oil passes to the middle and front main bearings of the crankshaft and through the channels in the shaft to all other connecting rod bearings. In the cavities of the connecting rod journals, additional centrifugal oil cleaning is provided. The oil sprayed as the crankshaft rotates lubricates the cylinder walls and piston pins.

    From the rear main bearing of the crankshaft, oil passes through a vertical channel to the rear support camshaft and through the hole in the neck enters the shaft, passing to the rear support of the balance shaft, to the drive gears and to the front support of the camshaft and balance shafts.

    From the vertical channel of the crankcase, oil also enters two horizontal channels located in the crankcase near the pushers of both groups of cylinders. From these channels, the oil, at the moment when the outer groove of the pusher coincides with them, enters in a pulsating jet through the channel in the cracker into the tubular rod and then passes through the channel in the adjusting screw and the rocker arm to the rocker arm sleeve. Excess oil flows down the rod and through the lower hole in the pusher enters the camshaft cam.

    The oil that accumulates in the pockets of the cylinder heads flows back into the crankcase through special oil drain pipes.

    From the right horizontal channel, oil flows through a calibrated limiting hole into a tubular oil radiator, located in front of the engine under the casing of the cooling system. The cooled oil is drained from the radiator through a channel into the crankcase.

    The crankcase ventilation is closed. Air enters the crankcase from under the valve covers through the oil drain pipes. At both ends of the crankshaft in the crankcase, self-clamping oil seals are installed.

    A sensor is connected to the main oil line of the engine control lamp emergency oil pressure, which is located on the instrument panel. The lamp lights up in the event of an unacceptable pressure drop in the lubrication system.

    ABOUT insufficient pressure in the lubrication system of a car engine, Zaporozhets is signaled by a control lamp on the instrument panel, which lights up when the pressure drops to 0.4-0.8 kg / cm 2.

    The pressure in the engine lubrication system of a Zaporozhets car primarily depends on the size of the clearances in the main and connecting rod bearings of the crankshaft, the serviceability of the oil pump, and adjustment pressure reducing valve. Less probable causes low pressure is a clogging of the centrifugal oil cleaner (centrifuge), contamination of the mesh of the oil pump intake filter, a violation of the tightness of the mating parts at the front end of the crankshaft, or loosening of the centrifuge body mounting bolt.

    First of all, you need to make sure that the pressure has really decreased, since the warning lamp on fire may be due to a malfunction of the emergency pressure sensor. It should be noted that the lamp is allowed to light up on a warm engine running at low speeds. idle move and when driving at speeds up to 40 km / h in fourth gear.

    To determine the cause of the lamp on fire, you need to screw a control pressure gauge in place of the sensor and, according to its readings, set the true pressure in the lubrication system. At a crankshaft speed of 3000 rpm and an oil temperature of 80°C, the pressure must be at least 2 kg/cm 2 . If the pressure is normal and the lamp lights up, you will have to replace the sensor. If the pressure is below the norm, it is necessary to check the cleanliness of the centrifugal oil cleaner, the oil receiver mesh, the tightening of the bolt securing the oil cleaner housing. If these measures did not help, the engine needs to be repaired with the replacement of the main and connecting rod bearings, grinding or replacing the crankshaft. Dismantled during repair oil pump, check the gaps between the teeth of the gears and the housing, between the ends of the gears and the cover - replace the worn parts, if the cover is noticeably worn, grind it.

    If the engine is running normally (no smoke, no knocking, oil consumption is normal), more than thick oil, or in existing oil add up to 50% by volume of aviation oil MS-20, MK-22, K-19.