Nano-washing a car - is it worth overpaying - edition of "VM. Application technology of European nano car wash

Many people know about such a car wash: Some people use this service, and some just heard about such a service. Many people think that the owner just wants to make money on the client. more money, but it's not. There are many videos on the Internet about such a sink and it is very interesting and, indeed, of high quality.
I learned about this type of service last year when I got a job at one of the Krasnoyarsk car washes, for extra income.
The process of washing a car takes place in almost the same way as a regular car wash, but differs in that the foam must be applied twice.
How it works?
First, the car wash thoroughly cleans your car of dirt so that it is clean, then applies the usual foam for a regular wash, sponges the discs, because with Nano washing you can not leave dirt on the car. Then he washes off the foam and applies Nano Shampoo, which is applied by hand with a special sponge with holes that absorbs dirt, you should not miss a single piece of the body, otherwise you will not be happy, but very angry from the work done.
Why do you need to sponge discs and the dirtiest places on the body after applying a simple foam?
You need to go through the discs with a sponge, because for the Nano car wash, the car must be absolutely clean. Otherwise, this will lead to the fact that dirty spots will remain on them, which in the end will be very difficult to wash off.
Why apply Nano Shampoo with a sponge? And Why can not miss a single place of the car body?
Nano shampoo is applied with a special sponge that has the ability to absorb dirt residues that are difficult to see. which the car washer does not see during a normal wash, and when wiping the body of your car, scratches may appear. Even if, after a normal wash, for the sake of experiment, we run a white rag over the body, we will see that the rag has become dirty, nothing has been washed off. The sponge that the car wash passes through your car, it absorbs small particles that remain on the body, the sponge is constantly rinsed. You can not leave a single particle unattended, the car must be wiped with the same sponge well, otherwise stains will remain on the body, which will be very difficult to wash. And maybe even impossible.
After the car was treated with Nano Shampoo, the washer washes off the foam from the hose with strong pressure, but not automatically. And then he wipes the car.
What is the best Nano sink?
Nano washing better themes that your car looks like new, smooths out scratches or beaten spots, and also after such a wash, if you run a white rag over the body, our rag remains white. After such a service, if dirt gets on your car, it flows off the body. The machine keeps more clean and repels dirt.
Also, a pleasant smell emanates from the car, I don’t know, unfortunately, what it is for, but this sink is arranged that way.
It is inexpensive, a hundred and fifty rubles more expensive. Use and take care of your car.

Car nanowashing implies a whole range of measures aimed at cleaning the body from dirt and protecting it. For these purposes, a new generation of auto chemistry is used - nanoshampoos and nanopolishes. According to the manufacturers of this chemistry themselves, the nanowasher includes several functions:

  • provides high-quality cleaning of the body, which occurs at the molecular level;
  • gives the car a shine, as if it had undergone express polishing;
  • restores color, i.e. creates the so-called effect of a freshly painted surface;
  • covers the paintwork with an invisible film that protects the paint from road dust (sandblasting);
  • gives the surface of the car antistatic properties, so that dust and dirt do not stick to it;
  • protects the paintwork from ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, as we said above, this technology allows you to mask small scratches and abrasions. Moreover, the effect persists for at least one to two weeks, or even a month.

2 How it looks in practice - detailed technology

The nanowashing process includes three stages:

  • contactless cleaning of the body;
  • surface treatment with nanoshampoo;
  • preservation of the body surface, i.e. protection.

Contactless cleaning means the absence of any rags or washcloths, which allows you to save the paint surface of the car. Removal of dirt occurs solely due to chemistry. A special shampoo is applied directly to a dirty, dry surface in the form of a foam. For these purposes, a special foam generator is used. The foam quickly reacts with the dirt and lifts it up. Therefore, after a few minutes, the foamy substance is washed off with a stream of water under high pressure. At this stage, it is important to wash off the shampoo in time so that the dirt does not have time to settle on the body.

The next step is to treat the body with a nano-shampoo. It is applied manually in the form of foam with a soft sponge. According to the manufacturers, this shampoo contains nanoparticles based on cationic charges. The shampoo is evenly distributed with a sponge over the surface of the car, as a result of which it cleans it at the molecular level. In the process of application, a kind of polishing occurs. After a few minutes, the shampoo is washed off with a copious stream of water. It is at this stage that the body color becomes more saturated, small scratches disappear.

The final step is conservation. paintwork. To do this, a special preservative composition is applied in the form of foam, which forms a protective molecular network on the surface. After a few minutes, the coating is washed off the body with a stream of water. Then the surface must be dried. For this, a water drain, special napkins for drying cars or the so-called turbo dryer can be used.

What is the difference between normal and nano washer?

During a normal car wash, there is a trail coating and static dirt on your car, which you rub into the paintwork at other car washes. When nanowashing, we clean the paintwork from this static dirt, road plaque and heavy metals, settling on the paintwork during the operation of the car, and giving a matte look to the varnish. We clean out this dirt and preserve this effect with third special means so that these pollutions no longer occur. This protects the paintwork from dirt and ultraviolet radiation. The outer plastic remains black, like on a new car, the midge is easily washed off, and in winter period ice flies off. We will do a quality cleaning. We take care of your car.

The gift includes blackening rubber, washing rugs with special preservatives as a gift.

All chemicals and nano-shampoos are accredited by Mercedes-Benz. We do not use chemicals from dubious manufacturers.

How does the nano-body wash process take place and what is included in the work package:

1.) Washing the body with a "multistar" shampoo, which washes away large particles of dirt and dust from the car (after this procedure, the usual wiping of the car begins at other car washes, which entails matting of the paintwork, cobwebs and small scratches appear on the varnish. But we move on.

2.) With the help of German shampoo "nano-magic" and a special branded large-pore sponge German manufacturers we remove static dirt from your paintwork. After the 2nd stage, the paintwork is perfectly clean.

3.) At the third stage, we apply the preservatives "magic dry" to the paintwork. It does not allow further dust and dirt to enter the pores of the varnish and gives the optical effect of quick polishing, protects the paintwork from all external influences and from ultraviolet radiation.

4.) Cars are dried, rubber is preserved and carpets are washed.

The next 2-3 times you can do a regular wash, which can also be done at our place.

The 3-phase wash is an improved version of the 2-phase wash with an additional disc cleaning and application step. protective composition on the body.

Stages of a Three-Phase Nano Car Body Wash:

1. Washing the body with a non-contact prewash MULTI STAR.
2. Washing rims and muffler nozzle acid composition FELGENREINIGER or QUATTRO-ACID-STAR XL
3. The main gentle body wash with a large-mesh sponge and nano-shampoo NanoMagic GLANZWACHSSHAMPOO.
4. Body coating with NanoMagic TWIN WAX nano-preservative-drier.
5. Drying the body with artificial suede or turbo-drying.

What is a nano car body wash?

There is a common opinion that the prefix "NANO" is no longer a development that lasts for many years and huge funds and man-hours are spent on them, but just a figment of the imagination of a marketer and designer who should make a colorful label and include the prefix NANO in the product name ... So what is NANO and why are we so persistent in our positioning of this service in the market? Contrary to popular belief, all NANO lies in a unique composition that was developed to regenerate the long-term reactionary gloss protection of the 1-K-Nano-Lackversiegelung paintwork from Koch Chemie GmbH (Koch-Chemistry Germany). This regeneration product is a special shampoo containing reagents that have been developed by the association of two (or more) chemical particles bound together by intermolecular forces. Yes, the structure that is created during washing is not permanent. So then you get and what are the charms of parting with extra money, if you can’t try it on the tooth and feel it. The main difference between NANOMAGIC GLANZWACHSSHAMPOO MIT NANO-KONSERVIERER shampoo and other shampoos, even if we are talking about Koch Chemie products, this washing process is the safest in all directions. When applying a solution or foam on the surface of the paintwork, a structure is instantly created with an increased effect of reducing friction on the treated surface. A structure is created around the smallest contaminants, which, when enlarged to human height, looks like a ZORB ball. Something is inside, but it is not possible to touch the surface, if these are not frank clots of dirt, here NANO technologies powerless, as if, for example, he puts a person with a weight of more than 200 kg into the ZORB ball, he will simply tear him apart.
1. A stable gloss protection of the paintwork is created, stronger than with Eurowash and all the ensuing advantages.
2. The principle of such a wash remains the same as in the Eurowash, you do not need to think about what you have on this moment more dirty and try to draw the attention of the car wash to this pollution.
3. The car is processed in a complex and is returned in a brilliant condition.

No wonder the slogan of Koch Chemie GmbH sounds like this - "Brilliant result" and the company is responsible for the quality of the supplied products, and not like other "MANUFACTURERS" for beautiful stickers and inscriptions on the bottle. You can also add that the composition of NANOMAGIC GLANZWACHSSHAMPOO has been tested in concern Daimler AG, and was recommended and taken into the product line as a care and preservative for matte paintwork. This specification officially placed in the Gotis list für Mattlacke mercedes benz No. P 00.16 - 02.0. Koch Chemie GmbH was the first to launch a campaign to introduce Russian market quality car service and today the technologies that are offered to you are an exact copy services 100% widespread and used throughout Europe.

What is a Euro car wash?

In life, we constantly meet with new discoveries and achievements, but sometimes, what has been working for decades, we simply forget or borrow just some part of the process from the whole complex. necessary action for the perfect result. What do we mean? Simple example: Do you brush your teeth with toothpaste? Everyone will answer this question in the affirmative "YES". But there is liquid remedy, which destroys microbes and gives freshness to breath - just rinse your mouth with it. To which you say: What about the leftover food? Here you will be fundamentally right! Whatever it was this remedy no matter how carefully you rinse your mouth, you still need a toothbrush to remove food debris. And here is the second question: Will you brush your teeth without toothpaste? You will answer - "NO". And why? That's right, you can damage the enamel of your teeth. Now the question is: Then why is your car constantly just watered with the primary composition ( contactless car wash), and then immediately wipe it with drying towels? After all, if you think about it, the surface of the car is built in exactly the same way as our teeth. The enamel on the teeth serves as protection, and lacquer coating motor vehicles is the same surface protection. At the same time, the symptoms of a violation of this very protection are similar to the symptoms of a violation of the integrity of the tooth enamel.

Consider now a car.

Look at him while he's wet. If in your case you observe on a wet surface that the color is more saturated than when the surface is dry, then you need to start treating your car correctly as soon as possible. In fact, a layer of water creates the effect of showing the true color of your car, but when it dries, the varnish surface again shows haze and scratches. This tells us about the damage to the protective layer of the lacquer coating, which was applied at the time of production of the car. If you continue to treat the car in this way, then the shine and protection can only be restored through more global interventions. Ask yourself: Do you want this? Or are you ready to listen to expert opinion and start servicing your car to a standard that will keep it shiny and natural protection your vehicle?

So how do you properly care for the surface of the protective varnish coating of your own car?

We don't make discoveries, we just go back to the right origins of car care.

1. Processing with the primary composition. This is the application of a primary emulsion or foam to remove all coarse and basic dirt from the surface of the car. This process is similar to the full complex of the contactless car wash that you are currently serving (rinsing your teeth). Do not forget that rinsing your teeth is safe, and when treating a car, an active alkaline compound is applied to the surface of the car. If the desire to “rinse” the car in one go is large enough, then, as a rule, they apply in excess active compounds with the addition of organic solvents and other surfactant enhancers to them during the production of compounds. At the same time, they forget about your car and that there are chrome parts, plastic, and the varnish coating dissolves during such washes and becomes more cloudy with each subsequent similar treatment. Therefore, the compositions that are used in Eurowash Koch-Chemistry Germany are as neutral as possible to the surfaces of your car. That's it, the composition was washed off and at any other car wash, the process of wiping your car began. This is comparable to brushing your teeth with a toothbrush without using toothpaste. I'll tell you a secret: Alkaline compounds are not able to dissolve sand, mixtures of static contaminants from asphalt chips, shoe dust, reagents, soot and carbon deposits. All this, getting under the cleaning material, scratches the surface of the protective paintwork of your car. If you don't believe me, then ask not to wipe the car and just drive it out into the air, as you will notice a large number of grains of sand and static pollution.

2. The second stage is when we remove the remnants of pollution, while applying the most safe way. What is it. Taking a special German porous sponge, applying hand washing shampoo to the surface, we remove static impurities and thoroughly wash the entire surface, including cavities where dirt tends to accumulate (grille, around license plates, bottlenecks in bumpers, etc.). But you ask: How is it? Can you scratch my car? So when your car is wiped after the first stage, they do not scratch, but we, washing the surfaces with special porous sponges, do we scratch? Where is the logic here? The foam we use has super low density in relation to paintwork. The special construction of the pores in the foam rubber freely takes away the remnants of contaminants along with the foam and, after squeezing, freely removes them. Shampoo theory from Koch-Chemistry Germany for manual washing: Mechanically entrained by molecules detergent dirt particles go into solution. Detergent molecules envelop dirt and the washed surface, which prevents particles from coarsening and settling on the surface. As a result, particles of pollution in suspension are stabilized in the solution and removed along with it. After carefully washing the car from top to bottom and only lastly the thresholds, taking another sponge, you can start drying the body. But are we missing something? It's inflict protective layer, which will gradually restore the shine of the paintwork to us and protect it from aggressive environment. In our case, if you ordered a Eurowash, and not just a two-phase wash, then the protection of the paintwork is included in the range of services.

3. Applying a protective composition allows you to keep the car clean for a long time. Due to what is this happening? I will reveal one more secret: Alkaline compounds are active substances that form high static on the surface. After contactless car washes, there is an intensive sticking of dust and dirt on the surface of your car. The unique preservatives we use after washing make it possible to remove static stress from the surface of the paintwork, create a superhydrophobic structure (Lotus structure) with maximum retention parameters on the surface. All this prevents the rapid settling and retention of dust on the surface, and when driving in the rain, the rolling drops capture dust particles and the process of self-cleaning of the paintwork surface takes place. The complex will also wash your discs, your beautiful nozzles on the muffler, because due to soot, you have long forgotten their shine. All this with the use of special German formulations from the manufacturer Koch Chemie GmbH, the main supplier of the GOTIS sheet Mercedes, as well as BMW Group.

You can buy a set for nano-car wash in our store of professional auto cosmetics and auto chemicals!
Depending on the goals and required volumes works, we have formed for you 3 options for a set:

* the prices for products as of 01/17/2014 are indicated

What is a nano-wash, why is it needed and what is the difference from a conventional touchless car wash?!

NANO-wash is a car wash that will give the car a shine and long-term protection of the body!

You and your customers can appreciate the effect immediately after seeing a sparkling car after washing, thanks to the application of a protective preservative composition. For a month, the shine of the car will please the eye of the car owner! 3-stage washing will remove all stubborn dirt, give antistatic effect and cover the car body protective film. Every client wants a personal touch, and they will get it with the Koch Chemie formulations you use!

Functions of NANO-wash:

  • Long-term preservation of paintwork;
  • Shine, as after express polishing;
  • Deep color of the surface (the effect of a freshly painted car);
  • Protection against sandblasting (from fine road dust);
  • Dirt protection;
  • UV radiation protection;
  • Reagent protection;
  • Antistatic, hydrophobic effect on the body (water, dirt, snow settle much less and easily roll off the body).

Why is NANO-wash better than a conventional wash?

Long lasting shine and protection! After washing the car with a regular shampoo, the client's car will be covered with dust and dirt in a couple of days. Of course, soon he will come to you again (or maybe not to you), but, frankly, he is not particularly pleased that he will have to say goodbye to the next 300-400 rubles so soon.

Having offered the client a 3-phase NANO-washing service, it is very important to explain its advantages. The car owner must understand that the car body will be protected for a whole month (the period depends on the operation of the car). Accordingly, car owners who use the Nano-wash service are well aware - for what exactly they pay 2 or even 3 times more than the usual cost of a car wash.

In addition - a wash that will be required during the period of validity of Koch Chemie - just knock off the dirt with water from the machine high pressure! By using nano-wash chemistry and providing such a service to customers as nano-wash, you will gain not only one satisfied regular customer, but, thanks to word of mouth, many new ones! Make the right choice!

Compare for yourself:

Technology: NANO-washing takes place in 3 stages:

1. Removal of contaminants.

Primary contactless car wash with the product: Universal contactless product, Multi Star, 5 kg, 211088. Removes dirt very well (at a strong concentration it removes lime, resin, midges), does not contain phosphate, foams well, has no smell.

Application method: apply on the dirty surface in a thin layer from the bottom up. After 1.5-3 minutes, rinse with plenty of water.

  • Foam set: dilute with water in a ratio of 1:3 to 1:6, consumption per vehicle 80-150 ml;
  • foam generator: dilute with water in a ratio of 1:30 to 1:60, consumption per vehicle 80-150 ml;
  • Atomizer (with trigger): dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10 to 1:15, consumption per vehicle 80-100 ml. (!)

2. Hand washing with nano shampoo.

Car wash composition: Shampoo for washing and paintwork protection NanoMagicShampoo Mit Nano-Konservierer, 750 ml, 77702750 This step will give the car body a deep color and anti-static coating. After washing the car with this composition, scratches will become less noticeable due to the correct refraction of light rays. Repeated use of shampoo will increase the duration of protection on the surface and maintain the gloss of the paintwork.

Application method:

  • hand washing car: Sponge porous for washing WASCHSCHWAMM (1 pc), 200x130x70cm, 999017
  • Foam set: apply the foam composition to the surface of the machine. After 1.5-3 minutes, rinse with plenty of water.

Consumption per 1 car, breeding method:

  • Foam set: dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10, consumption per vehicle 50 ml;
  • Manual way: dilute with water in a ratio of 1:200, consumption per car 50 ml;

3. Preservation of the body.

Protecting the car body with the composition: Composition for the protection and shine of the paintwork NanoMagic TWIN WAX Hightec Nano-Hochglanz-Konservierer, 1 l, 220088. The composition preserves the surface of the car, gives a deep shine, and provides protection from external environmental influences.

Application method: Apply foam in an even layer. After 1.5-3 minutes, rinse with water without air supply. Dry the car - remove the water using one of the following methods:

  • water runoff (water runoff T-shaped, 315 mm, Q4660, KENT);
  • turbo dryer (Double Turbine Dryer 666220 Koch Chemie);
  • a napkin for drying the body (Artificial blue suede, thin, 54x44.250 gr, 999059/250, Koch Chemie).

Consumption per 1 car, breeding method:

  • Pumping cup with foam nozzle: dilute with water in a ratio of 1:500, consumption per vehicle 4 ml (use within 1-2 hours!)
  • Foam set: diluted with water in a ratio of 1:40. consumption per car 3-4 ml
  • Automatic portal with water heating: mix the composition with water through a dosing pump 4-6 ml per cycle.

The cost of nano-washing and the price of services.

If we calculate the cost* per 1 NANO-sink, it turns out a very profitable service:

Stage 1:
The cost of Multi Star is 1100 for a 5 l canister, the consumption for 1 car is not more than 150 ml. Canisters (5 l) of the Multi Star composition are enough for 5000 / 150 = 33 cars, respectively, the cost per car one car = 1100 / 33 = 33.33 rubles.

Stage 2:
The cost of NanoMagic shampoo is 500 rubles per 750 ml, the consumption for 1 car is not more than 50 ml. A bottle of shampoo (750 ml) is enough for 750 / 50 = 15 cars, the cost of nano-shampoo for one car = 500 / 15 = 33.33 rubles.

Stage 3:
The cost of the Twin Wax protective composition is 810 rubles per 1 liter, the consumption for 1 car is 4 ml. Bottles (1l) are enough for 1000 / 4 = 250 cars, the cost of nano-wax per car = 3.24 rubles.

Total: the cost of chemistry for 1 NANO-wash is only 70 rubles!

Even if we add to this figure the cost of a porous sponge (210 rubles) and faux suede(180 rubles), and they are designed not for one sink, but for 30-40 (depending on the accuracy of use), you will still be satisfied with the benefits, and your client with the result. In addition, if you purchase canisters of chemistry in large volumes, then the cost of chemistry for 1 NANO-wash is a little more than 50 rubles.

Thus, purchasing chemistry in large volumes (Multi Star 33 kg, etc.) with the streaming provision of the nano-wash service, for 250 car washes - you will save another 4,500 rubles!

* the prices for products as of 01/17/2014 are indicated

Video about the benefits of European Nano Car Wash:
