Radio circuits for cars. Useful homemade products for a car with your own hands. Charger for car battery from modules with Ali

Since you have decided to become a self-taught electrician, then surely after a short period of time you will want to make some useful electrical appliance for your home, car or summer cottage with your own hands. At the same time, homemade products can be useful not only in everyday life, but also made for sale, for example,. In fact, the process of assembling simple devices at home is not difficult. You just need to be able to read the diagrams and use the tool for radio amateurs.

As for the first point, before you start making electronic homemade products with your own hands, you need to learn how to read electrical circuits. In this case, ours will be a good helper.

From tools for novice electricians, a soldering iron, a set of screwdrivers, pliers and a multimeter will come in handy. Some popular electrical appliances may even require a welding machine to assemble, but this is a rare case. By the way, in this section of the site we even talked about the same welding machine.

Special attention should be paid to the materials at hand, from which every newbie electrician can make elementary electronic homemade products with his own hands. Most often, old domestic parts are used in the manufacture of simple and useful electrical appliances: transformers, amplifiers, wires, etc. In most cases, it is enough for novice radio amateurs and electricians to look for all the necessary tools in the garage or shed in the country.

When everything is ready - the tools are assembled, the spare parts are found and the minimum knowledge is obtained, you can proceed to the assembly of amateur electronic homemade products at home. This is where our small guide will help you. Each provided instruction includes not only a detailed description of each of the stages of creating electrical appliances, but is also accompanied by photo examples, diagrams, as well as video lessons in which the entire manufacturing process is clearly shown. If you do not understand at some point, then you can clarify it under the entry in the comments. Our experts will try to advise you in a timely manner!

If you think that homemade products are the lot of toddlers and bored housewives, we will very quickly dispel your misconceptions. This section is entirely devoted to the manufacture of homemade products from car parts and rubber tires. Almost anything can be made from a tire. From garden shoes to a full-fledged playground with swings, fairy-tale characters and elements for relaxation. Finally, always busy dads will have the opportunity to show their creative talents and create something useful and beautiful on their own personal plot or backyard.

Car tires tend to become unusable, especially given the domestic quality of roads and sudden temperature changes. Instead of sending an old tire to a landfill, it can be slightly transformed and given new life on the playground, in the garden or vegetable garden.

We have collected a huge number of examples of how to do car homemade products using tires for various household and aesthetic purposes. Perhaps one of the most popular ways to use your old tire is the arrangement of playgrounds. The easiest option is to dig in half a row of tires and paint their upper part in bright colors. The architectural element created in this way will be used by kids as a device for walking and jogging with obstacles, as well as instead of "furniture", because sand products can be laid out on the surface of the tire, or even sit by yourself, resting on a quiet summer evening.

You can aesthetically diversify the exterior of the site by creating fairy dragons, funny bears that will greet your guests at the entrance to the courtyard, crocodiles and other animals lurking in the garden with the help of tires. For flower lovers, a car tire can replace a full-fledged flowerpot, and the plants planted in it will give the yard a well-groomed look.

Children can be pleased by creating a comfortable swing from the best-preserved tires. You can leave the shape of the tire in its original form, and, spending a little more time and effort, create an unusual swing in the form of horses.

Whatever you choose to create a car craft, your children will be delighted to see a homemade car in the yard anyway. Inventive kids will be able to play new games, and will definitely be proud of their folder, showing off your creation to friends. And the mixing of happiness and pride in you in the eyes of a child is perhaps the only thing for which you can step on the throat of a long-awaited weekend in the company of a sofa, TV and beer.

Making a car with your own hands is a task worthy of a real man. Many ponder, some take, only a few bring it to completion. We decided to tell the stories of machines made, as they say, on the knee. We'll talk about the work of professional body shops, including type A: Level or ElMotors, another time.

The case of the masters of the East

Most of the homemade people are in the so-called developing countries. Not everyone can afford an expensive car, but everyone wants to. And copyright in these countries is viewed, shall we say, in a peculiar way, not in a European way.

It's easy to find a video on the web about a whole factory of self-made supercars in Bangkok. These are ten times cheaper than the original. Now it is no longer working: apparently, the German journalists who filmed the video about the self-made people did them a disservice, and the local authorities started thinking about the missing licenses of the “craftsmen” and the safety of the cars they riveted. Of course, these crafts were not specially crash tested.

It is interesting that, in principle, the Thais could withstand supercars - they made space frames from metal profiles and pipes and “dressed” them in fiberglass bodies. In most cases, home-builders simply take old cars, cut off the "extra" body panels and hang their own. For example, this replica of the Bugatti Veyron from India is built using this technology. An ambitious project, right by the saying "to love - so the queen, to steal - so a million." The author and owner used an old Honda Civic as the basis. And he tried - outwardly, the copy turned out to be worthy: it's not for nothing that the audience is so attentively examining it.

Another Indian, former actor, current social reformer, concocted a parody of the Veyron from a Honda Accord. It turned out creepy. Another one took the Tata Nano as a basis. Let me remind you that this is officially the cheapest production car in the world with peculiar proportions. Very weak and slow. However, the author of this project is clearly not devoid of a sense of humor, because Veyron, on the contrary, is one of the most expensive, powerful and fastest production cars.

Landfill Supercars

The Chinese do not lag behind their Thai and Indian colleagues. The young worker of the glass factory Chen Yanxi did not begin or parody someone else's design, but made his own, author's. And even though his car looks decent only from a distance, and it drives only 40 km / h (the installed electric motor no longer allows it), I don't want to laugh at Chen. Well done, that went his own way. More often it happens otherwise.

Three years ago, 26-year-old Chinese property manager Li Weilei was so impressed with Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" Batmobile Tumbler that he built it. It took him and four friends 70,000 yuan (about $ 11,000) and only two months of work. Lee took the steel for the body from the landfill, shoveling 10 tons of metal. To offset the cost, he now rents out his Toggle Switch for photography and video filming, for just $ 10 a month. But renters must be ready to roll the replica manually. The car cannot drive, since it has neither a power unit, nor a functional steering. In addition, in the PRC, only cars produced by certified manufacturers are released on the roads.

Another Chinese craftsman, Wang Jian from Jiangsu province, made his own "copy" of the Lamborghini Reventon from an old Nissan minivan and a Volkswagen Santana sedan. And he also dragged metal from the landfill. I spent 60,000 yuan ($ 9.5 thousand) on this case. The car has a carburetor engine, it smokes mercilessly, it lacks an interior and even glass, but the author himself likes the result, and the neighbors believe that Jian's car quite accurately copies the Lambo. The author claims that he is able to accelerate to 250 km / h on his supercar. Nobody risks reassuring him.

As you can see, most DIYers love to copy Ferrari and Lamborghini. Externally. Inside this car, designed by Mr. Meath from Thailand, is a Lifan motorcycle engine with a volume of a quarter liter.

The funniest and most touching creation is by the Chinese farmer Guo from Zhengzhou. He made a Lambo for ... his grandson. The car has children's dimensions - 900 by 1800 mm and an electric motor that allows it to accelerate to 40 km / h. A battery of five batteries lasts for 60 km. Guo spent $ 815 on his brainchild and six months of work.

A Vietnamese auto mechanic from Bakjiang province has created a kind of Rolls-Royce, using a "seven" for this. I bought it for 10 million dong (about $ 500). I spent another 20 million on "tuning". Most of the money went to metal, electrodes and a Rolls-Royce grille, ordered from a local workshop. It turned out rough. But the guy became famous. A real Rolls-Royce Phantom in Vietnam is worth about VND 30 billion.


In the vastness of the former USSR, the traditions of self-construction are also strong. During the Soviet years, there was a movement called "samauto" that united enthusiasts of home-made cars and motorcycles. And there were a lot of them, because in those years it seemed that it was easier to assemble a car with your own hands than to buy - despite the total shortage of spare parts and bureaucratic obstacles. And what interesting projects were born in those years! JNA, Pangolina, Laura, Ichthyander and others ... Yes, there were people. However, they stayed.

Several years ago I wrote about the brainchild of a Muscovite Yevgeny Danilin called an SUV that resembles the Hummer H1, but significantly surpasses it in cross-country ability.

Immediately I remember my old acquaintance with Alexander Timashev from Bishkek. His workshop ZerDo Design in the 2000s created a whole series of interesting homemade products, the first of which was the "Barkhan", also a kind of Hammer based on the GAZ-66. Then there was the Mad Cabin, a type of American hot rod made from the cab of the ZIL-157 army truck - Zakhara. ...

The "Frenzied Cab" was followed by homemade products in retro style - the so-called replicars, speedster and phaeton. And for them, Kyrgyz craftsmen made not only bodies and interiors, but even frames.

A selection of original and interesting circuit solutions and improvements for various types of vehicles.

Car charger machine- The circuit turns on the battery for charging when the voltage on it drops to a certain level and turns off when the maximum is reached.
Charger for a car on an integrated circuit LM7815- The basis of the circuit is an integrated circuit LM7815 with a protection system and analog indicator circuits. A voltmeter and ammeter added to the circuit as indicators provide monitoring of current and voltage during battery charging.
Voltage polarity switch for charger - designed for charging twelve-volt car batteries. Its main feature is that it allows the connection of the battery, at any polarity.
Automatic charger for automotive lead acid batteries
Charger for powerful car batteries- based on the IR2153 microcircuit, this is a self-clocking half-bridge driver, which is quite often used in industrial ballasts for fluorescent lamps

Engine overheating sensor... In order not to wait for the moment when the water in the radiator turns into steam, you can use the design on the DS1821 thermostat
Ice sensor As soon as the air temperature drops to 4 degrees Celsius, the LED fixed on the dashboard of the car will start blinking, with a further decrease in temperature, the LED blinks with a higher frequency. And if the temperature drops to - 1 degree or lower, then the LED will light up constantly to - 6 degrees, and then the device automatically turns off.
Seat belt sensor If you drive with seat belts unfastened, you can get injured in an accident, or run into a fine. In the arsenal of the radio amateur, there are special designs that signal the driver that the belt is not fastened
Radiator water level indicator... A device that signals a decrease in the water level, which will inevitably lead to overheating of the motor.
Vehicle voltage indicator Most cars do not have a device, according to the readings of which the driver could judge the voltage of the on-board network. The voltage of the vehicle's on-board network varies widely, depending on the operating mode of the power supply system.
Drivers pre-sleep indicator circuit As you know, up to 25-30% of traffic accidents are caused by drivers falling asleep while driving. To assess the psychophysiological state of a driver in the process of driving a vehicle, telemetric systems have been developed for monitoring the frequency of blinking of his eyelids, recording biopotential, galvanic skin response, and motor activity. All of the above methods have not found wide application in practice due to their complexity, high cost, the need to fix various sensors on the driver's skin.

An amateur radio collection on the topic of lighting in the passenger compartment, as well as home-made constructions from backlighting the back number to replacing bulbs in the instrument panel: LED turn signal repeater, automatic anti-glare lamp, Low beam diagrams, structures and accessories for headlights, Stop signal, its purpose and refinement, Scheme of the delay of turning on and off the light in the car, Running lights automatic control circuit on a microcontroller, etc.

Neutral sensor manufacturing... Many car enthusiasts know that a car alarm with auto start on a car with a manual transmission is quite difficult to install, and switching the alarm to automatic mode can get an unpleasant result. But, in order to solve these problems, you can make the autostart work safer by installing a neutral sensor from a reed switch. Recall that for autostart with a manual gearbox, the logical neutral of the car to alarm and blocking the doors can be done only when the engine is running and the handbrake is raised. If these conditions are not met, then autostart is not possible.
Anti-theft device simulator simulates your car's engine malfunctions
Infrared remote anti-theft device... The schemes of remote security devices for a car on IR rays are considered, in which information coding is used
Recommendations for installing car alarms What can be done to prevent car theft? Of course, install an anti-theft system. There are many different types of signaling devices currently available. Many firms and installation stations can offer the car owner a number of ways to protect the car from theft. A good alarm does not guarantee complete safety. It is also necessary to have a competent and sometimes non-standard alarm installation. A qualified installer knows the most common methods used by hijackers and uses this knowledge to install
Simple starter interlock circuit consists of only one resistor and an optocoupler.
Diagram of a simple bicycle anti-theft system This design for a bicycle will work, it is worth changing its position, or if you touch it. The alarm sound signal lasts 30 seconds, and after a few seconds, it repeats and so on until the bicycle anti-theft device is turned off.
Wireless car alarm- blocks the car engine using any mobile phone or smartphone

Articles about the manufacture of tools and devices for the maintenance and repair of cars and their main assemblies with their own hands: Service of car batteries; stroboscope-tachometer circuits; Thickness gauge for car paintwork; Homemade regruver for tread cutting and other original designs.

We bring to the attention of radio amateurs a circuit of an electronic "mass" switch, which does not have mechanical contacts and therefore is more reliable and durable. In addition, this device can be used as an anti-theft device.

Auto schemes. Parktronic on a digital microcircuit

Parktronic is a special auxiliary device that gives additional convenience, especially to a novice car enthusiast, when parking by calculating the distance to the nearest obstacles to the car and signaling the approach to them with sound and visual signs. All parking sensors work like a radar, that is, they emit ultrasonic waves with special ultrasonic sensors and analyze the sound signal reflected from obstacles

It's the 21st century, and car speedometers in most cars are still analog, processing signals from a conventional speed sensor. Let's correct this misunderstanding, nav to help, a simple speedometer circuit on a microcontroller for making by hand

Of course, this is not a professional device, but its modest capabilities will allow to identify the degree of alcohol concentration for self-monitoring of the driver in order to prevent trouble on the road.

I think every car enthusiast will not refuse to have an additional service connector in the car, adapted for USB or miniUSB. Such adapters will help out in many situations, for example, powering PC peripherals, charging mobile phones or smartphones, event recorders, and anything that is powered from the USB bus.

Motion sensors (DD) can be used not only for their intended purpose to turn on the light or as an element of burglar alarms, but also in cars. For example, it will scare off a cat that decided to bask under the soot of your car, thereby saving her life, and relieving you of the work of cleaning your engine from the remains of a poor animal. After all, infrared DD will react to any moving biological object that has a "thermal" background.

In a car, there are a lot of nodes to control the activation and serviceability of which is rather difficult, and for these purposes a sound signaling device is ideal, in addition, its use while reversing informs surrounding pedestrians and other drivers about the movement of the vehicle backward, which is especially important for large trucks

I suggest for your judgment, to familiarize yourself with a simple diagram of a car glass closer. It performs the role of lifting the windows at the moment when the car is put on the security alarm. The stopping of the operation of the window regulator device is carried out as a result of an increase in the flowing current in the load at the moment of full lifting of the glass.

Automotive electric gasoline pump device, principle of operation and repair. As an example, consider the device and principle of operation of the BOSCH 0580254 series submersible electric gasoline pump, which is used in all modifications of the K-Jefronic fuel injection system.

Car alarm It is designed to simulate a car horn, and is made on composite transistors and thyristors

Many have portable receivers and tape recorders with a 9 volt krone battery. On the road, they are conveniently powered from the car battery, without consuming expensive batteries. It is impossible to connect such radio equipment directly to the battery, since its voltage can vary from 10 to 15 V. In addition, when the engine is running, impulse noise appears in the car's on-board network.

A selection of simple schemes for motorists: Anti-sleep buzzer, ice alarms, Installation for cleaning crankcase gases, Device for quick engine start in any frost, Compressometer, Anti-radar, Aerodynamic nozzle on the exhaust pipe and other designs

The collection of wiring diagrams for cars is a very large selection.

The circuits considered below on microcontrollers are displayed on a two-digit digital indicator with a common reading from a fuel sensor of 40 liters. The structures are powered from the vehicle's on-board network. A native vehicle sensor in the tank is connected to the “in” input.

Probably all drivers at least once forgot to turn off the direction indicators after making a maneuver? Regular clicks from the front panel are not always well audible, especially if music is playing in the cabin, so I propose to supplement your car with a simple do-it-yourself turn signal indicator circuit.

The cigarette lighter is one of the few car features that has retained its original design for over 70 years. As a result, the same design is used on both vintage cars and the most modern models. Of course, in the old days this device was used only for one function, although now in the modern "information world" it performs different functions, for example, a connector for charging various digital gadgets or even starting a car.

Radio amateur circuits of turn signaling devices are designed to work only with LEDs in your car's brake lights, if you are still using conventional bulbs you can easily duplicate the design of the turn signal. Simple development " Stop lights"- a homemade time relay will turn off the latter if they burn for more than 40-60 seconds, and turn relay modernization 495.3747 will allow you to introduce LEDs instead of incandescent lamps into the standard configuration of VAZ or GAZ.

The proposed first version of the modernization of the car wiper relay has a higher reliability of operation and can provide dynamic braking of the engine. In this case, no alterations of the standard electrical circuit are required. Quite simple options for upgrading the wiper relay will allow you not to be distracted by turning the wipers on and off. In addition, many older cars have a simple wiper motor speed control - two positions "fast-slow" - little modification is simply necessary. And install a humidity sensor and water drops falling on it will start the circuit themselves.

A car monitor with rear view cameras is a very important element in your car, because in modern urban realities you need to be a parking master to find a place to park your car. An example is clearly shown of installing a monitor in a car visor, which makes the image optimally positioned for the driver's eyes.

Nowadays, as never before, there is the issue of accounting and saving energy resources, including fuel for vehicles. Of the wide variety of devices that take into account fuel consumption, the most widespread are devices with a sensor recording element in the form of an impeller. Sensors with a different measuring principle, although they have sufficient accuracy, are difficult to manufacture and have drawbacks. Practice has shown that impeller sensors, made with the necessary and sufficient accuracy, can operate for years without requiring maintenance, with an error in registration below the tolerance for this type of device.

An ignition system is a combination of various automotive instruments and devices that generate an electric spark to ignite the air-fuel mixture in the cylinders of an internal combustion engine at the moment the ignition key is turned. On this page you can find various ignition connection diagrams for VAZ cars. As well as homemade radio amateur versions of the electronic ignition circuit

It has the following advantages: the spark power is increased, the breaker contacts do not burn; no need for a resistor in the ignition coil circuit; when the ignition is on, but the engine is not running, the circuit is smoothly without a spark, it turns off

In the Soviet automobile industry, the interrupter of direction indicators of the PC57 type was of an electromagnetic principle of operation and was used to ensure the flashing of signal lamps, which makes the supply of a turn signal to other road users more visible and noticeable. The turn signal interrupter is connected in series with the turn signal lamp circuit. Within the framework of the article, we will consider options for replacing this electromagnetic device with its electronic counterparts.

Probably every motorist forgot to close the windows in the car in the warm season, so that this does not happen anymore, I propose to assemble a scheme designed to automatically close all windows in the car's interior when setting the alarm. Consider several possible options for implementing the design from simple circuits with relays to an automatic window regulator on a microcontroller.

Every driver of a truck or bus with a voltage of 24 volts on-board network faced the problem of connecting a 12-volt consumer. This article implements a solution to this problem.

In all modern cars, when the engine temperature reaches a critical level, the radiator cooling fan is activated. But there are a lot of negative effects of a sharp start, which over time affects the electrics of the vehicle. This article describes a diagram of the option for replacing the relay for the soft start of the cooling fan.

Carburetor economizer device

Carburettors were installed on the car for many years until they gradually freed their place for various fuel injection systems. But the automotive age of Russian cars is long, and you still have to deal with vehicles that still have a carburetor. Well, as you know, its normal operation is provided by some devices, among them the main one is a fuel economizer. It is about him that we will talk, and also consider the diagram of the forced idle economizer system for VAZ cars

A car starter is a device that allows the engine to start after a turn in all weather conditions. Almost all starters are, in essence, conventional, short-acting, high-power electric motors. The start-up cycle of a typical device consists of three attempts with a 30 second interval between them. Since the car has a single source of electricity (battery), the engineers chose a DC electric motor for the starters.

Every car owner who has driven a budget car knows how long to wait for heat from the engine when it warms up in the winter season, especially if you live in the northern part of the largest country in the world. The time for a comfortable temperature is about 30 minutes, and so on every morning. The best idea for solving this problem, in my opinion, is to heat the car interior with a fan heater. An old toaster and a faulty computer power supply helped to bring the idea to life.

In winter, many Russian drivers start the time when a pre-warmed engine is required to travel by car. The car antifreeze heating circuit helps to solve this problem. The first one discussed is simple enough to repeat.

Heated steering wheel, along with heated seats, mirrors, glass, is not a luxury these days, but an indicator of the level that a person lives in a civilized country. All of the above parameters in a personal car are very convenient, and I help the driver to focus only on driving the vehicle, and not on their frozen fingers.

This design is designed to generate a sound signal when trucks and buses move backward, while in automatic mode, a sound signal starts to be generated to warn of the danger.

The main advantage of the second battery is that the accumulated energy is consumed through an additional battery, and the first is in reserve, that is, you do not have to worry about planting a car after a picnic far from civilization. Many foreign cars already have a second battery under the hood. The only drawback they have is the parallel connection of 2 batteries

This amateur radio design is suitable for charging most smartphones and tablets from 5 volts even with the ignition off. Or it will allow you to power the DVR for 40 minutes, at the moment when the car is waiting for its owner in the parking lot. The basis of the circuit is the AVR Tiny13 microcontroller, the firmware is attached to it.

There is no limit to perfection. This saying is well known to everyone and everyone. And any car owner strives to make perfection out of his car. For many drivers, factory settings are not enough. They strive to bring something of their own. Something that will distinguish them from the rest. But what if what you want cannot be purchased in the store? Only one way out suggests itself: if you can't buy - do it yourself.

They have become very popular lately. They improve the appearance of the car, change some of the technical characteristics or add nice additions to the options. Among the variety of possible alterations, we suggest considering several options.

Car wash

Let's start with the look. When the car is clean, the paintwork is shiny and sparkling. Such a technique is pleasant to look at. Immediately there is a feeling that the owner is watching his car. But it is not always possible to go to a car wash for various reasons. In such cases, homemade products for the car will come to the rescue. You can assemble a small sink with your own hands, which can be used at any convenient time.

To make a sink, you will need the following parts:

  • canister with two drains;
  • hose 2 m long (suitable for connecting a washing machine);
  • a watering gun with a telescopic bar;
  • Union;
  • spool;
  • rubber pad (outer diameter 2.4 cm, inner diameter 1.5 cm);
  • coupling.

Now let's get started:

  1. We make a hole in the lid of the canister. We smear the “spool” with sealant and insert it into the prepared hole of the cover. Let it dry.
  2. We make a small hole in the second cover. It is necessary for The junction of the cover and the sleeve is treated with a sealant and also allowed to dry.
  3. Cut off the nut with the fastener from the curved end of the inlet hose. The mount is no longer needed. Apply sealant to the nut and attach it to the back of the coupling. We connect the hose with the cut side to the nut of the quick-release fitting. Next, the main fitting is screwed on, which is also connected to the watering gun.
  4. On the second side of the hose, insert a rubber gasket into the nut. This will protect the system from air intrusion. After that, the nut is screwed onto the quick-detachable union.

This completes the process of making homemade products for a car with your own hands.

Seat upholstery

Homemade products can also come in handy for updating the salon. Useful gadgets and crafts for cars allow you to replace worn out parts, supplement the interior with lighting and much more. Consider how to update the seats.

This will require fabric. You can choose two colors - for the central part of the seats, for the back of the backrest, beige leather is suitable (it will take about 4 m), and everything else will be black. Black leather needs about 3.5 m. The entire fabric must be duplicated (glued) with a layer of foam rubber of 0.5 cm. The foam rubber is glued with non-woven material with an iron. Due to this, it will be easier to work with him.

We remove the covers from the removed seats (this is more convenient). We number their individual parts. In order not to get confused, we transfer everything to paper. Also, on paper, you need to note the attachment points of the knitting needles (they are on the back of the covers). The needles themselves will then be inserted into the new covers.

Next, we disassemble the trim into separate parts (dissolve the seams). The patterns of the necessary elements are obtained. We lay them out on the seamy side of the fabric (seamy side up, so that a mirror image of the details does not turn out) on thick paper (you can on the wallpaper) and circle around the perimeter. Along the edges we leave allowances of 1 cm, which will go to the seams. Then all patterns are cut and stitched (starting from the center). On the reverse side, from any fabric we make pockets where knitting needles are inserted.

Having connected all the details, we get new covers. We do this process one by one for all the seats. Having made such interesting and useful homemade products for the car with your own hands, you can update the interior without contacting the service.

Ceiling update

You can also replace the trim on the ceiling with your own hands. Homemade products for a car in this case must be started with removing the ceiling. This can take a long time. Fastening in each case is individual. There is nothing complicated, the main thing is to carefully examine everything and check that all the details remain intact.

When the ceiling panel is removed, remove the old fabric from it. When preparing material for the ceiling, you need to remember one important point: on the seamy side, it should have a small layer of foam rubber. The fabric is glued with heat-resistant glue. When the adhesive is dry, the panel can be re-installed on the ceiling. Do it in reverse order.

"Angel Eyes"

It is quite possible to collect useful electronic homemade products for a car with your own hands. For example, "Angel Eyes" will allow you to update the headlights of any car. To make them you will need:

  • plastic transparent sticks (it is possible from the blinds);
  • resistors (220 Ohm);
  • battery (9 V);
  • LEDs (3.5 V).

The process looks like this:

  1. On any metal can, the same diameter as the headlights, we wind a ring made of a plastic stick with pliers. To do this, heat it up a little.
  2. Next, connect a pair of LED and resistor. Their performance is checked using a battery.
  3. Another LED is connected to it.
  4. We make deep cuts on a frozen ring made of a plastic stick.
  5. We collect the ring, attach the LEDs, connect.


Homemade products for a car with their own hands can be assembled by everyone. The main thing is to be confident in your abilities. A little information from our article, a little of your reasoning and thoughts, and everything will work out. And the car will only get better from this. And it is doubly pleasant that it was done by hand.