Interesting information about diesel fuel. Interesting information about diesel fuel Summer diesel fuel in winter

  • /home/microzaim/microzaim/microzaim/server/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/ in inner
    1. This decorator is automatically applied to all middleware to ensure that
    2. no middleware leaks an exception and that the next middleware in the stack
    3. can rely on getting a response instead of an exception.
    4. @wraps(get_response)
    5. def inner(request):
    1. response = get_response(request) ...
    1. except Exception as exc:
    2. response = response_for_exception(request, exc)
    3. return response
    4. return inner
    Variable Value
    exc DisallowedHost("Invalid HTTP_HOST header: "site". You may need to add "site" to ALLOWED_HOSTS.",)
  • /home/microzaim/microzaim/microzaim/server/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/utils/ in __call__
    1. def __init__(self, get_response=None):
    2. self.get_response = get_response
    3. super().__init__()
    4. def __call__(self, request):
    5. response = None
    6. if hasattr(self, "process_request"):
    1. response = self.process_request(request) ...
    1. if not response:
    2. response = self.get_response(request)
    3. if hasattr(self, "process_response"):
    4. response = self.process_response(request, response)
    5. return response
    Variable Value
    response None
  • /home/microzaim/microzaim/microzaim/server/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/middleware/ in process_request
    1. # Check for denied User-Agents
    2. if "HTTP_USER_AGENT" in request.META:
    3. for user_agent_regex in settings.DISALLOWED_USER_AGENTS:
    4. if["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]):
    5. raise PermissionDenied("Forbidden user agent")
    6. # Check for a redirect based on settings.PREPEND_WWW
    1. host = request.get_host() ...
    1. must_prepend = settings.PREPEND_WWW and host and not host.startswith("www.")
    2. redirect_url = ("%s://www.%s" % (request.scheme, host)) if must_prepend else ""
    3. # Check if a slash should be appended
    4. if self.should_redirect_with_slash(request):
    5. path = self.get_full_path_with_slash(request)
    Variable Value
  • /home/microzaim/microzaim/microzaim/server/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/http/ in get_host
    1. return host
    2. else:
    3. msg = "Invalid HTTP_HOST header: %r." % host
    4. if domain:
    5. msg += "You may need to add %r to ALLOWED_HOSTS." %domain
    6. else:
    7. msg += "The domain name provided is not valid according to RFC 1034/1035."
    1. raise DisallowedHost(msg) ...
    1. def get_port(self):
    2. """Return the port number for the request as a string."""
    3. if settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_PORT and "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT" in self.META:
    4. port = self.META["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT"]
    5. else:
    Variable Value
    allowed_hosts [""]
    domain "website"
    host "website"
    msg ("Invalid HTTP_HOST header: "site".")
    port ""

Diesel fuel is a petroleum product that is widely used today as the main type of fuel for diesel engines. Such motors are installed on heavy agricultural and other equipment, ships, trucks, cars, etc.

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Differences between diesel fuel brands

The production of diesel fuel requires the conformity of the finished product various brands, classes and standards at the end of the recycling process. For this reason, the characteristics of diesel fuel differ. There are three basic grades of diesel fuel (abbreviated DT):

  • summer diesel fuel (DTL);
  • winter diesel fuel (DTZ);
  • arctic diesel (DTA);

The key characteristics due to which diesel fuel is classified as one or another brand are:

  1. temperature range of use;
  2. flash point of diesel fuel;
  3. pour point of diesel fuel;

According to GOST, DTL is designed for use taking into account the minimum outside temperature from 0 degrees Celsius. Summer diesel freezes at -10°C. DTZ is used from -20°C to -30°C, and also taking into account the additives included in its composition (for cold zones or regions with a temperate climate). The pour point for this brand of diesel fuel is -35°C or -45°C. DTA is used at -50°C. Its pour point is an impressive -55°C.

Depending on the brand of diesel fuel, the sulfur content in a certain volume of diesel fuel differs. IN summer fuel up to 0.2% of the established volume is allowed, in winter diesel fuel this figure increases to 0.5%, arctic diesel allows up to 0.4%. The presence of sulfur in diesel fuel has a positive effect on the lubricating properties of the fuel, but sulfur content is limited in order to reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases.

The common parameters of all brands of diesel engines are cetane number diesel fuel. This characteristic is conditional and affects the ignition ability of diesel fuel. The cetane number of diesel fuel should not be lower than 45% compared to pure cetane. Comparison of values ​​is made by testing fuel and such 100% cetane.

Also, any brand of diesel fuel should not contain hydrogen sulfide, water, alkali, acids and impurities that prevent the safe use of such fuel in the engine. Diesel fuel should not cause corrosion of copper elements according to GOST standards.

Also, DTL, DTZ and DTA differ for each brand. During the distillation of oil for the production of summer diesel, the process takes place at a temperature no higher than 360°C, winter diesel is distilled with heating up to 340°C, and DTA is heated no higher than 330°C. Increasing the distillation temperature means that the density of diesel fuel will be higher, and this will lead to an increase in the pour point of the fuel.

Difference in price for diesel fuel

DTL costs up to 20% cheaper compared to winter diesel fuel and up to 30% cheaper than the cost of DTA. . Such fuel quickly thickens and waxes, which can destroy the fuel equipment diesel internal combustion engine out of service. Winter or arctic diesel can be used in summer, but the efficiency of the engine in this case decreases and the toxicity of the exhaust increases. It is also worth considering the difference in price between DTL and DTZ.

Diesel fuel differs in price not only due to manufacturing features. Packages also affect the cost of diesel fuel brands various additives and additives that are used to improve its seasonal performance and properties.

Such additives make it possible to further reduce the pour point of diesel fuel, increase the cetane number, reduce the toxicity of exhaust as a result of combustion, etc. The addition of so-called anti-wear additives improves lubrication and increases, as well as other elements fuel equipment.


The appearance deserves special attention innovative technology production of diesel fuel from vegetable oils. This fuel is environmentally friendly, since its complete breakdown occurs within 30 days after entering the water or soil layer. This happens without harm environment.

Biodiesel has a cetane number of up to 58%, a flash point of about 100°C, and good lubricity. The combination of these characteristics allows us to talk about an increase in resource diesel engine, facilitating the transportation of this type of diesel fuel, reducing the risk of explosion or fire.

Biodiesel is produced similarly to diesel fuel (taking into account operation at different outside temperatures). In Europe, there are three types of biodiesel: summer, for off-season and temperate regions, and winter biodiesel.

The specified type of fuel for summer can be used from 0°C, the intermediate grade implies operation down to -10°C, and winter biodiesel can be used down to -20°C. During the production of biodiesel for the off-season and winter, various additives can also be used, which are initially developed to improve the properties of biodiesel fuel.

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  • Diesel fuel is a fairly old, but still in demand type of fuel for piston engines. And if previously its scope of application was limited due to Low quality and toxic combustion products, more and more passenger cars are now equipped with diesel engines, and scientists are working to increase performance characteristics and make diesel fuel environmentally friendly.

    What is diesel fuel

    Diesel fuel is a heavy oil fraction based on hydrocarbons with a high boiling point of 200-350°C. Used as fuel in diesel engines and gas diesel engines.

    Why diesel ones? Because unlike gasoline engines, in which a mixture of gasoline and air is ignited by a spark, in diesel piston engine The fuel ignites spontaneously under high compression.

    Externally, diesel fuel is a transparent liquid with a higher viscosity than gasoline, the color of which can be yellow or brown. different shades. The color is affected by the resins in the fuel.

    When burned, any fuel produces energy. Diesel fuel, in addition to this main task, performs several more important functions in engine operation. It lubricates in fuel injectors and pumps rubbing surfaces, cools the walls of the combustion chamber and regulates exhaust parameters on engines.

    Marine and river boats, diesel locomotives, military and trucks- Almost all heavy vehicles run on diesel engines.

    In recent decades, it has become popular in developed European countries. a car, which runs on diesel fuel. Fuel consumption is 40% less in a diesel engine, and traction, power, maneuverability and safety exhaust gases more than in gasoline.

    This fuel is economical in operation and cost. It is used in stationary diesel electric generators and in boilers of autonomous heating systems.

    Solar oil, which is popularly called simply diesel fuel, is residual diesel fuel with high viscosity and boiling temperature up to 400°C. This type of fuel is used for low-speed water and railway transport, tractors. In addition, solarium is used to impregnate leather in the leather industry. Solar oil is part of the lubricant and cooling fluid when cutting metals and the quenching fluid during their heat treatment.

    Main characteristics

    Cetane number ( main parameter diesel fuel) characterizes the flammability of the fuel. It determines the combustion delay period working mixture, that is, the time that passes between the injection of fuel into the cylinder and the beginning of its combustion. The shorter this period of time, the higher the cetane number and the shorter the engine warm-up time. True, this increases the smokiness of the exhaust, which becomes critical when the cetane number is above 55.

    For the processes of pumping and injection of fuel, its viscosity is important, on which the lubrication characteristics depend.

    Its efficiency and economy depend on it, because the higher the density, the more energy is generated during combustion.

    An important characteristic is the amount of sulfur that diesel fuel contains. These are sulfur compounds that reduce corrosion resistance fuel system.

    The quality of diesel fuel is also indicated by the maximum filterability temperature, that is, the temperature at which diesel fuel thickens so much that it no longer passes at all or very slowly passes through a filter with a certain size.

    It is below the cloud point, that is, the temperature at which the wax contained in the fuel begins to crystallize.

    Until 2015, diesel fuel in Russian standards was divided by type. In the state standard, introduced in January 2015, the division coincides with the division into environmental classes in accordance with European standard and occurs depending on the sulfur content in the fuel. Sulfur content of no more than 350, 50 and 10 mg/kg corresponds to type I, type II and type III according to the obsolete and environmental classes K3, K4 and K5 according to the new state standard respectively.

    It is not recommended to use fuel that contains high performance sulfur content, since this increases harmful emissions into the atmosphere, accelerates corrosion and wear of fuel system elements, and accordingly increases the cost of frequent replacement filters and oils.

    As a rule, improvement of some properties leads to deterioration of others. Reducing the sulfur content means reducing the lubricating properties of diesel fuel. Therefore, to preserve one of the main functions, various additives are added to the fuel.

    Diesel fuel types

    Diesel fuel grades differ in temperature, below which the fuel cannot be used. The limiting filterability temperature is used as a criterion. Moreover, summer and off-season diesel fuel are broken down by grade with this indicator not lower than -20°C.

    Grade A is characterized by a temperature of at least 5°C above zero. For each subsequent grade B, C, D, E and F, the indicator decreases by 5°C.

    An example would be EURO diesel fuel, grade C, type II and III, or new version environmental classes K4 and K5 with a filterability temperature of up to five degrees below zero and a sulfur content of no more than 50 and 10 milligrams per kilogram of fuel.

    Diesel fuel classes

    The division into classes of diesel fuel for winter or cold climates occurs not only according to the filterability temperature, the second characteristic is the cloud point.

    In winter and Arctic diesel fuel at low temperatures Paraffin crystallization begins, which deteriorates the characteristics.

    Diesel fuel class

    Limit temperature of filterability, °C

    Cloud point, °C

    If in the designation of diesel fuel after the designation DT there is not a letter, but a number, it means that this fuel is winter or arctic.

    Diesel fuel brands

    According to physico-chemical and application conditions, diesel fuel is divided into four types, which are marked with capital letters of the alphabet:

    Summer (L), which includes fuel grades A, B, C, D with a maximum filterability temperature from +5 to -10 ° C. This diesel fuel can be used at temperatures not lower than 0°C.

    Interseasonal (E), grades E and F, with temperatures up to -15 and -20°C, respectively, used in the fall, when the air temperature ranges from +5 to -5°C.

    Winter (Z), which is divided into classes from 0 to 3 and filterability temperature in the range from -20 to -38°C and is used at air temperatures not lower than minus 20°C.

    Arctic (A) class 4 fuel with a maximum filterability temperature of minus 44°C and an ambient temperature of up to minus 50°C (in documents, a negative value is often accompanied by the word “minus” rather than an icon to avoid inaccuracies).

    Fuel marking

    Diesel fuel grades include name (DT), grade or class depending on the conditions of use and environmental class. That is, the brand indicates only two parameters: sulfur content and the maximum filterability temperature.

    Today you can find both new and outdated designations, for example, winter diesel fuel EURO 5 grade F, which stands for winter diesel fuel with a sulfur content of no more than 50 mg/kg and a maximum filterability temperature of up to minus 20 ° C, that is, the most used in conditions Russian winter with high requirements for environmentally friendly fuel.

    We still come across this marking L-0.2-62, that is, premium summer fuel indicating the amount of sulfur (200 mg/kg) and a flash point of 62°C. Flash point is not the main indicator, but with other characteristics being equal, it is the best for fire safety fuel with a higher temperature is considered.

    How to store diesel fuel

    For the average consumer with personal car with a diesel engine, there is no issue of storing diesel fuel.

    But where fuel is bought in bulk and stored for a long time, the storage problem is very relevant.

    Diesel fuel can be stored at a temperature of 20°C for a year and at temperatures above 30°C for six months to a year in sealed containers protected from direct sunlight.

    During storage, fuel should not come into contact with copper, brass or zinc so that the fuel does not become contaminated with products chemical reactions with these metals. In addition, it must be protected from moisture and dust and must not contain additives that may degrade during storage. For example, in types of diesel fuel with high class environmentally friendly additives are added to increase lubrication characteristics, which decompose very quickly.

    The efficiency of this fuel is high, and its scope of application is steadily growing. New brands of diesel fuel and new sources of its production are emerging. Now there are new developments, and diesel fuel is produced not only from oil. Maybe the future belongs to diesel fuel made from vegetable oils.

    Diesel fuel is used primarily in automobile diesel engines and is a bulky fraction of petroleum. High-quality diesel fuel should ensure elastic and soft operation of the engine, without unnecessary sounds and tapping. Its distinctive attribute is proportionality to the conditions of supply to the cylinders special equipment. The fuel should not retain a noticeable amount of soot, contain water and third-party mechanical substances. It should contain as little organic acids as possible. Among other things, the fuel must have a fixed degree of viscosity and the lowest possible ignition and pour point.

    All these parameters are outlined for a specific purpose. For example, a specific fuel viscosity ensures proper lubrication of equipment. When the viscosity is insufficient, the lubrication of the rubbing units deteriorates, and this leads to increased abrasion. In addition, fuel with a lower viscosity will be sucked through the gaps in the pump liners and plungers. As a result of such losses, fuel supply decreases and diesel power decreases. But too much viscosity can cause certain problems: difficulty injecting fuel into the cylinders.

    Temperature properties also play a significant role. The reliability of the engine in cold weather conditions depends on the level of fuel pour point. And reducing the auto-ignition temperature makes starting a diesel engine much easier.

    A gentle increase in pressure in the cylinders during fuel combustion becomes a central prerequisite uninterrupted operation diesel engine. This is possible only in the case when the fuel ignites immediately after its first particles enter the engine cylinders. Slowing down this movement will certainly lead to a one-time ignition of a fair amount of fuel, and this will cause a sharp jump in the pressure level, and as a result, a more severe engine load. Therefore, it is so important that diesel fuel has the shortest possible ignition delay.

    This quality of diesel fuel is certified by a specific value - the cetane number. This number is considered arbitrary and is equal to the share of cetane in the mixture with alpha-methylnaphthalene, which is forced to be equal in flammability to the fuel. Moreover, cetane is a hydrocarbon with the lowest, and alphamethylnaphthalene - with the maximum ignition delay. The higher the cetane number, the more flexible operation the fuel can provide for the engine.

    For general combustion without residue, the fuel must be properly mixed with air, and here its fractional composition is of key importance. The amount of surface fractions contained in diesel fuel is limited by the permissible flash point, or the temperature at which instantaneous ignition of fuel vapor occurs in the vicinity of an open flame.

    Diagnose whether the fuel is suitable for use in winter time, allows the temperature limits of its solidification and clouding. When diesel fuel becomes cloudy, tiny wax crystals begin to form. And as the pour point reaches the point, the lability of the fuel is lost, because all the paraffin contained in it crystallizes.

    The amount of sulfur in fuel is also strictly limited. The most suitable fuel is a sulfur content of less than 0.2%. The smallest increase in this concentration - up to 0.5% - can lead to increased wear of engine parts.

    The consumption of a specific type of diesel fuel directly depends on the temperature criteria of the environment. The colder the climate, the lower the viscosity of diesel fuel, and the lower its pour point and cloud point should be. At positive temperatures, summer diesel fuel is used, up to -20 degrees - winter diesel fuel, and below this limit it is necessary to use special arctic fuel.

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