Parking rules: where you can and cannot park. Parking concept. Parking conditions in different situations Where passengers can be unloaded from passenger vehicles

The driver is not always given the opportunity to stop the car in a place that does not fall into the category of prohibited according to traffic rules. What is the fine for parking at a bus stop? public transport? In most situations, parking a car in a public transport parking lot is prohibited and is a direct violation.

Parking under the “No Stopping” sign at bus stops

The “No Stopping” sign may be accompanied by information about the distance or time of the prohibition. Drivers are subject to a fine and/or evacuation for stopping at:

Fine for parking at a stop for minibuses and buses without interference

If the owner parked at a stop without the purpose of disembarking passengers, then he will be charged under Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code, that is, for ignoring the rules for parking and stopping a vehicle.

Part 3.1 states that parking and stopping vehicles next to stops minibus taxis or within a radius of 15 meters from them without the purpose of disembarkation, landing or forced braking is prohibited - The fine for parking under a no-stop sign at a public transport stop will be 1,000 rubles.

Fine for parking at a public transport stop with interference

A more severe punishment awaits the driver if he wants to park at a public transport stop and at the same time interferes with the movement of buses or minibuses. He will be fined in accordance with Part 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses 12.19.

Parking a vehicle at a stop, resulting in the creation of obstacles to the movement of public transport, however, like stopping in the tunnel territory (only the cases described in part 6 of the same article are excluded) will entail administrative punishment - fine for stopping at bus stop in the amount of 2000 rubles.

Residents of the country's two megacities, Moscow and St. Petersburg, pay a slightly larger fine for the same offense - 3,000 rubles.

IN in this case it is not taken into account whether there was an interference or not. This rule is also valid for the current year. In addition, there is a high probability that the vehicle will be evacuated to the penalty area.

When is parking allowed at a public transport stop?

In fact, the stops are intended only for various public transport, but in this area you can often see parked cars. The driver can stop at such a place, based on the rules traffic 12.4. But only if you stop for the purpose of disembarking or boarding a passenger in your vehicle. It is very important that this does not create any interference with public transport. All other stops will result in a fine.

In addition, parking a car in a public transport parking lot in such places is possible due to a sudden breakdown and technical malfunction. At this moment, the driver does not always have enough time to choose an adequate place to stop. Therefore, he parks in public transport areas unintentionally, purely out of technical necessity. Such a violation is regarded by traffic police officers as an involuntary and permissibly necessary stop.

The driver can park the vehicle at a public transport stop for the following reasons:

  1. Malfunction of the steering and brake systems.
  2. Breakdown of external lighting fixtures(dimensions, headlights).
  3. Windshield wipers malfunction in bad weather/low visibility.

Stopping for these reasons is unpunished, and immediately stopping traffic in a place not intended for this purpose is not punishable by a monetary penalty. It must be taken into account that such problems are a direct prerequisite for the creation of an emergency situation.

A fine for parking at a public transport stop can be challenged if established sign 3.27. is out of sight of road users.

What the driver should know

If a traffic police inspector presents a similar violation to the owner of a vehicle, the driver must clearly understand what a “stop” is and in what situation a monetary penalty is legal.

So, a “stop” is a forced or deliberate cessation of vehicle movement for up to 5 minutes, which involves disembarking or embarking passengers.

A fine for stopping at a public transport stop will not be imposed even if the driver during these 5 minutes not only managed to drop off/pick up people, but also, for example, bought a pack of cigarettes at a kiosk. But provided that by his actions he did not create any interference with the movement of public transport. But if he fails to complete the task within the allotted 5 minutes, then the action will be regarded as an offense, which is punishable by a fine.

In a forced stop situation, the car owner must do everything necessary to leave as quickly as possible. danger zone. If such an offense is committed a second time, the car will be towed away. impound parking. Important: the sign indicating the location of the minibus stop is valid only for the side of the road on which it is located. On the opposite side from the stop is allowed free parking without any sanctions from the traffic police.

For stopping and parking a car in a 15-meter public transport stop zone, the driver will be punished by a fine. If a parked car interferes with the movement of other vehicles and the driver is not nearby, the car will be towed to a impound lot at the violator’s expense.

Stopping at a public transport stop

A public transport stop is an area specifically designed for boarding and disembarking passengers of public transport, including taxis. Stopping cars on it is prohibited and punishable a fine of up to 3,000 rubles, as well as the possible evacuation of the car to the impound lot.

The stopping place is indicated by road signs and highlighted by special markings 1.17 applied to the road surface. The stopping zone is 15 meters.

What is the fine for parking at a bus stop?

All other options are a violation (clause 12.4 of the Russian Traffic Regulations). Punishment is provided for in Article 12.19 of the current edition of the “Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses» dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

If a violation of parking or stopping rules did not occur in the area of ​​a public transport stop or a railway crossing, then punishment is possible in the form of a warning or a fine of 500 rubles (Article 12.19, paragraph 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). And for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fine for the same violation will be 2,500 rubles (Article 12.19, paragraph 5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

1. Parking at a bus stop without interference - 1000 rubles

If a car ignored the rules for parking and stopping vehicles (TS) and parked closer than 15 meters from a public transport stop not to disembark passengers, then according to Article 12.19, paragraph 3.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, it will be punished with a fine of 1,000 rubles.

2. Parking at a bus stop with obstruction - 2000 rubles

If a car parked in a bus stop area interferes with the movement and stopping of public transport (including commercial minibuses and taxis), according to Article 12.19, paragraph 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the driver is punished with a fine of 2,000 rubles.

3. In Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3000 rubles

In cities federal significance Moscow and St. Petersburg do not make a difference when a driver parks at a public transport stop with or without interference, and according to Article 12.19, paragraph 6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine of 3,000 rubles is issued to the violator.

4. Evacuation to the penalty area

Subject to evacuation to the penalty area vehicle, creating an obstacle to movement if the driver is not present. As a result, the violator will have to pay

  • fine for violating stopping rules;
  • car evacuation work;
  • storing it in a parking lot.

But if the driver is lucky and returns before the tow truck with his car sets off, the vehicle will have to be returned to him (Article 27.13, paragraph 11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). He himself will eliminate the reason for the detention (remove the car from the public transport stop zone).

Naturally, he will still receive his fine for ignoring the rules.

The protocol on the detention of a vehicle is now drawn up in 3 copies (the third - to the tow truck driver). In the absence of the driver of the detained car - with two witnesses or using video recording. And the traffic police inspector who drew up the report is present at the place where the car was detained until the tow truck starts moving (Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

According to Article 12.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine of 20,000 rubles can be imposed on the traffic police inspector himself, as executive if he applies to road users measures not provided for by law to restrict the rights to drive and use a vehicle or violate established order application of measures provided by law.

A public transport stop is an area specifically designed for picking up and unloading passengers. A car can stop there only to pick up or unload passengers, without creating obstacles to the movement of public transport. Violation of these stopping rules entails a fine of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. And in the absence of the offending driver, his vehicle will be towed.

Exceptions to the rules

Car drivers can stop at public transport stops only when picking up or unloading their passengers, without creating interference with the movement of public transport and taxis (clause 12.4 of the Road Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation (RF Traffic Regulations).

A forced stop due to a technical malfunction of the vehicle or a danger created by the condition of the driver (passenger) or the transported cargo is not a violation (clause 1.2 of the Russian Traffic Regulations).

In both cases, you need to try to remove the car from the stopping area as quickly as possible and clear the roadway.

"Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are."
A truth you can't argue with.
But knowledgeable people say that you can get to know a person better by the way he parks.

Where is parking allowed and where is it prohibited? Crib.

Parking rules

You can parkCan't park
5 meters before the pedestrian crossing Closer than 5 meters to the pedestrian crossing
5 meters from the edge of the crossed roadway In places where stopping or parking will block traffic signals for other drivers
15 meters from public transport stops Closer than 15 meters from public transport stops
50 meters from the railway crossing Closer than 50 meters from a railway crossing
In one row parallel to the edge of the roadway On railway crossings and in the tunnels
Long-term parking in those places indicated by signs 7.10 and 7.11 In those places indicated by signs 3.27 and 3.28
Parking on the edge of the sidewalk in the presence of sign 6.4 and one of the special signs On the roadway if visibility is limited
At the very edge of the roadway or on the side of the road, if there are no prohibiting signs At the intersection of roadways
In two rows at the edge of the roadway if you have a two-wheeled vehicle On tram tracks
On even and odd days of the month in the presence of appropriate road signs 3.29 and 3.30 On even and odd days of the month in the presence of prohibiting road signs 3.29 or 3.30
Outside populated areas in those areas marked with sign 2.1

In general, the parking issue is very popular for Russia, because sometimes driving a car is not much cheaper than parking it. But seriously, parking a car at first glance seems like a piece of cake, but everything is a little more complicated. Firstly, vehicle parking is strictly regulated by the Traffic Rules. Secondly, different cities and regions may have their own parking nuances. And thirdly, there are unspoken rules, not to comply with which means not to respect yourself, nor fellow motorists, nor pedestrians, nor law enforcement officers, nor even that cat who is used to basking in the place under which the heating main is laid.

Fines for illegal parking

Article Fine for regionsFine for Moscow and St. Petersburg
12.19 part 1 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle, except for the cases provided for in part 1 of article 12.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and parts 2 - 6 of this article Warning or fine 500 rubles. 2500 rub.
12.19 p.2 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles in places designated for stopping or parking vehicles of disabled people from 3000 to 5000 rub.
12.19 h. 3 Stopping or parking a vehicle at pedestrian crossing and closer than 5 meters in front of it, with the exception of a forced stop and the case provided for in Part 6 of this article, or violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle on the sidewalk, with the exception of the case provided for in Part 6 of this article 1000 rub. 3000 rub.
12.19 hours 3.1 Stopping or parking a vehicle at stopping places for route vehicles or closer than 15 meters from stopping places for route vehicles, with the exception of stopping to pick up or disembark passengers, forced stops and cases provided for in parts 4 and 6 of this article 1000 rub. 3000 rub.
12.19 part 3.2 Stopping or parking a vehicle on tram tracks or stopping or parking a vehicle further than the first row from the edge of the roadway, with the exception of a forced stop and the cases provided for in parts 4 and 6 of this article 1500 rub. 3000 rub.
12.19 h. 4 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle on the roadway, resulting in the creation of obstacles to the movement of other vehicles, as well as stopping or parking a vehicle in a tunnel, except for the case provided for in Part 6 of this article 2000 rub. 3000 rub.
vehicle detention
12.19 h. 5 Violation provided for in Part 1 of this article, committed in Moscow or St. Petersburg 2500 rub.
12.19 h. 6 Violations provided for in parts 3 - 4 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg 3000 rub.

Alas, Moscow cannot boast of such parking regulations


Remember a simple axiom - only a tank driver does not have to know how to park his vehicle. For everyone else, the traffic rules spell out parking rules.

Stop or parking?

Submitting to the fashion for Western terminology and ubiquitous Anglicisms, we will not abandon such a concept as “parking”. But in our legislative framework another term appears - "parking". And if drivers have long understood the difference between “inspection” and “inspection” of a vehicle, then they often have difficulties with the definition of “parking” and “stopping”.

A stop is a pause in movement, a parking is a stop for 5 or more minutes.


So, a stop is, in simple terms, a cessation of movement lasting no more than 5 minutes.
However, the rules do not limit drivers to five minutes if this time is not enough for them to disembark/pick up passengers or load/unload. But if a vehicle stops for more than 5 minutes, and this has nothing to do with passengers or cargo, then this is already a parking lot.

Parking rules for everyone

First, let's figure out why you should park correctly. Quite often, novice drivers and experienced “steering wheelers” believe that it is not so important where the car is parked. But by parking your vehicle correctly, you will, firstly, reduce your chances of meeting and communicating with all of us beloved traffic police inspectors and such a nuisance as a fine.

Someone parks however they want...


Secondly, proper parking will protect your car from troubles, such as an accident without moving or mechanical damage, caused by particularly dissatisfied pedestrians defending their rights using radical methods.

And someone - how can.


By the way, about the accident.

If your car was parked illegally and became involved in a traffic accident, then all the blame and administrative responsibility inevitably and automatically falls on you.

Where can I park?

IN current Rules Traffic regulations tell you where you can park and where you can’t. From paragraph 12.1 you can find out that parking can be organized on the side of the road to the right of the road or at the edge of the roadway. If you still want to park on the left, this can only be done on roads with one lane in each direction and without tram tracks.

Violation of parking rules is the reason for difficulties with parking in Moscow


But the union of a parked car and the sidewalk is discussed in section 12.2. If you ride a bicycle, moped, motorcycle and car, then you have every right to park your vehicle in places that are marked with a parking sign...

... and one of the signs below (here is the answer to the frequently asked question - is it possible to park on the sidewalk).

In all other cases, you will have to park at your own risk. And, of course, conscience.

Where you can't park

No matter how we feel about prohibitory signs, ignoring them is often more expensive for ourselves.
Parking is prohibited if the following sign is visible on the horizon.

The effect of the “No Parking” sign extends from the place where the sign is installed to the nearest intersection beyond it, and in populated areas, in the absence of an intersection, to the end settlement.

At the same time, variations of this sign can be observed on the streets of Russian cities.

Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month

Parking is prohibited on even days of the month

But there are also more general rules.
For example, under no circumstances will you be able to legally park your vehicle on the sidewalk if it is a truck. In addition, parking is prohibited in those places where stopping is not permitted, which is quite logical.

Also, you cannot park a vehicle on the roadway outside a populated area that is marked with a “Main Road” sign.

Do not forget that it is strictly prohibited to organize parking closer than 50 meters from railway crossings.


The “Pedestrian Path” sign prohibits cars from driving, but nothing is said about parking on the path for pedestrians and cyclists. Yes, a fine of 2 thousand rubles. you will have to pay, because it is impossible to enter the forbidden territory without moving. However, according to the Administrative Code, the traffic police have no right to evacuate your car to the impound area from the pedestrian path. Many Muscovites, those who have more money, take advantage of this flaw in the Code and habitually park their four-wheeled “horses” on paths intended for “two-legged people.”

How much does illegal parking cost?

Municipal authorities are constantly increasing penalties for parking where parking is prohibited. At the same time, there is a certain gradation of fines depending on the region or city. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg the fine amounts are higher than in other Russian cities.

Rules for parking in courtyards: good where we are not

It should be recognized that the rules for parking in courtyards and adjacent areas have not yet been clearly defined at the legislative level. But it would be worth it, because, for example, Moscow courtyards are increasingly reminiscent of a zone high voltage, which arises between residents. However, there is a vault general rules, which any driver is obliged to comply with.

It is strictly prohibited to park a car on lawns. The provision on “green zones” is not spelled out in the traffic rules, but such parking violates another set of rules - the city improvement rules. In addition, you must not block the passage that impedes the movement of other vehicles and pedestrians. Sidewalks in yards are also a taboo area for car owners.

Sometimes in the courtyards there is a “parking nonsense”


If we talk about any clear instructions, then parking a car is prohibited closer than 10 meters from the doors, be it the doors of a store or an entrance, and also no closer than 5 meters from garbage containers.

In London, a car owner can buy the right to park next to their house or in their yard for 100 pounds a year. For all other parking spaces, Londoners pay £4 hourly and can stay in a space for a maximum of four hours.

Regarding other prohibitions, a car with a running engine cannot be parked in yards. Remember - no more than 4 minutes 59 seconds. This rule is worth thinking about for motorists who warm up the engine before driving during the winter months.

And, of course, they are completely discriminated against in relation to off-street parking. trucks with permitted maximum weight more than 3.5 tons.

Parking rules in Moscow

A city can be considered one that has reached the highest level of motorization if there are from 300 to 400 cars per 1 thousand inhabitants. In 2013, Moscow was on the list of the most motorized cities took second place— 380 cars per “kilo-capita” of the population. Hence the 127 hours a year that a Moscow driver spends fighting traffic jams.

Free parking is a luxury for Moscow


So here it is. Once the city reaches high level motorization, it automatically waives the “free parking” regulations. This is the answer to the question why parking in Moscow became paid. We must not forget about the convenience of pedestrians, the priority of public transport and moving cars. Parked cars that simply occupy public space are at the very bottom of the priority table. In other words, if you want to stand, pay. This is exactly what is said on the pages of the project, which is designed to cope with the problem of “chaotic parking” on the capital’s streets.

The rules for parking in the center of Moscow are simple to the point of banality - you can park your car wherever the rules or relevant road signs do not prohibit it. If you do not follow this norm, then be sure to add to the statistics of evacuees for wrong parking car - about 1300 rubles per day.

You can pay for parking through the parking meter


Majority shopping centers in Moscow they provide free parking spaces, but there are also those (they are located inside the Third Transport Ring) where only the first hours of parking are free. There are also little parking tricks: you can leave your car in the parking lot of the Moscow Hotel if you buy at least something in one of the many local boutiques.

Subtleties of the question

Under no circumstances do you have the right to trample the grass on the lawn with the tires of your car. True, the amount of the administrative fine for this is different everywhere, because these fines are set by local governments.

If you parked your car, but only drove a little onto the curb, then law enforcement will definitely regard this as full-fledged parking on the sidewalk. For the convenience of one wheel - a fine and evacuation of the “steel horse” to the “penalty stable”.

Imagine that you left your car on the sidewalk. According to current legislation, for violating the rules of parking or stopping on the sidewalk, which entails creating obstacles to the movement of pedestrians, you can be fined two times the minimum wage. But the fact of creating obstacles still needs to be proven. But if there is no fact, there is no corpus delicti. However, compliance with the law should be at the forefront of all such situations.

Today, traffic cops use devices called “Parcon”, which independently detect and record violations of parking rules. After this, drivers receive “chain letters”. So don't leave it to chance and beware of the newfangled gadgets that law enforcement officers are armed with.

If you want to know what kind of person this person is, look at how he parks his car!


In order not to lose money (fines, payment for towing and storage in a parking lot), time and nerve cells, try to get along with this capricious lady, whose name is “Parking”. Remember the patience of the legendary Noah, who, on his ark full of passengers, searched for parking until he found it near the majestic Ararat. Respect the law, pedestrians and your fellow drivers, and you will always find parking space under the sun.

Accepted in country traffic rules prohibit vehicles from parking at the bus stop. In this case, penalties are imposed both for parking and for stopping traffic in a place intended specifically for boarding and disembarking passengers of public vehicles. Is it possible to cancel a fine for stopping a car at a bus stop and in what cases the driver’s actions are not a violation, we will consider further in the article.

Is it possible?

Clause 12.4 of the current Rules clearly states that parking of any non-route vehicles within the bus stop is prohibited. In turn, clause 12.5 prohibits parking in any place where stopping traffic is prohibited. Therefore, you cannot park at the bus stop.

At the same time, stopping movement closer than 15 meters to the parking area of ​​minibuses is a violation of traffic rules. The distance count starts either from the corresponding marking or from the point where sign 5.16 is placed. It is necessary to pay attention to this fact. If a bus stop, even one equipped with a special canopy, lacks this sign, stopping traffic there will not be considered a violation. It is incorrect to measure the distance from any point other than a special marking or corresponding sign.

Who is allowed to stop at a bus stop?

Route vehicles are allowed to stop at the bus stop. Only taxis can stop at special taxi parking areas equipped with an appropriate sign.

At the same time, it is possible to avoid punishment for incorrect parking at the drop-off point for passengers of minibuses. On the specified section of the road, traffic can be suspended for the purpose of boarding/disembarking passengers. Cars are allowed to stop at the bus stop so as not to interfere with route vehicles.

There is an opinion that parking a vehicle at a bus stop for the purpose of disembarking or picking up passengers is allowed for up to five minutes. However, this statement contradicts the traffic rules. The fact is that stopping movement beyond the specified time period is also considered a violation, if this is necessary for loading goods or boarding passengers. So the main condition for avoiding punishment is the absence of route vehicles at the bus stop, which are hindered by a stopped car.

Parking, according to the Rules, is a deliberate interruption of traffic. That is, if a car simply stalls at a bus stop, no fine will be charged. True, for this the driver must take measures to clear the roadway. It will not be a violation to stop traffic due to unexpected obstacles on the road.

Amount of fine

The amount of the fine levied for violation of the requirements of the Rules on stopping public transport is established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This document in article 12.19 sets penalties in the amount of 1000 rubles for such an offense.

In case the stop is at bus stop with violation traffic rules requirements carried out by a motorist in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the amount of the fine naturally increases. Residents of both capitals – the official and northern ones – will have to pay 3,000 rubles.

Other sanctions for this violation not provided. The only exception is if a parked car can create an obstacle, making it impossible, dangerous or simply difficult for public transport to pass. If the driver for some reason cannot or does not want to remove the car from the bus stop, sanctions may be applied in the form of forced evacuation.

The deadline for payment of the issued decision is 70 days . This includes 10 days before the entry into force of this act, as well as 60 days after. You can challenge the decision, but only within ten days.

How to challenge a punishment?

It is possible to challenge a fine if it was issued unlawfully. As practice shows, only going to court can get rid of a fine for parking at a bus stop. The claim should be filed with the judicial authority under whose jurisdiction the place where the decision was made is located. You can find it out online using state system"Justice". The complaint is reviewed within two months.

The claim should indicate:

  • all the circumstances of the case;
  • arguments about the illegality of the decision;
  • facts about violations of procedural and legislative norms by police officers in the process of considering the situation.

In practice, a fine for parking at a bus stop is rarely contested. The fine is not large enough to waste time and effort on going to court. However, fines are often issued in violation of the norms and requirements of the law, and some of the decisions can be quite easily challenged.