The cheapest parking in Paris. Parking rules in Paris. Free parking in Paris

Please note that failure to comply with parking rules entails a 17-euro fine (if it is not paid within 45 days, it will increase to 33 euros). It is worth noting that it is not recommended to plan road trips at the end of the first and beginning of the last week of August. If we talk about the congestion of French roads, then no best time for entry into - Sunday evening, and for departure from it - Friday evening.

Features of parking in France

In France, it is not advisable to park near bridges, on sidewalks, cycle paths or in places where a car might obscure a road sign. Important: in the blue zone you can park for up to 1.5 hours, in the green zone it is allowed long-term parking, and parking in the red zone is prohibited. In addition, cars cannot be parked in front of fire hydrants, or on the street in the same place for more than a day.

Many French parking lots are equipped with horodateurs: these machines are designed to pay for parking spaces using special cards (they are sold in tobacco kiosks). You can park without paying in August, on weekends, on holidays and on weekdays from 7 pm to 7 am (in small towns, free parking is allowed from noon to 13:30). Concerning paid parking, then they are indicated by a white stripe and the P/Payant sign.

Parking spaces can be paid for through a special machine that accepts cash; bank and prepaid “city” cards; Moneo cards (electronic French payment system). Some cities offer their guests to pay for parking remotely. Thus, in the commune of Issy-les-Moulineaux, an electronic parking ticket can be purchased by phone (remote payments are accepted via the Internet or a voice server).

Parking in French cities

In Paris you can park at Baudoyer-Marais (in a parking lot with capacity for 47 cars, 15-minute parking costs 1 euro, 1-hour parking costs 3.90 euros, 4-hour parking costs 15.80 euros, 12-hour parking costs 35 euros ), Rivoli-Sebastopol (tariffs for a 267-space parking lot: 15 minutes/1 euro, 2 hours/8 euros, additional hours/4 euros, 24 hours/36 euros), Litece-Cite (prices for a parking lot with 211 spaces, 0 ,90 euros/15 minutes and 36 euros/24 hours)…
Autotourists will be able to leave their car at Parking Marengo, where up to 400 cars are guarded. Rates: 0.50 euros/15 minutes, 1.60 euros/45 minutes, 4.60 euros/2 hours, 15.80/day.

There are the following parking lots: Saint-Marc (for the first 15 minutes of parking you do not need to pay a fee; each of the 532 parking spaces costs 2.5 euros / 1 hour, 6.10 euros / 3 hours, 15 euros / day), Haute Vieille Tour (427 seats available; car owners pay 4.50 euros/hour, 6.10 euros/3 hours, 13.70 euros/12 hours, 15 euros/day, 3 euros/from 19:00 to 03:00) , Gare de Rouen (15 minutes of parking at Gare de Rouen, accommodating 381 cars - free, 45 minutes - 2.10 euros, 1.5 hours - 3.70 euros, 12 hours - 12.30 euros, 24 hours - 12, 80 euros).

For those who decide to explore by car, it makes sense to take a closer look at Providence (there are 95 parking spaces; prices: half an hour - free, the next 15 minutes - 0.50 euros, 12 hours - 23 euros), Cours Julien (it is equipped with 630 parking spaces; for parking for 15 minutes from car owners is charged 1.80 euros, 1 hour - 2.60 euros, 6 hours - 13.10 euros, 12 hours - 18.40 euros, 24 hours - 19.20 euros), Charles de Gaulle ( There are 528 parking spaces allocated here; for 15 minutes you need to pay 1.1 euros, for half an hour - 1.90 euros, for 1 hour - 3 euros, for a day - 31.70 euros).

For auto tourists, parking is provided at 25 Rue Salomon Reinach (in the 30-space parking lot, 15-minute parking is free, then the following rates apply: 0.50 euros/30 minutes, 1.30 euros/1 hour, 2.80 euros/2 hours , 4 euros/3 hours), 236 Rue Garibaldi (has 218 parking spaces; prices: 1.30 euros/1 hour, 3.5 euros/2.5 hours, 4 euros/3 hours; parking on Sundays and Saturdays from 19:00 to 09:00 - free), Rue Victor Lagrange (parking for 15 minutes in this 93-space car park is free; 1 hour / 1.30 euros, 2.5 hours / 3.50 euros, 3 hours / 4 Euro).

Car rental in France

To draw up a car rental agreement in France, a traveler who is already 21 years old cannot do without an international driver's license and credit card. Approximate cost of car rental (louer ue voiture) in France: budget car– from 70 euros/day, and a category C car – 200-300 euros/day.

Helpful information:

  • on toll road(autoroute peage) will indicate a blue sign with the letter A (travel through the Frejus and Mont Blanc tunnels there will cost 43.50 euros, and there and back - 54.30 euros; on the Tancarville bridges - 2.60 and 5.40 euros, respectively; along A4 Paris - 38.20 euros; along A7 Lyon - Marseille - 24.60 euros; along A28 Abbeville - 34.70 euros);
  • V populated areas it is permissible to drive at a speed of 50 km/h, and beyond that – 90-110 km/h;
  • Low beams must be used in tunnels and in poor visibility conditions;
  • gasoline prices: Gazole costs 1.2 euros, GPL - 0.59 euros, Sans Plomb 95 - 1.37 euros.

Parking in Paris... For a person who has encountered this problem at least once in his life, this phrase can cause a severe headache. The question immediately arises - where to park the car?

You will have to choose between parking on the street (which is generally an unrealistic task in the daytime) or in underground parking lots. The cost of parking a car is cheaper closer to the outskirts of Paris, outside the ring road, and more expensive in the center, which is natural.

If you decide to park your car on the street, then this applies general rule: You must pay for parking from Monday to Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Parking at night and Sunday is free.

In August and on public holidays, you can park for free on some streets: this is indicated by the yellow instructions located on the parking fee meter.

Tariffs for street parking are divided into three zones: 3 euros per hour in the center of Paris and 1 euro on the outskirts of the city. Parking fee machines DO NOT accept coins. You can pay for parking there only using the "Paris Carte", which can be bought at tobacco kiosks and at some newspaper outlets. The cost of Pari Cards is from 10 to 30 euros.

Find in right moment parking (it is indicated by a blue sign with the letter “P”), pay for parking by inserting the card into the machine. The machine will give you a paid ticket, which you need to place on the windshield so that it is visible. Street parking has a time limit of 2 hours. If you park your vehicle in the wrong location, it may be towed to the appropriate county lot. The address can be found at your local city hall office.

When leaving a bicycle or scooter on the street, do not attach it to fences, poles or other street furniture.

To protect your vehicle from theft, you need to have a reliable anti-theft device.

Parking two-wheelers on the sidewalk is acceptable, but your vehicle must not interfere with pedestrians. However, be careful when parking on the sidewalk: fines for this have become more frequent recently. It's better to park your two-wheeled friend in special parking spaces, designed for bicycles and scooters.

You should not park a motorhome or caravan in Paris like this vehicles cause traffic jams and are not welcome in the city. The caravan must be left in the parking area at the campsite. By the way, in Paris it is prohibited to spend the night in a trailer house.

Underground parking lots, of which there are many in Paris, are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for cars. Some parking lots also allow you to park motorcycles. Underground parking is easily recognized by the white letter “P” on a blue background, which can be especially often seen in tourist areas, in the city center and near business centers. The parking lots are guarded and have video surveillance.

The cost of parking depends on its location: in the city center and in tourist spots you will need about 2.5 euros per hour, 5 euros for 2 hours and 20 euros or more for parking from 12 to 24 hours.

On the outskirts of Paris, prices are noticeably lower and on average for 24 hours of parking you will pay from 10 to 15 euros. For holidays, long terms parking (weekly, monthly) special rates may apply.

To park, you need to drive up to the barrier, press a button, get a ticket, and drive to the parking spot.

Before you leave the parking lot, insert your ticket into one of the parking payment machines and pay for the parking time. When you arrive at the barrier, insert the paid ticket into the slot of the barrier machine so that it rises.

A complete list of parking places for cars and motorcycles can be found at:

Author: Tor Views: 15687

If you come to Paris with your own or a rented car, then you will certainly have a question about where and how to park your car. Paris has always had problems with parking. You'll be lucky if your hotel has free parking, but this isn't always the case. Of course, in such cases it is better to book a hotel on the outskirts of Paris, in which case the cost of parking will be significantly lower than in the city center.

The cost of parking in different areas varies and averages 2-3 euros per hour. In this case, the car can be left for no more than 2 hours. Payment for such parking spaces is made using special “Paris Carte” (Paris Cards), which are sold in tobacco kiosks and cafes. Their cost ranges from 10 to 30 euros. Payment for parking in Paris is as follows. When you see a parking machine along the road, you insert the purchased card into it. The machine will give you a receipt, which you must place under the window of your car. Otherwise, your car will either be “blocked” until the fine is paid or taken away by a tow truck. The latter is much worse; you will then be tortured to get it out of the impound lot.

Parking meter on the street of Paris.

This is how cars are blocked in Paris for wrong parking.

In Paris, underground parking is very convenient. There are many of them and the cost is about 2.5 - 3 euros per hour. These underground parking lots operate 24 hours a day and there are plenty of them throughout the city. We noticed an underground exit near which there is a parking sign (white letter “P” on a blue background), feel free to go there. To enter, you need to press a button in front of the barrier so that it opens. At the same time, do not forget to pick up the ticket that will appear next to the button. Before leaving, this ticket will need to be inserted into a special parking meter for payment. You can pay using a plastic card or cash. After paying with this ticket, drive up to the barrier, insert the ticket into a special slot and only after that the barrier will open and let you out.

Entrance to underground parking.

In Paris, you can park your car for free only on Sundays or on weekdays from 19:00 to 8:00. By the way, in August parking in Paris within the city is free.
And further. Don’t be surprised if, after parking in the city, you suddenly find scratches or scuffs on your bumper. In Paris, locals park by ear, i.e. squeezing between cars, pushing neighboring cars with their bumpers. This is par for the course. In the same way, they try to leave the parking lot on the street.

This is how people park by ear in Paris.

In Paris shopping centers There are also free parking lots, but they are only free for the first two hours.
If you suddenly receive a fine for illegal parking, then you shouldn’t get too upset and worry about where and how to pay it. You again go to the nearest kiosk or cafe, buy a card there, similar to the one you used to pay for parking, and use it to also pay the fine.
Good luck to you!

Like other European cities, it has its own characteristics. Find free place parking is not so easy. Sometimes this procedure can take up to an hour, exhaust the tourist, and subsequently become the basis for one of the funny tourist stories. Therefore, the easiest way is to park your car near your hotel, despite the fact that this type of parking is more expensive than street parking.

Parking rules in Paris

As for street parking, the cost in Paris is quite low, but finding a free space in street parking is quite problematic. Parking in Paris, as in most cities, is paid. More precisely, the following applies to parking: rules. From Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 7 pm – parking is paid. Overnight parking in Paris, as well as parking on Sundays, is free. But again. Finding a parking space on Sunday is even more difficult than on a weekday.

During national holidays, as well as in the month of August, parking is free on some streets. In this case, the parking space will be marked with a special yellow mark.

Parking price It's different on different streets. Actually everything parking zones in Paris are divided into three zones. The most expensive is the center, where an hour of parking costs 3 euros. The cheapest is the outskirts of the city, where you can leave your car for 1 euro per hour. By the way, parking machines in Paris do not accept small coins. To pay for parking in Paris you need to use the so-called “Paris Carte”, which can be purchased at tobacco kiosks for prices ranging from 10 to 30 euros. Parking machines issue special tickets that must be placed on windshield. Well, the last disadvantage of street parking in Paris is that it is limited to 2 hours. Those. you will have to run to the machine every 2 hours and pay for parking again.

A good alternative to street parking in Paris are underground parking. They work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are a lot of underground parking lots, and there is often free space there. Prices in such parking lots differ, but general principle the next one is 2.5 euros per hour, 5 euros for two hours and 20 euros if you leave your car for more than 12 hours.

Parking in Paris... For a person who has encountered this task at least once in his life, this phrase can cause a severe headache. The question immediately arises - where to park the car?

You will have to choose between parking on the street (which is generally an unrealistic task in the daytime) or in underground parking lots. The cost of parking a car is cheaper closer to the outskirts of Paris, outside the ring road, and more expensive in the center, which is natural.

If you decide to park your car on the street, then the general rule applies: you have to pay for parking from Monday to Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Parking at night and Sunday is free.

In August and on public holidays, you can park for free on some streets: this is indicated by the yellow instructions located on the parking fee meter.

Tariffs for street parking are divided into three zones: 3 euros per hour in the center of Paris and 1 euro on the outskirts of the city. Parking fee machines DO NOT accept coins. You can pay for parking there only using the "Paris Carte", which can be bought at tobacco kiosks and at some newspaper outlets. The cost of Pari Cards is from 10 to 30 euros.

Find the parking lot at the right time (it is indicated by a blue sign with the letter “P”), pay for parking by inserting the card into the machine. The machine will give you a paid ticket, which you need to place on the windshield so that it is visible. Street parking has a time limit of 2 hours. If you park your vehicle in the wrong location, it may be towed to the appropriate county lot. The address can be found at your local mayor's office.

When leaving a bicycle or scooter on the street, do not attach it to fences, poles or other street furniture.

To protect your vehicle from theft, you need to have a reliable anti-theft device.

Parking two-wheelers on the sidewalk is acceptable, but your vehicle must not interfere with pedestrians. However, be careful when parking on the sidewalk: fines for this have become more frequent recently. It is better to park your two-wheeled friend in special parking spaces designated for bicycles and scooters.

You should not park a motorhome or caravan in Paris; such vehicles cause traffic jams and are not welcome in the city. The caravan must be left in the parking area at the campsite. By the way, in Paris it is prohibited to spend the night in a trailer house.

Underground parking lots, of which there are many in Paris, are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for cars. Some parking lots also allow you to park motorcycles. Underground parking is easily recognized by the white letter “P” on a blue background, which can be especially often seen in tourist areas, in the city center and near business centers. The parking lots are guarded and have video surveillance.

The cost of parking depends on its location: in the city center and in tourist spots you will need about 2.5 euros per hour, 5 euros for 2 hours and 20 euros or more for parking from 12 to 24 hours.

On the outskirts of Paris, prices are noticeably lower and on average for 24 hours of parking you will pay from 10 to 15 euros. For holidays and long parking periods (week, month), special rates may apply.

To park, you need to drive up to the barrier, press a button, get a ticket, and drive to the parking spot.

Before you leave the parking lot, insert your ticket into one of the parking payment machines and pay for the parking time. When you arrive at the barrier, insert the paid ticket into the slot of the barrier machine so that it rises.

A complete list of parking places for cars and motorcycles can be found at: