How to avoid a head-on collision. Preventing head-on car collisions What to do if a car is rushing towards you

The traffic police published traffic accident statistics for the first half of 2013. The main types of accidents are collisions and collisions. Pay attention to the recommendations on how to act and behave while driving in cases where an impact is inevitable.

(Total 7 photos and videos)

Typically, a collision occurs when the car becomes uncontrollable and human response is no longer sufficient to prevent an accident. Many drivers in a stressful situation think, first of all, about how to minimize damage to the car, and because of this they make wrong decisions, which sometimes turn out to be fatal.

The most important thing in emergency situation– this is to save people’s lives and health!

In the event of an inevitable accident, the driver needs to decide in a minimum period of time the most important task: how to preserve life and health.

1. First of all, if possible, it is worth warning other road users about the danger by giving a sound or light signal.

2. When unavoidable head-on collision, if you are a passenger and are wearing a seat belt seat belt, quickly cover your face with your hands, especially your eyes. Yes, yes, this is not a joke! This is what will help you protect your face and eyes from injury.

3. If you are in critical situation If you are not wearing a seat belt, you must immediately lie down on the side of the passenger seat next to you to avoid being hit by flying dangerous objects. Many serious and fatal injuries people receive as a result of a blow to the side parts.

4. If you are a driver, try to move your feet away from the pedals: you may suffer from serious fractures of your legs and feet.

5. If you are at risk of a side impact collision, keep your hands firmly on the steering wheel or grab handle, otherwise you may be thrown against the car door or glass. At the same time, be prepared to take necessary actions depending on the situation: after a collision, you may have to straighten the car with the steering wheel, press the brake, or something else.

Among novice drivers, there is an opinion that rear-end collisions are almost harmless, but this is a serious mistake. This situation is especially difficult for those who do not have headrests in the car: as a result of the impact, the person’s head is thrown back, but since his body remains on the seat, this can lead to a fracture of the cervical vertebrae.

6. In the event that you notice a vehicle approaching from behind and understand that a collision is inevitable (there is nowhere to change lanes, it is impossible to pull over to the side of the road, etc.), put your hands on the steering wheel and be prepared to change the direction of movement immediately after the impact, and also use the brake pedal . You can avoid a collision by sharply increasing your speed (if the road situation allows it).

7. If you are at an intersection and see that a rear-end collision is imminent, release the brake pedal (this will soften the impact), but press it immediately after the accident to prevent entering the intersection ( crosswalk) or a collision with a vehicle in front of you. With all your might, place your hands on the steering wheel, your back on the back of the seat, and press the back of your head against the headrest.

8. At the same time, press the key sound signal and turn on the emergency light alarm to notify others about an imminent accident.

We hope that these tips will help you and your family remain safe and sound in a critical situation in the road.

15-07-2013 at 16:07

The traffic police published traffic accident statistics for the first half of 2013. The main types of accidents are collisions and collisions. Pay attention to the recommendations on how to act and behave while driving in cases where an impact is inevitable.

Typically, a collision occurs when the car becomes uncontrollable and human response is no longer sufficient to prevent an accident.

Many drivers in a stressful situation think, first of all, about how to minimize damage to the car, and because of this they make wrong decisions, which sometimes turn out to be fatal.

The most important thing in an emergency is to save people’s lives and health!

In the event of an inevitable accident, the driver needs to solve the most important problem in a minimum period of time: how to preserve life and health.

1. First of all, if possible, it is worth warning other road users about the danger, by giving a sound or light signal.

2. When unavoidable head-on collision If you are a passenger and wearing a seat belt, quickly cover your face, especially your eyes, with your hands. Yes, yes, this is not a joke! This is what will help you protect your face and eyes from injury.

3. If in a critical situation you are not wearing a seat belt, you must immediately lie sideways on the passenger seat located next to you: this will avoid hitting flying dangerous objects. Many serious and fatal injuries occur as a result of being struck by the sides of a vehicle.

4. If you are a driver, try to move your feet away from the pedals: you may suffer from serious fractures of your legs and feet.

5. If you are at risk side collision, keep your hands firmly on the steering wheel or handrail, otherwise you may be thrown against the car door or glass. At the same time, be prepared to take the necessary actions depending on the situation: after a collision, you may have to straighten the car with the steering wheel, press the brake, or something else.

There is an opinion among novice drivers that blows from behind almost not dangerous, but it is a serious mistake. This situation is especially difficult for those who do not have headrests in the car: as a result of the impact, the person’s head is thrown back, but since his body remains on the seat, this can lead to a fracture of the cervical vertebrae.

6. In the event that you notice a vehicle approaching from behind and understand that a collision is inevitable (there is nowhere to change lanes, it is impossible to pull over to the side of the road, etc.), put your hands on the steering wheel and be prepared to change the direction of movement immediately after the impact, and also use the brake pedal . You can avoid a collision by sharply increasing your speed (if the road situation allows it).

7. If you are standing at an intersection and see that a rear-end collision is imminent, release the brake pedal (this will soften the impact), but press it immediately after the accident to prevent driving into the intersection (pedestrian crossing) or colliding with the vehicle in front of you. With all your might, place your hands on the steering wheel, your back on the back of the seat, and press the back of your head against the headrest.

8. At the same time, press the horn button and turn on the hazard warning lights to notify others about an imminent accident.

We hope that these tips will help you and your family stay safe and sound in a critical situation on the road.

The deadliest of all types of traffic accidents is head-on vehicle collisions. Is it possible to avoid it and what needs to be done about it?

Causes of head-on collisions

Most often, such accidents occur due to neglect of the rules for overtaking, followed by accidents caused by loss of control of the vehicle, and the driver's sleep at the wheel closes the top three causes of head-on collisions.

Next, we will consider in detail ways to avoid head-on collisions in each of the above cases, and recipes for salvation from such situations will be provided not for those responsible for road accidents, but specifically for those drivers in whose lane an oncoming car suddenly appeared.

Violation of overtaking rules

are violated due to either inexperience or excessive self-confidence of the car driver.

While overtaking and driving into oncoming traffic, such a would-be driver suddenly realizes that there is no way to interrupt or complete the maneuver in order to return to his lane.

What should a driver do in such cases when an overtaking car is rushing towards him?

If distance allows, it is necessary to slow down to a minimum to allow the reckless driver or inexperienced beginner to complete overtaking and return to their lane. It is also advisable to inform him of your presence using sound and light signals.

This is exactly what most drivers do on a subconscious level. What if the distance to the oncoming car is too short?

In this case, the only way out of a critical situation is to go to the side of the road. Be careful, as the driver of an oncoming car can perform a similar maneuver.

If you notice that it is moving towards the edge of the road towards the shoulder, continue driving in your lane, continuing emergency braking.

Uncontrolled skid

Departure to oncoming lane driving on a wet or icy road is dangerous because its driver is unable to change the nature of the movement of the uncontrollable car.

In this case, the outcome of the emergency largely depends on the composure and literacy of the driver of the car moving towards him in his lane.

The procedure to take depends on how close the skidding car is to you.

If it is relatively far away, it is enough to reduce the gas and begin to brake smoothly, while continuing to closely monitor the trajectory of the oncoming car.

The fact is that a car caught in a skid, after a fairly short period of time, will either stop or, in as a last resort she will be carried off the road to the side of the road.

If an out-of-control car is quite close to you, but it has just begun to drift into your lane, in such a situation you should not slow down - it is better to accelerate by pressing the accelerator pedal in order to jump out of the possible impact zone.

If an oncoming car comes right at you and at the same time it takes up your entire lane, the only salvation from a mutual impact is to go to the right side of the road or into a ditch.

The driver fell asleep

Most often, truck drivers fall asleep from overwork. As a result, a multi-ton truck rushes along the oncoming lane, in no hurry to leave it.

In such cases, there is still little hope that the sleeping driver can be awakened using sound and light signals, however, you shouldn’t abuse it and wait until the last minute; it’s better to take care of your own safety and that of your passengers in advance.

If distance allows, it is best to pull over to the side of the road, stop the car and leave it as soon as possible.

When time and space are not enough, to save yourself it is better to pull over to the side of the road, and then into a ditch.

There is another option to pass an uncontrollable truck with the right sides, but it requires composure and driving skill.

At the same time, where is the guarantee that when you drive around a truck in the oncoming lane, its driver will not wake up and turn the steering wheel to the right, trying to return the truck to its lane.

Good luck to you! No nail, no rod!

IN last years Accidents are becoming increasingly common, the cause of which was loss of control and one of the vehicles driving into the oncoming lane. Vehicle- participants in the accident. This can happen either as a result of excessive driver fatigue or due to an incorrect assessment of the distance required to successfully complete overtaking. What should you do in situations where a vehicle appears in your lane? How to prevent a head-on collision?


According to information provided by the traffic police, the overwhelming number of head-on collisions on the highway occur as a result of one driver’s overconfidence in the ability to quickly overtake a slow-moving vehicle in front. In this case, the driver incorrectly estimates the speed of a car moving in the oncoming lane, the speed of passing traffic, and the optical effects that arise in conditions insufficient visibility(fog), road conditions. All this leads to dire consequences. However, an accident can be avoided if the actions of the person driving the second car turn out to be sufficiently competent.

Having noticed a car moving towards you, you need to quickly assess its speed and the possibility of successfully completing overtaking. When in doubt, it is recommended to reduce the speed, thereby increasing the distance available for the oncoming car to complete the maneuver. Such actions, although simple, often help avoid an accident.

In addition, it would not be superfluous to provide a light warning to the driver of a car who is overtaking about the presence of other vehicles in the oncoming lane. Often, especially at dusk, the car visually merges with the asphalt, becoming almost invisible. You need to turn it on for a few seconds high beam, which will be difficult to miss.

In cases where the distance to the oncoming car is already critically small, and braking is not able to provide the necessary distance, optimal solution is a pull-off to the side of the road. It is important to take into account the fact that the driver of the violating vehicle, having noticed oncoming traffic, can repeat its maneuver. Then the collision will occur on the side of the road. To avoid such a development of events, despite the critical lack of time, it is necessary to turn on the right turn signal. In this way, you will be able to coordinate your actions with the actions of the oncoming car. If the turn signal is turned on by a violator, you should not pull over to the side of the road. IN in this case It will be enough to continue braking, reducing the speed as much as possible.

Oncoming car driver's dream

A slightly different situation arises in cases where the driver of an oncoming car falls asleep due to overwork. This often happens to drivers. heavy trucks- truck You can understand that the driver is sleeping by the dynamics of acceleration of the car in the oncoming lane, as well as by its trajectory. At the same time, the vehicle does not tend to quickly leave the oncoming traffic; it may move unevenly and swerve along the road.

In such a scenario, experts recommend trying to wake up the driver by giving sound and light signals. However, this should not last long. If the car continues to move in the oncoming lane, you need to pull out to the side of the road as quickly as possible, completely stop the car and leave it. All this must be done with a reserve of time, by the time the car with the sleeping driver has not yet approached the critical distance.

It is not recommended to try to pass an out-of-control truck with your right sides by driving in its lane. This option is possible in extreme situations when stopping is no longer possible, but there is a high risk that the driver will wake up at the moment when your vehicle is in his “dead” zone on the right. In this case, the awakened person will try to short time return to your lane, pushing or crushing the car located there.

Loss of control

Perhaps the most dangerous situation of those discussed in this article, is the loss of control of an oncoming car (skidding, steering wheel lock), accompanied by driving into the oncoming lane. The danger lies in the fact that the oncoming driver is unable to take any action to prevent an accident. It all depends on the literacy and timeliness of the measures taken by the second driver.

In such a situation, it is necessary to quickly assess the approximate trajectory of the vehicle that has lost control. Further actions directly depend on this.

If a car skids into oncoming traffic far enough ahead, there is no need to use emergency methods braking and avoiding impact. It is enough to simply reduce the speed, and in some cases completely stop your car. As a rule, skidding does not continue over a large section of the road. The emergency vehicle either regains control or leaves the road.

In cases where an oncoming car begins to skid directly towards you, braking is no longer able to save the situation. Much more benefits will bring sharp acceleration, which allows you to get out of the possible impact zone, while leaving space for the driver who has lost control to maneuver.

Situations when a car drives into oncoming traffic in the immediate vicinity of you require the fastest possible assessment of the situation and a competent reaction. Perhaps the only possible action here is to abruptly avoid the impact to the right, to the side of the road. However, there is a risk of skidding when the right wheels of the car are already on the ground, and the left ones are still on the asphalt.

If a detour is not possible, avoiding a frontal collision is carried out by driving into a side ditch (ditch). In this case, the exit, in order to avoid capsizing, is carried out at the most obtuse angle.

Do you know how dangerous a head-on collision is? This is very difficult, and to avoid it, you need to know special care techniques. And probably, many motorists have encountered such a situation when a car was rushing towards them from the oncoming lane at breakneck speed. Then the collision was avoided either due to a favorable opportunity, or the driver knew how to behave. What about those who don’t know this?

First of all, in order to avoid a head-on collision, when encountering an unexpected obstacle, the driver must brake or slow down, but only use the steering wheel at the very last moment.

Head-on collision

A head-on collision is the worst thing that can happen on the road. Especially if . Therefore, the first thing you should do is reset it.

This is the most terrible accident, and the driver is obliged to avoid it in every possible way.

A typical situation, but such an accident could have been avoided. The road is well lit, visibility is excellent and unrestricted. Although it is a winter day, everything is clearly visible and the roads are not slippery. Why is this?

The fact is that the driver of the car began overtaking on the rise. And as you know, you can’t overtake on a hill, because you can’t see the road ahead of you, especially if the road turns a little to the right. What should the driver of the car do in this case? How to avoid a head-on collision at such a moment? Of course, slow down as much as possible and try to return to your lane.

Often these types of accidents end tragically, and the smaller car is especially affected. Law of physics - different weight categories. And the driver passenger car, which is in the video above, you can see it right away. He panicked and became confused.

In addition, trucks have a strong frame in front if they collide with cars. She not only really protects freight car, but also becomes a real scourge for passenger cars.

If suddenly an obstacle appears in front of you in the form of the same car, do not repeat the mistake. Avoid a head-on collision by slowing down as much as possible and steering at the last moment. It is even advisable to drive the car into the snow or a ditch on the side of the road, but without colliding head-on.

As mentioned above, in a head-on collision, speeds collide.

And here are the consequences of such a terrible collision:

By the way, in the collision between the truck and the car that we saw in the video, the truck driver should not have honked his horn, but turned slightly to the right. Thanks to this simple technique, the accident could have been avoided.

What to do if a collision cannot be avoided

But what if it’s already too late and there’s no way? What to do at such a moment?

Some experienced drivers It is advised (if we mean an accident between a stationary vehicle and a moving one) to hide it behind the car in front and thus avoid a head-on collision.

In addition, even when stopping, you should know that when frontal impact The airbags will not work, if anything, and you must always wear a seat belt.

Now let’s talk about how to take the impact as lightly as possible in a head-on collision with a moving car. The first thing to do is try to move the blow tangentially. In other words, again, do everything to avoid a frontal collision by directing the impact to the side. If you don't panic, there will always be time for this.

As for the light, it is also needed. This is exactly what the truck driver did when he collided with a passenger car (see the video above), continuously signaling to him about the danger. This often helps and brings the driver of an oncoming vehicle out of his stupor. A loud signal at such a moment can act like a tub cold water, emptied on the head of the lost driver. In addition, in this way you also warn participants in other vehicles about the accident.

If a head-on collision cannot be avoided, and you are wearing a seat belt (this is very important), cover your face, especially your eyes, with your hands. Glass shards can seriously injure them.

If at such a moment when a collision is inevitable, you are not wearing a seat belt, then you need to lie sideways in the passenger seat.

It would also be a good idea to remove your feet from the metal pedals.

Reasons why accidents and head-on collisions occur

Head-on collisions occur more often in winter. Although they mercilessly sprinkle the roads with reagent, in winter the weather is changeable and the surface road surface often covered with an ice crust. It also happens that real winter ruts arise, especially on local roads, not federal significance. It is clear that this greatly interferes with traffic safety. And such elements can play a cruel joke, even if you are an experienced driver.

If in Russia main reason head-on collisions become bad roads, then, according to the foreign publication Forbes, common cause Drunkenness becomes such an accident. As you know, a driver who has drunk, even a little, has a noticeably reduced reaction and in extreme situations he behaves inappropriately. In those same states, about half of all traffic accidents are at fault.

Not only drunkenness and bad roads, but also mobile phone causes a head-on collision. Oddly enough, young people, and not only them, talk on the phone while driving and even send SMS messages. And as you know, when talking on a mobile device, the risk of an accident increases four times, and when typing messages - six times. The same goes for the reaction speed, which decreases by 9% if the driver is talking on the phone, and by as much as 30% if he is texting.

Unfavorable emotions can also cause an accident. Often drivers drive into the oncoming lane after hearing something bad, or become angry at someone and become inappropriate. There was a similar case in the capital, when a driver crashed into a truck at high speed. What prompted him to do this? Same emotions. He learned that his neighbors had flooded his apartment and rushed to save his property, but, unfortunately, died on the spot.

Finally, ordinary, unnecessary recklessness leads to accidents on the roads and head-on collisions. It is no secret that inexperienced and young drivers often become hostages in such situations. When they speed, they think they have learned how to drive. But that's not true. Recklessness leads to death and accounts for 13% of all accidents in the world.

Ability to overtake correctly

All of the above causes of accidents are nothing compared to. Indeed, it is the ability to drive correctly that saves many people from accidents, head-on collisions and death.

It will not just be about the ability to drive, but about the ability to overtake correctly. And often, when overtaking incorrectly, the car driver drives into the oncoming lane and collides head-on with another car.

Avoiding a frontal collision depends on this skill. And almost all motorists want to overtake on the highway, especially if there is a slow-moving vehicle ahead.

It will be useful to watch this video if you don’t have time to read the paragraph below:

Overtaking technique. And the first rule is: do not overtake until you are sure that there is no car moving towards you or there are no other obstacles! We must not forget that when overtaking, your car may find itself sandwiched between two cars coming from both sides.

In addition, there is always a possibility that the car behind you will decide to overtake at that moment. Therefore, you should never forget about the turn signal and you should always keep an eye on the road in the rearview mirror.

Each driver must comply with the following requirements for overtaking:

  • Before overtaking, turn on the turn signal in the direction where you want to turn in order to warn all road users about the maneuver;
  • know that, moving to the left by a meter or one and a half, the space ahead should be visible for a hundred meters;
  • We must also not forget about the reserve of space for acceleration in order to minimize the time spent in oncoming traffic;
  • if you are driving a car with a manual transmission, you should choose a gear that would allow you to instantly accelerate;
  • you must always be prepared for possible refusal from overtaking and returning to your lane;
  • it is better to refuse to overtake if a car suddenly appears in the oncoming lane, and not to look for the interval-space between it and the car being overtaken;
  • When overtaking, you should be armed with extreme concentration and attentiveness.

By observing all the above rules, the driver will protect himself from the most terrible accident which may occur is a head-on collision.

Video - head-on collision: