Gray car pros and cons. Which car color to choose: the pros and cons of car colors

Henry Ford stated, not without irony, that the color of a car can be anything, as long as it is black. It is really hard to imagine an orange car at the beginning of the 20th century. have gone far ahead, and the motorist has to choose from the whole spectrum of the rainbow not only attractive, but also the most practical color of the car.

Superiority, in terms of price and ease of restoration, hold acrylic paints, but their colors are limited. Alkyd enamels have more colors, are inexpensive, but painting them is more difficult. Metallic paints look more interesting, and additives to them can create interesting visual effects. But "metallic" is necessary, and a layer of "base" is required for the main paint. look and are not afraid of scratches, but the cost of such painting is high. Regardless of the medium, let's try to consider the primary colors through the prism of price and practicality.


Automobile agencies have been studying the effect of color for years. However, traffic police inspectors such statistics catches the eye almost literally. Oddly enough, red is not the most emergency color, although drivers of such cars often exceed the speed limit. On the other hand, the red color is striking, and a collision with such a car due to inattention is unlikely to threaten anyone. Green color well perceived by the eye, but not on summer road where it can blend in with the environment. Researchers at Daimler AG conducted their own tests and ranked colors in order of their exact visual perception:

  • white car enamel - 70%;
  • classic yellow - 70%;
  • orange - 47%;
  • light gray - 46%;
  • beige - 38%;
  • red (traffic light color) - 38%;
  • green - 10%;
  • brown - 10%;
  • blue - 8%;
  • black - 5%.

Also, yellow and blue-green are well perceived by human vision. But black, as can be seen from this rating, draws little attention to itself. Statistics confirm this distribution. According to British insurers, cars are involved in 22.6% of accidents Brown color, 21.3% - pink, 20.9% - black. by the most safe color recognized as silver. On average, dark-colored cars are involved in 50-60% of accidents. It is possible that this is due to the fact that light objects always seem larger than dark ones and are visually closer.

Functionality and character

Sunny Optimism

A yellow car is impossible not to notice on the road, and on Russian highways this is an especially rare guest. A person on such a machine probably has a non-standard character and a certain margin of optimism. The heart of these drivers is already in the future, so the problems of today are of little concern to them.

Unfortunately, avoiding traffic troubles in a yellow car is not getting any easier. But the practicality of yellow tends to zero, although it fades weakly. Seeing a solar car on the road, it is better to be more careful, because optimism and faith in the future do not apply to the laws of physics and other road users.

Romance of white

On a body painted white, small dents and scratches will not be noticeable. He is not afraid of dust, because she will edit only his shade, but will not be evident. Does not threaten white paint and fading from sunlight, so its practicality is rated as very high.

Choose pure white can absolutely different people, which are united only by an adequate and calm attitude towards other people. It is not for nothing that he is associated with good nature, and it is difficult to imagine a mercantile egoist driving around in a car the color of freshly fallen snow. White color- a kind of romance and the pursuit of ideals.

red aggression

Small scratches on the red body will be invisible, but dents will not remain without the attention of observers. Moreover, the impudent behavior of drivers sports cars suggests that they will receive them more often than the owners of silver cars. Interestingly, red cars are less likely to be stolen. Perhaps this is due to psychology, but the version that red cars are more difficult to hide seems more logical.

Judging by anonymous surveys, the rest of the participants in the movement have a negative opinion about the man in the red car in advance. On a subconscious level, this color is associated with blood, and hence with aggression. The hyperactivity of such people can be a problem on the road, where excessive competition rarely leads to a positive ending.

calm silver

The most inconspicuous cars on the road are gray. The percentage of car thefts with this coloring is very high. But statistics are statistics, and silver is probably the most practical car color, as scratches are hard to spot and dents are invisible without close inspection.

Technical condition gray cars always at a decent level, and not at all because their owners are especially scrupulous. It's just that they are always individualists and trust only themselves. Silvery cars on the road are caution without timidity and excessive compliance.

Self sufficient blue

What can induce a person to choose not black, but close to it Blue colour? Blue car owners know their worth and may also seem individualistic, but they are not drivers passing by when you ask for help. On the contrary, the blue car stops most often first.

Drivers of blue cars are always happy with life, it is almost impossible to embarrass them. These are people with an established character who have achieved a lot, but do not seek to demonstrate this to all participants in the movement. The stock of experience allows you to expect from them an adequate reaction to any situation and even a manifestation of aggression.

Uncompromising green

The practicality of green is minimal. Scratches are clearly visible on such a surface, and dents are striking from a distance of tens of meters. Car thieves are not interested in these cars, since a green car is easier to find and harder to overtake.

However, drivers green cars mobiles are generally of little concern. They are far from such terms as carburetor, CV joint, transmission. A car for them is a watch, a means of transportation that should not let the driver down. Fortunately, most of them are wealthy people and have money for visits to a car service.

solid black

The practicality of black leaves much to be desired, because the dust on its surface is impossible not to notice. Scratches are clearly visible, especially when they get to the metal base. Long-term exposure to the black body of the sun's rays has a deplorable effect - burnt out in the sun black paint loses much of its appeal.

These cars are stolen in much the same way as the rest. But if we are talking about a new painting, the body can look very impressive. The nature of the drivers is easy to imagine. A clean, freshly painted black car is impossible not to notice in the city stream. However, to note does not mean to see, and the owners of such cars get into accidents much more often.

Color and Marketing

Regardless of which car color is more practical, manufacturers will try to shift the color palette from year to year so that the model has recognizable features. Particularly relevant is the gradual replacement of colors in the premium sector. Color selection expensive cars is usually limited. This is partly due to the fact that more expensive model, the more individuality it has, the more precisely its features are worked out. On the other hand, only noble colors are offered for expensive cars.

Individualists will have to sweat to get the car of the right color. Car dealerships buy mainly factory black and silver products. Usually silver color more expensive, primarily because of its high practicality. Pearlescent metallic is even more expensive (on average $400-600), but not because of practicality, but due to paint additives. Predictably, German brands are more likely to rely on practicality, and on wide selection colors and unusual offers - French manufacturers.


If we had to choose the most practical car color, shades of white would undoubtedly get the palm. When it comes to wash intervals, it's impossible to beat them. To many, this color will seem boring, but studies conducted in the United States have shown that women rate the sexuality of owners of silver cars more than drivers of cars of a different color. True, in America grey colour hardly associated with the Soviet Zhiguli.

On the video - choosing the color of the car:

For those who don't like grey, choosing a color will always be a compromise between practicality and preference. If color is really important to you, the choice is obvious. And those who are ready to make concessions can be advised to use different colors in the interior and exterior of the car, differentiating the external and internal, preferences and practicality.

When choosing a new car for themselves, the buyer is always faced with a difficult choice of colors to please himself, his family and the advice of friends. Each car body color has its purpose, its practicality and meaning for the owner. In this article we will tell you which car body color is the most practical.

The importance of car color for the owner

Various analytical agencies around the world have conducted polls for motorists to find out what color of the car is the most popular. In the course of such surveys, a certain trend was built. It turns out that for most of the male population of the world, the choice of car color is the main factor in choosing a car. But the color of the car is important only for 35 percent of women.

Most popular car colors

Among motorists, certain stereotypes have already developed about the choice of color for their car, which even affect the color range of cars produced by manufacturers.

It so happened that most often motorists choose monotonous colors for their cars:

- black,

- silver,

The practicality of popular car colors

One of the most popular colors for cars is black. But whether it is practical, we will find out now.

Black is considered a prestigious color. Any black sedan or SUV gives some status to their owners. Every motorist wants to stand out in the stream. In addition, a black sedan can add just the “show-offs” that Russian people are prone to.

However, black is not a practical color. Here are its main disadvantages:

- the black surface of the car absorbs solar energy most of all, the black car heats up the most in summer;

— black color fades most in the sun, and over time, its saturation on the body is lost;

- various scratches and scuffs stand out strongly on the black body panels;

- even a little dirt and dust will be visible on the black surface of the car.

Unlike black, white and silver body colors are very practical. In addition, the color "white mother-of-pearl" looks very expensive on a car. Cars painted in this color are sure to fall into wedding corteges as the main car of the bride and groom.

The most practical car body colors

The table below shows the characteristics for the main practical colors of the car body.

The color of a car can tell a lot about the character of its owner. For example, by the shade of an “iron friend”, you can understand what temperament and worldview a person has. Let's find out what the color of your car says about you.

When buying a car, you need to pay attention to many details and nuances: brand characteristics, dimensions, condition, mileage, cost, etc. Technical data is very important, but we also recommend that you take the choice of car color equally seriously.

Auto becomes our faithful assistant and friend. Since we spend quite a lot of time in the car, the peculiarity of its color can affect our mood, well-being and worldview. In addition, each existing shade carries a number of certain characteristics that give signals to the subconscious of people. The color of your car can tell a lot about you, at least for those around you who will unwittingly associate the shade of your "iron friend" with you.

So, what is the meaning of the most common car colors?


The lightest shade is associated with purity, innocence, kindness, sincerity and perfection. As a rule, neat, calm and organized people choose this color. White color has calming properties, so the owner of a snow-white car certainly avoids conflicts on the road and does not lose composure even in the most critical situations.

It is believed that a white car is chosen by people who are used to taking life seriously. They do not waste time, literally every minute painting their day. Lovers of snow-white tones have a philosophical outlook, often think about lofty things, analyze their actions, and try to develop spiritually.

People around subconsciously perceive the owners of snow-white cars as calm, reasonable and a little pedantic people. They are often described as serious and reliable comrades who you can rely on in difficult times.

It is interesting that if a person prefers not “pure” white color, but a shade of ivory, champagne, beige and other similar tones, such features as romanticism and dreaminess are added to his characteristics.

The black

The antitype of white in many countries of the world is a symbol of grief, sadness and death. But, despite these characteristics, black shades in most cases are perceived by us positively. The “shade of the night” car is often chosen by self-confident, purposeful and active people. The owners of such machines are great careerists and often occupy leadership positions. Black lovers care about their image, so they can boast of an impeccable appearance and good manners. However, sometimes the purposefulness of these people develops into assertiveness and even into some kind of aggressiveness.

As a rule, people around characterize the owners of black cars as influential, smart and a little mysterious people.


Gray color, being a symbiosis of black and white tones, gives people thoughtfulness, prudence and insight. In most cases gray car choose conservative, purposeful and pragmatic people. The owners of such cars strive for mental and physical comfort: they surround themselves with beautiful and useful things They like to relax and take care of their health.

People around perceive people whose car is painted in gray tones as balanced, intelligent and honest individuals. However, fans of gray tones may seem a bit uncommunicative, and there is some truth in this. The owners of gray cars are very careful about the choice of friends and buddies.


Silver or steel tone represents sophistication, sophistication and elegance. Cars of this color are most often chosen by people who value material well-being, know how to set goals and achieve them. Being calm, competent and self-confident drivers, the owners silver cars exude coolness and a certain detachment. It may seem that these people live in their own world and are reluctant to make contact. However, this impression is created due to the fact that the silver color enhances a person's tendency to reflection, introspection and thoughtfulness.


Yellow color and all its shades are associated with joy, happiness, summer and optimism. This sunny shade is chosen by cheerful and sociable people who treat even the most unpleasant life situations with humor. These people, just like their cars, attract the attention of others. Absolutely everyone is pleased to communicate with lovers of yellow shades, because they are able to cheer up others, cheer them up, and also come to the rescue in a difficult situation.

Owners of bright yellow cars take life lightly and somewhat childishly. Often these people are distinguished by increased gullibility and naivety.


A car of a golden hue is chosen by people who want to be original and noticeable. Color precious metal indicates that a person strives for wealth, luxury, and also has a proud and impregnable character.

As a rule, owners of golden cars live according to the principle of "all or nothing". They do not know how and do not want to compromise, by all means achieving their goals. These people may repel those around them with their outward inaccessibility, but in fact they value true friendship and loyalty.


Owners of green cars belong to the category of harmonious, open, socially active and friendly people. Green is a symbol of youth, life and nature, and people who prefer it tend to care about environment and seek to benefit our world.

Lovers of green tones are often altruists who, without hesitation, will help those in need. These people are easy and pleasant in communication, so they are always surrounded by friends and fans. The owners of green cars are very calm and reasonable, they try to avoid conflicts and showdown.


If a person chooses a car of red, scarlet or purple tones, then he loves risk, danger and adventure. The owner of a red car cannot be called a cautious driver: he often exceeds the speed limit, practices dangerous tricks on the road and breaks the rules traffic. This person loves sharp emotions so much that he is even ready to risk his health for them.

Lovers of red shades are very active, mobile and courageous personalities. Often it is they who become the ideological inspirers in the companies of friends and acquaintances. In addition, a person who prefers red tones is very emotional in love and in the manifestation of feelings.


Blue is associated with the sea and the evening sky. Looking at this tone, it seems as if it exudes coolness, silence and peace. People who ride blue cars, are calm, thoughtful and wise personalities. They never do anything rashly, preferring to carefully consider their actions and deeds. Fans of blue shades value stability and constancy. It is hard for them to get used to the new, and unexpected circumstances can unsettle them for a long time.

Cars of blue tones are chosen by calm, hard-working and reliable people who will never act against their conscience. These people respect others, trying not to allow insults and quarrels in communication.


Violet and dark lilac colors have a creative energy. These shades are chosen by people with a fine mental organization, who have well-developed intuition.

Automobile purple gives its owner mystery, dreaminess and eccentricity. This person is never alone, because many dream of unraveling his inner secret. As a rule, people who drive purple cars are mavericks. Their dreams and goals are sometimes very different from generally accepted standards.


Pink color symbolizes femininity, tenderness, kindness and happiness. A car of a pink hue is chosen by sociable, soft, merciful, smiling and, as a rule, young girls.

Communication with the owner of a pink car is a pleasure for absolutely everyone. In the character of these people there is no self-centeredness, arrogance and mannerisms, so they are always surrounded by a crowd of friends and admirers.

People who make pink stand out from all other shades are very active, but somewhat optional. They easily relate to life, not worrying about troubles and problems.


A rich orange tone represents energy, sensitivity and emotionality. A car of this color is liked by cheerful, active, sociable and frivolous people. Fans of orange hues love to be the center of attention, demonstrating their abilities and talents to others. For these people, communication and entertainment are often the most important areas of life, so they are in no hurry to burden themselves with family ties.

Not so long ago, just some half a century ago, the question of choosing a car color could not arise at all. The main quality of a car that a Soviet citizen could have was simply its presence. Having gone through years of queues and bureaucratic corridors, our man simply could not even imagine what else, it turns out, could be something to choose from!

Quite a bit of time has passed since then, and now, we are already meticulously examining every detail, making more and more demands on the design, comfort, functionality and presentability of a new car. And since there is not only an opportunity, but also the need to choose, we will approach such a responsible event competently.

When choosing a color, we will rely on several criteria:

  • practicality;
  • safety;
  • personal preference.


It is quite difficult to unambiguously evaluate the practicality of a particular color, but general recommendations still have a place.

The most popular tones when buying a car today are black, white, silver, blue and red. You may be disappointed, but most of the listed shades are completely impractical for a car. Cars bright colors require frequent visits to the car wash, otherwise even a small layer of dust will greatly affect the presentability. In addition, bright enamel quickly loses its gloss and freshness, so you will have to use a lot of products that restore shine. On black cars, minor damage and scratches will be very noticeable, and white enamel, especially on domestic cars tends to give out treacherous spots of incipient corrosion, the so-called "saffron milk caps". plus white car will be able to keep cool in hot weather, which cannot be said about black or dark blue color absorbing heat. However, all modern cars are necessarily equipped with air conditioning, so you can ignore this feature.

The most practical shades will be: brown, gray, silver or golden. Dust on them will be invisible, scratches and minor damage will be smoothed out. Therefore, if practicality is most important to you, choose these colors for your car.


No matter how strange it may sound, but the color of the car and safety on the road is not an empty phrase. Black cars are considered the most dangerous. There is such a hell reasonable explanation: it just becomes less noticeable during bad weather conditions or at dusk. For the same reason, white is considered unsafe in winter. This, of course, does not mean that you have to give up your favorite color just because it blends with snow or rain. Do not forget that in the first place, your safety depends only on compliance with traffic rules and from care on the road.

How to choose a car color according to your zodiac sign

Each car enthusiast has his own requirements for the purchased car. Choosing the color of the car according to the sign of the zodiac is a completely reasonable and logical decision.

Aries: People born under the sign of Aries are stubborn and ambitious. It is better not to pester them with advice, because they themselves will decide which color of the car to choose. Aries is best suited for bright colors - red, light green, metallic blue.

Taurus: Taurus drivers love comfort and consistency. When choosing a color, you need to pay attention, first of all, to safety. So, the Taurus car should not be black or white. Desirable shades for Taurus will be beige, cream. The main thing - no aggressive tones!

Gemini: Unlike previous drivers, Geminis do not accept stability and are constantly striving to change something in their lives. The choice of car color for Gemini is best stopped at neutral ones - silver, gold, and the chameleon color will be the most ideal option.

Cancer: The drivers of this sign are romantics and take care of everyone. It is best for cancers to choose a car of a light palette: white, beige, pale blue.

Leo: representatives of this sign are big lovers of luxury. Therefore, colors that symbolize power and wealth are suitable for them: bright red, orange, yellow or gold.

Virgo: Virgo drivers are very careful! Impractical, but noble colors are the best suited for such drivers: blue, black, dark gray. But the color of the car interior is better to choose in bright colors. Virgo will selflessly take care of her car, bringing it to a luxurious shine every time.

Libra: People born under the sign of Libra are balanced and conservative. A dark green shade is best for Libra, which will calm them down and set them up for favorable thoughts.

Scorpio: Scorpio drivers are extremely important when choosing a car technical points. They most often opt for SUVs and sports cars. The ideal color for Scorpions is definitely black.

Sagittarius: It is extremely important for these drivers to be in the spotlight. This applies to everything, including vehicles. The brightest, possibly poisonous colors are suitable for Sagittarius: lemon, orange, light green, and for female representatives - lilac or hot pink.

Capricorn: Drivers of this sign tend to strive for presentability. Therefore, Capricorns carefully approach the choice of a car brand. A status car for a Capricorn should be black, brown, gray or something else, but it must emphasize the importance of the Capricorn driver.

Aquarius: representatives of this sign love to follow fashion trends. Various chips, tuning, and the most modern technologies- that's what Aquarius will be interested in. For such drivers, it is best to choose colors from a palette of bright metallics.

Pisces: Pisces drivers love it when everything is in order. Their car will always be well maintained and clean. The most favorable colors for Pisces are blue and green.

How to decide on the color of the car without leaving home

The Internet has opened up endless possibilities for car enthusiasts, so today you can choose the color of the car without leaving your home. This approach will greatly expand your understanding of color scheme for cars. Having decided on the brand and color, you can place an order at a car dealership in your city.

What to do with minor damage to car enamel

Perhaps someday they will invent a paint that will not peel off the surface of the car with small mechanical damage. But for now - alas, the wounded horse has to be treated. small chips and scratches are covered with special paint-pencils. When choosing such a pencil, ask the seller for a palette of colors. On the video you can see how to choose the paint:

Major damage may require full or partial body painting. With full staining, the tone does not have to repeat what it was. The main thing, with a radical color change, be sure to record this fact in the vehicle registration department.

It will be a little more difficult if you have to repaint individual parts of the car, for example, a damaged fender. When choosing a paint color for a car, it is necessary to take into account: the car loses its original color during operation, and therefore the method of selecting paint according to the VIN code is not the best the best option. Turning to the salon, try to find out the degree of professionalism of the master who undertook to paint your car. It is advisable to find out if the salon uses a special computer program, which helps you choose a color with maximum accuracy. Most often, paints have to be mixed. A true professional will definitely use all modern means to avoid mistakes.

Such programs are created not only for the selection of paints that reanimate appearance your car after damage. With their help, you can easily decide on the choice of color when buying a new car.

And finally, a few more words about choosing the color of the car:

  • acquiring new car, rely primarily on your feelings;
  • it is most convenient to make a choice with the help of the Internet and special programs that will take into account all your wishes, even the strangest ones;
  • color selection chemical liquids for the car, such as antifreeze or antifreeze liquid, has nothing to do with the main color of the car;
  • Removing damage and scratches is best left to professionals.

Good roads and fair winds to you!

Dreams are the most accurate indicators of your true desires. This is the advice of a romantic. But if you want to choose the color of your car in a more thoughtful and balanced way, here are some simple criteria that will help you.


Doctors and psychologists are sure that the color of the car directly affects safety. The color of the car affects the assessment of the speed of its movement and the distance to it.

So, for example, polished white cars are very noticeable on the road and all road users see them at once. White visually enlarges the object. Therefore, the probability of colliding with a white car due to inattention is almost zero. In winter, the dignity of white cars, of course, comes into question because of the snow cover. But if you do not often visit country roads, then in the city you will stand out against the background of gray roads and houses. So, how to choose the color of the car? Let's talk!

Cars in bright, active (red, orange, yellow) colors also immediately stand out on the road. During the movement, it will always seem to you that they are located closer than in reality. Such cars embody the word "speed" in reality. Therefore, sports and muscle cars often decisive. In terms of accidents, such cars are not the most dangerous, giving way to black and gray shades. However, red cars like to hide from the scene. Apparently, the thirst for speed and the desire to break the rules are in the blood of red-winged car owners, and it is difficult for them to restrain themselves. The green color of cars sets you in a calm mood and is favorable for the human eye. But, like white, at different times of the year it can play a cruel joke on you. In summer, it will blend into the green foliage and it will be difficult for other road users to see it.

The first color on the list of dangerous colors for a car is black. Such cars often merge with the road, and in conditions of low visibility and in dark time days become almost phantoms. Therefore, during night trips, it is better not to forget about the side lights on.


gray and silver cars win a practical battle. Such calm colors almost do not give out dirt on them. In rain and just dusty weather, they will remain true to their native color. Yard boys will also not be able to upset you and write something on a dusty car - the inscription simply will not be visible. Dents, scratches and other minor damage are also not noticeable on a gray car and at times require captious consideration. As the owner of such a car (I have a silver BMW), I confirm: there is a dent, but I don’t always see it (there should be a “hand-face” emoticon here). And official figures claim that gray cars are 50% less likely to get into serious accidents than cars of other colors.

But on a red body, dents are more difficult to hide, and this is due to increased attention to such cars and color features. But for this, a nice bonus - hijackers are less likely to hunt for such machines.

At the end of the practicality list is a black car. My second favorite color, but, admittedly, moody. Dust and dirt are immediately noticeable. Therefore, many of my friends refused it, categorically shaking their heads. All the strength and power of black is immediately lost if the car is at least a little stale and dusty.

Separately, it is worth mentioning situations when you need, through someone else's fault or by decision of the case, to renew the paint. If you have original color, such as Blue Monaco or a complex metallic, then, most likely, finding the right shade quickly will be as difficult as finding a great master. You will need to stock up on patience and finances.

If you are buying a new car from a showroom, then you need to be prepared that the colors may have different price. Of course, each car brand there are so-called "free" colors. They do not require additional payment. Almost all manufacturers have white car models cheaper than similar ones of a different color. Therefore, if you are not ready to overpay, then the car dealership will most likely offer you exactly white. For complex shades, especially with the addition of metallic, you will need to pay extra.

Psychology of color perception

Psychologists have long described each color in terms of its influence on a person's mood and subconscious. Therefore, when choosing a color for your car, it is better to familiarize yourself with its full psychological characteristics.

So, what color to choose a car?

White cars are now driven equally by both women and men. White is considered universal, calm and neutral. It brings nobility, purity. It is believed that drivers who prefer this color are polite and careful on the road.

The direct opposite of white in terms of its effect on mood. It causes sad and dark feelings in many people. But in the world of car owners, black is classic and secure. Even low-end cars in black look more expensive than similar models in other colors. Black cars are perceived as solid and stylish. The owners of these cars are usually confident, serious, reliable people.


It is popular with motorists no less than black. Corresponds to neutral feelings. On the road in a gray or metallic car, you will not be conspicuous, but at the same time you will be treated with respect. This is a seasoned, business color. Motorists on gray horses are characterized as calm and self-controlled people. Psychologists also correlate gray with wisdom and maturity.

The color of fire, passion and energy. Psychologists are sure that expressive, imperious, energetic people love him. The owners of red cars loudly declare themselves on the road and enjoy the attention to their person. Bold, strong-willed drivers of such cars love to drive and demonstrate leadership on the road.

A natural summer shade that relaxes and soothes. At the same time, the researchers argue that people who choose green want to assert themselves and become more confident. Women more often than men become owners of green cars, but there are countries where this is the favorite color of men. Such car owners usually do not arrange races and have a positive, friendly attitude towards all road users.

The color of mild melancholy. These are motorists who nevertheless decided not to take black, but to choose blue close to it. Psychologists say that blue cars most often stop when asking for help. The owners of blue cars have a serious established character. Drivers have already achieved their life goals, but they do not try to show it on the road.

And last advice

After all the criteria and factors, the most important tip when choosing a color is to just listen to yourself. Picture yourself driving different cars. And you will understand what color is yours. Perhaps it will be impractical or strange. The main thing is your emotions and feelings when you race in new car to the next goals and dreams.