Ideal cars for the zombie apocalypse. The best transport for the zombie apocalypse Iron cars for the zombie apocalypse

The favorite topic of our American colleagues is not abstract survival, but survival in a zombie apocalypse. But the advice that will be given further regarding the equipment of the car is more universal and is suitable not only for such a fantastic scenario of events. So we read, use our brains and figure out how all this can be adapted.

Choose the right car for survival in a zombie apocalypse- recipe for success. Don't expect a fully equipped car (like the H3 from Zombieland) to suddenly fall on your head. At least because reliable SUVs will be a very hot commodity, especially immediately after the start of the Big Fucking. So if you don’t have one of these on hand, or you don’t know where you can get one, think about it. You don't want to find yourself in the middle of a dangerous city behind the wheel of a barely running jalopy, do you?

You don't know how difficult the road you will have to overcome will be. So perfect" survival vehicle“must be able to not only overcome rough terrain, but also move quickly along highways, if any are found. And if you don’t have some kind of super-fortified base, then your transport for a long time will become your only protection and storage for everything you might need.

The lack of normal sources of electricity can play a role during a zombie invasion. And the performance of some electronic devices can be supported solely through the use of adapters alternating current, connected to car batteries. These things will help you start your computer, turn on portable electronics, and recharge absolutely any device that runs on lithium-ion batteries.

The main parameters that you need to pay attention to when you are in a zombie apocalypse: ground clearance, passenger and cargo capacity, lighting level and strength/armor.

High ground clearance solves it, because it significantly increases cross-country ability and allows you to ride straight over unwary zombies without any problems. Vehicle capacity must be taken into account, since it is not a fact that you will survive alone - you need places for the whole group. Some Porsche, of course, will quickly speed you away from danger, but that’s all. We will have to continue to act alone and without supplies. And when it comes to survival, the more you take with you, the higher your chances of survival. In short, the larger the car, the better it is. But if you’re unlucky with size, vans, trailers and various side mounts will seriously expand your meager capabilities.

It is also worth considering the fact that the sliding roofs of various convertibles are quite funny, but from a reliability point of view, this is real weakness. So don't care about speed and get something that can protect you even when you run out of gas. And remember that all sorts of " sports station wagons"is no more effective than the most ordinary sedans, especially from the point of view of an advantage in surviving a zombie apocalypse. But Land Rovers, jeeps and all sorts of hummers, especially additionally modified ones, are an excellent choice.

Editor's note. Alas, the author does not specify what to do with the “powerful, reliable and almost perfect jeep” when the fuel runs out. And it will end quickly - these things eat him up like crazy. On the other hand, as long as there is gasoline, they will certainly be able to carry you out of the city, but in open areas it is easier to operate. By the way, what kind of transport do you think would be ideal in a situation where you need to survive right now and quickly, but there is no opportunity to make long-term plans yet?

Surely each of us has at least once thought about how he will act if one day a zombie apocalypse occurs. There are a lot of films, TV series, books and video games on this topic. The main thing is the fact that those who have a powerful armored vehicle that can protect against the infected walking dead have a definitely greater chance of survival. Today we will try to determine which transport for the zombie apocalypse is the best. Not long ago, Who Can Fix My Car presented a set of sketches in which they allowed themselves to fantasize about what an ideal vehicle for surviving an invasion of the dead should look like. It turned out, I must admit, quite impressive.

Paramount Marauder

It’s worth noting right away that moving around cities in a cheap car, borrowed, turned into ruins, is one of the worst ideas that can come to the mind of a newly-made survivor. In order to protect yourself from hordes of zombies, you need something much more powerful. IN in this case the Paramount Marauder SUV, which this moment is produced in South Africa and is very popular in this market, since the continent is constantly tormented by various armed conflicts. This all-terrain vehicle can not only transport your mortal body, but also up to 4.5 tons of cargo and a dozen loyal allies, armed to the teeth. The “Marauder”, at the same time, will remain on the move even if it hits a mine, and shots from automatic weapons (not to mention some teeth of the walking dead) will generally leave scratches on it. The car is also equipped with a night vision system, so you will be able to avoid a sudden attack by crowds of mad zombies in the dark. This is a functional innovation that is extremely important for a car during the zombie apocalypse, because a thermal imager cannot detect anything that has frozen blood. A large-caliber machine gun, as well as a revolver-type grenade launcher, will help clear the road from attackers.

Cadillac One

If a situation occurs with an attack by hordes of zombies, of course, all means, even improvised ones, are good. For example, you can inadvertently borrow and slightly improve presidential limousine American leader Barack Obama Cadillac One. This will allow you to last a long time and not join the army of those risen from the dead. For the first person of the United States, the car, even in its basic form, was equipped as needed. "Caddy" can please with its armored body, as well as bulletproof glass. The automatic tire inflation system will not allow you to stand in the middle of an ambush and retreat in time. A little tuning, in the event of a zombie apocalypse, certainly won't hurt you. Representatives of Who Can Fix My Car are confident that the machine gun on the roof, the “chandelier” snorkel from fog lights will be able to get rid of unwanted company. IN as a last resort, the post-apocalyptic world will need a leader and this car suits it perfectly. It can also be used in the Mad Max universe if the end of the world scenario develops differently than we expect.

Toyota Hilux

In the countries of the Middle East and Asia, such cars are called “gangtrucks”. We're talking about pickup trucks Toyota lines Hilux, which craftsmen They are independently tuning themselves to guerrilla warfare. Perhaps, in the struggle for survival, this vehicle can be considered perhaps the most democratic and accessible to the average “living” person. If you follow common logic, then it is best to choose not a new Hilux, but a 1988 pickup truck that is already resting on its laurels. The thing is that it is extremely simple and can be repaired in any conditions, even if the owner has, at most, a hammer and a few skills. We can say with confidence that the Toyota Hilux is one of best cars for the coming zombie apocalypse, due to its prevalence, pickiness and other aspects. As additional tuning it needs to be equipped with a Browning heavy machine gun and put back gable wheels. It is also worth taking care of the arrow in the body if you wrap the compartment with barbed wire. This will give a significant advantage to the driver, because it will be much more difficult to get close to him from behind.

Land Rover Defender

Land Rover Defender can confidently be attributed to one of the the best ways, which will protect your flesh from the willing walking dead. Firstly, the best way to escape from infected zombies is to go as far as possible, to a place where no one has ever set foot and where people have never been there. The thing is that Land Rover Defender, even in its standard version overcomes various obstacles quite well, but where nature is effective and man has not influenced its development in any way, he will most likely fail. This will no longer be a problem if you replace the wheels with light tracks, and as a safety net against unforeseen situations, it is better to secure the winch at the front. Collisions with obstacles will no longer frighten the driver if he is protected by metal pipes welded along the perimeter of the body. Don't forget about machine guns too. Even where there are no zombies, there will probably be some kind of living creature aggressive towards humans. For example, bears. What if they got infected too? It's a good idea to have some insurance in this case.

Oshkosh Wheeled Tanker

The first problem that will confront the remnants of humanity when civilization falls is shortage drinking water and fuel (how did you think all the cars mentioned above would move?). In this case, a tanker on wheels, which is produced by representatives of the Oshkosh corporation, will help bring joy to the suffering colonists for some time if it supplies them with fuel and water. Tanker tanks can hold up to 20 thousand liters of water or fuel. The 6-wheel drive will make your journey non-stop as you can drive over any obstacle. However, you should not leave the car in its standard form, because it is still not omnipotent. It is necessary to add sheets of heavy armor and equip the tanker with a winch. Also a pleasant nuance is the fact that the car is extremely easy to repair, because it was designed using spare parts from chassis serial cars, so what you need can be found in any landfill.

Maybach Exelero Zombie

If you are still interested in issues related to luxury, even in times of a zombie apocalypse, then this is, of course, a little strange, but the Maybach Exelero Zombie can fully satisfy this passion. Besides the fact that it looks like a real Batmobile, it is also extremely safe to drive. It's not just powerful a car, but rather a small, compact tank. From a victim, having such a vehicle, you immediately become a hunter (as long as you have fuel and ammunition). In addition to the semi-automatic weapon system, the car has triangular tracks that will make it possible to overcome any obstacle, firing all guns at the attacking zombies.

Survival Bike

Don’t think that motorcyclists have absolutely no chance of surviving the zombie apocalypse. The first bike that was created specifically to realize these goals is called the Survival Bike. He is, in fact, a hybrid mountain bike and a motorcycle. You can move on it both on gasoline and in the classic way, using pedals, which can help you escape if you suddenly have no options to get hold of fuel. The Survival Bike kit includes sufficient quantity devices with which you can make your life much easier: a spare canister, a removable flashlight, a harpoon, two axes, a shovel, an emergency lighting system, a nylon rope, a Swiss knife and several powerful carbines. A defensive option is also provided. A real crossbow is installed above the rear frame, which can be used to pin pursuers to various obstacles along the way.

Action Mobil Desert Challenger

If your house is in ruins, there has been no food or water for a long time, then a real “monster” on wheels Action Mobil Desert Challenger can be a real salvation. This is not your average all-wheel drive multi-purpose truck. In fact, this is an automated house on wheels, in which you can spend many months, moving, at the same time, on any of the possible surfaces. If you think about it this way, the truck would be perfect for an autonomous laboratory where someone's brilliant mind would develop an antidote to cure all of humanity from the virus that turned them into zombies. It should not be assumed that such huge truck other applicants, looters, cannibals and other evil spirits among the survivors will not notice. To prevent them from even thinking about bothering you, you should add bars to the windows, as well as several heavy machine guns to the roofs. We can also advise you not to navigate the zombie apocalypse alone, but to have faithful comrades.

For a long time officials The Israeli army discussed how to create a car that can survive even the “most emergency scenario,” which we certainly include the zombie apocalypse. All these thoughts resulted in Combat Guard. In fact, this is a real all-terrain vehicle that is not afraid of dirt, rocks, dangerous slopes, or anything. It has 54-inch wheels that keep the underbody of the car high enough above the surface, which allows it to have a huge off-road capability. Combat Guard, at the same time, has a 300-horsepower 6.5-liter engine, which allows it to drive up to 150 kilometers per hour. It's also interesting that this car fully armored and can independently rise to surfaces at an angle of up to 70 degrees. Combat Guard armor will protect those inside from high-explosive mines and small arms fire of almost all calibers. The car itself can be re-equipped and, in addition to the 7.62 machine gun, insert a couple more grenade launchers and appear on the roads of a city affected by a zombie infection without fear.

Bugatti Chiron

For the most part, zombies are not distinguished by excellent reactions or refined movements, as well as their speed. The same cannot be said of the Bugatti Chiron with its extreme dynamics. At this rate, you can easily break through virtually any crowd of zombies, leaving behind only their remnants. If you are lucky enough to borrow a hypercar from the garage of some rich collector, then you will have access to a 1500 engine Horse power and truly locomotive traction, complemented by the ability to accelerate to 420 kilometers per hour. Definitely, in a post-apocalyptic world, with such a car you can become the fastest survivor. If you think about it romantically, wouldn’t it be cool to fly along the highway during a zombie invasion in a Buggati Chiron at the moment when your faithful partner is shooting zombies left and right? The main thing is to additionally equip the hypercar with a pair of machine guns and find a good shooter who will cope with shooting at such a speed.

Nikolay Ofitserov

How often do we see films about zombies, yes, every day... well, once a week =). And since I am an employee of a large enterprise, thoughts about the zombie apocalypse visit me from time to time... perhaps this is paranoia. Walking to or from work, I look at these crowds and see in them hundreds of walking zombies with as many functions as your seat in a Mercedes: eat, work in a factory, and get drunk to the point of vomiting on Friday.
Dozens of films about zombie attacks sometimes make me wonder what I would do if this happened, well, for starters, I made fun of the ill-wishers who had already turned into those eager to devour corpses, taking with me a good hundred rounds of 5.45 caliber ammunition. And then, grabbing his beloved, he took off a couple of dozen grenades and guns, looking for a place where there are no walking corpses by definition (I don’t even know where that could be). Well, since most of the car owners have already turned into mush or walking stench, I could choose absolutely any car for the trip, I am faced with a terrible dilemma, more than all these monsters, what to drive!? Let's use our brains! Let's judge soberly, if you take a Hammer, you will be eaten immediately after the Hammer has consumed a tank of gas, so you only have 30 minutes to live, I sympathize with you. The car must be 100% economical because except for an aunt with decrepit peeling skin and a bloody mess in her mouth,
there will be no one to serve us at the gas station. Therefore, you need an economical car.
-Oka for example?
-Ugh, any zombie can turn it over without even breaking a sweat. And with easy booking it weak motor won't last even a kilometer. I need something more powerful, I bet on Smart Brabus! But here a problem arises called a weapons depot, and the Smart trunk, as you know, is the size of a shoe box. Therefore, we need something bigger, for example a sedan. At an acceptable cost. Here I would take something German that is reliable. Like BMW 530d

The car is acceptably nimble and when sliding lightly you can slap “corpses” with the bumper. But you can’t sleep in it normally, especially when driving along our “slope” roads. Therefore, even if a machine gun is installed on the roof and there is a bazooka and a bunch of other life-threatening, or rather death-threatening weapons in the trunk, there will be not enough space, but you always want to sleep. Plus because of not so much high ground clearance You can get stuck driving through a mess of stinking bodies. We easily come to the conclusion that we need something big diesel all-wheel drive. And here it is Huyndai, by the way they presented a whole line of cars for surviving in the world of zombies.

Huyndai Santa Fe is the ultimate zombie car, a mobile fortress, a mobile home, a stronghold of humanity on what resembles a road, a relief carriage for those in need and a death machine for zombies. Everything seems to be cool, you're driving a big all-wheel drive car like this, with armored glass, machine guns on the roof, “whiskey” in your hands, your beloved is sleeping sweetly behind you, and next to you is your faithful dog. And it seems like you have every chance of surviving comfortably, but then an idea comes to your mind! An idea that doesn’t let you sleep, ingrained into the very center of your brain like some kind of stinking zombie. You can take any car. At least a tank. And then you see me in the rearview glass, boldly and pathetically overtaking you in a square with 2 machine guns, a rocket launcher and Rob Zombie’s loudly screaming “music”, and then you realize that this is what you’ve been dreaming about this whole trip . This is his mother helik!

And a selection of other zombie cars

If the living dead begin to roam the earth, the world will change greatly. The order within which we build our lives will collapse under the pressure of the looming threat, and fear, not work and certainly not play, will be what makes us crawl out of bed in the morning. You will have to constantly move in order to ensure that you and your family survive in the zombie apocalypse, and not every vehicle is suitable for these purposes - you will need something durable, maneuverable and adaptable to any conditions. But very few cars fit this description. You can thank us now or later, but remember - perhaps there is not much time left...

In the meantime, here are 20 examples Vehicle, which are not scary to drive into a crowd of zombies and survive the end of the world.

1. Ford E-350 truck

Nobody said that the car you'd use to survive the zombie apocalypse would be comfortable and enjoyable to drive. Ford E-350 definitely not like that, especially its cargo variety. It's ancient and noisy, but we don't care - its usefulness makes up for all the inconvenience.

In case of zombie invasion Ford E-350 can be used for a variety of purposes - you can store supplies in it, you can live in it if necessary, you can even turn it into a prison on wheels and keep those you don't like inside. There are also no problems with spare parts (at least in America), and repairing it if necessary is not difficult.

2. M1 Abrams

It's hard to imagine life in a zombie world without a tank. You can't get enough fuel for it, so we don't recommend driving it every day, but in case of serious trouble, nothing can happen better than a tank, specially designed for ground combat.

« Abrams" - one of the most common tanks in America, was developed in the 1970s and entered production in 1979. Getting a tank is, of course, easier said than done. You won't be able to steal it from the nearest parking lot or borrow it from a neighbor. So we leave the solution to this issue to you. Try to think creatively last days peace.

3. Kettenkrad HK 101

Kettenkrad HK 101 manufactured by NSU - a half-track motorcycle, one might say, a cross between a motorcycle and a tank. It was used by German troops during World War II. Now the remaining copies are either exhibited in museums or kept by collectors. We recommend starting your search with the latter if you decide to get your hands on one in good condition.

Despite its controversial history, Kettenkrad remains a multi-purpose vehicle, especially useful in dense forests where cars and trucks cannot reach. It can also pull a trailer behind it, or be towed by a larger vehicle. Remember it for the future as an indispensable part of your army.

4. Ford F-150 Raptor

We believe that Ford F-150 Raptor will be in great demand specifically for survival in a zombie apocalypse. Sooner or later you will have to go into the wilderness, either in search of food or in an attempt to avoid the invasion of the dead. Designed specifically for off-road racing, the Raptor is perfect for high-speed adventures across the wasteland, thanks to its heavy-duty suspension and 450 hp twin-turbo V6 engine.

Raptors are not hard to find - at least in America there are a huge number of them, so you can even assemble a small armada of them if you want. And don’t forget to raid the spare parts warehouse to make your pickup last longer - at least find a guard and spare headlights, you’ll thank you later. It’s best, of course, if you can get a six-wheeled modification, but they are much less common than the standard model.

5. Mercedes-Maybach G650 Landaulet

You are used to getting the best from life. You stock up cognac in the cellar so that you can drink a glass at night, even when there is no one left in the world who could make more. And you intend to drive through any obstacles in this life in style and comfort and easily solve any problems - including surviving a zombie apocalypse. If you recognize yourself in the description, then the only correct option for you will be Mercedes-Maybach G650 Landaulet.

Developed from the G-Class cars, the G650 has 621 hp. and sufficient ground clearance to rush through even the most inhospitable places on the planet. The catch (and where would we be without it) is that the manufacturer produced only 99 copies. You may have to exchange stocks " Louis XIII"from his cellar to one of them.

6. Gibbs Amphibians Biski

Biski perfect for those who intend to spend the end of the world alone and believe that other people will only be extra ballast and a waste of resources. This two-wheeled amphibian can reach speeds of up to 128 km/h on land and 59 km/h in water, which is enough to outrun even the fastest zombies, and switching modes takes less than five seconds - meaning more time to its two-cylinder engine worked directly on the task of avoiding the attack of the dead.

7. Ripsaw EV2

Manufactured by Howe and Howe Technologies, Ripsaw EV2 is a unique combination of agility, strength and comfort, and one of the fastest tracked vehicles in history. Works for diesel fuel, moves unwaveringly forward with more than 600 hp.

Design Ripsaw allows you to drive through obstacles in almost any terrain - or force your way through them if necessary - and under the thick layer of its armor hides an unexpectedly pleasant interior with leather seats, touch screens and LED lighting. Not an ordinary tank, but just right for the end of the world.

8. Gibbs Humdinga

With the onset of the zombie apocalypse, the roads will become full of coffins on wheels, rusting relics of a long-dead civilization, and needless to say, it makes sense to look for something better than an ordinary passenger car for your purposes.

Another "amphibian" on the list, Gibbs Humdinga allows you to freely go almost anywhere. Four-wheel drive, speed over 120 km/h on land and up to 60 km/h in water, six seats, and switching modes with a simple press of a button. Zombies can't swim, right?..

9. Mercedes-Benz Zetros 2733 6x6

Zetros 2733 6x6 is a massive six-wheel SUV, tough enough to keep you safe in almost any conditions. Oddly enough, the inside is so convenient and comfortable that you can even forget that the world has plunged into hell.

On the one hand, the 7.2-liter diesel engine six-cylinder with 326 hp. On the other hand, there are heated marble floors, two flat-screen TVs, a sound system, a shower and much more that you could want for your mobile home. All electronics are powered by diesel generator, so as long as you can get fuel, you'll be on cloud nine. Who said surviving a zombie apocalypse had to be unpleasant?

10. Paramount Marauder

We were thinking whether to include it or not Marauder to this list, because it's still military equipment, but she's too good to pass by. The South African "" is a real monster. Accommodates 10 soldiers, withstands an explosion of 13 kg of TNT, as optional equipment A 14.5 mm machine gun is offered for installation. WITH Paramount Marauder not only zombies, but anyone else in general has no chance against you.

Thanks to modern TV series and films, the zombie apocalypse has become one of the most popular doomsday scenarios. We have already explained in detail what to do and where to run during this super-event. Today we will tell you what kind of transport will help you not only get away from the dead, but also make sure that they get away themselves.


In front of you is the best car on this planet. At least that's what we think. The Marauder is capable of overcoming any challenge imaginable. In addition to the standard (if the standard for you is a tank) hull reinforcements and glass, the Marauder is equipped with state-of-the-art climate control.

That is, practically nothing will force the driver to get out of the car. Except for the beautiful girl on the road. Guys! Beware of traps like beautiful girls- and not only in the case of a zombie apocalypse.

Knight XV

Yes, this is another car on our list. What can you do, there aren’t many projects similar to the Pal V One being released. Knight XV is a bulletproof SUV that uses biofuel. Night vision cameras will help you always be on alert, and powerful motor 6.8 liters will pull you out of the deepest swamp.

It is somewhat lighter than the Marauder, so the speed is higher - in case you just don’t want to mess with the annoying walking dead.

Pal V One

With a marauder you can drive right through a crowd of zombies, but with the Pal V One you can just fly the hell away from them. This is a helicopter car, exactly the kind that everyone who has ever watched Fantômas dreamed of in childhood. On the ground, the Pal accelerates to 180 km/h.

The gasoline engine has enough fuel to travel 600 km in the air at an altitude of up to two kilometers. The first Pal V One is coming out at the end of this summer - and we're seriously thinking about buying it.

Hyundai Zombie Survival

Hyundai pleased fans of the brand with their constant care - even in the event of the end of the world, the automaker is going to take care of customers. The survivor's transport is prepared on the basis of the Elantra Coupe and there is everything here to send all the zombies in the world to their forefathers.


Guns in the trunk, spikes on the wheels, spotlights, armored tires and even a radio - to communicate with other survivors.

WaterCar Panther

Jeep Wrangler will always be one of the the best cars for unforeseen situations. The zombie apocalypse fully fits the description of an “ultra-unforeseen situation,” which is why this jeep is no ordinary one. Can zombies swim? Not in any movie. Can he swim? WaterCar Panther? Damn it, yes.

Packed with a 3.7-liter engine, this SUV makes 80 km/h on water and 160 on land. Transformation from car to boat takes only 15 seconds: more than enough, given the zombie speed.