Motul engine oil. Choosing Motul oil for a car review. Motul Specific Series

Everyone knows that the right motor oil for a car or motorcycle is the most important thing in its operation, but not everyone can choose the right product. A large abundance of specifications, constant confusion in choosing between mineral and synthetic lubricants, is not an easy task for ordinary people.

Therefore, today we, using the example of the French brand Motul, will look at the main products. First, we will talk about the basics, talk about the types, their classes, additives and the main differences between oils for cars and motorcycles.

Let's get started! Motul was the first lubricant manufacturer to use ester bases to formulate 100% synthetic automotive oil products.


1. Mineral - This is the most popular line and, most likely, this is what you use in your car. Essentially, refined petroleum bases that have been processed and created for the specific requirements of a specific type of vehicle. They are bought in stores, the price is not high. If you are not a supporter of aggressive driving, they may suit you.

2. Semi-synthetic - Essentially, this is a mixture of synthetic oil and mineral oil. They demonstrate improved performance when low temperatures. They aim to offer the performance and performance adequacy that is closer to 100% synthetics, but at a much more affordable price.

3. Synthetic - produced using special technologies that are more complex and energy-intensive. The synthetic processes carried out on them are guaranteed not to give a single reason for failure at extremely low temperatures. They also exhibit a whole range of other excellent properties: less evaporation, less staining. Thanks to synthesis, molecules are more uniform in shape and also have fewer impurities.

One thing to remember when using synthetic oils is that they provide improved viscosity and fluidity in extreme conditions. They don't give significant advantages before their mineral counterparts under normal driving conditions.

4. High Performance - As your car's engine ages and wears out, its oil seals and other seals tend to deteriorate. This leads to unwanted leaks and other complications. Oil for cars with high mileage designed specifically for such “grief”.


For cars with high mileage, oils with additives are produced, including sealing modifiers. They make seals stronger and more flexible, reduce leaks, help the engine run smoothly and not misfire. Even if you don't drive much, your car's engine oil can deteriorate due to moisture.


So what are these “confusing” numbers on the cans called OEM specifications?

These mysterious alphanumeric codes are actually viscosity grades and are often presented in a format that reads like something like 10w30 or SAE40.

To understand this "code", you first need to understand what viscosity means.

Viscosity, for a layman, is the resistance of a liquid to flow.

For example, if you take a glass of milk and honey, then after pouring both, you will notice that the honey will not pour out immediately, but the milk will immediately appear on the surface. In this case, the viscosity of honey is much higher than the viscosity of milk. The 5W30 grade represents operating viscosity in the range from -38 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees Celsius. The W between the two numbers stands for Winter and indicates what was tested in low temperature conditions.


Thus, has more high viscosity than 10W30, under the same conditions, because the higher the viscosity, the better and thicker the protective film.

On the other hand, at low temperatures the oil should be resistant to thickening, which makes it easier to start the engine in cold conditions. So, in theory, 5W30 will start the engine faster than 10W30.

Another representation of viscosity you may have encountered is SAE4, which simply evaluates viscosity at high temperature.

Engine oils rated for both low viscosity and high temperature are known as mixed performance oils that provide better weather performance. Another type used in warm areas is called mono-refined oil.

The ability to control viscosity in such wide range temperatures occurs due to use special additives To basic basis. But viscosity at different temperatures isn't the only thing additives control; they can actually be used to control a whole host of other parameters. If you change the oil after long mileage, it is recommended to use synthetics.


An engine is more than just oil. To give it the properties that make it suitable for a modern car engine, additives are needed.

The percentage of these additives ranges from 5% to 30%, depending on the specific requirements.

Here is a list of types of additives that are used to increase oil characteristics. Dispersants are additives that help maintain engine speed by slowing the formation of deposits and sludge.

Viscosity index modifiers - these additives provide constant viscosity over a wider range of temperature range. When the lubricant film wears too quickly (for example, if the vehicle is not driven for a long time), anti-wear and extreme pressure agents must be present to protect the metal surfaces.

Other additives based on phosphorus and sulfur are also used in the production of lubricants. Adhesion modifiers are additives used to reduce engine friction and improve fuel efficiency. Commonly used compounds for this purpose include graphite and molybdenum.

Corrosion Inhibitors and Alkaline Additives - These additives protect the engine from corrosion caused by water and acids released as combustion by-products. Antioxidants - reduce the oxidation process that leads the oil to the thickening stage. Fact 4: Starting the engine on the old one, dirty oil will increase fuel consumption and consequently reduce engine life.

Of course, it’s worth talking about the difference between car and motorcycle oils. Most motorcycles run more than high frequency engine rotation, resulting in a significant increase in oil load as the engine operates at higher temperatures. Motorcycle engines must have significantly greater shear stability and resistance to viscosity loss at higher temperatures. high temperatures. But this is only part of the problem.

Other a big problem is that the motorcycle uses the same oil for the engine and gearbox. But better transmission Lubricate with ATF.

This liquid has friction properties necessary for the operation of the transmission. Motorcycles do not have two different liquids for two different functions, so the oil must have special properties for both the engine and transmission.


All motorcycle oils are made using special technologies. Friction modifiers in automobile oils for the best fuel efficiency, can cause clutch slippage in motorcycles.

Motor oils for cars and motorcycles are different, and even if the “ratings” look similar, motor oils are selected that are specific to either cars or motorcycles.

Difference in two types motor oils also emphasized by the JASO standard - these are exclusive to motorcycle engines and do not apply to automobile engine oils. So what now, you ask. Well, any characteristics of additives and lubricants are controlled by region-specific organizations: API, ACEA and SAE, taking into account accepted standards.

These bodies determine the technical requirements for the engine so that they can qualify for a certain level of performance. Most important organizations are listed below: Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) American Petroleum Institute (SAE) Independent Lubricant Manufacturers (ILM).

They are integral components of any modern car. Neither motorcycles nor passenger cars, not even heavy vehicles. After all, it is the oil that provides lubricating properties and extends the service life. mechanical parts. And today we will talk about the features and reviews of Motul oil.

history of the company

On this moment Motul is one of the oldest lubricant companies. This company was founded in the mid-19th century in the USA. Almost a century after its founding, the company was moved to France, where it now produces high-quality motor and transmission oils.

The company’s career began with the production of lubricants for steamships and diesel locomotives. After some time, the Motul company began to develop new oils for aircraft during the Second World War. And only in the middle of the 20th century the company began to seriously develop oils for automobile internal combustion engines.

Development of new lubricants

It is worth noting that it was this company that invented the world's first all-season oil in 1953. And it was called “Motul Century”. But the company’s global achievements did not end there. Seven years later, the first semi synthetic oil"Motul Century 2100". Then the same company invented 100% “synthetics” for the first time. It was marked with the symbol “300V”.
This tool was carried out according to unique technology- based on esters. Motul 300V oil belongs to the highest group in terms of API classifications. In terms of their properties, such materials provide the most long service life service of engine parts due to the thin lubricating film that forms on the cylinder walls.

But that's not all. In the 80s, the company created the first oil, which contributes not only to coordinated work internal combustion engine elements, but also reduces the vehicle’s fuel consumption by an order of magnitude. With each new development, the company significantly increases the confidence of its customers, and that is why it remains a leader in today's lubricants market. Numerous reviews speak about this.

Motul oils: requirements and advantages

The ideal must meet a number of strict requirements, among which the following aspects should be highlighted:

What are the benefits of French oil? Reviews of Motul oil say that it meets all above requirements. Moreover, the products manufactured by this company have all the documentary approvals that apply to modern lubricants.

Before a certificate is issued for a certain batch of goods, it undergoes a short exam, which tests all the requirements approved by global and European standards. Moreover, this entire procedure goes through not only Motul transmission oil, but also engine oil.

Race trials

Perhaps there is no company other than MOTUL that would undergo such the most severe tests on racing tracks. After all, almost the entire range of these liquids (and these are mainly made on the basis of esters) has long been tested on MOTUL’s own racing team in Japan.

In addition, Motul has several victories in the MotoGP and WRC championships. Knowing this, it is simply impossible not to trust such an eminent and serious manufacturer.

According to reviews, Motul oils are 100 percent synthetic. At the same time, other companies use this statement only as publicity stunt. What else is special about Motul engine oil? Reviews say that the engine makes virtually no noise during operation. unnecessary noise and becomes more responsive and “alive”.

Variety of assortment

Every year more and more types of lubricants appear on store shelves from manufacturer MOTUL. The large assortment of Motul products allows every car enthusiast to choose exactly the right engine or transmission oil, which answers technical requirements and the recommendations of the car manufacturer itself. MOTUL produces lubricants with viscosities of 0W20, 10W40, 15W50, as well as 20W60.

According to reviews, Motul oils are ideal for almost all types of cars, regardless of the age and conditions of their operation. For example, 0W20 fluid will be the best option For latest models American and Japanese cars, and a product with a viscosity of 20W60 is indispensable for cars with powerful forced engines that are operated in extremely difficult conditions.

Features of MOTUL “synthetics”

As we said earlier, Motul motor oil is produced mainly of a synthetic type, and based on esters. These substances are plant esters that have a high adhesion effect to metal surfaces. At the same time, the thin film that forms on the cylinder walls retains its fluidity properties at the lowest temperatures. All this contributes to a significant reduction in engine wear, as well as moderate fuel consumption. Yes, this technology was created decades ago, but every year the French company Motul does not cease to invent more and more new formulas and constantly improve its production technologies. This allows the company to confidently maintain its leadership level in the global market, constantly increasing the circle of potential buyers.

Motul motor oil - the reviews speak for themselves!

Owner reviews of Motul engine oil

Alexey, Renault Logan

Every time you change the oil, you need to go through a series of procedures, starting with draining and ending with thorough washing. No matter how much you save, the amount still turns out to be large. I decided to try MOTUL 8100 X-cess 5W40 engine oil; friends once recommended this synthetic.

In the first two or three months they all work great, but then some start to fail. But after Motul, I have never heard a car start to groan like an old grandfather.

My new car has run almost 150,000 km without major repairs; I haven’t tried anything other than the Motul 8100 Eco-energy engine. I changed it every ten kilometers and not the slightest complaints for the entire mileage traveled.

And this does not count the idle mileage, because taking into account the frosts, the car sometimes threshes for 8 hours a day without stopping, and I did not add a single gram of oil from replacement to replacement. Therefore, I consider Motul a serious brand among global fuel and lubricants manufacturers.

Of course, no one is safe from counterfeits, but here you don’t have to fiddle with your ears and buy something cheap. And what they say about blackness, it’s not surprising that after tens of thousands of kilometers it turns black, because this means good flushing properties and nothing more.

Everything that Motul positions as synthetics and semi-synthetics is in fact ordinary cheap hydrocracking. This is not unfounded, but the test results showed it. So it’s worth thinking about – is it worth the money??

In addition, its pour point is also crap - the 8100 line thickens happily at a frost of -25, although at least -36 is promised.

I wonder who writes negative reviews?! I read in one review - Motul bad oil, in the other there is bad, but what is good then? Write down what you are unhappy with, and most importantly, where you bought the oil and from whom.

Otherwise, they’ll take it from Uncle Vasya’s doorway, it’s unclear, and then they’ll start whining that the oil is rubbish and that all their wages are spent on it.

For example, I have been pouring Motul 8100 X-cess 5W40 for more than a year, I have Nissan Primera. Before this I used Mobile, it was not bad in the summer, the consumption became less, but in the winter it thickens a lot, although the viscosity is 5w and in very coldy In the morning it was impossible to crank the engine.

And it also requires frequent replacement, because it is being worked out a lot. I changed it to Motul - and there were no more problems, I drive - I don’t worry that I didn’t top up or replace it. Everything is fine.

Irina, Kia, Motul Specific from model range DEXOS2 5w30

I spent a long time looking for which engine oil to choose, asked friends, read reviews from other users and chose Motul Specific DEXOS2 5w30, a synthetic version. A plus in his favor was the approval of the concern General Motors, after all, a well-known company.

And as it turned out, not in vain, the car just flies. I have a Kia, I bought a used car. So immediately after filling it up, I noticed that the engine stopped making noise. unnecessary sounds that were before this.

And fuel and oil consumption have been noticeably reduced, the color of the waste remains almost transparent even after traveling ten thousand kilometers.

Has anyone ever heard of high mileage with this oil? I’ve been dealing with oils for several years now and I know that when someone starts driving a Motul, the engine simply starts to eat it up. They manage to switch to other oils on time - they are lucky, but those who delay this matter will regret it later.

Somehow I really haven’t met a single car with this oil and with high mileage. Butter so-so a budget option, the price is greatly inflated, it is not clear why they take that kind of money.

Andrey, 5 years of experience.

When I first tried Motul engine oil, I was satisfied, the engine ran quite calmly.

After five thousand miles, I noticed that the color had changed slightly, but this is a normal process, it happens even with high-quality motor oils, and as I understand it, it has darkened, which means it is working and cleaning. But the engine stopped “eating” oil; before it had to be topped up often.

Vitaly, Mazda

For the fourth year now I have been filling up with Motul motor oil and when driving I notice the ease of movement. This is not my first car; I have a lot of experience in using other oils, which ended in complete disappointment.

And here the lightness in the engine appears immediately after filling. The motor runs silently and this is when permanent job. The engine stops overheating.

Smooth operation of the main parts is not all the advantages; after replacing the old one, you can see that the color of the oil has not changed at all. The viscosity is also perfectly preserved, high-quality oil.

I have been using Motul for over 10 years. I won’t boast that I didn’t have to add oil, it happened, but it wasn’t fatal, according to the norm. On one bay, 20 thousand kilometers passed from replacement to replacement.

Sometimes it happened that I forgot to change the oil on time or there were force majeure situations and ran on it for 50. However, then I was afraid that it would knock. I went to the car service center where I always service my car, asked the mechanics to open the engine, wash it, clean it, change the seals, but they looked at me like I was an idiot who had nothing better to do.

They said that everything is fine with compression, the engine runs like a clock, there is no oil consumption. Until now, the engine has never been disassembled or opened. So Motul performed well in both heat and cold below 40, there were no problems with starting.

I bought a Mercedes 124 E300, it was already filled with Motul. After that, I rolled another 6000 and the engine runs smoothly, does not smoke or knock, the oil level has not changed, there is not the slightest waste.

I’m happy with the oil and I’m not going to change the brand, I know that it’s only made in France, and it’s famous good oils, like Holland - with tulips, cheeses and gays)) True, the main thing is not to run into pseudo-brands, not to buy a fake.

Vlad, Ford Ranger TD

I recently filled up with synthetic Motul 10w40. Now I can’t understand anything - during a cold start in minimal frosts just below zero, the valves suddenly began to tap, and so on until the engine warms up at least a little. Previously, the knocking (on the castrol) started at -15. Somehow this is all confusing.

Don’t believe those who write that Motul is of low quality or causes problems, they drive a cart. I have a Toyota, I bought a new one and from the first day I have been using Motul Eco-Energy 8100 5W30, I have been driving it for the second year and have no complaints about this oil, winter or summer - it doesn’t matter.

Our frosts reach 30 degrees and the car has never failed, the engine runs cleanly, without failures. I change the oil once a year, regardless of mileage, I undergo inspection on time and everything is without problems. The oil is excellent, although a little expensive.


I'm not really a car owner. Regarding this oil, I only pour it into my motorcycle. I use Motul 7100 and there are no problems at all. I used cheaper options before, but in the end it turned out to be a problem.

Therefore, I think it’s better to pay a little more and ride quietly. About 2 years with motul and only positive impressions.

Valery, Opel

I’ve been pouring motul 6100 with my own hands for 5 years, and before me, the first owner poured it himself. Opel, 170,000 km on this oil, excellent flight. Once I tried GM, I ate a liter on top, threw it away and returned the Motul.

I buy only from officials. Go to the Internet, look for sales points on the official website, and the engine will be happy.

The Motul brand is well known in the global fuel and lubricants markets and is directly associated with the products of the High Quality. In other words, original Motul engine oils for engines are rightfully considered one of the best solutions.

In this article we will talk about what advantages and features such lubricants have, as well as how to choose Motul oil for either a motor, for a two-stroke or four-stroke internal combustion engine. various techniques etc.

Read in this article

Motul motor oils: a recognized leader in the lubricants market

The French company Motul Automotive was founded in 1853, specializes in the development and sale of lubricants, as well as other technical fluids for various purposes and tasks. At the same time, a separate narrow specialization affects the production of oils for all types of car engines.

Motul's assortment includes antifreeze for the cooling system, motor oils for gasoline and diesel engines, brake fluid etc. It should also be noted that there is a separate group of oils that are actively used in highly loaded sports cars.

If we talk about the features of Motul lubricants, engine oil of this brand means not only high quality and effective engine protection, but also an extended service life lubricating fluid, as well as reducing friction losses and saving fuel.

It should be noted that Motul specialists were the first to create a unique formula and launched it completely on the market more than 40 years ago. Today, significant funds continue to be invested in latest developments to improve production technology. The result of the work of two Motul laboratories was the receipt of a number of international quality certificates for products.

Back in 1953, the company introduced the world's first multi-grade motor oil; in 1966, the first engine oil appeared on the market; in 1971, development was completed and production of fully synthetic oils of the highest quality was launched. A year later, pure “synthetics” appeared for .

Since 1973, Motul specialists have created a special formula based on the ester molecule. Such a breakthrough meant a revolution in the world of motor oils, latest technology development and production of lubricants. As a result, already in the early 80s, a generation of “energy-saving” motor oils of the “fuel economy” type appeared.

After a short period of time, Motul Turboil oil entered the market in 1992 pure synthetics was developed for motorcycle engines, which further strengthened the brand’s position in motorsports. Then, from 1998, the production of Motul oils of the “longlife” type (extended service life) was launched.

The last type of lubricant is intended for engines that operate in conditions increased loads(lungs and heavy trucks, buses, special equipment) and assumes a significantly increased replacement interval.

Thanks to such innovative developments the Motul brand has been considered since 2012 recognized leader in the global fuel and lubricants market. Leading automakers from Europe, the USA, Japan, etc., who put forward special requirements for the quality of motor oil for their engines, directly cooperate with this company.

Benefits of Motul engine oil

The Motul manufacturer has a number of obvious advantages over its competitors:

  1. First of all, this company opened one of the first own factories for the production of motor oil, quickly taking a leading position among other manufacturers.
  2. Motul oils are manufactured at one plant, which is located in France. This is a guarantee of consistently high quality.
  3. A wide range of products makes it possible to select Motul oils for both car engines, and for motorcycle engines, boat motors, scooters, ATVs and other types of equipment.
  4. The company's products are well known in auto and motorsports, as well as other types of sports competitions that involve the use various types equipment (boats and boats, snowmobiles, etc.).

Also, many Motul oils are made for specific engines of certain models, that is, all tolerances and requirements of the manufacturer are taken into account separately. power plant, design features motor, etc.

The use of Motul oil, which is made on the basis of esters, is a guarantee of maximum effective protection engine taking into account any modes and loads. The special oil film that forms on rubbing surfaces is resistant to tearing and high temperatures.

Motul's so-called "sports" oils are tested under real conditions and are available for free sale. This allows you to provide quality service to any sports car.

We also note that this manufacturer does not produce oil itself and does not specialize in the secondary processing of petroleum products. In practice, this means that, unlike many other manufacturers, a certain amount of pre-purified waste is not added to Motul oil during production.

In terms of selection, the company offers different series of products. According to the viscosity index, the catalogs present both low-viscosity lubricants 0W20 or 5W30, as well as the widely popular 5W40 and 10W40, as well as mineral oils 15W50 or 20W50.

For example, Motul line 300V is a 100% synthetic low-viscosity oil for sports cars, Motul 8100 is a “universal” synthetic for different types of internal combustion engines(gasoline and diesel), Motul Specific oils are created for specific car models of a particular manufacturer.

The Motul 6100, 4100 and 2100 line means that we are talking about high quality semi-synthetics. The Motul 4000 product is mineral oil, which contains an expanded package of highly effective detergents, extreme pressure, antioxidant and other additives. For two and four-stroke engines, the manufacturer also offers special oils 2T and 4T, etc. These lubricants are suitable for motorcycle engines, snowmobiles, boats and other vehicles.

What's the result?

As you can see, high-quality motor oil not only ensures ease of starting and stable work power unit, but also allows you to extend as much as possible, get better return from the engine, achieve fuel economy.

It is important to understand that only a competent selection of Motul oil or lubricants from other manufacturers (Mobil, Zic, Liqui Moly, Castrol, Shell, Lukoil, etc.) will mean that your engine is reliably protected. In simple words, only oil should be poured into each engine that, first of all, meets all the engine manufacturer’s tolerances and is also suitable in viscosity.

If we talk about various products on the market, only the use original oil high quality allows you to extend the life of a car engine or power unit on other types of equipment. In simple words, saving on lubrication later turns into high costs in the context of premature repairs.

As for Motul oil, the main disadvantage of this product can be considered its rather high price. Also, in a number of cases, some car enthusiasts note that in practice, oils of this brand are no different from more affordable analogues.

We also note that any oil, even the most expensive and regardless of unique features, need to be changed in a timely manner. As practice shows, in the CIS, where the quality of fuel is not the highest, even high-quality synthetic oils must be replaced no later than after 10 thousand km. or after 12 months (whichever comes first). It turns out that the use of expensive lubricant is not always justified or advisable.

We also add that when purchasing oil from Motul or another manufacturer, purchasing lubricants only at official authorized points of sale.

Read also

Engine oil viscosity, what is the difference between oils with a viscosity index of 5w40 and 5w30. Which lubricant is best to pour into the engine in winter and summer, tips and recommendations.

  • Which manufacturers make the best motor oil. Choosing the best engine oil among the available market offers. Tips and tricks.

  • Motul motor oil is produced by a French company that deals exclusively with oil, unlike most cases with other companies, where the production of motor oil is often just an additional sector of the oil refining company. Motul produces exclusively motor oil, and most often specifically for sports cars and motorcycles.

    This oil can rightfully be considered one of best options for most cases of vehicle operation, especially if we are talking about constant use over a period of long term. Most often, even with a fairly aggressive driving style, with constant use of Motul oil, engine wear on average will be less severe.

    One of the main advantages that characterizes this oil– full guarantee synthetic composition oil, if the manufacturer indicates that it is synthetic oil. Indeed, in many cases with other manufacturers, synthetic oil is often passed off as mineral oil with the addition of synthetic additives.

    Another advantage is the ability to find motor oil specifically for a specific type of engine, with some specific features and, accordingly, specific requirements for oils. Thanks to new lines of oils from the French company, owners of new cars with new characteristic features engines, can easily select Motul oil similar to the original one.

    Motul oil actually withstands very significant loads. Compared to other oils, it withstands significantly greater forces to break the oil film.

    Motul does not contain oil; it is made from synthetic material, so during use the oil does not coke or burn out, which is especially important for engines equipped with turbocharging.

    When choosing oil of this manufacturer, it should be noted that Motul has a fairly wide range and process for selecting oil for specific engine should include not only the manufacturer’s recommendations, but also a specific operating mode, which may be different for each owner.

    While the various lines of Motul oils, some of which are more designed for long mileage, others are capable of withstanding crazy levels of load during sports use, but are only rated for a few hundred kilometers in terms of mileage. Therefore, when choosing oily liquid, you need to clearly understand for which engine and for what purposes it is needed, and then this product will be able to fully reveal all his qualities.

    At correct selection oil for your car and following all the manufacturer’s recommendations, the only relative disadvantage of this oil is its noticeably higher price than products from other manufacturers, which, in principle, is typical for any product with a high quality guarantee.