Is it possible for cars to park at the bus stop? Can a taxi stop at a bus stop? How much does illegal parking cost?

"Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are."
A truth you can't argue with.
But knowledgeable people say that you can get to know a person better by the way he parks.

Where is parking allowed and where is it prohibited? Crib.

Parking rules

You can parkCan't park
5 meters before the pedestrian crossing Closer than 5 meters to the pedestrian crossing
5 meters from the edge of the crossed roadway In those places where stopping or parking will block traffic signals for other drivers
15 meters from the stops public transport Closer than 15 meters from public transport stops
50 meters from the railway crossing Closer than 50 meters from a railway crossing
In one row parallel to the edge of the roadway On railway crossings and in the tunnels
Long-term parking in those places indicated by signs 7.10 and 7.11 In those places indicated by signs 3.27 and 3.28
Parking on the edge of the sidewalk in the presence of sign 6.4 and one of the special signs On the roadway if visibility is limited
At the very edge of the roadway or on the side of the road, if there are no prohibiting signs At the intersection of roadways
In two rows at the edge of the roadway if you have a two-wheeled vehicle On the tram tracks
On even and odd days of the month in the presence of appropriate road signs 3.29 and 3.30 On even and odd days of the month in the presence of prohibiting road signs 3.29 or 3.30
Outside settlements in those areas marked with sign 2.1

In general, the parking issue is very popular in Russia, because sometimes driving a car is not much cheaper than parking it. But seriously, parking a car at first glance seems like a piece of cake, but everything is a little more complicated. Firstly, vehicle parking is clearly regulated by the Rules traffic. Secondly, different cities and regions may have their own parking nuances. And thirdly, there are unspoken rules, not to comply with which means not to respect yourself, nor fellow motorists, nor pedestrians, nor law enforcement officers, nor even that cat who is used to basking in the place under which the heating main is laid.

Fines for illegal parking

Article Fine for regionsFine for Moscow and St. Petersburg
12.19 part 1 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle, except for the cases provided for in part 1 of article 12.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and parts 2 - 6 of this article Warning or fine 500 rubles. 2500 rub.
12.19 p.2 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles in places designated for stopping or parking vehicles of disabled people from 3000 to 5000 rub.
12.19 h. 3 Stopping or parking a vehicle at a pedestrian crossing and closer than 5 meters in front of it, with the exception of a forced stop and the case provided for in Part 6 of this article, or violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle on the sidewalk, except for the case provided for in Part 6 of this article 1000 rub. 3000 rub.
12.19 hours 3.1 Stopping or parking a vehicle at stopping places for route vehicles or closer than 15 meters from stopping places for route vehicles, with the exception of stopping to pick up or disembark passengers, forced stops and cases provided for in parts 4 and 6 of this article 1000 rub. 3000 rub.
12.19 part 3.2 Stopping or parking a vehicle on tram tracks or stopping or parking a vehicle further than the first row from the edge of the roadway, with the exception of a forced stop and the cases provided for in parts 4 and 6 of this article 1500 rub. 3000 rub.
12.19 h. 4 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle on the roadway, resulting in the creation of obstacles to the movement of other vehicles, as well as stopping or parking a vehicle in a tunnel, except for the case provided for in Part 6 of this article 2000 rub. 3000 rub.
vehicle detention
12.19 h. 5 Violation provided for in Part 1 of this article, committed in Moscow or St. Petersburg 2500 rub.
12.19 h. 6 Violations provided for in parts 3 - 4 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg 3000 rub.

Alas, Moscow cannot boast of such parking regulations


Remember a simple axiom - only a tank driver does not have to know how to park his vehicle. For everyone else, the traffic rules spell out parking rules.

Stop or parking?

Submitting to the fashion for Western terminology and ubiquitous Anglicisms, we will not abandon such a concept as “parking”. But in our legislative framework another term appears - "parking". And if drivers have long understood the difference between “inspection” and “inspection” of a vehicle, then they often have difficulties with the definition of “parking” and “stopping”.

A stop is a pause in movement, a parking is a stop for 5 or more minutes.


So, a stop is, in simple terms, a cessation of movement lasting no more than 5 minutes.
However, the rules do not limit drivers to five minutes if this time is not enough for them to disembark/pick up passengers or load/unload. But if a vehicle stops for more than 5 minutes, and this has nothing to do with passengers or cargo, then this is already a parking lot.

Parking rules for everyone

First, let's look at why you should park correctly. Quite often, novice drivers and experienced “steering wheelers” believe that it is not so important where the car is parked. But by parking your vehicle correctly, you will, firstly, reduce your chances of meeting and communicating with all of us beloved traffic police inspectors and such a nuisance as a fine.

Someone parks however they want...


Secondly, proper parking will protect your car from troubles, such as an accident without moving or mechanical damage, caused by particularly dissatisfied pedestrians defending their rights using radical methods.

And someone - how can.


By the way, about the accident.

If your car was parked illegally and became involved in a traffic accident, then all the blame and administrative responsibility inevitably and automatically falls on you.

Where can I park?

IN current Rules Traffic regulations tell you where you can park and where you can’t. From paragraph 12.1 you can find out that parking can be organized on the side of the road to the right of the road or at the edge of the roadway. If you still want to park on the left, then this can only be done on roads with one lane in each direction and without tram tracks.

Violation of parking rules is the reason for difficulties with parking in Moscow


But the union of a parked car and the sidewalk is discussed in section 12.2. If you ride a bicycle, moped, motorcycle and car, then you have every right to park your vehicle in places that are marked with a parking sign...

... and one of the signs below (here is the answer to the frequently asked question - is it possible to park on the sidewalk).

In all other cases, you will have to park at your own risk. And, of course, conscience.

Where you can't park

No matter how we feel about prohibitory signs, ignoring them is often more expensive for ourselves.
Parking is prohibited if the following sign is visible on the horizon.

The effect of the “No Parking” sign extends from the place where the sign is installed to the nearest intersection behind it, and in populated areas, in the absence of an intersection, to the end of the populated area.

At the same time, variations of this sign can be observed on the streets of Russian cities.

Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month

Parking is prohibited on even days of the month

But there are also more general rules.
For example, under no circumstances will you be able to legally park your vehicle on the sidewalk if it is a truck. In addition, parking is prohibited in those places where stopping is not permitted, which is quite logical.

Also, you cannot park a vehicle on the roadway outside the populated area that is marked with a “Main Road” sign.

Do not forget that it is strictly prohibited to organize parking closer than 50 meters from railway crossings.


The “Pedestrian Path” sign prohibits cars from driving, but nothing is said about parking on the path for pedestrians and cyclists. Yes, a fine of 2 thousand rubles. you will have to pay, because it is impossible to enter the forbidden territory without moving. However, according to the Administrative Code, the traffic police have no right to evacuate your car to the impound area from the pedestrian path. Many Muscovites, those who have more money, take advantage of this flaw in the Code and habitually park their four-wheeled “horses” on paths intended for “two-legged people.”

How much does illegal parking cost?

Municipal authorities are constantly increasing penalties for parking where parking is prohibited. At the same time, there is a certain gradation of fines depending on the region or city. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg the fine amounts are higher than in other Russian cities.

Rules for parking in yards: good where we are not

It should be recognized that the rules for parking in courtyards and adjacent areas have not yet been clearly defined at the legislative level. But it would be worth it, because, for example, Moscow courtyards are increasingly reminiscent of a zone high voltage, which arises between residents. However, there is a vault general rules, which any driver is obliged to comply with.

It is strictly prohibited to park a car on lawns. The provision on “green zones” is not spelled out in the traffic rules, but such parking violates another set of rules - the city improvement rules. In addition, you must not block a passage that impedes the movement of others. Vehicle and pedestrians. Sidewalks in yards are also a taboo area for car owners.

Sometimes in the courtyards there is a “parking nonsense”


If we talk about any clear instructions, then parking a car is prohibited closer than 10 meters from the doors, be it the doors of a store or an entrance, and also no closer than 5 meters from garbage containers.

In London, a car owner can buy the right to park next to their house or in their yard for 100 pounds a year. For all other parking spaces, Londoners pay £4 hourly and can stay in a space for a maximum of four hours.

Regarding other prohibitions, a car with a running engine cannot be parked in yards. Remember - no more than 4 minutes 59 seconds. This rule is worth thinking about for motorists who warm up the engine before driving during the winter months.

And, of course, they are completely discriminated against in relation to off-street parking. trucks mobile phones with permission maximum weight more than 3.5 tons.

Parking rules in Moscow

A city can be considered one that has reached the highest level of motorization if there are from 300 to 400 cars per 1 thousand inhabitants. In 2013, Moscow was on the list of the most motorized cities took second place— 380 cars per “kilo-capita” of the population. Hence the 127 hours a year that a Moscow driver spends fighting traffic jams.

Free parking is a luxury for Moscow


So here it is. Once the city reaches high level motorization, it automatically waives the “free parking” regulations. This is the answer to the question why parking in Moscow became paid. We must not forget about the convenience of pedestrians, the priority of public transport and moving cars. Parked cars that simply occupy public space are at the very bottom of the priority table. In other words, if you want to stand, pay. This is exactly what is said on the pages of the project, which is designed to cope with the problem of “chaotic parking” on the capital’s streets.

The parking rules in the center of Moscow are simple to the point of banality - the car can be parked wherever the rules or relevant regulations do not prohibit it. road signs. If you do not follow this norm, then be sure to add to the statistics of evacuees for wrong parking car - about 1300 rubles per day.

You can pay for parking through the parking meter


Majority shopping centers in Moscow they provide free parking spaces, but there are also those (they are located inside the Third Transport Ring) where only the first hours of parking are free. There are also some little parking tricks: you can leave your car in the Moscow Hotel parking lot if you buy at least something in one of the many local boutiques.

Subtleties of the question

Under no circumstances do you have the right to trample the grass on the lawn with the tires of your car. True, the amount of the administrative fine for this is different everywhere, because these fines are set by local governments.

If you parked your car, but only drove a little onto the curb, then law enforcement will definitely regard this as full-fledged parking on the sidewalk. For the convenience of one wheel - a fine and evacuation of the “steel horse” to the “penalty stable”.

Imagine that you left your car on the sidewalk. According to current legislation, for violating the rules of parking or stopping on the sidewalk, which entails creating obstacles to the movement of pedestrians, you can be fined two times the minimum wage. But the fact of creating obstacles still needs to be proven. But if there is no fact, there is no corpus delicti. However, compliance with the law should be at the forefront of all such situations.

Today, traffic cops use devices called “Parcon”, which independently detect and record violations of parking rules. After this, drivers receive “chain letters”. So don't leave it to chance and beware of the newfangled gadgets that law enforcement officers are armed with.

If you want to know what kind of person this person is, look at how he parks his car!


In order not to lose money (fines, payment for towing and storage in a parking lot), time and nerve cells, try to get along with this capricious lady, whose name is “Parking”. Remember the patience of the legendary Noah, who, on his ark full of passengers, searched for parking until he found it near the majestic Ararat. Respect the law, pedestrians and your fellow drivers, and you will always find parking space under the sun.

A public transport stop is a dangerous zone where many people constantly gather and stop minibuses, buses, trolleybuses.

Unfortunately, many drivers passenger cars transport forget about the ban on stopping and parking in these places, creating additional interference and increasing the danger of the site. And while some do this consciously, some drivers are simply not aware of the rules that apply to bus stops.

Parking and valet parking at the bus stop

Paragraph 12.4 of the traffic rules indicates that parking and parking on the territory of a bus stop is prohibited. The same rule applies to the adjacent area - 15 meters before and the same after the stop. The distance is measured from sign 5.16 or road markings.

What does the concept of "parking" mean? This is when the car is stationary for more than 5 minutes. In this case, the driver may be in the car or absent. Parking is defined as parking for a period exceeding 5 minutes, regardless of engine operation.

Is stopping allowed?

Stopping involves short-term parking (up to 5 minutes). But even this is prohibited at bus stops. There are only two exceptions provided for in paragraph 12.4 of the traffic rules:

  1. Boarding or disembarking passengers.

Stopping is permitted provided that the car does not interfere with public transport and waiting people.

The listed rules apply not only to passenger cars, but also to other buses that are not public transport. For example, corporate transport from a factory can drop off passengers at a bus stop, and this will not be considered a violation.

But there is one important condition - stopping is allowed provided that there is no sign 3.27, which prohibits any type of stop, even to disembark passengers.

When is there no fine?

There are several situations when stopping or even parking at a bus stop is not considered a violation, and the driver does not face a fine. This:

    the driver is feeling unwell (for example, he has a heart attack or suddenly darkened his vision);

    maneuver to prevent an accident (for example, when a car drifts onto oncoming lane);

    car breakdown requiring an emergency stop.

In any of the above cases, the driver must stop and display a sign emergency stop and fix problems. If the driver becomes ill, you need to signal to other road users or pedestrians.

In case of any breakdowns you can stop in the wrong places:

The listed breakdowns are a good reason for parking and troubleshooting. If necessary, you can call a tow truck or a mobile team of auto mechanics.

Punishment for violation

And now about the punishment for violating parking rules bus stops. It is provided for in Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

    Stopping or parking without interfering with public transport - 1000 rubles;

    Parking obstructing pedestrians or public transport - a fine of 2,000 rubles.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fine for these offenses is higher - 3 thousand rubles.

But a fine is not the only punishment provided for the violator. If the driver parks at a stop and leaves the car, the car will be towed to the impound lot. In this case, you will have to pay significantly more. In this case, you can be absent for only a few minutes - road police and tow trucks work quickly - 10 minutes are enough to detain a car.

What should I tell the inspector?

If you violated traffic rules and parked at a bus stop or less than 15 meters before or after the sign, your actions depend on the reason for such a maneuver. The traffic police inspector who approaches will need to explain that the car is broken. Be prepared to prove it - the police don't take your word for it.

If there is no valid reason for stopping, you should expect a report and a fine to be drawn up. The traffic police inspector will have to record the violation and collect testimony from witnesses. In this case, it is almost impossible to avoid punishment. To avoid paying fines, you need to follow traffic rules and not ignore the signs.

12.1. Stopping and parking of vehicles is permitted on right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence - on the roadway at its edge and in the cases established by paragraph 12.2 of the Rules - on the sidewalk.

On the left side of the road, stopping and parking are permitted in populated areas on roads with one lane for each direction without tram tracks in the middle and on one-way roads ( trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons, only stopping for loading or unloading is permitted on the left side of one-way roads).

12.2. It is allowed to park the vehicle in one row parallel to the edge of the roadway. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer may be parked in two rows.

(see text in the previous edition)

The combination of sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.4 - 8.6.9, as well as road marking lines, allows the vehicle to be positioned at an angle to the edge of the roadway if the configuration (local widening) of the roadway allows such an arrangement.

(see text in the previous edition)

12.3. Parking for the purpose of long-term rest, overnight stay, etc. outside a populated area is permitted only in designated areas or off the road.

12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

on tram tracks, as well as in the immediate vicinity of them, if this creates interference with the movement of trams;

at railway crossings, in tunnels, as well as on overpasses, bridges, overpasses (if there are less than three lanes for traffic in a given direction) and under them;

in places where the distance between a solid marking line (except indicating the edge of the roadway), a dividing strip or the opposite edge of the roadway and a stopped vehicle is less than 3 m;

(see text in the previous edition)

on pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 m in front of them;

on the roadway near dangerous turns and convex breaks in the longitudinal profile of the road when the visibility of the road is less than 100 m in at least one direction;

at the intersection of roadways and closer than 5 m from the edge of the roadway being crossed, with the exception of the side opposite the side passage of three-way intersections (crossroads) that have a continuous marking line or dividing strip;

closer than 15 meters from the stopping places of fixed-route vehicles or parking for passenger taxis, indicated by marking 1.17, and in its absence - from the sign of the stopping place of fixed-route vehicles or parking for passenger taxis (except for stops for boarding and disembarking passengers, if this does not interfere with the movement of fixed-route vehicles vehicles or vehicles used as passenger taxi);

(see text in the previous edition)

in places where the vehicle will block traffic lights, road signs from other drivers, or make it impossible for other vehicles to move (enter or exit) (including on bicycle or bicycle-pedestrian paths, as well as closer than 5 m from the intersection of a bicycle or bicycle-pedestrian path with roadway), or will interfere with the movement of pedestrians (including at the junction of the roadway and sidewalk on the same level, intended for the movement of people with limited mobility);

(see text in the previous edition)

To serve passengers, public transport is allocated special places in order to ensure the safety of citizens and reduce traffic jams. The fine for stopping at a public transport stop is up to 3,000 rubles.

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Responsibility for traffic violations provided for by the RF Code on administrative offenses. In this case, the driver faces the average size fine In addition, you will have to pay for the services of a tow truck and for the impound area if the car is taken away. This measure is provided if the vehicle creates significant interference and danger to traffic.

The public transport stop zone is indicated by signs 5.16 – 18. They are classified as signs of special requirements.

To designated transport traffic rules includes the following:

  • buses;
  • trolleybuses;
  • trams;
  • route transport;
  • Taxi.

Please note that taxis are also included in the list as they carry passengers. The signs are made in rectangular shape, where the corresponding transport image is drawn in a white square on a blue background.

They are necessarily double-sided and are installed on road sections intended for stops. public funds. The sign is located in the middle or at the end of the zone, and if it is long, then its repetition is allowed.

The Appendix to the Traffic Regulations describes road markings, used in conjunction with the indicated signs. This is a yellow horizontal line near the curb (maybe without it) and oblique lines like a ladder, indicating the stopping area. The marking has its own number – 1.17.

In practice, there may be no markings or signs, but one of them must be present.

If the zone is marked in this way, the driver must comply with the following rules:

  • you cannot stop closer than 15 m from the markings;
  • If there are no markings, then stopping is prohibited within a 15-meter zone from the sign. Exception: boarding/disembarking passengers if the driver’s actions do not interfere with the movement of route transport;
  • in emergency cases, stopping in the area in question is allowed.

So, a public transport and taxi stop means a specially designated 15-meter zone, marked with markings 1.17 and/or signs 5.16 - 18, where stopping is prohibited regular cars, except in exceptional cases.

There are two types of administrative sanctions for violation: a fine for stopping at a public transport stop and towing the car.

If it interferes with traffic and the driver is not nearby. Towing and impound parking services are at the driver’s expense.

The gradation of fines is as follows:

On average, the fine ranges from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.

  • In case of evacuation you will have to pay the following amounts:
  • basic penalty;
  • the cost of the service itself;

for storage at a special site. It is important to know the following: if the driver returns before the tow truck with his car leaves, it must be returned. In this case, the violator must eliminate the cause himself - clear the car zone. The evacuation protocol is drawn up in 3 copies (one of them for the driver of special equipment). If the driver is absent, then there must be 2 witnesses or video recording must be used.

The inspector who drew up the protocol must remain at the place where the vehicle was detained until the tow truck starts moving.

Creating interference

  • A violation involving obstruction of traffic means the following:
  • stopping the vehicle in or near the zone and creating an emergency situation or obstructing traffic;
  • failure to maintain distance by a car driving behind a bus;
  • when the bus leaves and changes lanes to the left lane, the car that is traveling in it does not allow it to pass; violation speed limit

and incorrect calculation of the braking of a car, which should allow public transport to pass when leaving the zone. The part regulates punishment for violations involving the creation of obstacles and obstacles to exit, as well as when stopping in a tunnel. The fine for stopping at a public transport stop in in this case

– 2000 rub. (3000 rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg).

If the interference is not created, then the driver is charged with violating Art. 12.19 Code of Administrative Offenses “Ignoring parking and stopping rules” (Part 3.1.), the amount of sanctions is 1000 rubles.

It should be remembered that sanctions are not imposed for parking if it is forced and during disembarkation/pick-up of passengers.


  • When approaching designated areas, the driver is obliged to:
  • reduce speed;
  • cancel overtaking, if one was planned;
  • increase your alertness and check for pedestrians about to cross the road;
  • maneuver exclusively according to the rules;

do not make unsafe maneuvers, namely: it is forbidden to move backwards, turn around, park, or stop the car at a distance closer than 15 m.

Allows you to pay half of the fines (50%), but only within 20 days from the date of drawing up the protocol or issuing a decision on the violation. These documents indicate the amount of the amount with and without the discount.

The sign must be placed in the middle or at the end of the stopping area and be visible from the car while it is moving. If there are no such conditions, then this can be used by the driver as an argument not to be imposed. Even if the rules are violated, but the sign or markings are missing or are not visible for reasons beyond the driver’s will, he can avoid this sanction.

The citizen must point out to the inspector the above circumstances. If a protocol is nevertheless drawn up, then this should be described in it in a specially designated section for notes. Plus, proof of innocence can be a DVR recording or recording using other photo and video equipment, as well as testimony of witnesses.

A fine for stopping at a public transport stop can also be avoided in some cases when the stop is visually decorated in accordance with all the rules.

  • you need to remember that you can stop if there is no interference, but if it lasts more than 5 minutes, imposing a fine will be legal. The protocol or resolution may also arrive by mail if the violation is recorded by surveillance cameras;
  • If a citizen agrees with the sanctions, then he has 2 months to pay. They are counted after 10 days after the offender receives the order. During this period he pays 50% of it. If the deadline is missed, the violator faces increased sanctions, up to and including mandatory labor;
  • You can check whether there are fines for parking and others on the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate;
  • If you disagree with the protocol or resolution, you can appeal it. The citizen has 10 days to do this after they are issued. In fact, this period is counted from the date of receipt of copies specified documents(envelopes must be kept or dated upon delivery);
  • if the specified period is missed for a good reason (business trip, hospital, circumstances beyond the will of the citizen, failure to receive copies of documents), then you can apply for its restoration;
  • Administrative fines are appealed in accordance with Art. 30.2 Code of Administrative Offences.

The following evidence is important for the trial: photo and video recording of the stop site from different angles, eyewitness testimony, violations in the preparation of the protocol (no date, no number, signatures and full details of authorized persons, violator, witnesses).

Is it possible to make an exception?

Exception: it is allowed to make short stops for disembarkation/pick-up of passengers on a site intended for public transport, if this does not interfere with its movement (clause 12.4 of the traffic rules).

That is, any vehicle can still stop in this zone if the following conditions are met:

  • disembarkation/landing, as well as unloading/loading of cargo for no more than 5 minutes;
  • traffic is not interfered with;
  • emergency circumstances: breakdown, accident, cases when a threatening situation is created for the life and health of people, dangerous condition of the driver or cargo ().

Equipment tends to break down, and there are also emergency situations. In these cases, the driver may not be able to freely choose where to stop. Such situations are referred to as “involuntary or necessary stop“And there are no fines for parking of this kind.

These are the following cases:

  • problems with steering and brake systems;
  • breakdowns of headlights and dimensions;
  • malfunction of the glass cleaning system in bad weather;

Under these circumstances, an emergency stop sign must be displayed. Let us remind you that sanctions are also unlawful if the stop sign is out of sight when viewed from the car while it is moving.

Legislation on parking at public transport stops

The fine for stopping at a public transport stop and its amount are provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses. Rules, appearance signs and markings are regulated by traffic rules.

Let us briefly list point by point which act regulates what (the first 5 points are the Code of Administrative Offenses, then the Traffic Regulations):

  • appealing fines – ;
  • responsibility of a peace officer when drawing up a protocol -;
  • Art. 12.19 – description of the violation and sanction;
  • Art. 27.12 – evacuation;
  • Art. 32.2 – discount;
  • descriptions of signs (their numbers 5.16 – 18) and markings (1.17) are located in the Appendices to the traffic rules. Section No. 12 – stopping and parking, No. 8 – maneuvering rules;
  • – stopping rules and the ability to park without interference for 5 minutes;
  • clause 1.2 of traffic regulations – stops at emergency situations when no fine is imposed.


In the case of a violation in Moscow, it does not matter whether interference is created during a stop or not; the sanction is imposed under Part 6 of Art. 12.19 Code of Administrative Offences. The fine for stopping at a public transport stop under Parts 3 and 4 is 3,000 rubles. (regular size – 2000 rub.).

Saint Petersburg

This city also has federal significance, therefore the rules are the same as those indicated above for Moscow.

How to evade

There are several ways to evade sanctions:

  • try to prove to the inspector that the sign is out of sight from the car;
  • prove in court or on the spot when drawing up a protocol that the stop was forced due to emergency circumstances (car breakdown, exacerbation of the painful condition of the driver or passenger);
  • if, despite the driver’s poor health, a report is still drawn up, then it is necessary to call an ambulance and demand a medical certificate, which will be evidence in court.

A fine of 20,000 rubles. may be imposed on the inspector himself if he takes illegal measures against participants in the incident or violates the legal procedure for their application (). When drawing up a protocol, you can write your refutations in it, and then challenge it in court.


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.
  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

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Stopping and parking of cars is one of the regular conditions of vehicles in which it is necessary to comply with certain stopping and parking rules specified in paragraph 12 of the traffic rules. Violators are subject to a fine for failure to comply with the regulations.

Rules for stopping and parking vehicles

12.1 Vehicles are allowed to stop on the side of the road on the right side road lanes or on the edge of the roadway, if the road design does not provide a shoulder. If the situation fits into case 12.2, then parking and stopping on the sidewalk is permitted. If there is a shoulder, stopping not on this section, but on the edge of the roadway will be considered a traffic violation.

Parking on the left side of the road is permitted only when the roadway is in a populated area on a road with only one lane for both directions or when there is one-way traffic on it. In this case, signs 5.23.1 or 5.23.2 must be present, absent continuous marking and tram tracks. Permitted only on two-lane roads. On a three-lane road, stopping on the left side is prohibited.

12.2 It is permissible to place the vehicle parallel to the edge of the roadway in one row, and if the vehicle has two wheels, then it is permissible to use two rows. To determine the method of installing the vehicle in the parking lot, use a special sign 6.4 plus plate 8.6.1 - 8.6.9. Additionally, appropriate markings may be present.

On the edge of the sidewalk, the border of which is located next to the roadway, only bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, cars. This rule applies if there is sign 6.4 and a plate from the list:

  • 8.4.7;
  • 8.6.2;
  • 8.6.3;
  • 8.6.6 - 8.6.9.

Permission to stop does not apply to trucks. The absence of sign 6.4 automatically removes all permissions specified in this paragraph.

12.3 For overnight stops or rest outside the populated area, special areas are provided that are located within the coverage area of ​​signs 6.4 and 7.11.

12.4 In what places is stopping prohibited:

  • on the territory of railway crossings, on bridges, overpasses, overpasses if there are less than three lanes for traffic in one direction, under the specified objects;
  • in the area of ​​tram tracks, both on the rails themselves and nearby, if this interferes with the normal operation of the tram;
  • in those places where the free distance between the dividing solid marking line, the opposite edge of the roadway or dividing strip and the vehicle that made the stop remains less than three meters;
  • on a bike path;
  • at the intersection of roadways, as well as closer than 5 meters from the edge of the roadway being crossed, minus the side opposite the side passage of intersections on three sides that have a dividing strip or a continuous marking line;
  • in the area of ​​the roadway next to dangerous turns, convex fractures of the longitudinal profile of the road, if visibility on it at least in one direction is less than 100 m;
  • in places where the location of a stopped vehicle will block drivers’ view of traffic lights, road signs, or will impede or prevent the access of other vehicles or block the passage of pedestrians;
  • less than 15 m from the parking of route vehicles or the parking area of ​​a passenger taxi. The exception is the boarding or disembarking of passengers, provided that the process does not interfere with other traffic participants.

12.5 Parking is prohibited where stopping and parking is openly prohibited, within a radius of 50 m from railway crossings, as well as outside populated areas on the roadway marked with sign 2.1. If only parking is prohibited, then stopping for a short time is permitted.

12.6 Forced stopping of vehicles where stopping of transport is prohibited, the driver must take all measures to ensure that his car is removed from the prohibited area.

12.7 Opening doors is prohibited if this may interfere with other traffic participants.

12.8 You can leave the vehicle after stopping when the driver is convinced that there will be no spontaneous movement of the vehicle or an attempt to use the vehicle in the absence of the driver.

Operation of stop and no parking signs

  • sign 3.27 - stop and parking sign is prohibited;
  • No parking sign with information signs
  • signs 3.29 and 3.30 - no stopping sign (+ on even and odd days of the month + with information signs)

Area of ​​operation of the stop and parking sign is prohibited
Area of ​​operation of the “No Stopping” sign

Each of these signs imposes its own restrictions, which are more complex.

Rules for stopping and parking vehicles: video course