Is it possible to find out the registration number from the vehicle numbers? Why is it necessary and how to find out the date of issue of the TCP by series and number? How to find out the history of the car by pts

PTS - passport transport transport, which contains information about the vehicle and its owners. The document is drawn up when the car is sold and transferred to new owners.

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Information about these PTS may be required when checking the vehicle and issuing an insurance policy. But sometimes the document is not with you, or it has been lost, which makes it difficult to obtain the necessary information.

Where can I find out the date of issue of the PTS?

What is needed for

The date of issue of the passport is required only in two cases:

  1. For . Insurance companies request the number and date of issue of the title when filling out information about the insured online.
  2. To check the car when buying a used vehicle.

When buying a vehicle from a former owner, checking the documents makes sure that the vehicle has not been stolen. It is important to check that the date of issue of the title is later than the release of the car.

Too much difference in the issuance and execution of a passport should also alert, since it indicates that the car is not in demand for some reason.

Not only the date of the initial issue of the title is important, but also the periods of renewal. If the car is owned for a short time, then this is often a sign of marriage. The new owners are trying to sell the car as soon as possible.

The date of issue of the title is set at the time the car is registered with the traffic police. It turns out that the indicator indicates the period in which the vehicle is in legal operation.

How long is the PTS issued for?

The validity period of the car passport is not limited. The document exists exactly as long as the vehicle itself. The owner can destroy the document when removing the car from registration records without the right to further exploitation.

PTS does not require replacement. If the document ends with the place where the owners fit in, then a duplicate with clean columns is issued. In this case, the document indicates the number and date of issue of the original title.

It should be noted that the duplicate equal force with original document. But it is issued not only when filled, but in case of loss. And this requires additional verification.

Often, scammers make a duplicate in order to sell a stolen car with similar characteristics. Only the VIN code differs, but it is interrupted by special equipment.

And if the car is sold under a duplicate title, you should carefully check the information about the car so as not to purchase stolen goods.

Where can I find the date of issue on the original document?

The original PTS looks like this:

The document on the first page contains information:

  • VIN code vehicle(otherwise called an identification number and duplicated on the car itself);
  • name, car model and brand, according to the manufacturer's data;
  • assigned category (car, truck, etc., which is indicated as A, B, C, D, E);
  • engine number;
  • engine power (indicated in two parameters - horsepower and kilowatts)
  • volume and type of engine;
  • environmental class;
  • permissible load weight;
  • car weight without load;
  • information about the owner;
  • date of issue of the document and by whom it was issued;
  • the country from which the car was exported for operation in Russia.

The second page contains information about the owners of the vehicle. Information is entered by the traffic police inspector when re-registering the car.

The date of issue of the document is on the first page in column No. 25. It is this indicator that must be entered in the questionnaire when applying for OSAGO. You will also need the series and number of the TCP.

Many make a mistake and enter the date of receipt of the TCP personally. But you can't do that. This date indicates the receipt of the car in ownership, and not the issuance of the title. Therefore, attention should be paid only to the title page.

There is another way to find out the date of issue of the document - contact the traffic police department with a passport, STS and preferably a sales contract.

The inspector needs to show all the listed documents and ask to make a request to the database. You can indicate that the TCP is not lost, but is located far away, and so far there is no way to get information about it.

The inspector cannot refuse that request. Of course, you will have to spend time, but still it works much faster than obtaining a duplicate passport.

How to find out online

When specifying where to look at the date of issue of the TCP for, the easiest option is to use the original document.

It should always be with the owner for verification by law enforcement officers. Of course, you can get by with the STS, but it is better to present both documents.

If the TCP is lost or stolen, then you need to contact the traffic police and get a duplicate. It is impossible to sell a car without a passport, so you should take care of the safety of the document.

But what to do if you don’t have your TCP with you, or it was lost recently, but you urgently need to take out insurance?

Information about the TCP can be obtained online through the official website of the traffic police. The system is constantly being improved, new functions are added, allowing for a full verification of documents.

Thanks to the online service, you can find out:

  • information about the previous owners of the car;
  • information about the car itself;
  • whether the car is missing;
  • Are there any car restrictions?

It is planned to finalize the system and introduce the function of checking the presence of bank encumbrances on the vehicle. But so far this option is missing.

To check, you need VIN number, chassis or body. In the absence of documents, this number can be obtained in two ways: look at the STS or on the machine itself.

The second option is relevant when selling a vehicle. Since documents can be easily forged, it is quite problematic to kill the VIN. And almost always there are traces of the impact of physical force.

VIN code can be located:

  • under the hood - on the engine, on the side of the body, on the hood door;
  • at the bottom of the windshield;
  • on the driver's door pillar;
  • under the floor covering on the driver's side.

If the car is purchased from hand, you should check that all numbers are identical.

It should be taken into account that in different cars finding the code is different. This information can be obtained from the manufacturer or via the Internet.

So, when the code is received, you can check the car. To do this, go to the official website of the traffic police and in right side find "Vehicle Check"

We select this item and immediately get to the car check page.

Enter the code and the verification code (captcha), click "Request verification" and get the result. If the system gives an error, then try again. Repeat until a table with the required information appears on the screen.

The result includes registration data available to everyone. This is the basic information about the car and periods of ownership.

It turns out that it is impossible to find out the date of issue of the TCP online? Yes, this option is not available remotely.

This information is confidential, therefore it is available only to the owners. Anyone can request verification. For example, an employer when hiring a new employee.

In the absence of a TCP, it will no longer be possible to issue an OSAGO. If there is only a passport number, then you can contact those companies where it is not required to indicate the date of issue of the document.

Every day in the world there are many transactions, the object of trade in which are used cars. Buying a car from the hands - great way save a significant part of the funds in which the new model is estimated.

However, a willing driver faces certain risks. In the sale of cars, as well as other money markets, scammers are operating. Along with the opportunity to save money, the car enthusiast gets the opportunity to lose all their funds and even end up in court. The danger is created by sellers who forge a vehicle passport in order to hide the history of the car - sometimes it is criminal.

Thus, in no case should you immediately conclude a deal with the seller - even if the person is familiar, and seemingly verified. You can not neglect the basic principles of safety when buying a car with your hands. There is a risk that the traded item is related to some kind of violation of the law, such as phone calls or outstanding debts.

In order to avoid unpleasant situation, it is necessary to check the TCP. This applies not only to the data in the document - even the composition of the paper matters.

Visual inspection of the TCP

Vehicle passports in Russia are manufactured by Goznak. This suggests that the PTS, like banknotes, has various degrees of protection, allowing us to speak about the authenticity of the document:

  1. First of all, the vehicle passport must have an ornament visible under a magnifying glass. The drawing of a genuine document does not lose its clarity when viewed closely. In addition, the form should not look “washed” - this is how scammers erase data on the TCP in order to print new ones.
  2. Another degree of protection that is found on every vehicle passport is a hologram. Depending on the specific instance of the PTS, it may be in the form of a strip or a circle. Such a hologram is very difficult to fake, so it high quality and clarity boldly speak of authenticity.
  3. Next, you need to look at the document against a light source. With a gap in the vehicle passport, you can see a watermark with the inscription "RUS". It has a three-dimensional image and is also difficult to fake.
  4. The last way to find out the authenticity of a vehicle passport is to pay attention to its back side. In the upper left corner of the TCP blank there is an emblem resembling a flower. On a genuine letterhead, it shimmers with colors when the viewing angle changes from gray to green.

TCP data check

First of all, you should study the information indicated on front side vehicle passport. So, the first two digits indicated in its number are the code of the region where the TCP was issued. At the same time, those who have passed the customs check receive a vehicle passport at the place of the procedure. Each foreign car in the PTS must have the name and seal of the customs office.

The fields of the document contain the following numbers and designations:

  • Make, model of the car;
  • Type of vehicle (its relation to cars, trucks and other classes);
  • Year of manufacture of the vehicle;
  • Engine, chassis and body numbers;
  • Passport body color;
  • Engine characteristics - power and volume;
  • Vehicle weight.

It is necessary to check the compliance of all items specified in the TCP for compliance with reality. Thus, the VIN - a 17-digit number - must match the markings under the hood and on the metal frame of the car. Other allowed VIN location on the body - it depends on the model. For vehicles whose parts were produced in one country and assembled in another, two VINs are indicated, which should also be reflected in the TCP and on the car body. If the numbers are poorly readable or have obvious traces of mechanical impact, it is highly likely that the buyer is dealing with “interrupted” data.

If the car had a suspiciously large number of owners - especially in a short time - it is advisable to refuse the purchase. WITH high probability this means that the scammers "covered their tracks", and the car has a criminal past.

In PTS foreign car restrictions on the sale of the machine may be indicated. In order to find out what actions can be taken in relation to an imported vehicle, it is necessary to study column 20 of the TCP - all customs restrictions are indicated there. If they are present, then this may indicate that the seller or one of the previous owners did not comply with customs requirements.

car loan agreement

You should find out on what basis the car that is the object of the transaction became the property of the seller. This information is also contained in the TCP. If there is a contract of sale with a dealer or other private person, then everything is normal. In the case when the car is the subject of collateral, the transaction must be canceled - the loan for it has not yet been repaid.

Often, scammers seek to sell a car they have taken on credit. This allows you to make a deposit, after which, when selling for almost full cost, take the difference from the deal. The buyer, who concluded it, finds himself in an extremely unpleasant position. If the seller does not have the original vehicle passport in hand, and also refuses to explain the situation, then it is highly likely that the TCP is pledged to the bank that issued the loan. Indirect signs may be low mileage, low age of the car and the presence of transit numbers.

Method of checking the TCP using third-party services

In many cases self check vehicle registration is not enough. Any car can be suspicious. You can justify or dispel them by resorting to third-party services. This will allow you to find out more information about the car and its vehicle passport.

First of all, you can take the simplest action - having studied the TCP, rewrite the VIN, telling the seller that a friend from the traffic police should check the car's data before the transaction takes place. In practice, most scammers refuse further communication without waiting for verification - they themselves understand that, which may come to light. However, some criminals do not succumb to provocation.

Checking the car with the traffic police

There are several ways to get support when buying a car. These include:

  • Personal contact with a traffic police officer who is able to check the vehicle data in the database;
  • Telephone consultation with a traffic police officer;
  • Using the traffic police service containing official data on the Internet;
  • Usage third party service, which can provide information from databases.

It should be borne in mind that traffic police officers are not required to provide information about the car of a citizen when committing. In this case, it is desirable to access the database through a friend. in the best way to find out all the data will be exactly a visit to the branch, where the buyer, having provided driver's license, may receive an extract of fines related to the object of the transaction. In addition, data on the location of the branch is guaranteed to be the most up-to-date. Information in unofficial sources may differ from the actual one.

Internet portal of the traffic police for checking the vehicle

Since 2013, the official website of the traffic police has become available in Russia, which contains information from databases. It provides car enthusiasts with the opportunity to receive special services without leaving their homes. However, the main disadvantage of the service is still that the information may not be updated for a long time.


Purchasing a used car requires more focus on the buyer than dealing with a dealer. In order not to become a victim of scammers, it is necessary to check the vehicle passport, the VIN number of the body and its compliance with the TCP, as well as an extract from the fines of the car.

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If you have ever bought a car from your hands, then you know the feeling of insecurity and the risk of running into scammers, losing your money when buying a car that is stolen or under arrest. After all, such a "muddy" car will be easily taken away from the court on a writ of execution.

It's no secret that not only cars sold in Russia can be problematic official dealers, but also a certain part of cars imported from abroad can have a “gray” history, up to crime. Such vehicles are resold by scammers with dumping, with the aim of getting rid of them quickly, sometimes at a very attractive price for buyers.

How to protect yourself from such fraud? How not to buy yourself problems with your own money? The answer is simple - before buying a car and documents for it, you need to carefully check. Let's analyze together how to break through a car according to the traffic police database, knowing its VIN number and license plate number.

Why punch a car through the traffic police database?

Among different types fraud with the sale of cars, we highlight two points that are particularly common:

  • When selling a car, you may be presented with an invalid customs declaration. In appearance, it is the same as the real one, only issued on the basis of a customs certificate, which is no longer valid. According to the seller, the car is clean and all taxes and duties have been paid to them, but in fact you will have an uncleared car and you yourself will have to run around with documents, pay duties, etc.
  • The second method of sales fraud is an invalid vehicle passport obtained as a duplicate of an allegedly lost old one. Sample PTS. As a result, you will become the owner of a double car, that is, the traffic police database already has a car with such TCP data.

If you are not lucky enough to buy such a car, the result will in any case be the following: at the first check of the TCP, they will take it away from you, and the car will be banned from operation. A deplorable outcome.

How to avoid similar problems when buying a car with your hands? In a simple but effective way: you need to check the TCP through the traffic police database. How to do it?

Ways to break through a car according to the traffic police database (PTS check)

When buying a car, you must ask the seller PTS machines and carefully read the passport of the vehicle. The stamp is the first wake-up call, what can it mean?

  1. First case - duplicate TCP issued when the old passport is lost. But maybe a duplicate title was issued because the seller did not have the original title, maybe the car was stolen? Yes, scammers get to the traffic police new pts on a stolen car is extremely difficult, if not impossible, because the stolen car is almost immediately put on the wanted list, but this is if the owner of the car noticed the loss.
  2. Also, a duplicate can be issued for a car that is pledged to a bank or a leasing company. By law, the original title must be with the owner of the car, but if your Title owner at the request of the loan, he gave it to the bank, then he can declare to the traffic police about the loss of the document and get a duplicate in order to try to sell the car, which has restrictions from the bank or lessor.

In the case when you saw that the passport is marked “Duplicate”, it makes sense to check who is listed as the previous owner of the car: if this leasing company, that is, the risk that you will purchase a car with an outstanding lease or you will have to pay someone else's debt, in addition to the fact that you have already bought a car for full price.

When buying a car from your hands, be sure to check the data on it in the traffic police. The check can be carried out according to, but if the car is deregistered in the traffic police, then you can break through the series and TCP number or by the vehicle's VIN.

Features of checking the vehicle passport upon purchase

Pay special attention to a car that may be on credit, as single base loan cars still not in Russia, you will have to check by the identity of the owner.

  • We check who issued the TCP - for cars from abroad, only customs can be such an organization;
  • We check the PTS series. Until 2008, PTS were issued with the "T" series. Now this series has remained only for the PTS of foreign cars assembled in Russia. After 2008, the current PTS series is the U series;
  • Check the number of car owners. If the car often changed its owners or there are somehow too many of them for short term, it makes you think;
  • If we are dealing with a duplicate of the Title, pay attention to the date of issue of the duplicate and the place of issue of the original Title. Suspicion is caused by a duplicate received in a region other than where the original was received.

Do you know that you can check the car, whether it is stolen, at any traffic police post.

You can also check the car via the Internet, in particular, a check is available for passing customs by the car, for the fact of paying taxes and duties on the car. Such checks can be carried out on the website of FSUE ROSTEK or on the website of TsITTU FCS.

Is it possible to break through the car according to the traffic police database online?

On the website of the traffic police there are online services for checking a car by the number of the title. So, on the official website of the traffic police, you can check if there is behind a car, whether the car is listed in the database of stolen cars.

Recently, an online check for car participation in traffic accidents has been launched, so knowing the identification number (VIN) you can break through the accident database whether the car was in accidents and when. Now, if the seller declares that the car is “Not a beat, not beautiful”, and you have suspicions, you can check whether the car you are selling has been involved in accidents that have occurred since the beginning of 2015 (it is from this time that accidents are recorded online in the database) by the current moment.

Also on the traffic police online service, a check for arrested cars is available. That is, if a car is banned from taking actions to register or re-register property rights by decision of a court or other body, this fact can be tracked through the official website of the traffic police.

Obtaining information on the official website of the traffic police is available by the PTS number, as well as by the state license plate, by the chassis or engine number of the car, finally, you can check the car by entering its VIN number on the traffic police website.

How to break through the car for collateral on the FNP database?

An important question when buying a car from your hands is whether the car is pledged by the bank or creditors? Thanks to the Center for Innovation and information technologies» At the Federal Notary Chamber, you can now get information online about the location of a particular vehicle in pledge.

Go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service in the section search in the registry, then select the search "By information about the subject of pledge", then select "Vehicle" (the service allows you to break through the pledge of not only cars, but also other movable property). Specify the vehicle identification number (VIN) and click on the "Find" link.

Be careful when buying a car from your hands, even if you don’t feel something was wrong, then once again it’s worth breaking through the car through the traffic police and FNP database!

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What is PTS, and how to recognize a fake? Let's figure it out together.

The vehicle passport is a document in which you will find specifications The vehicle, learn about its owners and see the history of registration and deregistration in the traffic police.

The document does not need to be updated when changing residence or last name. It has no expiration date and passes to a new owner along with the keys.

If, when buying a car, you doubted the honesty of the seller, be sure to check the registration certificate for authenticity. And do it before taking the car for diagnostics to avoid unnecessary expenses.

What does PTS look like on a car

This registration certificate is made on a blue form measuring 20 by 31 cm. If you have ever held a diploma supplement or a marriage certificate in your hands, you will recognize the thick paper from which it is made.

The pages have RUS watermarks, a security stripe, microtext, a three-dimensional drawing and a hologram (see the photo of the PTS auto above). The latter on the documents of the new sample (after 2008) is round, a car is depicted inside. On old documents it is made in the form of a broken strip.

What does it look like vehicle title with intermittent hologram, look at the photo:

The duplicate looks exactly like the original, only it has the corresponding stamp on the title page. It is issued to the traffic police in exchange for the handed over or lost original.

“PTS are rented out when there is not enough space for the owners. If the history of the car and its owners is known, then there is no need to worry. If a duplicate is issued to replace the lost one, you need to carefully check the car for legal purity”, — Viktor Smirnov, manager for receiving and issuing cars at Carmart.

Take the form in hand. You will also need a magnifying glass and a flashlight. In this data sheet:

  • You will see the RUS watermarks against the light;
  • The hologram does not stick out and has clear boundaries;
  • In the corner above the hologram is the signature "PTS". To see it, highlight the paper with a flashlight and slightly tilt the document away from you;
  • Microtext when magnified with a magnifying glass is an inseparable inscription “passport of a vehicle”.
  • The three-dimensional drawing changes color from green to gray when changing the viewing angle.

Supplemented by auto expert Nikita Orlov, CEO Podbury - Auto . Ru :

“Slightly below the words “vehicle passport” there is a patterned line that reaches the middle of the form and is invisible, but clearly felt by the fingers in the form of this very pattern. Also, PTS glows in ultraviolet with villi, like on banknotes.

Experienced swindlers do not get caught on protective elements, because they use original forms: they steal brand new ones from Goznak or find a dummy car with a normal PTS.

Check the data

In addition to information about the owners of the car, the data sheet contains: number and series, Vehicle VIN, brand, model and type of vehicle, category (a, b, c, …), year of manufacture, engine model and number, chassis, frame, body number and color, power, displacement and ICE type allowed maximum weight vehicle, unladen weight, country of manufacture, environmental class, country of export, series and number of customs declaration, customs restrictions, address of the vehicle owner, name and address of those who issued the title, as well as the date of issue.

TCP is fake if:

  • The registration number does not match the region code where it was issued. The correct number is in the picture below:

  • The VIN on the form does not match the car. Finding the VIN number is easy: modern machines it is located in a special frame behind the windshield and on the driver's door pillar. It is also left in the form of a plate on the engine of the car, on the dashboard or under the floor sheathing, it depends on the manufacturer.
  • The year the form was created is less than the year the passport was issued.

What else is important: be careful if the owners changed too quickly. Perhaps the car is in collateral or is defective.

Checking the TCP online: punch the car by VIN or state. number

You can check the TCP for authenticity online on the traffic police website. You will find out if she is wanted, if she was involved in an accident, what her history is and if there are any other restrictions. So you will be ready for registration.

To know more, request a detailed report on the main page of the Autocode service. The extract will indicate the year of manufacture of the car, its equipment, the number of owners, mileage, information about the deposit in the bank or its absence, the results of the check for theft, restrictions on registration actions and customs history.

If in the report you see that the car is under arrest or wanted, refuse the deal - you are definitely being deceived. Also full check on "Autocode" will show what and when was repaired in the car and whether it was used as a taxi.

Statistics says that more than 86% of buyers do not know how to protect themselves from fraud when purchasing a car. Purchase problem car threatens to waste money, go to court and even deprive the car. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, check the car by state number or vin using Autocode.

What does PTS data check give?

The service will provide reliable data from those. vehicle passport and will generate a complete report on the history of the car. It will include the following information:

  • History of registration actions;
  • Search information;
  • Theft data;
  • Real mileage;
  • The presence of traffic police restrictions / arrest;
  • Working with a taxi, bail and more.

If the car is in trouble with the law, it former owner was hiding from the scene of an accident, did not pay fines, had debts, and so on, then the state. The vehicle number is listed in the traffic police database. In the very bad case at the first presentation of documents on the road, inspectors have the right to take the car to the impound. Therefore, before buying, you need to check the TCP online according to the traffic police database and other official databases.

The autocode punches the car through more than 12 databases, including the traffic police, EAISTO, RSA, FTS, FCS, FNP, CarFax, bank and taxi registries, and more.

Why is it important to check the TCP details before buying?

Denis Lukin, auto expert, Remontista company:

“Before buying a car, it is not enough to have the main document for the car - the title. It must be genuine and original. Otherwise, it may turn out that the passport for the car turns out to be fake, and the car has a completely different owner. Moreover, the car is wanted. Do you need it? In any case, they forge or make a duplicate of the TCP for a reason, but in order to hide information that will scare away the buyer. For example, the fact that many people owned a car. Why did they get rid of it then? There must be something wrong with him. If there is at least something suspicious in the car, it is better to refuse the purchase. The market is full of models with a cleaner and more transparent history.”

Denis Muranov, auto expert:

“There are no ways to counterfeit TCP. Often criminals steal cars, and after those. the passport is restored and changed to the name of the hijacker. The second most popular scam is buying a car on credit and reselling it. While the original title is mortgaged in the bank, the scammers draw up a duplicate and sell the car, making only a couple of loan payments. There are a lot of similar cases, so I personally advise you to always check the TCP on the basis of the traffic police before buying.

How to break through the PTS data of a car

The verification process. passport takes no more than 5 minutes. To know TCP data vehicle using the Autocode service. To do this, take 4 simple steps:

  • Specify the symbols of state number or vin in the input line;
  • Get brief description car;
  • Pay for the cost of the full report by pressing the "Buy" button;
  • Get a complete vehicle report.

At the same time, an email with a copy of the detailed report will be sent to the email address. This will allow you to study the vehicle data online and save it in electronic format.

Why is it better to break through PTS through Autocode

Website TCP checks online according to the traffic police database Autocode generates more than 500 full reports every day and works smoothly with customers by phone technical support.

What are the benefits of Autocode:

  • Information comes to the site directly from the traffic police and other official sources;
  • Verification of information from the technical passport is carried out only by state number or wines;
  • Active mobile app Autocode that allows you to enter information about the car right on the deal.

The service will help to get clarity about the purchased car at the time of purchase. In this case, verification is possible for one state. number! The site will allow you to check the PTS data at a convenient time of the day, and the Autocode application - from anywhere in the country. Save yourself from unwanted purchases quickly and on time!