A tale about tractors and cars. A fairy tale of extraordinary stories about an ordinary tractor Vanya and his friends. The story of how Laziness attacked everyone

In one big city construction was underway on a huge shopping center. There were a lot of workers and equipment at the construction site; excavators, concrete mixers, bulldozers, tractors, and of course, a huge tower crane. Cars rushed past the construction site in an endless stream, beautiful lanterns were lit in the evenings, and pleasant music played. Life was in full swing: every now and then you could hear the laughter of passers-by, barking dogs, bells mobile phones. Every minute cars left the construction site and new ones drove in; work did not stop for a second.

But soon the construction was completed. A majestic shopping center has grown up in the center of the city, with mirrored walls laid around it. asphalt roads, and builders and machines had to leave in search of new work.

Two tractors went to the village; the blue tractor was given a trailer to transport crops and other goods, and the red tractor was equipped with a plow to plow the land. The road in these places was uneven, full of holes and potholes, part of the road went straight through the forest.

Every day on the way to work the red tractor grumbled and cursed. He swore at the scorching sun, from which the engine was about to boil, at the holes, at the stumps sticking out here and there, at his heavy plow, at the stupid animals that threw themselves right under his wheels.

The blue tractor drove silently. He listened to the unusual silence around him, the trills of grasshoppers, the singing of birds, so ringing and beautiful. Soon blue tractor made friends with many workers, domestic and wild animals. He honked his horn as a greeting to the hens and chicks, and they clucked happily back at him. When passing a cow in a meadow, he always asked how she was doing, and the cow mooed friendly. In the forest, he happily rolled the rabbits and bear cubs in his trailer, and they laughed merrily, jumping on the bumps. One day a little squirrel fell out of a hollow and broke his leg, and then a blue tractor took him to the hospital. He also helped the beaver family - he brought a whole trailer of logs for their new dam. And one day he was carrying apples from the garden and treating all the forest inhabitants. There were so many apples that there was enough for everyone, and the animals had a real feast for themselves. The red tractor looked at all this and blew smoke from its chimney with a contemptuous snort. He wanted to build shopping centers, not be friends with cows and help beavers. The animals didn't like him either. And the red tractor was often sad and lonely.

One day, huge lead clouds hung over a small village and it began to rain. People hurried to their homes, the animals hid in their holes and houses. The red tractor was returning home from the field. The road was washed out, it big wheels stuck in the mud. Having barely driven a little more, he got stuck in a huge hole. The wheels were slipping and spinning idle, splashing dirt in all directions. The red tractor stood in the middle of the field all alone and could not move.

The blue tractor was driving right behind the red tractor, but was a little behind on the way. Having finally caught up with the red tractor, he saw that trouble had happened to him and rushed to his aid. Without thinking twice, he drove up to a red tractor and tied it in tow. The blue tractor began to drag its comrade, but its wheels also got stuck tightly in the mud. Desperate, the blue tractor honked pitifully, “Too-too!” His call for help was heard by a crow flying past, and immediately spread the news throughout the forest that the blue tractor was in trouble. Soon, one after another, the animals began to come to the rescue and, despite the pouring rain, tried to pull the blue tractor out of the mud. Hares and beavers pulled the bumper, a bear pushed the cab, and a moose leaned on the trailer. The squirrels dragged branches from the trees and placed them under the wheels of the tractor. The horse brought small stones, and they were also poured under the wheels. The crow flew and commanded: “One, two, three – pull!”

The animals completely forgot that one of them was a predator and that someone could be eaten. They worked so harmoniously and amicably that on the second attempt they moved the blue tractor from its place, and it had already pulled its red comrade out of the hole. Both tractors were so happy and so grateful to their new four-legged friends!

The red tractor felt very ashamed that he had been so unfriendly before. He apologized and promised that when he was again called to the construction of a large shopping center in the city, he would ask permission to show the construction site to his new friends: huge pits, high crane, concrete mixers and other bulldozers. The animals were truly delighted. And the squirrels said that they would certainly climb to the very top of the crane and would wave to everyone from there. By this time the rain had completely stopped. The crow flew away, the frogs splashed home through the puddles, the blue tractor gave a ride to the tired, wet, but happy forest inhabitants. And the red tractor allowed everyone to climb into its cab to steer and even let them honk.

Lullaby – Fairy tales for free

Tales about cars are now no less interesting for children than about animals or fairy-tale heroes, fairies and sorcerers. This is because machines have become our companions, just as animals and mystical stories that people could not explain in the absence of science were once the constant neighbors of our ancestors.

What is a fairy tale?

Although modern fairy tales slightly different from the folk and ancient ones, the main features of the classical genre are preserved. So what is a fairy tale?

Its name comes from the Old Russian word “skaz”, that is, story, conversation. This is an oral narrative about fictional, fantastic events and characters. The peculiarity of this genre is that the fairy tale ends happily, the conflict between good and negative heroes is resolved in favor of the former. That is, to put it simply, good triumphs over evil. In addition, animals and plants, objects and natural phenomena in such works can act and talk like people.

The best fairy tales for children not only entertain, but also teach goodness and justice, respect for elders, other people's work and care, and not to offend the weak and animals. This is argued by the fact that those who deviate from these norms will be punished, because evil is always punishable. These short stories contain the poetry of the folk word, its wisdom and life's moral lessons.

What kind of fairy tales are there?

As we said above, folk tales also called folklore. There is a second type of this amazing genre - author's, or literary.

Modern fairy tales are not so different from folklore ones. These amazing works today have only been enriched with characters and, accordingly, views.

Folklore stories were previously divided into only three categories:

  • about animals;
  • magical;
  • household.

Literary scholars believe that fairy tales about animals appeared first. They had a simple plot and were often small in volume. Animals who acted as heroes were always assigned certain traits or character traits. For example, the image of a fox embodied cunning, a wolf - cruelty, a hare - cowardice, a donkey - stubbornness, and crows - stupidity and tyranny.

The best fairy tales of this genre are still retold to children. Over time, this view has given way little to fairy tales. Here the characters were a variety of characters endowed with extraordinary abilities.

The last to emerge were everyday fairy tales (social). They were already more for adults than for children, and could contain elements of humor and satire.

  • about ordinary cars;
  • about transformers;
  • about specialized vehicles(remember cartoons about cars, for example "Chuck the Truck", "The Adventures of the Little Engines" or the cartoon about the Tayo bus).

Why tell children bedtime stories?

Let's go back to ancient times, where fairy tales were kept for decades like family treasures, passed down from mouth to mouth from great-grandmother to grandmother and further along the family circle. If they were not valuable, would such stories survive to this day? No, they simply would not have survived. Now folklore genres are being replaced by author's ones. There's nothing wrong with it as long as you don't overuse it.

Good fairy tales about cars are a good alternative to folklore ones; the main thing is to choose truly positive, educational and educational options. And it’s worth reading them to children in any case. A good fairy tale and its characters will not only serve as a “sleeping aid,” but can also give a child an idea of ​​life, become a useful lesson, or tell about different situations. Stories in which cars are the main characters are no less interesting to children than those about animals, heroic heroes or fairies.

Fairy tales about cars can be a good replacement for folk genres for boys who become interested in technology from an early age. There are more and more such works. Their huge advantage is that in a short playful form you can tell the baby about the structure of machines, give information that will become a starting point for the future man. Children love to listen to something new and modern. You can please the kids with the author's fairy tales posted below, or come up with interesting story yourself. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

A Tale of a Fire Truck

So, let's start with the traditional "once upon a time."

Once upon a time there lived a fire truck. She traveled with the fire brigade around the city and waited for a call on her driver's radio. If the signal came, the machine was happy, because it had to put out a real fire! But the trouble is, fortunately for the city, fires occurred very rarely. Often the machine had to extinguish a rag that caught fire in the kitchen of a careless housewife, or a box with unnecessary papers in the yard that was set on fire by children. And so the car began to drive slower when responding to calls and, worst of all, began to be lazy in collecting water from a large river outside the city. It happened like this: the machine came to the river, turned on a special pump, and it filled the compartments with water. It took a long time to fill the containers completely, and the machine became bored with collecting water. She began to cheat and, having filled one of the compartments, turned off the pump.

This is where the fairy tale could have ended if there had not been a real fire in the city. A big, big house caught fire. All the fire trucks rushed there. Our car also flew to the call. She arrived first and boldly rushed to put out the fire. The fire had almost given up, but suddenly the hose of the machine hung like a rag, and not a drop of water flowed out of it anymore. The machine cheated and filled only one compartment. Fortunately, other vehicles arrived in time and put out the fire. And our sad car went home to its garage. If she had not been lazy about getting water, she would have defeated the fire herself and become a heroine machine.

A fairy tale about a tractor

Once upon a time there lived a tractor on a distant farm. Every day he transported goods. The tractor left the farm with a full trailer of potatoes or wheat, and returned with feed for cows and chickens, the owner’s purchases and fuel for itself.

Often the tired driver fell asleep on the way back, and the tractor itself drove slowly along the familiar road. He always delivered his cargo safe and sound.

One day our hero was still slowly returning home. There was fuel splashing in the tank, and juicy cow feed lay in the trailer. Suddenly, in the forest, a tractor saw a light. Interest made him turn off the road and see what was there. As the tractor approached closer, it saw a huge trailer transporting animals. He stood alone in a clearing, and cows mooed pitifully in his trailer.

What happened to you? - asked the tractor. - Why are you standing here?

“I drove off the road in the dark,” the trailer answered him sadly. - While I was wandering through the forest, I spent all my fuel. Now I can’t get home, and my cows are hungry and asking for food.

The tractor felt sorry for both the trailer and the cows, but he did not know how to help. The owner always ordered the cargo to be delivered to him safe and sound.

Listen, tractor, you have fuel and food for my cows, right? Share with me so I can get out of the forest! - the trailer suddenly asked.

Our fairy tale about the tractor could have ended sadly if main character was not kind and sympathetic. He sighed and gave food to the cows and shared fuel with the trailer. The two of them went home together. And suddenly, when there was very little left to the farm, the tractor felt something prick its wheel. He stopped and, by the light of his headlights, saw that he had run over a nail and the air was hissing out of his wheel. Here our hero was completely desperate, not knowing what to do. But he forgot that he was riding next to him new friend- trailer. He has several pairs of wheels. Seeing that a friend was in trouble, the trailer took one off and gave it to the tractor. So they got to the farm together.

After hearing the story of the tractor and trailer, the owners praised them, saying they both did the right thing. On the road you always need to help others, because you never know when you might need help.

About the braggart racer

The tale begins with the story of large garage, where the cars lived. It was cozy here, but sometimes the older cars boasted too much of their victories, and the newcomers felt uncomfortable with this boasting. After all, they just arrived in this garage and did not participate in real races.

Among the rookie racers, there was one who liked to show off more than others. He was happy to tell how he won a hundred races. Wherever he goes, he is always the first winner. The newbie cars were embarrassed to ask him questions and quietly listened to his stories.

One day, a brave rookie asked the braggart why he spent so much time in the garage and not at the races. And he proudly replied that here he was gaining strength in front of a very important rally, where he will definitely win. Our heroes listened to bedtime stories about cars from their mothers and went to bed.

The day of the great rally has arrived. All the cars rushed there, even the newbie kids were invited. The race began, and the newcomers were all looking out among the participants for their friend, who should become the winner. But he was still not there. Therefore, when the lead car approached the cars, they could not resist asking about their friend the winner. Imagine the surprise when she smiled and said:

Oh, are you talking about this braggart? So he doesn't take part in the rally at all!

How? - the cars were surprised. - After all, he told us that he always wins!

Then the presenter sighed bitterly and told the newcomers the story. It turns out that the braggart never took part in the race at all. All because he was very afraid. And in order to look more respectable in the eyes of the kids, he showed off to them.

Surprised and upset, the cars went home. They learned two good lessons today. First, never brag, and second, don’t trust the imaginary successes of braggarts. Sometimes their stories are just fiction and fantasy.

A fairy tale about a car with a red body

Cars lived in a big, big toy store. And among them there was a red car. She was so bright that she was incredibly proud of her beauty and unusualness. All her conversations with friends boiled down to the words: “Look how beautiful I am. I’m red like a poppy, shining like the sun.” The others did not pay attention to such boasting at first, but the red car showed off more and more.

Others got tired of it and stopped inviting her to their place. The fairy tale about the red car could have ended there, but suddenly news arrived that a very important customer - the owner's little son - was coming to the store to choose a toy. The toys began to wait for him and preen themselves. And then the boy came. He looked at the cars for a long, long time and couldn’t choose everything. His dad began to help him and said:

Look, look what a beautiful red car. Take her!

But the boy was very serious and smart beyond his years.

Not everything that is red is beautiful! - he said and chose a small silver car.

The red car felt ashamed for its boasting. She began to wait for her buyer and never again boasted of her bright body.

How work machines changed places

Three cars lived in one garage: a bulldozer, a crane and a truck. The fairy tale about working machines will tell us how easy it was for friends to work together until they quarreled.

The cars worked at a construction site nearby and always left the garage together. A bulldozer leveled the ground for future development, a crane lifted heavy stones, and a truck transported it all to a special landfill. Machines have been working this way for a long time. Their day began early in the morning and ended when the sun had already set. Their work was always coordinated, everyone completed their tasks carefully and on time. Fairy tales about cars usually tell about adventures, but ours tells about friendship and responsibilities.

One day the truck was very tired and began to complain about how difficult it was for him to transport heavy stones and loose earth. He cried that everything was already hurting him, and the trailer was completely bent from the loads. The owner heard the truck's complaints and said:

Do you think it’s only your job that’s so difficult? And look at the crane, what stones it lifts with its thin “hand”! Or maybe you think it’s easy for a bulldozer? After all, he works from morning to night without rest, clearing and leveling the ground, lifting from the depths stones larger than himself!

But the truck kept complaining that it was more difficult for him than the others. The owner got angry and called for a bulldozer and crane. But when the conversation turned to difficulties, it turned out that these guys also found each other’s work easier than their own. The crane complained that the truck over there was rolling around, resting and seeing new places, but it was still standing in one place. And the bulldozer, as it turned out, dreams of looking at the sun at least once, and not at the ground and stones. The owner sighed bitterly and said to his working machines:

You served me faithfully for a long, long time. Each of you did your job properly and quickly. But once you start to think that someone else’s work is easier than yours, then go ahead and change. Let's see how you work in someone else's place, fulfilling someone else's responsibilities. And the cars were happy and rushed to the construction site.

How work machines changed places. Continuation

The truck took the place of the bulldozer, the crane began to transport loads, and the bulldozer began to lift stones. At first, the friends were happy with these changes, but when it came to work...

The truck leveled and leveled the ground, but only trampled it even more with its wheels. And as soon as it hit a stone, it stopped altogether and would not move back or forward. At first the bulldozer was happy about the sun, but as it began to get hot by midday, the headlights were blinding the eyes and the cabin was heating up, the joy became less. And then the truck got stuck, we had to help him get a large stone from the ground. They got it, but now the crane, instead of a truck, can’t load it itself. This way and that his friends tried to help him, with great difficulty they loaded the stone to take it to the landfill.

When the poor crane began to carry cobblestones, it was so difficult for him! The stone keeps trying to jump off and roll down the mountain, the wheels bend, the long neck gets tangled in the wires. I barely made it halfway to the road, but I couldn’t go any further, so I threw a stone there and then ran back to the construction site. And there's work to be done. His friends greet him sad, dirty and tired. Then the owner came to visit. He asks how the machines worked today. The crane was the first to speak:

“So,” he says, “I’m so tired that I don’t have any strength.” It was as if he had been working for a week without rest. I don't want to do this anymore!

And then the truck supported him:

Oh, and the work of a bulldozer is difficult. Carrying my loads is even easier!

But the bulldozer was silent at all. The sun scorched his cabin so much that he couldn’t even speak, poor thing. The cars returned to their hangar to spend the night. We barely had enough strength to get home, we immediately went to bed, we didn’t even want to watch our favorite cartoons about cars. They realized that what you know and can do is the easiest job. And any work is difficult, that’s why it’s work.


There are many fairy tales, stories and stories for children. Their heroes are all different, but each is loved by children and adults in their own way.

Fairy tales about cars for children - good way distract the child, cheer him up, keep him busy or put him to sleep. It just so happened that our ancestors grew up surrounded by forests and animals, and modern children grow up surrounded by technology and cars.

The idea that stories about cars are only interesting to boys is completely untrue. The girls listen to them no less willingly. So tell your children more fairy tales. Folk stories are beyond competition, they are complete, instructive, and poetic. More than one generation has grown up with them; our great-great-grandmothers knew them. But if a fairy tale about a car becomes a favorite, you should not deny your child the pleasure of listening to it. And the main thing in parenting is to spend more time with your kids!

The little tractor Grisha was already in second grade. He loved his school very much. But one day an evil tsunami attacked the school and broke the roof. Grisha's tractor country was poor, so the roof could not be repaired for a long time. Some children stopped attending classes. Others could look at the sky and clouds during classes. Sometimes it rained and during class water dripped from the roof directly onto the desks. The fairy tale about the tractor tells how little Grisha saved the whole school.

Read a fairy tale about a tractor

Grisha loved to study, so he continued to go to classes. He wasn't bothered by the leaky roof, although Mom and Dad often complained about the condition of the building.
— Well, when will the state fix the roof? How long can you wait? - Dad said.
— In our country, money never reaches children. Our poor children. - Mom answered.
The tractor was also wondering how long to wait for repairs. But suddenly it dawned on the baby. After all, you don’t have to wait, but change something yourself. Over the weekend, Grisha came to the big tractor-master.
- Master, teach me how to repair a roof.
— Do you really want to repair your school roof?
- Yes!
- Baby, it’s very big hole, and it is dangerous for children to climb so high. Need insurance. I would have fixed that roof myself, but no. building materials, and you need a lot of them.
-Where can I get them?
— On the market, but they are expensive.
- It would be a real fairy tale about a tractor if I managed to find the money and fix the roof!
“But why don’t you just want to wait until the state allocates the money?”
- I don’t like to wait, I want to do something!
Then Grisha came home and saw his closet with toys. He immediately realized what needed to be done. He posted advertisements about the sale of old toys and invited friends to join.
— We will use all the money raised to repair the roof!

On the day of the sale, dozens of cars, airplanes and tractors came to Grisha. Everyone brought their old toys. Mom baked cookies, which she also sold. Buyers also came. Everyone joined the sale. In the end, the kids managed to collect enough money to repair the roof. The next day Grisha and the foreman went to the market and bought materials for repairs. Within a week the roof was as good as new!

Three months passed and the money to fix the roof finally reached the school. The director decided to spend this money on a new playground, and also presented Grisha with a medal for his initiative and organizational skills.

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In the spring, a tractor with a trailer and their tractor driver Petrovich went on a business trip to the village of Mikhailovka. There were not enough workers and equipment there too.

Mikhailovka was far away; so we arrived there only in the evening. The guests were greeted and placed in the garage, along with the village cars. And tractor driver Petrovich was settled in the house of his grandmother Katerina Ivanovna.

I must say that after the repair the trailer began to take great care of its appearance. I tried not to get dirty, I avoided mud and puddles. Body shore. He refused to carry rusty iron, for fear of contracting rust.

In the evening the trailer did not have time to look around. And when in the morning they went to work with the tractor and Petrovich, the trailer took a good look at the surroundings and was upset. The roads around are dirt, and sometimes there are none at all, and you have to drive across the field. The ground is wet, dirt sticks to the wheels and flies onto the body.

By evening the trailer was almost crying. Not a trace remained of his beauty. He and the tractor were covered in mud from top to bottom. The trailer hoped that they would be washed before arriving at the garage, but that was not the case! They left them dirty like that.

The tractor was not upset by this, he said:

It’s okay, at the end of the business trip we’ll wash ourselves,” and fell asleep. Tired for the day.

But the trailer couldn’t sleep. “At the end of the business trip,” he thought sadly. “You may not care, but I’m just back from repairs! Tomorrow I’ll get dirty again and the day after tomorrow... Oh-oh-oh! After such a business trip I’ll have to be sent in for repairs again.”

In the morning Petrovich came, started the tractor, and then a groan was heard from behind. This was the groaning trailer:

Oh oh oh! I can't go. Oh how right rear wheel hurts! I probably dislocated it yesterday. Or bruised on a stone.

Trouble,” Petrovich scratched his head. - What to do? It seems like we didn’t even hit rocks yesterday...

“You and the tractor didn’t notice him in the mud,” the trailer said displeasedly. - And I felt it! I can't go! The wheel hurts!

Maybe he should rest? - suggested the tractor. - It will stand for a day, then another - you look, and the wheel will pass.

“Perhaps,” Petrovich agreed.

Don’t be bored, friend, said the tractor. And they left.

The trailer had a good day. First I slept, then I met the locals. They're called combines. In the spring they rest and are repaired. And they work in summer and autumn.

In the evening a tractor arrived - dirty and tired. The first thing he did was ask the trailer how it felt, like the wheel?

“We got by,” said the tractor. “Don’t worry, rest, get better,” and added joyfully, “Today we plowed the field with a plow!” It’s difficult, of course, if you’re not used to it, but it’s interesting!

Three days have passed. In the morning Petrovich and the tractor left for work. The trailer remained in the garage and spent the entire day idle. If he wanted, he slept, but if he wanted, he told the harvesters about city life and city roads. The harvesters listened and were surprised. They are agricultural machines and have never been in the city.

In the evening a tractor with a plow arrived.

How are you doing, buddy? - asked the tractor. - Has the wheel gone?

No! - the trailer answered capriciously. - Hurts.

And if the tractor and plow were discussing their day’s work too loudly, he asked displeasedly:

Can't you be quieter? You're disturbing me from sleeping.

The tractor and plow began to whisper.

Three more days passed. In the evening Petrovich said:

Since our trailer is not recovering, there is nothing to do. We'll have to send him to the city. Let the mechanics there take a look and repair it. But he won’t get there on his own. A wheel may break along the way. So we'll call him a tow truck tomorrow.

I heard this trailer and at first I was very happy. Tomorrow he will be washed and sent home!

And then I thought about it. Mechanics will come home, examine him and realize that nothing hurts him, but that he is simply malingering. And when the tractor arrives from a business trip, they will tell him everything. And the tractor will understand that the trailer simply deceived it, because it did not want to get dirty. And he won't want to bigger tractor be friends with him, but he will be friends with the plow!

Night has come. Petrovich went to bed a long time ago. The tractor was sleeping, the combines were sleeping, and the trailer was thinking and thinking.

And when the sun rose and the tractor woke up, the trailer said quietly:

Please take me to work today.

What about your bad wheel? - the tractor was surprised.

It's gone. “Absolutely,” said the trailer even more quietly. - And... and... and I promise that nothing will hurt me anymore.

Let this be a saying for some, but for me it is reality.
Once upon a time there lived a boy, Volodya. Like all boys, he loved cars very much. And also, like all children, he really, really loved fairy tales. Once, when his mother was telling him a fairy tale, Vova said:
-Mother! I don't want a fairy tale about a bunny and a fox, I want a fairy tale about a car.
That's when "The Tale of a Brand New Tractor" was born. Vova asked his mother to tell the story again, again and again!
Vova has grown up. Now his name is Vladimir Yuryevich, by profession he is a truck driver.
This is my dad. I love him very much and am proud of him.
And my grandmother told this fairy tale many times to both me and my brother. I think you will like it too.
People worked at the factory for a long time and made small tractor. He smelled like paint machine oil, diesel fuel. The workers wished him good luck, and the tractor set off on its long journey.
Here he is driving along the road and roars so loudly with happiness: “Dyl, dyl, dyl...”. And cars drive towards the meeting, laugh and say:
- So small, so new, and still doesn’t know how to pronounce the letter “er.” Ha ha ha!
It was a shame for the tractor. He drives and weeps bitterly, bitterly.
A huge, beautiful red ICARUS is moving towards him.
-Why are you crying? Who offended you, my young friend?
-How can I not cry? All the cars laugh because I’m a little new kid and I can’t pronounce the letter “el.”
“ICARUS,” gently calming the baby, lights up:
- Don't cry, my little friend. As soon as you do a good deed, you will immediately learn to say the letter “er”, and no one will laugh at you.
And the cars drove off in different directions.
A tractor is driving along and suddenly sees that the car is stuck in a ditch and cannot get out.
-Let me help you, machine.
The car raised its sad headlights, looked at the tractor and said:
-You’re such a little newcomer, you have. It probably won't work. But let's try!
The tractor is attached by a cable to the car, as it pulls and growls:
-Dyl, dyl, dyl...
The first time I couldn't pull the car out. The tractor strained for the second time, pulled with all its might and growled:
-Dyl, dyl, dyl...
And the second time nothing worked. Then the tractor got angry. How it will work a third time! How he growls!
-Dyl, dyl, dyl...
And pulled the car out!
-Thank you tractor! You did a good deed!
Our baby heard these words and cried out with joy:
-Urrra! I did a good job! I learned to say the letter "errr"!
At that moment he was the happiest in the world. No machine laughed at him anymore.
Many years have passed since then. Our little brand new tractor has grown up and become strong and hardworking. He did many good deeds: he plowed the land, sowed grain, transported various cargoes. For this, the people who work on this land respect and love him.